The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 03, 1903, Image 2

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    Just arrived from the factory a car
oad of tlie celebrated Page fence, which
is cheaper than a board fence and will
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction without extra cost. It is
used and endorsed by the leading men
of this county. For circulars and prices
ddress Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Crouch. Oakland, Ore. ly
Painting and Paper Hanging
John Miller, of Hacerstown, Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Eoseburs, and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of painting, paperhanging, graining, and
decorative painting in the highest style
as practiced by first class workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want the
very latest artistic work he will be pleas
ed to give for low prices and' first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street
or drop a letter through the post otSce
and he will quickly respond. lS-tf
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
The Denver and Rio Grande, popular
ly known as the "Scenic Line of the
"World" has announced greatly reduced
round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
points for the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
Conventions X. E. A., at Boston; A
0. U. W.,atSt. Paul; B. P. O. E, at
Baltimore; Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle . at .New York;
.Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
K. of P.. at Louisville, and T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be sold only on certain days.
These tickets will carry stop-over
privileges on the going trip, giving
passengers an opportunity to visit Salt
Lake City, Glenwood Springs. Colorado
Springs and Denver; and will be good
to return anv time within ninety (90;
davs. Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are wen the privilege
of returning via a different route.
For the rate to the point you wish to
go, and for dates of sale and other par
ticulars, as well as for illustrated pam
phlets, write
-W. C. McBride, General Agent
124, Third St., Portland.
Horse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball,
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding' city warrants 'endorsed prior to
2ov. 7, 1901, ate requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease hereon after
-the date of this notice.
Dated hoseburg, Oregon, July S 1903.
H. C. Sloctm, Jr.
City Treasurer.
For Sale.
5 Acres, good cottage and black smith
bop, good location, rill sell or rent.
For particulars. Addn5 P. 0. Box 450,
Roseburg Oregon. 51-lmo.
Fnllerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue prinU and filing papers, tf
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property.
H. L. Ball. 33tf.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Bamilton. He has the only complete
Eet of abstract books in the county, tf
For the best mower knife and too
grinder, two emery wheels f4.t0. Stearns
& Chenoweth, Oakland, Oregon. 4o-t
If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, MarshfieW
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
eyery day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agenU 102-tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and "reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. 102-tf.
Gall on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late ol Portland, will have charge of the
crown and bridge wort department
Prices reasonable. 9-tf.
Stearns and Chenowith, of Oakland,
' have received car of Rushford Iron Clad
wagons, car of hack and buggies, car of
- Tage woven wire fence, car of McCor-
mick binders and mowers, car of good
cedar shingles, car of nails, car of best
blacksmirh coal, all for sale at the low
est'prices, with the best garden plow
-fl.OO; 5 lootli cultivators, f 3.50; tenu
and ; wagon covers, full line steel ranges,
boys' steel wagons; 1900 washer; lin
teed oil COcents a gallon ; best mixed
paint $I.17J-a gallon; Windows and
Doors. : .
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that we do not have i
to be continually strking out for a new
make of Tianos. The Xeedham has bee
our leader for 14 years and is today a
leader among the high grade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the OreironiiMi or some other leading
tlirmm tlinc.k lit., itnnlrtre wlin ' in
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are alwava used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
, 1 RoMence S51, Residence.
t-Bone JoacolliS Wet Roebnn;
OrSce : Koout 11 Taylor 4 Wllw Block
Examination Free. OtBce hours to 12 a. m.
2 to J p.m. brdnate Still Collate of CHteopathv
'i.r:0KGE M. BKOWN,
Court Hoase
Down Stairs.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office dyer P. 0. Kossbcf.o,
'Phone Main 591. Oregon.
PIryscian & Surgeon.
OOre Rertew Mm.
Phone. Main 1
ipeciai atienlion gtren to Disease
of the 'o
OCceMain St.. one door soath of Cltr HU
Psutne. Main 341.
Renew Bulldlns,
Telephone So. 4.
Attorney t Law,
Roouslii. Xartien, Bld.. E0323C&G. OB
J3VS5?:Sr'V 3 Lxnaoace"ci
imng case a specialty.
Late RecetTer D. 8. Land Office
RoskbckG. Orxook. i
Bndue- before tj.i, Land OOceaad Probate
bu!nw a specialty.
OOce Abraham Bnlldlnc
Wli' practice In all the Stale and Federal Co mis
OSce In Mark' BM.. Roftebnrx. Orecon
A t torn ty-a. t-La w.
ob 1 and 2
urlew Building.
A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Boons 3
Martters BoiVlinc.
H. J
Attorney at Law
Koira 11,
Taylor & Wilson Block
Land Surveyor.
OScc, Room 6. Taylor i Wilson Block.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Clrenit Court of the State of Oregon,
for noBEla County
Chaa. M. Close, ilaInUrT, 1
Geo W, Riddle, Helen G. j
Riddle, hH wife. Samuel P.
Parmley, Clara S. Parmlev, I
his wife, Waiter i. KioxUe,
John B. Uddie. T. Stilley ,
Kiddle. Jane Wil-on, Artene-,
cia Merman. Maria Beatte, .
Isabel Xicnols, nd leda . ,
Crawford Ieiendantc. j
Notice is htreby given that by virtue oi an
Execution duly iaased out of and nnder the seal
i the above entitled conn, in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated toe
39th day of June, VSR. npon a judirment ren
dered and entered in f aia court on the 11th day
of octooer, 1W2, in favor ot Chas. M. Cloe,
Plaintirr. and as,amst the defendant Walter-.
Kiddle and. Fred Kiddle, lor the sum ot .
annum from the Uth day of October, 1902, and
the cost of and upon this writ, I did on the
&th day ol July, i'jvl dolv levy upon th lol -
lo1nsdecr'bed real property, to-wit;
Lou number W and 11 ol Bloci number 11
and lots number land 2ot block number 12, 1
ol the town of Riddle. Douglaa couuty, Oregon, '
together with ail and singular the lenemenu, ,
hereditament and appurtenance thereunto
bc.ongiBE or in any wie appertaining.
Xuw merefore I will on
SATLKliAY, the 2sth day of August. IMS,
at one o'clock p. m., of 'said day at the court
iiouse iroiit door, in KoK-burg. Do us las county,
Oiegon, sell at public auction U the highest
biouer lor U.S. gold com, cash In banc, all
ih xicht, title and Interest the said defendant
alter a. Kiddle and Fred Kiddle had In and to
the aboyedeccrlboa real property, or any part
thereof, to sallsiy said execution, interest and
accruing costs.
Dated Komouix, Oregon, July 28 ling.
SheriH of Douglas county. Oregon.
Soeiety Meetings.
A. M. Laurel Lodge So. 13.
LloUla regular meetings on second
and f tuth Wednesdays of each
month. E. .1. tkouu, W. 51
N. T. Jkwktt, Secretary.
0. U. W. Koeebtug Loilue No. lb.
Meets the pecotid and fourth Mon
days of each month at 7:80 p. tn.,
th I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good htandine arn invited to attend.
F. M Tomer M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
I). .S Wkst, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Hoxeburg Lodge No.
''26. Holds regular cotntnnnica
tione at I. O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend renn
larlv and all vimtint; brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waits, E. R.
Rov McClalhw, Secretary.
' ',ol M54. le acres sold Henry, sec. X
CO. E, FOURTH REGIMENT. O.'tpte riw.wac.rv
1 N. G , meets at Armory Hall every , ws;E!-bE, ' Nlv' P r e
rtinrsday eveniiiu, at 8 o'clock. n- of .t!4 of NEJi, sec. s tp r : w.. an
l. li HAMUN. ijapt
m vf tic lAMice
No. 13. Mets 1'nd and
ith lhure-,
duv evenii, of eact4 month in Na
tive Sons' Hall. Vi-itm meaibere cot
dially iutiteil to attend.
Mrs. Mkrit Wist, C. of H.
E. H. Lennox, Rec.
OF A. Coort Donirlas No. '&, For-1
e-tera o! America. Meets every ;
Tuenday eventr.z in Niitive Sone' ;
Hall. Visitincbrotherf a'wavp welcome '
S. W.VaxZile C. k.
E. II Lenox. R. S. .
E. V. Hoover, Phvsiri&n. 1
0. o. F. Philetariao Lottve No. !j.
Meet? in Odd Fellow' Tetnle, oor
1 tier Jackeon and Cass etrrete, im
, Saturday eveninc of each weet Mem
', bern of the order in iwod sinndiui; are
i invited to attend.
N. T. Juwett, Secretary.
of 1. Altha Lodce No. 47. Mevl ,
everv Wednesday, in I. 0. O. F '
Hall 7:31 n. tn. M-mt-re Jn I
cood Jlandin;; are invited to attend.
Geo. E. Hocck. !
S.V. RampK-R.S. (
0. T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
tiolds its regular Keyiews the'
AkS .n,l tkinl Vi.lo,- n( 4.nV.
month in the I. O. 0. hall. Visiting
members in good standing are invited to
attend. Geo. W. Perry, Com.
E. E. Blodgett, Record Keeper.
9ILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
, , Woodcraf', Meet; ?n 2nd rnd 4th
j FridajF of each month at the N
, live Sons, Hall. Visiting members in
rood etandiDk' are inytt-d to attend
Madge Buchanan, Gordun NelghW
Minnie Ory, Stcy.
LO. T. M. Koeeborif Hive No. 11.
HoHf its rtMtalar reriewB npon the
w Annrl r. fl fnnHli f .4
0' ech month tn tfae Natire Soni' Hall.
. . , , ... .....
SlSten-ot otner ilives netting in tee city
re coraiaur inritii tn attend onr re-
! view. Hattie 3Ioeias L. Con.
Jessie Kapp.R. K.
E. S. Roeebnrg Chapter No. S
U1A. ,l,t.l. .w.
Hold: their recolar meeting on the
firit and third Thnrpdars in each
I south. Visiting members in jrood
itanding are respectfully invited to at
tend. Mrs. Naxxie Spbagce W. M.t
Macde Ram Secretary.
RF.BEKAHS. Rcoeburg Rebekah
Lodue No. 41. 1. 0. O. F.. mfotn in
Orirl FelioWB Tern rJn everv Tnsmkt
1 . . . . r .' . . '
evemrjc. isiting sifterfl and bretnrea
invited to attend.
Dhxa Browx, N. G.
Cora Wimbexlt. R. S.
sembly No. 105 meets every Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Ret. S A. Docclas, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brows, Secretary.
Camn No. 125. Meets at the Odd i
Fellows' Hall, in Roeeburg, every !
6ret and third Monday evening. Visit- i
ine neighbors alwavs welcome. t
N. T. Jewett. C. C
J. A. Bcchaxan. Clerk.
6 0ld Fellow's Temple. Meets first .
w and third Thursday evenings each
month. VLitors cordially inuted
j. a. xiAiiii.iu.N, vy. I .
T f m - ? 1
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff j
and will stop fallinp hair. Price 50c.
For sale by Marsters I)rnB Co. mltf
One black horse with star on forehead,
two back feet
white, will weich about
I i "fifl rw-innHa Ctrivpd from my naeture
1 1JUU Pnnas- -travea irom mj pa-iure
, about two weeks aco. A. FRALET. 50tf.
For Sale.
Small saw mill and
timber. For
particulars address.
Livingston Bros,
(Aprl) Peel, Ore.
Clock for Sale.
A good, up-to-date, shelf clock that
originally cost fS, at a bargain. New
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. AV., this office. tf
shortfTn Notice of Sale ot Lands heretofore
sold 10 Douglat County for Tax-i
Hr virtue of a statute enacted by the LenWa-
tlve.semtl of tlierUat. l Oreitin fur 'hei
vearl"01,I shall a Suerltfof Douglas co inty, :
Oregon, offi-r lor tale and fell all land to
which said Doutfliia County. W aoiilrwl title 1
during the preceding Jr by virtue, id Ux
sales, all of aid property shall be wId real j
property is fold upon execution to the hlicliesl
titddcr lor cash in hand at the Court h Use
front door, at Kocburv. Douglas County, Ore-
eon, t one o chh's p ni on
, SATt'ftDVY, the lMhriay of Aujrust, 1KB,
the followlne descritwd lands, 'o-wit:
, siW!4 of JJWJ., lot 4, fee. 2, tp. H r Tw.W
, SK4' sec 6, tp r3r a w., 160 acre-".
Lots 3, S. SEJol Sy, sec. 6 tp 21 r 6 w.,
' 13o acres
.s V4 of SE5. fee. 2i tp St r S ., 48 acre
SWi,. sec. 2 tp 21 r 4 w. If) acres.
Lois.', 3. fi. It tec. ti tp22 rli w.. 1SU acres,
i SK of NE'; sec. T tp it r 5 w , 40 acres
i MVJVofSWL. sec. lp 28 t.9,S! of
SK1;. NE4 oi sWi sec. i lp 2S r 9 w.. UO acn
, S-tVt of .-E'i sec. 16 tp 22 r 4 w 40 acres.
, W, .,f SEt. sec K tp 29 r 5 w w acres.
. L'.of NEi,. Xtt of NU,, SiU d NWJa
see H tp2l re w , !6u acre.
N i "'Hi, mc. : tt2i rSw.. 40 acre.
NJ4 o hi. sec. 30 tp! r 6 v.. 40 acres.
I acTv
. sW . sec 6 tp 29 r i v.. ISO acis
i ?,vi vlrU r?-" r
su oi u tn 21 r6 o.. n
It2. 7. 10, 11, see. V 'o2! r It .. Wt acres
11 S and 4 Biocl 2, 1 t. I an ' b'o-k a,
1'raoe 1-ark AiMttion t Use fit. of Kowbarc.
Uardinen Addition to I. t 1. 2 n l s Drain.
ImX 4 block East Ilr.Ui.
Dated at Ko-eburv. Ore wi. Jul) u, lu.
Sheriff of iMstclas Coan!-'. Oreton.
Administrator's Notice.
Soite 1 be--' t rieea. thai Use on 'eiraei!
a on the rl dy ui prt!. !, t,j Uk
I ftmiiiy Cnon o DodcU eoanty. jeson. ttaiy
i "pp inled a 'nin.lnr.tor J berut ol Jame
' O V Mill. -leeevMO. Ad txsn-u harbis;
' clt acaiis' the ld rttate will proent toe
same to nnVr- li ntwtMrt, Oremc,
, duly rnoeO. witatta tlx taoaUw from he dare
ot tat io- -IJatot
: k ;!! 4.y oi Jnr,e. A D . ntS.
' Artm'ni-t.i r ! the taw W Jmme O. P.
! MIUs. tltsceaxe!
1 First pwhUfaUon lotseit. M
Administrators Notivt.
Xotlc Is Jsri-hy riven that Us mi -. -has
h-Ti -h- e-unn Civirt of D- -
ly. ftatvol Miec-'a.duW apMBt,.! 4 - ..
tisrol Ueesr'4-o'CUrk RseSjar'. -
All v soa ' ItMt claims acat , -are
lsetT i o present l
TtriSed. to ' a Hamlin, at Kcwmr.
ooantr "'bin six tattiO.
tan '
date of tfeU nc 1:--.
Dated i -fxmrz. in too. t,n t-
. JDS .:.- K l.K
aeestaveof C -i
. deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Culled ,U- LabI OSSee.
' Rosebcr;. Orscoe, Mach 24,
Netlre tJ hereby (.Ten tea: omapllaaca
with the prom! aj j- :e act ot Cuccreu of
. JoaeX.T.eaUOet-A.T ait lor Use l of
J Umber !aas In tie Nslttof 'alttmia.Ur(Os
1 NeTada.andWasMnctoaTertorT."a4erietMl
, ed to all the pcblic land state by act of Asm
! 4, ISM.
jof Lebanon, roonty of Linn, rate of Ornroc.
ha tills dr SWtl in this otMcv her swom Matr
I meat "o 4T0f. for tie purchase of the ?i; of
'Wijand the Wtof the 5E, of Sc 2. Tp au -.
R 1 W .n.l t:i offer proof u show thalt&e
i land stagb: Is more valuable for it tiisber or
I stone than for arrtcaltaral parrot and tc
f.uwl2 cer- aim to saw una bciort trx is
Kt'r and Receiremf Ibis rSff a! V?4MHtrv i rr
rnday the list d.y ol Jnlr. ira. Sbe umw a
witnesr: f 1 Learentnod of Htdd.W. Orvron
I Lloyd Marquatn, of Tiller, Orrsron A S Cou.
; and BFH llley, of Abejtle-n, Wh.
Any and all persons clalmicc adeere!y the
, al)TedeJcrlld lands are mmted to file tlx- -
' tt,''a Jn ,'LU o:!tes on 01 1"'.2"
of July. J T EKtl"?Es.
iay4rd yw
Notice for Publication.
fnlted tutes ln1 OSee
Roefcair. Oreroc Janeli IMS.
Xotlc u hereby srlrea that tn cceapUaaca
with the croTUtons ot the act of Conpfwj of
JuneS.lSTS eaUtled"Aa act for the sale of
tisutr lands la the States of California. Oregon
N'erada ,aaJ Wathte gum Territory." as extend
ed Za all thA rmHlir Ian, aratc S,v tj i -, t
i 4 1M
i ot Glide, concty of I) tula. state i Oreeon
I has thia cay Sled in this tQce his sworn siale
1 men!. "o. StM. lor the pnrchav of the lou S
!and 4. SW; XW. 'wij swi4. of. secUJU
j 4. in town-alp T. south, of ranpe 1 west.
I anti will oiler proof to show that the land soncat
j 1 snore valuable for lt timber or stone than
I for at rl cultural parr-jses, and to rstablUh hi
' claim lfore the Recistcr aad Receiver 01 thl
: oflice of RoMburr.Orecoa.
. on Tuesday the 22t day of Seyitraber. IMS.
Renames a wltnesoa: II. L. acie. Joha
Gardner, John Green man. mad K. J. Watana,
all ot Peel, Orciron.
ny ana an rTMins clalmiae adversely ilse
sVre deeritx-d lands are 'rqucstcd to a lisetr
clams id this otace on or be to:
asd Sfad dar
Keel Her
Notice for Publication
United Slates Lasd iHOro.
Kosebant. Oncwi. June 22, Mtt
ollceis hereby trlven that In onsapttaac
with the provistoni of the act of Coairre of
June 3, li,. entitled "An art for the s&la of
Urot'er lands in the Stale jf Caltferata. Orecon
JJi)2!n lte Publltl, 't1' 7 actofAnrust
W1LUAM estr,.
" nascingwn jerrttory, asextead-
oi (Hhioh, ohioit of Winncoaao
i i-, . . . . . .
Wis. .has this day hVt in this ;oUjce hi sworn
siaicment N . .S lor tne unrrhase of the
E', St4. 4 SE'4. .E,4 SWi," ol sec
lion 4 In Tuwoship J -ouU. Kaa 1 Wear.
and wil. cJter proof to tx w that the land sourht
1 more viluable for it timber or Mono Uva
for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ms
claim be!j re the Rertiter aad Kccelvtr of thia
oT&liSXSZ&Fg?- Sepu-bex im
; koiS." k.u"?
1 Hermau Haruheim. of Othxosb.,' Wtsooosta.
i Any ana a.i ;raon clancinc adversely the
j above describe ianI are retjimit-d to file their
claims In this office on or belonr- ssld Jtth daro!
Julr IP- ReOtor.
In County Court ol Hoopla! county. Stato ot
in the matter ol estate )
Martha Woodruff decMsed)
Notice l bereoy riven that Use nadarsiwiMMl
has been by ihe tVvunty ourt of Pooglar Cooa
ty, Orecon. appointed exec mora or Use t-lvr tf
ilariha otair-JlT 4ieceisd Whereua all per
sons lndebtel to the tnld esias an hrntrr
notified to make iiciBedlale parascnt to Use
undtrsUced at their rwrldocla Oolos Valley
precluct, Douvla county. Oresron. and ail twr
sont having claims acAlast UVo H,ld wtate will
prtsont s iiae verified as by law leanlret! a tta
in six month I rum date el tait none
Datt-i KoeburK, Onsfoo, Fen. lji. 19B.
, . . . R, A. WooKRttrr,
Notice for Publication.
UnlUd State Ijd1 OBite.
Kovjbor, Oroforj, March 34. IMI,
Notice it t.eri j nitcti that la comptianc
with, the biutIIoih ol the act of Congresi ot
Jane J, tn. entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands In the State of Callfornla.Ornton
Keiada .and Wajhlnjtin Ttrrltory." a extend
ad to all the pullle land states br act of AufUrt
4. 1&2.
of Dalia con my of Hoi It. state of Oregon,
ba this daT filed in this ofSe her sworn state
ment No 47IM. for 'be i.u.-rr,e of Et4 of
and ihel of to JEH f section M tosrnship
3ii south, ranae 2 srrst, and will oiler proof to
how that the land saght is raore raluabte for
Its tinibr or atone than for agricultural pur
rifc?. and Li establish herjdalm in said land
l(-iret e Kenisteraad Rcelrerof tbtt oflice
at Rtwiiurit, Ore. oa rriday, the 31st dT of
July. 1WI. obe nrar at wltmsset: C I
Lareo.'jjT t Riddle. Oreron, Lioyd Mar
1'iara, uf Til!erX)reKon. tvtlliara summer, of
Klddses.MrrKoa, Bie Miller. Lebanon, Ore.
any an 1 all ifnm clalmlpt; adTesseiy the
are dseritil 1 anils are rmnested to file
their -laims In this nKce on or before stldJUl
darof July. IvMs. J.T.UKirHiE.
May4pj:yU Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cait4 nuiw Lrl OOce,
Hbanr, Oregon. Jase If, isot.
Soclee 11 hereby etren that to cosipliaaca
Hh toe proTisk.ns o the act of Congress of
Junes. . entitled "An aet for the sale of
Umber lands it th Slates of Call(ornia.OreTon
Navada .and ueinsjlos Trriicry," liexlend
d to all the p . bile land states by act of Aorurt
ol Rosebrrg i uloii at ImsoeUs Stale of Ore-
j rn. has UUd)r flatd in tHtaioace his sworn
i aUxment No. it, fur ut , .tdtate nt Use
E of section . wwr-. -ilp A r a cute I wst
aadxtll uer ; -of io 1." . lelaad s0f tt
1 mora i aidatle loc I'.. t;.ot. r or stos than
for asrrtraltunl parp.r-. r . to establish hti
eUtn befur t' Ketftwr a.-vl Keceirer of this
Iflce of KofcL jra.urcun.
i-u t .iy : j. ta iy . isrfie- ber, Km. lie
, liain- r.. Mr!.a5-: r urjf eed. 11. 1
-lu'Vy ''tnttr' 3 brjosu-. D V KUber, ail
oi t:o t "rvtwtt.
Any and at: perott claim i -.' rx-ly the
a;-iT. 9cr.fen isas are imu-i. - . s, ibeir
I c-aim 10 utta -iDcx oa or bclbre isiv .
ih lay of
SetKatBber. 1S03
Notice for Publication.
Vniied La SKI OCW.
Bolar. Orsajsja, saK23, m.
Kotitw ts Leiway ctaen (feat ta matipftiwca
wfeh Use mwtiavns of lh ct of 'oiiws of
aze I, is:-. enUtWl n k fo- u ; of
U ber lands la !Ce Staanur Csiiientla,'
XerMia .ad -vahlijiXiti Terrlu r;."" aa.iietsd
ad so all Us putts land stale r tai tw ia.-urt
s, USVX.
ofOthkeah. R D. Box I7. rooctT ot "-a.
sjsaea. Mataot WlMxtbala. fca iMrVu i4 tn
thu ofllr her swore vi-usswnt s. ij;- lor
'.be 9QreJso of lt Srf.
" Ml, of Sec I. T as -4. k 4 W - til
-On pKOot to show itiat sJm saa'l ivnsaxat I- snore
ra tuvbte for .u tlcibe' a tloor UtB fur aeri
ru.wiral iurtxc. to etaoiia tMr cImi to
aaid tstsd 'w.-nrv ttvc Keriarr aad Jlerrit..- of
tki oSt-e at Rwebenjt, Unco.
n Mooncy the 2M& .Ut ;,( Se,tDs Ur. 1B.
Msan wiiaeswe. C. . CUit. iiarUa
KvMnnsen. Eennaa Harlaaefa. atxt Eor
SrfBoa-1 of Osdikoat. i toAm.
A" r icd atltrsoas eU:ir.lnx i-lrerveiy the
x- dtstribed laads us svfssesKw Ms file lhir
C!ir la Utls offW oa or bssfssre usl S-Ui day
c -r : aber 1KH J.T. tsKIDCEs.
L j . p Sttfltvri.
Aiministrato-'s Notice.
Not'-' 1 henwy irtTea tait the owiMjlrne.1
fa, iNO by S Cotaaly Csurt of Ikssxeiaa
eoant. Hale of orrxna, dalf avf'3le: lie
adaia.i: cor of Ibm e4a4C of I). A. I'rwct, de
eersoi. All per -it.f hasriac daJxs atafast hU -ule
are h- r!.y r- paired to presecs ttse saase tKfy
re S4e! :v :h osdemcs: at Oiatla. Doaglas
o-ooty. at of Omcoa. witaln six assahj
froa ui iat of Uu aotaee
iMted at OkyUIi. Ofcoe. lhl 2U tUj of Jose
Adaairutr.torof Use estate of D. a. VspcX
ri. . i-.M -ttoj lane i. rCL
la the Cteroit Coort of ta stile
for Ibjc laa CoaiBty.
CtsatinO White, FUtaUS, 1
T. I
Charsw Htrosii: aad XaaoU
Uoosx, hi wfJe: larst !
f OrepAi,
Mnsac aad Ona btroas. hi
wile: dd atnag aad 34 n. tM l
Mrotx. hi !!; soeaee ;
sirotxr, a atftsor, aad HWa i
.-tronr. ber traardiaa; -!
Daacaa (ssee Mrwss) aad K. N.
Daaen.tsrr hushand. Grartv !
HitiM. lacle; Faasie Kelly i
!tee itrr.n:) and Philip Kelit. i
aer aasiuBd: Narzaret ftroac. 5alt ia Ehusty
widow ; Horace trM and ilrt. I
Horace Slroor. ht wise j
!-UWK So. aad Mrs. George ,
?iroo, his wife; panasa,
btroag and Jfrs. aahriaoi j
ciraoc his wise. Ella Mnsac. I
M licit. Harvey boac. siattt;
Joe Haadsaker. Cbu i
rla-ht, Rons Brmralae (ave i
Wrisrht). Waller Wright. Safes f
Wrtfht. Jee V, rixb.-. sad Use :
Sa4e Laad Housi. j
IetVauIa.i1 I
. ToKddStroBsand lira. IN :
aamsal defeodaats :
i tbe otm- of lh Stale at Qi,ai,i toh, aad
each of yoo. an- hereby rmirai to 4s?vr aad
; anawer the cniapUiBl ased aiat yoo ta tare
aboTveatlued salt on or before
Saturday, U. lSUi lar oi Jnlv, 1W3,
aad U yua U'l so to appear aad auawer. tor
taai taerraf Use plalnu will aaaly sa Ute
court lor th, relief deataadl in the eoatpUlat
1 a sucrtact stateaseal of watch is, that Use ttde
, to the following: Jeacribad real property, to
wit Toe osx ooohaif af the saoLhwaa ox
quarer and ihe wat ono-aalt o! tee oaUsan4.
ooe-tj carter ol sectioa It, tnwaajsta 2t soash.
ot rang 5 wet at the WiUttxaettc Meridian.
containioa; UO acre auwc or ssmv. to tasastd
and the fev Lierelc be Jeerwt m la Ihn essra-
gsunt teied. toe InteitM Oi saH SsiWdnlit.
M b-lronr, be decread to be MJOK tlMtof.
and no ntSr mad that ta dafsadaat. Sid
Stmof . heucr4 w isav? oo zacnt, W oc in
. tairtt tberr-sa, exeeat as ike wt at tba k-
- leadant uo strong
j Thai a psvrtlUoa of said real Mwal to had
' ac-cordta i ihe Riwlin rb ot Um jsar
' tie to this m. sad if ntrtttSM raaaat to tod
, without materia! injury or tTelsdic tn tto'C
rthta. tiA th. prenl be td aad adivisioo
, ul the pruceeOs be tmi aeooediatl to Use re
' soeetivr right ol tto isW aartiea. sad tor saefa
, other and Tarihet relief to Use eoort oll
sssnb equitable
, Tata Minmori published by order af the
. UoMe J. . Uasaitiao. Judaaaf taa atovu
eaUUed court, which order t dated star !.
! 1. usd Use date of liw rx pssMttMM of
thl rommoa t ThupaUv, May .t IMt, aad tae
: ttiae prerribed la Use order far pwlill lasn of
thU aummoas ts at leawt oce a week tor six
socwxalre week, eOraineuciaa; with Om firl
aar oi i-ublicaiion Iftcrroi
Dated this th day o( May. M.
A. m. iStiarvaii,
ArsorsMy far nalsas.
FiBe Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre iarm or avk) Svo
mike from Myrtle Creek, 100 in
Bltiratinn, balance kill, tmsI&ts attwi
tietbereil land. Small entbanl, $ood
hoaaa, barn aad ottver janpnirainunLs
For price and term apply to P. T. Mc-
Ge3, Myrtte Creek, or D. S. ,K. Bukk,
ivsjniiaif, wregun. -ti