The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 14, 1903, Image 8

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    Of Local Interest, jj
C. E. Harbit was in town from -Wilbur
Hon. Jos. Lyons, of Drain, was in
Roseburg, Saturday morning.
Fiank Hill, of AYilLur, was in town
this week, having dental work done.
Attorney O. P. Coshow, has returned
from a business trip to our state capitol
ii. ii. .Lenox, has accepted a position
as a book-keeper for the Roseburg Lum
ber Co.
John Ryan, ieturned last Thursday
evening irom Salem, whe're he has been
visiting friends.
a. j. ranis suoe store. lias lust re-
cert ei a new coat of white paint, greatly
im j roving its appearance.
Jas. Dearliug and wile, of Oakland,
were visiting in Roseburg this week, at
tne home ot Mrs. J. H. lianiniit.
G. G. Shirley ana ton, of Pullman are
visiting at the home of Mr. Shirley's
fcLter-m-law, Mrs. S. A. Sanford.
Miss Anna Hurd, of Portland, is visit
ing at the home 01 Mrs. . H. Carroll,
wnere she will spend the summer.
Mrs. D. E. Vernon, wife of the Editor
of the Oakland Owl, was visiting this
w eek, at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hammit
Lee W. Williams, of Newport, arrived
in Roseburg last Thursday evening, and
will look over our city with a view to
Delos D. eer, the Portland architect
it. in the city looking alter the work to
be done on the new soldiers Home
.Bat racks.
Owen Atterbury, left last week for
Fort Klamath, where Mr. Atterbury
has a range of tattle which he goes to
look after.
Mrs. T. F. Cochran, two daughters
Myrtle and Pearl, and son Kail, left last
Wednesday nightfor McMinnville where
they wdl make their future home.
C. F. Harpster and wife, have re
turned from Portland, where they spent
the past winter, anu Mr. Harpster has
begun work in the S. P. rouud house.
ilr.and Mrs.W. W. Thackaiah, re
turned on Friday morning's overland
from Cottage Grove, where they have
been taking their holidays on their farm
at that place.
Airs. M. C. Smith and son Ross,
daughters, Mabel and Helen, who have
been visiting A rs, . DuGas for the'
past week, left Saturday morning for
Frod Fields is very il! with la grippe
at his home in this city. John Town
send is taking his place running the
dynamo at the electric light plant dur
ing his illness.
W. C. Tipton, has syld his 1227 acre
Etcck ranch on the North Unpqua river
about twenty miles fim Roseburg, to
Geo. Kolbagen, of this city, the con
sideration being 5000.00.
Al. Kent, has returned from Salem
-where he look some horses which will
enter the races at the state fair nort
September. Mr. Smith Baily, who
accompanied him, will remain in Salem
for a few weeks.
James Innman was in from Looking
Glass and sitting at our scribes' table
wrote; the oil drill ip tne right forma
tion will furnish the combination that
will unlock some hidden treasure in
Douglas county.
Mies Mabel Downing, of Salem, is in
Roseburg visiting her aunt, Mrs. C A.
Sehlbrede. She will remain about
three weeks, after which she will go to
Oakland for a brief visit at that place
before returning home.
Rev. W. A. Wood, pastor of the first
Christian Church at Eugene, who was
formerly pastor of the Christian Church
of this city, arrived in Roseburg Friday
evening, and will spend a few days
visiting friends.
A special meeting of the Epworth
League held to elect officers caused by
the departure of both their president
and vice president, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Gardner. Officers were elected as fol
lows: Mr. C. E. Wagner, President and
L. S. Hopfield, Vice President.
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that wo do not have
to bo continually striking out for u new
make of Pianos. The Xeedham has been
our leader for 14 vears and is today a
leader amoug the high grade pianos of
the world. Some cheap pianos are made
high grade simply by getting a boost in
the Oregonirn or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make the major
ity of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, boost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead the very best
mechanics, and tho very best material
such as are always used in Needhnm
pianos. -J-tf
T. K. Richardmjx,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
,.,,, l Residence $51,
vet Ro'-eburg
Office : Koom 11 Taylor vYiUo- Block
Examination Free. OtbC' nours 1 to 12 a m.
2 to 5 p.m. brduate MillCoUoge of Oleoialhv
Attorney-at-Law ,
Court Bouse
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0. Roskbckg,
'Phone Main 591. Oregon.
Physcian & Surgeon.
Office Review wa.
Phone, Main SI
Rosebuko Oregon
Special attention given to Disease! ol the Nos
and "Throat.
Office Vain Su, one door tontho! City Hall
Phone. Main 341.
Beview Building,
Telephone No. 4.
Attorney at Law,
Rooms 14 5. Marstert Bide., ROsEBDRG, Ob
ES-Bastnesibclorethe D S LaadOSceanf
mining case a specialty.
Late Receiver D. 8. Land Oft ee
Business before C.S. Land OfSceand Frrrte
baiiness a specialty.
Office Abraham Buildlnr.
Wll' practice In ail the State and Federal Couru
Once In Harts BlUi., RoMbnrg. Oregon.
2ii 1 and 2
vlew Building.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialt'.
Marsten Building.
Attorney at Law.
Koora 11,
Taylor & Wilson Block
Kokburq. Orb
Land. Surveyor.
Office, Room 6. Taylor & Wilson Block.
ii. Little,
.. DENTIST. ..
Oakland. - - Oregon, j
t 1
City and Mining Propert, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now vacant. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bonght and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
Room 4, Taylor & Wilson Block
Society Meetings.
AF. A. M. Luurel Lodge No. 13.
Holds remilur nif'titiuB on seeonrt
and f urth Wednt-fulavB of hmcIj
month. E. .1. TRoiM. W. 1
N. T.JKWkTT, Sf.-r-tBry.
AO. U. W. KoKeUurg Lodge No. lti.
Meets the second and fourth Mon
I days of each mon'h at 7:30 p. m.,
in tint I. 0. O. F. HmII. Mem hers in
ood Htandinc ar invited to at'nnd.
F.M Tozikk M.W.
E. 11. Lenox Recorder.
D. .S Wkbt, Financier.
T. O. ELKS. Koseliure LodueN'o.
326. Holds regular communica -
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested tr attend fiia
larlv and all viming brothers nre cordi
ally invited to attend.
F. B. Wa.te, E. K.
Roy McClallfn, Secretary.
N. G , roei-re t Armory Hall everv
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
DEGREE OF PONOR.Myetic l.odge
NV 1. MeU 2nd and 4ih Thurs
day evening of each month in Na
tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cot
dially i.vtted to attend.
Mrs. Merit West, C. of H.
E. H. Lennox. Rec.
FOF A. Court Donglaa No. 32, For-!
its oi America, tievis every
B Tnt-miay evening in Nntiv Sons'
Hall. Visiting brothers alwavs welcome
S. W.VanZile C. R.
E. H. Lenox, K. .c.
E. V. Hoover, Physician.
IO. o. F. Philetarian Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor-
" oer Jackeon and Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each wet-t Men
bers of the order in eood eiandinc
invited to attend.
U. B. Gillette, N. G.
N.T. Jewett, iMcretary.
Kof P. Alpna Lodge No. 47. Mee
e very Wednesday, in I. O. 0. F
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in
good alandine are invited to attend.
S V. Ramp K R. 8.
0. T. M. Protection Tent No. 15. ;
n xioias IIS recuiar Keviews the
llB first and third Friday of each i
month in the I. 0. O. hall. Visiting!
members in good standing are invited to i
attend. Geo. W. Pehry, Com. !
En j. y it
. E. Blodgett. Record Keener. i
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women ol j
Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th
Fridays of each month at the Nb- !
live Sone. Hall. Visitirj; members ir ,
food "tandine are invited to attend.
Madge Bcoianan, Guardian Neighbo'
Minnik Otet, Secy.
I O. T. M. Rosebarit Hive No. 11.
I Holds its resalar reviews upon tin
second and foorth Friday eve.
of each month in tbe Native Sons' Hall
SisUrs of other Hives visiting in tbe citj
re cordially invited to attend onr re
view. Jessie Kapp. L. Com.
Macde E. McClauxx, R. K.
OE. S. Rosebnrc Chapter No. R
Holds their regular meeting on thi
" first and third Thoredsyr in each
nonth. Visiiine members in sroorf
itandine are respectfully invite1 to at
tend. Mes. Nannie Sphagce W. M.,
Maude R.itT Secreuiry.
UTkEBEKAHS. Roseburjr Rebekah i
' If
Lodue No. 41. 1.0. 0. F., meets in
eveninz. Visitinc sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Della Beown, N. G.
Cora Wimbeklt. R. S.
sembly No. 105 meets every Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons Ilall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Doraus, M. A.
Miss. Lela Brown, Secretarv.
Camp No. 125. Meats at tbe Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roseburir, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ins neighbors always welcome.
N. T. Jewett. C. C.
J. A. BccHANAS. Clerk.
Odd Fellow's Temple. Meets first
and third Thursdav evenings each
month. Visitors cordiallv invited.
J. B. Hamilton, C. P.
J. C. Twitch ell. Scribe.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applies
tion, three to six removes all dandruff
and will stop falling hair. Price 60c.
For sale by Marsters Drug Co. mltf
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
RoEebunt, Oregon, June 22, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
Junes, IS.8. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all tht public land states by act ot August
of Otbkosh, R. D. Box 187, county of Winne
bago, Htateot Wisconsin, has this day flled In
this office her sworn statement No. 6379, for
the purchase of tho fcK tiWii, 8WJ4 tfili.
NW4 8EJ4 of Sec 2, Tp 28 8, R 4 W, and will
ofler proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Monday the 28th day lot September. 1903.
She names as witnetses: C. D. Clark, Martin
Bumnuen, Uennan Uartzhelm, and Roy
Brennand. of Osbkosh, Wltconsln.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said 23th day
of September, 1903. J.T. BRIDGES,
JBly 16p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 21. 190'.
Notice is hereby iciven mat n compliance
with the provisions of the act ol Congress of
JunuS, )S78. entllled-"An ait for the sale ol
tin: her lands In the States of Callfornla.Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextend
ed t nil the public land state; by act ol August
4, lfrffi
of Lebanon, rountyot Lion, stale ol Oregon,
has tblsdav tiled in thl oil ice her sworn Mate
nient No. 470, for the purchase of the SJj of
SWlfatid the WUof the SKof Ste20,Tp MIX.
I k l ,ann win ouer pmot to snow mat tne
i land sought is more valuable for Us timber or
i stone than for agricultural purposes and to
! establish her claim to said land before the Keg
j Istcr nnd. Receiver ol this oBice at Koeburg Or,
f Friday the 31st day ol Julr. liva. She names as
! witnesses: C I Leaveagnod, of hlddle. Oregon
i Lloyd Mnntiam,ol Tiller, Oregon. A & C at.
! and B F wilier, ol Aberdeen, Wash
Anvandall teroiis claiming adveie'T the
above descrilieii lands arc reo.U3St.ed to file the r
claims In this ofllce on or t-elore said 31st day
of Julv. 190J. JT BRIDGES,
Mayjpjly)3 Register
Administrator's Notice.
Xotlce Is hereby given, that the undersigned
was on the fUd day of April, by the
County Couit o. Dnugla county. Oregon, duly
pp IntM -imltilstratorof the estate of James
(). 1' Mills, deceal. All persons having
claims agati. st the sld estate will present the
same to meat my office In Uovrburg, Orecnn,
duly verified, within six months from the date
of ibis notice.
Dated this 16th day of June. A. D., 1KB.
Administrator of the Estate of James U. P.
Mills, deceased.
First publication June 21, 1903
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has l-vrn by the i ounty Court of Douxla C un
ty. state ol Oregon, duly appointed administra
tor ol the estate of Clark Richards, dtcras d
All persons basing claims against said estate,
are hereby t oflCed to present the sarre. dul
verined, to John Hamlin, at Rosebnrg, Douglas
cnuniy. Oregon, wlihlu six months from tru
dateot this notice.
Dated at KoseLurg, On gon, this 17th day of
Jnni. 1S0J E. E. KlcRBt.
Administrator of the estate ol Cla'k Rlchads
dtcraseil. Jnnelvfw
Sheriff's Notice of sle of Lands heretofore
1 sold to Douglas County for Taxes
By virtue o a statute enacted by the Leglsta
1 tltc AssemM"- of the State oi Oregon, for be
Star 11. 1 shall as sheriff ol Douglas county,
rtgon, offer for sale and sell all lands u
j which said Douglas County, has acquired title
1 during the preteding ytar by vlrtne ol tas
sales, all of ald property shall be xld rel
i property Is sold ujun execution to tbe highest
i oldder lor cash In hand at the Court h- use
' front door, at Roseburg. Doug!as County, O.-e-
g-ATUKii vy, the uthday of August, vac.
me loiiowint oescnoea iana, io-wit:
lcsrJ "tswii. lot . sec 2, tp. ss r :w,ss
.Ei c 6. rp nr R w. 'oerea.
r l-t' . 5. st; oi N wj;, sec c tp a r 6 w..
?SToI t, , r. M
oi sec ip si ro w., acres.
swl: w'lssn w im a.L
Lots ."... ii sec. B ttiZ r 11 w ISO acres.
tiof NEi sec-T tp r ST.ltunr
PAAolfeWJX. Kt. I tp M r 9 w, X4 ol
vEa. SEW m SW-s;. ec. U tpti r 9 w . lto acrrs
K of SEK sec. IS to 22 1 i w W acrt.
sgrt ii t secSStpa r 5 w., m acres.
Sr.4 0f NEJJ. XV U of XLli. MJ of SWJ.
sec II tp2l r w . lui acre.
N W. i.I .-Vt U, c i tp H r S w.. acres.
NWJJ of NEJ. sec SS tp K r 6 w.. W acres.
W4 of SWJ-J. less iO acres sold Ilerry. hc. JS
tp2s rlw .tOares.
swUof NEjf.SE;of Nvrisec. a6tp xi r
w . $o acrrs.
,of .NEJi of NEj;, sec 38 tp 22 r T w.. 2h
! sW;ec. 6tp MrS w .lMscrc
N W ..( SWi sec. 3S tp U r 5 w W acres.
I 5U-tof s)i. kc itp27r7w., aer.
! XT, of SWK. sec 11 tn :t r 6 w . M acre
. I out 2. 7. 10. 11, sc lo tp 2i r w., Kt acre
J Lois 3 and I Block 2. lots X. I and 3 b'ock .
I Thrace Park Addition lo the Cllr of tins. burg
' Gardistrt Addition to Lou 1,2 and 3 Drain.
' O .-e go n.
Lt 4 block S East
j Dated at Hoseburg, Oregon, July 13, 19B.
i SberllTof DoarlsJ County, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
United State Land Office
Roseburg. Oreron. June 12. 1X8.
Notice ts berebr ctven that In cosarJIanca
! Ti'VtJnmf--aJf1 ,ni Si
iimoer tanos in tne states oi cauiomia.uregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," aseztend
ed to all the public land slate by act of August
. IS.
, of Glide, county of D utia. cut M Oregon
, has tbi ear filed in this ofuce hts sworn n
meat. No. MJ0, lor tbe p- rcha l the lots i
and 4, SWx NW".; NWt sWV ol sec'im
4. In town-hip r. south, ot range 2 west.
; and will offer proof to show that the land sou gtt
t is mora valuable for it timber or stone than
! for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
I claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
i on Tuesday the day of September, 10K
He names as witne?: H. I. Engies. Jchn
I Gardner. John Greenman. and R. J. Walton,
all of reel. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aSove described lands are repeated to li e tbctr
claims in this office on or before said 22nd day 1903. J. T. BRIDGES.
Julyi6p Register
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June 22, VAC
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, ib.f, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tht States of California, Oregon
Nevada ,nd Washington Territory." asextend
d to all the public land states by act ot August
ofOshkosh, county ot Winnebago, State o
Wis.,has this day filed In thlsIofScc bis sworn
statement No, &JM). for tbe purchase of the
E?S SE'a, Si4 SEJJ". SE SW of sec
tion 4 in Township si South. Ranro 4 West,
and will offer proof to show that the land sou ght
Is more valuable for lta Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
office ot Roseburg, Oregon,
on Monday, tho iath day of September, 1903.
He names as witnesses: Roy Brennand,
Frank F. Koplltz, Martin Rasmnssen, and
Hcrmau Hartzhclm, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dcscrlbid lands are requested to Ole their
claims In this office on or before said 2Sth day of
September, 1903. JT BRIDGES.
July 16p. Register.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
John Miller, of Hagorstown, Washing
ton County, Maryland, nas located in
Roseburg, and ho is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of painting, paperhanging, graining, and
decorative painting in tho highest style
as practiced by first class workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want the
very latest artistic work ho will be pleas
ed to give for low prices and first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street
or drop a letter through the post office
I and he will quickly respond. lS-tf
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Douglas County.
CharleaO. White, Plaintiff,
Charles strong and Manolaj
strong, nis wne: u.-onaru
stroijx and Ons Strong, his)
wife: Edd Ktrong and Mrs. Edd
stroiiK, his ulle; Florence!
strong, a minor, and Ellen
strong, her guardian; i-usie
Duncan (nee Strung) and K. .s.
Duncan, hir husband; George I
.rtrunz, single; launie Kelly j
(nee strong) and I'hiltp Kelly,!
nernusoanu: Margaret strong.
9ultln Equity
' widow: Horace stroim and Mrs.
i Horacentrong.hU wile; George
Strong .Vo. 2 and Mrs. George
strong, his wife; Epbriam
Strong and Mrs. sphriain
strung, his wile, Ella suong,
single; Harvey Strong, single;
Joe Hnndsaker, Charles
. w right, Koa Bmwnlng (nee
Wright), Walter Wright. Ethel
Wright. Jee Wright and tbe
. state Laud Board
! Defendants.
I To Eld strong and Mrs. Edd Strong, above'
name-i defendants:
in the uami-of the&tate of Oregoa you, and
i each of you are hereby required to app. ar and
.answer the complaint Qied against you In tho
1 above entitled suit on or beloie
! Saturday, the ISth day of Julv, 1003,
and 11 you fail so to appear and answer, for
I want tbe--ot the idalnurr will apply to the
I court for the relief dim and. d In tbe complaint
; a succinct statement of which is. that the title
, to the todowing dttcil- td rei profeity, to
wit: The ea-t one-half of tbe southwest one
! ijuarer and the wet one-half ol the southeast
i i ne quarter of KCtlon . town, hip 2J south,
lolraup-i west of the Willamette Meridian,
; containing 100 acres more or lcs. be quleud
and the lee therein be decreed as in the com
; plaint suted, the lnteiest ol said defendant,
Edd strong, be decree.! lo be 30.I13J7 thereof,
and no more, and that the defendant. Mis. Edd
j strong, be nccrvrd to nTe no ngbl, title or In
; ten st there-n, except as the wife of the de
fendant End strung
i 1 hat a partition of said real premises be bad
;ao-dln to the respective rights of the par-
tit to this suit, and If partition cannot be had.
without ma'crial injury or p'eludlce to th'e
I rights, that the preniUt-s be sold and a dlvi-Ioc
i ol tbe procevOt t bad according la tbe re
' swctlve rights of tn said parties, and for such
; other and farther relief as to tbe court shall
seem equitable.
' Tblsaumraous Is tynbllshrd br onl.r r th
, Honorable J.W. Hamilton, Jodge of the above
I enutled court, wuicn order Is da-ed May 15.
, 19B. aiid thedate of the fini rubllpii!nn at
this .amnions is Thursday, May Jtl IXtt. and the
time prenrribed In the order lor publication ot
this summons is at least once a weex for six
suctwive weeks, commencing: with the first
day oi publication ibereo!
Dateu this 1st day of Mav, lsCS.
-t Attorney for Waintlff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by the County Court if Dnugsa
county, slate of regon. duly appo'nted tbe
administrator ot the eslaie of D. A frock, de
ceased. All verges having cUIts axafnsl said estate
are b-reby rvquirol to prrMnt the same duly
ve tfied to ibe unj.rvignci al Olall. Doug Its
county, State of Oregon, within six month
lnm the dat of this notice
Dated at Olalla. Oregon, this 2d day of June.
Jtdralnlstrator oi tbe estate ol D. A. Prock.
First pubUcaiios June . IMS.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice Is hereby given that the cnderslgnel
adalnistrawrof the esuteol Neiton
eeaied. has all his naI account la tne
tvwnty Co-:? of Douglas county. Oregon, and
MON :AY. the 6th day ol July. KOt,
a the hour o( ten o'clock, . m..ossd day at
tbe-Slc ol ihe County Judge of said county.
In the Curt House in Bo-etMirg. Ort-gon. ha
been Sxed by the Honorable M D, Thatapson,
Judte of said Court forbearing objections to
said Ileal account U any there he, and for the
settle-ntnt ol tatd estate.
Dated this 1st day ol Jane, A. D , isni.
Adsilntstralor of said Estate.
First publication June . 1WJ. c-iwp
-Notice of Final Settlement.
, Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned
; Administrator ot the E.Ute ot XV. a. Carey, de-
reaped, has flled bis final account as suee Ad
; mlnlstrs r In the County Cnait of Do gUs
County, Oregon, and tbe savd Costrt has ret
MONDAY. July 6. HOI,
; at the hour of IvoIock a. m., ot saM day at
the Court bouse in koeUirg, Dooglas tWntv.
I Oregon, as tbe time and plan- lor hearing i.b
i Jctlosi thereto, and for Use anal ettletneat
, of said estate. ISAAC T. COY.
; dmlol;rs!or of the estate of W. B.Carey,
Dated this th day of June. 1S".
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the final account
ol the Executor of tbe Estate of E. T. Gmhbe.
d erased, has been re-r'ereJ to the County
Court for Douglas county. Oregon, for set:Ie
mtnt. and that
Tf E-HAY, the Tin Jay of July. 1KB,
at the hour of 1 oclork. p. xa.. has been d-aSy
atpiu-ed by said Cut for the settlement
thereof, at which time any person Interested In
said estate may appear ami file his objections
to said account or to the settlement thereof.
Dated at Roseburg. Douglas county. Oregon,
th s the Ulh Jay of lune. 1!1.
Executor of the Estate of E. T. GrobK, De
ceased. june IS.
Notice for Publication.
United Slate Lind Office.
Roeburg. Oregon, March 24, 1905.
Notice is fcerefcy :iven that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3. irtJ. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States ot Call.'ornta,Ore;oa
! Nevada .and Washington Territory." asextend
dtoall the public land states by act of August
of Dallas cr.unty of Polk, sute ot Oregon,
; has this dav filed in this office her sworn state
ment No 47W. for the purchase of EU ot Ei
and the Si of the NEK of section 26 township
I S south, range 2 west, and will oiler proof to
show that the laud sought Is more valuable tor
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
i poses, and to establish hertclaim to said .and
before the Register and Receiver of this ofllce
at Roseburg, Ore. on Kriday, the 31st day of
July. 1903. She names as witntsics: C I
Leaventood. of Riddle. Oregon, Lloyd Mar
qnam, of Tlller.Oregon, William Summers, of
Rlddles,urcgon, Bessie Miller, Lebanon, Ore.
any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before sald3lst
day of July. 1903. J.T. BRIDGES,
a May4pjlyl3 Register.
In County Court ol Douglas county. State ot
In the matter of estate
ot (
Martha Woodruff deceased)
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been by the County court ot Douglas Coun
ty, Oregon, appointed executors orthe estate of
Martha Woodruff deceased. Whereon all per
rons indebted to tho said estate are hereby
notified to make Immediate payment to tho
undersigned at their residence In Coles Valley
precinct, Dougfce cauaty. Oregon, and all per.
sons having claims against the said estate will
present same verified as by law required with
In six months from date ot this couce.
Dated Rosebnrg, Oregon, Feb. 14th, 1903;
, . R. A. WooDaurr,