The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 06, 1903, Image 2

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ployed ami killed and dissected by tliu
third day over 100 chicks. Of all the
Ttta First of its Kind Etnbithcd in f00js experimented with bread soften-
tno Mate or jiiNonri. wUb swcfit m,j,. doars tU(J cropf
H. a Fairbanks and D. V. Tratt. two gizzflni aud starts the chicks growing
St Loulsans, have purchased a tract oi tuc quickest"
lana at .rnciiic, .110.. a snian town tmr-ty-seven
miles west of St Louis, for
the purpose of establishing a squab aud
poultry farm. The raising of squabs
for the market is a new industry in
Missouri and promises to be a lucrative
The owners of the Hillside Squab and
Poultry farm have entered into tha
business with the determination of
making it the finest farm of the kind in
the world. The entire management of
the farm is in the hands of Mr. Fair
banks, who has a thorough knowledge
cf breeding pigeons and poultry.
With this end In view two pjgeon
houses fourteen feet high, thirty-two
Start AVItli Good lllrdx.
A few extra good birds for the foun- j
dation stock Is far better than twice i
the same number of ordinary ones. A
good beginning is the "short cut" to j
success. Life is too short to breed I
from inferior birds. It may be cheap !
at the beginning, but expensive in the
end. American Poultry Advocate.
The Kind
of - -
now It May lie Uned AtlvmitfiReons
lr by the Poultry Stan.
Within the past few years the outfit ;
t i ,i yw' -m i, of le Poultry man has been enlarged !
been built and eight more are under h? the addition of the trap nest As j
construction. In the Interior and around 10 lne practical vaiue 01 mese nesis
the walls the nesting boxes are built there is a wide difference of opinion, j
each one numbered, so that a record Ou the one hand they are enthusiastic- j
can be kept Two nests are allotted to ally advocated; on tlie other they are 1
scornfully condemned. The trap nest
weds a judicial appraisal. It lias been
each pair of birds.
In one nest is placed a "nappy,"
earthenware bowl about nine inches in unfortunate i:i both its eiwiuies ami '
to bo used is very much a
matter of taste. It is iinjMjrt
ant, though, that the frames
set properly on the nose, and
at the right distance from
the eyes. That the lenses
be perfectly centered, and
how are you to know when
some one is guessing.
GIassesght, Good Sight,
diameter and about two and a half
Inches deep, in which the eggs are laid. .
ivo friends. Many of thoso who have
ridiculed it have never tried it. and
All Colored Summer
Goods Reduced to
We must maKe room for New Goods
The other nest is reserved for the tbee who have advocated it have too
young squabs until they are market
able or able to take care of themselves.
Around and over the breeding house1
often been those who are interested in
It in a financial way.
The principle on which the invention
Is built the flying pen. extending six- res'.s is that of the influence of herod-
teen feet on all sides. In this are placed
automatic feeding boxes and water
troughs. A pigeon house of this slza
will accommodate eighty-six pairs of
birds. There are about 400 on the farm
at present It is estimated that from
ity. It is a fact well known to all
brooders of animals that desirable
traits may be transmitted, and by care
ful mating a strain may be perma
nently established.
It is a mntter of common knowledge j
is t repared to wait upon old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of 4
one pair of pigeons twenty-two squabs tbptlnae poultry work! some of the
axe hatched each year. n.ost popular breeds of today have j
From the time the eggs are laid, two been made within a comparatively .
being taeumber, they are constantly recent time by the combination of indi- 1
covered, the male bird performing a viduals of different varieties. It would .
share of this service, until the squabs , seem almost axiomatic, therefore, that
are hatched. r- if one wishes to establish a heavy lay-
Here is a calculation showing how it ' lag strain he must breed only from
Is possible for pigeons to multiply: heavy layers. And yet in actual prac
Starting with 12 pairs of birds at the tice this has not been found to work,
end of the first month, 24 squabs were The daughter of the heavy layer has
hatched; second month, 4S squabs not been able tn equal her mother's
hatched; third month, 72 squabs record. Indeed it has not been uncom
hatched; fourth month, 9G squabs mon for egg production to fall off year
hatched; fifth month. 120 squabs after year and for the descendants of
hatched. At this time the first month's the phenomenal layer never to strike a
squabs were old enough to mate. Sixth rpry high mark in egg production.
All fresh and of the very lxet
qualitv. Tea aad coffees are ?
spwialtios Your patronage (J
solicited. p
305 Jackson St., Roseburg
month. 1GS squabs hatched; seventh
month. 330
month, 456
What is the reason for this? Science
!40 squabs hatched; eighth tells us. One of the greatest authori-
squabs hatched; ninth' tls in biology is Adolph Weismann.
squabs hatched; tenth It was given to Weismann to complete
month. COO squabs hatched; eleventh ' tl)e theory of heredity by pointing out
month. IK squabs hatched twelfth that acquired characters cannot be
monthTOOsquabThatchedl St Louis ! transmitted. Only characters that are
Post-Dispatch. I constitutional, congenial or germinal
care or Tonne CWefc. i -
. To prevent droopy chicks set hens In' io 50 because the condition j
clean nests in a clean apartment Dust are exccpuona.ij iaurau..- uuu i w
the hen well with insect powder after rause sbe mes from a strain
the has set a week. Grease the head of established in egg production. Proba
each chick as soon as hatched with bl-v shc was batched out early and got
sweet oil or lard, and no danger from nnder torv the cold weath
head lice need be feared. Put the hens er came on. The ration she has rc
with chicks In a clean box or house. A. beeu e11 balanced for egg
new barrel under a bush Is much better production. She has been kept in com
than an old box or coop that has a bus- fort and dven Just riSht amount of
picion of mites or lice. Feed often, just , exercise. As a consequence she has re
us they will eat; don't leave any to! sanded with a big output But the
sour. If milk Is fed. use It warm to mix ; CSZ laying babit Is not sufficiently es
mcal or soften bread or cracker. Milk, tabllshed In her to make her an excep
sweet or sour. Is not good for food fori tionally valuable bird to breed from.
xixe cnances are mai uer vso3
i can be handed down.
The hen that breaks the record thi
Cor. Washington
and JIain Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
hungry chlpks, as they gorge them
selves and soli their plumage with It
When used constantly like water for a
Qrfat it Is good. Slop of any kind Is not
"St food ?of fowls. The very best food
The Jlew-Vuru Life
TIic public Is hereby cautioned
ncalitMt doltijr baHlnemi wltu the
nbove concern. It li ni a faculty
ofdcad-toentlnfr ItHjuMi bum nnd
Jinj- compnnjr clolrnr ho will bent
its patron If It kcin n chnorc
This company Is repreHcntcd by t
W. J. JIoou, Agent. j
Ronebunc Ore 'f
Of j'our life if you buy a bugpv, hack or road wagon before
3ou inspect our stock of Join r i-rc vehicles.
We Are After You
Haven't missed a sale since c; r arrived. Finest line of
spring goods ever brought to tlio'.
Title Guaranteed: Loan U).
I. U. Uxk:lto!.
Secy, and Tru
OCce In the CocrtHocw;. Ilir the onlj- com
Iletet ot bf tract book in Oocelai Coumj
AUtracti and Ccra&catn ot Title (arniiheO la
DoaIaJi rnanty land anl alnlDK claim. UaTe
ao a complete et of Tndnt o all tochtp
plaU In the Botebarg. Orecon. C. S. Lan d Din
trlct. Will make bine print copies of any Iowa
i hip
stow low fertility, and the few chicks
atched from them will not be even or- J
dlnary layers.
If the phenomenal layer Is unable to
- t ha L rrr id transmit her qualities to her offspring,
bread crumbs, corn bread, oatmeal and ' of hat use then. Is the trap est? Is
cooked potatoes, all dry. not wet. Feed , "not a te of ploy 1M
often and let them have a grass run! T"1 v,a,Ineof S
when dry. After the first week mixed that it enab es us to breed from the
meal and table scraps may be f ed. As phenomenal layers but that 1 enables
soon as whole wheat and broken corn' s l
can be handled by them feed this at) oncs- traP Z SZ
night A variety of food is good. Al-! surprising revelations, t has shown
ways remember the gizzard Is not to-J s that lnhoTm v, Zre
tended to grind slop, and you will have ns re Jayins 200 eggs a year there
healthy fowls.-CommercIal Poultry. otKh1er,hcfnfs, T" ,r
J The object of the trap nest box Is to set
if? I ion.
Of everv descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
rid of the thirty cgi
There is a great deal of humbug, too.
about the use of the trap nest. I have
visited plant after plant where the
owner claimed to use it, and in not
one case did I find the nest in opera
tion. It was either out of order or it
4ir tviti enn enn nf i Vffl T fir
will agree that stog In a house at Smi the practical poultry
man can make use of the trap nest to a
Turkeys In Texas.
An open shed to roost in in severe
winter weather Is as much confine
ment as turkeys should ever be sub
jected to. In fact. It Is doubted wheth
er In this latitude even that much pro
tection is beneficial. All turkey raisers
any time in the year is injurious,
Toung turkeys confined as chickens ,
should be are almost certain to contract '
roup or some other catarrhal ailment,
and such diseases are generally fatal.
Turkeys with ample range, with good!
forest trees to roost among, are rarely 1
subject to any disease. Natural condi
tions are best Chickens have been do-1
limited extent to good advantage. Ed
gar Warren in American Poultry Jour-nal.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
all vaCant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings. Special designs for Office Hxtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
oj diem.
To open an oyster the force required
mesticated for so many centuries that .
, . , . , . of the sncll-less creature,
their natural requirements have been
abolished, but not so with turkeys.
The closer nature can be imitated the
better for these birds. Dallas Farm
and Ranch.
Bread and 9II1U For Chicks.
Mr. Charles A. Cyphers, who has!
made many experiments in the feeding
of little chicks, writes as follows:
Venetian Gondolas.
Venetian gondolas are black, in con
sequence of a law passed 500 years ago
compelling uniformity of color. It was
passed to restrain the extravagance of
ornamentation then prevailing.
, Siramp Trees.
i A bntnnlcnl oxnort calls attention to
"Without an exception bread and fact that ccrtaln kinds of trees
eweet milk make the best food for a 1 ln swampgi not so much because
day or two if not for the first two they 1ke sucu gojif DUt because in the
weeks. At the time of exclusion the competition with others they have been
crop, gizzard and Intestines are filled relegated to such unfavorable sur
irith uric add and other excretions, of rounding an,i been obliged to accom
which they should be cleaned. ' I have ; modate themselves to tbm.
fed on. nearly over? food usually em-
The Created Farm I'aper of the Korlh
vest. lMibllheil weeklv at Salem Ore
con. Hdlted by th Farmers ot the
Z Northwest. Twenty I'afte. IlIuMratcil.
5 Paptrs lor Si oo. Ls thn act each
l'uhllcfttlon Wan March I, 1900. ow
has 0,100 hubscrlWra. l'henomcnnl srowth
is due to 1U belug tho best farm liaper pub
$2.75 A YEAR.
We Want Yonr Patronage
and as an inducement we offer U. S. P.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
Jackson Street, - - Roseburg, Oregon
(Dttely with the government jpwtniphical ni jploiel enrwy o( Brmail,
bouth America.)
United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor.
QllUeoverrostoffice. nOSEBUflG, OnHGOf4. CorpondencaoUcitct
ouy Your Watches H I !
. . and Clocks at . MiSIHn
Buy'Ybur'Jfcwelry and Silverware at oalzsuan's