The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 03, 1903, Image 6

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    Grade .Terse-re that hav !m milt-
iap-oniy ttree to four u.onths should
be carried forward to i.KTure rerv Ub-
erally so as to Pr . - nt abnormal
Hirinkaj. To this end Hoards Dairv-
mnreomiBDdsa ration substantial
as follows: "
( I drale tract.
) lb. tlhkcre . .3 i i.2 .si
10 lb. bar 51 .p. IN .18
5 la. bma 4.U 3 1 W .15
2 lb. oil meal I.e2 .let .65 It
Totals j ft Vj M 71 K
If the cows will eat more of the
silage or hay. let them have it up to
the limit of their respective appetites,
but not more than they will eat with
out twto.
"We !o ot consider that there is any
partlcu'a - danger in feeding cotton seed
meal in limited quantities, but there is
a very universal opinion thst it is bet
ter not to ic-eu mis meal during the
later months of gestation lest it might
have a tendencv to nroduoc nhortinn.
Wc are not as much afraid of this
good many are. because it ha been
damonstrated in innumerable instances
that cows fed cotton seed meal up to
the time of freshening have bad no
trouble. However, in deference to this
almost universal sentiment we hesitate
to advise the use of cotton seed meal
after five or six months of gestation.
We have therefore specified oil meal
In the above formula partly for this
reason and partly for the further rea
son that this feed seems to have a die
tetic value that the chemist cannot
reacli In his analysis or the veterina
rian fuliy explain. The fact remains,
however, that In some way and some-
how it serves a very excellent purpose, j
TTjp Coit of Entil.TCc !
Making a careful estimate and taktag
Into consideration every expense, as 1
use ot Horses, board of men. and twin
nsed. the total pviv:i nf nnttin nn !
" j
ton of silage this year has not costuson j
ii " -uin. 11 u( j xuero is rarrfy good pasturage fhr a
mate the use of our tub silo, which has longor period than six weeks In the
stood Sve years and is still ia a state of j eany spriag. even is the most faora
perfect preservatlOH. at ?23 pec year. J bie s-a&on?. and a supply of supple-
we arc getnng suage irom standing i
corn to siio at a cost of less than 1
per ton. The cost of growing
corn for silo does not exceed 50 cents
per ton: hence silage all ready for the
stock need not cost to exceed 51.50 per
ton. Perhaps the beginner coulil not
grow and put up silage at this low fig
ure: however, we believe that Yankee
ingenuity will sooner or later bring the
cost of putting up silage to even a low
er figure than this. A. W. Trow la
IIotv Often Shall We Tecdl
Cows appear le give better result
-trfeen fed twice a day than when fed
more .frequently, says Midland Farmer.
W'bec fed as frequently as three or
four times a day they are up on their
feet straining and worrying for tiwir
feed 'some time before It gets to them.
Investigations have recently taught as
that an animi1 is aging every energy I ha b"ea drawn from the cow than
when standing that in lying might go ' conies with the cow.
to some other use. Ruminants bare Remove the milk from the stable as
large stomachs and when the animal 1 &oon as possible after milking
lies down, contented and satisfied, the i A milk pall covered with a layer of
betterrthe returns will be for the own- j absorbent cotton between two layers of
er. It is well understood it will cost cheesecloth Is a good protection to the
less and be more convenient to feed the ; milk from outside surroundings
ratkw in two feeds than oftener, and t
it should also be understood that much,
very much, depends on what Is con
tained in the two feeds given. It does
not follow that this means the saving
of one feed; far from it
Grain nntl Paiturc.
There Is a difference of opinion re
garding the economy of feeding grain
while cows are on pasture. There Is
no doubt that a cow will produce
more milk if fed grain while on pas-;
i.uiu, auu 11. a large yieiu is 01 more im-
portance than economy of production :
grain should surely be fed. Where a
small amount of grain Is fed corn is weH
adapted, as it will not unbalance the !
ration; if large amounts' of grain are 1
lea. other grains, such as bran, gluten i
meal, oats or cotton seed meal, should
' form part of the ration. Experiments
at Cornell covering four years made
with cows on pasture which supplied
an abundance of nutritious grain
showed that while the grain fed In
creased the milk yield it was not
economical to produce it In tnat way.
Corn u a Supplement.
While pasturage Is good and abun
dant the cow Is about as well provided
for as she can be. Unfortunately the
season of abundant pasturage is abort
and this shortage Is often the critical
time of the year for the dairy cow. She
must be carried over if with berjhllk
flow undiminished or she will not do
her best, as no amount offood win
bring back the yield of milk once lost.
The cheapest and most efficient feed
with 'which to .supplement pastures
during this period Is probably" com,
cither green or In the form of ensilage.
Dairy and Creamery.
Seeds In Bran.
The next time you purchase bran ex
amlne ltf carefnllyto Bee whether it
.-u;n : -; . . weed seeds. Tuc-re
was s nt to Wisconsin last year a car
of bran that contained 52.000 seeds to
tbe i-oiind. says an exchange. Thin
a' putting the manure from ten tons of
ilia: bran ou a field!
Cl ceiling L'dilem.
An oUl braa sack ls P001 to
deaa otC lbe uWer of th 00 ws
lore m,Utin?- a't depend upon
.Tr own bare hand to do it. The man
' that ,n"-v ' SUI t"at his
talse the odors -from the
! bmrn vvery time- alMl ,hat 0,Ior
i pass ngnt on down into the butter tub.
It Will Xot Io to Depend "UTioUj- ,
Upon Natural InatnrnKC. ,
In determining what crops should be '
frown for forage for the cows in the I
dairy consideration should be given the i
matter of flavor. This precludes the)
use of rape on account of the strong, i
cabbage-like odor which Is detected in
the milk unless the cows are very ca:e
fnlly fed. which is not an economical
way to feed green stuff, says Dairy and
Sweet com. sorghum and millet are
. three green crops that may be grown '
with perfect success
t u onr favorite because it can be naJ
I r-. ,.. ..,. t i ,
v.- ijuin- an ricuucu frvjiisu, i tiim n-
j ears are quite immature until fr.Ily
I rip. aaj eveu after that it makes a
palatable and nutritious forage for
eows or other stock,
Sorghum Is a good green feed nd
, may be cut. as It will renew itself. The
j objection to it as a second growth crop
j$ tnat at tlmes u c,- to deVPicj,
paiwnous qualities, and this characxer-
isoc ts not yet well enough understood !
w ah.u.uu - in. vi ..i iii m.i u u i i
prevention of the trouble.
The farmer who depends wholly on
natural pasturage -during the sumtaer
te cort&in to lose money, even la faror-
I ab! TPflrs. and In ilrv vmi-s h ra-
n mi oflr t0 5, PS.
itUt good plan to sow small patches
0f different kinds of forage crop at
dKTerent times so as to have a surces-1
r!-. o ri .j i
a puva surFi vil uauu Lit UUJ
emergencr that may arise. j
mcrilary green feed will come handr i
on any farm where cows are kept about .
nbs cut of ten years. '
io farmer thinks It too much trouble
to prepare an ample supi-Jy of haj aad .
grain for winter, and verv often the
greotBSt necessity, for feeding arises la
the middle of summer. If at Buch
timos thvre i a supply of green feed '
available, money will be saved and the j
regular receipts from the herd will nou
ir the milk now H(aiiowed to dc-j
crease In summer, it cannot be restored t
at aov later time. n it I. nnlr ,ht I
Of Wisdom tn l rlr tn cnnnlf '
.- t't'-j ""j
deficiency in this respect. 1
uajr,- jott:ns,. i
Do not allow silage and other food
nhoft the stable at milking time, iiany
more odors get into the milk after it
Dr. Louis Albert Banks' new book.
"On the Trail of Moses." Is announced
as a compilation of "thirty-one fre.-h
and vigorous rerival sermon-t. supply
ing a wealth of inspirational thought
and a rich fund of suggestive and 11
lustratlve material for preachers and
Christian workers." From the ti tit-
one might have inferred that it was a
detective story.
Thus far It has cost Great Britain
the enormous sum of 51.059.035,000 to
""cr theteoers. and the British tax-
Payer now fuWy appreciates wbatOoin
ram meant wuen lie said victory for
Great Britain would be won at a price
that would stagger humanity.
i A Jersey City woman refused the
other day to permit a magistrate to
proceed with her marriage ceremony
until her prospective spouse had made
a will bequeathing all his real estate
to her. How beautiful Is love's young
lira. Burdlck of Buffalo, having col
lected her Insurance money. Is quite
willing to consider the Incident closed.
He public was willing for it to be
ended long ago.
Aaentgthe kissing of babies by po
litical eandldates, have the Infanta oo
rlgbts under thejconstitutlon which po
litical aspirants are Bound to respect?
Cotton Is certainly- king. Judged by
ike ify "Wall street Is kotowing to hto
The Rind
of - -
to be used is very much a
matter of taste. It is import
ant, though, that the frames
set projerly on the nose, and
at the right distance from
the eyes. That the lenses
be perfectly centered, and
how are you to know when
some one is guessing.
Glassespigbf, Good Sight,
R.F.WINSLOW Jeweleraid
is i repared to wait upon old
and new customers andfriends
with a full and complete
stock of
A1I fresh and of the verv best
quality. Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Your patronage
I. aos Jackson St..
Cor. Washington
and Main 5treets
Mrs. Belle Collins
! " o
The Ncw-Voru Life
Tbepnbllc In hereby cautioned
aaliiHt dolnjr huHiuesM with the
above concern, it lins a fnctitty
f dentl-bntinjr ItsJuHi bin and
nn'con,Pnny dolus; ho win bent
lts Patrons 11 u setsn chnncc.
This company l represented by
w" J' Moon Anent.
Roacbnrg ore
Title GuaranteeOscLcan Lo.
.. ,
' D U5'l!?.:f- . D C. Kixilt-j
1 uaec m tae Court Hr k. .
, Ptetot o! btrct Ixwit in homin (kxiniT al CtSieSi ii3TTSwK to 1 a
?t wntr ui uxt minJoc!iai. HTeja
plf In the Kmebnrr. n-m r? a
fh?p WU biu P"st col o to j town
J-an d 1M
Of ererj-descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern -
ment Land.
Blue P'vnts of Township Maps showing !
all vacantLands. j
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for ail Build
ings. Special designs for Off Ice Fixtures
Office in new Bank Building. 'Phone 415
The Grt-ntent Farm Paper of the North
west. Pnblinhcd weekly at Salem. Ore
Bon. Edited by the Farmers of the
NorthTreit. Twenty Pages. Illustrated.
5 Papers for Ji.oo. Leas than acta each
Publication bewn March 1, 1900. Now
baa 9,300 subscribers. Phenomenal growth
Is due to Its being tho best farm paper pub
-52.75 A YEAB.
All Colored Summer
Goods Reduced to
We must maRe room for New Goods
OT t... t:r :t 1
j ux itiC 11 uu ouy a ouggy, Hack or road wagon before
3'ou inspect our stock of John Deere vehicles.
We Are After You
Haven't missed a sale since car arrived.
j spring goods ever brought to
I A. C. MAR5TER5 d CO.
1 1
j g
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer TJ. S. P.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
! m
Jackson Street, - - Roseburg, Oregon
(Lately with the government fographical and geological survev of Brazil,
South America.)
United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor,
Office over Fostoffice. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Correspondence solicited
Buy Your Watches
and Clocks at
Buy Your Jewelry and
BROS., Phone 801,
Finest line of
the county.
Silverware at Salzman's