The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 24, 1903, Image 7

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    POPULAR NORTH BEACH. We are going to offer tho same grade for
150.00, $175.00 and $200.00. These fig-
Roseburg People Will
an Ideal Recreation
, ures win surprise uiose who nave Dee
Find This i buying those so-called high-grade pia
Resort. ' nos. Besides this lot we will have
genuine CABLE piano and not the Ho-
Manv Rosebure veoile have decided oeri ji. uioie. it win pay you to
to spend their vacation at Populnr North 1"S line beioro buying a piano.
Beach, at the mouth of the Columbia. Richardson Music House,
Leaving Portland (daily except Sunday , Roseburg and Cottage Grove,
.and Monday) on the 0. R. A X. Co.'s 1 Men wauted to cut 300 tier of wood
palatial Steamer T. J. Potter queen of ! inquire of Henerv Conn. Roseburg Ore
river boats five hours are consumed in
making the trip to Astoria, the scenery
including ajl that is beautiful, and
through the great salmon .fishing waters
of the Lower Columbia. After a short
stop at Astoria, the steamer is off for
Ilwaco, on Baker's Bay, where the pas
sengers board the train waiting and are
eoon off for North Beach, the popular
summer resort of the North Pacific coast.
During the trip from Ilwaco the first
good view of the Pacific is secured, the
train running along the ridse of the
beach within two hundred yards of the
oreakers. The beach is twenty-seven
miles long, two hundred yards ' wide at
low tide, and so hard that cariiaee
-a 1-eels scarcely leave a mark. It is an
Ideal place for driving, ridiue, wheel-
iUnsic House
of Southern
! 3
the Yi II
I J w; L Y i jF L I
?25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Organ or make a payment on one of our
fine Pianos, prices ranging from $1S5.00
to ?450.00. I have decided to sell my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or write us at once and scure
tome of these bargains.
T. K. Richardbo:;.
Roseburg, Oregon.
New Photographer In Roseburg;.
h..-. or walking .and the sim btthng y 0K ,aU c
unsurpassed. The excellent hotels f pmcheA the Graves photo
aa.l bonding places provide good ac- Rnd TO
t0.iaKWHBa ai prices mugiiKuwiii,. . t. ,1 ,K.
... . i 11 . J
one dollar to uiree aouare per ay.
Ti.e round trip rate from Portland to
A-:oria is $2.53; to Ocean Beach points
?4 CM. good until October loth. On Sat
cr 'ays, during July au Auwiet, round
tn: tickets are .old to beach points at
?2. ij, good for return leaving the beach
the following Sunday evening.
and all other needing first-claes work.
He is a master photographer and there
fore can guarantee entire satisfaction.
Give him a call and be convinced.
Notice to Architects and Contractors.
To Stop Lynching, Stop Outrages.
"so white woman in the negro belt
Jare ti averse the public highway alone;
while on the other hsnd. any negro
-woman can go from the Potomac to
Texas alone, on foot, unmolested, in ab
solute safely, says Harpers Weekly.
The white farmers's wife sits at home in
fear and trembling, even through her
liusband may be working in a neighbor
ing field. This insecurity has had a
disastrous effect on agricultural pros
perity; because of it thousands and
thousands of farmers have left the rural
districts for the towns and cities. The
writer in the Sun declares that if Justice
Brewer and his "'popular uprising" will
find a remedy to stop the assaults upon
the white women, so that they can have
the ireedom of the highway, or enjoy
peace and safety in their home, thou
sands of families will go back instander
to the old farms, and the waste places
of the black belt will once more blossom
as the rose. It is offering no remedy to
say that, if the negro assailant of a
white woman is caught, he can be
punished by law.
As General Fitzhugh Lee pointed out
the other day, it is asking too much of
the poor victim to require her to go to a
courthouse, and there, before a curious
crowd, go into details of her sufferings
and humiliation. To a modest woman
suicide were preferable. In the judg
ment of white women of the South, the
vital question is not how s.hall lynching
be stopped, but how shall white women
be protected? It is a question, more
over, which the North is bound to help
the South in solving. As the North
took the negroes from their white
owners after the Civil War, and organ
ized them into socalled "loyal leagues,"
and started them along lines adverse
primarily to the Southern whites, and
indirectly to the blacks themselves, des
troying the influence of the former
masters and teaching the negroes to
look to the North for teaching and
guidance it now behooves the North to
undo its work, if it can, and to make
the negroes understand that a white
woman shall not be assualted, and that,
if negro teachers, and preachers, and
negro college fail to stop the atrocious
crime, the North will withdraw its
countenance from them, or co-oparate
in a movement to coerce negroes into
a repression of their brutal instincts.
The directors of School Dist. No. 4, of
Roseburg, Oregon, ill receive plans,
specifications and approximate cost for
a 10 room school building on Aug. 20
1903. All plans to be in the hands of
the clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of
said date. The board reserves the right
to accept or reiect anv or all plans so
submitted. No plans paid for unless ac
cepted. Bv order of board of directors.
59-a20. Clara Dillakd, Clerk.
Iii accordance willi oui established custom we are
now offering some very attractive bargains in Summer
Merchandise such as Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts, Sum
mer Dress Goods, Ladies' and Children's Hats, etc.
In marking these goods down we have not allowed
the cost price to interfere with the price we are offering
them for. We do not wish to carry these over to next
year hence this great reduction.
We ask you to inspect these linos and gee our
prices and if you are not thoroughly convinced that we
can save you money we will not ask you to buy.
We carry a complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries etc.
ONE 721
1 n
OREGON'S 81 The Only General Merchandise Store
in the City jj
September 14 - 19, 1903
The Greatest Exposition and Live
Stock Show on the Pa
cific Coast.
High Class Racing everv Afternoon
$12,000 Cash Premiums
on Live Stock and Farm
All Exhibits Hauled Free over the
Southern Pacific.
Reduced Transportation Rates on
all Lines.
Live Stoctt Auction Sale
Held in connection with Fair.
Fine Camping ground Free and re
duced rates on campers tickets
Come and bring your fam
ilies. For further in
formation, write
M. D. Wisdom, Sec' y.,
Portland, Oregon.
H. Little, &
It is pleasure forme to consult with
you about a new but a true science.
Dr. H. L. Studley at the Taylor Wilson
Great Men and Great Pianos.
President Roosevelt has just bought a
fine Knabe piano, and the late vice-presi
dent Hobart has at his residence a fine
NEEDHAM, such as we are selling eve
ry day, right here at Roseburg, and
since the good judgement of Roosevelt
we have secured the agency for the
Knabe and the J. & C. Fischer. These
are alljvorld-renowned pianos, of the
highest standard. We have also in
transit a lot of those medium pianos for
which th3 people are paying all the way
from $275.00 to J300.00 and even m ore.
City and Mining Property, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now va&nt. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bought and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Taylor & Wilson Block
in Fine
For a Limited TimeJ
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cut
Envelopes : :
Also Yi R on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains ::::::
Hints to Housewives,
Half the battle in good cooking is to have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up
Phone No. 1S1 for good goods and good service.
V. R. Buckin
(Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. (Boyu'e old stand
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
Win. M, Poffter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
25 miles south west of Kotcburg
...Sole Agents lor...
Extend a cordial invitation
to the public and the many
friends of the old firm to call
and examine their new line
of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Queensware, Etc.
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Egos.
Go to .. .. 2
Iff. B.
For h Prompt and First-class
Shave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
ele, Tools always in ehapo.
H Drain Gardiner
Baths in Connection.
g Shop on Jackson St. j
Commencing with Monday, January 20, '02, we will charge $7.50 for
thefare from Drain to Coos Bay. Itaggago allowance with each full fare
50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 303 pounds or more. All excess baggage, 3 cts. per pound, and no a
lowanco will bo madofor round trip. DAILY STAGE.
For further information address
J Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon