C 'on 'Historical Society PT1 ANr TWICE A WEEK ROSEBURG PLAINDEALER. Vol. XXXV ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 1G, 1903. No. 53 PHYSIGIAS SEE NO CHANGE NO RECURRENCE OF THE DELIRIUMS. THE PONTIFF WILL PROBABLY DIE OF SHEER HAUSTIOK Home, July 15, 7:25 P, 31 The JoUowing bulletin has justbeen issued: "During the day no sj-ecial phe nomenon was noticed in'flie general -condition of ihe august patient. The depression 5n his strength wasiot augmented. Restoration, pulse and temperature abont stationary. Ins piration, 30; temperature, 36.4centi grade; pnke, -84. "Mazzoni, "Rossun, "Latpom." Rose, Jrily 15, 1MI5 A- M. Dr. Lapponi lift -the Vatican thiE morning to psy another visit do -his daughter, who is suffering from a fever. He said, in Teply io inqniries, that the Pope might linger .some days, longer. RoiiE, Jaly 15. Tie Pope's condi tion shows practicallyiio change-since yesterday. After .a comparatively quiet night lie .became restless during the forenoon -hours and complained of his inability io-fleep. He larned un easily irorn fide do side and seemed unable to settle himself in a comfort able position, but there was.no recur rence of those dangerous periods of delirium which, areusedrach apprehen sion yesterday. The doctors continue to feel that the patient's condition is extremely dangerous, but they say he may still linger ior days. They repeat that all of the ordinary calculations are quiet likely io f ail in the present -extraord inary case. Speaking .of the specific conditions, the doctors say that they think the pneumonia hss practically disappeared. The regathering of liquid in the pleura is so slight as to cause ihe patient no trouble. The chief remaining danger lies in the almost -.complete prostration, suc ceeding the acute stages of the dis ease. Rome, Julv 15, 8:15 P.M. The Pope has again taken a little nourish ment. Speaking to .Mgr. Angu, one of his secretaries, the pontiff said he felt oppression of the chest, but hoped it would pass awayin a few days. DURINQ THE DELIRIUM. Patient, at Times, Seemed Utterly Panic-Stricken. Rome, July 15, 11:30 A. M. 1 The official news received by the Associated Press during the past 24 hours states that in his delirium the Pope spoke specially of pilgrimage and recited Latin verse. He often seemed panic stricken, crying to Lapponi, Centra and one of his secretaries: "Where are you? Do not abandon me." The delirium ceased entirely at 4 P. M.. when his holiness again revived. Having eaten nothing throughout the day he was then given four spoonfuls of meal broth 'and 'masticated some beef without swallowing. Frommid- night up to this morning the Pope was constantly drowsy. The urine has become less in i quantity, Pope Leo in the past 24 hours having passed 30 cubic centi meters. The liquid in the pleura did not show much tendency to cather. and tbedoctors ttiink it likely the end win come through exhaustion and anaemia, instead as a result of cardiac paralysis. Orowers Will Unite. At tie meeting of the stockholders of the "Willamette Valley Prune Growers' Association, held in the Salem office last Saturday after- hnoon, a movement was started which K 1 1 i 1 1 - among all of the pnme growers in the .Northwest Messrs. Hich andL,ow,:i r.iu k - i v rietcher, ot Uart county, Washing- ton, attended tne meeting as the rep-jkn appear here a randi. resentatives of Cbrk county growers, Jor the Presjdency again is at to investigate the .plan of organka- bv circumstances in connec tion and methods of business of this fvQ -u: a 1... Association. The -visitors became so thoroughly convinced as to the bene fits of the association that they se cured a promise irom Manager H. S. Gile to go to Vancouver next SataHw,,,,. to the understand aay 10 assist in organizing an asso ciation there. Prune men are preparing to haadle an immense crop of fruit this season, jt0ae a profound secret, but like its and from present indications their ;t leaked mL hopes will be realized. The tress are; The invitation to Mr.'CIeveland was very heavily loaded with fruit and so ; laW vr Km f Tv;nMfm v t far the weather has been all that ' could be dented from the prune growers' point of view. The cool J rae of oxm 1 Kaited weather with plenty of showers willjhooks He j make large marketable fruit, socb as I ft fnm eTerv -eTr-p0ini, and satisfied is in most common demand in hastern and European markets. Petite prune trees are so heavily loaded, however, that althongb the yield will be very large, the fruit will probably be of a smallsize. No prices have yet been establish- ed on Oregon prunes, nor on the pro- duct of any other section of the coun - ty. Eastern deakrs know that there is a large crop of prunes in Oregon and so are in no tuny to make con - uacis. ine pneeaor ims, years crop will be satisfactory, however, probablv a considerable advance over last year, which was considered good. The crop in California is being affected by drought, and will probably be smaller than was at first anticipated. The crop is estimated at one-eighth of that of former years, on account of the severe frosts earlv in the season. Oregon City Has a Fire. Oregon City, Ore., July 14 The pullery, picker house, dryer louse ma chine shop and boiler house of the Oregon City Woolen Mills were de stroyed by fire tonight. The fire for a time threatened the entire -water front. Damage $60,000. Tacoma parties are taking prelimin ary steps toward the establishment of afoundary and a machine shop in Grants Pass. The f oundary is to be started up on a small scale, compara tively, but will be enlarged. The Minneapolis Times has found out that the hens laid 16,000,000,000 eggs last year, and they brought in the market $150,000,000. The poul try of the country is worth $139,- 000,000, and the combined value of poultry and eggs is nearly double hat of the precious metals and six times that of the wool crop. This illustrates the tremendous aggregate value of some things that, considered individually or in small groups, seem smalLand insignificant. HE TAKES THE BAIT GRQVER WILL GOME OUT AS CANDIDATE EXPECTED TO DECLARE HIMSELF IN CHICACO NFXT SEPTEMBER lad -e.k"in Chicara . Pftm I UiUliUI V1UU UdUUUCb cui iu tile Fa3iTmless present plan3 5, j WUU TU kUU tUHMlklVU KM 'U kill auu U private admissions of men who have conferred with him about it The-exact date of Mr. Cleveland's comrcg has not been fixed. That has ! October. Meanwhile the "fact that!5510?5 ahra-rs for ie ias en!rajred to come is sunnoeed nKnnf rnrnvrw.i-c5.fr ira :a m:j tw u 14 e.t. J ioif tw ;f. c 11 ,.c n thing before he seized it " The onlv livinrr ir-PmdPnt k M o jjave jjj. carefuiv ;nto the j j of the Commercial Club, its ' personnel, its standmir before 'the. -pnwp, nn,i cn nn H. wis OCrw.;niit. j gratified by the assurance that the , mpmh..i,:n rpnrfleBnffU, is the larcest and strangest in tho j commercial and industrial life of the ! Nation West of the tainK Mr. Cleveland then inquired as to whether this, that and the other man (mentioning old political friends of his) were members of the Commercial ! Club. He especially requested that. certain ones amonir the non-members thus inquired for be invited to the dinner. That brought out the politi - cal aspect of the case. It cannot be stated because none of those who know will discuss details just how far the Commercial Clubman rrhn Mr. Cleveland entered with him into son the robbers took $9.35. the political side of his coming. Itj A good story is going tho rounds on can be stated that the invitation-'one of on r most prominent young men bearers understand that Mr. Cleve-' which is 21s follows: Tho young man land understands, they believe the ' upon Bing home each n'8bt was n the full political significience of their i habil of "f" resu1,1a.r1 vi8it.luto ,th.e . " ' pantry and drinking all tho milk. Ilia project. j mother thinking it was the cat that Mr. Cleveland's candidacy for ; was thus robbing her, mixed flour with another nomination for the Presidency the milk and thonghtsho would theieby is not a matter of doubt amone the ' elop th? theft" Her 01,1,0 home men who have conferred with him, or among Chicago men in politics who are in touch with him and his friends in the East. When he speaks in Chicago before the Commercial Club, he will have a chance to discuss the state of the country at a time when the Presidential election of 1904 will be de manding attention. His appearance here will further assure for what he has to say the widest publicity throughout the Middle Western part of the country, where sentiment for him must be awakened if he is to be a candidate. Therefore, this Chicago engagement will be his chance to put his best foot foremost'. PORTLAND TMUOS ROB STREET CAR. Handled Women Passengers on the Car Roughly. Portland, Ore., July 15. With daring and wantonness supreme, six masked men held up car No., 31 of the Oregon Water-Power & Railway Company, at the Southern Pacific crossing on East Eleventh, near Divi sion street, at 11:45 o'clock last night, robbing the 40 passengers and shoot ing B. F. Day through the back with a 3S-caliber revolver. Day will re cover. A reward of $500 has been offered by Chief of Police Hunt. There is not the slightest clew to the perpetrators, and no arrests have been made. The ill-fated car with its load of human freight left the city station at the corner of First and Alder streets, at 11:20 o'clock. Conductor Mattson and Motorman Nye were in charge. There were between 40 and 50 pas sengers, including men, women and children, many of them returning to their homes from the opening of the Woodmen's carnival. The car sped along at a rapid rate until the cross ing of the Southern Pacific, near Di vision street, was reached, where a crossing and ior the switch just be vond. Without warning, other than a gruff command to stop the car, Mo torman Nye was confronted with two long-barreled sk-shooters. The front door and the vestibule doors were dosed' but the men behind the . pushed the barrels of their weapons thrmSh holes in the B3' where : they could back up their threat to ! shoot unless their instructions were ' obeJed quickly. At the rear, Con- ductor Mattson was confronted with the conditJoir and the desper- adoes control of the situation. Aside from the four men at the front and "rear PIatforms. two others, masked and heavily armed, stood ; outside, where they could com mand a Tiew of the aPPching thoroughfares. ine coast naving ueen cieareo, tne rr-r . 1 ! robbers their rk- ASe or : sex cut no fi5ure the ruffians, as j the rifled the PckeLs of every pas- eenSer' money and valuables. fxce some which they overlooked In ineir nan 10 nDIsn ineir worK- ! U imPossible today to obtain a ! comPlete ,lst 01 tfle passengers on i the unf ortate car, but from all that 1 could be learaed the total Io3s to P33- senSers and the company will not , reach From Conductor Matt- laniti iuic, nuu ncui Biraigul u XIIO .1. l.i .1 A . I . . pantry and drank tho flour and milk mixture not Jnoticing the difference. TT . no wem io Dea ana mo next morning his mother asked him -whero he had been the night before. Ho tried to speck but could not. He was stnek fast His brother went for tho doctor who told him to stick out his tonguo. He could not do this because it was stuck in The doctor pried open his mouth and took him down to tho stovo and placed him in the oven. He soon began to get warm and tho doctor told him to cough. He caughed up ten hot biscuits, three pies and a loaf of homo made bread. He had then asked tho doctor how much he owed him, and tho doctor said tendollars. As ho still had somo more dough in him ho "coughed up" and paid the doctor. CZAR LESS BARBAROUS ABOLISHES PUNISHMENT OF THE SAVAGE CUDGELS, CAT -'0-NINE-TAILS AND OTHERS ARE DONE AWAY WITH St. Petersbueg, July 15 The Birzhevia Vedomosti says: The Czar has abolished the harshest remnants of the barbaric punishments of former times, namely castigationwith cudgels and catro'-nine-tails, chaining to the car, shaving the head, which were still inflicted for certain offenses on persons exiled to penal settlements, or to the mines. Castigation with the cat-o'-nine-tails and even with the cudgels not infrequently end in death and was one of the harsh forms of the death penalty, being death by tor ture. Only the most hardened prison administration could stand tne terrible sight of the human being under the measured blows of the cat-o'-ninetails. The cudgel and the cat are replaced in the new statute, says the newspa per, by prolongation of terms or by solitary confinement up to 100 day3 with bread and water "except every" third day, when hot food will be served at one meal. The abolition of the cudgel and "cat" does not, however, mean the prohibition of capital punishment altogether. The revised statute of June 15 prescribes chastisements with birch reeds up to 100 blows "for light offenses and misdemean ors," according to the same authority, and this matter Is left entirely to tho discretion of the prison authorities or the local governors. RUSSIAN REFORM. New Law Promulgated Giving Labor New Freedom. T St. Petersburg, July 14. In fur therance of the proposed domestic reforms, a new bw has been promul gated, giving factory employes the right to appoint delegates from the workers to present their interests in conferences with the factory inspect ors. The plan for the formation of a new police force to maintain order and assure security in the rural dis tricts of 46 provinces of European Russia will be carried out immediately in 15 of these provinces, but, owing to the large expenditure involved. $2,250,000., six years will be allowed fonts complete execution in the other provinces. Over 320,000 men have been called to tho colors in order to ascertain She strength of the Russian army xasj for the present year. Eighty acres of seven-hcadod wheat planted at Milton by J. M. Freeman show good prospects of a crop of 65 to 70 bushels this year. Tho flour made from this wheat last year was nearly equal in quality to the best grades of bluestem, and, as the yield was greatly in excess, the venture appears profitable. This is the second year of the experiment, and so far the new wheat has been tried cm hill land.