-EL G3J B? tat Sf Of Local Interest, Don't forget blacksmith. H. Gould, the new 54 lru. Robt. Foster, of Myrtle Creek, was in Roseburg Friday. Editor A.S. Bleton, of the Medford 3Iail, was in Koseburg Friday. F. S. Barzee, has returned from a trip -to Willamette Vally points. H. S. Gould, the blacksmith, speciality of l.orse-shoeing. makes a 54 lm A new washing machine has been Added to the Roseburg Steam Laundry. F,E. , Alley returned Thursday even ing from a business trip to Portland. Mrs. 0. W. Fox, is visiting at home of her aunt Mrs. Antenreit. the Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Allison, are in Cottage Grove visiting with relatives. V. L. Cobb und wife went to Oakland this morning for a short visit with friends. The timber for the new tiestlo over Deer Creek is already on tho ground and work on the same will commence at once. W. A. Burr and wife, J. W. Maiden and wife and son, Maurice, and Sliss Pluma Chitwood, returned morning from Coquille, and very enjoyable trip. Mrs. B. W. Muddox loft this morning for Portland, where she will enter the hospital for treatment. Afterwards she will go to the seaside where she will spend the summer. W. C. T. U. Entertainment. Saturday report a The highwaymen have gotten as far a9 Drain having held up a young man from Elkton at that place the other night. Next thing they will strike Roseburg and we will all be broke. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. returned from a trip Kohlhagen have to Klamath Fall. H.S. Gould, the blacksmith, guaran ees all his work. 54 lm. Rolland Ranip, and J. A. Oneal with their families have returned from an -outing at Froga. Lowell L. Tweedale, of Albany, has accepted a position as night cook in 31 osiers resturant. Mrs. Win. Currier and 'little girl left Sunday for Lebanon, where they will spend a short time visiting relatives. Al Kent, F. A. Boyce and Ed Russe Misses Roda and Madge Calloway, ol Eugei.e, who have been visiting the family of their cousin, Marion Calloway, of this city, left Thursday night for Medford, where they will spend a short time before returning home. Geo. Monteith and J. W. Brown were found guilty of unlawful trespass by a jury in Justice Buchanan's court Friday afternoon, and were each fined f 15.00 which they paid. The offense was cut ting down a bee tree on the farm of Wm. And J. L. Boggs, after beinc warned to desist. Ernest W. Shively, of Glendale, is in the county jail this week awaiting trial before the Circuit Court on a chanre of attempted rape alleeed to have been left Saturday night for Crater late .iomn.it ted on his 13 year old step- At the pre- Glendale his where they will epend their vacation. ; Dr. Galbreath, Snpt. of the Oregon j State Insane Asylum at Salem, was a j passenger on Thursday's southbound ', local. ! lane" iter. Alice Maloney. .lminsrv examination in Dond as fixed at f 1000. One of the oldest buildings in Oregon, the Patterson hotel in Scottsburg, which was built in 1S50 burned to the ground last week. MissRezina Rast returned Thursday evening much improved in health after a two weeks outing in the mountains near Drain. G. S. Stiriar., agent for the White machine returned Friday from a trip through the southern part Iouglas county. of H. G. Somennann. of Glendale. was in town Friday completing arrangements -fnr his new brick buildine. Eoon to be erected in Glendale. Key B-ilovrs and Thomas McCarthy reti.r.xi Friday night from San Fran cisco, where they have been for the past year. Thomas has been employed as General Pacific Coast Advertiser, for Herbert Hevneman, of the American Tobacco Company, while Roy is travel ling for the Penn Tobacco Co., of Reeds ville, North Carolina. The bovs will stay in Roseburg for a short time at least. a Drain Gardiner At the e ntertainment Riven last Fri day night by the Womens Christian Temperance Union the program wft. carried out as publi-hed with the excap tion of the male quartet, which was canceled on account of ?V illness of Mr. McGowan. Ray Hendertn who won second place in the oratorical contest at the Ashland Chatauqua, delivered an ex cellent oration which was well worthy of praise. Mrs. G. W. Short, of Wilbur, sang and as usual her Sois were welj rendered. Mrs. Barzee in her recitation No Saloons up There, receive! well merited applause. In short all the pieces were well executed, and the people of Roseburg hope that the . C. U. will give another entertainment in the near future. COOS BHY STAGE ROUTE Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we will charge $7.60 for thefaro from Drain to Cooa B.iy. Baggage allowance with each full fare 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they have JJOO pound or more. All excess baggage, 3 cts. per pound, and no a lowance will bo made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. For further information address J. R Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Oregon WVb If you want to buy a farm if you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a bouse If you want to rent a bouse If you want to build a bouse If you want to move a house U ynu don't know PAT G ill on or ildrcsi . . . F F. pattern, Contractor tad Builder Reseburg Oregon. .MARRIED. SHELTOX CLARKE. At Cleveland, Sunday, July 1!, 1003, at the residence ' of A. L. Marsters. "W. L. Shelton and j Margaret Clarke, Rev. X. J. Harbit officiating. Mr. Shelton is a well known resident of Garden Vally. Miss Clarke is the daughter of W. B Clarke, the genial postmaster at Millwood. The Plais dealeb joins their many friends in ex tending the happy coupV best wishes. ELATER1TE la Mineral Rubber t YOU MAY INTEND I1UXL.DIKC or flad It iiccchsho to REPLACE A WORN-OL'T ROOF ELATERITE ROOFING Iron, tar nd navel and all prepared rooSnc For flat and ites me piace oi mingle, tin. iron, tar ana navel ana all pi step iur!CM, RU'.ten. vml? jt. clc KairloUr. Temwrwi for all climate. Uuuonablti In iou sota on merit- uuaranireu. II will pay to axle lor price na information. .-MIS KLATERITK KOOFING CO.. AVorchter Buildina. POUTJL.A-N'r) 000000CK00Q00 OOOOO F. W. BENSOK. President. C.MMiSTERS Vice freildeni. a. C. OALKT. Cunler P.OttN In Roseburg, July 21, 1003, to and Mrs. D. J. Jarvis. a daughter. Mr. DIED Last Thursday's local was nearly an hour late. A flat car in a freight train just ahead broke in two at Boswell Springs, causing the delay. Mrs. A. "W. Armstrong, who for the past two months has been spending her vacation in Roseburg, left this morning for her home in California. Conductor G. F. Bleu and wife and son Hughie and Miss Myrtle Bogees left Saturday for West Fork where theys will camp for a week or ten days. E. Bender and wife, of Coquille City, -were passengers on Saturday's south- Twund local for Phoenix, Arizona, where they will remain for a short time. E. A. Wood, J. H. Anderson, E. H. Otey and son Ray left Friday morning for the mountains south of Canyonville where they will spend their vacation. Mack Smith, of Elkton, was in town Friday. He states that the surveyors, who are now surveying the route for the new railroad, are doing a thorough job and seem to mean business. Miss Bertha Sehlbrede, has accepted a position as manager of the Roseburg and Cottage ;G rove Music house of T. K. Richardson, during the absence of Mr. Richardson in the east. T. J. Critissr, while wheeling gravel up a plank over the dam in Deer Creek just above the bridge last Tuesday, slip- ped and fell about ieei, auu very much bruised and shaken up The official call of the 11th National Irrigation Congress, which will be held in Ogden, Utah, September 1 to 8, was issued today. It calls attention to the importance of the convention and states that leading irrigation experts, practical farmers, Government and noted foresters, and state engineers willjbe in attendance and participate in the discussion of sub jects of importance not only to the West, which is especially interested, but to everr state in the Union. now Mrs. Geo. 31. Brown entertained the W C. T. U. at her home in West Rose- n Fridav. Music and games ma the afternoon pass away very quickly and late in the afternoon refreshments were served. Miss Lillian Collier, who for the past seven years has been head milliner at m. JoseDhsons, has resigned her and will remain in Seattle We understand a young lady from Port land bas-been engaged to mi me W. H. Murdock, of Cleveland, brought to the Plalvdealek office this morning seven or eight branches cut from his hazelnut trees. Several years ago he planted some French hazelnuts and now he has twenty-four large trees. The branches were well filled and had more nuts on them than the writer ever saw on nut bushes, in either France or Eng land. There are thousands of opportuni ties open, for enterprise, grit and gump tion in Oregon that would give profit able results, and the hazelnut is one of them, because the hazelnut is indigenous to the soil. McGOWAX. At the McClallen House, ; Sunday, July 26. 1903, Charles Mc- i Gowan, of appendicitis, after an ill-, ness oi four days. Deceased was a quiet and industrious young man, and was 23 years of age. ; He was born atXapanee, Indiana, where ' his parents now reside. He has been in , Roseburg about two years, for the past , year having been a valued employee of the firm of Rice Rice, the house fur nishers.. He was a member of the local order of Woodmen of the World, in which carried a one-thousand dollar insurance policy ; the Artisans, in which he carried foOO, insurance; the Royal Arcanum, 1000; and the Lilac Circle, in which he ; was a social member. The body will be shipped east on this evening's local. Charlie will be sadly missed in Rose burg. as he was a general favorite with everybody. I Douglas County Bank. EHtulilirtlied iJSj. Incorporated 1901 O 0 v g Capital Stock, $50,000.00. $ 0 o O BOARD OF DIRECTORS Q 0 F. W. BENSON. K. A. BOOTH J H. IIOOTH.J.T BKIDflES O J.f.KEtX,Y.A.C.MARSTF.RS K. L MILLER, g SA general banking business tranacted, and customers given every 6 accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. O O Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. 000XKX0000X)XOOCOOf O OWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO : ill 111. HQ II IE SUB AND- Roseburg Nurseries. Very choice fruit trees, all leading varieties. Spitzenberg and Yellow Xew- town Pippin apples a specialty. For sale at very reasonable prices by Rose burg Xurseries, H. Schrotcn, Roseburg, Oregon. 56tf EMPIRE LiVefij, Feed and Sale fables C. P. Barxard, Prop. Saddle Hores. Sing'e and Double Rlg at all hours Transien' Stoc gven very best of care Rates always reasonable Word has been received that Smith Bailey of this city just had what came near proving a fatal accident. He had started for Roseburg with his trotter and sulky and when going arouni a curve about two miles from Jefferson, he ment an automobile. The horee reared and plunged throwing both over the grade. Mr. Bailey lay there, ho knows not how long when a man going by on a bicycle found him and worked with him for some time before he recovered. He was then taken to Jefferson and sent to Eugene on the train. He is expe:ted home tonight. Whether he is fatally in jured or not is not yet known. On last Thursday our sister town, Oakland, had a little excitment to break their monotomy of peaceful sublimity A timber man by the name of Bestul, who was carrying a heavy load of fire water, was charging through the main streets of Oakland at a pace too furious to be allowed by law, and was placed under arrest by City Marehall Hogan He was taken before the recDrder where he plead guilty and was set free. Im bibing more freely than ever, he fol lowed the marshal all over town and finally snrane on him. As soon as the officer could recover himself and draw a weapon Bestul ran. But City Marshal Hogan fired with the result tliat Bestul is now nursing a sore arm and stands a good chance of facing the charge of re J. M. Weatherby Facts. Mr. Man, you want facts. We are going to give you facts. As you read them over you will know they are facts. And we can prove they are facts. It is a fact that McCormick Binders, Mowers and Rakes are the standard by which all others are guaged. It is a fact, Racino Buggies, Hrcks and Road Wagons are far outstripping our competitors' lines. It is a fact that the Bain W agon is the most successful, durable and ecouiiulcal wagon on the market. It is a fact that the above are all in cluded in the Big 3. You can find them at S. K. Sykes', Roseburg, Ore. Letter Ust. Rem vininc uncalled for at the Rose burg postoffice. Barker, Mr CharJes Lerch, Mrs Mollie Crane, Elias M McLiggett, Mrs Endora Eron, Charley Xelson, J A Fryer, Mr Wall Page, F A Furner, J L Rice, George Gibson, Mrs L V Shields, Miss Mary Oottfried. Henrv Thompson. John S Gladstone, W S Topkin, Richard Jrabuit, Gottfried Thompson D P White LS Persons calling for these letters will please state the date on which they arc advertised, July 27. 1903. The letters will be charged for at tho rate of one cent each. Wm. A. Frater, P. M. T. A. Bury D. L. Martin Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. ty with List your proper- us. irT AN RIO GRANDE THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, ruebio, Colorado Springs and Denver, and tne i-amous .KOCKy Mountain Scenery by daylight TO ALL ZPOI2STTS EAST 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDCN AND DENYER 3 Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and formation,addreB3 W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'I Agent, 134 Third Street, Portland, Ore. sisting an officer. tion.