The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 14, 1903, Image 7

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"Text of the Lton, I Sum. xil, 1 3-25,
Memory Verses, 23-25 Golden Text,
I'Sftin. xll, 24 Commentary Prepar
ed lij- nev. D. M. Stearns.
ICopjrisM, 1933, by American Press Association.
13. Sow therefore behold the kins whom
re have chosen and whom ye have de--tlred,
and, behold, the Lord hath set a
king over you.
In verse 1 vre hear Samuel saying,
"Behold, I have hearkened unto your
voice in all that ye said unto me and
liave made a king over you." Now he
says that the Lord did it, -for he was
the Lord's representative. If believers
would accept the truth tha,t we are
liere In Christ's stead our HVes would
tell more for Him (II Cor. v, 20; John
xriL IS). Israel now had a king, like
other nations, but they had put a man
In the place of God, for Samuel re
minded them, "The Lord your God was
.your king" (verse 12). When we re
member Rom. vl, 10. "To whom ye yield
.yourselves servants to obey, his serv
ants ye are to whom ye obey," we
-should be able to see If we nre putting
any person or thing In the place of God.
14. 15. If ye will fear the Lord and serve
"Hlnj and obey His voice. But If ye ,
-will not obey the voice of the Lord, but
xebeL j
Although they have sinned and God !
"has given them their desire, yet here la t
.a way of blessing still left to them. Je
hovah must and will be magnified ei
ther In blessings upon an obedient peo
ple or In judgment upon the unbeliev- (
ing. He redeemed Israel from Egypt '
that they might keep His command- j
ments and serve Him and be a peculiar
treasure unto Him above all people, a !
-willing and obedient people enjoying j
His goodness (Ex. six, 4, 5; Isa. L IS,
19). Obedient service was the way of
Messing, disobedience the way of the J
hand of the Lord against them. Moses
alled heaven and earth to witness j
against them that he had set before 1
Ml 1 L I Hi I; 4UIU UlillU. UltUUIJ,
lng, and he entreated them to choose
iif e (Dent xxx. 19).
15-1S. Now therefore stand and see this
great thing which the Lord will do before
Your eves. So Samuel called unto
the Lord, and the Lord sent thunder and i
rain that day. and all the people greauy
ieared the Lord and Samuel.
A. deep conviction and hatred of sin
Is a grand thing for any child of God,
. . , i i.n .
lor oinerwise one may usuii; lamper j
-with sin and crieve the Spirit. It was
a. most unusual thing to have rain dur
ing wheat harvest, and that the people !
might hear God's own voice disapprov
ing of their action and not think of it ,
sls merely Samuel's disapproval he said
he would ask God to speak by sending
thunder and rain that day, which he
did. and God so answered him. and the
people saw Samuel's oneness with God,
and they feared greatly. It was some-
strained to TTve in His fear and servo
Him with the whole heart. In verso 7
he said, "Stand still that I may reason
with you before the Lord of all the
righteous acts of the Lord, which He
did to you and to your fathers." Com
pare DeuL Till, 2; Josh, xxill, 14. To
us the word would be. Consider tho
love of God to you In the great redemp
tion He has provided and let His love
constrain you to receive nim and yield
fully to Him for His service, a reason
able service In which we prove the good
and acceptable and perfect will of God
(Horn, xll, 1, 2).
Rose Pink and Pale Green
GuTns Sack Coats.
Rose pink and pale green nre leading
shades for linen gowns, and these are
always dainty and cool looking In sum
mer. A smart fashion is that of little waist
coats of kid embroidery or old brocade
for morning wear over blue or black
serge skirts in company of a short
i sack coat or bolero. These are cut low
j to admit of a folded scarf or chemlsetto
of soft plaited muslin or chiffon, whloh I
comes right up to the neck. The soften-
lng effect at the neck takes oft any
idea of hardness from the brocade or
! cloth underneath.
' The attractive little loose sack or bo
' Iero In black net and taffeta has not
Warner's Rnst-Proof Corset
Made by tiie most famous corset fac
tory in the world. Satisfactorily
modeled, carefully shaped, neatly
made and beautifully finished.
Warxek's Ucst-Pkook Corsets have
no rivals. They are superior to all
others in point of grace, comfort
and durability.
58c, 75c, $1.25, 1.50 and 2.25
Dress Trimmings.
We have evervthing that is new. The
line is too extensive to go into any
description. You should see them
easonable Special Offerings
We are better prepared this season than ever be
fore to meet your wants in all Hues of General Mer
chandise. Our stock was never co complete in every
department. We bought early, securing the very
best, selections and the very lowest prices, and we
propose to maintain our reputation for selling the
w &
disappeared. It Is such a welcome ad- J I
It Is such
dltlon In town for wearing over blouses
with ordinary black skirts that few of ,
us with a limited number or toilets can
afford to dispense with this smart and
useful garment.
thing like Elijah's prayer that :tte Lord ; trlmm,cd wJth feathers.
would show His oneness with him by and hatg arc not m mucfl
sending fire (I Kings xrili, 36-39). We , but are mingIed straw.
remember also that on one occasion , 0s,i n .
when the Lord Jesus spoke His Fa- j Jf ,n & e b,ouse and
ther the Father answered Him by a . . . f.-nttni- fnr
voice from heaven, but the people said
that It thundered (John xll, 2S, 29)..
13, 23. And Samuel said unto the people:
Fear not; ye have done all this wicked
ness. Tet turn not aside frcm following
the Lord, but serve the Lord with all
your heart.
The special manifestation of God in
the thunder and the rain at such an
unusual time seemed to convince the
people that they really had sinned In
asking for a king, and they entreated
Samuel to pray for them that they
might not be punished. The power of
the Intercession of Moses and Samuel
Is seen In Jer. xv, L where the Lord
speaks of a time when even such as
they could not avail. That time had
not yet come, so Samuel urges them to
turn to the Lord and, being forgiven,
to serve Him henceforth with the
whole heart. What precious words for
us are these: "If we confess our sins.
He Is faithful and Just to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all un
righteousness" (I John I, 9).
rt 22. For the Lord will not forsake His
people for His great name's sake, because
it hath pleased tho Lord to mako you His
When once we become the Lord's re
deemed people, no power can pluck us
out of His hand (John x. 27-29). and
where He begins a work He will finish
It (Phil. L C; Ps. cxxxviil. 8). He knows
us thoroughly before He chooses us,
and, having chosen us. He will perfect
us, but He may need to chasten us, and
that He will not fall to do as He sees
that we need It Consider Amos ill, 2;
Heb. xli. 5, 0. He testifies repeatedly
concerning His rebellious Israel that
all heaven did or will do for them Is all
for His name's sake (Ezek. xx, 9; xlv,
22, 44; xxxvl, 21, 22). Jeremiah prayed.
"O Lord, though our IniquiUes testify
against us, do Thou It for Thy name's
sake!" (Jer. xlv, 7.) For His name's
sake we have the forgiveness of sins (I
John II, 12).
23-23. Only fear the Lord and serve Him
in "truth with all your heart, for consider
how great things He hath done for you.
Samuel assures them that It would
be a sin for him to cease to pray for
them and that he would continue to
teach them the good and the right way,
but that they must let their minds
dwell upon the great things the Lord
skirt fashion with fagoting for sole
i trimming or a little embroidery. The i
i extremely ornate, fussy foulard has
given way to the veiling or crepe de j
; chine dress and the foulard Is now con
sidered a material for the general util
ity gown.
Elbow sleeves will not be seen for
street wear this season, but will still lw
popular for dressy occasions.
The turban in the sketch Is of rough
straw trimmed with red flounces.
While this country has never paid
distinctive honors to Mr. Edison, such
as have totely been bestowed on Sl
gnor Marconi by Italy. It has paid him
royalties with great cheerfulness and
regularity, which Is perhaps quite as
satisfactory to Mr. Edison.
A New York magistrate has decided
that a man has a right to scatter mon
ey In the streets if he wishes. It Is
gratifying to know that point Is set
tled. Now the only thing to do Is to
get the money to scatter.
Governor Bailey of Kansas has an
nounced that no applicant for office
will be appointed unless he has a com
fortable bank account What does he
suDPose people want the offices for
If Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst la
to continue posing as a high moral re
former and critic of the unlTqrse he
really ought to stop spelling negro
with two g"s.
At least it may bo assumed that
Fisherman Graver Cleveland rather
enjoys watching the presidential cork
bob up and down.
Dress Goods.
We have given this line a great deal
of careful attention, and have got
ten together as complete a line of
desirable fabrics as was ever shown
in this city. In Summer Dress
Goods our stock is strictly up to
the times. We have all the newest
creations including
Mercerized Zephyrs, Popelleons, j
Men's Furnishings Men's clothing. j
Evervthing strictlv to date and right " e carr-v Ule lar-Kft stock m ,0Mn'
in keeping with good taste. In I
Men's Neckwear we have the latest
colorings in Tec kg, Four-in-Hamls,
Hand and Htripod Ilows. The new
est of all is the Miget Club Tie
Golf Shirts.
A half hundred different styles to
chose from.
50c. to $2.50
Ladies Underwear
Knit Vests from
5c to 50c
Muslin Underwear in all grades an
elegant line,
Men's Hosiery.
we have, from 8 4 to 50c.
nnr 1 rA HrTnAc Fanfc lt ' Everything that is new in thi Hue
Tissue, Linen Madras, Grass Ba
tiste Jiuslin De Soie, Etc.
and take great pride in this de
triment. Our Five Dollar all
Wool suits for men can't be beaten,
in fact we defy competion in this
line. An almost endless variety to
choose from.
$5.00 to $18.00
Phoes for men, women children and
infants, ami all sold with our per
sonal guarantee to be the Ut for
the price or your money back.
Men's Underwear. S
Balbriggan underwear, 25, 50, 75c. !T"-' Gordon hat is here, as well as a
Summer Weight, wrJ, j5c $1.00 full line of cheaper hats.
A great many lines to select front. :
The Reliance Wrapper
Boy's and Youth's Clothing, j
The Kant-Wear-Out kind. A new i lIa corset lining, and is perfect fit
Stock just in. It will do you good tini:. No higher in price than
to look over them. No trouble to ordinary wrappers. We have the
show them. agency for Roseburg.
See us for Groceries, 'Phone 721
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cat
Envelopes : :
FootlcRH Men.
A footless race of men Is said to live
In New Guinea. They live In the midst
of lakes, moving about on little canoes
and possessing a few cabins, built on
wood plies. Their feet are so undevel
oped as to be practically useless for
Also off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening:. Dont Miss these
bargains ::::::
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking is tc have good
And to get tbem promptl when rou order thein. Call up
Phone No. 1S1 for good goods and good seivice.
V. R. Buckingham,
(Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. Boya's old stand)
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
Wm. M, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Quide
Camas Valley, Oregon
2S mile ou th west of Koscburs
...Sole Agents lor...
Extend a cordial invitation
to the public and the many
friends of the old firm to call
and examine their new line
of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Queensware, Etc.
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Eggs.
Go to
5 A
For a Prompt and First-class
Shavoor Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
elB, Tools always in ahapo.
Located on Southern Pacific Railroad
in Douglas County Oregon
The Waters CURE niaty Per cent of cases of Constipation. Rheumatism
Catarrh, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Troubles.
. - - ? 1
J Shop on Jackson St.
11 T
Baths in Connection. sodium Chlorido
Post-office, Express and Public Telephone on the promises. From $10 per week
up, including baths. Trains stop in front of HoUil.
One Gallon of these Waters Contains
! Potassium Chlorido
S j Potassium Bromide
$ Po
616.00 gr
.57 gr
.53 gr
211.00 gr
Magnesium Chlorido - .10 gr
Calcium Chlorido - - 1430.00 gr
Calcium Carbonates - .19 gr
CAP. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.
had done forthem and thus be con