The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 06, 1903, Image 5

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Of Local Interest. S
Gould, the new
54 1m.
Dot.'t forget II. S.
Alvin Wood and wife returned Mon
vday evening from Coburg.
A. R. Mattoon, of Kiddle, was iu town
Mr. and Mrs. C. 1
nesday for Eugene.
Barnard left Wed-
H. Wollenberg has pone to San Fran
cisco to see his fanrilv.
Thos. Ward, of Wardton, has gone to
Aberdeen, Washington.
H. S. Gould, the blacksmith, guaran
tiees all his work. 54 lui.
Mrs. S. F. Cobb and children,
Tuesday morning for Bandon.
J. A. Dean,
of Riddle, was in town
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodruff
gone to Berkeley, Calif., to reside.
T. M. Grubbe, of Wilbur, was in town
Hon. Jos. Lyons
-town Tuesday.
of Drain, was in
Mrs. Mote Howe is
her daushter.
in Salem visiting
W. B. Hatnnritt went to Oakland,
Tuesday, on business.
X. Lallaut, of Uatden Valley, was a
Hoseburs: visitor Tuesdav.
Mrs. J. F. Barker and daughter, Veil,
left this morning for Portland.
H. S. Gould, the blacksmith, makes a
speciality ot l.orse-shoeing. o4 lm
Nelson Osmanson lias been visiting at
3Jy-tle Creek for the pan few days.
Health is paraniountto allotherissues,
Get Osteopathic Health. It is pernien
Roy McClallen and family and V. H
Carroll and wife, have returned from
G. W. Pratt, the genial salesman of
the Fairbanks, Morse Co., was in town
this week.
For plain sewing address or call on
Mrs. Howard near depot. 5S-3tp.
J Drain Gardiner l
Mnsic House
of southern ;: COOS BHY STKGE ROUT!
0. C Sethers, of Gleudale, was a busi
ness visitor at this office, Tuesday.
?25.00 Gold or silver will buy a good
Organ or mako a payment on one of our
fine Pianos, pi ices ranging from flSo.OO
to 1 450.00. I have decided to cell my
present stock regardless of cost or profit.
See or write us at once and secure
some of these bargains.
T. K. Ktcii.umso.v.
Roseburg, Oregon.
Fred Gettins and Lew Zigler left this
morning for Rock creek for a two days
Mrs. "W. C. Tipton has gone to North
Bend, Wash., where her mother is
seriouslv ill.
Will Q. Brown, who has been in the
Buffalo Hump Mine, in Idaho, has re
turned home.
Picnic Notice.
The Wilbur Sunday School will have
a picnic at Winchester on August 7,
1903. The program will consist of sing
ing and volunteer speaking. They will
have ice cream for sale. The Winches
ter and Edenbower Sunday Schools ate
invited, and all others that wish to
come. Secretary.
Commencing with Monday, January 20, '02, we will charge $7.50 for
thefare from Drain to Ooos Bay. Baggage allowance with each full faro
60 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 300 pounds or more. All excess baggage, 3 cts. per pound, and no a
lowance will bo made for round trip. DAILY STAGE.
For further information address
J. R. Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
want to bu' a farm
want furnished rooms
want to buy a house
waut to rent a house
want to build a house
want to move a house
Hon. A. E. Ozouf, of Scottsburg, came
up Monday evening, and made this office
a pleasant call.
Jhs. Cobb, who has been employed in
the Lvon Clothing Store, at Portland,
has returned home.
Miss Regina Rast will entertain a
number of young people at a lawn jwrty
this evening at six o'clock.
Mrs. Townsend will leave next Mon
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thackrah, at
their ranch near Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woodin has
gone to Uunsmuir, where Mr. Woodin,
will be holster in the S. P. vards.
John Taylor, an extra operator at
the S. P. depot, has gone to Dallas for a
-short time.
J. H. Sykes, wife and two children
will leave tonight for a two weeks out
ing at Newport.
Duka Linser, the popular salesman of
S. K Sykes hardware store, spent Taes
dav at Oak Creek.
Attorney Louis Barzee and family left
Monday night for Newport, where they
-will spend the summer.
Mrs. Walter Cockran left Monday
night for Newport, where she will spend
few weeks at the seaside."
Miss Bessie Donahue lelt Monday
sight for Hornbrook, California, where
she will remain permanently.
Jacob Noah returned Tuesday morn
ing from Yreka, California, where he
lias been for the past two weeks.
Mrs-.W. H. Jamieson and two sons
and Mrs. Walter Drennan and daughter,
Hazel, will leave tonight for Newport.
Good, household furniture for sale
cheap. Enquire at the old Abraham's
house in Rosebuig. 59-3 wp
W. H. Fisher and family and C. H.
Usher and wife, who has been in Brew
ster for the past two weeks, have re
Mrs. Joe Sheridan and Miss Pearl
Wright left this morning for Newport
and expect to be gone about two week
Mrs. Clara Crowell. of San Francisco,
is here on a visit to her sister Mrs. A
j. itisiev ot mis citv. &ne will remain
indefinitly and the Plaixdealeb hopes
that she will enjoy her visit to Roseburg
New Photographer in Roseburg.
II vou don't know PAT
C' on rr uddn s . . .
F F. pafefeBfSon,
ib4 liuiUUr
J. E. Olive, late of Santa Cruz, Cali
fornia, has purchased the Graves photo
graph gallery and will be pleased to
meet any o: the old patrons of the gallery
and all other needing first-class work.
He is a master photographer and there
fore can euarantee entire satisfaction.
Give him a call and be conviuced. !
For Sale A light dog cart very cheap
at twenty dollars, hnquire ol Kent
& O'Neal, Liveryman. Roseburg. Otp, I
. I
Roseburg Nurseries.
Very choice fruit trees, all leading
varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow New
town Pippin apples a specialty. For
sale at very reasonable prices hy Rose
burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg,
Oregon. 50tf
ELATERITS 1b Mineral Rubber
or Unci It nt.-ccf.SMr to Itl'IM.ACI-: A WOKS-OUT ROOK
Taka the U? ( !.4.:ic : iror r anil irare! n4 a!l trtprfil rtii For flat tin
! ur!acr, u;io'-. t , j i v ui .at Tmtr-J -ra!; r!ml I r-We la oeu.
soM on merit tjuaram't.-i." It j .y lo a-t 'or v1c ana intorrat.ou
XI Ili
li L X I I M XJii
cxcaooocooo coooo -
v' 1-mtdeni, Vi lTciul- -t. Cat P
Douglas County Bank,
EHtobliwlied I883. Incorporated 1901
Thomas Townsend, who has been the
City Reporter for some time past, con
cluded on Tuesdav to take a trip into
the mountains with a surrevinc partv.
He will be gone for about two months.
If he will attend to newsparer work, he
would make a first class editor. We
wish him success at any thing he may
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
going to give you facts. As you read
them over you will know they are facts.
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McConnick Binders,
! Mowers and Rakes are the standard by 1
which all others are gasped. j
It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hfcks;
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines. ;
It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the j
most successful, durable and economical '
wagon on the market. j
It is a fact that the above are all in-1
eluded in the Big 3. You can find them '
at S. K. Sykes,Rosebnrg, Ore.
Capital Stock.. 550,000.00.
A general banking business tranacted, and customers given every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.
Bank open frc jt nine to twelve and from one to three.
CK0XCK0X?C00X000X-0 oooooooooooooooooo
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Eiliott, of Port
land, will arrive in Roseburg this even
ing on their way to the Klamath Hot
Springs. They will remain here until
Saturday morning when they will be
joined by Mrs. H. D. Graves and her
father, I. F. Rice! who will go with
them for the benefit of the latter's
SfiB UI1. 1 i
Deafness Cannot be Cured
Settlers Indignant.
John Townsend is running the dynamo
and pump for the Douglas Electric &
Water Co. in the absence of Fred Fields
-who is away on a bunting and fishing
A horse attached to a White sewing
-wagon ran down Main street and was
bravely stopped by Joe Sykes who made
a daring leap into the buggy and
grabbed the reins.
We want a young man or woman who
is thoroughly acquainted in Roseburg to
Teport items for the Plaindealer. A
salary will be paid to commence with.
Enquire at the office for full particulars.
3Ire. Galey and daughter Ethel, of
Ashland, were passengers on Tuesday
morning's local for Newport where they
will spend the summer. They were
joined here by Miss Mabel Galey.
Misses Regina ' Rast, Agnes Brown,
Ora Mote, Bessie and Anna Wharton,
Messrs Vernon Ramp and Frank Brown,
have returned from their two weeks
-outing at R. L. Cavitt's place above
A merry crowd went down to Dillard
on Monday evening's local returning on
the midnight overland. A very pleas
ant evening-was spent. The party was
as follows: Misses Mabel Galey, Virginia
"Bird, Grace Murray and Jo Byers.
Messrs. Henry Galey, J. E. Olive and
"Forrest Irwin,
Albany, Ore., Aug. 5. The recent
withdrawal of lands in the Lakeview
land district, to create the Warner Re
serve, for the purpose of protecting the
water supply of that section will work
a great hardship on about 400 citizens
of Linn County, it is eaid. On every
hand can be heard the expression of
dissatisfaction and disapproval over the
action of the Interior Department in
taking advantage of innocent and un
suspecting purchasers of timber land.
Should the withdrawal be permanent,
many citizens of Albany and vicinity
will be injured thereby to a -ery great
extent. Our citizens generally took this
land in good faith, and many, in fact
almost all, have made final proof and
paid the Government their market
price, amounting to almost f600 per
claim. Tonight indignation meetings
will be filed by those interested against
the step taken.
by local applications as they car.not
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un
less the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out often caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but and in
flamed condition of the mucous services.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured oy Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Ciieney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall, s Family Pills are the best.
; p.
LiVePij, Feed and Sale fables
C. P. Babxabd, Prop.
Saddle Morses. Single and
Double Rigs at all hours
Transient Stock gven
very bet of care
Rates always reasonable
Notice to Architects and Contractors.
The directors of School Dist. No. 4, of
Roseburg, Oregon, will receive plans,
specifications and approximate cost for
a 10 room school building on Aug. 20
1903. Al! plans to be in the hands of
the clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon of
said date. The board reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all plans so
submitted. No plans paid for unless ac
cepted. By order of board of directors
59-a20. Clara Dillard, Clerk.
L. O. T. M. Attention.
There will be a caljed meeting of the
L. O. T. M's. tomorrow, Aug. 7th, at
2:30 o'clock. A full attendance is de
sired as there is business of importance.
By order of Lady Commander.
Board of Equalization Notice.
J. M. Weatherby
T. A. Bury
D. L. MarL'n
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought aud Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper
ty with us.
Notice is hereby given that the Brnrl
of Equalization of Douglas county, Oi
gon, will meet in the office of the county
clerk of said county, in the court house,
in the city ol Roseburg, Oregon, on Mon
day, August 31 , 1903, at 9 :00 o'clock a.
m., and will continue in session until
Saturday, September 5 at 5 :00 o'clock 1
p. m., to publicly examine the assess
ment rolls, and correct all errors in val
uation, description or qualities of land,
lots, or other property. Now, therefore,
all parties who may be aggrieved by
reason of valuation, description or other
wise as to their assessment, will take
notice of the meeting of said Board of
Equalization at the time and place as
above stated, and make their complaint
to said Board of Equalization. Other
wise their assessment will stand as
made by the assessor.
Geo. W. Stalky,
Assessor, Douelas County, Oregon.
Dated August 3rd, 1903. 4wka
wbbbi mm a igy
20 tiers oak stove wood, SO tiers grub
blockwood. D. S. K. Buick 48tf.
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For rates, folders and rther
formation, address
V. C. AIcBRIDB, Oen'1 Agent,
la4 Third Street, Portland, Ore.