The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 14, 1903, Image 6

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Country Correspondence
Flourney Valley News.
Farmers are busy haying.
Miss Emma Goodman and brother
Richie were visiting relatives at Good
manville this week.'
Mr.Iart Hardman, of Coos county,
is visiting relatives in the valley at pres
ent. Mr.Chas. Seigel, of Coos, was seen
in the valley Sunday.
Mr. John Hillbrant and James Mar
sters and family spent the fourth on the
mountains near'Reston.
Miss Belle Newland was visiting her
parents in Ten Mile, Saturday and Sun
day. Mr. Fred Goff add Misses Mettie and
Etta Goodman were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. James Marsters, Friday.
A party of mountain boomers, consist
ing of Wm. Goodman, Oliver Allen, Lee
Goodman, and Fred A. Goff spent the
fourth at Yew Canio.
Miss Elvis and Flora Andrus were
visiting in the valley last week.
Mr. Elijah Ollivant Jr., of Looking
Glass, is seen passing quite often on his
way to Almond Buell camp near Good
manville, James Beasley returned home from
Myrtle Creek, Friday.
Mr. Fred Goff, of Oakland was visiting
in the valley last week, "come again
Fre 1", as your smiling face is always
welcome. Chums.
Yoncatla Items.
Mrs. Harry Yett and family, have
moved for the summer on their ranch
formerly the Woodson Ranch. Mrs. Mc
andy has possesion of the house, form
erly occupied by Mrs. Yett. She io
away to Roseburg for the present, and
on her return may open an Hotel in the
Mr. William Bridges, of the firm of
Bridges and Co. has purchase 1 the
house owned by Wm Lewis, and formerly
occupied by Mrs. Mcandy. He will
make it his future home.
Prof James Davis is engaged to take
charge of the Yoncalla school for the
coming season.
Farmers are busy getting in their hay.
It seems as if we are in a prosperous
condition, when we hear at noon and
evening the whistleof the Creamer- and
Box factory and see fifteen men at work
making the side track that will lead to
the new depot now contemplated.
Cherries, Cherries, Oh My! "We
thought last year we were doing fair,
shipping out cherries, but there have
been one thousand gallons shipped this
year by Bridges and Co. and Frank
Hallinceland demands for more. Mr.
Bridges says nest year a better matket
canjbe obtained for cherries but we can't
complain this year. We have the re
putition of growing the finest cherries,
anywhere for the market.
Luster Dangputy a lad of 14 years
is preparing to go into the small fruit
business, and we wish him sucesa.
Voile la Very I'opulnr Spots and
Stripes All the ltnre.
Vollo takes the leading place In fab
rics, for It Is uow produced In all
kinds of different makes, and, above
all. It Is no longer stiff and wiry. The
voile of the moment Is distinctly of a
silky texture :m-: very transparent,
lending Itself ndiniriMy to the manip
ulation of folds, puscinss and tucks.
Spots and stripes are all the rage In
Paris, and they seem to be particularly
charming In thin summery materials.
Some of these spots are shaded and
suggestive of two or three tones.
Then them are muslins, mousseline
do sole. creDo de chines and new soft
and if our SPRING and SIMMER
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Silk Oause Novelties, Soie Jouree, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
Irte carry the Finest Line of Made-up Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts cannot
wlill la" equaled for quality and price
Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
Embodies manv special features that will
terest you. The clothing that we sell from the
Highest to the Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower than any other store sell for the same quality. Also a ne w
and up-to-date line of Indies' and Gent's Neckwear. " OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES .
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe
t The People's Store
i. nDKAnni l s)
One Door South of P. O.
visrrisa costume.
satins of many kinds, all of which are
used for accordion plaited skirts, for
the plaited skirt has again become the
fashion, as was predicted some months
Taffeta Is as much used as ever, and
the old striped taffeta has been re
vived. All the new nets will be pressed into
the service of this plaited skirt.
XThe costume In the cut is of all over
lace, with an automobile coat of silk
trimmed with lace and fringe.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg post office.
Butler, JS
Clark & Co
Churchill, Miss Vinnie
Campbell, A R j
Dykemare, Mr GeolL
Davie, D M
Dinney, Mr Charley
Eckelson, Albert
Erickson, Mrs Hilda
Gorton, Mr R C
Grizley, Mr Jackson
Jackson, John Edwin
Jacobs, Ernest
Loving. Mr H B
Miller, H J
Martin, J A
Norton, Mr D
Packard, Mr I W
Romayn, Mr Rex
Sweeden, Wm f
Skagerberg Gustaf
Trimbeli, Mrs Lousa
Underwood, Mr Charlie
Johnson, R B
Jones, Mr James
Whitcomb, Wm
Reduced Excursion Rate of the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the Summer.
Bring Us Your
J.F. Barker & Co
! Rambler
City Fathers Attention,
We wish to call the attention of the
city fathers, to the condition of the side
walk on the north tide of Oak St. be
tween Kane and Chadwick Sts. The
cross walks in that part of town on the
extreme east end are in even worse con
dition than the side walks, and it will
bs to the interest of the citizens of Rose,
barg that they have them fixed at once
before somebody breaks an armor leg or
sues the citv for damages. Tax Payer.
Great Men and Or eat Pianos.
President Roosevelt has just bought a
fine Knabe piano, and the late vice-president
Hobart has at his residence a fine
NEEDHAM, such as we are selling eve
ry day, right here at Roseburg, and
since the good judgement of Roosevelt
we have secured the agency for the
Knabe and the J. & C. Fischer. These
are all world-renowned pianos, of the
highest standard. We have also in
transit a lot of those medium pianos for
which the people are paying all the way
from f 275.00 to f 300.00 and even more.
We are going to offer the same erade for
$150.00, f 175.00 and $200.00. These fig
ures will surprise those who have been
buying those so-called high-grade pia
nos. Besides this lot we will have the
genuine CABLE piano and not the Ho
bert M. Cable. It will pay you to see
this line before buying a piano.
Richardson Music House,
Roseburg and Cottage Grove.
""Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
inquire of Henerv Conn. Roseburg Ore
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale, at vey low rates, around
trip tickets to the varieus resorts along
its lines, and also in connection with
the Carvallis & Eastern Railroad, to De
troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay,
atter tickets good for return until Oc
tober 10th.
Three-day tickets to Yaquina Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, are on sale at greatly reduced
rates, from all points Eugene and
north on both East and West Side
Lines, enabling people to spend Snnday
at the seaside. Very low round trip
rates are also made between Portland
and same points on the Southern Pacfic,
good going Saturdays, returning Sunday
or Monday, allowing Portland people to
spend Sunday in the country and the
out-of-town people to have the day in
Tickets from Portland to Yaquina
Bay, good for return via Albany and
East Side, or Corvallis and West Side,
atoption of passenger. Baggage checked
through to Newport. A new feature at
Newport, this year, will be an un-to-date
kindergarten in charge of an ex
perienced Chicago teacher.
A beautifully illustrated booklet de
scribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina
Bay lias beeen published by the South
ern Pacific and Corvallis & Eastern rail
roads, and can be secured from any of
their agents, or by addressing W. E.
Coman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland,
or Edwin Stone, Manager C. and E. R.
R., Albany, Oregon.
Correction In County Claims.
In printing the list of county claims
last week, the line "Claims Continued"
was omitted. The claims of R. K.
Montgomery, W. F. Briggs,C. O. White
O.N. Buell and A. Slocum should have
come under that head and was contin
ued until next term.
7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woolley's
: oooooooooooooooocooo
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Nov. 7, 1901, are requested to present
the same to tho city treasurer for pay
ment, as interest will cease hereon after
the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, July 81903.
H. C. Slocum, Jr.
City Treasurer.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to and including, Jan. 19th, 1901, aie re
quested to present the same at the coun
tv treasurer's office for payment as in
terest will cease thereon after the date '
of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Douglas County Ore
gon, JunelSth, 1903.
Geo. Dimmick,
(Jountv Treasurer.
Mr. Man, you want facts. We are
coinc to rive you facts. As you read
them over you will know they are facts.
And we can prove they are facts.
It is a fact that McCormick Binders,
Mowers and Rakes are the standard by
which all others are guaged.
It is a fact. Racine Buggies, Hpcks
and Road Wagons are far outstripping
our competitors' lines.
It is a fact that the Bam agon is tho
most successful, durable and economical
wagon on the market.
It is a fact that the above are all in
cluded in the Big 3. You can find them
at S. K. Sykes, Roseburg, Ore.
Clock for Sale.
A -.1 elialf nlnnlr flint
Ji. guuu, u Jj-tu-iiivi;,
originally cost $3, at a bargain. New
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
Jb. W., this otlico. "
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre farm for sajp five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
ultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
house, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Buick,
Roseburg, Oregon. 2-tf
Prices Cut
Still Deeper
This week on all Ladie's bats, shirt
.Waistes, Underwear, Deuim Skirts,
Embroideries, Lawns, Children's
White and Percale Dresses. In fact
there will be nervy price cutting on
all Summer Goods as we wish to
clean the all out as quickly as