The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 30, 1903, Image 6

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    i to
.Tnst arrived from the factory a
nad of the celebrated lag lence, wnicn i
is cheaper than a board fence and wxll
last a life-time and is put up to your
satisfaction witnout extra cusw. 13
used and endorsed oy me leaning men
of this county. For circulars and prices
ddress Stearns & Chenoweth, Oakland,
.... . I Liu
Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly
Painting and Paper Hanging.
John Miller, of Hagerstnwn, Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Roseburg.'and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of Daintinc. paperhanging, graining, and
decorative painting in the highest style
as practiced by first class worKmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want the
very latest artistic work he will be pleas
ed to give for low prices and first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street
or drop a letter through the post office
and he will quickly respond. 1S-U
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates
The Denver and Rio Grande, popular
ly known as the "Scenic Line of the
World" has announced greatly reduced
round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
points for the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
Conventions X. E. A., at Boston; A
O.U. W.,atSt. Paul; B. P. 0. E, at
Baltimore: Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle , at Sew York;
Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
K. of P.. at Louisville, and T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be sold only on certain days
These tickets will carry stop-over
Tirivilftces on the eoinc trip, riving
passengers an opportunity to visit Salt
Lake Citv. Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Springs and Denver; and will be good
to return anv time within ninety f.90;
Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are tnven the privilege
nf retnrnin via a different route
For the rate to the point you wish to
go, and for dates of sale ana otner par
ticulars, as well as for illustrated pan
phlets, write
W. C. McBride, General Agent
124, Third St., Portland.
Horse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball,
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Vnt?p is hprebv riven to all parties
. , ,. -. , - i - i
noiamg ciiy warrants .enuureeu pnui w
Kov. 7, 1901, are requested to present
the same to the city treasurer for pay-
ment. as interest will cease hereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated hoseburg, Oregon, July S 1903.
H. C. Sloccm, Jr.
City Treasurer.
For Sale.
5 Acres, good cottage and black smith
riioo. cood location, mil sell or rent.
Por particulars. Address P. 0. Box 450,
Roseburg Oregon. 51-lmo.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue print, and filing papers, tf
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property,
H. L. Ball. 33tf.
Get vour abstracts ot title from J. D
Bamilton. He has the only .complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
For the best mower knife and too
grinder, two emery wheels fl. 50. Stearns
& Chenosveth, Oakland, Oregon. 45-t
If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, Marshfield
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
everv dav at 6. A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. 102-tf,
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable ;fire insurance compa
uies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. 102-tf.
Call on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and bridge work department
Prices reasonable. 9-tf.
Stearns and Cbenowith, of Oakland,
have received car of Rushford Iron Clad
jyagons, car of hack and buggies, car of
Page woven wire fence, car of McCor
mick binders and mowers, car of good
cedar shingles, car of nails, car of best
blacksmith coal, all for eale at the low
est prices, "with the best garden plow
(4.00; 5 tooth cultivators, $3.50; tents
and wagon covers, lull line steel ranges,
boys' steel wagons; 1900 washer; lin
eeed oil 60cents a gallon ; beEt mixed
paint 1.17K a sallon; Windows and
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that wo do not have
be continually striking out for a new
make of Pianos. The Needham has been
amQng tfce hJgh gradQ pianoa q
theworld - Some cheap pianos are made
h;h grade simply by getting a boost in
0regoain or 80me other ieading
i,v, thn hi .WW whn
think Rnd do make tfao ma-or.
Lrwl . VUWUW I
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
'or nign commissions to ma kg a goou
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
noseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon
Professional Cards.
t Residence S51. Residence.
West Roseburg
Office : Koora 11 Taylor & Wllso- Block .
Examination Free. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m.
2 to 5 p. m. Graduate Still College of Osteopathr
Court Bonne
Down Stain.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Roskbubo,
'Phone Main 591. Oregox.
Phvscian 8c Surgeon.
oace Rertew Bia. roseburg
Phone. Main 31
Roseberq Oregon
SpecUl attention giren to Dlseae o! the No
mrel Thfrta t
office - Main St. one door lonth of cut Hn
rauue. auu ua asss
Renew Building,
Telephone No. 4.
Attorney at Law,
EoonH A 2. Uarstera ROaEBCRU, OR
Buslnea before the D 8 LandOfflceacd ;
mining cases a specialty.
Late Receiver 0. B. Land Otsce
Kmines oeiore u.o. lshu uiuwauu
Probate !
business a specialty,
oace Abranan unuainr.
wtl' practice In all the State and Federal Courts j
OQce tn Marts' Blaa., Roaebarg. Oregon.
omi 1 and 2
MTlew Building.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Man ten Building.
Attorney at Law.
Koom 11.
Taylor & Wllaon Block.
Roikbcro. Ore
O .
Land Surveyor.
frankryan;timber estimator
Office, Room 6. Taylor & Wilson Block.
Sherifi's Sale.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon,
for Douclaa County
Chaa. M. Close, Plaintiff,
Geo.W, Riddle, Helen G.
Riddle, his wife, Samuel P.
Farmley, Clara 3. I'armley,
his wife, Walter 8. Kiddle,
John B. Riddle. T. Stllley
Riddle, Jane Wilson, Artcne
cla Merlman, Maria Bcalle,
Isabel Nichols, and Delia .
Crawford. Defendants.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue ol an
Execution duly tuned out ot and under the seal
of the above entitled court, in the above enti
tled canse, to me duly directed and dated the
"8:h day of June, 1903. upon a Judgment ren
dered and entered In said court nn the 11th day
of October, l'JCri, In favor ol Chas. M. Clote,
Plaintiff, and against the defendant Walter c
Riddle and. Fred Riddle, for the sum ot X.t6
costs, with interest thereon at 6 per cent per
annum from the 11th day ot October, 1902, and
the costs of and upon this writ, I did on the
23th day ol July. 1903, dulv levy upon the fol
lowing detcr'bed leal property, to-wlt:
Lota number 10 and 11 ot Block number 11
and lots number 1 and 2 ot block number 12,
of the town of Riddle, Douglaa county, Oregon,
together with all and lingular the tenemeata,
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wlju appertaining.
Now tnerefore I will on
SATURDAY, the 2vth day of August, 190J,
at one o'clock p. m., of aald day at the court
house front door, In Roseburg, Douglas county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to tha highest
bldaer, lor U. ti. gold coin, cash in hand, all
the right, title and Interest the said defendant
Vt alter a. Riddle and Fred Riddle had In and to
tbu aboyc described real property, or any part
thereof, to satUIy said execution, Interest and
accruing costs.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, July 28, 1903.
EherlS of Douglaa county, Oregon.
Society JVleetlngs.
F. k A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Holds reeular meetings on second
and f urth Vednendnva ol each
month. E. .1. Stroud, W. M.
N. T.Jkwitt, Secretary1.
AO. U. W. Koaeburg Lodge No. 16.
Meets the second and fourth Mon-
days of each month at 7:80 p. m.,
In the I. O. 0. F. Hall. Members in
good standine ar invited to attend.
F. M. Toziwt M. W.
E. H. Lknox Recorder.
D. .8 Wkst, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Koeehiirjt Lodge No.
326. Holds regular ctimmouica
tions at I. 0. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend reau
larlv and all visitinK brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Waite, E. R.
Ror McClalun, Secretary.
N. G., meets at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
EGREE OF HONOR. Myrtle Lodge
No. 13. Meta 2nd and 4tn inure
day evenihs of each month in Na
tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cor
dially Invited to attend.
Mrs. Merit Wkst, C. of H.
E. H. Lknnox.Rpc.
OF A. Court Donglas No. 32, For
esters of America. Meets every
Tneeday evening in Native Sons'
Hall. Visiting brother alwavs welcome
S. W.VanZils C. R.
E. H. Lenox, R. S.
E. V. Hoovr, Physician.
O. O. F. Philetanan Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Oats streets, on
Saturday evening of each week Mem
bers of the order in good standing ate
invited to attend.
H.B. GiLLmg, N. G.
N.T. jEwrrr, S-crtarv.
of P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. MeeU
everv Wednesday, in I. O. O.
Hall a'. 7:3 p. m. Members
? good st anding are invited to attend.
Geo. E. Hocck.
; S.V. BampK.B. 8.
O.T. M. Protection Tent No. IS.
Holds its regular Reviews the
first and third Friday of each
month in the I. 0. 0. hall. Visiting
members in good standing are invited to
attend. Geo. W. Perry, Com.
E. E. Blodgett, Record Keeper.
IILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th .
Friiira nf eaih mnnth at th N's-
Hr Knnn Hll Yiaitinir in I vadaAadWahtngtonTerrltory."asxtnd
tive tons, nail. lsillng memoers in , etouh, public land statas by act olAogrut
mod ttandini? are inrited to attend. i m
jidge Bcchasas, Guardian Neighbor.
yjx , cecy.
Holds ita regnlar reviews upon the
Kfwmnri anrl fnnrth Frirlav sve.
nf earh mnnth in th Vativp Hons' Hall
01 eacn montn m tne native eoni nan.
sisters oi otner ntves visiung in tne City
are cordially invited to attend onr re-
. . . .
- - .
Jessie Rapp.R. K.
E. S Roeeburg Chapter So. 8,
Holds their reznlar meeting on the '
first and third Thursdays in each .
nonth. Visiting members in pood
itanding are respectfully invited to at
tend. Mrs. Nannie Spragde W. M.,
Macde Rakt Secretary.
IT-F.BEKAH8. Roseburg
meets in
II Lodce No. 41. 1.0. O.F.
Odd FellowB Tern pie every Tuesday
evemnz. Visiting Bisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Della Brown, N. G.
Cora Wimberly. R. S.
1 1 sembly No. 105 meets every Satur-
w dav evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Docglas, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brown, Secretary.
! 1 1 00DMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak
W OamnNo. 125. Meets at the Odd
1 Fallows' Hall, in Roseburs, every
e, ui.i Mnnj. scntnn vi.-.;,-
N. T. Jewett. C 0.
J. A. Buchanan, Clerk.
Odd fellow's Temple. Meets iirst
and third Thursday evenings each
month. Visitors cordially invited.
J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
J. C. TwrrcnELL, Scribe.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price 50c.
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf
One black horse with star on forehead,
two back feet white, will weigh about
1,200 pounds. Strayed from my pasture
about two weeks ago. A. Fraley. 60tf.
For Sale.
Small saw mill and timber. For
particulars address.
Livingston Bros,
(Aprl) Peel, Ore.
Clock for Sale.
A good, up-to-date, shelf clock that
originally cost f 8, at a bargain. Now
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. W., this office. tf
Sheriff's Notlco ot Sale of Landa heretofore
old to Uotiglas County tor Taxet.
Dy virtue ol a statute enacted by the Leglsla
tlve AisemiiK ot the Slate or Oregon, for the
veariuoi. I snail a sneriirot imuaias county.
Oregon, offer for tale and fell all lauds to i
whlch said Douglas County, has acquired title
during the preceding yar by virtue ot tax
sales, all ol said property snail ne som as real
property is sold upon execution to me nignest
didder for cash in hand at the Court In.use
front door, at Koneburg. Douglas County, Ore-
Ron. .tone o'clock p m., .on i
SATURDAY, the ISthday of August, 1903.
the following described lands, to-writ:
BWJi 4, sec. 2, tp. S3 r
PEli sec 6. tp S3 r R w., ICO acres.
LotsS. 5.6Eof NW'f. sec 6 tp 23 r
6 w
135 acres
of NE. sec 2i tp SI rS w., 40 acres
SWK. sec. 2 tp 21 r 4 w.. ICO acres.
Lots 2,3. . II sec. 33 tp 22 r U w.. 160 acres.
KVlfnl Wif tee.. in'ilr iw .40 arrcs
SW'ji of HWk. sec. 2 tp 23 r. 9 w . of ,
NEU, NEW of SVili. sec U tp 23 r 9 w., ICO acres ,
StVi ot SEfi , sec 16 tp 22 r 4 w 40 acres.
WW f SE'i. sec 36 tp 23 r 5 w., H) acres. i
E4 0f NEi, NW of Shli. KE5i of NWJf. !
sec 14 tp2 r6 vv , 16u acres.
N WW (if fW'A, ic Sfi tp 23 r f w., 40 acres. I
NWW ot NE, sec 36 tp 32 r 6 w.. 40 acres.
Wi of SWJi. less 20 acres sold Uervy. sec. 33
tp Si r i w . to acres.
SWfi of XEJi. SE; of SWJi, sec 36 tp 32 r 6
w . 80 acres. !
of .EJi of NEJf, sec. 33 tp 32 r 7 w.. 20 i
acres I
SW sec, 6 tt 29 ri v.. 160 acres.
SW of rW'i. sec. S3 tp 21 rb w., 40 acres.
S)i of S i, sec 9 tp 27 r 7w., 40 mm.
ol sre llt:irsv.,tu acres
Ixu2.7. 10, 11. sec 10 tp22 r II w., 161 acres.
Lots 3 and I Block 2, lots 3, 4 and 5 block 3,
Tt-rrace Hark Addition to the City of Rotrburg.
Gardlners Addition to Lots 1.2 and 3 Drain,
Lot 4 block S East Drain.
Dated at RoKburg, Oregon, Jul 13, 1913.
Sheriff of Donglas County, Oregon.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is he'eby given, that the undersigned
was on the J day of April. 1903, by the
County Court ot Douglas couuty. Oreron, duly
KpP'lnttd Administrator of the estate of James
O. 1' Mills, deceased. All persons having
claims agalusl the sld estate will present the
same to me at my office In rtovrbarg, Oreron,
duty verified, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated Ih's ICth day of Joce, A. D-, 1933.
Administrator of She EtUte ot James O. P.
Hills. deceMed.
First publication June 21. 1902
' Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
: has been by the ountv Court of Dourla dun
j ty. blate ol Orecnn.duly appointed adralnltra
! tor ot the estate of Clark Richards, decrasrd
i AH piKns bavin claims against said estate,
I are hereby otified to present the same. dal
verified, to Joan Hamlin, at Rotebnnr. Donclas
' county. Oregon, wlihln six months from tee
. date of this noure.
Iated at Kotebnrg, Ortgon. thl 17th day of
, Jnn. . 1901 E E.
Administrator ot the estate of Cla-k Ricfca da
; deceased. June ltw
Notice for Publication.
United State Land OSlce.
Roseburg. Oregon, March 21. ISOt.
5otic is hereby given teat is corspllanc
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
Jur.eJ.JS7.enmledAnait for the sale of
timber lands in the States of rall'crsla.Orecon
has this dav filed In lhl office her sworn state-
j ment No. 470b, for the purchase of the i of
i U 1 W irlil HIM i-lfTat r.TTVM
', land sought is more valuable for its Umber or
i stone than for agricultural purtoses and to
tabllsh herrlalm to said land before the Reg
, UteT ana Kertjjor lnl, oHce at Rweburg Or.
Friday the 31st day ol July. lan. She name as
witnews: C I Leavengi of xtddi. Oregon
TlnnlU.miiim nITi't., flrwnn A U f. ' .
ranrtKfr 111;
! and B F Wfiley, ot Aberdeen. Wash.
Anv and all rrertons claiming adversely the
above describe! lands are requutcd to tile the r
claims in this o31ce on or before said Slst day
of July. 1SCB. JT BRIDGES.
MaTlpj;yll Register
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted Bute Land OQce
Roseburg. Oregon. June 12. 19C3.
Notice is hereby given that in compllanea
with tha provisions of the act ot Congress ot
Jnn S,)5T8. entitled "An act tor the sals ot '
Umber lands tn the Slates of Caltfornla,Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tha public land states by act of Augurt
of Glide, county of Douglas. Mate of Oregon,
has thl cay filed tn this office bis sworn state
ment. No. &320, tor the purchase ot the lots J
and 4. SW NW.;. NW; SWJi. ol secUoa
4. In township 2 south, ot range 3 west,
and wOl off er proof to show that tha land socght
Is more valuable for Its limber or stone Uian
for agricultural purpose, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Rosoborg. Oregon,
on Tuesday the 241 day ot September, 1900.
He names as witnesses: H. L. Engles. John
Gardner, John Greenman. and R, J.Watson,
, all of Feel. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
, aVive-descritxtl lands are reoucsted to fl e tbelr
claims In this office on or belore said Z2nd day
of Snt . 103. J.T. BRIDGES.
JulytCp Register.
Notice for Publication
Cnlted States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 22. 1SCL
I Notice ts hereby given that In compllanea
I with the provisions of the act of Congms of
Junes, ).(. entitled "An act for the sale ot
i timber lands In the State of CallfornIa,Oregon
; Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
I ad to all tha public land states by act ol August
nt Oshkoth, county ot Winnebago, Plata o
j Wls.,ha this day Bled in this 'office his sworn
I statement Nn, S3M. for tt.e purchase ot the
I EU, SE. rtMi SEi. SEW SYi ot sec
tion 4 In Township a South. Range 4 West,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
usim wioro w ncfuicr uu imainr ot uui
lmnll!nlnnr nnii
n ueiore ue ttecis
. .v Ti- - I . - ., , . ...
office ol Rose burr. Oreran.
ot .Monday, tho slh day of
September 1903.
III. as irlltlMiM' Hnr Hronn.n.1
FYknk FT Ko,,llti." Martin RaVmussVn."
Ibnn.l. I irtTLlm nlllihtmh U'lunn.ln
v. - - -- - - " - -- - .-' " i
Any nuu an vimjus vjkiiuiuk aurer?eiy me
a dovc aescnoM ianus are requested to tile tbel
claims in mis niuce on or oeiore saui "jstn uay
September, 1903. JTBRIDUE.
JulylBp. Register.
In County Court ot Douglas couuty, Slate ot
In the matter of estate )
Martha Woodruff deceased)
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
baa been by the County Court ot Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, appointed executors of the estate of
Martha Woodruff deceased. Whereon all per
sons Indebted to the aald estate- are hereby
notified to make Immediate payment to the
undersigned at their rvsldencoln Cole Valley
precinct, Douglas county, Oregon, and all per
sons having claims against tho said estate will
rircsentssmo verified as by law required with
in alx month from date ol thl notice.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14th, 1903.
. . R. A. WooDBorr,
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 24, 1903.
Notice ti hereby until that In compllanea)
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June!, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of Callfornla,Oregon
Navada.and Washington Territory," asextand'
4 to all tha public land statas by act of August
of Dallas county of Folk, state of Oregon,
has this dav filed In this office her sworn itate-
rami s'n 4mt (, k. ..nn.h.u ( riz i -v'
and the &A of the WA of section 26 township
souin. range 2 west, ana will oner prooi to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
pose, and to establish hertclalm to said land
before tne Register aud Receiver of this office
at Roseburg. Ore. on Krlday, the 31st day of
July. She n.mfs as witnesses: C I
Lraven.ood. i.f Riddle. Oregon, Lloyd Mar
quam. of Tlllrr.Oregon, William Hammers, of
Rlddles.rrgon, Bessie Sillier. Lebanon, Ore.
any and all persons claiming adversely the
above detcrlbed lands are requested to file
their rlalmt in this office on or before saldSlst
dav of July. 1W3. J.T. BRIDGES.
Mayspjlylj RegUter.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June IS, 1903.
Notice ts hereby given that In compliant
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Junes. 1S7S enUtled "An act for the sals of
timber lands In tha Stat of California n,.
' Nevada.and Washington Territory ."aaextend-
tflivL lh PbI1C lnJ uu b7 ' Augnit
'of Roseburg County nt Douglas. State of Ore
gon, nautili Uyn.-d In tbUJoSce his sworn
tta'ement No. MM. for the purchaie of the
NE!of sections, township 3d. range 4 west
and will off er proof to show that tha land sought
Is mora valuaU for lu timber or stone thaa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hlj
Claim before the Register and Receiver of this
file of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Frtday the Situ day .it September, 150S. He
naraa a witnesses: George Keed. II . 1
.-tudlry Margaret J. Brookes, D P. Fisher. aU
of Roseburg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abavedescribed lands are requested to file ihelr
claims In this office on or before the 21th day of
September. 1KB.
Julyltp Reglst
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted Stale Land Office.
Roseour. Oregon, JoneZ!, Bin.
NcUca is hereby given that tn eorapUanca
' with the provisions ot the act of Congress of
! June J, S7S,enUlled "An art for the sale ot
. Umber lands tn It States ot California. Orcgoa
i 'evada.and Washington Territory." aatxtend
d to all tha public land staus by act of August
' 4.1372.
ofOihknsh. R. D. Box U7. county of Winne
bago. Male of Wisconsin, has this day Sled In
this oSre her sworn statement No. S3Ti. for
:the purchase of the i Jttt'H. SWJ; SLii,
NW; titii ot Sec 2. Tp !J. R 4 W, and wllL
o3er prool to show that the land sought Is aore
valcable for lu Umber or stone than for agri
cultural pnrpotea, an-1 to establish her claim to
sald tana telore the Regitcr and Receiver ot
this oCl'e at Riebarg,Orr(on.
nn Monday the lh day to! September. U03.
She names as wttnetK: 0 D Clark. MarUa
Rasmnsscn. II ems an Haruhelm. and Roy
Breuna-td. of Oihtosh. wi-consln.
Any and all persons claiming a,1vers1y the
above described lands are repots ted to file lhlr
claims tn this oSW on or before uMSth dsy
of SVpUmber. 1KB. J.T. BRIDGES,
jtuy 16p Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by Ue Cocnty Court ot Dnogla
county, state of Oregon, dalv appo'nted the
administrator of the estate ol D. A. Frock, da
ceased. All pernios bvlng clalss against said estate
' air hreby required to present the same duly
ve-ISed to the andrrslgned at Olalla. Daogla
county. Slate oi Oregon, within six month
frosi the dat- of this notice
Dated at Olalla. Oref on. this SI day of Jnns.
AdralnUuator of the estate of D. A. Irockr
First pubHcaUos Jane 4. ISO.
la the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon,
for Douglas County.
Charles O. white. FlalntlS.
Charles Strong and Masola'
Strong, his wife: Leonard
Strong and Ona Strong, his
wile: Edd Strong and Mrs. Edd
Strong, hit wile: Florence
Strong, a minor, and EUen
strong, ner guardian: fustel
Duncan (nee strong) and K. N.
Duncan, her husband George I
Mronr. single; Fannie Kelly (
(nee Strong) and Phitln Kellv. t
her husband; Margaret Strong, Sell la BonUr
I . , L . . . . -
aiWUi . ClfUUK M IS.
HoraceStrong,Msw!te;Genrge I
Strong No. 2 and Mrs. George ,
Strong, his wile; Ephriaa j
Strong and Mrs. sphriaatl
oiroag. nia win; tua strong, I
single; Harvey Strong, stngle; '
Joe Unndsaker. Cnariea I
Wright, Roa Bmwnlag (neoi
Wright). Walter Wright. Ethel I
Wright. Jese Wright and the I
state una uoara.
To iJd Mrong and Mrs. Edd simn. Vm.
named defendant;
In the namot the State ot Oregnii you, and
each ot you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint died against you in lh
atktreentlUcd salt on or before
Saturday, the ISth day of July, 1903.
; and It you fall so to appear ana answer, for
; want thereof the plalnuff will apply to Ux
court for thereliex demanded tn the complaint
a succinct statetncot ol which Is, that me UUe
to the ifoilowlng desctlrtd real property, u
' wit. The ct one-halt ot the southwest one
qnartcr and the wt one-half of the southeast
one-quarter of section 22, township Z) south,
ot ranges west of the Willamette Meridian.
. containing 10 acres more or Ies, be onlettd
and the fee therein be decml as in the com
' t f l,ai.,u,e0t lttett ol said,
td.l strong, be decreed to be 31.113JT thereof,
and no more, and that the defendant. Mts. Edd
?iron5.Vbc "J31 10 ave no right. UUe or n-
Jrj ft,t'.n,cxcept " inowtfc ot the de
fendant Edd strong
"," rruHon ot said real premisca be had
according to the rtspwtire right ol the par
tie, to this stilt, anil II, In . . l.'JT.i
. . - - ' T - k.UUUt W! UMI
i winoui material tniarr or tn thn
rl.l,,. it.., ,.! Jtlr' t1'. r?i'1"c!s lV. t0
rlcht. that thn nn.n t . i. . ..vl ... i
ol ih 'ioV.'SrV Tr;,""" .uTUUOa
' n...!.. J-l.!' . ' . .""-"W Ml . me IV-
d other 'ind tSrther rTl'ci a, the S2&
. ,.2Zi l" K tnC COUU Shall
hie ! IITJ?u,ara?!puNUhed by order of tho
;lr Honorable J. W. Hamilton. Judge ol the above
ot entlUed court, which order l.ate,! May 1J?
i w." cMuutwr.
iM..?, J lae am publication of
Ifll!??imona L l onc - week 'or six
.i.nnKiYT1 .V- 9Jendn5 with tha first
Dated this 2Ut day of May
ay, 1MX
Attorney lor
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good S00 aero farm for sale tl-o
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
ultivation, balanco hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
houso, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc
Geo, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buict,
Roseburg, Oregon. o-tf