I ... . ri : Vtn rii rt t A it 1 c 1 n r-Vf ftill nf intoi-QPt Tt i. mii i-fi 1 1 t-. f t a n t thnn nnv rtVi or cn 1 o fir it nortainc tn 9 Our flitt-summer Clearance oojc is un mc gu tuu . a iu" "'" " -' " - r the most generous price reductions of any previous occasion. A timely opportunity. Bara unexcelled. At no time were we more eager to serve upon the appreciative bargain seeKers and we have prepared for this sale s . v?r aistlnct lote of merchandise, which will appeal to you as extremely inducive. Ladies' Silk Waists Cotton Sweaters Another lot of Toilet Soaps at Boys' 35c- 5c the cake. Prides were $5.00 and $6.00. Men,s stfc Kirks Un ,.ish balh New price; 2.75 3.58 3.50 4.W Vy0() 5weaters " Coliseum. Colors; Tans Pink Blue White no t0 $3m00. Oil of Dandelion. Sizes; 34 & U 38 U 38 A wide variety of colors to choose Russian Lilies. from. Balsam Tulu. Ladies' Oxfords, French Kid, Flexible Sole. Here's an odd lot of shoes for Organdie Kimonas Light shade $1.50 per pair. men, women and children at lib- sizes 40 and 42, Less than Cost. eral reductions. Many at . 7 cents Ladies' Patient Leather Ties, Less than Production Price. with opera heels at $1.75. . Ladies' Street Hats in great Ladies' Patent Kid Oxfords, Girls' Wash Dresses. . C1 nn French heels at $2.75. 75c and $1.00 The hot weather will make Summer Silks Seasonable busy buying among the wash Entire lot of Ladies' Leather shades and designs at dresses for girls, of 6 to 14 years. Belts reduced to 25c. q Altogether we present a fine held to select from, including all sizes. Men's percale Golf Shirts, 35c Materials are Chambray, Ging- See the Boys' and Men's Straw ham and white lawn, a variety of Men's fancy hose or Crah Hats we offer at 20c, we colors and styles, at 30c to $2.00. 2 pair for 25c have them as low as 5c. Keep dust and sand out of your shoes when camping by purchas ing a pair of Golf or Canvas Leggings. Priced at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Things that you shouldn't for get. Little worries are the worst. Here are things easy to forget in the buying's. Hard to forget when forgotten. Things in fact you can't do without, if you want them. Shirt waist sets, 25c and 50c. Safety pins 1-2-0, 5c per doz. Shell hair pics, 5, 10 and 15c. Hose supporters (side) 10c. Hair curlers, 5c. Mourning pins, 2 boxes, 15c. Dressing combs, ioc 15c. Hair in cabinets, 5c each. Tooth brushes, 10c, 15c, 25c. .C VP ft-t. WW - JC - ' excellence, and in assortments varied and interesting. TfufCed JfnfCed Hoots From the Oakland Owl. Mr. and Mrs. K. S.Taylor are residing on their homestead on the Upper Cala pooia. Mr. Taylor is clearing ground and making the wilderness hlossom as the rose. He has passed man's allotted three score and ten, yet does more work tcan many who have not reached the quarter century mark. Miss Lillie V. Bradlev, well and favor ably known in Oakland and vicinity, -yras recgnUy married at Payette, Idaho, 0 Benjamin IJeft, Many friends in Douglas county extend liesrlien con gratulations. T. T. Miller is busy on the new resi dence of Postmaster Underwood. The frame work is practically completed and the building will receive the hnishmj touches at the earliest possible mo ment. David Fleming has returned from Dr. Coffey's Sanitorum in Portland, where he had a cataract successfully removed by Dr. Geary, one of the most eminent eye specialists on the coast. Professor Cochran and family and Mrs. J. R. and Hildred Sutherlin, started to Cocn creek Wednesday morning. They will remain several days. Ben Shambrook returned to Portland last Friday morning. Mr. Shambrook and. his partner are building up a nice .trade. L. S. Dimmick, of Cottage Grove, was in the city a couple of days the first of the week. Mrs. Crandall, of Fresno, California, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Stearns. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Kine, Wednesday, July 22, 1P03, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Medley, Tuesday, July 21, 1903, a daughter. L. K. Roney, the Eugene contractor, was in the city Wednesday, Two carloads of rails have arrived for the new switch to be built into kinhey-ville. W. J. Langlois and wife, (nee Audrey : Riddle), were passengers on this morn- ng's local. ; Found a pair of gloves. The owner can obtain the same by describing prop erty, and paying for this not ice. i The Plaixdealer force wishes to re turn thanks for some very delicious ! weddinc cake, from the Langenberg Lemmer wedding. F.F. Patterson, besides the contract received for building the new Gil tank for the Standard Oil Co.. has received contracts for a new brick store building for H. S. Somennann at Glendale and an addition to the Drugstore of the Oak land Drug Co., at Yoncalla. i LADIES TAKE A LOOK John Curran, proprietor of the Myrtle Point Hotel, was in town today en joute for Portland. Dora Thomason, returned Friday jnoming from Marysville, California where he has been for the past winter. Walter Gray, went to Cottage Grove Friday morning, to do some work on the lines of the Pacific States telephone and telegraph company. A merry camping party left Friday morning forCavitts Creek consisting of: Frank and Agnes Brown, Myrtle, Polly, and Cora Campbell, Anna and Bessie Wharton, Ora Mote. Regina Bast, and Roy Williams of San Francisco. Thos. Wharton will follow the party later. and if our SPRING and SUMMER Line is not better than any other, don't buy from us. We are showing this season the Latest Styles in Silk Cause Novelties, Soie Jouree, Silk Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies, Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities, Leno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal lies, Sursucker Ginghamst Percale AND ALL THE LATEST IN DRESS GOODS Cli fc carry the Finest Line of Made-up Skirts in town, and our lin of Underskirts cannot wlill equaled for quality and price On Saturday in Philadelphia, in-! ternal revenue officials seized a large moonshine whiskey plant from which mountain dew was being made. I Secretary of War Root will recom-. mend to congress that U. S. troops in , Alaska be allowed double time allow ance. Another step has been taken in war on the mosquito in New Jersey. Representatives of 21 cities and towns, at a meeting in Newark, have formed an organization to be known as the conference committee on mos quito extermination. The object as set forth is to rid New Jersey of the mosquito, both of the marsh-breeding and malarial varieties. Practical work will begin at once and remedial legislation vigorously pushed. An head end collision on a street railroad killed one man and injured 48 passengers at Worcester, Mas3., on Saturday night. The Good Templars of Washington have by a majority vote decided not to take wine at communion service in the various churches of which they are members. Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing Embodies manv special features that will in terest you. The clothing that we sell from the Highest to the Ixnvest prade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it with confidence even thouirh our prices are lower than any other store sell for the same quality. Also a new and up-to-date line of Indies' and Gent'a Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe r sj. $ One Door South of P. O. The People's Store He man Hair Rope. In some Japanese temples may be seen suspended great colls of rope wo ven from human hair. Such ropes, made of hair sacrificed by thousands of 'women and girls, were used to hoist steae and timber for the temple and Sirs preserved as relics. An Effective Threat. A youth was engaged as junior clerk by a firm of lawyers, and by way of filling In his time and testing his worth on his first day he was told to write a letter demanding payment of a debt from a client who was long In arrears. To the great surprise of his employers a check for the amount arrived the next day. They sent for the young deck and asked him to produce a copy of the letter which had had such an astonishing result The letter ran as follows: Dear Sir If you do not at ones remit payment of the amount which you owe ua, we will take steps that will amaze yoti TRAIN AND TRACK. More trolley lines are being built In Ohio than In any other state In the Union. Railroad men say It costs 10 to 20 per cent more to operate railroads now than two years ego. On account of the great rush of trol ley line travel passenger cars carrying 100 persons are to bo Introduced on Il linois lines. The capital stock of the Pennsylva nia Railroad company Is now $400,000, 000. The sum of $6,000,000 Is to be ex pended In Buffalo la elevated roads to obviate grade crossings. to . riT mn aTn t a 8 8 Bring Us Your CHICKENS, Hj EGGS; BUTTER, FOR CKSH OR TRRDE. J.F. Barker & Co. XXXXSOOOOOOO OOOCXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOt.tXXXXXXXMC000000006 AGENCY Rambler Bicyles BICYCLE REPAIRING BRAZING LATHE WORK HARRY E. niLLER, 7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woolley's tMOMftOIJQOMOOOMOtXP