The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 02, 1903, Image 3

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    E.irl LamW, has returned from Co-berg.
v.oo. fctearns, of Oakland, visited
Roseburg on business, this week.
S D. Evens, of I'nipqua
Roseburg business visitor
Kerry, was a
Did you ever try Osteopathy for that
rlieumatism? It works like" charm.
IV. Ixiwe, thoocuIo-optician.iH now at
the McClollan House to remain 'till Sun-dav.
Mrs. Win. Terry will leave for Coburg
soon to visit her daughter, Mrs 1$. p
of Portland, is
C. Sloonm, of
-Miss Birdie Sloeum,
visiting her father, H.
this citv.
Frank Varrellman, a Gardiner resi
dent, has been in this city this week, on
W. P. Johnson,
milling nun was a
visitor Wednesdav.
Jas. Babcock and wife, of Tacoma, are
registered at the McClallen house.
Jas. Huston, of Buckles, was
burg business visitor this week.
a Hose'
V. 1). Kenton, the S. P. Company's
general attorney, was in
business todav.
this city on
Well, the rL.MNHKAi.Kii succeeded in
putting the Review on iceord as favor
ing the graft.
G. G. Warner, the Bohemia mining
operator, was transacting business in
this citv tkis week.
F. II. Woodruff is clearing off his
property on the hill in the Waite
addition preparatory to building his
now residence.
Engineer and Mrs. W. D. Jesse and
little daughter left this city, Wednesday
morning, for their annual outing at Bar
low and Wilhoit springs.
J. J. Poole, lately of Humboldt coun
ty, Calif., is in this city .and informs us
that he expects to locate on a farm and
stock ranch near Canyonville.
For Sale.
Dr. Oehme's residence, with ono-half
or the whole of the land. Call at the
house for terms, from 8 to 5 o'clock
p. in. tf.
the .Myrtle Creek
Koseburg busines
Have Dr. Lowe, cure that head and
eye ache, by removing the cause with
a pair of his superior glasses.
Geo. Sheridan left this week for Coos
County to visit his uucle, John Flana
gan, ot Marahfield, for few months.
Miss Mattie Perry will leave on to
nights train for Jacksonville, to visit for
a few weeks with Miss Kate Plvmale.
Mrs. Mary Barnes, of La Grande, who
has been visiting with her mother, Mrs.
m. Irwin, of Ten Mile, for the past
three weeks, has returned home.
Dont fail to see Dr. Lowe at once
about your eyes, as he wont be back for
three months.
Wo are informed that Miss Neita
Good, who formerly resided in this city,
was married yesterday to deputy sheriff
Earnert Leister of, Grants Pass.
Major W. H. Byars passed through
this city Wednesday morning on his re
turn to Salem from a visit with his son.
Dr. Fred Byars and family of Madina,
Wm. Calahan, who has been residing
in Washington for the past few vears
is visiting friends m this countv. "
Thos. Dabney who was recently ar
rested at San Francisco and charged
with starting the fire that destroyed
Dunsmuir, Cal., has been turned loose
on the lack of sutlicient evidence to con-
Miss Julia Churchill, who has been
in this city for some time, left for her
home in Olalla, yesterday.
Got the dyspepsia yet? Well, see Dr.
Studley the Osteopathy and end your
troubles at once, 50 3t.
It is seldom that the Plain-dealer
nonces fake advertising schemes; but
le fakir who worked the citizens of
Roseburg to a finish cleared up enough
to run either of the Roseburg papers for
one month.
Mrs. Frank Smithvnee Cora Pike) who
is visiting Mrs. A. J. Bellews, will leave
for her home in A-hland. tomight.
W. J. Plvmale, who has been in this
city for the past six week, left for his.
hon:tin Jacksonville, this morning.
Dr. Luther Hamilton, of Portluid, is
visiting his parents Dr. Hamilton and
other relatives and friends in this citv.
Prof. O. C. Brown and wife, who have
been attending the State Teachers Con
vention, at Portland, returned home
Wednesday evening.
Hon. J. T. Bridges, and Dr. K. L.
Miller will leave tomorrow for Brewster
alley to attend the fourth of July cele
bration there. Mr. Bridges will deliver
the oration and Dr. Miller is to read the
leclaration, they told some other storii s
Iwut bringing us some fish, but we will
wait and see.
Miss Xellie Collier, who has been vis-
ting her sister. Miss Lillian Collier, of
this city, left this morning for Portland,
where she will visit friends for a few
eeks. Later she will be joined by her
ster, Miss Lillian, who will accompany
her to their home at Seattle.
Miss Lizzie Parrott, a teacher in the
Pendleton Public School, arrived in this
city, Wednesday evening to spend her
vacation with her parents.
Mrs. C. W. Bradford and little daugh
ter, left this morning for Cottage Grove
to join Mr. Bradford, who has a pho
tograph gallery at that place.
C. L. Reed, has sold his interest in
the Elite Saloon, in this citv to Henrv
Boren. Mr. Boren, is a straight for
ward business man and will undoubllv
lo a first class business. Mr. Reed will
probably enter into business again in
this city, and when he is thought
he will have a good trade.
Dr. Lowe, the Optician, is regis'eredat
the McClallen house.
Hon. WillisKreamer, of Myrtle Creek,
was in Roseburg on business this week.
Mr. Kreamer reports the mines in his
district as being more promising each
Mrs. Smith Bailey left on this morn
ing's local for Eugene to join Mr. Bailey.
They will spend the Fourth visiting at
Salem, where Mr. Bailey will remain
uutil after the State Fair.
up the ti
P n l -v J . . .
v--- "tuudra line rprnrnwl trrttii o
tiness visit in Eastern Oregon. Mr.
aeded to locate in the Pa-
where he will again take
n8 business
The opening wcaSf6 or this Confer
ence-yearat theUni':5.Brethern church
July 5th, at 11 a. m. Sail are invited
The members are especiairfeequested to
be present. J. H. Merryman, Pastor.
Geo Dement, the pioneer hotel keep
er of Myrtle Creek, is in this city on
business today. He informs tis that the
Eagle will scream as it has never scream
ed befqre at Myrtle Creek on the Fourth
of July.
Rev. John Dawson who has been at
tending the Episcopal Convention, at
Portland, returned to this city on Wed
nesday evenings local. He was accom
panied by Rev. Jones, of Newport, who
will visit here for a few days.
The Adventista not only hold services
each evening, but Saturday and Sunday
next is their regular quarterly meeting,
go there will be a meeting atlO a. m. and
o r. m Mnh day. The public ia cor
dially invited.
The body of John G. Van Dyke, who
was drowned in Rogue River about H
milea from Medford, Sunday afternoon
was recovered Monday at 12:15 within
50 yard of where he went down for the
last time.
Miss Emily Bolter, of Brooks, Ore
veiled her brothers in this city, Tues
day on her return from a visit in Cali
r : l.ft this city, on her way
JUl 1 J
l,n. Wednesday morning, accompa
nied by little Capitola Willis, who will
visit with her for a snort, lime
Limes Ellis, who has been employed
: ! hardware store of S. K. Sykes
for the past year, has resigned his pos:
tion and is now traveling representative
.T.m. McCormick H. rvesting
Co. Mr. Ellis' family will make
burg their home for the present.
Tim base ball team commonly know
-,u f . . luckson Sprats" or the outlaw;
u.u t.liif citv Wednesday morning by
private conveyance for Bandon, where
thev will play July 4th against the Ban
don team which is at present, the
strongest team in Coos county league.
Following are the names of those who
will play; A. Conn, H. Conn, Ross
.-t..... if I.. -p..nnerwoou. juihiki
11 .
Reduced Fares.
On account of games of the Willamette
Valley Baso Ball League, the Southern
Pacific company, w ill sell tickets at one
and one-third faro for the round trip to
all ersons wishing to attend thu games.
Tickets will be on sale Saturdays and
Sundays when Roseburg team plays
Eugene, and Fridays and Saturdays
when they piny Albany and Salem.
SJy 16
$10.00 Reward
Will be paid to the party giving im
formation, which will lead to the con
viction of the person who cut and des
troyed the hoisting rope used at Jone'a
new hotel building on Saturday night,
May .'3.
r. r. 1'atterson
20 tiers oak stove wood, SO tiers rub
blockwood. 1). S. K. Buick. 48tf.
0. F. Theil, of Yoncalla, is in this city
on business.
Wo are requested to state that all tho
stores in Roseburg will eloso on Satui
dav July -1, and remain closed until six
o'clock in tho evening.
Bread fresh every day, at tho Umpqua
Buy your carpets and matting of
Rico & Rico. tf
Seo new ad of Rico and Rico tho
House Furnishers.
Fullerton it Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near tho Depot.
See tho Title Guarantee A I,oan Co.
for blue print- and filing papers, tf
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
inquire of Henery Conn. Roseburg Ore
Dr. Lowe has been coming to Rose
burg for over 12 years, there is a reason
for this.
If you waut everything good in the
Bakery line, you should visit the Ump
qua Bakery. tf.
For Trade Small farms fn Southern
Indiana to trade for Oregon property.
II. L. Ball. 33 tf.
$1.50 and $2.00 buys a stylish or a
heavy serviceable shoe at Hildebrand's,
for any foot, ''nuf-ced.
The Umpqua Bakery is prepared to
furnish good fresh bread in large or
mal 1 quantities every day. tf.
Eye-ache and head-ache can be cured
with Dr. Ixwe's superior glasses. See
him next week. Consultation free.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
For the best mower knife and tool
grinder, two emery wheels ft. 50. Stearns
A Chenowcth, Oakland, Oregon. 45-tf
Buy your chairs and rockers of Rice &
Rico .Your beds, tables and shades, as
well as your wall paper can be had of
them tf
Household effects for sale, including
10 foot oak dining table and oak hall
rack. Inquire at residence of L. A.
Rye bread, brown bread, graham
bread, steam bread and all good bread is
kept constantly on hand at the lTmiqua
Bakery. tf.
A full line of Walk-Over and Keith1 . . ,
, , , . . 'be committee apixiinh-d to select
shoes on hand for vonr inspection at 1 . . . , ' , , ,
... , ..,, r. it - ' site and submit plans for High chrol
Flints Popular fchoe Parlors. Call in ..... , ' . , 7 ...
, , building for RosetMirg thool District
and see them. It- , ,
desire plans for tucli building. Cost not
-.Vhittemorea jwlishes are the best, to m ,,,ans lo lie buluil.
and to try them once means you j teI to cominitte. not later than Julv 10.
always use them. Sold at Hints Popu- , . . -, .... ....
Piano Buyers.
You will notice that wo do not havo
to be continually striking out for a now
make of Pianos. The Needham has been
our leader for 14 years and Is today
leader amonir tho high grado pianos of
tho world. Some cheap pianos are mado
high grade simply by getting n lioost in
tho Oregonian or some other leading
paper, through those big dealers who
think they can, and do make tho major
itv of people believe it simply because
they say so. It doesn't take ink, loost
or high commissions to make a good
piano, but instead tho very beHt
mechanics, and the very best material
such as are always used in Needham
pianos. 29-tf
T. K. Richardson,
Roseburg and Cottago Grove, Oregon.
If your spectacle or eye glass forms
are bent out of ehae, have Dr. Lowe
reshape them. He charges nothing for
little comforts like that.
For a few days : special bargins on tho
following: Piano, Encyclopaedia Britau-
nica, KX)ks, Boston rocker, dining table
hall tree, stair carjet, window shades,
net wash curtain, curtain KIes, art
squares, kitchen table, cook etove A coils
dishes, wash bench, clothes bars it line.
carpenters lnmcli, scythe, ganlner tools,
good saw and axe. Enquire of Mrs.
L. A. Walker, corner Main and Cass
Streets, Roseburg. 49 tf.
Notice to Fitcman.
The regular yearly election of chief
euginecr ana assistant chief of the
Rosobnrg Fire Department will be
held at the city Hall, next .Monday,
July 0th between the hours of 7 o'clock
I. M. and 9 o'clock P. .1. C.S.Jackson
and Sun S. Joseplison will act as judges
of election and Roy Mc Cl.illen and M
Rice as clerks. M. F. Wuight.
President B.wrd of Fire Delegates.
To Con'ractors.
150 patterns in Mon's
Golf Shirts at one price
McDonald Red Seal
Union Made Overalls.
Plain Blue $2.00 a suit
Stripe $1.90 a suit.
Ladies' Walking and
Fine Dress Skirts.
$3.50 to 17.50
50 patterns iu solid
color and fancy stripe
and Check Chambray
, 16 cts. per yard
New shapes in Ladies'
walking and street hats.
Silk medallions in
Gray Black, White and
White embroidery
washable medallions.
All Prices
Dr. Reed Cushion sole
shoe for Men.
Calf and Kid.
Lace and Comrress.
75 new patterns in
in Kuppenheimer Guar
anteed Clothing for men
$12. 50 to $25.00
Our summer stock is now com
plete, and we arc prepared to
meet your demands for the lat
est and best merchandise at
nominal prices.
In addition to a large stock
of medium price goods our aim
is to .raise the standard of our
merchandise each year and to
carry the finest goods which
the market affords.
In this we believe we are
supported by the great number
who prefer fine qualities, ex
clusive patterns and reasonable
A visit to our store, and an
inspection of values, will be to
our mutual pleasure and profit.
Ladies' Silk, Wool and
Mercerized Waists from
$1.00 to $12.50
Ladies' Lace Lisle
Gloves in White, Black
and Tan.
25 & 50 cts per pair
Black Cat Hose for
Ladies, Men, Misses and
25 cts per pair
Men's Silk Finished
Light weight; iibbed
Underwear, cool and
$2.00 per suit
Men's Panama Hats,
Others jfrom
25 cts to $2
Colortd Glass Bead
and Pearl Necklaces for
Misses and Ladies, -
All Prices
Florsheime High Grade
Dress Shoe for men.
Oxfords and High Cut
$3.50 to $5.00
Red Seal Union Made
Negligee Shirts, Cotton,
Wool and Silk.
50ctsto $3.00
V. R. Buckin
Successor to W. L. Cubh, Mrs. Bov .'s old stand
lar Shoe Store.
Cream Puffi, lady lingers, macaroons
doughnuts, Angel cake, tine pies', cakea
and other pastries new and fresh at the
Umpqua Bakery. tf.
A nice line of ladies shoes to select
from in different shapes anil lasts may
be found at S. C. Flints in the Krippen-
dorff Dittman line.
J. (1. Flook,
Chairman of Committee.
Great Men and (tot I 1 1 f .
Mrs. W. R. Willis entertained a
umber of ladies at a luncheon today
n honor of Mrs. Binger Hermann, of
Washington D. C. Those present were;
Mrs. Hermann, Mrs. K. L. Miller, Mrs.
Flint, Mrs. Aiken, Mrs. J. W. Hamilton,
Mrs. T. R. Sheridan. Mrs. A. Wollen-
berg, Mrs. I. Wollenberg, Mrs. Buick,
and Mrs. Curry.
Probate Matters.
J. W. Wright has been appointed the
guardian of F. M. Eltzworth, an imlie
cile. It is proven that Eltzworth is not
able to take care of himself. Eltzworth
3 an Indian war veteran and recently
received $137.37 back pay and is grant
ed $12 er mouth pension.
Near Deer creek trestle, west side.
one imncii ot ranroau Kevs, marKeu
Finder will receive
Hinkev Dink."
reward at depot.
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates.
The Denver and Rio Grande, popular
ly known as the "Scenic Line of the
World" has announced greatly reduced
round-trip rates from the Pacific Coast
points for the benefit of teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
and of delegates to all the promtnen
Conventions N. E. A., at Boston; A
O. U. W.,atSt. Paul; B. P. O. E, at
Baltimore: Woodmen of America at
Indianapolis; Eagle , at New York;
Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs;
K. of P., at Louisville, and T. 1'. A., at
Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for tho round trip,
but will be sold only on certain days
These tickets will carry stop-over
privileges on the going trip, giving
passengers an opportunity to visit Salt
Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Springs and Denver; and will be good
to return any time within ninety lJ0;
days. Passengers going via the Denver
and Rio Grande are given the privilege
of returning via a different route.
For the rate to the point vou wish to
go, and for dates of sale and other par
ticulars, as well as for illustrated pam
phlets, write
W. C. McBride, General Agent
124. Third St., Portland.
to take on a small set of books. Best
references. Address Book-keeper, this
office. 44-5tp.
Waxteh. Pasturage for seven head
of cows and calves near to town and on
Deer Creek preferred. A good price
will be paid for a good jiasture. Inunir
at this office. tf
If you want to go to Coos County j
points, take the Koseburg, .Marstitiehl
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg ;
every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. 102-tf.
Call on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and bridge worlr department
Prices reasonable. U-tf.
them over vou will know thev are facts
And we can prve they are facts.
, It is a fact that McCormick Binders,
. Mowers and Rakes arc the standard by
j which all others are guaged.
Osteopathy is the great nerve and tis-. It is a fact, Racine Buggies, Hecks
sue builder that subdues .the pangs of and Road Wagons are far outstripping
neuralgia, and rheumatism just as it our competitors lines.
quiets a disturbance in the pel vie organs. It is a fact that the Bain Wagon is the
Consult Dr. H. L. Studley. 45-3t. most successful, durable anil economical
Make a note of this and vou won't for- wagon on the market.
- I. . .1 :.. - I . .1 i -ii :..
get it. Dr. Lowe, the well known ocu-: .nauuBuuiiauuicuroauin-lo-ontician
will be in Roseburg at the eluded in the Big 3. You can find them
McClallen House. July 2. 3 and 4. Have .ai a. iv. yKes , noseimrg, vre
him test your eyes for glasses.
Page.Vernon Ramp, A. Hull, Capt.
Miller, and Mcreil.
Horse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
The Employers' Association, with a
membership of nearly 8000, including
most of the business men of Kansas
City, has starUd a movement to repeal
all city laws that discriminate between
union and iudependuiit labor. Among
the laws that will be attacked are sev
eral that favor the product of union la
bor exclusively, the most obnoxious to
the Employers' Association being that
which forbids the letting by the city of
printing contracts to any but unionized
shops. It also will oppohe the eight'
hour law now enforced by the city ad
ministration, as well as the ordinanc
requiring an applicant for an em-ineer'
license to be examined by a board com
posed entirely of union men.
President Roosevelt has jut bought a
tine Knabe piano, and the late vice-president
Hotmrt has at his residence a fine
uch as we are selling eve-
I cure diseases that fail under other ry day, right here at Roseburg, and
methods of treatment It will pay you since the good judgement of Roosevelt'
to consult Dr. H. L. Mudley, U:e we have securea the agency lor the!
Osteopath at once. ! Knabe ami the J. A C. Fischer. These j
All shoes sold by us are of the very are all world-renownel pianoi, of the
best quality we can find in the different , stamiaru. wo luive also in ,
tandard lines and makes, at Flint's lrans'1 a 'ol ol ,oi m&imin pianos lor
Popular Shoe Store. i w "lc" l" PP1 a Irving "e way j
An expert book-keeper having a por- ,rom w lo f-w-w anu even more.
tion of his time unoccupied, would like " e aru K0,n w er l" san,e grade lor
...Sole Agents tor..
Exteud a cordial invitation
to the public and the many
friends of the old firm t
and examine their new
of Staple and Fancy
ceries, Queensware,
o call
firing Us Your
Butter, Chickens, fggs.
. . . A A J A A
150.00, 1175.00 and f 200 00. The.e fig- rtrj?rf!?!j?ri?'i'ri? Iff tr!fjprj?rr4.t rrf?
urea will surprise those ho have been m T 4 . T - . Fnn Fsvlp rnV!FFrTinVFDV
- -v rvi m m a i h jm l t m i i iiii.ii n i iiiiii n i
I I mm Ml i m. i - wv. - - .
buying those so-called high-grade pia-
nos. Besides this lot we will have the J tT4
genuine CABLE piano and not the Ho- j3
bertM. Cable. It will par yon to see Jtu
this line liefore buying a piano. , ij
Ricii.vnnso.v Music Hocsn, j SZ
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, s
Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
Doughnuts and fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal As;ency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot
1. J. NORHAN & Co. Prop.
Facts. :
l Mr. Man, you want facts. We are -ft?
going to give you facts. As you read' iftil4ifc&tfti&&&&i$i ifc44i4'4iifiifcfuTli;!'J
EYE flfci FOR
the McCormick whenever he wants a binder, reaper, mower,
rake, corn binder, husker and shredder, or other harveaiinj
machine, because he prefers machines that meet bis require
merits machines that give him satisfaction machines thai
are worth every dollar that he pays for them.
U will help your farming basinets to read the McCsn&cfc tak, "A
MODEL MACHINE." which b mailed free.
oooooooogoo c.cxaoooooooooocooo
DILI mi, iULriiirurau
-fai 1 Oregon. 4
711 Oak St., Opp. Churchill & Woolley's
D. S. T. West, having accepted eeveral
old and reliable file insurance compa
nies, ia now prepared to do a general .
fire insurance business. Insure with J
him. Office at tho City Hall. 102-tf. 1
I',,. Cnt'PniMpl Hinn fid nor.
... . 1 .decorative naintine in the Inchest Htvle
acre. A wen improved grain ana biock i ; ; ' .
,r. nf U) acr. in Cama Vallcv. This as practical oy rsi class
is a rare bargain, tor paruuiiara in-
Painting and Paper hanging.
John Miller, of Hageretown, Washing
ton County, Maryland, lias located in
Roseburg, and he is a thorough master
of his art and prepared to do all kinds
of painting, paperhangiug, graining, and
workmen on
the Atlantic Coast. If you want tho
very latest artistic work ho will be pleas
ed to give for low prices and first class
work. Call on him at 517 Mosicr street
or drop a letter through the post office
and ho will quickly respond. 18-tf
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre farm for sale
milea trom Myrtle Creek,
ultiv tion, b.ihtiice hill.
timbert-d land. Small orchard, good
house, 'iarn and other improvement
For price and terms apply to I',
quire of Win. M. Poktkk, Camas Valley,
Ore MIGtf.
If vou wish to bo economical,. buy
your furniture and ranges where you get
the best values. We have them at
reasonable prices and tho best there ia
to be had at f30.00 and $35.00. Full
line screen doors and window screens at
Rice & Rice the House Furnisher's, tf
Homkseekeks. 1 have placed in my
hands for Bale at reasonable prices sev
eral farms, large and small some well
, 1 .i 1....
improveu ami .." (4i... Mvrttt Creek, or D. S.
proved ; two or three fine stock ranc.ies. .-. -
ai n .. t .1... 1 1 . , p.
the south part of the state, on thu line
of the proposed Salt Lake it Coos Bay
R. R. For paiticulars call on or
addres-. W. R. Wki.lh, V. M., Olalla,
Oregon 18) tf.
Stearns and Chennwilli, of Oakland,
have received ear of Rushford Iron Clad
wagons, car of hack and buggies, car of
Page woven wire fence, car of McCor
mick binders and mowers, car of good
cedar shingles, car of nails, car of best
blackmni'.h coal, all for pale at the low
est prices, with the best garden plow,
$4.00: 5 tooth cultivators, $3.50: teits
and wagon covers, full line steel ranges,
boys' steel wagons; 1900 washer; lin-
Heed oil OOcenta a gallon; best mixed
paint J1.17J-2 a gallon; Windows and
100 acres 111
pasture and
C Mc-
St-nled BId Wanted.
For painting the school house. The
District to furnish paint. Bids to be
opened July fi, 1!K)3. For particulars,
write to E. Ilelliwell, clerk, Yoncalla,
Ore., June U2, 11)03. Juno 23 Ot
For Sale.
Small saw mill and
particulars address
timber. For
Livingston Bhos,
1'eel, Ore.
Clock for Sale.
A cood. un-to-datc. shelf clock tint
orieinallv cost fS. at a baruaiu. Now
timepiece in good running condition
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. W., this office. tf
This Space is Reserved for the
Q. A. WOOD & CO, Props
Whose ad. will appear in next issue.
County Treasurer's totlce.
Steady Season's Lumber Mauling. ......
imi. irv is ii' iuiiv gitcu iu mi (.iiii 5
First- Draper Mill to Grants l'as, a holding county warrants endorsed prior
distance of 22 miles; pay, $4.50 per M to and including, Jan. 19ih, 1101, aie re-
fft;4 good horfes can haul 3500 feel to quested lo present tho same at the ituin-
a load and the trip is made in two d.iys,
Second Wertz Mill to Grants I'asj. a
distance of 12 miles; pay, $2.25 ier M
feet. Haul is practically thu the same
as from tho Draper Mill except that tho
trip is made each day.
Lumber to both mills is in good, dry
condition. Teams can commence at
once. Roads in first class condition.
Svoak I'isk D0011 it Lumiirk Co.,
37-luio Grants Pass, Oregon.
Excursion Rates To Yuquina Bay.
On Juno 1st the Southern Pacific
Company will resume sale of excursion
tickets to Newjwrt mid Yuquina Hay.
Rate from Roseburg, $8 00. This popu
lar resort has 'ong been well and favor
ably known to the peoph of Western
Oregon, and the low rates offered should
enable everyone to tuku an outing.
ty treasurer's office for p.iyinent s tn
tere.-t will cease thereon alter the 'ait
of this notice.
, D.i ted Roseburg, Douglas Count) Ore
gon, June 18th, HH)3
Gko. Dimmick,
County Treasurer.
-rtH- 1 - fry--"'- t t -rt i-p-y- tff 1
Just arrived from tho factory a car
load ol the celebrated Pago fence, which
is cheaper than a hoard fence and will
last a life-time and is put up 'o yom
satisfaction without extra cost It is
ued and oiidon-ed by the leading men
of thii county. For circulars and prices
address Stearns & Chenowcth, Oakland,
Ore., or S. B. Croueh, Oakland, Ore. ly
The Carnival is Over
Now let's get down to
Still Further Price Reductions in
Muslin Underwear,
Men's Golf Suits, .
Ladies' Waists,
Parasol s,
Oxf rds,
B its.
We rely on L0 W PMCES
to win trade, o i FAIR
TREATMENT to retain it.
3 sS7axmr3aWa 7771
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