'SUNDAY EDITION. 1 ROSEBURG PLAINDEALKR. Vol. XXXV ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1903. No.& .flEWS-. HOTES. "The demand (or snake poison by med ical men in,' Australia haa created the new profession. oL, saakecatchiBg and the collection "of their-veaon; It is a very profitable "profession, enake venom being qaoled ia Sydney t $33800 per pound troy, or $5 per grain. That British ponsular reports en the Teceafreartswaafccffia tJie Vilayet f Van conf irmprevioa? advicesthat 123 villages were affected, and,wroseswere completely destroyed; Seven knndred and -eighty- nve Uvea are Known to nave oeem ion, and it is feared taatall the killed m the outlying districts have not yet been enumerated. .An qal dispatch to the -war-office from Bohtle Mgrahat Haji Mdhamtoed Ben AbdellaSi,' the Mad Mullah Cf Sotnaiilandj baa "with his whole force made a flank, march to Kogal byway of Daaot,-aad3s now-goiag .to.H alia, with tbeiatentien 'of communication from Boh tie to fierbera. He has more than 090 snoaated men. The -British -are etraagtheaing their peate as far as 'pos sible. TheTitnsora large city hare been discovered in a reanrte part'of the -state ofPnebla, by Francisco Rodrigue, an arcnswSogist, who . has .just made a re sort ? hia .find VJtbe -government ao- horities!at.MexkoiOhv. M ex. The citv J mtMM.larre Drramids and extenrre33n the Old PIanttion you "Rill see the, iorti&ations. It ia -situated in Hie sridst-of a dease forest, and a larpe:! amount -of excavation 'will be necessary)! to leam its In -extent and importance.,; Fonthirty-fcmr-rears Samuel D. Hon-! i toniW.in E&abeth, K. J. He paidjj his .bills, -waaaaihurch deacon, and was I respected by all lhis "neighbors. Friday j. Houston, -a gray-haired man, bent with; age.-steod- a convicted felon before Jodw. Xewburger, xa-geaeral sessions, having -stolen'raore txttn $26000 Irom hi? rrn .ployers, who vwere old time friends. Houston ia a Uecendant of the fatuous Sam Honstoavof Texas. '11 am.guifty;" ie-eaid toJedge-Newburger; drink and iiigh living Q-responsible for my down fall." Flood coalitions prevail throughout siorthemaad-rentralNew Mexico. Tlif Bio Grande isflooding the lowland? .nl eettlera are-taking twthe high grooml- ior safety. The bridge at Barranc? ? . -weDtawav. No train from the E.t . has enteredihe city for the past eevijt .---two hours. ffheSanta Fe railway in to-suspend ttaok-laying, aa the-vster n -the Eataaeia plains ia even witlinhtj tp of the geade. Rain -is-etiil faliiag, uod this,'wkh-tke melting enow, will cause a farther rise of the Rio Grande, "Chama Peoe.aad otberrirere. Through :a -series of investigaiioue, JJr. Joel Steabins, Fellow of the-Lict Observatory, fcas made the remarkable .discovery that rt be variable star Omi cron .Cetix, w'kkh has been. known to . . . - irn vary ai.uncenam .miervaia eiocc aiu,t -MJt.preent .wvaergoing extraorainary-'iirector for thrM yeatrflf encceeded. F. .fluctuations, and a variation m btighwl B d.a w Tadl district intensity. Tfais.ii.coverj- ia of unumal value to the astwnomical world, from t. K-.;,utD ki the -atar to be inert. A bulletin an soundog the discovery has just been ieeued irom the University. E.-C Gaddis, of Boseburg, is in Med ford thie sreek looking after the Mediord cream ary business, while hie brother, C. E. Gaddis ia at Boseburg attending to business matters there Mrs. L. E. Shea, of Glendale, spent a few hours i in Mediord Wednesday" on her way home from attending tie commence ment exercises at the St. Mary's Acad emy, at Jacksonville. She was accom panied by Missis Bessie -Clough and Irene Plotner, of Glendale, who have been attending the Academy during the past year-Med ford Mail. Judee Hamilton is a very close ob-t server. While court was in tession the other day and a jury trial was on it was observed by the judge that one of the jurors did not take much interest in the case, in fact he was too sleepy through an "anesthetic" to hold his head up. The judged called a halt in the proceed ings and said, "I obeerve that juror is too sleepy to serve on the jury and he is excused." As the juror left the box the judge asked, "Are you impaneled for the term?" the juror replied "yes" whereupon the court granted him per manent leave of absence and by this time he is no doubt duly awake. Eu gene Register. TtfE SOUTHER The Old Plantation is one of the fun-1 niest and best attractions with the car- J nJval which appear here next week original fouthern darkey m "his fanny sayings, songs and dances. The -darkey Hoot, Frotn the Oakland Owl. .-n Harvev, of EnciifhSeltle- .., . ft , , fr- , . - the week. "Mrs. J. R. Medley surd daughters Lelia and Opal have -returned fro n Wolf Creek. Mr. andMr?. F. A. ATchamhean, of Eucent. are viriliiic Oatiland relatives and friend. I. A. "Underwood wa "the jroertof TJnrle'George Phambrrtok at Umpqua Ferry, yesterday. Pert Jforri wa elected rlerk of the1 Nonpareil school district "Monday. "Ko iirectors were elected. t- Mi LnVa'TIa wn. of Oakland if wit-. PMMBjliisaaftfiB w6aanaiBmamlaBaBaBaBaBn LIHkaiLv'99UiliiP9al "' ' ' ""UnU tourth grades. Xa Bessie i'owell Monday -!TtmvTn U". A McCartv w . . . i 1 r- f .1 " eiti cana . -MWrr. ...Trw ofClwh Part cl.ool dtnci. Mesdamea J)r. Lrnle, J. ' Ueardoffl, Oscar Edwards.-C. H. Medley, aad u. E. Vernoa attended -the Carnival at Grants Paw. Florence, 'daogfetcr of Sir. and 3Irs. C. L-'Hamiltoo, died on -Sunday, June 14, 1003, at -the diome of her par ents Srniles'westcf'Oakland. At the district school meeting 'Monday' afternoon E. H. Piakton was-elected a i edar evenmg I . Goung i Co- P er cattle and one of sheep to Portland. J. 2. Grubbe and A. J. TJear shipped a car-of -sheep. Edgar Miller and wife have arrived from Raudsburg, California, and will visit Oakland relative .a few weeks. Mr. Miller expects to go lo the Bohemia mines in a few days. Mre. Matilda F. Page, widow of the late Rev. G. F. Page, and another of Dr, page 0f Oakland, died at her home at Leadvale, Tennessee, at 7 4i'clock, June 18th, 1903, at the age of 87 fears. J. J. Brown and Mr. Thompson, the saw mill man near Yoncalla were in the city Wednesday evening. Mr. Brown visited the local Odd Fellows' lodge and gave the boya a very interesting talk. Phil Beckley passed the junior course of examination before the state board of pharmacy at Portland Mr. Beckley is one of Oakland's brightest young men, and it is safe to say always succeeds in every undertaking. Rev. W. S. Smith haa returned from Coos Bay, where he has been laboring as Sunday School Missionary. He will remain until after the Fop rth of July, when, accompanied by his family, he will go to Bandon and remain most of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Shambrook, of Umpqua Ferry, will Boon go to DeB chutes, Crook county, where they will remain several months. Mr. Sham- CRRfUVflLt CO. is the prince of entertainers, and tr Old Plantation darkey will keep you laughing frosn the time you enter until you leave Roseburf, week commencing Monday, June 22. brook will return in prune drying time and Mrs. Shambroot will pertvaps re turn feter in the fall. Mrs. T. G. Ruth and children went to Oregon Citv Saturday, "where Mr. Rotti in foreman of the Oregon City Coorier. AI'S A. J. Grabbe reTurned from Beckwaythe firrt of the 'week, where !e has been at. the .bedside c-lher aether, Mrs. Rev. A. E. Mott, the past few da-s. Mrs, Hott sa suffering with csncerand "we resnft to -State there is !3ittle hope of twrery. The school directors hove employed ,'ne luiioHing icacirors-: rnnapj, J. 1 ' - t T-l ' " , T j'H. Cochran; eventhnd eighth grades, tiZ.Tf. Acec; fifth atn. sixth mdes. R Dunham, of Myrtle Creek: third .mart. - Virwl-CooB, forn7lv a aalemaa for ,.e ,aw abnl,laia ;nd A Brown pin - Oakland, bctnow:a leading 'merchant LatPalsey, passed through "the city Sun tday afternooa-enroute homcfrom Port land where be trawled with the caravaa lo'cr the burning sands of Arabia with 'the nobles of Al Kador Temple Order of rthe Mystic Shrine. Mr. Conn saya Hon. 9. P. Cosbow is a -careful camel driver. Than he oasht to be a .good mule driver. -Ed. At the school meeting Monday after noon Hon. A. F. Stearns called for an opinion of the pataons relative to em ploying Professor Ajtee for another term. Several expressed themselves highly pleased with the school and did not favor any changes. They were willing to let good enough alone. If there was any opposition to retaining the present corps of teachers no -expression to this effect was made. Oakland has one of ihe best public schools in the state and e believe all the teachers employed last term should be retained. Qlendnla News Notes. Editor Shutt has gone to Heppner for a brief visit. H. A. Woodford, one of Galesville's prominent citizens, 'was in town one day this week. Mr. John Seott, an old miner, who has been mining in the Wolf Creek sec tion since '51, was in town, Monday, on business. He still owns some valuable property in that district. Our new cornet band is learning very rapidly under the efficient instruction of Ed Throne. By July 4th no doubt they will be able to toot music that will make the hair stand on your head or worse. Mrs. A. E. Clough, of Canyonvillc, visited her relatives in Glendale and on Cow creek, this week. She is a sister of Mrs. L. Shea, Mrs. Langenberg and Mrs. Dewey. Her young daughter, Bessie, and niece, Irene Plotner, have just returned from 'Jacksonville, where they had been attending St. Mary's acad emy. D. . Johnson, salesman for H. G. Sonneinann, was a business visitor to Roeoburg Monday. Mr. -Johnson haa ust received the aad news. of the serious illness of his aged father, who resides at Abilene, Kansas. Chaa. T. Nail, E. D. Mallery and Rob ert Anderson are able to be out again, biter r as Lin raeaslea for several days. Several children ia town have meaaleej In a mild form. It la. thought the epi demic has about ran its course here. E. M. Shutt, Sheriff of Morrow coon ty, who resides at Heppner, lost his home, but his family escaped with .their lives. He is a brother of the editor of the News. J. A. Jenkins, of Glendale, had relatives who were living at Hepp ner, drowned. At a regular annual school meeting held in Glendale last Monday, Ambrose ! Marshall was re-elected school director, for three years, by a large majority, and , W. D. Smith, re-elected clerk, by accla- j mation. A 4-mill tax was voted, for the purpose of furnishing the new I schoolhouse, paying teachers, etc 1 J. D. Johnson arrived hers from the,mott PIeat nomea in Myrtle Creek. East, the first of the week, to prove up on his timber claim. He will return, at once, to his home in E-ie, Penn., where he and hia father own one of the largest sash and door factories in that state. They expect to install a large lumbering plant in Glendale, within the next two ! months. H. G. Sonnemann's magnificent new dwelling house, which ia rapidly n ear ing completion, under the excellent workmanship of S. R. Miller and Geo. M. Grant, is one of the prettiest, best- arranged aad moat convenient reai-for, dences in Southern Oregon, and would i be a credit to any large city. Misa Nora Miaer, who has been visit ing 'here for some time, with her sister, Mrs- J. L. Winch ell, expects to leave within the next few daya for Saa Fran cisco, where the family will make their k i ..i tv ... bright little son, Joseph, expects to ac - t.- company his aunt to her new home, for . w -.w , t ujvuuis act a. tac uj Myrtle Creek News Notes. J. A. Rice shipped a car load of shin gles to Mediord last week. T. H. Fawcett, of Greenback, waa visiting in this vicinity Tuesday. Messrs. John McKane and Lige Hat field visited and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Drake last Satnrdav. Contractor Jennie has a crew of bridge builders at work putting in a new bridge over the North Myrtle near the oil well, Ethel Gabbert, a sister of Mrs. W. Kramer and Fred Gabbert, arrived in town Monday, and will live here this summer. Rev. Fitch and Rev. J. C. Cook, were out on their ranches building cabins and getting ready to engage in farming or something. It will be pleasant news to the friends of Mrs. A. W. Cotton to know that she i now well enough to walk without the aid of others. Charles Potts is back in Myrtle Creek again, and his friends arc pleased to meet him. He is feeling pretty good for a person who has been in the hospital for so long. The Little Chieftain Mining company A sad accident occurred on a farm of are well pleaied with the result of their R. R. -Moore, of Phoenix, Wednesday last shipment of ore. The mines area by which Gus.Mooreaged about twenty good paying proposition, and yet there i two years lost hia life and Will Roberta is better ore in sight. I was quite seriously injured. A drove of several hundred cattle, be-; They were employed in raising the longing to Schiller B. Hermann, of j timber for a barn, and were engaged in Myrtle Point, was driven through town putting the last bent in place, when the Monday. They are being taken out to Klamath Falls country to graze during the summer. There was a very light crowd out to the annual school election Monday. Harry Miller was elected director for three years, Mrs. Jennie Gabbert was re-installed in the clerk's office and a tax levy of three mills was voted to pay off the present school indebtedness. The most recent assays of the ore taken out of the Hall mine give a show ing of $416.14 of gold and 129.75 of silver to the ton in the best grade ore and $75.23 of gold and $3.50 of silver in the second grade ore. Ore is being hauled from the mine now and by Monday Uncle John "Hall expects to have a car loaded with ten tons of the second grade and five tons of the finest. He will take it South. Mrs. Hall will very. pro bably accompany her husband, and enjoy a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shiria entertained quite a number of their friends ; last Saturday evening at their home on Oak street. The party waa given in honor of Mr. Joseph N. Bhiria, a brother of A. E. The evening was, very pleasantly -pawed jrith gamer ofprogreasive' whiat, muaic.aad dap ring. ' The Myrtle Creek: W. O, W-Camp' and Ladies Circle of W. O, W. observed theirannual decoration rites last Sunday. About thirty of the members met at lodge room and marched to the cemetery where they decorated the gruvea of the departed members and friends, and listened to the camp ritual. Uncle John S. Rice celebrated hk '4tb birthday last Monday. Mr. Rice. 18 0D Oregon's pioneers and has done a great part in the work of open lnK wilderness to civilisation, bathe has turned the hard work over to younger energy, and he aad Mrs. Bice &ro bow taking life easy in one of the Drain Nonpareil News. Wm. Stark, of Elkton, waa in Drain,. I Wednesday. Prof, and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt went to OMlad thelatter part of last week, Mrs. H. J. Ritchey, of Anlauf, was a business visitor in Drain, Wednesday. A daughter arrived at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Sam Woods, of Anlauf, j May 31. Mrs. T. J. Bedford waa a Drain visit- Monday, and rode the L. O. T. M. j goat that evening. Mrs. RobU Allen spent a few daya in Yoncalla, this week, viaitiBs her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hake. - We are glad to see Mr. Abe' Mat toe ; out on the streets, shaking hands -with : (rfends, after hia long illness. ' iIr-J- M- Stark, of Elkton, returned 1 , , ' e . . , ' lxota Portland, on Sunday morning's . . . . , , , . , " overland, and departed for l.ia home j M. M. Clapshaw, of Clapahaw Bro a , Creamery Co., at Yoncalla, waa a buai- j ness visitor in our town, Monday. He i reports the creamery busineca as pros ; pering. Perry Ritchey, of Anlauf, recently had the misfortune to get his right arm be tween the coa ot a feed cutter. "It is ' ltfli anite u. nth.nriu ; i. ; Mrs. F. M. Spencer retained to. her home in Gardiner, Wednesday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Shelley and Harry Black, who will visit relatives and friends there. Mrs. Laura Mack, wife of Arthur Mack, and a daughter of Darius Wells, died very suddenly, at Elkton, on June 16, 1903. She leaves a little child, be "des her kbaad and other relatives, w mourn fcer loss. ! A. Perkins and Benton Mires, of I Draini bought Slough mill yesterday. j iIera- Perkins and Mires aay they will j eteadily, sawing lumber, and ship- i P.K " e DO Mr' aionS an fmuy will stay June 13. amongst us. Aulauf Cor., Fatal Accident la Ph enlx. stakap holding the derrick ropes, pulled out id let the heavy timbers fall back upon the two young men. The plate struck young Moore across the body, in flicting internal injuries. Roberta was badly bruised about the legs and body, but no bones were broken. The accident occurred about 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and Moore lived until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, suffering in tensely, in spite of all that could be done for him. Medford Mail. Mrs. Walter Morian left Sunday to join her husband at Spokane, who is running on a road out of that city. Her mother Mrs. Van V ran ken accompanied her as far as Portland. Junction City Times.