The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 23, 1903, Image 1

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    (h-aoon 'liBlorical Socioty
J kkk
ob Printing
la busy Reasons brings
I - f I 1
la a very important factor in
bnaincBH. Poor nri'mine r-
yoa your Bnare 01 irauu;
in ami buu-
flocls no credit on a good
business bonse. Let ns do yonr Job
Printing we guarantee it to be in
sons brings yoa your share, and also
that of the merchant who "can't af
ford" to advertise.
Published on Tuesdays and Thursdays Established 1868.
m every way satisfactory.
No 47
1 1
, if A. i I T
8 JflpR
The Chemawa Indian Concert Band
The Greatest Event of the Season and the Rarest Treat
Assured the Citizens of loseburg.
This band is composed of over thirty Indian cadets
from the U. S. Indian Training School and is conceded to
be the finest musical organization on the Pacific Coast.
Don't miss this concert. Specialties by Filipino and
Alaskan members of the band, including native songs and
ADMISSION, 25c, 35c AND 50.
. . it r n 1 1 w J
V F.W.BENSON. A. u. maksiako. h.. v.--., "V
n 11 II
Vice President.
Douglas County Bank,
Established I883.
Incorporated 1901
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
O A general banking business tranacted, and customers given every
y accommodation consistent witti sale ana conservauTe ranuuK.
X Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three.
Is prepared to ship in carload lots at short
notico, first-class
They select patronage, and all correspond
ence promptly answered.
Have You Seen
The Wash Goods, in all Colors and
Also that swell line of Wash Suits, Chil
dren's Dresses in all ages. The style is
correct and patterns new.
In all the new styles and shapes. We are
agents for the famous fiabo Corset.
This Store will close every evening al 6
o'clock, except Saturday.
Drain uardmer
'5 Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we wfll charge $7.60 for
S thefare from Drain to Coos Bay. Baggage allowance with each full fare
J 50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 300 pounds or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no al
P lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE.
For further information address
J: J. H. Sawyers,
It Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
ihe-McCormick whenever he wants a binder, reaper, mower,
rake, com binder, husker and ishredder, or other harvesting
machine, because he prefers machines that meet his -require
ments machines that jive him satisfaction machines that
are worth every dollar that he pays for them.
! will help your farming bustaea la read the McCermkk tax, -A
MODEL MACHINE," which b mailed free.
To Save Canal Treaty.
The strong probability that the
Colombian Congress, at the special
Bession which convened last Satur
day, will fail to ratify the Panama
canal treatv causes President Roose
velt deep concern. He sent for Wil
liam Nelson Cromwell, the American
representative of the new Panama canal
commisiion of France, and with him
discussed the canal situation, in view of
the recent advices from Colombia that
the opponents of ratification seem likely
to defeat the treaty.
The President takes the view that the
government of Colombia has no right to
reject the pending treaty, but that a
diHtinct obligation rests upon it to ratify
the convention Precisely why he holds
that such an obligation exists is not ex
plained, but the contention la supposed
to reit on the fact that the Colombian
government entered into an Agreoment
with the United States to give up cer
tain territory as an inducement to the
selection of the Panama route.
This government, however, is con
scious of the impracticability of making
direct representations to Colombia with
the object of coercing the Congress of
that country into ratification of the
canal treaty. It is hoed that the same
end may be accomplished in another
way, and tills was the object of the
conference to-day between President
Roosevelt and Mr. Cromwell. The
French company has agents in Columbia
who are in close touch with the situation
and who are in a position to convey in a
short of semiofficial way the views and
wishes of the Washington administration
in regard to the canal.
It is expected that Mr. Cromwell will
apprise tbe leaders ot the (Jolombis
government, through the French com
pany's agents, of President Rooeevelt's
feeling in regard to Uie treaty. It will
be set forth that the United States will
never consent to pay a larger price for
the canal right of way, and that the
President and the state department in
sists that there is an obligation on the
part of Colombia not to reject a treaty
which incorporates promises by Co
lombia to this government before the
selection of the Panama route. The
Colombians will also be reminded that
the United States will in the event of
rejecting of the treaty, never allow any
other nation or individuals to die a
waterway across tbe isthmus of Panama
and that it is wholly a question whether
Colombia shall get ten million of dollars
or get nothing.
Inasmuch as the French canal com
pany has everything at stake on the
pending treaty, It goes without saying
that tbe representative of that company
in Colombia will make President Roose
velt's attitude known to the leaders of
tbe Colombian Congress in an emphatic
way. It is hoped that their representa
tions will have almost the same effect
as an official expression through the
state department, so far as the ratifies
lion of the treaty is concerned.
Oregon Hop Crop Outlook.
The Bible ia Turkey.
The American Bible society will cot
circulate a Bible with a corrupt text, no
matter what tbe action of the censor
may be." This statement was made by
Dr. Wm. I. Haven of the American
Bible society at the Bible house Satur
day, while referring to the cabled report
that the censor at Constantinople had
objected to the printing of the word
Macedonia" in the Epistles to the
Thessalonians, chapter I, verses 7 and 8,
ana cnapter iv, verse 10. The censor
insists that the words "the vilayets of
Salonica and Monastir" be substituted
for "Macedonia."
"I do not doubt that the cabled report
is true," said Dr. Haven, for we have
just received word from our agent at
Constantinople that he has bad great
difficulty in having the Bible of tbe
latest edition passed upon by the censor.
According to the Turkish law, the cen
sor must pass upon the Bible once every
five years, and while formerly it has
only taken from two to four weeks to
have the book passed upon, in this in
stance it has already taken over four
"We certainly shall not change the
text one iota, but our couree of action
will be determined at a meeting of tho
executive committee to be held this
Drought Striken Kansas.
Tho Salem Statesman gives the fol
lowing statement of tho present situa
tion: Many of tho old yards in Oregon
failed to coma up evenly, and tho time
is now past when the missing hills are
expected to grow and produce hops.
Something also seems to be the matter
with the growing vines, and the weather
has all along boon most unfavorable for
good growth. Some of the yards, espe
cially the younger ones, are looking
fairly well, and of late the weather is
favorable for rapid, healthy growth, and
growers and doalors are alka morp
hopeful of the outcome, but the damngo
already dono cannot and will not be re
paired. Some of the radical hop dealers now
estimate the yield of hops for 1003 at
70,000 bales, while one or two even say
75,000, and on the other hand, equally
radit'-al grower estimate it at from 40,
000 to 00,000 balm. From prfpeut n
pearances, probably a ronxervalive -ti-tnale
would be (15,000 IuiIch. This is
about 18,000 bah a short of Lift year,
and this in spite of the fuel that the
new aciene elionM, unik-r normal con
ditions, pro luce at least 15,000 b.ilif
Reliable it-ports' from California indi
cate a very small yield in that,
estinisUI at al out a half crop, due to
the wet winter, fullw.ed by lo ig dry
b pells.
In New York State alxMit 40,000 balu
are enHi:ted, as against 25,000 la-t t-ea-eon,
but the former fij.Min-s are only
about half a normal ield, mul the con
dition are constantly turning wonts,
deplorable In (act. The dnmgh is grow
ing terrible in itn blighting effect, not
aving rained for over a month and a
half, and the crop prosjiects are con
stantly grow ing wort-e.
In England the 4-ondition of the grow
ing crop is poor, and a much smaller
yield ia looked for than thuy had reason
to expect. The condition of the growing
vines in Germany is not reported to be
the best, and they will not secure a full
In Washington the vines are looking
well, comparatively, throughout the
State, with the exception of the Yaki
ma country, where the yield will be
Hence it may be seen that every con
dition exists which would cause the
cured product to be worth more money,
and the only opposite force at work on
the market is the blighting effect of the
bears and knockers.
Yesterday a dealer remarked to a
prominent grower that in a short time
bops would go to 10 cents per pound,
and tho grower replied: '"I don't care,
will hold till next fall and sell for 40
cents. This shows tbe independent
feeling of the growers, and they may
be looked for to uphold their end of the
fight to the finish.
For Love of a Pale-Face.
The weather report of Observer A. W
Jones to the United States agricultural
department, for the month of May, is
quite interesting. The unusual rainfall
in Saline county Kansas may help to
solve the oricin of the recent floods in
Kansas. Tho report shows a total
precipitation for the month of 17.33
inches. This is within 9 inches of
reaching the average rainfall of central
Kansas. In 1901 the total precipitation
for the year was only 17.89 inches, 50
100 th 8 more than for the month of May
this year. The heaviest rain last month
was on the 28th, 5.25 inches. There
were seven thunder storms, fiv hail
storms, three tornadoes and five floods
Rain fell every day from the 10th to tbe
Yoncalla News.
Who said, "Ice cream?"
An ice cream social will be held at
Yett'a Hall, Wednesday evening June 24
Tbe proceeds to be givon to Heppner
Relief Fund. Every body come and
bring some one else. Ladies will aid
materially by bringing cake.
Misses Eva and Evea Applegate re
turned homo Thursday from Corvallis,
where they have been attending college
Mrs. Mattio Graves, of Centralis
Wash, was with us Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Her lectures wero fine, and
the Afternoon meetings very instructive
The W. C.T. U. has an able advocate
in Mrs. braves, and the losers were
those who stayed a way from the meet
Remedy for Codling Moth.
For tho lovo of a while man, a cow
boy, two Indian women, living near
Livingstone, Mont., have fought a duel
to the death, knives being tho weapons.
Details of tho battle, which took placo
thirty miles out on tho reservation,
have just reached hero, and from all ac
counts it was one of the moat furious
combats that over has taken place in
"Bob" Wilson, a tall, handsome young
fellow, employed on the Double Bar X
ranch, is tho man in the case. Ho had
made lovo to both the women, it ap
pears, and had promised to marry them.
The two Indian women were cousin,
and whon they learned that Wilson was
paying attention to both of them there
was trouble. Neither was willing to
give up the man, and so it was agreed
to settle the matter with knives, in the
presence of a large number of the tribe.
A spot on Willow creek, whieh runB
lluoiigh llie reservation, was chosen as
the battlu ground. Thursday, tho wo
men mot there by agreement, each one
accomanied by several of her friends.
Stlipped to the waift, the coml atantH
prepared for the fray. There was no
referee, a all realized that it was to be
a battle to the Icuitli. For nu irlv half
an hour the tight went on, both women
bcitii! slashed in a tearful iiiannf r.
Neither one would yield, and their
fiiendsdid not feel called i j -On to inter
fere ill ie trouble. Finally l-tli yo
iiiou dropped to tlip ground, exhausted,
nd when cared for it was found that
both hail received fatal wound, fiom
which t-iOT died a liurt Mine laiur.
After months of hard work Professor
. W. Wood worth and Warren T.
Clarke, of tbe entomological depart
ment of the University of California,
appear to have been successful in their
long campaign against the apple worm,
or codling moth, which last year injured
the crop of the state to tho extent of
$500,000. The farmers in the Parajo
valley, where there are extensive or
chards, are highly pleased with the suc
cess attained by the University men.
Last season it was no uncommon thing
to find from one to five gallons of young
apples on a single tree that were unfit
for the market on account of the pres
ence of several worms in each apple.
This season it has not been possible to
find five gallons of peat-bo red apples in
thirty-acre orchard that had been
sprayed according to the methods de
veloped by Clarke and Woodworth. The
codling breeds several times during the
season, when the apple is growing, but
the success in destroying the first brood
has assured them that the entire crop
will be saved. Judicious spraying will
have to be kept up for some time yet in
order to prevent the succeeding broods
fro;n doing damage. The entomologists
have carefully studied the life history of
tho moth, and have given the orchard'
ists directions as to the composition of
the spray and the exact time at which
it should be used.
A number of the orchardtsts did not
follow the experiments of the Universi
ty experts, believing that their efforts
would be of little avail. The unsprayed
orchards will consequently offer a strik
ing contrast to those scientifically treat
ed. Professors Woodworth and Clarke
have have shown the orchardists that a
Paris green spray will kill the canker
worm. Summer spraying with Paris
green and lime has not only destroyed
the canker worm but also the tent and
horned caterpillars in an equally effectu
al manner.
It is believed that tho success in com
bating tho codling moth will bo assured
as was the treatment of the peach worm
last year, which saved many thousands
of dollars.
England Rebukes Murder.
In the House of LordsfFriday, Foreign
Minister Lanedowne announced that
thc:Briti8h Minister to Soma had been
Instructed to withdraw from Belgrade
for some time on tho arrival there of
King Peter, and in the meantime to do
nothing which could bo construed as a
recognition of the present government
Lord Lansdowne expressed his indigna
tion at tho crimes at Belgrade, and said
he thought it was not desirable that
Sir George Bonham, tho British Minis
ter, should bo in that city whon tho now
regime was inaugurated. Tho Foreign
Minister added that no proposal had
been received for concerted action
toward Servia by tho powers, but tho
British eovernnient had no intention of
maintaining ordinary relations witl
persons concerned in the massacre.
Suicide," As
Viewed by a
Of late I have read various articles in
regard to ran- auieide. In there woman
ischargid with having lo-t llicOod xiven
estre to become a uiK and inuiher.
Various reasons uru Kt-jigued for this,
but I have not seen what I believe to be
the greatest cause of this loss. Is it not
because our nation has refused to pro
tect the home that the American woman
refuses to become a wife and mother?
She has wept, prayed and petitioned our
state and national governments to throw
around the home of this country some
protection from the greatest curse this
world has ever known. But instead of
granting her request "this land of the
free and the home of the brave" has
gone into partnership with the home de-
troyer, so the only reply weepiug, peti
tioning womanhood receives is : Go help
make homes, be patient, bear children,
and each vear we will onlv lay about
100,000 of them in drunkards' graves,
and we cannot tell just how many of
them we place in alms houses, county
jails, penitentiaries and insane asylums.
It is not because woman loves a poodle
dog more than a baby that she chooses
tbe dog, but if she pays the tax and puts
a collar on her dog, she is protected by
the law from the dogslayer. But tell
me, if you can, how a mother can pro
tect her boy? She went down to the
gates of deathjto give him birth. She
counts this as naught for the joy that a
man child is born. She watches over
him, sleeping and waking, warns him of
tbe dangers of the intoxicating cup, but
it availeth not. Ere the blush of youth
has left his cheek she sees him offered a
sacrifice on the altar of his nation's
greed. What wonder that woman buys
a ranch, goes into sheep raising instead
of raisiug boys. Wool growers are pro
tected, and if tbe wolves should abound
our government would pay so much per
head for their destruction. But the de
stroyer of our sous is protected bv law ;
his business is legalized. When the
voters of the country make the raising of
children a safe business, then will our
daughters become wives and joyful
mothers of children, "and the streets of
the city shall be full of boys and girls
playing in the streets thereof." Eliza
both A. Ivey, in Michigan Christian
Hardiness of Angoras.
A young Austrian missionary, Father
Cosmus, has been killed and eaten by a
tiger and its cubs near the boarders of
Nepaul, India. When passing through
a swamp, tho tiger, assisted by two cubs,
sprang uikmi him and carried him into
tho jungle, where, the following day,
his remains were discovered. The body
had been quite devoured, tho hands and
head alone remaining untouched Tho
tiger was a well-known man-eater, hav
ing previously disposed of eight natives.
it was shortly afterward shot by some
English officers,
The pastoral letter of Cardinal Kopp,
bishop of Breslau, against Socialists and
Polish Nationlists, which was read in all
tho Catholic churches of upper Silesia
on Sunday instead of the sermon, caused
an outburst of feeling in the Polish press
and political clubs. Disturbances took
place in tho churches during the reading
of tho letter. There was murmnrings
and loud couch inc. and even curees
were uttered. The clergy are circula
ting a blacklist of the name of the news
papers which their parishioners must
not read. Boisterous political meetings
wero held last night.
The American Protective Tariff Leaime
of New York is early in the field for the
campaign of 1904. Realizing that the
percentage of new voters may prove to
be stitlicent to turn the seal in several
States. The league has mailed to its
members and connectors inquiry cards
asking names and addresses of voung
men who will, next year, cast their
flrst votes at a Presidental election.
Replies to these cards are coming in by
the hundreds In erery mail, and The
League Is rapidly accumulating an im
mense list of names to which to send
literature of the sort calculated to in
form yonng electors as the merits of
the qnestions dividing the two political
(Lately with the government gsographical and geological survey of Brazil,
South America.)
United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor.
Office over Postoffice. nOSEBUlG, ORHGOfl. Correspondence solicited
Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. (Boyd's old stand)
...Sole Agents for...
Extend a cordial invitation
to the public and the many
friends of the old firm to call
and examine their new line
of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Queensware, Etc.
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Egos.
D. L. ilartia
J. M. Wcatberb . " T. A. Bury
Rofefourg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
laxes afd for Non-Residents. Timber
Pcek-a-Boo Dresses.
On Sunday at ankesha, Wi5consir
Rev. Father W. G. Miller of Joseph's
church caused a sensation by preaching
against open-lace apparel, low-neck
drewes and lace shirt waists.
At all masses Sunday he denounced
this style of apparel, terming it "peek-
a-boo" dress, and cliarging his flock not
to indulge in it.
The reverend father spoke scathingly
of the present mode of feminine dresses,
and especiallycensured the young ladies
who wore light waists with an abun
dance of openwork. These garments, he
said, were altogether too exposing, and
allowed young men too fair a view of
pretty shoulders.
At the discourseat 10:30 be mentioned
to the congregation the gist of his pre
vious sermon, and recommenced that
they interview some one who had
attended early mass.
The rebuke was so scathing that
mny young women who wore fashion
able dresses were embarrassed during
the services, and among them selves,
criticised the priest
Now For the Sugar Teat!
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer U. S. P.
Standard Drugs, Eresh Patent Medicines,
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
Probably no one thing does more to
arrest development of the Angora goat
industry in districts not familiar with
the animal than thegrossly exaggerated
idea of its hardinc-s and ability to live
without aire upon any kind of diet,
says tno Agriculturist, fcvery winter
hn reports of largo Humbert of goats
lying from unknown causes come in.
Almost invariably thee losses of
goats take place in districts where goats
are a novelty, or at least on tho farma
of men who have recently engaged in
the goat business. In a great many
cases the fatal course of the "dis.-aso"
as been nrreste-l by shitting tho goats
n to fresh pasture when browse was
abundant, or by supplying good hay and
a littlo grain. In the caso of a mixed
flock of goats which are confined upon a
piece of land closely enough to do effec
tive work in destroying brush, it is safe
to say that the does and kids and some
of tho smaller wethers will commence
tho winter in poor condition and bo
ready to succumb to colds or internal
parasites which stronger goats would
survive, borne retKirts have como to us
of goats dying in Western Washington
last winter, and that such goats havo
suffered from lack of food and shelter.
Goats must have a place where they cm
get out oi tno rain, mere is such nn
abundanco of suitable browning for
goats In Western Washington that dur
ing as mild a winter as the once just
past there ought not to havo been loss
from lack of food if care was taken to
see that fresh pasture was provided.
Todays game promises to be even
more exciting than was its predecessor
Koseburg is determined to even up mat
ters and it will be a contest well worth
seeing. The admission fee has been re
duced to 25 cents on account of yester
day's fee of 50 cents having kept some
of the fans away. It must be remem
bered, however, that Eugene is putting
up as good quality of baseball as can be
seen anywhere in the northwest. It is
now up to local patrons of the game to
support the team. Game called at 2:30
p. m. Eugene Register.
When playing time came on Sunday,
the aggregation determined to rest on
the honor of Saturday's game, which
was given to them by rotten umpiring,
as the Roseburg team wero defrauded
out of two runs. The Eugene boys act
ed like a lot of boobies, who were afraid
to play and the Eugene girls would do
well to present each one of them with a
"sugar teat."
The Land Frauds.
It begins to appear that tho govern
ment has a rather hard task on hand to
convict Miss Mario Waro and Iloraco
McKinloy. Tho caso was called last
week in tho Federal court at Portland
and tho dofenso announced ready for
trial and tho prosecution then had tho
caso continued until next Friday, by tho
U. S. district attornoy.
Cheese Making on the Farm.
A toothsome and nutritions article
of food is mailo from sour skimmed
milk or buttermilk by allowing the
casein to coagulate by the action of
acid already naturally formed, and
then expalliiig the water by the aid
of heat says Farm era Bulletin. A
considerable number of products.
locally distinct and different u the
dojrree. of dryness of the enrd, are
made in this wBy. The general
proems of manufacture is to take
sour tmtieriuiiK, or BKimuieu wuk
which has coagulated, heat it gently
from 85 to 1'25 degrees Fahrenheii,
according to circuiustmces, and
drain off the wbey through a cloth
strainer. Then rednce tho texturf
of the resulting curd ' by kneading
with tbe bauds or a pestle; Bait ie
added, and tho produce ia improved
by the addition of a email qnantity
of cream or butter, borne persons
consider it an improvement to tea
soubv the nse of ono of the more
common apices, aa nutmeg, caraway,
etc It is largely made only for
domestio conanniption, bnt in most
cities and villages, especially during
the summer months, there ia a con
siberable demand for fresh cheese
of this sort, and its manufacture
is often n source of revenue
lo factories suitably located, it is
usually sold and eaten in a fresh state
bnt it may be subjected to certain
processes, which qnito materially
cbango its character and which vary
widely in different localities. This
simple kind of cheeao is also called
Dutch cheese, cottago cheese, and
Estiint&s a Specialty.
ty with
List your proper-
Of your life if you buy a bucgy, hack or road wagon before
you iuspect our stock of John Deere vehicles.
We Are After You
Haven't missed a sale since car arrived.
spring goods ever brought to the county.
Finest line of
fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, g
Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block, Opp. Depot
I.J. NORflAN & Co. Prop.
Located on Southern Pacific Railroad
in Douglas County Oregon
Tk Waters CURE ninty Per cent of cases of totipatfea. Rkutatlsa
Catarrh, Stomach, Kidaey aad Liver TrwWes.
Post-office, Express anil Public Telephone on the promises. From $10 per week
up, including Ixtltis. I rains stop in ironi ot note!.
One Gallon of these Waters Contains
Potassium Chlorido
Potassium Bromide
Potassium Iodido
Sodium Chlorido
Magnesium Chloride .
Calcium Chloride -
Calcium Carbonates
54G.00 gr
.57 gr
- .53 gr
211.00 gr
CAP. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.
1438.00 gr
- J9gr