The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 8

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    Tsl&o :: '.-.- 0,103 30 n5t occur mre tLan once l!
100 unios. and the first rule is safe to
To Ptmli Dnlrr Indimtrr.
The United Stages department of ag
rlculture has inaugurated an Investiga
tion of the dairy Interests In western
Kansas." eastern Colorado and part of
rd1ircl.n frr flirt rtnntcn .... . 1. 1
w c wUlu,iUU 1U forward tuat jnaustrj-. The depart-
mcnt believes that there are Immense
possibilities in store for the dairy busi
ness in the parts named. Professor E.
H. Webster of Manhattan will take
charge of the work during the coming
the meaning of terms as applied to the
tonformation of dairy cattle, says
Hoard's Dairymaa. For instance, take
the term "flank." The Guernsey scale
of points in de.riblng the desirable
dairy teinperamot In both cows and
bulls calls for "a thin, nrcfilrig flank." '
The word flank here means that part ; Professor Simon Newcoiub's, article
of the body connecting the belly with ; In McClure's Monthly upon "The End
tho hind legs, as shown in the accom-, f tho World." which is to be brought
panying diagram. j about by combustion caused by the
In all beef animals it) is counted de- 1 fairing of a dark star into the sun.
sirable to have this bottom line of the j multiplying many times the latter"3
body to run as straight as possible. A heat radiation, is well worked up. but
thin arcli to the flank is not counted the illustrator, remarks the Boston
a good beef sign. A writer in the ( Evening Transcript, has not nsed his
, imngnUon to as good purpose. Tho
I Anal catrrtrophe is to take place some
; thousands of years hence, but the men
1 are wearing the 1003 styles of plug
j bat. tho women the familiar short coat
with flare collar, and the fire engines
are- of the model of today with three
how hitch attachments. This must be
espediUj- discouraging to the automo
bile moTcoKflt.
and if our SPRING and SIMMER f
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Silk Gause Noveltfes, Sole Jource, Silk J
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, fancy JMadrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Af ton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
SRirtS We Carfy theFinest Line of -Made-up Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts cannot
1 equaled for quality and price
Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
Embodies many special features that will in
terest vnu. TI ilntli,.f ti. .. .1...
. . r ... . w. . -X. 1 1 ItUiil LIIC
u.Kuab.uuwMiieaigniutt ui every enee nnely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with conndence even though our prices are lower than any other store eel! for the same .jualitv. A1m a new
and up-to-date line of Ladies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the V. L. Douglas Shoo
tJuernsey Herd Register for October,
JIW2. describing the bull Le Grande i
Tho young republic of Cuba has
ferreted alone along the highway of
tb noTJons for a year and hasn't wab
bled tfeo least bit during the whole
tlroo rresMent Palma has been teach
ing ttm iefaat to walk. The youngster
has a surplus of 52.GM.000 in hig little
bant, ran his first successful year
would ectn to indicate thera was
somcMiig wroug about the oft re-
Duke at the Ohio state fair. says. "A I P001 that the "Cubans are
bit more arch of the rib forward and j mc3Patwe oc seir government-
an added depth of flank would serve' "
to his advantage." It is evident that i Ti)OUCil much has"becn said of late
there Is needed a better agreement of i abost a two cent postage rate between
understanding as to the meaning of
terms when applied to the conforma
tion of dairy cattle. uAn added depth
of flank" would be In line -with the
beef conformation. Unconsciously al
most many of ourdairy people and
Judges carry in their minds the old
Shorthorn definition of outline.
The Government Teat
The People's Store
W. H. Redfield and Frank
were in Roseburg this week.
Rev. S. A, Douglas, left Monday
night for Riddle, where he will remain
fir a few days hnntinp.
Plotner ! ?-& jjsfatg,
? II . , . . T T w
th Ufettxd States and Great Britain,
k li hardJr probable that the pro post
tioa rrCl -be adopted at present. Cer-
.iainlr notliing will be done until after' the Salem postoffice,
nroeong t tue universe! postal
Mrs. J. 0. Davidsoi, of Parker, has
one of the most remarkable grain
fields in the county. It is Fall-sown
wheat, and is six feet high.
Congressman Hermann and Senator
Fulton have secured an appropriation
of 310,000 to continue the work on
rougroaa m Rome next year.
Sumpter has a genuine sensation, j
The justice of the peace and another;
fa now of the latest anti-Semite out-! man are charged with highway rob-
The official circular of the depart-.! 1358 KaSibia. the European pow- oery. They knocked down a gambler J
agriculture of the United 1 OT DJC3 se te unspeakable Turk i in a bank and went through his twek-
ets. The nicht before they had won
650 from him which he paid by
i J. F. Barker & Co.
inent of agriculture of
States government pertaining to its ex
periments with the butter In last year's
national educational tests is at hand,
and it is interesting reading.
a brief tatvrmbsion and read the riot
act to the Ousdaa bear. !
check. They lost S300 which thev , 2
teSSonS!ate tlpof pork, the Ipaid by check, and all the partie gRamMer
Onr creamery butter, according to poor nstf fin-v,ls ,ook ,ike the oyster tried to beat each other at the bank g
these tests, is not lieavily laden with n a Txwrafng house soup.
moisture, though this has been alleged. :
Indeed the afcrage'df the "water con-: " Ooncrni O. O. Hovard insists upon
lent was -but. Il.TS. The range wa ! opplrjs Kcntocky- feuds bo will be: TKo ovnWInn nf iha -rvntrr
with the above result Two men are
, in jail unable to give bond.
wise If
he docs bis insisting at long
azine of the United States Cartridse
from ?." per cent to 17.6. The limit on
"renovated" butter Is 10 per cent
Commercial judges are not always
able to determine the amount of water
Jrtfff 5 fr?"'" t BostoB,
to contain iwt llpor ceaVand a, little t, w" v miles away. The damage to buildings
more. Two marked "vked Too Dry" j
averaged 1227 per cent water. These i
ivsuits simply go to prove Uie impose!-' tnn,;,i mMtini. f th Cnnntv t
5 . 2 7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woolley's 2
2 X 2
Oct Xlaholas' "religions toleration'
Couniy Commissioner's Court.
! company, of Lowell, JIass.. yesterday
i killed 25 persons and injured 55 more.
' was very " great as every
'within 200 yards was razed
to the'
bliity of forming an accurate opinion , r hM nnj, ,,Brnnnn iM. r,niv i .
of the water content of butter alone by ; T , , ' , . . - - ,
(hni-f.-nntopnf n OT! Judee Thompson and Commusjonor , Twenty-two members of
and to further show,. as. Professor Mc-
,.'ij,.t - .J i .
the Min-
Water content of Abutter land the proper
manipulation of it ""
United States butter contains less
moisture tlian Canadian. Danish . or LthtuCascadeJorest reserve to Winche
bwedlsu. according to the results of
similar experiments conducted in these
Orcranlxed 31111c Producer.
The victory of the milk producers'
union shows the growing strength of
organization among farmers. Xot so
many years ago a similar conference
would have ended mostly in talk, with
on its arrival at that place.
uaj- mn rlwe arrested yesterdav .charge.!
provement of the Korth Umimna River iwitn conspiracy. The Sun and Moon
from the present western boundary of mine was blown un and the plant de-,
stroyed by the use of dynamite. The
watchman shot one of the culprits ,
1 who was a member of the union.
I A very knotty subject has just been j
I decided in New Jersey by the labor
unions. The barbers union objected1
to an; employe of the undertakers (
shaving a corpse and the question has j
been finally decided that the barbers
union should do the scraping and a j
strike has been averted. 1
The convicts who escaped from Fol-i
son penitentiary, were rounded up in
a gulch and on Tuesday night succeed-1
ed in escaping to the mountains, j
Thev had bound themselves together !
by an oath but at the last moment j
everv man sought safety for himself.
They will be shot down on sight as
the men in pursuit will not take any
chance in attempting to capture them.
If taken alive they would be hung so
it iB only a question of a few days or
Sack Chum, a Chinaman, at Van
couver, B. C, has been hired to con
fess, that he murdered a man and is
willing to suffer the penalty for com
mitting the crime. In China it is a
tommon occurance for a poor man to
sell;hia life to save a rich man from
being beheaded. "'-v -
Anew arrival of mens line golf ami negligee
shirts, at
75c and $1.00
' The Patterns are choice and refined throughout
the entire collection, andthe shirts are excerpuall
wellZihade: ; .
After being signed by both parties the
bond was placed in escrow awaiting the
filing and approval of the required bond,
by the O. B. & T. Co.
At present it is impossible to obtain
to provision of the contract, but there is
to bo a now saw-mill at Winchester
the situation favoring the contractors, j with a capacity of 100,000 feet daily.
The former weakness of the union lay j The river is to be open to all who wish
In the knowledge that producers would j to float timber after paving the regular
not hold together properly In case, of toll. Damsand booms'will beconstruct
resort to extreme measures. But dur-' j t,r. , . ... ., A. .
.hX i - ied at Vincheaterforcatchmg the timber
UIV MUi uiilt; jcuia UiC
backbone of -the union directorate has
stiffened wonderfully as a result of. tbe
growing strength on the suppart re
ceived. On the other hand, the con
tractors have learned that the real
power is In tho bands of those who
supply the milk, and they no longer
expect to have things all their .own
way. This feeling of wholesome re
spect on both tides has led to a com
promise conceding something to the
demands of each party to the contro
versy, yet. as compared iwlth sknUar
treaties In the past, it Is considered a
positive triumph for the producers.
'American Cultivator.
How Soon Con W Uae" Millet
When a cow has had a natural de
livery her milk may be safely used at
the ninth milking. To make sure that
there Is no suspicion of fever, those
that sell only certified milk do not offer
it to their customers until the fall week
has elapsed from the time of calving.
(When the cow Is afflicted with milk
fever or the placenta has been retained,
a longer time should Be given before
ttemllkIs used." However, the caxa
Articles of Incorporation were yester
day filed with the County Clerk by the
Improved Mineral Smelter Co., of
North America. The Incorporators are
Maurice Blanchard, F. A. Kent and W.
E. Clineenpeel. They propose to own,
buy, sell, lease and deal in mineral
smelting and smelter patents throughout
North America. Their head office is at
Roseburg. Their capital stock is $10.
000, divided into one hundred shares of
1100 each.
The King of Portugal and his cabi
net, will be entertained by Admiral
Cotton on the Brooklyn, at Lisbon, on
Aug. i.
Two Jrimberland locator grafters
have been sued in Portland for locat
ing a man and hi3 wife on the top of
a bald mountain, miles away from the
land they thought they had located
Boys and mens Canvas shoes. To move them
quickly we've niarked'them down -to 75c and 90c ar'
pair. 'Good-shoes foVth'eouting.J,
Girls washidtesse's.; You'll be eager to buy when
you see, whatagreat variet'iu white and colors, there
is to choose from in Lawn and Chambray gingham etc.
Sizes 2 to 12 years at
25c to $2.00 each.
Muslin Underware. Thoroughly satisfactory in
every respect including the important one of price.
Good taste is(displayed in the style of the garments
and materials, laces and embroideries, axe such as
women generally approve of. ;
-- -Mr;
.... -