The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 23, 1903, Image 2

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The Twi-a-Wk-
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondays and Thurtdays.
H. H. BROOKES, Editor and Publisher
Twice-a-Week Plaindealer. oer year, S2.00
Entered at the Post Office in Uoseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
JUNE 23. 1903.
and harbor Improvement's, artificial
propagation Of fish, forest preservation,
irrigation and dozens ot tother important
questions relating to this stale, and in
all the grent affairs of other states and
of the country at largo the influence of
the Oregon legislators will he potent.
But able legislators alone cannot make
cood state. It is high time a lot of
Oregonians woke up to the fact that if
this neck of the. woods is to take her
rightful place in the front rank it must
bo because of the sterling o,u:ilitie.s, the
lively enterprise and the manly and
wonianlv virtues of her citizens as much
:s by reason of her great natural re
sources. Astorian.
President Roosevelt Removes Judge
McMillan of the New Mexico
Supreme Court.
A Washington dispatch of yesterday's
date save:
President Roosevelt, after a conference
with Attornev-General Knox, signed au
order removing Judge Daniel H. McMH
lan, of the Supreme Court of New Mexi
co, on charges of general immorality
Judge McMillan originally wa3 appoint
ed by the President from Buffalo, f. i
Judge Clement C. Smith, of Hastings
Mich., has been' appointed to succeed
him in churc and state.
Charges against Judge McMillan have
been pressed vigorously for many
months. Last Fall Attorney-General
Knox, after a thorough investigation of
them, recommended that ho bo re
moved. At the instance of influential
friends of Judge McMillan, the recom
mendation of the Attornev-General was
held up, pending a rehearing of the case,
At the second hearing, John C. Milburn
of Buffalo, a long time personal friend of
Judge McMillan, made a strong plea for
his retention, but it was of no avail.
Judge Smith, who is to succeed Judge
McMillan, is one of the best-known law
vers of Michigan, and is held in high re
gard by officials of the Department of
Heppner Relief Fund.
The city committee consisting
Messrs. Buick, Micelh and Schmidt
port the following donations :
A Abraham
Title Guarantee Co
First National Bank
Mrs Josephson
Douglas County
Hamilton Drug Co
Review Co
Plaindealer Pub Co
Fisher.5: Bellows
WO Hildebrand
II Marks
Douglas County Bank
E L Parrott
I Abraham
Kruse it Newland
Schmidt Hotel Co
G R Linser
Wollenberg Bros
J C Fullerton
The Editor of the Pluntiealek kne
Judge McMillan and can say that while
the Judge was enarmoured with his
dashing typewriter and stenographer,
that that was his weakness and in every
other respect the Judge was one of God':
noblemen. As a Judge, he was fearless
and honest and the terror of evil doer
We well remember the times when the
north-eastern part of New Mexico of
which he was the district Jud?e was the i
roosting place of everv cut-throat in the ' Geore w Cox
west, and robberv and murder was a " Parrott . . .A-
common everv dav affair. In one I chas w Wharton
shanty town for a long time it averaged
a murder each week, but the Judge in
the face of every danger charged the
grand juries and trial juries as though
he presided on a bench in the most law
'abiding city on earth. He made this
class -of men his bitter, deadly enemies.
There were other causes which lead to
his removal. He was an uncompromising
American citizen and believed in Ameri
can institutions and American prin
ciples. He was opposed by the entire
"greaser" element in New Mexico and
the entire influence of all the old Mexi
can families was against him.
The district attorney, by the aid of
the various sheriffs, used to pack the
juries to turn "greater" felons and mur
derers loose, and it was his opposition
to such methods which ltd directlv to
his downfall. To talk about immorality
"with a typewriter in New Mexico is
about on a par with saying that a snow
flake would qnench the flames of sheol.
Now, we do dot want to be understood
to-mean that there is no virtue and
ngtit living in ew .Mexico, lor there is
in every town and village a distinct type
of American purity of living by Ameri
cans, but taken as a whole, the territory
of New Mexico is exceedingly tough.
President Roosevelt did right in remov'
ing Judge McMillan from the exalted
station, but it will be many a day be
fore such a fearless judge will preside on
the bench of 'that district. It is another
case of Sampson and Delilah, and some
how we feel sad to know that Judge Mc
Millan's.curtain has been rung down.
Once the .Judge was talking to the
writer about certain affairs, and he used
these words z "I will see the laws en
forced even though they kill me." He
was a. strong man and his love for a
woman has been his undoing; and out
side oE this one woman he was a man of
irreproachable character.
F Barker
D Bell.
w Wright .... .r...
M M cCoy ...
Dexter Rice
Oregon Boom & Timber
W W Thackerah
LD Carl
DS West
E M Cheadle.
Wm Frater
Blodgetti Bradley
K 0 T M, Protection 13 .
George Kohlhagen
L Boggs
Mrs Had en
RiceJc Rice
Ira Windslow
A M osier
J D Oiborn
F Haimon '..
Mrs CP Davis
Harvey Jones
LB Belfils
J T Goodman
Last Saturday, Tom Taggart, the In
diana Democratic National Committee
man was expected to publish a docu
ment mat would insure ins election as
national chairman of the party and
bring order out of turmoil and strife
He had labored for months to bring
forth a mountain and this is the mole
hill on which democracy must stand.
He says : The democratic platform of
1904 should be one upon which all dem
ocrats and every fair-minded citizen can
stand. Its principal feature should be
to strike at the trusts, and should de
clare strongly for the application of the
only possible remedy, tariff revision
To the democratic party the people of
this country must look for relief from
the present intolerable conditions. The
tariff plank of the next platform should
be so framed as to be one of the chief
issues to the victory which awaits us.
In regard to the question of candi
dates, I am for the man who will win
but lie must be a democrat ot unques
tioned party loyalty, of recognized abil
ity, and one upon whom the part can
unite with- unbounded enthusiasm
Whether he comes from the East or the
West, he miut come with a clif in party
record and a perbonality which, in con
junction with a platform consistent with
the democratic idea will carry with him
the promise of certain victory.
The Viz r-ur.
Mitchell. Fulton, Williamson and
Hermann! What more can Oregon
want in the way of representation V
things do not come our way it will not
Ikj because we have not been good
ourselves in the matter of choosing ahl
men to look after the interests ol our
state at tho national capital. If the
knockers will keep their hands off,
nosiblv in spite of them, this state
s. -
should in the next ten years enjoy very
beneficial results from having these wisi
nnd efficient leaders where they can do
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
20 00
5 00
0 00
5 0J
5 00
2 50
5 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
10 00
1 00
1 00
5 00
5 00
2 00
1 00
2 50
5 00
2 00
2 50
1 00
1 00
5 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
5 00
5 00
2 50
2 50
20 00
1 00
2 50
2 00
1 CO
1 M
10 00
1 60
1 09
5 6o
1 03
1 W
1 03
10 M
1 00
1 0)
2 50
2 40
2 50
1 09
1 IX)
1 00
1 00
J Nelson 1 00
Louis Baizee..
C B Cannon . .
A Salzman....
Reed it Boren .
W Chappie....
Frank Ken
Sidnev I AfcernWH??:.
TT..1 '
.urs uauiaway,,.
D D Rush man ...
A R Da wens I..-. .Jt. .
Dr S HamiltrafjlrffV
E P Reams . .'J . .. . S. . .
Louis Kritilhagpn,.'!-. . .
Court DougW.-gi ggjg A.
Cash . -vjht""? . .'.
Rabat Cigar Factory.
On tho eighth day of last September,
L. Knbat, formerly of Tomahawk, VVi&y,
opened a cigar factory in this town, and
contrary to all predictions of tho ever.,
wise people who predicted n failure of
such an enterprise, the business lias in
creased from nothing until now, a sliott
period ot nine months, .Mr. Kanat is
manufacturing from leu to tlfteeu thou
sand cigars each month. It teems that
tho product produced by this fact iry
takes with the smoking public and tiio
old prediction that :i nmI cigar cannot
be made bv a local concern shows that
thoi-e who circulate such leports do so
to deceive a believing public. In puk
ingof his business Mr. suv: "1
highly appreciate the support which the
people of Boseburg and Douglas count)
have seen lit to give me. hut at the same
tune, 1 lielieve 1 des-eive it, as I am
manufacturing au articlelthat can not
be excelled by anyone, liecauso I buy,
my totmceo direct, and through people
who will .send me exactly what 1 w. nt,
and I do not deceive the public, ll haM
been phenomenal that a stranger should
meet with the success that I have. I
will endeavor to improve my Imsimvs
from time to time, and will use union
laltor when it is possible to do so, but
with cigar makers it is very hard to find
one that win consent to stav in a smi.hII
town, and every traveling cigar maker
is not a union man, but from time to
time vou will find the union label on
my brands of cigars. If tho eople
would pay more attention to the
home product in all braiichus of busi
ness manufactured they would soon
build up a manufacturing town, and
you know if that should occur Uosoburg
would soon double in ixmuhUiiMi. I U'-
lieve that I have demonstrated the fact
that a good article can be manufactured
at home. Now, 1 don't want to kiUH-k
any itranu oi cigars, and l in not going
to, but I'll tell von there is niinv a ci
gar of outside production sold here thai
is supposed to contain Havana good.-,
that is simply trash. My goods nr fair.
honest goods, ami anyone can see them
made and examine the Mock, which I
buy in large quantities; and I know how
lo buy it too, as my lorn; and vast expe
riencc thiougliout the United Sttw
ami in r-.urope, where 1 have bee.i in
business, has taught me. I buy all my
goods in 1500-pound lots. I am in this
town to stav, havine pnrchited I in w
iots in the Waite addition, or which 1
will soon build a horn,- for my family
and self.
Jchn Alexander and wife, of Glide,
are registered at the McCIallen House.
1). W. Stearns and Paul Malionoy, of
Oakland, are seeing tho Carnival Unlay.
Geneveive Huberts, of Glcndalo, in
the guot of Mrs. Jessie Clements, of
West Kosehnrg.
Miss Iiura Spalding, late a composi-
lor on me i.auo uouniy Leaner, ami a
.former employe of this paper, in a like
capacity, is visiting friends in this city.
The Elks will have a grand herding
on Thursday night. Theio will be a
rounding up for two hundred miles
around, and as it is now "the good old
bummer time" a right, royal timu is ex
. . . . 4. . .
Sixty Cars Wrecked
One of the strauiitail railrad wrecks
in the history oi the Northwest tdc
place a little before duvliiHu Mmly
M DeVanev 1 00
Henry Conn 50
Fullerton & Richardson 1 00
Arthur Lous 50
S P Stewart 1 CO
P Benedick 2 00
OP Barnard 2 50
W L Moore ... 60
Morris Webber..
JohnT Brvan...
Win Currier
E DaMotta
A T Thompson..
J L Grimes
3 00
1 00
. ... 1 00
1 00
"1 00
1 00
J Gardiner 1 00
Jas Mnlliken
1 00
G W Noal 2 00
FB Hamlin
G G Staley
H C Slocum, Jr
J E Sawyers
DR Shambrook
Robert Hathaway
G W Sloper ....
Dr L Studley
G W Dimmick
J S Sutherlin
1 00
1 00
. oO
2 00
1 00
..... ..I 00
I 00
" 1 00
1 00
1 00
August Schloeman 5 00
A M Barker
AY Barker
Henry Ridenhour
E Dixon
RS Barker
1 00
2 00
1 00
5 00
Wm Van Buren 2 50
Sykes & Carroll
E C Patterson
D L Martin
WR Vinson
J A Smith
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
J P Thompson 1 00
Lee Love 1 00
Adam Fisher 00
Jim Conn 1 00
F M Conn ,r0
B Brockway 1 00
TE Coop r
A E Kent
W L Cobb
Henry Rodgors .
G M Brown
Binger Hermann
J M Ilanshrongh. .' '.
Geo Scott
FII Applehoff
I F Rice
E Prebble .... . -..
Judge J W Hamilton.. ,
August Miller
Mrs E McBrooin
J W Wright
E Otey
Reno W R Corps
A Cre-tson
T.f Anderfon
Chas Paraxon
HL Ingalls
Besides these .'mounts
have been sul iscri bed: , ' '
Christian church
Knights of Pvthias
IOO F '.
The Elks will also contribute
1 00
1 00
. 1 CO
. 2 00
. 2 50
. 10 00
2 50
1 00
. 1 00
. 2 50
J 00
. 5 00
. 50
...... 2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
15 00
1 (to
....'.. 50
the followin
.Marriage licenses have lwen issued to
Jesiitf A. Taylor, aged IS, and evmour
C. Quant, aged 21, ol Oakland; O. F
Hodges, aged 22, ami Bessie Parker,
aged IS, of Drain, and Chas. E. Truni
bull, nged 32 years, and Miss Marv A.
Wise, age.! 20 years, of Yonealla.
Carnival Attractions.
The fourteen big carnival attractions
nre now in full llu?t, and will be teen
oy thousands of visitor during thu week
The attractions are of the highest
order. The high dive, and stairvta-,
rides are something that allows tho dar
ing anil nerve ol mankind, and are
worth going miles to see. The attract
ions will Ik; given free twice a dav
i'liu Stadium, the fthituro show of tho
carnival is located on Douglas street
jutleut of Maine. Here you find an
entertainment of one hour and ten
minutes, with features that are surpass
ed bv none. The cycle whirl bv Uoso
ami l en ion am not be pried too high
On a bowl ,-haie track fourteen feet
the bottom and eighteen at the top lUusv
two men ride ImcvcIos at the
rate ol one-half a minute, in oposite
direction, and iterform maiiv difficult
nicks that must be sewn to be appro
elated. V troupe of Japaue-o acrobats,
Mis? lioldine and a trained cockatoo
circus, tho PatatUt troupe of whiriwim
Arabian acrobat- him! the trick bicvcl
riding by Ko-e and ltnon all aid
making up a program that pleads all
Thf animal hon opposite the MrCial
lan Houee, Dreamland, and ih gla
Palace are well attended and goud ex
ibition. The Electric Theater, dog and pony
phow, and l.otta the fire danorr, which
are on Jarkon trvt opposite the Pi.Ait
F m kk ot'irv atv will attended and all
From Grave.
Miss R. hight, who has been
sick, is now slowly recovering.
Miss Buby Light, of Grave, visited
friends in Grants Pass last week.
Mr. E. Corder, ot Wolf creek, in a
frequent visitor of Grave uow-a-days.
Mrs. Church and daughter an; visit-
ng friends in Grants Pass, this week.
Miss Lolta Farleigh visited with her
Kirenls, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. biirleigh, of
this place. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Porter and their
son, George, are visiting in Grants I'ass
this week.
Mrs. Gossip and daughter, Maggie,
are residing on a farm in this district,
W. J. Light, of this city, has accepted
ii iosition at Glendale, as teamster for
Ed Redlield.
Mrs E. Light is visiting with her
laughter, Mrs. Walter Williams, of the
Greenback mine.
Mrs. G. W. Farleigh and Mrs. Mary
E. Light, of I.eland, made Placer a visit
one day last week.
We are glad to see the smiling conn
tenance of our friend, Mr. rred irtue,
in our city once more.
Several of the B. Y. P. U. young peo
ple of Grants Pass, visited Miss Light
of Grave, on Sunday last.
Rufus E. King, of Portland, has been
in our district for the past few days
Mr. King has mining interests here
Mr. Bris Gabburtt, of Grants Pass,
was seen on our street latt ueek. Mr.
Gabbcrtt is out on a surveying exedi- j
tion. j
Mrs. J. W. Johnston, of Grave, wasi
called to the ltedside of her son, Mr. j
Chas. Davis, of Grants Pa-s, uhoisver j
low with typhoid fever.
Some of the Grants l'a? loys haej
lcen making Grave creek frequent Sun
day calls. It is reported that they in
tend taking a couple of pretty girls of.
our town lor keep".
Mr. C. Corder met with a painful ac
cident one dav Inst week. While at
work in the Columbia mine near I'lac. r,
he Mumbled and his knee was thrown j
out of place. Dr. Moore, of Grants Pass, j
was called, and he says it will be some
time liefore Mr. C. i able to work again, j
Warner's Rust-Proof Corset
Made by ti.e most famous corset fac
tory in the world. S'U'sfactorilly
modeled, carefully shaped, neatly
made and lieaiitihilly finished.
Wakniiu'h Ruht-Piiook Couhkth have
no rivalH. They are superior to all
others in point of grace, comfort
and durability.
50c, 75c, SI.80, 1.25, $1.59 and $2.25
Dress Trimmings.
W e havo even-thing that is new. The
line is too extensive to go into any
description. You should see them
Seasonable Special Offerings
. We are better prepared, this season than pver be
fore. to meet your wants in all lines of General Mer-
r'chandise. Our stock was never co complete in every
department. We bought early, securing the very
best selections and the very lowest prices, and we
vropose to maintain our reputation for selling the
Dress Goods.
We have given this line a great deal
of careful attention, and bave got
ten together as complete a line of
desirable fabrics as was ever shown
in this city. In Summer ' Dress
Goods our stock is strictly up to
the times. We have all the newest
creations including
Mercerized "Zephyrs, Popelleoas,
Cluny Lace Stripes, Fantaise Silk
Tissue, Linen Madras, Grass Ba
tiste Muslin De Sole, Etc.
Men's Furnishings
Every thing strictly to date and right
in keeping with good taste. In
Men's Neckwear we have the latest
colorings in Tecks, Four-in-IIands,
Hand and StrijHxl Bows. The new
est of all Lt the Miget Club Tie
Golf Shirts.
A half hundred different styles to
choose from.
50c. to $2.50
Ladies Underwear
Knit Vests from
5c to 50c
Mil-din Underwear in all grades au
elegant line.
Men's Hosiery.
Everything that is new in this line
we have, from 8 to SOc.
Men's Underwear.
Halbriggan underwear, 25, 50, 75c
Fummer Weight, wool, ?5c $1.00
A great many lines to select from.
Boy's and YeaUi's Cfotfaisg.
I lie Kant-v ear-uut icind. A new
tock just in. It will do yon good
to look over them. o-troable to
i-how them.
Men's Clothing.
We carry the largest stock in town,
and take great pride in this de
partment. Oar Five Dollar all
Wool suits for men can't be beaten,
in fact we defy competion in this
line. An almost endless variety to
choose from.
$5.00 to $18.00
Shoes for men, women children and
infants, and all Kld with our per
sonal guarantee to be the l-st for
the price or your money back.
The Gordon hat is here, as well as &
full line of cheaper hats.
The Reliance Wrapper
Has coriet liuing, and ia perfect fit
ting. So higher in price than
ordinary wrappers. We have the
agency for Roseburg.
See us for Groceries, 'Phone 721
RidJIe Itims.
Rciui es the greatest care, the best w jU!et
tlmis? and first-cl.iss equipment in the lsiborab ry. Our
prescription department is complete iu every detail.
lVart lthldb was iu town Sundnr. !
Af tr Crow is hotm; ngxin from
Apne laiacs, of M.-dioMl, is visiting
her sister Mrs. C. A. Itkkile.
G. W. Kiddle will eructaii addition to
his rtoim evap-oruWir. Itnilding opera
tion will ln-'in .-(-01.
J Win. T. IjiughHs, the light Ikhih;
; keet-er on Tillanwok ltttvk, arrive! Sun
day evening to join me laiuiiy in iin.
I place.
I MLsi Maud Sturvan, of TillniiKtk is
viMting Mi Itlanche Kiddle. Mw
turgan ami Mi. IStunche were tofeoot
mates at the O. A. C.
We have what the weli-carcd-for bab3 requires:
Mermen's Talcum Powder,
Rose Wilch Hazel Lotion,
Fragrant and Soothing.
Fine, Soft Sponges,
Delicate Hair Brushes,
Velvet Skin Soap.
A Full Line of Baby Medicines and Foods.
Phone 451.
"High-Grade Goods" is Our Motto.
morning, a t-hort distance from tin visitors are well plcsmxl with the various
center of Sjtokane. A runaway tram of irfirmance?.
CO or mure loaded ostrs , without an en- I5ig crowds awmble and watch the
gine, rushed fotir mile down grade big Ferris wheel traveling around with
through town, demoikhing a dwelling- its loadj of merry-iiHtker., while the
house, wrecking a laundry, killing at camel create more fin than a box of
least four iioople, injuring nine others monkeys. To ride the camel is a carni-
aml piling up a tangled itasa of debris ' val treat not to lie nifsed, while watch-
estimated to be 50 feet high. ' ing the individual upon its back is worth
Just how many cars made the long a trip to the circus. ,
dash downhill is unknown, lmt the eti-i These are only a few of the feature
mates run from GO to 00, nearly tlw that are to le seen and exixiricnced.
entire train being heavily loaded with j
soft coal. Thee cars were coupled to-
getnor anu leu siamung on oh. n,MM.e . ,t js , , t, t , , of ta,M
ti r -. i i . . .. t a 1 .
rang orinorn line, pari oi me i.rm rIM,rti, lI,w,,.inif to the estate of
Jamus Harrison, of llrmvusville, Ita.-
lx.Hti:ht the uneurv store iMfcmcing to
j E. C. Jackson We wish Mr. Harrison
! sucuss in hi. venture.
School mM!iins w---ed off very j
lable. Ira It. Kiddle was- re-elected
j school clerk, and H. A. Crow was eh-ct
jul director to siiceed M. W. I'rnner
Mr. ami Mrs. Perry O Smith, of Red.
land Calif., are visiting Mr. Smith's
aunt Mrs. M. Hardinan of ibis place
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have recentlv came
from South Bend, Indiana.
Miss Mell Quine, Molls People, J. A
Isan, Albert Ilollenbauh, Johnnie
Comet t. Italnh and I .ill, ami Hthel
Kiddle are among those, who attended
the W. 0. W. carnival at Granta l'ap
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Quine gave their
laughter Kthel a party on the afternoon
of June 12 in honor ot the 'Jth anniver
sary of her lirthdnr. Alxtut tbirtv of
Kthel's little friend were present, and
a mrt enjoyable time was had play in
games under the trees, at o clock they
ere called into tho dining room, where
around the Imnutifullv decorated tables
thev were rerved with refreshments.
Probate Orders.
Nortliern system, now used as n storage
track. From Hillyard a long grade
MojieH down to Division Street, iu
Spokane, four milea away.
Hayliurst News.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. O. Hridos and
family, of Yonealla, were visiting rela
tives here last Sunday.
Mrs. I'eail Claphaw and Mrs. Mary
Huntington and children wore guests; of
Mrs. J. I. Miller, last week.
Miss Malel WilfKHi, of Yonalln, came
over last Friday and kindly took part in
the closing exerciser of our schiml here.
Quite an interesting progrun w
rendered here at the close of our school
Llmt Friday. The hme was filled with
visitors from our neigiilmrlKKMl as well
as from other place. We mnko Hpecial
mention of oKcellent recitationn by
Miftfcea Mabel WSIkhi and lone Apple
gate. This event marks the close of our
most miccopeful school work. Having
had three montlw District ai;d one
month Subscription sob ol, which for a j near
small community of hut 20 pupils, wo
consider doing very well. Our teacher
Mis Wilo;i, has endeared herself to all,
by her energy and thorough work. Wo
hut voice the sentiment"? of all in saying
her third term of school-has been bettor
than anv previous term, and all were
I Daniel Boment deceased, which was re
centlv sold nt private sale by the admin-
' istrutor, C S Jackson, be con tinned and
declared regular and binding.
Ordered that Francis L. Kussell, exe
cutux of the estate of Geo. T. Kussell,
' deceased, has b.ien discharged from her
i trust as said execiitux and the estate de
clared fully closed.
Ordered thnt citation issue to John
L. Kent and Ira Wimherly, execu
tors of the estate of Levi Kent, de
ceased, directing that they forth will
j file in the probate court their tinul ac-
I count, or appear iu the court on Julv
lit, 10011, at 10 o'clock a. m., or said day,
I ami show chum;, if any, whv thev have
failod and negloiued to tile their limil
litigenc Justice,
I'no I Sox I'lim.ico.
m 00
87 00
75 00
f 10111
the most good. In such matters as river J100 to f 200
The Jackson Sprats.
0. H. Jncl:.on'H "oulluw" bnso bal
luftui. of Itosehtutr, will play tho
Mjrllo Poii.t team Mt.. ibis placoij
July !Jrd From hero I hey will .0
to Bin I ii Hiid will piny tho Bun
don teniii July 4lli. fllrllo Point
C-onstalue .lack nuiith last evening
placed under arrest Henry Iliuldloston
for shooting at the Miller and Muthers-
baugli boys the other nilit while they
were taking some cliernos from a tree
Hnddlostou's residence. Tl
charge, is assult nnd battery .ICngeiie
The offense was assault with niton st
to murder, or assault with a deadly
weapon, and while the Ikvs were in er
ror, we will make our usual Del ot our
black hat against three lugs of "Kei
tucky twist," mat inn noys are jwmr
Im)Vs, ami the shooter a "well hxed
Al iVslon, Muss, in lcs.s limn n
month in tiiti) hi ute there lnivo been
at lciit four demur! fiom glumlerrt in
hiiiiiiiu beings. Tho Board of Heith
ftiiiti ntr tin opideinic, is funkini;
verv oir.irt to provutil thosproiid ot
i lie ilihense.
Leland l.ocils.
c arc clad to see Miss Lulu Snow in
our town ac.nn.
Mrs A. Loller has been verv sick for
several months and is now very low.
Mrs. Webb, of Greenback, was with
us Friday visiting her old neighbors.
Mr. Jean Goff has returned from his
placer claim to enjoy a few days of city
Mr. Geo. Strong is taking ont some
cood lookinc rock on his place new
We understand that a mill may soon
be put in the I-cwis & Jones prospect
near Mt. Kuben.
Mr. Fred Virtue, of Spokane, spent
a couple of davs m town last week, and
is now visiting relatives at Murphy.
Mr. J. W. Virtue, of Portland, made
the town a short call, Sunday, nnd is
now visiimc at bis lormer muio on
Harris Flat.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virlue of Gieen
back came to town, Sunday, and sttent
the dav visiting with Mr. J. W. Virtue
ami old friends.
Mr. W. II. Hampton and bis rty
surevors have been surveying out mwc
mineral land in this vicinity and have
returned to Grants Pass.
Mr. JSoud, our station agent, is .bank
from a month's stay at. Halsey, -where
his mother is very ill. Mrs. lSond will
not return for somu limo. f lt , . ,
Quite a number of our eoplo visited
thu carnival at thu Pass including -Mrs
Almy, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Kodgors, MifeS
Stackjiolu, Miss.Allen, Miss McWilliums,
Mr. It. G. Virtue, Mr. dlenry. Walters
and children.
dence f J. TleirnTon, .n Oak creek,
Tuesday. June 10. pHTS. S. W. Moore
t Mis NT3 Thornton, Kev. C. P
IWiluy uliioraliin:.
Reduced Summer Gxcursion Kates'
The Denver ad Uio (irande. jiopnl ar
Iv known as the "Scenic line of the
World" has announced creatly relucel
round-trip rates from the i'acific Coast
1-oinUi for the lxinetit ot teachers who
will spend their vacation in the East,
ami of delegates to all the promt nen.
Conventions K. E. A., at Boston; A
O. U. W.. at St. Paul; II. P. O. E, at
llaltitBOru;- Woodmen of America at
IiHlianalis; Kacle . at Xew York;
Mystic Shrine, at Surato-.-a Springs;
K. of P., at Ivouisville, ami T. P. A., at
Tickets at the reducwl rates will be
based upon one fare for the round trip,
but will be sohl only on certain davs.
rhs tickets will carry stop-over j
Buy one of those fine
Morris Chairs we are sbow
ing and.' comfort and, satis?-.
Jaction is sure. Also a splen
"3itd line ofRockers. "
Full line of Couches and
Lounges that are up-to-date.
The Furniture Man
Kissii!(ers an opportunity to visit 3lt yJrjsi'irijj
privilvigts. on the zoing trip, giving!
Ijike City, GlenwotJ Sprimrs, Colorado
prings and Denver; and will be good
to return anv hum within ninetr ('.Oi
lays. Passenger going via the Denver
ami Kio Grandu are given the privilege
of returning via a different route.
For the rate to the point vou wish to
go, nnd (or dates of sale ami other par
ticulars, as well as for i;laetratel pam
phlets, write
u . v. .MciiWD. iienerai Agent
' 124 Third St., Portland, Or.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
Contain Mercury,
as merenry will surely destroy the sense
of smell ami completely derange the
whole system when untering it through
themucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescriptions
from reputable jthysicians, as the-damage
they will do is ten fold to the good you
earn possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
ChancyA Co., Toledo, O. contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood nnd mucous sur
faces of the svstem. In bnving Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine
It is taken internally ana made iu Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Chaney it Co. Testimo
nials free.
Sold bv Drucgists, Price 75c per bottle.
Hall's" Familv Pills are the best.
J . F. Barker & Gd;
Head Office, McMInnrltlc, Oregon
Amt.oi insurancein force, U,000,OOO.fiO
Net gain in one year, 2,62S,7S7.IK)
Saving its members 1 yr., S0.591.60
Numler separate risks, S'J.SeO
See A. J. Buchanan,
Itosebure, Oregon. Act. for Douglas Co.
Tlie ?5ev-Yortt I.lfe-l'llty-Heen
yenr !!.
AshcIM over jtqn,oaa,uan.
Income in ii (
Xusjunmct; in force iv Si
New iMsiiriitico pnlrt Tor In iyoi
over $i6t,oaa,oio,
l'liiil, l"oIlv-liolclurs lu
over 8i;lion,ooo,
ljUt l,llc -HiUlcr.H ln'57 eiUH,
over S.t49oo-
V. J. Moon, Ajltlt.
KoNolitiri; Ore
Men Fruit In Demand.
"The Eiigenu Oniird Says: Kugeno is
getting lo lie, a bad place for street fakirs.
Last evening tho man who is making
jewelry on thu corner by Cookerline &
Weatherbee's, was pelted by a number
ot eggs, thrown prosumiiblp by the sumo
unnir of boys who egged tho other; fnkir
tho day bepre."
There aro other cities besides Eugene,
whoro.over-ripo hen fruit could bo used
to great advantage.
Cor. Washington
nnd Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
in Fine
For a Limited Time-
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All IJevrJStocK
and Latest Cut
: Envelopes : :
?lso online Leather
Goods until Wednesday
eyeuiug. Dout Miss ihese
Trespass Notice.
All persons "are hereby warned not to
tivip.iss, hunt, tls:i or cninp on the
lsiini.)f thu Curry Estate, l'ersousdoing
.hi i I be prosecute I to tho full extent
el ho law.
Fst'ile of N. Cuimr,
65tf.) : Itivoredalo Fjurm ''
, Abstract of Title to Deeded Und.
Papers prepared for tiling, on XJovern.
ment LaniU,. V .
Iiluo IVui.U of Tqwuship Maps showiue
I A l'l'llltlWi. A hvirofoi.
PJans and Estimates for all Build-
' Inea.
!Speclal deslgnsfor Office Hxl arcs
OtEce in noy Jiunk Building. 'Ehoae 415
The Kind IT I
of - - r raiiiei
to be used is very much a
matter of taste. It is import
ant, though, that the frames
set properly oa the. nose, ami
.at the. right. distance from
tho eyes. - That ther lenses--bo
perfectly centered, and''
how are you to know vhen
soma one is guessing.
Masses li&U feSigfet,
; Ifociai .
i BARS. H.
is oraparvil to wait nHn old
and. new customers and friends
witli a nil and complete
istock ol
-VII fresh and of the very beat
quality. Teaaaad coffees aro
specialtiea. Your patronage
I 39$ Jackson St.,
Homes from. $250 to $5000
WriUjor 'Phono . .
Wm. M, Porter, ,
Real Estate Agent and 'Notarjr
Timber and Homestead' Locator
"Packer and Quide
iCaniiisViilley,- -
mulktwmih urct a
- Oregon