The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 03, 1903, Image 8

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    Johnnie Get Your Gun.
Simple Arrangement For Telling
tlie Aire or as Esc.
A German genius says he has dlscov
sred a method by which he can tell the
ige of an egg up to five weeks from the
time of laying. Indicating not only
whether the egg is fit to eat or not, but
rlso testing eggs for hatching purposes
much more accurately than can now be
done by the candling method. Here
with Is given an illustration of the sim
ple apparatus which he uses and also
the complete formula for the liquid In
Today articles have been
handed in for publication for and acuinst
the Adventist faith. Now while the
great moral and religious I'lajndealuk
is willing to give some space toany cause,
we remember that it was a Methodist
preacher who during the discussion of
the attempted passage of the "force hill"
advised the Reverend Bennett and the
Editor to get guns and shoot it out. If
we published all that has been brought
into this otlice for the past month, guns
which the tests are made, as given In would not settlethe strife.
the patent papers filed in this country. Ti .-. .- ,.
The liquid ought to be of about Sss' " f ,neet,nf ' ? ' "T""0
specific weight and is composed of one l?kl m thti-'rov?. est from
liter of water, twenty-five grams of or-! the rallroad P0'
dinary salt, eighty-five grams of glycer-! t, ....
In of about 2S degrees B. and one - "nuerly went to Eugene yester
gram of concentrated salicylic alcohol. tla" to relun a few days.
G. S. Stirtan, the White sewing ma
chine agent, will leave tomorrow morn
ing for a tour of Coos Count v.
Co. D to Resume itsDrills.
Annual Encampment of the Oergon
National Guard having bwi ordered
fcr Sept. 3 to 12th inclusive, all mem
bers of Co. D 1st Separate Battalion are .
hereby ordered to report tat their Arm
ory Thursday evening, August Oth at S
o'clock for drill. , By order of
F. B. Hamlin.
P. A. Webb, Capt. Co. D.
1st Sgt.
and if our SPRING and SUMMER
Line is uot better thaii any other, dou't buy
from us. We are showing this season the V
Latest Styles in
Silk Oause Novelties, Soie Jouree, Silk
7nhvr Pnrtnrl rUt,Um.. A
I . T
woveuies, rancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Af ton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
SRirts-- t StyLXupSkirt8in town-anJ w lineof ot
Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing; Embodies man- pn feature that win ,-n
Highest to the Lowest grade is in everv ease finelv milor,,. -vou- ,Te clothing that we sell from the
with confidence even though our KlltlS, tT lt
and up-tcMlate line of Indies' and Gent's Neckwear. ' on Jhop'TJ 2" .
zoic Agents for the V. L. Douglas Shoo
About the Court House.
A fresh egg, it Is stated, will go to tho
bottom of this mixture and lie there. In
an almost horizontal position. An egg
from three to five days old -will be at
an angle of about twenty degrees; an
eight-day-old egg -will describe an an
gle of forty-five degrees; a fourteen day !
eSS. . and a three week A marriage license was issued this
egg Trill take a position corresponding; week t0 JG- d l
to seventy-five degrees. An egg four v;,.hl l
weeks old will stand upright on Its
pointed end; an egg of five weeks will In the matter of the estate of W. W.
be suspended In the liquid, and an egg , Black well, deceased, Jessie Blackwell
beyond that age or a foul egg will swim , wag appointed administratrix, and J
on or near the surface of the liquid. M. Weatherby, E. E. Weatherbv ami
If these statements prove true this David Martin, appiaisers.
omaiua nui 1'lun; iu uc useful IOT
cooking, preserving, hatching and aH
other purposes. The glass face of the
containing vessel Is graduated to Indi
cate the above mentioned degree.
The People's Store
Tonlouc Geese.
The large gray or Toulouse goose had
Its origin In southern France and takes
its name from the French town f the
same name. It Is said to have beex
bred up from the old time gray goose to
meet the demand for a large goose,
from which pate de fole gras Is mad,,
the principal part of which Is goon
livers potted with truffles. This goosa,
taken from France to England, was
not so well formed or colored as now.
'The regular beauty of feather Is the re
sult of English breeding for feather
"fetid form. Toulouse geese are moM
prolific layers than the Embdens. Socvt 1
of them will lay as many as forty or
fifty eggs before showing a desire to sH.
With us the Embden and TouIoum
are about" the same size. The Embda
has the longer legs and no Inclination'
for the rear part of the body to touch
the ground, while in the Toulouse the'
rear of the body should almost if not
quite touch the ground. The Touloas ,
should have the dewlap; the Embden"
6hould not have It. The Touiotwn
should have what Is called keel or
hanging down between the legs; this fa '
not or should not be so with the Emb
den. Our standard is the same for both
as to body, but this Is not fully proper,
4 V SSggsgg
Oakland Owl Hoots. -rn'issKs
Otae hundred pounds of good milk
oosate about 87 pounds of water, 4
of fat. 5 pounds of milk sugar, (Company," of whom
Uncle Will Thompson and Mi's Ro-e
Emmitt of Coles Valley are in the city.
Martin Bailey expects toretumtoaj
hospital in Portland and submit to
another operation in the near Juiure. j
Dr. Gilmour and J. R. Sutherlin,.
acccompanied by their hopeful sons, ar-!
ried from the North Uninqua the first 1
of the week.
E. HarUock is building a new ware
house in the rear of Beckley Brothers
new brick. This firm is determined to
have all the latest and best improvements.
i A few days ago panthers killed six
Igoats for Cail Ohme near Rice Hill. A
i few sheep were also killed in the same
, neighborhood by perhaps the same wild
i animals.
C. W. Vail, local agent of the "Scotch
William MacMas-
Bring Us Your
J.F. Barker & Co.
, M 1 l .t 4 '
-tontbs pound of mineral matter I ,, ... . ., . , ' . . '
mats. These constituents Tary be-. , . C... n....., ..
wldA limits Th tnt1 nf ucu U1 lururllanu uunng wie
mat may be as low as 10 or as high t week Tbese catt,e have beeu kipton -
a IS .parts In 100. The fat varies in ! wnal ls "own as me cnenoneth t'ark
qatatttr more than any other part of range, owned by this company the past j
B mat, running as low as 2 parts is ! year.
ted as high as 7. The larger the j Miss Ellen Prior closed a successful .
jwfMTtfoa of fat the richer the milk. , term 0f school in district 126 last Fridav. ;
A very enjoyable entertainment
iCoat of the states and many cities
a local standard for tiff compost-
On of milk, and any falling below this
tawrtrd Is legally regarded as adul
tePftfrd, although it may be, in fact,
b pre natural product. The laws
aaflr require 3 or 3 per cent of fat
given in the evening which was well at
tended, there being the very best ofi
! orJer.
J Accompanied by Mrs. S. J. Sutherlin j
land children of Roseburg, Miss Bessie i
7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woolley's
for in the truly formed specimens the
body of the Embden should be shaped, value to mllk.-Farmers
uiura iiiiu a rocser or nan moon, wnue i
the Toulouse Is full and inclined to-! ActlTe oleo 3talsr.
ward the ground. j dairyman who thinks that the
I ok makers are going to stop coloring
A Little "Warning. ' jji rrithont mnl-lnf n rlrnrnno -it.
many forms of la- j xkos to find a method Hint th? Inw
wiil not forbid Is very much mistaken,
soys Hoard's Dairyman. Ever since
tfao law was passed all the sklM of
sesae of the best chemists 'in the couc
j trj has been at work on the question
i of finding a natural color for oleo. At
9 or 9 per cent of "solids not jGrubbe is enjoying a vacation at Bandon.
Z. L. Dimmick and family started to
the coast Friday morning for a months'
Many friends will be pleased to learn
Miss May Fawcettis gaining strength
and is able to walk with the aid of
Tbe "total solids" required thus
from 12 to 13 per cent, according
to different laws, which means, of
oajBe. tfcat,ln every 100 pounds of
Edlfc there must be 12 or 13 pounds ol
wdtSA matter. These legal requirements
mo Justified by the fact that lt Is the
olid matter and not the water which
Jack Frost kills many forms of la
sect life, but will not kill hen-lice.
Many people think, as I did. that aft
er a coop has stood 'out empty and has
been frozen all winter lt is all right to
put chicks into It In the spring.
I fixed n eounle of ctipH noons ten mr I
wife to set hens in a few days ago and
remonstrated with her for wasting oil
the way she was doing fairly satnrat-
eos time palm oil seemed to furnish
what was. wanted and a color that the
analyst could Jiot Identify. But what
lo"13' .tP' boSon? 5nddM- i chemist puts together another one
JOU is 13 cents-a gajon." I said. pnJ, apart, aad a method
"Buckeye eggs are $5 a sitting." sae rf atjmg the paim 0 lov ia
a3ere1- . I bsQ founfl, and the successful mW
. "xnose coops are au right without ! hr.
It," I insisted.
"Come and see," she replied.
And, say, I was never so surprised in
my life as to see thousands of mites
crawling out of the cracks of one of
those immaculate coops; white, thin
and small, like dust, but so lively, and
probably hungry.
So now I sound this little warning
to others who may, like myself, have
more faith in Jack Frost than he re&lrjr
Lamp oil is cheaper than chickens,
anyway. Frank Metcalf la Commer
cial' Pool try.
Sun the Dnrt.
Dost boxes, or dust whether in boxes
or not, should be kept in the srmfor
bens like them better thus. Hens -always
wallow in the sunshine if the?
can find a suitable place 'for this func
tion. A dust box need not however,
be out in the rain, but max be under a
roof, bnt where the sun can. skine la k
for at least part of the day.
la tko distance.
Myrtle Creek Mail News.
The j- Caa't Lasch.
As Indianapolis doctor is authority
for a storr of a family named Ttnsley,
wioae members as well as their an
cestors have .never been abletojaugh
p&nco a clergyman cursed- a Tlnsley for
ill timed merriment at the hanging of
a'tUef in Oliver Cromwell's day.
S-arglcKl Initrtimenta.
Stuttgart 4iaB a surgical instrument
factory which produces over 20,000
dJXacent lnstrume&bj for human and
BiAel sorgery.
rhe Ftrt Good rldATk
Eeecarchcs conducted, by Professor
Haa Acbells .of Eonlgsberg on the
baqls cC a series of most exact calcn-
Hons nt&Se by the Royal Astronomic
aislastltatelB. Berlla .have established
wftti wet seems to be a high degree
f IrfstorfcaL accuracy the fact that the
fcte f e crpclflxlon was April's, la
Jhrwr5W. '- -
NoblejAndrews and family have gone I
to the coast, near Bandon, for a week of !
recreation and pleasure.
Joe R:ce has been given the position
of night watchman at the Johnson mill.
Merchant Selig and family are plann
ing on a few weeks of outdoor life to be
spent on the shore of the Pacific in Coos
county. They will start about August
1st or 15th.
Attorney Leavengood returned to this
city Monday after having spent a few
days at Albany, Lebanon and other
valley points.
Mrs. Schiller B. Hermann and family
of Myrtle Point were here, Monday, on
their way to a place up behind Canyon
ville for a season of camp life where a
clear, sparkling brook flows through a
green, grassyinook, away from the cold,
fogladed ozone of the ocean. The
merchant prince of Coos will join the
party later.
Charley Rice left for Portland on
Monday evening's train, and he expects
to make that city his permanent home.
John W. Benifield who, with his
family, just recently moved here from
Lake county, has rented the blacksmith
ing portion of Charley Richey's shop
where you will find him at the forge.
Mrs. W. B. Drake received word Wed
nesday that her friend Mrs. Bartle of
Riddle who was suffering from a cancer
ous affliction was nearing death, and
she drove over to see her.
Mre. T. W. Beckett, of Medford, has
been hear since last Thursday visiting
with Mrs. Jennio (iabbert, a sister-in-law,
and with friends.
Anew arrival of mens fine golf and negligee
shirts, at
75c and $1.00
The Patterns are choice and refined throughout
the entire collection, and the shirts are exceptionally
well made.
Boys and mens Canvas shoes. To move them out
quickly we've marked them down to 75c and 90c a
pair. Good shoes for the outing.
Girls wash di esses. You'll be eager to buy when
you see, what a great variety in white and colors, there
is to choose from in Lawn and Chambray gingham etc.
Sizes 2 to 12 years at
25c to $2.00 each.
Muslin Underware. Thoroughly satisfactory in
every respect including the important one of price.
Good taste is displayed in the style of the garments
and materials, laces and embroideries, ate such as
women generally approve of.