I 01 LoqaI tix$t UH UtVklv Umtwtm left today for ISM X$oV aa m, ji. v itemMUMui V Vi. ,( Myrtle Creek, wss in In town from Oak 4 h bUijWh, M? (X C irauo wi travuMujj Wwl. ia. Ku &kh Mr. AKwct Httwry, of, 0KUtul4 visits ia sn tky. Mrs. A:ao Suchausm is l- t Mmvd. Wuudell, of Riddle, is a HuvWtUltw, tvJy. U. V Mkviuu. who has been in Port Uu, U tvturued home. Mi Mttyttw and LVwthy Dixon, were 'UUvM lu town Satuniar. Mu MIU Atterburv returned lUMud, Thursday evening.; 0. W ttwdtord and family, left Cottar rovw Sunday morning. from for Mis. M Howe, has returned from vWt with her daughter, at Salem. Miss rsrsley spent day Im Mr. awl Mrs. Siadth.of Oklahoma, were vtssaats it Kseburg Friday. Mujr Fred Vose and Hermann Marstors spoat Sundav in Yoncalla. Mr, Jess? Shambrook, of Tmpqua Forty, a Kosebunr visitor todav. Mr. Robert Hatfield, of Dixonrille, iaue a business ? trip to Roseburg. A. aucraice Bojcso has been isueJ to E L 5?ee asd Mrs. L. a Jcvkaam. ! Mr. Con Denning lias returned from an oetiag in the mountains near Peel. Hob. aad Mrs. Bisjrer Hermann have ! ' retaraai tr as oeUns, at Newport, hisses Ellens and Willetha Reed, left i today tor Astoria to attend the recall rreekh.:s pararaocnt to all other issues. ' ASet Osteae&tbk: Health. It is wrman- Miss Bessie Powell, of Oakland, has Miss Rosie Galay, has an outing at Newport. returned from There is quite a good deal of thrashing being done at Riddle now. Pugilist Jefferies put Pugilist Corbett to sleep at San Francisco on Friday. An attempt to destroy Albany by fire was made Tuesdav night. Thefire bugs were at work azain. If you want to buy a farm if you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house If you don't know PAT C1I on or ddreai ... F; F. pattern, SffSSftr Reseburg Oregon. j returned home from the examination at t this piace. Mrs. M. EL cacraser, Mrs. -viZe-- Jackson is visiting her Delb. Boyle, at Canyon- Miss Gertrude Bast will leave to ! morrow morning for a two weeks star at Newport. 5. A. Doegias is spending a few weeks i sz the homestead of 0. P. Coshow, near ' D. Jackson has been sick for the past Glide. I week and unable to attend to business Miss Bessie Champaign wQl leave this week far a few weeks vacation in the zaoeiitaizs. . at the shop. Good, household furcitnre for sale eneap. Enquire at the old Abraham's hocse is. Eosebcrg. 59-3wp Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Grants Pass, is visiting at the home of her daughter. 1 Mrs. J. H. Booth. ror plain sewing address or call on j Mrs. Howard near depot. 5S-3tp.! Messrs. Earl Landers and Von Casey will start tomorrow for the mountains to bunt and fish. Prune growers in the vicinity of Can- yonvllle and Days Creek report a large crop of prunes this season. Miss Jessie Weatherby, left this morn ing for Silverton, Wash., where she goes to accept a position in the post office at that place. A warrant has been issued for the ar rest of J. D. Spaugh for running a trac tion Encine over the bridge west of the Soldiers Home and also over the South Umpqua without putting planks under the engine. The fine is irom ten to fifty dollars. The Editor has received a leg of veni son from Messrs. Long and Hildebrand for which we extend thanks. They have just returned from a hunting trip in the mountains. The party killed 16 deer during the trip and report that game is very plentiful. It has been reported the 15 vear old daughter of M. B. Hughes, shot her self while handling a gun. The accident occured at the home of Mr. Buck Hughes, on Oak Creek, Friday, August 14. The young men had just returned from hunt ing, and had laid a 44rifle close to where Mrs. Huthes and her daughter May, were stringing .beans. A brother ot the girl came by and picked up the gun, threw an empty shell out, and did not j know that there was another load in the j gun, he accidently pulled the trigger j and shot his sister through the leg just j below the knee, the bullet passing on j through Mrs. Hughes dress. The girl was removed to the home of C. S. Jack son, of Roseburg, where Dr. Fisher is at tending her. Attention Rheumatics!! Why pay the Rail Road a lot of money to carry you to Springs of unknown medical properties when you can be guaranteed a cure at-BOSWELL SPRINGS near home. EtiATERITE ia Mineral Rubber YOC MAYHJiTEXD IiUILDIIHG or find tt ncccHBary to REPLACE A WORN-OCT ROOF ELATERITE ROOFING Takes tte pUce oi ihln'r, tin. Iron. Ur ad crvl aJ all preptrt-J rcoSsgt. For fat and jteep sorfacv, fWcrt, T.ijt, etc. Eajy to laj- Tespeml (or au chmaies. KcatosaUe In cot. coM oo merit- Guaranteed. It will pay to ai (or prices and Information. a'HJE ELATERITE ROOFING CO., Worcester Building. PORXJjAIS'D Mr. Frank Gregory and sister Bessie, I of Cinvonville, were among the visitors Lawson of the "5si Ced" store, 0f Boseburg, Saturday, will spesd Ms vacation near Drain, he j wfll leave this week. t ilrs. C. A. Erwin, of San Francisco, ' is in this city, the guest of her brother- Mra. G. C MtHer, of Spokane, who ( iR.t Forrest Erwin. fiti bees vis tins her brother, Conduc- tor Veatci, returned home today. J 35 skiff returned - t, , . , , Saturday, after a pleasant W.Borr&Co report the sale o a Sehlbrede. beasdfci Hobart 11. Cable piano, to Mr. j . and 3Ir2- A. Hosier. CK0000X000000 000XOOOC000000000'C000 P F . W. BEX-ON". t.C fJlR.5TPR B r CAlfT 1? President. Vic Preiidenv Caihter j? 0 O 0 o 0 Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901 Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BESSOS, It. JL. BOOTU J. H. BOOTH. J. T J. I. KELLY, A. C. MARSTERS K. L illLLER. BRIDGES MARRIED. to Salem visit with If voa dont watch J. T. Brvan's show . ' . , , . window, tou fail to see manv of the Miss ESe Brooks, who has been visit- in jewelry al7.lmp isg 3fra. Norman, has borne at Casyonvale. returned to her j 3fr.T. D. Weatherferd, the barber, has started a barber shop in the Bose bur? Heese, near the depot. Wlber Roes has commenced the con struction of an elegant new "roomed modern eotta;e in Kinneyville. Miss Addie 31. Stuart and Miss Ethel Riddle returned home Friday evening from the teachers examination at this place. Harry Day, aged 14 years, of Forest Grove, acridentlv shot himself in the j breast, with a 22 caliber rifle. He died I after a few moments. At the home of the bride's parents, Tuesday evening, Aug. 4, 1903, a quiet wedding took place, the contracting parties being Mr. R. L. Couglar, and Miss Helen Sullivan, both of Canyon ville. The groom is one of our highly esteemed citizens, and the bride is one of Canyon ville's. most accomplished younghvlies. The irivitedcuests were : Misses Fannie Gibbs. Byrd Elliott, Mollie, Sullivan Oaka Gibbs, and Rev. Dubell, Messrs B. V Corneluis, and Frank Sullivan. They received many handsome and useful 'presents. We wish the happy couple a long and pros-, perous wedded life. A Friekd. Review please copy. j 0 O o 0 A general banking business tranacted, and customers given V accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. U q Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. 5 000000000XXOOOOOCXOOOOOOC000XKXJOOOOOOOO every J. M. Weatherbr T. A. Bury D. I . Yart'n Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. ty with List your proper- us. BORN. Mrs. Jesse Clements, of West Rose- Th mww of rnr hrwlifm to KM'ist and barg, accompanied byher brother, Blake j t recover disease are inestimable ; Miller, has returned to Glendale. home from a visit 0. P. Coshow has returned from his homestead, he will remain in Roseburg ior a few days, then he will join his iamilyatGKde. For sale at a bargain, drop head White sewing machine. The machine is In perfect working order. For particulars, call at this ofBce. Mr. B. W. Strong, the furniture man, is at Dodeou mountains. He expects to return soon, after which 3Ir. 31eU will take bis vacation. Volume 1 Number 1 of the North Bend Citizen, is on on our desk. It is bright, newsy, clean, and we bespeak for it the success it deserves. 3Iadaras Bast, Stanton, Campbell Can non, 31iss Aggie Piteford and Lena trm(v. lfift Fridar night for San Fran cisco, where thev will attend the national convention of the Womens r.enei 3Iiss Bertha Shelbrede reports the sale of 3 organs and 1 piano last week. 3Ir. Sumers, of Riddle; A. V. Dorsman, Saginaw;D. W.Thornton, 3Iyrtle Creek ; buying organs, and Judge Thompson, of Roseburg, a piano. It is reported that the Record, a weekly newspaper of Oregon City, will discontinue, and that the Editor E. E. Brodie will launch another daily paper in Albany, making three in that place. The more the 'merrier. the Osteopath directs these powers. Call on Dr. H. L. Studley. He ill re store your health. 62-3t. There will be a Quarterly meeting at the U. B. Church, Saturday, August 22d at 2 p. m., also Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m, conducted by Rev. P. A. Black. P. E. All are invited. The Douglas County Mills will roll barley and other grain only on Tuesday of each week, customers should have their grists at the mill not later than 11 o'clock, to insure getting it rol!ei the same day. al-lm. The young people of the B. Y. P. U. will give a Japanese lawn social at the homeof3Iiss Birdie Tipton, Thursday evening, August 20. Ice cream and cake 10 cents. Everybody come and have a good time. Committee. Frank Cathcart, one of the operators in the S. P. Co's. railroad offices at Roseburg, was shaking hands with his many Cottage Grove friends Thursday. He informed the Leader man that he was gratified to see his old home town forging ahead at such rapid strikes. Leader. On Saturday, Jake Hughes, the son of Buck Hughes, who lives on Oak Creek, fell from the top of a loaded hay rack and caught on one of the standards tear ing one of his legs in a horrible manner. It took 30 stitches to sew the parts to gether. Today it is reported that he is doing remarkably well. ESTERBROOK. In this city Aug. 15, 1903. to Mr.and Mrs. Hubert Ester- brook, a boy. A HURRY UP SALE. At Rice & Rice the House Furnish- ers. sziiS pieces nam ana rano Glass ware will go on sale August 14 for ten davs only at 25, 20, 15, and ...Bring This Coupon... It's good for 5c in trade for glassware. SALE COUPON. RICE a RICE House Fnrnishers. 10 cents per piece. All are (o, oO, 35 and 25 cent values. Just think of 24, 20, 15 and 10 cents for choice. No such a murder of prices on crockery has ever taken place in Roseburg. No reset re, all will go. Come early. RICE RICE, House Eurnishers The Vnlne of Shelter. The vnlue of shelter and comfort for cattle Is demonstrated In an experi ment made by the Arizona station. A herd of milk cows was exposed for throo dnvs to a cold rain, nt the end of which time the flow of milk had de rrrnsed lust one-half, notwithstanding that the cattle were properly fed. It was a month before the cows gave oa much milk as before the exposure. 2 a Kin I ri GRAND THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the ramous Kockj Mountain Scenery by daylight TO -AJLjI-i POINTS EAST RID 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDCN AND DENVER 3 Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and rther formation, address V. C. McBRIDE, GenM Agent, la4 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Roseburg Nurseries. Very choice fruit trees, all leading vnrietiM. Spitzenberg and Yellow New town Pippin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, 11. Schroten, Roseburg, Oregon. 50tf Window Sale. The ladies of the Christian church will conduct a window sale Saturday, Aug. 22 at Kruse & Newland's grocery store. Patronage solicited. For Sale Alight dog cart very cneau at twenty dollars. Enquire of Kent it O'Neal Liveryman, Roseburg. 6tr, Letter List. Ooats for Sale. About 40 head of Angora goats for sale, nil young does, also some thorough bred bucks. Correspondence solicited. L. A. MARiTERS, Cleveland, Oregon. Remaining uncalled for at the Rose burg postoffice. Brown, Mr. Joseph McCarty, E A (2) Fitzgerald, George Robbins, J R. Freeman, Mr. Joe Williams, Lee Harvey, Mr F V Wilbnrin, L D Heaton, T T Welch, Mrs Edwaul McCullock, James Wright, Mr CF Per.wns calling for these letters will please state the date on which they are advertised, August 17, 1903. The letters will be charged for at tho rate of one cent each. Wm. A. Fratek, P. M.