The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 06, 1903, Image 1

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No. 59
j Zola might work out and that is, the MTU DflDr
body had been placed there and the II L VV I U I L
carbolic acid poured down the throat,
as the head was elevated above the
bod- which was in a depression about
one foot deep in the sand. There
are, however, other difficulties in the
way of the theory for it is said that
a passenger, at about six o'clock, as
the Tuesday evening's train went
south, saw a woman's body beside the
track and notified the conductor
when the train was nearing Grants
On Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock
the engineer on the south bound over
land, when about one-fourth of a mile
south of the dam on the South Ump
qua river at Roseburg, saw the body
of a woman lying in the sand below
the track. The train was stopped
and the conductor notified an em
ployee of the S
:Pass. Another person says that the THE NEW POPE TAKES THETITLE
; dead girl and a companion were seen
near the spot where the body was1 OF POPE PIOUS
j iound at o o clock on Tuesday after- j TEHTH
uuuu. .-iHumer savs mat n s.iw t h
dead girl pass a certain business
house in Roseburg at about S:30 on
Tuesday evening. Perhaps the cor-j
oner's inquest may help unravel the i
tangled reports.
Cardinal Sarto was on Tuesday
morning elected Pope, and assumed
the title of Pius X. The new Pope
The Plaixdealer does not t:rfnr; WB ,
to cast any reflections in redwing , greatest excitment. he pronounced
this r1 affair. Tha mvi fi luat l "eaicuon. jiany
P. Company who . known and there could have been no I thonds.f the historic scene
auu oijjumeu meir aDnrovni ot thd
ficer and the rattle wherewith t) .
troops brought their discs to pre -en i
ri rnn-r-r i Cardinal Macchi read the preamble.
LLLU I til ! the people below being scarcely able
to sustain themselves until he reached
I the word "Sarto," when a terrific roar
went up. Those out of hearing of the
cardinal s voice joined in the acclama
tion, and the whole square became
one mass of men and women throwing
hats in the air, shouting and cheering
at the top of their voices,
Vainly the cardinal waved his hand
for silence. The long-pent-up feelings
of those who had watched the suraata
for four days now found an outlet,
and for some minutes thev could not
be suppressed. Finally it was quiet
enough for Cardinal Macchi to
proceed and say that the new Pontiff
had taken then the name of Pius X.
Then with a blessing on the throng,
the cardinal disappeared from the
window, and the attendants quickly
drew up the banner.
lived near. The news was at once i excuse for
n ran. 1
telephoned to the southern Pacific The only theorr along this line that
uepos ana a young man went imme
diately to the place where the corpse
lay. He told the editor that he found
it as though the woman had been laid
there in a depression; the hat was on
the head and the dress and body in
dicated peaceful repose, only one of
the limbs was slightly drawn up and
the hands were folded over the
breast There wa3 not the slightest
evidence of struggle in any manner.
He said that both sides of the head
in front of the ears and also the wo
man s throat had the appearance of
being bruised. A corked bottle con
taining carbolic acid was found about
25 feet from the body. The acid was
red, showing that it had been exposed
to the light for at least a month.
Dr. Twitchell, on being notified,
dered the body to be taken to Ham
mitfs undertaking establishment
where it was identified as that of Ida
Page, 18 years old, the daughter of
Hr. and Mrs. B. F. Page, who reside
in Xorth Roseburg. Drs. Fisher,
Twitchell and DuGas examined the
body and upon opening it found the
evidence of carbolic acid in the
stomach, throat, back part of the
mouth and a possible speck on the up
per Up and with this investigation the
undertaker took charge of the corpse
and removed all traces of bruises or
blood settling from the face. A cor
oner's inquest was ordered to be held
at the court house at 10 o'clock on
Thursday morning.
sucn are tne facts in the case
i i t - ...
coum De considered would be a mar
ried man who was afraid of trouble
in his family, and if the girl's body
was seen at six o'clock by a south
their approval
choice of the cardinals by tumultuous
The usual large crowd assembled
before St. Peter's at about 10:30 A.
M. to await the rising of the smoke
bound passenger, this would disprove ' nf - x-.C 5- .
the theorv tit .rrM U . of stood in the blistering
j j , , , , I sun, which seemed hotter than ever
dered her because he would not be'' i j V, , ,
ant to be in snri, a mi ; """"u" were oiocKeawitn peo-
r " nlo hn r i !
uvu. xiic uiuc nuai marrieu men , i j ,
u. -1 i x ' -uu'" swfiey escape irom ine severe
go walking with young girls is late in 1 i.
iv. , ... . .ueau
me evening or eany nignt. Then
No Sraokc Is Seen.
Mad Scramble for St. Peter's.
voa, and still no
iWhen the-bells
Minutes passed
smoke was seen..
sounded half-past eleven the ministers
;and others left their carrinras .H
joined the watchers on the steps of
the Basilica. Inside St. Peter's many
auo were waiting, and the suspense
again if the body was seen where it
was found by a south bound passen-
... . -
i ger it is passing strange that it was!
not seen by the number of persons
who walk down the track every after
noon and evening, or by the numer
ous railroad crews running by the ',
'corps. Whatever war we look at I
0r"ith rasp- rnrhnlie niUJ.
, -, UVIU Ml I , .
murder the case is confronted withi gnt inousana3 mnning irom near
difficulties. Whatever may be the!by streets' the dek-v on the fourth
verdict a large number of the citizens i mominS of the conclave being inter-
i of Rosebvrg will believe that it is a ! preted t0 mean that 3 deciS!on at
icase of murder while others will be-length been reached- The troops
! lieve it to be suicide. ! spread tnemselTes across the square,
' t,q r, i. , and nervous anticipation possessed
Ine coroners jury, which was em- tx. tI , , ,
inannellth?, mn, WOTf ' them alL Hundreds of sannise passed
ii , . , , , ' , . from mouth to mouth. Minutes seem
the ground thoroughly and after due - ri . . i ,
rWnHnn fnni 4 a : ftd hke hours- St. Peter's boomed out
tA SZ: u::r,,u the threenartew of the
j h ! there was still no sign
Japanese Superstition.
hour, and
A second
' later the great central window of St.
j Peters, facing the piazza, swung open
' slowly. A loud shout aro.e and all
j rushed madly towards the cathedral.
A special from Vancouver, B.C., of I At the open window half a dozen
Tuesday's date says: superstitious , Vatican attendants appeared.
Jananesft harp n nonliof moiU fi o..jj i.. n i i. i .1
uuui uc uie lauts in ine case asi unmuu uii ouuueim mere oroKe out into tne
they appear on the surface, but these j 10catmS a corpse of a drowned person fierce sunlight a gorgeous banner,
facts only mystifv the case and cause l" Im 0h-ng tne aid 01 a rooster. The -bearing the cardinal's arms. Rein-
a suspicion of murder to come to the j rooster when liberated, is supposed forcements of troops crossed the
surface for the action of carbolic acid!0 "gnt m the water above the exact piazza at the double. They closed
when taken into the system alwavs i sp01 wnere tne corPse is. their ranks and held back manv who
Those below made a rush to iro into
St. Peters, and a mad scramble re
sulted for the Basilica. ThoTind:
moved toward the four huge doors.
and, in spite of their width, a desper
ate jam occurred in which the women
narrowly escaped injury. Like a
roaring wave, the people swept into
St Peter's.
The crowd swept into St, Peter's,
still cheering and waving hats. Pan
demonium reigned. Those alreadv
standing in a good position to see the
gallery window, where Pius X was
momentarily expected to appear, were
hurled back to the further end of the
nave by the irresistible impact of
those seeking entrance.
"Pope Pius" and "Sarto" were the
cries which could be faintly heard
above the dm that was raging from
end to end of the historic cathedral.
The attendants at the gallery window
who hung out the same banner as
previously displayed from the window
in front now hastily drew it up.
With every sign of excitement, thev
motioned the crowd to go back to the
steps of St. Peter.3. A great cry
Blesses Crowd Outside Basilica.
produces paroxvsms of intense nnin 1 There was
instantly, and the suicide taking car- i near 'anairno.
bolic acid to destroy life struggles
with the most intense agony until the
muscles become intensely rigid. The
writer has seen three women who
took the carbolic acid route and in
each case the intense asronv caused
a Japanese drowned
Every attempt
strained every nerve to get close to
the window.
I J J. 3 xt-t-J1. . T-l ? 1
uuwie to nnu ine Doay, due m vain. r or a minute or more none knew to
Early the next morning, just as dawn which cardinal belonged the arms so
was breaking, three Japanese alighted significantly displayed. Then the
from a buggy, carrying a slatted box, rumor arose that they were Sarto's,
which contained a rooster. They bit few persons were absolutely sure
went to the edge of the river, took of their identity. Five hundred tronns
v ,
the poor dupe to tear off the clothing 1 0Qt a rooster and threw him high in ' J'ned up around the top of St. Peter's
frOm Tm fTirnof VtT-ni cf in A 1 tllP Sir. TT llf. nrt f lin mqafnAn. ' Qf rtflQ tlllla rKl-ldinir fVin irrant
from the throat, breast and stomach
in an effort to relieve the pains of a
burning self torturing hell. But here
in this girl's case we have nothing but
sweet repose and the evidence of a
peaceful, painless death, without even
the rigor or struggle of death. The
finding of the bottle some distance
away from the body proves conclu
sively that instantaneous death did
not result through paralysis of the
heart. The orderly manner of the
body disproves such theory. There
is a theory, however, which an Emile
-J !
the air. He lit on the water near the .' steps, thus dividing the great crowd.
shore below the falls. The Japanese , which was increasing every moment,
hurried across and found the corpse
in three feet of water just where the
rooster had lit.
Sprouting a Fourth Tall.
The astronomers at the Yale obser
vatory have just made photographs of
Borelli's comet, showing faint indica
tions of the presence of a fourth
into three sections.
Macchi Announces Election.
The tension was soon relieved.
Cardinal Macchi, in his cardinal robe3,
carrying a large red book, and pre
ceded by a glittering cross, appeared
at the window. A wild shout went up.
Cardinal Macchi waved both hands for
silence. In a second a solumn hush
Those who a few moments ajro were
fighting their way into the cathedral
now struggled with redoubled energy
to get out. It was the climax of the
excitement the new Pope was troinc-
to bless the world from the out
side of the Basilica, which had been
A r 1 1 . .
uuue tor uveniy-gve years and in a
cool, at first trembling, but
gradually becoming full and firm, voice,
administered the Papal blessing to all
the members of the Sacred College.
It was received with bowed and un
covered heads.
The fisherman's ring not yet having
been found, a new one designed by
Camerlingo Oreglia was placed on the
Pontiff's finger as a symbol of renewed
hope and evidence that the Catholic
Church has once more a sovereign
head. Sarto bore himself with be
coming dignity, and gave no ontward
sign of exultation in this, the supreme
moment of his life.
Labor Union Against Negros.
taiL Frevieus observance showed fell on the scene, broken only by a
only three. I sharp word of command from an of-
A race war is feared at Bartlesville,
I. T. White union men became an
gered at the action of George Keeler.
a wealthy ranchman, in employing
negroes to dig a cellar, and organiz
ing themselves into a vigilance com
mittee, notified all negroes in Bartles
ville to vacate the town under pain of
In our last issue we stated that the
taxpayers of Roseburg and vicinity
had voted to bond the district for
$20,000 with which to erect a new
school building. On Tuesdav it was
discovered that the law had not been
followed in every particular and the
voting will have to be done over again.
For the benfit of the school dis
tricts of Douglas county, we give a
synopsis of the law now governing
the issuance of school bonds, which 13
as follows:
Before the legal voters, present at
any legally called school meeting,
shall authorize the directors of such
school district to make a loan, borrow
money, or refund any existing indebt
edness created by a vote of the elect
ors, or by the directors, in pursuance
of any statute, and to issue bonds
therefor, they shall decide by ballot,
and by a majority of all legal voters
present, whether the bonds, if author
ized to be issued, shall be negotiated
and sold according to the provisions
of subdivision G of section 33S9 of
Bellinger and Cotton's Annotated
Codes and Statutes of the State of
Oregon, or the provisions of subdivi
sions 31 of said section, and the same
shall be negotiated and sold under
the provisions of the subdivision so
selected by said legal voters.
(Session Law 1903, paces 331-
Subdivision 6 of the B. &. C. Code
referred to, provides that when a
school district of this state shall bor
row money, the bona fide resident
citizens of such district shall have a
right to subscribe for such loan, and
it shall be the duty of the board of
directors to publish the amount of
such loan, the number of years the
same shall run, and the rate of inter
est, and each bona finde resident of
such district shall have the right to
subscribe once for said loan for the
entire amount or for any portion of
the same, not less than fifty dollars
at par value, and in placing the loan
the directors shall issue the same,
whether it be notes, warrants or
bonds of the district, to the smallest
subscriber or subscribers first, one
note, warrant or bond to each such
subscriber, upon payment therefor.
until the entire loan has been placed:
subdivisions 31 of the B. & &
Code provides among other things,
that all bonds issued under that act
shall be issued'to the county treasurer
and be registerediby him in a book
kept for thatf purpose in his office.
The county treasurer shall sell such
bonds for the best price obtainable
and hold the proceeds subject to the
order of the board of directors.
Said bonds can not be sold below par.
The principal and interest oCsuch
bond3 suall be payable at the'office of
the county treasurer in which thedis-
tnct may be situated, or at any such
Continued on Page 4.