The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 10, 1903, Image 1

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    Dragon Historical Society
No; GO
, !
During "fte past month, through
the manipulation of Secretary Hitch
cock aaSlife special agents, tbe Xand
Office at Heseburg has been tie place
where citizens of the United States
have beenield np and robbed under
the gnise of law by the forced col
lection of fees not contemplated by
the law .and for which there is not
even dhe -shadow of law. This graft
has been, put in practice and money
extorted.from victims who do not
know :their rights or the -law in the
case made and provided. Women
haveheen most outrageously insulted
and ihemeaned by inanisitorial -star
chamber, proceedings and the .method
pursued, in many cases would have
been. a- disgrace to a ienth .rate un
derstrapper to the Czar of Russia.
If fcheireports hsre-tf-f ore published
about tthe disgraceful .affair are true
Secretary Hitchcock xnt to .be thrown
outtof .the President's cabinet bodily.
If fee persons sxrare lalsely to the
statements made and published .they
ougjit.tobe plaoftd in the peniten
tiary. JThere is no getting around
either .true or fake. The Plaixdeal
er did not believe the reports until
the editor saw and head a proceed
ing that would have disgraced a gut
ter snipe bum if he had been guilty
of such conduct Eut the past is
past, hut. to show the bald .hypocricy J
of Secretary Hitchcock and InV
double dealing with land .affairs, we osity ol simon pure damp fool-
. . . .lshness snouia be saved to the world
state: He nas sest to the brotber shonld be exceeding-
spemlagsntsfrom ins &partaentp
topxevem ciuas. i xd -tea
CMn,t,lml, wo,t
. .
XiC raLxaiu luab uauujo ucun: turn
mitted and yet he and his agents
practice fraad in their attempt
land. Tiered millions of dollars
at stake in the timber
Pacific coast and the
lands of the
thiertothemanwhowante to .
chase 160 acres only means that the
W. TnonnnnliM
land is wanted so that
iiiuiitf tiiris-.
f . -
railroads and combines
steal it
political and honeft measures, and
management of land affairs than the
olazon effrontery oi land tneits m
times past.
Npw regarding citizens taking up ;
T.imnAr inTino r.hprA is n npr.iRinn m
w' .
the United States Circuit court,
affirmed by the Supreme court of the
tt j L-J
630 Fed Z No X Z shoi5d j Priced SrlS be they are righi
f.?and Hitchcock et al wrong. We
set Mr. Hitchcock and his lick-skillets
thinking. The judges of the Supreme
court in affirming the lower courts
decision say:
"The statute does not by its terms
assume to obligate a person who ac
quires a title to lands under it to
keep the land, or to control his use
or right to dispose of them for any
period of time after he shall have
complied with its provisions in per
fecting his right to it. The law goes
no further than to prohibit entries
by persons who have prior to the
filing of their applications bound
themselves by contracts."
The Land Office has a right to en
quire of the applicant if he has en
tered into a contract to dispose of
the land before tiling, but by the de
j cision printed above all inquiry must
stop there.
i Since the Plaixdealeu commenced
to expose the vicious and intenselv
demoralizing inquisitorial questions j
cand insults offered American women in
the land office by a man who mast be
II 4- a It li.- r wxm i 4-
i institution where cerebellum degen-
i eracy, infirmity or ignorance is treat-'
ed, or maybe he is posing as a candi-,
date for initation into the hidden j
mysteries of a distillation of bitumen '
and the effect it has on the human I
anatomy in causing the hair bulbs 0fi
the epidermis to sprout leathers the
svstem has been toned down a little
There is a regular examination and
cross examination blank to be filled
in by applicants to purchse timber
land but those blanks have been
practically set aside :and the follow -
ing questions taken from a sheet of
waste bad office paper shows what
kind of ears tbe critter flops that
asks such questions:
What do you intend to do with the
land and the timber thereon!
How long do von expect to keep
the land?
Do you expect to sell it at a profit?
Why do yon expect to purchase
the tract of land?
Do you intend to cut the timber
thereon yourself or do you intend to
have some one else to cut it?
The questions are foolish and ab -
surd and their only possible use
would be to attempt to entangle tbe
applicant in his answers so that the
. ,. .... , ..r
'luwimnn 11mm lvi mic mucmu jj.
they were got np by Hitchcock he
ought to take hinder garten instruc-
tion. If they are the prolific eniana -
t tions from an over educated brain
i the author needs a pad set in his
j chair to protect his cerebrum from
' pinmiccinn Rnnfc a rinn?nrrcif t nf
. .,, miTor ai.
- '"'""" - " - " "
nal eclipse. The use
of a double
il ,,. ...... ,
jpxatecnonto tas urain is strongly
! iirtr.-xl lmf. the tnr-tim hif nro K
- -
i iioseourg iana umce tiar vnamDer
iJ0 fJ &eli4iiiff down of aU
I tliP fcnl nnpqrirtn it is af nnm
tne icoi queaiions it Jo as once aeen
I that ttere is alter aU mtnod in the
- -t;X
j v
. - .....
'IS WOrked LO the Utmoat limit Of en
, . Wnsliino-
ton who are responsible clearly give
evidence of being rogues
instead of
1 r-.i-i
And now we no not want any jnan
to suppose that the Plaindealed is
standing in with the timber entry-
t . n. . j-?.j
i m in nanonca riT inti twi i pnvm irnm
rr" "" " " , :
that source. The facts are we stand
I in with them because of the insulte
i honnorf ttmrn thsm thp PYtnrtinn
. . .
stand in with them because we see
and know the hollowness of the In -
terior ifonartment and tbe Drafts
of law. So far as the fees are con-;
cerned we have taken in in five (
months about thirty dollars i, and this;
has been done to bring the Plain- :
dealer to supplicate for pap and j
while the officials have cut off the'
clabber they like a sow, have wallow-
ed jn political mud and laid down for
theruntiest snig of a democratic
meat from the land office.
Clunll mlLtO
"There are more things than are
dreamed of m our philosopy" may
not be tbe exact quotation from Ham-
let but as we have not the book at
band to verify the quotation we will
, proceed with the ghost story.
In our last issue we mentioned the
fact that -a passenger, when near
! Leland told Conductor Kearney that
i he had -seen a strange sight, but we
j were unable to verify the statement
j On Saturday the Plaixdealer called
! up Conductor Kearney and asked him
'to make a statement regarding the
i statement as published in the Plain-
j dealer and local papers. He stated
J that Professor Campbell of Mon-
j mouth, was on the train and got
, off at MeJford taking a vacation trip
to Crater Lake, that when near Le-
3 land, .between nine and ten o'clock
Tuesday night, the Professor told
him that he had seen the body of
ja woman lying beside the railroad
track near Roseburg. He then went
ion and described the exact locality
'and surroundings where the body was
jsow me mysterious part 01 mis
' ghost dream is the 'Professor did not
, tell Conductor Kearney what brand of
' brain food he was eating which -siim-
elated the brain to such an extent
that lie .raw visions of the dead.
When the train which conveyed Pro-
r t.ii x il. a i
ie said he saw the body -of a woman,
iio 1- ha mnnm vQ cr
at the railroad depot in Roseburc carnival of crime exhibitors; -but last
( .JlZJItle placed on the boards a
,.., ,
xue sfcEJCtt rwoseuurKau went w i
thesDos where Professor CamDbell
" w
the dead -body. From all indica
il. i it j u. ri I
iiuuti luc eiucx. ume uliuu -iua re j
Jay down or was laid down where the
... ..
body was afterward found was after
noov was anerwaro ionno was aiier
i 1 t -i i n. 4. n
mne 0 clock, k it possible that Pro-
fessor Cairnbell like Professor Enircne uiiumu
, ? lianddvnamitefeat. It is now time for
f""!' r ?w 1 f w
so xeausuc mat nfi tnougnt ne naa
coon tnn nn If ha ana- iha
1 t,'.-:J. a. x , ...tas the Mecca of Crooks.
track why
did he not raise an .immediate alarm?
Why wait for .at least .three and one-i
half hours before he told Conductor
Kearnev? if ie aetuallv saw a
corpse beside the track, where is that
corose? If he drained & dream it is
a pity that he had not laeen
' . . , x, . .,
........ ...
a little
more brain food bo that all the cir-
a ....A'A.r.A I
. ... .
ingpeaceful death by carbobc acid
eulo have been accounted for. What
tuuifcujucea leauiuir uu w xhm eiueeu -
that thafc inam M
1 , , , , , c
rereal the form and 6Se
man who was at the river
side on Tuesday afternoon and .
Tuesday night. What a pity that
thatvision had not token in thej
, , . , . , u,
whole surroundings so that no doubt ,
could have existed in the mind of the ,
public and forever settled the question
0f murder or suicide. But putting
' Me all H hfc words the factg stated
by Conductor Kearney, who commu-
nicated to the north bound conductor
what he had been told by Professor
Campbell shows that there is a mys
terious dispensation of providence
and that the book of rememberance is
somewhere and somehow photo
graphed and that visions which to
one man are nothing but mist, in
some cases, to others are the actual
events of photographed life.
Panic In New York.
Last weeks transactions in Wail
street were not rainbow hued as there
were about a score of failures among .
the dealers in stocks, bonds and mort
gages. For years past railroad and ',
other stocks have soared and were j
rated at two and three times their i
actual worth, and the original owners "Each and every person who shall
who sold out at exceedingly high deal, play, or carry on, or open or canse
prices and took in the gold now want . to opened, or who shall conduct,.
to purchase the stock back again at ei?h"" er' PP emP
... .. . , whether for hire or not, any game of
about one-half what they sold it for. . ar0i monUjf ronettef rouge-et-noir Uns-
The market value of stocks and bonds quenette, rondo, vinpt-um (or twenty-
in the past week in Wall street has one), poker, draw poker, brag, bla
shrunk hundreds of millions of dollars : tbaw-un' or y banking or other game-
i ..1 .:.t. i .1: .i i :
and most fortunate was the man who , ,, . ,
. ... whether the same shall be played fer-
succeeded m selling out at high tide moaey, checks, credits, or any other
prices. With a money squeeze in New representative of value, shall be guilty
York it will take about twelve months of a felony, and upon conviction there-
before the grip will be fully realized
in Oregon, but we may as well realize
today that the country has reached
the highest state of prosperity in
speculative values and that from this
time on until the Presidential election
is fully settled that capital
s going
to be verv careful in investment
Quaker Quacks at Eugene.
Eugene is going through the throes ' case and the Washington Supreme
of the Quaker Qnzc'is convulsion. ' court has sustained the constitution
Ripe eggs are used and the officers ality of the law and ordered the man
are kept busy arresting and turning ' to serve out his time in the peaiten
innocent men loose. The quj cks sue- tiary. The enforcement of the Wash
ceed in holding ' the crowd and sell ington gambling law is what has
their nostrums and faith cure medicines caused the hundreds of desperate
bv the hundreds of dollars every characters to locate in Orerron.
Pity for Portland.
For months past, the crooks who
have been doing such fine work in
Portland and Seattle in the holds-up
and jobbery line, have set a red hot
pace between the two cities in the
i novelty stunt that is entitled
to take
I . V -""Don np to mis time, sate
' Jl 1 t ! 1 ...... 1 r,
- !"' ,
1 h ntrftfc imort n rdmi rrnrti enfrt fm 1
took it 200 yards where thev drilled
. . .. , , .4 , - , ,
holes into it and onened it bv exn mi
. ... -
mS dynamite in presence 01 a lot Of
.f. - , . . .. ,
Portlan'1 go Seattle one better or
for Ortgonian, Telegram and
. . 4 . I "
fiuuiiuii iu iuti uuvci iianig x ortianu
Portlandcr in London.
The police have seized several pieces
, 01 s"verware belonging to the Rev.
! R- W- Farabar, of Portland, Or., and
h-1 Gaston, who at one time lived
"cago, two American tax-payers
TIT 11 . .
' T A 4 i
, 1 m "imDieuon, wno were the
i iirar t r inin t r r nnrri wA.'tanfrnHOM
f L. ! It .
lliiJU Ml IU1U L11C IKL.1 rz I r.M.MJl III
movement against the education act.
Th was sold at auction to sati-
i - - '
fy the rates, amounting to a few
shillings, which they refused to pay.
, The pieces include wedding gifts and
c.hurch Presents made to them in the
Umted States-
At Duward, Mich., on Friday morn-
ing an air brake refufiing tQ ork Qn
the second section of Wallace Bros.,
circua train caused a rear-end collision
with the first section in the yards of
the Grand Trunk Railroad, in which
23 people were killed outright and
more than a dozen injured.
1 1
.0, snal1 te punished by imprisonment
in the state penitentiary for not less
than one year nor more than three
years." Washington's New Law.
One old gambler in Washington
was induced for a consideration to be
the stool pigeon of the professional
gamblers to test the Washington
gambling law. He gambled, was ar
rested and sentenced to one year in
Ithe penitentiarv. He appealed his
Fighting in norocco-.
According to a dispatch from
Mellilia, Morocco, a fight has taken
place between French and Moorish
troops near the village of Beni-Fa tt
The Moors, who were pursuing a body
of Kacvle insurgents, entered French
! territory in spite of the protests of
'the French frontier posts. Three
Trench and two Moorish soldiers were
- , killed, and a number were wounded.
Tonsorial Artfats;
Portland im
- : 1 "nu and
are at war.
Tho tmfv r u
b """; Vi cavu ciiymtne
barber lino irool,Wnn
Ior a necK sftare an e pot is call-
iB the kettle black. That confeder-
ated lishness. known a
the Barbers
.t.iWiuio iui mtr
extra nve cent graft and well, we may
as well pay
the extra price of one-
Coos Bay (lets $i0,000.
The secretary of war has just noti-
i 1CU nermann in reply-
, to an earnest request submits
based on the petition of the Coos
j Bay Chamber of Commerce, that he-
has just apportioned ten thousand
dollars as an emergency aid for the
removal of obstruction in the naviga
tion of Coos Bay occasioned by the-
recent lormation of a shoal in the
channel which delays loaded vessels
of deep draft in their outward pass
age. To wait until Congress meets;
to pass an appropriation would have
increased the difficulty, as the ahoaL
is constantly enlarging, and the pres
ent large commerce of the Bay would
have suffered greatly had not the
Department made use of the fund at
its disposal in cases of emergency.