THE Roseburg Piaindealer Published MoudKjr and ThniMlays. ; PLAINDEALER PUBLISHIN6 CO. i H.H. BROOKES, Editor.' f MARY K. BROOKES. Proprietor Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, h Orb., as second class mail matter. F Advertising Kates on Application. JULY 30. 1903. THE HORROR OF HORRORS. ) pDuring the past six months the press in the northern .states has been confronted by a problem hard to . , . l , solve: and in the repeated Ivnchmgs of the "niggars" in Xew York, Indi- ana, Illinois, Colorado, Kansas and other states, and.wherever the black borate has assailed white women, the aame spirit of vengeance -has been manifest in. the north that has been condemned m the 'whites of the southern states. In meeting out speedy justice in a spirit of frenzy for this the most .damnable of all Crimes the white .man .be he republi can or democrat saint or sinner i actuated by the same passion. There no environment to his passion and desire for the speedy death of the malefactor and latitude or longitude does not form a Bpun'dry to stop " the ferocity of a white man He-'maybe learned in the law; may be an am ljassador of Heaven, and " a man who has schooled himself to such an ex tent that his soul and bodv seem to Be dead to passionate outbursts of -m-j djgnation against the; creatures prac Ing the "living horror". He may be afphilosopher who seeks' cause in ef fect and effect in cause and from J distance can write about all the emotions giving vent to action and explain away and condone or condem'n13 that the "sweet fields beside iut once let tne actual . norron oi a , u,e a" enuig nooas oi tne liiam beastml black assaumy rontii ceauty, !ette, Umpqua and Rogue rivers and umocence and the honor of our women' be, thrust right under his nose and the-man learned in the law pleads for the law to take its course in a very , apathetic manner, and thus allows the spirit whose bodily sins have been f "burned and plunged away" to appear before a higher tribunal: the Ambas- fsador finds that he is persona -non fgrata, and takes a leave of absenpe; the philosopher has a new idea to' work out; and republican and demor jcrat, saint and sinner aroused like a ' t ueeir xuuueu wi ner cuus uecome iora ir1"4" ui LUC nuuaic auu tuc juuuuu Itime an unreasonable, indignant, re- J tiveness of the soil and the vast re rveigeiul creature. Men who have 'turns received for labor bestowed; "mever been there" can't tell the emo-tiffi-of-fage and passion which takes possession of the white man who "has 1 been there." The whole judiciary JJS " iT TJ "l 3 CI.i . 1 ana army oi inp umieu ctaiesicaji not prevent the Ivnching of ihe blacil demons w-hi The editoijfe j 1 white women. he? newspapers newspapers con demning such lynchings are sincere out theyknow rjothingx)f thej passion df a white-clan whoiias seen , a yoring. white pm it may be murdered by the. Ihst ofablackvdemon. A. "motheV who has never lost a child knows". birthing of the sorrow or the empty tffeelmir of the arms and heacc of a Smother who has. The writer lived in astate where such affairs were of common occur- jakce and has no more use for a nigr. jmr guilty of such offenses" , than he' ip for a Tattlesnake to be crushed beneath the heeL y 't t, f There is one point, however, wlfich w e want to bring before our .readers. fT 3 "us ''it' is'a-.mvstr'.' have ti Ikfedi'with' rie'gfoes a"bo'ut i&ani' lb is: t: le -blacker,! loweii and iiore i bBstial indjgi'prntthe n'ggeithe great7 ;i is his desire to commit.'thfi. crime, ? ;rhaps it is on a par with the Indian v jnen of all time past and 'present, v 10 have an innate desire to be 'Ihe n ither of the Fair God or Messiah of i r, race. But snch -sue'fstttutlon if n nejstitution it be must' ' give place fBL5Aglo-Saxon , thought, and action, and that"thought and action "is"daily being hardened and brutalized and everj' burning, cutting, hacking, hang ing only seems to increase the feroc ity of the white men and.multjiply the number of victims of the Mack.' The end of all this '' cannot he in sending the blacks to Africa, Cuba, or "the Philippines the same as ex Governor Geer advises for about 1500 of them are born every morning be fore breakfast time. It will not end in the blacks giving up their practice for every year the crime increases. Mil not .epd. becauW the iwhite man will 'become satiated iwith- ven geance lor his arm will never tire. The only end will be a night a black ness and extermination for the feel- 1 mg of hatred all through the South i , , and wherever . the niggar .commits crime is growing! deeper; and deeper even' dav. The children who have learned to hate with vengeful natrea are tne parents oi tne gener - ation tomorrow and in some way at some place a fire will be started that will illuminate the heavens j and black cloud of&inpke Will appeal! the the world. This is no pipe dream for the writer knows the subject in all of its horrible details of negro lust and We need practical irrigation enter white man s vengeance. It may be j prises and with such a system every years before the fire is kindled it mav j acre of land under ditch would be i oeioretne nre is Kinmed it may nited before ajweekj has passed. ?r or later it will come lor be ini' Sooner fhatred a hatred that knowi not love a vengeance that knows not mercy is hourly, daily sweeping over the! country at the pestilence of negro abomination and the end -"will be Where are the; Oregon J Indian .'tribes today? IRRIGATION NEEDED I.N OREGON. The writer, when he first came to Oregon, was led to .believe that the pksian FieldjLwere located, west 1 of Cascade' Range; biit; now he be- their tributaries need the waters to be stored up and used for irrigat ing purposes just as much as the waters in the drought stricken deserts of Arizona or New Mexico. Now we -are fully aware Ihat thou sandi of farmers -are fully f persuaded that the crops raised in Western Ore- fgon are all that can be desired and are very bountiful, and in comparison with 'other parts of the country, we are willing to admit that the citizens f Western Oregon have cause to be but we never saw a country "where every prospect pleased" and just at the proper moment the "latterjfain" fails to materealize the same asj it Pdoes in fOreconf With the natural rainfall and Jffcfm three to twelve inches-of water ,run n , ihe val ey lands, and on the gradual f hill sloj es for thatNmatter, the arable land ana" also the hillsides could. made times produce from (three to. teh much as is now produced J We have seen the smalhgrain and corn crops. the hops and prunes, grass and alfa fa and, in. every case, with millions oi gallons bf water going to waste dai y, crops suffer and fail to produce oi er fifth amuchSis"they should produdel jVewm take the.xhop crop alon with, the climatic 'conditions and tn oi .tne sou with tour jo; . .. i inches of exlra moisture there lii ivoreasonflvhy that crop should no gixe'hfjirout of one hundred dolla: per acre. laKe tne wneat, oat an banej crops.' ' mtn- 'tne -"sam lamottn&'.6f' .water! dpplied. at thepcopje: mheryieJll .cquld -edsTM-made K Ucrerana,), nurejy .summer rodt; ibulb and forage crops of all ki; Kinds land "now lying' idle could" be made a,o 'produce "a net profit' of 'from 'thirty to one hundred dollars per acre. "Whpt J . ... , ii if we neea is to gee a move on; ourseiTe: and establish a thorough "system p: irrigation dams andcanals and ta: we'could not'onlyclaim that' Western j Oregon was the Elesian Fields but ' that it is the Garden of the Gods and j more beautifiul and productive than1 the New Garden of Eden which John I , , f it. i i I saw coming down from the clouds. But beatic visions of golden clouds, , and palm trees and rivers of water ' create a desire and those old writers, John and Paul and Isaiah and others who wrote so entrancmgly, went into a clairvoyant state and saw Western Oregon as it will be when we have either given place to new comers or have adopted modern scientific meas rues to produce three times as great returns or new crops of all kinds. What is needed is not visions but realities; and with irrigation the i farm lands would produce from f ortv to sixty tons of mangel wurtzels, from fifteen to forty tons of ruta-bagas or turnips, from six to ten tons of cured i sorghum hay, from four to eight tons ; oi auaua ana a score ot other crops ! to be turned into concentrated farm products beef, pork, mutton, cheese, butter and poultry, besides the present crops which could be increased to bring four or five times in quantity and of a much more excellent quality-. worth from, one hundred to three I hundred dollars per acre. i ' OH GRAVE WHERE IS THY VIC. TORY" At Grand Rapids, Mich., last week a funeral cortege had gone to the Cath olicfcathedral and the casket contain ing the corpse was deposited before the altar and while the funeral cere monies were going on a dispute oc curred on the outside of the cathe-; dral between the union men who drove the hearse and acted as carriers of! the dead and a number of non-union men who drove the carriages of the mourners and friends. A general fight resulted and the union men mopped up the earth with their non union brethren, who abandoned their vehicles and fled to a place of safety. After the ceremonies were over at the cathedral the union men would not drive in the procession with the scab drivers, and the burial services were delayed until the friends of the departed agreed to have only onion men to drive the corpse and the! mourners to the grave. LAND OFFICE LETTER. The following letter explains itself. We have left out the name, address and date for proving up, that is all. The letter if any man doubts can be seen at this office: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UXITED STATICS XAXD OFFICE, Roseburg, Ore., July 21, '03. Referring to your Timber and Stone application which is now being adver tised for final proof before this office, I have to advise you that it has been found necessary to extend the time of accepting said proof to the day of , 1903. Your notice will, however, be accepted as advertised. ,. , " , f ' This has been found necessan for , tne reason tnat a special Agent irom i the General Land Office has been as signed to this office to make a thor ough investigation' ' into each case wfiere said final proof is made. The examination by the said Special Agent is at such length that we find it impossible to accept more, than from two to three proofs, in one day. The records in this office "show that we have from five to ten proofs set for each dav for the next four mohtns. ' We are dplrfg this . for the purpose of saving you the expense of from ten to fifteen days delay in sub mitting your prippf, as, is the, case with a large number of persons who are npw appearing at .this, office. ' indly acknowledgereceip,t of this letter without delay. 1 1 ' ' . ""WE Bridges, They Never Strike. Fw persons realize how absolutely 'Pendent w the whole machinery of commerco on the single industry ot farmin(, Tho fannur in fact, the ,)rimo producer of health. Without him the wheels of civilization would con,e 10 a" abrupt standstill, and the world be plunged into bankruptcy. thi3 fact. Tiecoal hmiam ttriko and i,o nriro of nn. and there is a bue clamor ami some suffering. But the grec: mechanism contin ues to move somehow, until the trouble is adjusted, liailrcad employes and factory operatives strike in vast numbers; walkouts anil lockouts paralyze one industry after another. Still the world moves on. What would happen if tho farmers should strike? The question has been asked before, but it comes witli peculiar pertinence at this time of widespread labor trouble. The possibility of such an event is in deed very remote, and it .would Ins a calamity un-i-rHal'le. Yet the question re a gu. pur,-,. , i.reH vm- , pnasizing me lunuanieiuai importance ot the (armer in tnu world d economv. and second, in illustrating the truly ' cr""al wastefuIneaabotU of etrike nul I lockouts. The executors of the eitate of the 1 Uf Henry W. Corbett, of Portland have tiled with the probate courtan apprai sement of f 2,021, 53S.S5. Two vai.u;ville performed in PortUnd obtained : divoice for advertitin;: pui poses and at the end of a few days were re-marri-d for mlvertisins purpose-. The:v ar tricks in all tnules printer. Fullerton - Registered Druggists COLGATE & GO'S Violet Toilet Water. Cashmere Bouquet Soap FRAGRASCIA PEAU D'ESPAGNE TOILET SOAP, Gnest Room Sire. Fullerton - Richardson Phone 451. ROSEBURG, ORE. Near Depot. Getting Together. A dispatch fror Dearer of the vester-1 ,c,1;,.o. ti.- u,x' da the People's partv, each with a national organiiation, will pe amalgamated into one party by action to be taken this af ternoon or tomorrow at the national con ference of the People's party and Al lied Reform party, now in sessiou in this city. The committes on resolutions and addresses will today report a proclama tion that will call on the several factions of the Populist party to unite. It will alsocontain the declaration of principles A committee made up of theothcers of the conference is also preparing a list of names composed of oneperKtn f roe each " " lu 8 i'' com- rameeraca. niese names Will De an- Ilounced immediately after the' adoption of the report ol the committee on resoln tiong. At an Alaskan Salmon cannery the Chinese help swear that All Quong com mitted suicide by chopping his legs and arms from his body and finally the head from the trunk. And these innocent elestialg .expect ,the Americans to, be lieve their story.' ' , t Wldo is the Path. At Independence, warrants for the arrest of Rev. G. Howard Otiborile are in tne Hands of the authorities'. Oi borue.a Methodist minister, well kuon-n in Portland, ns well -as in other places is now touring the coast holding religious meetings and illustrated lectures and recitals, Slnpe-l!(s departure from In dependence it has been 'discovered that Osborne was not what he professed. According to thecharges nindo public ho mortgaged hislfaijm ijnd then? sold It asjfree ,from indbbiledness. felt jiaial'so said ,that-he raisod Jtindjf byj olher means not entirelyhono7nSie. v It is said that a nephew of acting Popo Qreglia is a hash chooper at the Victoria Hotel, on Geary Street, Sin Francisco. Another nc;;ro outrager in Indiana has started a mob after him and lie will be burned if caught. Tho Bulgarian government has bet-n informed that Great Britian will conf-ent to the establishment of a Bulgarian di plomatic agency in London. The newa has been received with much katisfsc' ion there, it being hoped that the new agency may enlist British sympathy for tlie Bulgarian caute. By order of the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, the bishop of Ki'himf his instructed the clergy of his diocese to exert their influence on the members of the orthodox church by sermons in the churches and p rsonal abmouition to allay the anti-Semitic relfgioue hatred. A contract has boen closed by which the Southern Pacific Railroad Company will take tho entire output, averaginj 20,000 tons n mouth, of the Carbon Hi.l coal mines in Pierce County, tributary to Tacoma. Ilithurto portion of the to steamship lines. Preliminary t tlf impending con solidation of the hind departments of the Out ml Pacitk ud Hithern Pacific Railtoads, which event i follow the apptoacliing retirement , J -rorae Mad der, now law! a pent ,f ii Southern P. cidc, Pntkljnt IIarriia . has ordeml the withdrawal frvm mnlM Central PacWc timber l..nd iti o.vgoo ard Washington ami all Southern Pac.fic oil land:- in California. For Good Clean Base Bal.'. 'Well, the Euseiie lio)- nv l win the pennant but they will hr thv tat- Richardson Accurate Perscriptions COLGATE & CO'S Violet Talcum Powder La France Rose Soap isfaction of kuoauig that tner are the hPe Ul'at next year the league wxll be con- ! tinuml ami Ihnf tlu f.. tinuvvi uu uiai ui" iacors ma; nave marred the jvleaiure of sood, clean sport may be completely eliminated and that the best teams available may enter the contest from all of the valley towns." Eugene Register. Amen arid Amen. An excellent likeness of Sam .Moms, the full blood Indian pitcher of the Salem Raglans, appeared in last night's Telegram. Portland bawball men are very much p!eaed with the s-howinz Morris has made this season and he will be given a try-out in the near fnture cn the Portland Rrovrns. Should he make n good shmvinu' he will be engaged for the balance oi the- season. If not he will play with the Seattle Nationiils. Mrs. Floyd Woodruff and twp children nre visiting relatives in Paklaml. A. POINTER. The Roseburg Chamber of Com merce has now an opportunity to con vince George Gould, that the Xorth Umpqua river route is the best and lowest elevation route to cross the vcaue mountains and to make a trans-continental route from the At lantic to the Pacific through Rose burg. He has 14 surveying jmrties in the field to find a suitable crossing over the mountains west of Salt Like City. .. , t j, WanUd. 20 tiers oak stovewood, 30 tiora gruh bl&ckwood. ... I), s. k- m.tfil- astf. "J"