The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 06, 1903, Image 6

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    1-L!' ' ' IeAge ' ;
Just arrived from the factory a car
oad of the celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper than a board fence anil will
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction without jKxtra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
ddress Stearns & Chcnoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
Painting and Paper Hanging.
John Miller, of Haaerstnwn. Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Roseburg, and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of painting, paperhanging, graining, and
decorative paintinc in the highest stvle
as practiced by first class workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want the
very latest artistic work he will be pleas'
ed to give for low prices and first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street
or drop a letter throuch the post office
and he will quickly respond. 18-tf
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
The Denver and Rio Grande, popnlar
lv known as the "Scenic Line of the
World" has announced greatly reduced
round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
points for the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
Conventions N. E. A., at Boston; A
O. TJ. w., at St. Paul : B. P. O. E, at
Baltimore; Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle . at Sew York;
Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
K. of P., at Louisville, and T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be sold only on certain days
Ihese tickets will carry stop-over
privileges on the going trip, giving
passencers an opportunitv to visit Salt
Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Springs and Denver; and will be good
to return any time within ninety (90)
days. Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are snven the privilege
of returning via a different route.
For the rate to the point you wish to
go, and for dates of sale and" other par
ticulars, as well as lor illustrated pam
phlets, write
W. C. McBeide, General Agent
124, Third St.. Portland.
Horse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball,
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Nov. 7, 1901, are requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease hereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated hoseburg, Oregon, July 81903.
H. C. Sloctm, Jr.
City Treasurer.
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that we do not have
to be continually strking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Xeedham has been
our leader for 14 years nnd is today a ;
leader among the high gradt pianos of i
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregoni:'!n or some other leading
paper, through thoe big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or lngii commissions to make a good I r t-r .-o 7, : 7, 77"
piano, but instead the verv beat I R Vb' H'"J Lad0'
r ' . , , , - II- J-- Hold regular cnmmunicu-
mechanics, and the very best material j " Hons at I O. O. F. Hall on Peconrf
buchas are always used in -Needham ; lonn" lhurmlaye of each month
pianos. 29-tf
Society JVleetings.
F. 5c A. M. Laurel Lodge io. 13.
Hold regular meeting? on ivconrl
and f urth WednMlavB ol ch
month E. .1. Stkouii. W. M
N. T.Jkwxtt, SeerMtnry.
O. U. W. Roeeburg Lodge No. 10.
Meets the second and fourth Mon-
I davs of each month at 7:3(1 m..
in th I. 0. O. F. Hall. Members in
good Htanding ar invited to atteud.
F.M.Tozieb M.W.
E. H. Lenox Recorder.
D. .S Wkst, Financier.
Sheriff's Notice ot Salo ol L&nds heretofore
eoltt lo lougla County for Tx-t
ltf virtue ol a statute euarted by tlie Legisla
tive AfkeinM'-of tlit Stale m On-son. lor the
SrarlMul. I shall as Sheriff o( IioukI cotinly,
irvcon. offer for mlc ami ell all lands, to
which tald Douulas County. lias ati(iilrrl title
' during the preceding yiar by virtue ot lix
sales, nil of said property shall be sold as real
firorn-itr la sold unm execution tn the highest
iliMer fortanh In hand at the Court h- ne
; lront door, at Koseburg, Douglas County, Ore
' gon, t oae o'clock p m., on
I SATURDAY, tho 15th day of August, 1908.
, the following rtecribed lands, to-wit:
BW'U olNWJj. lot -I, tec 2, tp. 3 r 7 w,f6
i acres-
! Lots 3. 5.SEiof NWJj.icc. C tp Zl r C w..
I 13$ acres
, NWijol NEJf.sec. tatpSt r5w.,40acre
SW!;, ec.2 tp2l r 4 w. 1M acres.
! Uits J.3. 6. 11 M.-C. :u t.2: r 11 w.. ISO aoret.
SKli of SK i sec 7 tt vs r 5 w . 0 aerts
I SW'.iofSWti. sec. 2 tp H r.Sw.Sij of
! NEU.NEj of SWJj.sec. 1.' tp 2Jr9 w., I acres
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
AH member ratiestd tn attum. rcii-i Sfr-iofAw oc. 1C tp J2 r 4 w.. 40crt.
larlv and all visiting brothers rt- cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Wait, K. K.
Rov McClallfs, Secretary.
i jou acre.
Notice for Publication.
UnlU-d gtatct Land ORW,
ftotbu, Oresn, March 21. 1'jO.I.
Notice 11 hereby Riven thai In complfane
with the tTovl.lom of tee act of Congrcta of
June 3, )S. entitled "An act for the ial of
timber land In the Stateiof California. ()re;on
.NeTada.ana uJhlr.(fton Territory, ai extend
ed to all tea public land atatca br act of Aurnal
4, 1M.
of Dallai county of folk, atate of Oregon,
hasthUdat filed In thli office her iora atatc
ment No 470i, for the purrhaw of K' of K
and the l of the N'EU of tectlon V, uiwnthip
So touth. range 2 win, and wlHofler proof to
hour tbal the land oui;ht Is more valuable for
lt timber or atone than for agricultural par
poe. and to ethllih bt-r.'elalro to laid iand
I toe Kezliterand Kecetverof thia odlce
at Koteburg. Ore. on Krlday, the 31t dy of
July, She nran at ivltnttac: C I
, I-aven.ood nf Kiddle. Oreron, Lloyd Mar
quam. of Tlllrr.Oreirnn. William Kommerf. of
i Kiddlei.t'rt-gon, Beatie Miller. Lebanon. Ore.
any and all perton claiming advertely the
above deter bed landa are rMuertcd to fl.e
tbelrclalraf In thla oOce on or before taldSUt
davof July. laOS. J T. BKIIKiK-:.
Phone ! Residence SSI, Residence.
ono jOmcellSS West Koseburg
Office : Koom 11 Taylor & WiUo- Block
Examination Free. Office hoars 9 to 12 a. ra.
2 toSp.m. Graduate Still College of Osteocathv
ace. U tp2lr6
vwf 1' "w,4. "rc- s tp 21 r b w.. 40
. NWil ot NE. ux. 36 tD t-1 r C w.. 4fl
I V , of SVii-i, leu X acrea sold llervy. sec. 33
. tp ts ritr.tu acre.
I an M ot Mij;. bE; of .NV sec. 36 tp 32 r 6
I w ,gi) acres.
I X, of NEJi of NEJ, sec 33 tp 32 r 7 w.. 20
SW; see. 6 tp 29 r 6 w.. ICO acres.
ip r o w., v acres.
DEGREE OF HONOR. My flic Lodge I "V? '""
No 13. MndandthThure- fiT-UVoVi1 S ti'.-iirr.
ua. oicuino ui egn monin in H- j "s a ana 4 oiock'J, iota j, 4 an1 5 block 3
ttve Sons' Hall. Viniting members cot- I T",c l'rk.rt',,"n " ,he LltT ' Ro-burg.
dially titwl to attend. , rwSn l"" Addl,lon 10 2 n1 3 Dr.
SWJi, : May4pjlyU
f N. G , mectp at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Havuk, Capt
E. H.
Mia. Merit Wsst. C. of H.
Lexsox. Rec.
Court Honse
Down Blair.
Physician, Surgeon.
OflBce over P. O,
'Phone Main 591.
Physcian & Surgeon.
OSce Review Bla.
rnoce. Main SI
Lot 4 block S East Dnln.
Dated at Kofebarg. Oreon, Jul) 13, 19CTJ. '
Sherin of Douglas County, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hcehy given, that the cnlerslinM
was on the f3d day of pill. 1WJ, t. iDe
CountyCouit ol Douglas cnonty. Oreron, dnlr
pp'lnted A imlnlslratorof the etat of James
O. O. F. Pbtlptarian Lodge No. S. i claims atalu'st the sfd 'estate win r.L.,Jf?
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor- ! Je toJ!ie f 1 njL P0?5 ,n Kobonr. Oreron, i
, Saturday evening of each wek Mem-! lj,t' th's i"hday of Jnne, a. d, !
beri of the order in good siandiDg att . OEOR'JE w. DIMmICK
Id vited to attend. ( Administrator ol the E.tate of Jaoe O. P.,
ii t r .. . v t JJllli. deceased.
v , a. J3. UIIXTXT, N. G. First pobllcl!nn lone 21, 1902
r. I. JswriT, fcrcretary. i .
OF A. Coort DonglM No. 32. For-!
esters of America. Meets every
Tnesdav evenine in Nativn Snnn
nail. isitingbrothenalwayB welcomn
S. W.VaxZile C. R.
E. H. Lenox, R. P.
E. V. Hoovzb, Pbveician.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited -itatea Land Oflce.
Roseburg, Orcsron, June IS l3.
Notice u hereby given thai In eompltanco
with the provisions of the act of Congress cf
June3,)S7 entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California. Oreron
Nevada .and Washington Territory." asexiead
edtoall the public land staua by act o! August
of Roseburg. County ot Douglas. State of Ore
gon, has this day n1 In this (ode his sworn
slaiement No. iX6. for e purchase of ttf
NEK of section e,uwnili-2Sd, range 4 west
and will offer proof to nuw i" the Uad sooghl
Is more valuable for lu timber or stone than
for agricultural purpoe. aad to establish fcta
eI.7m tf;"re t:'e KepJter aad Receiver of ItU
Ulca of Koaabnrr, Oregon,
on Frday the 23ca day SrTtember, 19CB. lie
nam.s as wltnessea: Go:ge Keed, II. L.
Mndtrj .WarzaretJ. Brbokes. D P. Fisher. aU
of Rowburg, Orrgon.
Any and all persons cla.'ra.T adversely the
abovedescribed lands are miuoi-d to file their
claims in this office on or before lie 25th dsr of
September. 1S03.
, , J. T. BRIDGES.
Julyltp Kegtste
Notice for Publication.
Rosebdrq Oregon
Special atnilon given to Diseases ol the Not
aad Throat.
uaceMaln St.. one door south of CltrH.ll
raoae. aim 141.
Administrator's Notice.
of P. Aloha Lodge No. 47. Mm-i I
stvery WedneedaT, in I. O. O. F . Notice ! hereby given that the undersigned
iwmi p, m. Jlembers m l r . wnm iuriauuun
good standing are invited to Mtrnd.
Geo. E. IIocce
S. V. Ramp K. R. S.
1 1 0.1
ill. ?j
Rasierw Butldlnr.
Telephone No. 4.
T. M. Protection Tent n is '
Holds its resrular Reviews the
first and third Fridnv nf gxVi
' month in the I. O. 0. hall". Visiting j
I members in good standing are invited to '
attend. Geo. W. Pkrkt, Com.
E. E. Blodgett, Record Keeper.
I . . v.s-a,Ml I'lHIiUm HUCllQlfln-
! to'?' lhetaIe ol Clark Richards, rtecriid
All prisons having claims against said es'ate
! "I1?1' .,1B?' " Present the same, dnlr'
verified, to lonn Hamlin, at Roseburg. Douglas
2?DI Vfnn "''Din sir months from the
' date of this notice.
iiiriii coseDorg, uregon. this 17th day of
i1?1.' . c E FRtCH.ROS.
Admlnl.trator ol the estate o.'Cia-k Richa-ds
deceased. JunelXw
Attorney at Law,
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49. Women of
"ooacralt. Meets on 2nd nd 4th
Notice for Publication.
Cnlte.1 Suu Land 091re.
Rcebnrg. Oregon, March si.
wSt,1?.!l.5,.T.e ? compliant.
;ct-: aci oi uosgma ol
. iasj ttru
EooculAS. 5ariter BldsZ.. ROASTtnna Mb i Uve 80D8, H
wSSBSSSxTv 3 aoBC Iadge Been ax an, Guardian Neighbor trrxr, becjr.
.a.- cuuuea An ui -or tee sale of
Ol each month at theNa-' 'an.. !.a te state of Cll'ora!s,Oreron
II. Visiting msmbsrs In , 3 JiTSi IL SJ!rC"-
" iuu iiaas or act or acrott
are invited to attend. ' '
Late Receiver 0. 8. Land OBce
For Sale.
5 Acres, good cottage and black smith
shop, good location, trill sell or rent.
For particulars. Address P. 0. Box 450,
Roseburg Oregon. 51-lmo.
Fullerton s Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue prinU and filing papers, tf
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property.
H. L. Ball. jjstf."
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D j T0HX P. RYAN, CIVIL ENGINEER
rianniton. mi tins rii nnh- nrninim,. I
O. T. M. Roeeborit Hive No. 11.
aTTHRVkv itt swt """"' icvjpwb upon tne
AilOJiNJil-AT-LAW. (- eec0BA .nd fonrth Vr!j.L or.a
Rosebcbg, Oreoo.s. of each month in the Native Sona' Hall!
Bnilneas belore 0.8. Land OfSceand Probate 1 Seter of other Hives visiting in ibe citv Friday the 31t day of July. 133. Shenainrs
i aro coraiaiij invaten in attend onr re
view. Hattie Morian L. Cox.
i Jessie Rapp.R. K.
bnsfnesa a aneefilrv
Office Abraham Bulldlnr.
WUi practice In all the Bute and Federal Conns
Office tn Marks' Bid., Roseburg. Oregon.
2' IfKtfn.oa,I?n.n.,I'of.!-lon' ut l Oregon,
has this dav filed In thl odlce her snorn .te
ment No. 470?. for the parchas of the ?U of
SWif and the Wjof te SEKof Sec so. Tp
P. 1 W .and wlu offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or
IaK..tHn 'f,RcaUnraI purposes and to
establish herrlalm in i.M i.t4 v.. iu "
' tn.1 ITleT "'ft1', 0Oc "l "'ourg Or!
" v."-' --. ui juij, i.-ii. cne names as
ti Leveog l. of xlddlc. Oregon
r 7 S S -W 7 .V . urnraa- A a coats,
and BFH llley, of Aberdeen. Wash.
Anyanuau iiersons claiming adverselv the
Tnlled Flat' tnd nft
Roseburg. Oregon, Jnne 22, Bus.
Nctica is hereby given that tn corapllanco
; wltli tie provisions ol the act of Congress ot
Jnaex. 1ST? entitled "An act fr its sale of
Umber lands In ttefilausof Callforc.a.Oreroa
Nerada.aad Washinrn TerrliorT.-aseKend-JflWi
l PnbUt Uai1 '-!" by actwf Augost
ofOshknsh. R. D. Box 1ST. countr of Wtane
bsp. Hate of Wlsoonstn. has tfcu u.r filed la
ims once her sworn statement No. Z37 for
N W; SEI. ol Sec 2, Tv SS s, B. 4 W, r'nd w'jtl
ofier proof to show that the land soueht It norr
vajnable for lu Umber or stone than for agrl
cnltnr! pnrtose. an t to esubllsn her claim T to
said land ifore the Register aad Receiver of
-" a. suiseourg, urrgon,
on Monday the Sth day f September. !?.
She name as C. D CUrk, Martin
RaamuMen, .Hennan Hartthelm. aad Roy
Brennand. of Oshkosh. Wi-cossln! '
. d3 7 tJ1!"01' cHialag adversely the
ifft L. !.l!dia1 are rvWXl to file thlr
claims la tnlsoSWoaor before scMssth day
of September. 1K3. J.T. BRIDGES.
"TMP Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the nndenigned
has been by the County Court of Door! as
connty. state of rcgon. duly appo cted the
admtnUtratorof the csUte of ll. A.rock. de
ceaseO. Allperns having ctais agafnst raid esute
are hrrrby rraalred to present the same duly
ve-ified to the undersigned at Olalla. Ooorlas
connty. Slate of Orrgon. within sli month
from me dat-of this noUce.
jated at Olalla, Oregon. thUM day ol Jnae.
, . , . VT C. FRIEND.
Administrator ol the esUte of D. A. Prick
Firs: puMfrctUon Jane 4. KK.
oma 1 and 2
vlew Building.
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Room i
Uarsters Building. R03EBURG,
Attorney at Law.
RoaEBtJRO. Orb
Koom 11.
Taylor 4 Wilson Block
E. S. Rosebursr Chanter No. 8
Holds their regular meeting on the
first and third Thnrsdava I n parh
nonth. Visiting members in trood
i lUnding are rpepectfnlly invited to at
tend. Mrs. Nannie Spbagce W. M.,
' Macde Rast Secretary.
RKBEKAH6. Roeebure Rebekah
Lodte No. 41. 1. 0. O. F., meets in
Odd Fellows' Temple every Tuesday
j evening. Visiting sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
I Della Brown, N. G.
Cora Wimberlt. R. S.
sembly No. 105 meets even- Satur
day evening, at S o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Docglas, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brow.v, Secretary.
above describe.! lands are reU9tcd to file the r
... v" oaor oeiore saia 3lst day
May4pj.vl3 Register
Notice for Publication.
Tnited SUtcs Land OOce
Roeburg. Oreron. June 12. 198
jISVS " he.rhT that In coapllaao
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JnneS,)STS,enUtlcdAnact for the sale of
timber lands In the States ot California, Oregon
Nevada and aahtnrton Territory." asextend
471 pnMIe land states by act of Augnrt
pi Glide, county of D-uglas. State of Oregon
has thi dar nlnl lnihu nifl s... ......... .....
f i '.Z -K, NT ?n'. ol secUm Strong No. 2 aad Mr.
I. in town.nlp 27 south, of range 2 west, stroni. hla wifer p.
In theClrcali Coart of the Sute ef Oreg.,3.
Charles O. White, Plaintiff,
t barles Strong aad Manola 1
irong, im wue: Leonard
aironr ana una Strang, his!
wiie. rxia strong and Mr. Bdd
Strong, his wile; Florence I
strong, a minor, aad JOtea
juvag. aer guaraian; i-ule I
uuaeau inec Mrong aad K. N.
uanon, ner husband; George I
-hvuk. numv: rannie KeJlv i
fnee Strong) and Philip Kelly,
her hnband; Margaret Strong,
widow : Horace Strom.
S8lt la Evjalty
eet of abstract oooks in the county, tf
For the best mower knife and too
grinder, two emery wheels 1450. Stearns
& Chenoweth, Oakland, Oregon. 45-t
If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, Marshfield
.route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of CP.
. Barnard, agent. 102-tf .
11OODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak cbilms in this office on or beore said 22nd day
Tnnrl 'If ViR.n,n 0- -Mee'8 at e Odd j. i.bkiikies.
1,ttUU VJUiCyOr. , Fallows' HalL In Rooahnro
FRANK RYJlN, TIMBER ESTIM ATOR ?rat "P1'"1 Mondav evening.' Visit-' "
' "Wil''AVn , inf noinrhnM 1 . -.1 I.. C T--t1? .
s -C,.. xuiicc; ior i-uDiicaiion
' t , .j T. Jewett. C. 0. Cnltejl State. Land Office,
j J. A. BCCHANAN, Clerk. Roburg, Oregon. June 22. 1W2.
oticois berebv
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
; June 3, it .enUtle.1 "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Callfornia,Oregon
Nevada. and Washtnctnn T.rHm,. ,
d.Joj h public land states by act of August
4. 1S9Z.
uuiTiiioiicrprooi tosnowtbattheland sought
is more valuable for lu timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
cl.?.lm ''" H19 RKlr aad Receiver ot this
office of Rosebnrg. Oregon,
on Tuesday the 221 day of September, 1904.
Ileiumtjst witnesses: II. L. Engles. John
GarJncr. John Greenman. and R. J. Wauon
all ol Peel, Oregon.
Any and all peryoni rlalming adverjelr ih.
aviveilefcrihcd lands are Trauestel to file their
nt . 19
Office. Room 6. Taylor & Wilson Block.
Geo. W. Kiddle. He1n n
i Riddle, his wife, hmii.1 i I
l'.nn1n --I., ... c n . . ' '
D. S. T. West, having accepted several ls w,,e.' Walter s. Kiddie,' y
old and reliable .fire insurance compa-1 X
uies, is now prepared to do a general ffisJf?ft!S; SPi? !
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Douglas County kua'
Chan. M. Close, Plaintiff; )
business. InEure vdth Crawiord. liefendanta, J
.nre insurance
. ' ! Xnflrn f ir.T-,i,r- ri . . 1. . , .
.mm. umce at tne City Hall. 102-tf. Vcyoniuorh
CallonDrs. Cheadle & Johnson for j Mfk'
up-todate denUl work. Dr. Johnson, ! ?cVlf 15 V1"00 Judmeat
late of Portland, willjhave charge of the : rtS&T'w&ZSffitf'&SZ
i . -. . . i Plaintiff, and unintt iv. tt. . 1
crown ana onage wore denartmont rimu. trr 6rJW"."!?""mal "aiierr-.
1. ..l . . . 1 iuu U CO.IIO
i.uw, wiia jmeresi inereon at 6 per cent nor
the costs of and upon this writ. I dfd on thi
i t "uPy. io-wit:
Lota number 10 and ii of Block number 11
and lots number 1 and 2 of block number 12
of the town nf RfrlHIo ni li
heredltamenu and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any Wae appertaining.
Now tnerefore I will on
8AT0RDAY, the 2vth dav of August. 1903.
f!.0?6.0-01?"- 1J day St the wurt
II Odd Fellow's Temple. Meets first
and third Thursdav evenings each
month. Visitors cordiailv invited.
J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
J. C. TwrrcuELL, Scribe.
Graree I
Jtroag. his wife: EnfeM.
strong and Mrs. ipfcriaa
5.tro?s'AU w,,ei E1, ron;.
single; Harvey Strong, single;
Joe Unndsaker. Charles
Wright. Roa Browning (aee
ii rSi' v ViBht. Ethel
nrtgnt. Jose Wrignt aadtlse
Sute Land Board.
, , Deetnlanta. ,
ToEdd Mrongand Mrs. Edd Stronc abjv
asmoi defendants: i"ng, aojv.
lnthenampof iheStstoof Oreron vou an,I
each of you are herebv rw,nir.i .T .Irr, - .
nswer the complaint fiid against VoV la the
JboveentlUcd suit on or Ueiore
Saiu.rda' tl,e lst" lav of Julv 1903
ndi!youia:lso u appear im S
want tbe-rol the lrfalnuff will anof? to th
court or the relief .iemandrd Tin tfc? STal
a succinct statement of which is. that Mm tit e
J1-711 one-half of the soatbwet one
quarter and the west one halt or th southeSa
one-quarter of section Zi, township 2 wuth
ol ranges west of the Wtllamettn rJK?.
k, lai;. LTj "victi oi vaia defendant
Strong, be decree, tr n: .r r
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price 50c.
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf j
.trices reasonable. n-tf.
Stearns andJChenowith, of Oakland,
have received car of Rushford Iron Clad
wagons, car of hack and buggies, car of
Page woven'.wire fence, car of McCor
mick binders andjmowers, car of good
iedar shingles, car of nails, car of best
blacksmith coal, all for sale at the low
est prices, with the best garden plow
$4-00; 5 tooth cultivators, 13.50; tents
and wagon covers, full line steel ranges,
boys' steel wagons; 1900 washer; lin
seed oil 60cents a gallon ; best mixed
paint $1.17 a gallon; Windows and
& .frontdoor. In Kosebwlcountv1
kMT'i nS pnmic auction to the higheat
bidder lor p. a. gold coin, cash in Sana, all
the right, title and Interest the said defendant
Walter tt. Riddle and Fred Kiddle ' hadln tfndto
the above described real property, or anv nart
icSrulnM?' IM eioclo. Stil&t SSd
Dated Boacburg, Oregon, July 2S 1903
Sheriff of Dougla county. Oregon.
One black horse with star on forehead,
two back feet white, will weigh about
1,200 pounds. Strayed from my pasture
about two weeks ago. A. Fraley. 60tf.
For Sale.
Small saw mill and timber. For
particulars address.
Livingston Bros,
(Aprl) Peel, Ore.
Clock for Sale.
A good, up-to-date, shelf clock that
originally cost 8, at a bargain. New
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. W., this office. tf ,
w.r "rrr.,:,..V""a-.V'.,.V ,a.r"aK,'.?'w Edd Strone "l rlPo.V 21? .nn.
,uiun uitM 111 lau.onice nls sworn ami no .Vi f... . .r" . incrcol.
i.',,cS,nt 5;,"r the purchase ol the Strong ".V ' be dc'"at. Eid
Ei SE', SW'. SE'i. SE'i Sm n( uJ. 7.r..J "" t.i have no right, title or in-
ndwillofferprooftoshowtbattholandsonght Thlfitiu f. . i .
s more valuable for ita timber or stonrthVn accclnfto lh2.!J2 ?,rei? V1" hd
for agricnltural purposes, and to establish hla : tiei Tto this anit .nrfTTi1.?0" ot th P1-
claim before the Rejcister and Receiver of thia wiihnni ; 15 7??.L,J!Mt,Uo, not be had
oiHCBoiitoseourg.Oregon. righu that ih V PT n,31cc la ihrt
Konliti. Martin Rasmuascn. and , nTSi, :.V??!?v0J.lae.?r?a Parties, and for such
nelm, of Oshkosb. Wisconsin. i Z,lJX.Z.i.i..' reiiet as to tho court shall
Frank F.
Herman Hartr
te.W.ll;"t JJSI'"! :to".IeJrtheir I afTAiJSr ot the
of lentiUedcour.. kk ""'"."B"0.1 5n?."'r'
time prescribed lu3Xfo?& nubHfoi1
claims In this office on or before said vSth dav
September, 1-J03. J TBRIOUE.
JUjyl6P- Register.
omty Court of Douglas connty, Sute ol
In the matter ot estate
ot (
Martha Woodruff deceased)
Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned
haa been by the County Court of DoiiglaTcoun.
IT' ?re8?ln RpP'n'ed executort of the estate ol
Martha Woodraff deceased. Whereon at" ner'
tons Indebted to the said estate are heiSh.
notified to make Immediate payment to"he
undersigned at their rusidenMloSlM Vail??
precinct, Douglas county. Oregon, and 1 allpef!
sons having claims against the said estate will
present aime verified as by law required with
" lx months from date ot this notice.
Date! Boaeburt;, Oregon, Feb. 14th, 1903.
a6P' E. T. Woonacr!
daJoublYctVonSor WUh ,he &ni
tea this 21st day ot Slay, tXKL.
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 aero farm for ealo five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
ultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
houss barn and other improvement
tor price and terms apply to P. T. Mc
Geo, Myrtle Creek, or D.S. K. Buick,.
Koseburg, Oregon. o.t