The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 21, 1903, SUNDAY EDITION, Image 2

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Publiftiea stjnaarf,OIloay aau 'u,",,7
H. H. BHO0K, Idltor and PublUh.
Thrlce-a-WMl: PtatedtaUr. per year. Ja.oo
Xntered ,at the Postofflce In Roseburg, Oregon,
" as second das mail matter.
JUNE 21,1903.
' LbdtiirtQ BULL INTERS.
No community, couhty or state has
the Tight "to" confiscate a citiren's' prop
erty' to give it, without 'ahy compensa
tion, to another person.
r my
The whole proceeding of the proposed
confiscation of water rights ana land
along the banks of the various creeks
and streams' of Douglas county smack
of fraud, and men are signing away val
uable rights without anything in return.
It la not prosperity nor the advance
ment of the true interests of Douglas
county that the Pzixdialkb .objects to
but it is a grafting scheme to place toll
upon future development, prosperity
and enterprise.
In, the proposed franchise for the
North Umpqui. river there is not the
slightest evidence of good faith. If, as
claimed, the company wants to put in
a sawmill, why does it not show its good
faith by erecting and running the mill
and then ask for a- valuable franchise?
Is it not a fact that the proposed frau
chiseis to be a graft so that every
sawmill and every man who wanted
to float logs to his mill would have
to pay this wonderful company trib
ute for the use of water and for the
banks of the stream which is their law
ful propertv.
It is' quietly said that this and that
prominent citizen is at the back of the
graft, if this is so why not organize
tinder the law of the State of Oregon
and pay up the capital stock and let us
see who are the men actually backing
up the business.
f Why should the property of. one man
be taken aNvay to make another rich.
In a proposition where the total value
of over $100,000,000 worth of property is
sought to be laid under tribute to a
scheme, every man owning one dollars
interest in the sum total should be no
tified so that he could protect his inter
est and either accept or protest the
:. : - ,
Roseburg and Douglas county today,
is.suffering from hot air. We need the
-genuine ethereal chinoo kof prosperity
and.'.not the extremes of frigid cold and
torrid blasts. The lastTlilast seeks
blister every -foot of timber tributary 'to
the North Ujnpqua'.river.,
The curse of Oregon today is not
legitimate business enterprise and spec
ulation, but. scheming combinations by
which every dollar saved by honest
effort is sought to be wrested away by
ge't-rich-quick concerns.
The Plaindealeb could joint to
grafter work of the first quality. Our
citizens have only to open their eyes
and see the same.
..'- ,
The editor of the Plaixdealeh be
lieves.iir' enterprise, energy and enthu
siasm, and to 'make all a success, grit,
grace-and gumption and would use up a
barrel of ink and a carload of newspaper
if necessary to bobnf any laudable enter
prise but it must draw the line and op
pose what we honestly believe to be
a graft and, extortion scheme on the in
terests of .Roseburg and Douglas county.
On the face the intended boom fran
chise is' nothing more nor Jess than at
tempted, legalized scheme to plunder.
The republican party is in power in
Douglas county and the officials will
protect the property and interests of
citizens and. non-residents alike.
President V. C. London has informed
the Plaindealeb that the fair for the
Second Southern Oregon District will
this year be held at Eugene and that it
will be out just at the close of the State
Fair at Salem, so as to give exhibitors at
that fair an opportunity to exhibit their
livestock at Eugene. The appropriation
made by the -state was doubled this
year over last and Mr. London, save he
is sure that it .the best fair ever
neld in the district. The mee"tjug qfUte.
executive board - was held on Thafaday.
afternoon at Cottage Grove, and the fol
lowing' offirers were" elected: VT. G;
T tV I . ' i t. .
wuuuuj wjaeijiirg, - preauient, r. A..
Rankjn, Eugenefirat jricejpresident: J.
C.vAiken, JAoseburg, 'second vice-presi
dent; F. A. McCall, Roseburg, secre
tary: W, T; Wright;.- Roseburg.-treas,-urer;
T. G. Hendricks, Eugene, assist
ant treasurer.
Crowds of "people-attended "the street
carnival at Grant Pass last week.
A man named Mark P. Corgill, was
drowned in a cloudburst near Pendle
ton on (Friday.
The gap in the telegraph cable be
tween Guam and Honolulu' will be laid
by next Friday.
. of the "Bear that walks
like a man" will be to give a death hug
to the "Sick man" of Turkey.
Yesterday morning two trains met on
a curve on the' Illinois Central railroad
abd nine passengers were killed.
The town of Edgewood in NortBern
California, was destroyed by'frreon
Friday morning, only two 'Vuslnesa
houses escaped.
At Vancouver B. C. a demented man
in a state of nature walks the woods and
scares 'the people. He sleeps in a hol
low tree at night.
The military officers who murdered
the King and Queen are to be pre meted
I and" retired when the new King feels
I strong enough without them,
j W. P. Peacock, the cold blooded mur
) derer of Alexander Kurre, on May 18
j has been sentenced to death at the peni
j tentiary on August 7, by Judge Burnett,
i at Dallas.
The U. S. Cruiser Chattanooga has
! been levied upon by the sheriff. Her
j boilers were not paid for by die con
tractors. The writ of attachment was
issued by the Supreme Court of New
"Summer Girls," "Sea Serpents" and
"Sunsets" is the title of a new book is
sued to incteate travel by the Columbia
4 River railroad. No wonder "summer
girls" reading such books "see snakes"
after "sunset."
It seems clearly apparant that the
. government of Russia backed up the
assassination of the Servian Kintr. The
Russian Court has. pone into mourning
I for 24 days in honor of the murdered
; King and Queen.
j The United States will yet have
j trouble with the little greaser govern-
ment of Central America over the
Panama Canal.. They make promises
but do not preform.and Uncle Sam will
have to spank them, we fear.
Labor Defies Law. Court.
Last Thursday, at Chicago sixteen
strikers were on trial for contempt in
disobeying one of the most stringent
injunctions ever issued in Chicago. At
torney Clarence Darrow hurled the de
fiance of union labor, declaring that
union men were only exercising their
rights when they struck and persuaded
other men to strike with them.
"We are not obliged to work and earn
dollars for your clients," the lawyer de
clared in Judge Holdom's court, while
defending the sixteen members of the
Allied tnetal worker union, charged
with contempt in disregarding the in
junction issued by Judge Holdout a
month act), when 700 employes of the
Kellogg switchboard supply company
struck. "We may impose great hard
ships on your clients," continued the
attorney, "hut we can not be forced to
work. When it is declared that we can
not ask our neighbors to refuse to work,
the arguments of the days of slavery are
being used once more. 'My clients'
vested rights are in their homes . and
families and they believe in this case
that it is for those interests that they
should not work. The weight of au
thority in .this country is thai man may
work or not work, strike or not, strike,
persuade or not persuade, his neighbor,
as he pleases."
The strikers were fined $10 each.
"For a corporation to be compelled o
contract with a union to have in its em
ploy only union men," the judge Eaid
in his decision, "is a species of slavery
and unlawful."
The case will be appealed.
Object to the Lee Memorial.
It is believed at Washington that
there will be more or less trouble and
political capital made out of the propo
sition of the Virginia state legislature to
put a statue of Robert E. Lee in the cap
itol at Washington.
The Grand Army encampment is to
be held in August at San Francisco, and
it is certain that some action . will be
taken there in regard-to the statue. .It
has been noted that the various state
comtnanderiea 61 the Loyal Lesion and
difcerant.GrandArmy posts have bep
adopting resolutions of late condemning
the proposition of Virginia andTvigorous
ly protesting against the Lee memorial
having a place It) the capitol. These
reaolutlona are all addreased-fo the com
mander in chief of the Grand Arniv of
the Republic,- and- are .intended to be
brought up lor consideration during the
encampment. -
Alexander and Draga;
In our last issue we gave a brief ac
count of the part played by the New.
Servian King, Peter I. The following
are me sanent points in the uvea and
history of the assassinated King and
Born. Atlzuit 14. 1876.
sbccMdtQtbrbne on Milan's ad-
dicatiTaVMarch 6, 1889.
Imprisoned regents .and .proclaimed
himself kl a "April IS. i89fe. :
Sued fbjtfiaads. George " M. Pull
man a aaugnter, IWHL
Met Mme. Drags. Jascbin while visit
ine his mother aVUirriti. 1895.
Proclaimed 'hut tilmifil In Vrr-o
MaWhin'jfy "21, ljjf- ' ' "
Accepted .resignation. of Servian minis
try July 21,1800.
Married "to Queen Draga. .(Maacbin)
August 4,1900 y
Prospective accouchement of Queen
Drags, dented by physicians May 20,
1901. x '
Intention to divorce Queen Draga
and marry her younger sister reported,
July, 1901.
Alexander and Draga anubbid by
czar's withdrawal of invitation to visit
at Liyadia, October, 1902. '
Alexander suspends constitution and'
revokes objectionable laws April "f-1903.
Fifty persons arrested for complicity
in pl6t to' assassinate Alexander, April
10, 1903.'
Alexander's French' chief commits
suicide afte'r 'confessing plot to poison
the food of king and queen, June 3,
Alexander and Draga assassinated by
soldiers in royal palace, June 11, 1903.
Born Belgrade, September. 1S67.
Married to M. Maschin, an engineer,
Husband committed suicide, 1SS3.
Attached to Queen Natalie's entour
age as lady-in-waiting, 1S93.
Met King Alexander while with his
mother at Biarritz, 1S95.
Returns to Belgrade and becomes
court favorite, 1S96.
Married to King Alexander August 5,
1900. .
Prospective accouchement confirmed
by czar's physician April 26, 1901.
Denial of prospective heir and ex
posure of attempt to foist off her sis
ter's baby as heir apparent May SO,
King thteate.ns to divorce queen and
marry her sister, Helena, July, 1901
Drinks poison because of king's bru
tality Noverrber 21, 1901.
Four shots fired at queen in streets of
Belgrade, November 21, 1901
Kings asks Greek metropolitan to ar
range lor divorce from queen, naming
two co-respondents, January IS, 1902.
Boxes king's ears because he cut off
her allowence October S. 1902.
Czarina refuses to meet Queen Draga,
and czar withdraws invitation to visit
him at Livadia October 10, 1902.
Queen tries to force acknowledgment
of her brother, Lieut. Nickodem
Lunzevitza, as heir apparent to the
Servian throne, April, 1903. 1
French chief at royal palace admits
plot to poison queen June 3, 1903.
To Desert Catholicism.
The elopement of the Crown Princess
Louise of Saxony may cost the Roman
Catholic church a kingdom. It is eaid
to be an open secret at Dresden that the
whole royal Saxon"famlly,wlth the ex
ception of King George, intend to re
nounce the Catholic faith and become
There are two reasons which have
prompted the mem bars of the family of
Wettin to take this important step.
The first is that the crown prince hopes
to gain more popularity with his almost
entirely protestant people. The second
reason is that he wants' to marry again,
which he can only do by leaving the
Catholic church.
King George, who U an old man, says
that he can die without popularity and
has declared that ho will remain faith
ful to the creed on which he was brought
Russianizing Thibet.
Advices received by mail from the
Orient tell of- Russian aggression in
Thibet as well aa Manchuria, Mongolia
and Korea. A dispatch to the Tokio
Asahi says the Chinese resident Minister
at Thibet .telegraphed to f ein cany in
May that 143 men, apparently 'Russian
engineer troops, .had entered the' easg
ern part of Thibet. Theyjire'herj
porta, making' preparations to settle
tlujmselvea.tb'ere permaneatly, and art
surveying the abjacent places. The
inhabitants, are stated to-be -much
The Oriental press comments at
length on Russian action on the Yalu.
North, ChinaDaily News says settle
ments of Russians are being established
oh both 8ideVof the river's mouth. The
KQreanGovernment has plucked up
courage to order the Russians away, but
has no forces to secure the execution ot
the orders.
Cheating Use P$sr at Bet&a, Lat
William H. Jones was found guilty on
twentyrooe countp, or cheating poor
1' r. i .'i 'Asi. ..
tJVj)ie uu a coif swmaie ibs wipwr.
In arguing, before the fary AssftUnt
District Attorney Sughrae id'iVwoqld
be wrong to send Jo&es to state's prison,
ajjliat was ;Vs6 good a r4a$ hr bite;
tbkVvio$tk;beas'iftn to the otfger
prlsop. Lsst winter whea coal as
seliiigs JH a, ten josea oesed n
office 'inl'Miowrj sd oSeA lftDO
tons in onWj&n Iota it- $18 per toadie
coal to be'deliVered ai seon as i arrjv
ed from the mines, poseibly tea days.
Jones made e&cb customer leave a ae-
poeitof 15 on bia. order. The- police al-'
.lege, that in four days Jones sold over ,
1200 tons and secured 16000, all of which
came from practically poor people.
Jones was remanded for sentence until
Monday. If he is given the full penalty
it will be 120 years.
Ira Sot PXraMd With President
rtooacTrlt'a Speech.
Correspondents and editors of tari8
reform" organs are complaining with
bitterness that the Democrats In the
next conffreas will be "muzzled" ana
that nothing can be done In the direc
tion of antitrust legislation or the re
vision of the tariff until after the next
presidential election.
When their complaints are further
analyzed It appears that they are ag
grieved because President Roosevelt In
his western speeches In the vsry sec
tion where tariff revision was supposed
to be popular has portrayed the folly
of disturbing existing prosperity and
In particular has exploded the fallacy
that the short way to smash the trusts
Is to smash the tariff. The enthusiasm
with which the president's speeches are
being received onlj- adds to the poign
ant distress of the tariff smashers.
The president's critics are further
disturbed because they know that
when he Insists, first, that there ought
to be no precipitate and sweeping re
vision of the tariff, and, second, that
when It is revised It should be by those
who believe In the fundamental princi
ple of protection, he Is In full accort
with Republican leaders In both bouses
of congress. In other words. It Is not
merely a "Roosevelt Idea," though
Roosevelt ideas are pretty good, but
the Republican Idea which Is being ex
pounded In the president's speeches
and It Is an Idea which the party, with
Its substantial majority In senate and
bouse. Is In a position to carry out.
The Republican Idea Is to devote the
extra session of congress to the resolu
tion regarding the Cuban treaty with
out opening the way to any general
tariff debate and then to give the regu
lar session to ordinary legislation. This
is disappointing to the Democrats, who
had hoped for a chance to keep a tariff
debate running until midsummer. Hut
it Is a good thing for the business and
Industries of the country, for wage
earners and capitalists alike, not to
have their interests made a football
of reckless rarty politics on the eve of
a presidential election. Boston Jour
nal. All Employed.
The most eomnlote InvMtfcntlnn mr
made in Massachusetts ai regards the
number" of persons employed and un-!
employed during a sjieclfied time shows i
that during the" last state census year t
the number of continuously uncmploy-1
ed was found to be S.339. or .90 peri
cent of those employed In productive i
Industries In the state. This Is one1
idle person for about every 400 in the
state, and when Illness and incapacity
nnd the Inevitable good for taught an
considered it is evident that every well
employed, thanks to the continued suc
cess of Dlngleyism.
Administrator's Notice.
Kotice li herehy (riven, that the un.ienlirned
wa on the ed day of April, 1903, by tha
County Court oi DourIm county. Orcroti, duly
uppilntcd Aiimtnlitratorol the eatateof James
O. P. MilU, deccaaed. All persona haTluz
claim against the n!d estate will present the
same to me at my oOco In Kosebure, Oregon
duly verified, within six months from the date'
of this notice. .
Dated this 16th day of JuDe, A. D., 1933.
Administrator of the Estate of James O. P.
Mills, deceased.
First publication June 20, 1903
tiff ij
Tfisrw, u
im 'aataaHn-
deal K,wr wiuwvfy . T til
fast rules la u c""
elaiwnt WoOKTI Slack od "rnltr
ose. It U always so more or less, be
cause there is saaethla very chic
M.fV mid white mixtures, but
" '
raaenGLx; sxxm i
the cbolee-of eolori wiH-be-nalisaltwl
Tbe majority of women remain faith
ful of somber haes in doth and revel
in bright shades where muslins, liaeas
and such fabrics arecoscerziel.
A dark, blue terse t3x& made recest
ly for morning wear had a skirt which
cleared the ground all "the way around
and was armnged in small kilts. The
little coat was tight, at the back, fin
ished with a wide band of bine taffeta.
The front fell loosely over a plain
waistcoat, with a chemisette of muslin,
completed by a very wide butterfly
bow. The three cornered hat of blue
straw was trimmed, with z curiously
striped bine taffeta ribbon.
The plain skirt has certainly fallen
from popular favor. The very smart
models seem to show tucking a ad
plaltlngs. These platted sUrts are con
fined around the hips by means of a
yoke or rows of stitcbea. and they are
allowed to flare from the knees out
ward. The newest fashion is to have
the held la effect, made shorter la the
back than it Is In the front.
The skirts In the illustration are bo Us
chic and pretty.
Colonel Bryan says "a man can have
money and be a Democrat." Perhaps.
But how can a Democrat bave money
and not be a plutocrat? Ah, ha! Phila
delphia Press.
It must be a regret with Mr. Bryan
that he did not locate la Des Moines.
The presumption Is. however, that the
Commoner will deem It expedient to
stick by Lincoln. Slonx City JournaL
Notln? that ont of twentyithree may
ors elected in Iowa recently the Dem
ocrats got only three, the Chicago Record-Herald
says. "Mr. Bryan can and
the enemy's country without going far
from home."
The news that their friend William
J. Bryan is coming cast on a lecture
tour will of course be pleasing Intelli
gence to David B. mil and Arthur Pue
Gorman, not to mention Hon. Grover
Cleveland. Mr. Bryan Is keeping warch
of bis Democratic brethren In the east
and wants to remind them occasionally
that he is still la the political arena.
Buffalo Review.
Editor Bryan Insists that he will not
support any of the old line. Democrats
who were out against the ticket In. 1SO0
and 1000. And still Grover complacent
ly maintains that there Is nothing to
arbitrate. Lowell (Mass.) Mall and Ex
press. According to many prominent Demo
cratic statesmen. William Jennings
Bryan will continue to exercise his In
fluence In Democratic councils. We do
not doubt It. but In view of that fact the
people will protest against "Democrat
ic councils" becoming the councils of
the nation. Hornellsvlllc Times.
At the annual convention of the
American Medical association, lately
In session In New Orleans, the address
of the presiding offlccr dwelt upon the
overcrowding of tne'medlcal profession
In this country. According to the fig
ures set forth in this address, our
medical schools and colleges arc now
turning out from 10,000 to 12,000 doc
tors annually, whereas only about 2,500
are needed to meet tho demand. This
denotes a rather heavy ovcraupply of
M. D.'e, It would appear that eltber
tho output of tho medical colleges will
havoto bo reduced or that "tho Ills the
flesh Is heir to" will have to be mate
rially augmented to enable all the doe
tors to get a living. x