The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 20, 1903, Image 7

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Uncle Sam wil Help China.
Roseburg People Will
an Ideal Recreation
Find This
Many Roseburg people have decided
to spend their vacation at Popular North
Beach, at the mouth of the Columbia.
Leaving Portland (daily except Sunday
and Monday) on the O. R. & N. Co.'s
palatial Steamer T. J. Potter queen of
river boats five hours are consumed in
making the trip to Astoria, the scenery
including all that is beautiful, and
through the great salmon fishing waters
of the Lower Columbia. After a short
stop at Astoria, the steamer is off for
Ilwaco, on Baker's Bay, where the pas
sengers board the train waiting and are
soon off for North Beach, the popular
summer resort of the North Pacific coast.
During the trip from Ilwaco the first
ian and Japan, have taken a hand in I
the Manchuriau negotiations. This fact ,
became known when an effort was made j
to discover just what would be the next
step taken by the United States in the!
far East. It was stated by one high in
authority that the United States would I
wait until the foreign countries interest-1
ed in securing and maintaining the open j
door in China had completed their j
representations. It is not clear to whom j
tnese representation nave oeen auuressea
but it is presumed that they have
been directed to China, with the belief
that their full contents will be made
known to Russia. When they have had
their full effect the United States will
step in with its final representations to
China relative to the three treaty ports.
It is believed that conditions will be
good view of the Pacific is secured, the ' risrht at that time for a firm stand by
train running along the ridge of the the United States that she can not and
beach within two hundred yards of the j does not recognize the right of Russia to
breakers. The beach is twenty-seven j interfere with our negotations with
miles long, two hundred yards wide at j China, a sovereign state. There has
low tide, and so hard that carriage I been much discussion and question as to
wheels scarcely leave a mark. It is an how much basis there has been in the
ideal place for driving, riding, wheel- presumption that Russia was standing
ing, or walking, and the surf bathing is in the way of the United States in its
unsurpassed. The excellent hotels j desire to secure the treaty ports in Man-
and boarding places provide good ac- j churia. It was learned from an un
commodatioDS at prices ranging from questioned authority that China has
one dollar to three dollars per day. i given to the United States a formal
The round trip rate from Portland to statement which is now in the archives
Astoria is $2.50; to Ocean Beach points j ot the state department that she has no
$4.00, good until October 15th. On ?at- j objection to granting the treaty ports,
urdays, during July an August, round j but that she is restrained from doing so
trip tickets are sold to beach points at j by the influence of Russia. In other
?2.50, good for return leaving the beach ; words, China, through her treaty coni-
the following Sunday evening. J missioners at Shanghai, has told the
" j United States that while she wants to
A Stork Divorce Court. do what we de;re her fear o her
powerful neighbor restrains her.
It is believed that when the various
complications which the entrance of
One of the rare stork courts of which
natural history tells was recently held in
j i 4 t t j other foreign nations into the equation
a man named Stephen Toth, near Berda i , , T . . .,,
I develope. The United State will come
, , ,, , c , , r forward with a most positive demand on
changed Madam Stork's egg for a goose , . . . ... . j
e , . t , . V . i China that she grant treatv ports and
egg, and a gosling was hatched out in . , . . .: . , ,
cc " nnt cIia hn rtnt cwovnrfi 1v thA Interfax
due time. Of this the supposed mother ;
was very proud, but papa "had his
. that she be not swaved br the interfer
ence of another power, whjcfa this
countrv will not brook.
Compressed Air to Be the Power on
New York to Buffalo Trains.
doubts," and brought many other storks
to look at the little intruder. This went
on for a week when all of a sudden a
whole cloud of storks decended upon the
barn and farm buildings. Toth counted . A company, capitalized at I125.OW.000
100 aside from his own birds. The j 2n organized in Newark, N. J., to
storks flew past the nest Indian file, and build a line of railroad from New York
each had a good look at the baby. Then ; Buffalo, which it is proposed shall be
they settled down once more, an old i operated by compressed air. The pro
papa stork flying to the high point, the jectors assert that a speed of So miles an
weather cock, where he delivered a J nour w;u achieved,
speech, standing on one leg. After he ,
got through two younger birds, acting j
as bailiffs, went to the nest and sum
moned the father, who stated his case
before the audience briefly and ener
getically. Then the mother was called
to plead, and did so in eloquent fashion.
Secretary Wilson, who has returned
I to Washington from a trip that included
! Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, liinnesotajand
j South Dakota, says that while the farm'
ing conditions are generally good and
LU 'i t .11.1 iuu uiu 111 UVUUCUI 1UCU1U11 .i, 1 , . , . .
. , , , , , , j .L - some of the crops have a large vield, the
After her several bird lawvers had their . . , , . ..f ,
"... . . corn cron will be short. "Th abnorm-
(a! inAii I,.- nvnciAinew crw'
cut, luuuncu kj uic i'i i ..iu i ii .:')! " J
evidently the judge, who wound up his
tirade with a roll call. Each stork reg
istered a "yea" or "nay." That done,)
the bailiffs went to the nest, fetched the
The abnorm
ally cool weather," he said, "has retard
ed the development of the corn crop
! Along the vallevs and hich waters the
crop has been destroyed and from the
level lands that have been saturated the
corn will not mature. The best com
is along the dry, rolling land, but even
there the cool season has prevented the
crop from being what it should be at
this time. We may have an average
crop if the weather in the future is favor
able, but if it continues cold it is hard
to sov to what extent there will be a
Etorage. The crass crop will be the fin
est for many years. The cool weather
has favored the growth of oate, wheat
and barley and that class of products.
M. Loicoq Lobet, member of the Geo- j The wheat crop is generally good, and
graphical Society of Paris, has conceived j altogether the outlook for the farmer is
gosling and let it drop from .a tremend
ous height, whereupon all the storks
pounced npon it and tore it to pieces.
The mother stork was then conducted
back to the nest, but the "wronged"
father flew away with the rest. He has
not shown up again, which seems to in
dicate that divorce was pronounced, as
well as destruction of the interloper.
the idea of building a Trans-Alaska-Si
berian Railroad, and thus affording an
all-rail route from New York to Paris.
Ehifting the commercial axis from the
Suez Canal to Behring Strait.
In 1890 Lobet visited Alaska on an in
vestigating mission, and it was then he
thought of the peopleatbtake there, and
he has since interested many moneyed
men, which has resulted in the forming
of a company, which he sayehas pledged
him ample fftnds to carry it out. He is
now making a tour of the world in the
interest of this railroad BcJieme, and it
is this motive that has brought him to
Ean Fransisco.
In his proposed route over America,
the present plans outline a road across
the United States from New York to
San Francisco, thence northward to Ore
gon and Washington, along the Coast to
Juneau, thence to Fort Cudahay, and
thence to the most westerly point of
Alaska, extending into Behring Sea.
Here a tunnel will connect the two
mainlands. Thence the road will ex
tend through Eibera to St. Petersburg,
and finally through Europe to Berlin
and Paris.
. Wanted.
20 tiers oak stovewood, SO tiers grub
blockwcod. D. S. K. Buick 48tf. ..
good. We have been
annually for macaroni,
all our own macaroni."
paying $9,000,000
We are growing
Clock for Sale.
A good, up-to-date, shelf clock that
originally cost fS, at a bargain. New
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. W., this office. tf
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & C, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldiso, KiNXASf & Mabvj.v, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
and mucous eerfaces of the system
Testimonials Eent free. Price 7oc. per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
In accordance with oui established custom we are
now offering some very attractive bargains in Summer
Merchandise such as Shirt Waists, Wash Skirts, Sum
mer Dress Goods, Ladies' and Children's Hats, etc.
In marking these goods down we have not allowed
the cost price to interfere with the price we are offering
them for. We do not wish to carry these over to next
year hence this great reduction.
We ask you to inspect these lines and get our
prices and if you are not thoroughly convinced that we
can save you money we will not ask you to buy.
We carry a complete stock of Dry Goods, Clothing
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries etc.
I The Only General Merchandise Store in the City
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cat
Envelopes : :
Also 4 off on Fine Leather
Goods until "Wednesday
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains ::::::
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is tc have good
And to get them promptly when you order them. Call up
Phone No. 1S1 for good goods and good service.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Ph me
Wm. M, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Quide
Camas Valley, Oregon
25 milei Kmth wcit of Bosebnrc
Go to
For a Prompt and First-claBS
Shave or Hair-cat. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in shape.
Baths In Connection.
f Shop on Jackson St.
Y. K. DUt ailli! Haill
(Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. fBoyo's old stand)
...Sole Agents ior...
Extend a cordial invitation
to the public and the many
friends of the old firm to call
and examine their new line
of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Queensware, Etc.
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Eggs.
Located on Southern Pacific Railroad
In Bouglas County Oregon
Be Waters CURE flinty Per ceit of cases of Cosstipatioi. Kteiaatfcs
Catarrh. Stomach, Kidaey and Liter TrraHet.
Post-office, Express and Public Telephone on the promises. From $10 per week
np, including baths. Trains Btop in front of Hotel.
One Gallon of these Waters Contains
Potassium Chloride 546.00 gr
Potassium Bromide ..67'gr
Potassium Iodide - .63 gr.
Sodium Chloride 211.00 gr
Magnesium Chloride - .10 gr
Calcium Chlorido 1436.00 gr
CalciamOarbonsta! - .19gtr
CAP; BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.