The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 03, 1903, Image 4

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Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Monday and Thur-ilays.
H.H. BROOKES, Editor.
MARY K. BROOKES. Proprietor
Entered at the Post Otfice in Roseburg,
Ore., aa second class mail matter.
Advertisine Rates on Application.
AUGUST 3. 1903.
Regarding the inspector sent by
Secretary Hitchcock to investigate
the Roseburg Land Office and to take
proof for and against persons who
want to purchase timber land, the
Plaindealer knows nothing of his
method of investigation. It does
know, however, the following circum
stance: The Editor went into the
publicofficeofthe Land Office to attest
before the Register to some official
papers, and while there he was sur
prised to see a woman dressed in
black, who had a refined face and was
about fifty years old if we judge aright,
The tears were streaming from the
woman's eves and falling on the desk
in front of her, and a big dutchman
was jollying her about Oregon climate
and scenery, to comfort her for losing
a timber claim. It was to us a most
outrageous proceeding, and with feel
ings of pity for the woman and indig
nation towards the we were going to
write MAX we left the Land Office.
Now the Plaindealer has no part nor
lot in the fierht between Secretarv
Hitchcock and his enemies, they can
fight it.out Kilkenny kat fashion. It
cares not what efforts are put forth
by Mr. Hitchcock to protect the gov
ernment land, which if right, should
be commended, but it does object in
the name of decency and common
courtesy to such proceedings which
are a disgrace to the Republican party
of which the writer is a member. We
have heard a great deal about the
Sholgoze methods and conduct in the
special inquisitorial proceedings in the
Land Office affairs, and if some of the
language and questions asked the
women are as reported, the man who
asked the questions or framed the
insinuations ought to be returned to
Washington at once in order to pre
vent a miracle being performed by his
.cuticle sprouting feathers.
At Portland, on Friday afternoon,
several thousand people assembled to
watch the armless man swim the
river. There were about two thou
sand persons on the Morrison street
bridge at the time. For amusement
four men upset a row boat in the
river and swam ashore. This created
excitement and a rush was made on
the east approach of the bridge near
where the men upset the boat. A
rotton timber broke in two and the
sidewalk fell into the river carrying
about one hundred persons with it,
who either fell into the river or on
the top of the Portland Club boat
house. Three persons were drowned
and thirty injured. It is a miracle
that more persons did not lose their
The State Fair.
No time in the history of the Oregon
Etatefair has there been such a good feel
in" among the agricultural classes to
wards the success of the fair as exists at
the present time. Every section of the
state Eeeron6T)e taking an interest in
the fair and promises to give it their
hearty support. Eastern Oregon for the
first timrt has promised one or two coun
ty exhibits, consisting of agricultural
products, while the southern portion of
the state will also be represented by a
comprehensive exhibit of its agricultural
products. Live stock from all over the
state is being prepared for this year'
There are reasons fortius awakening
nf the neonle to the support of the fair.
One is. the management has worked
i.wi on,i fnitlifullv to make the fair aa,aa the -state itself. The transpor
tation companies have come to their
assistance and made very liberal rates on
hauling exhibits of alt kinds. Another
is, the people arebegining to realize that
it is time to let the outside world know
of the wonderful resources of our state,
and believe that the state fair is tho pro
per place to meet tho better class of
homeseekers. This will make tho fair
doubly valuable. It will give those who
are looking for homes on the Pacific
coast an opportunity to see in a body
what our state can produce, and where
it is produced, without traveling all over
the state at great expense. It will aho
give the exhibitor the best possible op
portunity of showing his products,
whether it be grains, grasses, fruits,
vegetables or live stock.
Brilliant Diamond Fight on Stewart
Field This Afternoon, Last Oame.
The last league game this year to be
played on Stewart field was contested
this afternoon in Eugene. The Rose
burg boys came yesterday with the in
eiticn of carrying away the victory
palms. Geo. Engle and Joe Kostal, of
the Portland Browns, came up and as
sisted the visitors with sphere tossing.
Everyone expected to see a fine game
and were not disappointed.
TLerj was a large attendencc.
At the end of the game the score sood
Roseburg 7, Eugene 5. Ernrene Guard.
Base, Base Ball.
The Salem aggregation on Sunday
chose their own umpire, a Salem man.
Roseburg protested without avail and as
our boys could not play against the Sa
lem aggregation and a Salem umpire at
the same time, they forfeited the gam's
to Salem. Thus endeth the Valley
League games, the standing of the teams
being as follows :
Won Lost P. C
Salem, 16 S .667
Roseburg, 14 9 .533
Eugene, 12 12 .500
Albany, 6 IS .260
Tim Shanahan Signed.
Tim Shanahan, the crack center fielder
of the Eugene league team, has been
signed with the San Jose, California,
team. Tim is a fine fielder and a good
batter, heading the Eugene's batting
column. They know him in California
and he will make good work on the San
Jose team. Eugene Guard.
Qlendale News Notes.
Postmaster Hurd made a business trip
to Mt. Reuben yesterday.
Dr. McGowan made a professional
visit to Placer Wednesday.
Mrs. F. R. Miller visited friends at
Placer several davs this week.
Sheriff Parrott, of Roseburg, was in
Glendale yesterday on official business,
Dr. and Mrs.Bowersox Epent Wednes
day in Roseburg, selecting furniture,
etc., for their fine new residence.
Miss Maud Baer, who had been visit-
r t- i i ; rr
ing ner sister nere, jirs. xtaucini, re
turned home to Ashland yesterday.
Mis. V. L. Bogardand two little daugh
ters went to Oakland Jlonuay to visit
relatives a couple of weeks in and near
that place.
Nelson Jones, our popular city mar
shal, has been appointed deputy sheriff
for this district. Sels makes a good
peace officer.
Miss Genevieve Roberts returned
home Wednesday from a few days'
pleasant visit with her cousin, Miss Kate
Plymale at Jacksonville.
Miss Mvrtle Marshall returned home
Sunday from Grants Pass, where she
spent several weeks, under treatment
for her eyes, which are consideiably im
H. M. Barrett, our harnessmaker, in
forms us that a few nisihts ago a burglar
effected an entrance into his shop and
stole about $40 in cash. He lelieves he
knows who got his money, and no doubt
there'll be something doing one of those
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wall, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Cattanach, Mrs. Uattnnacirs
sister, Miss Jiclio reason, anu .uiss .myr
tle Wall, all left yesterday in one rig for
a month's outing at the ocean beach at
Winchester Bay, at the mouth of the
Umpqua river.
Card of Thanksr
I wish to extend mv sincere thanks to
all those kind friends and neighbors who
rendered such timely aid and sympathy
during the recent fatal illness of my
beloved wife.
Percy A. Wkbk.
The election this after
noon to vote $20,000 in
bonds to build a new brick
school house resulted as fol
lows: For Bonds 70
Against Bonds 10
Majority 00
Red Hill Ripples.
Farmers are busy cutting grain.
Mr. T. Chevigny has again returned
home from Bohemia.
!r. Ward Cockeram, we are sorry to
say, is quite sick with the measles.
Mrs J. E. Thiele was visiting at the
home of her parents last Saturday and
Mrs. J. W. Jones and family were
visiting at Mrs. I. Jones last Tuesday.
Trump, the talior, has returned for
the summer.
Miss Annie Cockeram was the guest of
Miss Cenia Jones, Sunday.
It seems strange that 'some ieople
can't put a new carpet on the lloir hut
that there is going to be a wedding.
Mr. C. A. Langilon ami family were
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chevigny last
Some of our young folks say they
don't like salt in ice cream.
Miss Annie Coi:keram visited Oakland
friend Saturday and reports a very en
joyable time.
I. O. O. F. Installation at Yoncalla.
The members of Pliiletarian Lodge
N'o. S, I. O. O. F., of Roseburg, went to
Yoncalla Saturday morning, to institute
anew lodge oi that order. .No. lib, at
that place.
At 1 o'clock Jos. Micelli, . M. ; D. S.
K. Buick, D. G.M. ; W.T. Wright, G. W. ;
Robt. Robertson, G. Marshall ; X. T.
Jewett, G. Conductor; proceeded to in
stall Alpha Lodge, No. 170. After the
Lodge was instituted, the following otS-
cerswere elected.
Jos. A. Davis, N. G.; L. E. Warner,
V. G. ; J. O. Wansley, Rec. Sec ; J. J.
Brown, F. Sec; C. R. Westenhisor,
Treas. ; J. H. Braum, Warden ; A. E.
Lonelac, J. G. ; W. E. Thompson, C. G.
The G. M. Jos. Micelli, proceeded to in
stall the elective officers into their re
spective chairs, after which "4 applica
tions were voted upon and elected.
Lodge then adjourned until 8 o'clock.
In the evening the Degree team of
Pliiletarian Lodge of Roseburg, con
ducted 24 candidates through the four
Desrrees of Odd Fellowship.
There were about 100 Odd Fellows
present from the Lodges all over the
County and several Brothesr from
other jurisdictions.
The Brothers at Yoncalla treated their
visitors right royally, xellow legged
chickens and all the fixing in abundance.
The boys arrived in Roseburg on the
overland, feeling that they had lots of
good time in the last twenty hours.
The members that attended from here.
Grand Master Jo. Micelli, F. G. Micelli.
D. S. K. Buick, C. J. Denning, W. K.
Mann, J. T. Bryan, L. Schmeisser, Jo.
Wetherby, H. L. and W. E. Marsiers,
L. B. Moore, N. T. Jewett. M. D.
Thompson, B. F. Gil'-ert, H. C. Stevens,
Carl Hoffman, R Robertson, Dr. Twit
chcll. S. Cawfield, F. A. Aderton, L
Wimberly, B W. Strong, W. B. llani
mitte, J. M. Fletcher, B. F. Doss, Frank
Carmen and W. T. Wright.
Dragged to Death.
On last Fridav evening while return
ing home on horseback from Oakland to
the farm of S. B. Crouch, Louis John
sou fell over to one side of the saddle,
one foot caueht in tho left stirrup and
he was draged about 90 yards. His
head and breast were so badly mashed
that he could not possibly recover, and
he rawed awav last evening about six
o'clock. Mr. Johnson was about 32
vears of age, a native of Wisconsin, and
lias been out West but a short time.
during which he has been employed by
S. B. Crouch, of Oakland, for the past
month. He loaves a mother, two sisters
and a brothor, to mourn his untimely
Ed. T. Xaghel, Myrtle Creek; John
Livingston, Peel; F. B. and . U
Long, Coles Valloy.Erik Edin, Cainas
Vallev: H. G. Sounonnan, Glendale
were in Uyvu yesterday. $..s.
Running the
I Land Office.
Continued from Page 1
ing to be a friend, and state that the
Oregon timber claims are no good and
., . , , , ., . .,
that the parties had better give them
up? Is this the kind of work Mr.
Hitchcock's Man Friday wants to make
a record on?
Now we want to ask this
man a
few questions. Does he not own a i
timber claim on the Pacific Coast? j
Did he not ask a man before him whose 1
evidence was taken down in another .
case to sell the timber claim for him?'
Did he not tell a man who wanted to
purchase a timber claim to withdraw
his money and loan it to an Oregon
farmer and then foreclose the mort
gage just as quick a-s he coul l and get ,
a claim cheap? We could go on ami
ask more questions along this line bu t
these are enough. And now if we
have made one wrong statement, if
there is anything that can be said in
mitigation of such conduct, if we have
been misinformed we will gladly cor
rect the same when brought to our
attention. Our only effort is to pro-
tect the public and for the good of
the public and to purge the Republi
can party of such doubtful measures
which are a stench in the nostrils uf
i decent :..en of even kind of political
faith, an! we gladly ten Jer to Mr.
Fullerton -
Registered Druggists
Violet Toilet Water.
ashmere Bouquet Soap
Fullerton - Richardson
Phone 451. ROSEBURG, ORE. Near Depot.
Htrhcock's side partner in implication
all the space he needs to defend him
self or his measures free of charge.
Resolutions of Condolence.
At a rccular meetinz of Umpqua
Assembly of United Artisans Xo. 105, of
Roebnnr, Ore. The followinc resolu
tions were adopted.
WnranAs. It has pleased theAlmichty
to remove from our midst onr lloved
Brother. Chas. McGowen, and it fs the
desire of this Assemblvto express and
record a fitting tributo of his many vir
tues. Therefore be it
fiestftd. By Umpqua Assembly, N'o,
IQj. of the United Artisans, that while
it bows to the will of the Almfehty yt
it none the les mourns the loss of the
departed Brother.
Urtnlpeii, That in the death of Chas.
McGowen this Assembly Iws suffered
the loss of a loyal member, and a trne
Brothor, and this community the loss o'
an examplary yonne man, whose good
ness and whose cheerful disposition ha
made his nntimelv death universally
regretted by all.
lletolttd. That the heartfelt spnipathv
of every Brother and Sistor of thi
Assembly Is extended to the members of
the bereaved family.
Uffolted, That tho records of this As
sembly no draped in mourning for the
period of thirty days, and that a copy of
these resolutions be spread upon tho re
cords of this assembly, and a copy of the
same bo, transmitted to tho members of
the bereaved family.
Mrs. T. T. P.mikbe,
Mrs. Lydia Bred,
. - ' i , S. Pi Stewart,.
Progressive Dinner Pariy.
On Friday evening last, a new and
novel system of entertaining was intro
duced to our young people bv the enter
prising young ladies club known as the
C. F. C'a., in the form of a progressive
dinner party. Like everything else
I Kiven by the C. F. C's. it was a decided
BU;cess- ,
Seven courses were served at the homes
of of the ymai ladies of the dub(
ono cours.6 at each house. At every
i house partners were changed, and no
gentleman could walk with the same
' Joun aiJ' tw,ce during the evening.
fcvery House was beautitui decorated,
each with different kinds of flowers.
The menu was as follows :
First Course Clam Bouillion and
crackers Miss Vivisn Jewett.
Second Course Baked Salmon, pota
toes and hot rolle Miss Emma Sehl
brede Third Course Salau and crackers
.Mi.-s Elsie Benedick.
Fourth Course Fried rhicken, cold
slic d tongue masliwl iHiatoes, green
itas, string beans, olive . pickles and
light bread Miss Bsie Kidder.
Fifth Course Ice cretim and cake
Mr.-. Walter Hamilton.
ix Course Cocoa and wafers Miss
Uornet Oley.
-v?nth Course Bon Ron- .i- 1 nuts
.Mi-- I.ilith Moore
As mi!! oe olf-rrel it was Ute i.vir
wnn thedinner wa-cumpleu-l. nd the
gu-sts departed for their homes highly
-!ea-e with the evening entertainment,
riitr invited guesjs were
Misses Haz-1 Jewett, Emma S-hlbrede.
I- !sif Benedick, Bessie Ki-ldrr, sa
JeeU Brs.-ie Cohow, Anna "A bar a,
Ada t alkins, Delia Moore, Garr tt 'Key,
Accurate Peremptions
Violet Talcum Powder
La France Rose Soap
TOILET SOAP, Guest Rooe Size.
Ella Black, Mabel Downing and Lihth
Me-sri DallxMi Bell, Ray Moore, John
Townsend Hardie Howard. Rar Otev.
Wi.bur K. Ross, L. S. HopfieW, Floyd
Ramp, Forrest Irwin, Earl Strong,
Ijjster Bell, Ernest Bradlev and Thos.
Public Sentiment is Dead.
The Eugene Register says: "From
time to time in these columns have we
denounced cambling in. the strongest
terms ami even published the city ordi
nance agaiast it and kept it standi: g so
that the public might be appraisal of
the facts that snch an ordinance was in
existanco. At time public opinion has
lecome so strong against it that the
vnuues have leen temporarily suspended
o ily Ube resumbed as soon as the up
heaval against them subside.!. Ar
ristinic the saloon men for allowing
games to be run in their places of busi
ness willheet with public approvaL
but within a month or six weeks unlc
orders are striMly enforced, the garues-
wm e running as Irvcly as ever."
me troublein Eugene the same aa so-
inaay other cities is n lukewarm spirit.
Hie citizens are aroused for a short tirno
and call for the enforcement of the law
and good government, but tho spasm t
IKunousm soon passes away and gam
Wing is renewed with more vigor than
liefore the crusado was made.
Dr. Luther Hamilton, Dr. E. F.
Tucker, Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Port
laud, Dr. Geo. E. Hotick and Attorney
w'v- jhYilt0?' of Kf"junr, and A.
h. Echols, of Echols Station, leave to
.norrow for a few weeks' outing near
uest rork.
Conductor Geo. E. Bluw and familv
WstFork V0'5' jUtinS n'1