A. Of Local Interest. F. W. Benson is home from ter bay for a few davs. Winches For p.atn sewing address or call on Mrs. Howard near depot. 5S-3tp. Volney Dixon has accepted a postion in the Roseburg postoffice. Don't forget iblaeksinithT H. S. Gould, the new 54 lm. Lafe Engles, of Saturday. Peel, was in town H.S. Gould, the blacksmith, guaran tees all his work. 54 lm. W. A. evening. Burr went to Riddle, Friday H. S. Gould, the blacksmith, makes a speciality of l.orse-shoeing. 54 lm Ira Wimberly, of Drain, was in town Friday. Health is paramount to all other issues. Get Osteopathic Health. It is permanent. Mr. and Mrs. Dumbleton, of Win chester, were in town today. T. K. RICHARDSON. Leading Mnsic Houe Oregon. of Southern I Drain - Gardiner ! COOS BHY STRCE ROUTE Arthur Cloak and wife leave for don tomorrow for a short outing. Ban- 100 head of stock cattle for sale. En quire of Henry Conn, Roseburg. 53-5tp. The infant child of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Pearson is still in a very critical condition. Volney Dixon came down from Oak land last evening and will remain in town a few davs. Hon. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, Roseburg visitor this week. Attorney Louis E. Bean, of Eugene was in Roseburg this week. .Tas. Perry returned Friday from above Peel where he has been camping. is nursing a sore foot Claude Whitsett this week, having stepped on a nail. rr. W. B. Atterbury and Thos. Hatfield, of Dodsons Butte, were in town Saturday. Wm. Van Leuwen left Friday night for Kellogc, where he will spend a couple of weeks rusticating. Mrs. E. Autenreith and Mrs. N. Gian nini went to Jacksonvilletyestenlay morning for a short visit. Dr. E. M. Cheadle and wife returned Saturday afternoon from Tiosra where they have been rusticating. Sam Josephson and Nat Curry, left Saturday morning for Brewster Valley, lor a hunting and fishing trip. Miss Ella Black has accepted a posi tion as book-keeper with the Roseburg Water & Light Company. Mrs. Frank Carmen left Saturday morning for Crabtree, Linn county, for a month's visit with relatives. Medford Mail ; Messrs. E. C. Gaddis and C. E. Gaddis nre enjoying an out ini: in the dead Indiana country. Joseph Svkes and family will leave for Newport this week to spend a few weks at that popular seaside resort. ' Wm. Carrol and wife. Miss Faye Car rol and Miss Anna Hurd have returned from a two weeks outine at Brewster. 125.00 Gold or silver will buy a good Organ or make a payment on one of our fine Pianos, p:iees ranging from flSo.00 to $450 00. I have decided to sell my pneiit stock regardless of cost or profit. See or write us at once and secure some of these bargains. T K. Ricn.uiusox. Roeburg, Orvgon. Picnic Notice. The Wilbur Sunday School will have a picnic at Winchester on August 7, 1903. The program will consitt of sing ing and volunteer speaking. They will have ice cream for sale. The Winches ter and Edenbower Sunday Schools are invited, md all others that wish to come. Secretary. Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge $7.60 for thefare from Drain to Coos Buy. Baggage allowance with each full fare 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 jiouuds baggage when they have 300 poundi or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no a lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For further information address J. R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Oregon j WAWAV.V.V.V.,.V.V.V.V.,.VASVW.SV,VASW.SV.. New Photographer In Roseburg. H you want to buy a farm if you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house I' vnu don't know PAT CM on or .Urr8i . . . F F. pattern, JffESft, Retebur Orewon. E. L. Parrott and sister, Miss Abbie, leit Sunday morning for Brewster to join the Miller-Curry-Parrott campine party. J. D. Hamilton and family will leave tomorrow morning for Winchester Bay to spend the balance of the summer. Russel Wyatt, one of Albany's most prominent young lawyers, was a passen ger on Thursday evening's south bound local. Miss Mabel Downing left this morning for Oakland where she will spend three weeks visiting before returning to her home in Salem. Miss Hazel Britt. who for the past ten days has been visiting her aunt Mrs. E. McBroom, left Friday evening for her home in Riddle. A Shuman left Saturday morning for Portland, havingrjreceived a telegram -that hisj nephew. Addie Shank, was drowmd in the Morrison Street bridge -disaster. Mrs. Mary OtJen, who has been vict im; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burge. left Saturday morning for her home in Yoncalla. W. S. Wright and nephew Harry Tyson are home from a four weeks trip to Klamath county. They visited Crater Lake enroute. J. E. Olive, late of Santa Cruz, Cali fornia, has purchased the Graves photo graph gallery and will be pleased to meet anyo: the old patrons of the gallery and all other needing first-class work. He is a master photographer and there fore can guarantee entire satisfaction. Give him a rail ami be convinced. 56-Stp. . ! For Sale A light dog curt very cheap t at twenty dollars. Enquire of Kent & O'Neal, I.ivervman. Rntohnrg. Otp, Roseburg Nurseries. Very clioice fruit trees, all leading varieties. SpiUenberg and Yellow New- wn Pippin apples a specialty. For .e at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Nurseries, H. Schroten, Roseburg, Oregon. 5ftf Facts. ELA-TERITE is Mineral Rubber ' VOU MAY I.NTESD IllTIUDIMG or find It neMr to ItKI'LACK A WORN-OUT KOOF ELATE RITE RGOFIBIG Tke the ptacr of hlusle. tin. Iron, ur nd g'nn.' . : tep urIf-, suiters, v4ieyt, e'e Kr to Iv Tinii""--" lil oil merit. Uurntetnl. It will r-T to k for j.rio m !un'-. KtuoDaUe la eeu THK !oruUo. i-z i-, vr li: rti t i-z itooirii co.. Worwhltr BuUitiiu:. l'OHTLAND 0000000000OC000 F. W. BENSON. .V.C.MARl-TERS ' H.C.GALKT 8 I'mWent, Vice IrmJent. Cuhler F. H. Churchill and wife, Rev. Daw son and wife and Miss Nellie William son leave tomorrow for Crater Lake for a short outing. Mrs. Roy Denny and two children of Frt-sno, California, are visiting in Rose burg with Mrs. Denny's sister, Mrs. Wm. Van Buren. Dr. Geo. E. Houck, wife and child re turned last night from Long Beach, Washington, where they have been spending the summer. Misses Bertha Sehlbrede, Ellena Reed, Willetha Reed, and Myrtle Fitzwater and Messrs Bun Ryan, Frederick Get tins, and William Landon spent yester day at Dillard. the guests of Miss Helen Willis. Mrs. John Lane passed through Rose "burg last Friday morning enroute to Coos county to spend a month with relatives. Her husband, Col. Lane is now in the hotel business at Pierce City, Idaho. Mrs. Hendricks and daughter, Miss "Ella, have returned from Madera, Calif. The family will move there about Oct. 1st and make it their future home. Mr. E. Gray of this city, has rented their borne here. Wm. Gardner, of Pell, who severly cut his right knee several days ago, was brouzht to town Tuesday, and his in jury dressed by Dr. E. V. Hoover. He is now getting along nicely and in a few days will be able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Leonard and family, left this morning for Garfield, Washington, where .Mr. Leonard ban nnrehased a flour mill. Mr. and Mr?, Leonard will be greatly missed by a host of friends who all hope thejr may lie suc cessful in their new home. The post office at Winston, six miles south of Roseburg, has leen discontinu ed lir thf? Postal dorwrtDient because of the resignation of W. C Winston an postmaster. No suitable jKjrson could 1m; obtained to take the office anil the roei dents of Winston will have to go to Broekway, three rnilea farther on to got their mail. Mrs. John Hathaway anil daughter Rnth left Friday evening for Ornnta P" where she will join her htiKbarid, who 1 now employed as roundhouno foreman at that place. Mis. nauiaway win greatly mhsed enjxxihtiy i" thn I'renby terian church -where lio wn otioof.thu most'fahhful worfcerV M Jlho 16clf. lyouniy treasurer uimmicK has re ceived the Douglas county apportion ment of the state school fund which is S,113.G0. This is 1.C0 for each person enrolled in the schools of the conuty between the ages of 4 and 20 years. Mrs. V. C. London and daughter, Jennie, left Saturday morning for Cot tage Grove for a short visit with Mr. London, who is conductor on the Cot tage Grove-Bohemia railroad. Later on tliey will go to Portland for a short visit. V O 0 o 0 o 0 s o 0 Mr. Man, you want facts. We are going to give you facts. As you read them over vou will know they are facts. And we can prove they are facts. i It is a fact that McCormick Binders, J Mowers and Rakes are the standard by i which all others are guaged. I It is a fact, Racine Buggies, H? cks and Road Wagons are far outstripping our competitors' lines. It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the most successful, durable and economical wagon on the market. It is a fact that the above are all in cluded in the Big 3. You can find them at S. K. Sykes;Roscburg, Ore. Douglas County Bank, Kutubliwliecl IS83. Incorporated lyoi Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BENON. It. A. BOOTH J. II. IQOTII.J T. BKItXiES . I. KELLY, A. C. MARSTKRS K. L MILLER. 8 A general banking business tranacte.1, and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. 0XOCK000000000000 00XK000000000000 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 Deafness Cannot be Cured MARRIED. CARROL CRABTREE. At the home of the brdies parents at Tulare, Calif , July 1903. G. Shellah Canoll and Miss Mabel Crabtree. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carroll of this city, and is well known here especially among our young people, having fur a number of years been proprietor of the Kandy Kitchen. The bride is the sister of Miss Ellen Crabtree and Mrs. J. D. Hamilton, having been in Roseburg the past three ye irs. Both have a host of friends with which the I'laixdkaleii joins in wishing the young couple - a long and happy wedded life. by local applications as they car not reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, ami that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucoti" lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imjerfect hearing, and when it is entire- y closed, Deafness is the result, and un less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever ; nine cases out of ten caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but and in flamed condition of the mucous services. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured oy Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Ciienky & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall,s Family Pills are the best. Board of Equalization Notice. 1 w m m w m j w mm a m m m AND EMPIRE LiVei Feed and ale fables C. P. Barnard, Prop. Saddle Horses Single and Double Rlgs at all hours Transien 5oc Even very best of care f Rates always reasonable Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at the Rose burg postoffice. BI, Dhvo Hosher, S E Uuiieott, Mrn Sallie IJewler, J B DkmMou'I, J R Miller, Miss Alice Davwidort, J)r O II Oiurn.T U lloinlfiu, Dave Pickett, J R HmjlieM, W B Rice, Harrey lino, John A Thompson Miss E Pemum calling for these letters will plwtMJ dtato the date on which they are ndvertified, Augusta, 1003. The letters will he charged for at the rntu of oiu cnt each. Wjj. A:.'FrtATEn;4P. M J. M. Weatherby T. A. Bury D. L. Martin Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Laud Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Nou-Resideuts. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with us. Notice is hereby given that the Ikrnrd of Equalization of Douglas county, 1 gon, will meet in the office of the county clerk of said county, in the court house, in the city nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Mon day, August 31, 1003, atthOO o'clock a. m., and will continue in st-ston until) Saturday, September 5 at 5 :00 o'clock ). m., to puunciy examine tne assess ment rolls, and correct all errors in val uation, description or qualities of laul, lots, or any projierty. Now, therefore, all parties who may be nggrioved by reason of valuation, description or other wise as to their assessment; will take notice of the meeting of said Board of Equalization at the time and place as above stated, and make their complaint to said Board of Equalization. Other wise their assessment will stand as made by the assessor. Gho. W. Stalky, Assessor, Douclns County, Oregon.' Dated August 3rd, 1003. 4wka Wanted. 20 tiers oak atovewood, 30 tiers' grub hlockwood. , D. S. K..Bulck 48tfi liso E iSGrotTBlD GRANDE 5TCKN A Kl I I I - -I S A"-Tt AXI 5 THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadvillc, Pueblo, Colorado Springs aud Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scener' by daylight TO ALL POINTS EAST 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDCN AND DENVER 3 Modern Equipment, Throuch Pullman aud Tourist Sleep ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders nud vSaer formation, address W. C. McBRIDO, Gen'l Agent, la4 Third Street, Portland, Ore.