The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 18, 1903, Image 4

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Professional Cards. ,
sfrtas jw.
Pk (Residence 851, Kcfidencc
Phone jomceii63 West Rosebui
Office : Room 11 Taylor A Wilso" Block
Examination Free. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m."
2to5p.m. Oraduate SUU Collcgeo! Osteopathy
Court Bouse
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0.
Phone Main 591
Physcian & Surgeon.
office Review Bia.
Phone, Main SI
Rosebubq Oregon
8pecial attention given to Diseases ol the Nos
and Throat.
Office-Main SU, one door south ol City Hall
Phone. Main 341.
Review Building,
Telephone No. 4.
Attorney at Law,
Rooms 11. Marsters Bide, ROSEBURG, OK
rtp-Buslness before the U S Land Office and
ralnuic cases a specialty.
Late Receiver U. 8. Land once
Business belore B.S. Land Office and Probat
buslne a specialty.
Office Abraham Bnildinc
. Attorney-at-Law.
Wil' practice In all the State and Fosk-ral Conru
Office tn Marts' BkJii, Rossburg. Orecon.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Righte made
a specialty.
., Attorney-at-Law,
ont 1 and 2
vevlew Bnildinc.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Pnblic.
Collections a Specialty.
- BoomS .
Marsters Bnildinc." ROSEBURG.
Attorney at Law
Taylor & Wilson Block
Roseburg. Ore
rractice in all ol the courts of the ta e, also
ueiore we u.o. umu aeparunenu
Tailor & rt ilson Block,
Notary Pnblic in office
Phone Main 256 ROSEBURG, ORE
H. Little,
UI every descnytion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Washington and
Head Office, McMInnvllle, Oregon
Amt. of insurance in force, til ,000,000.00
net, gain in one year, 2,628,787.00
Saving its members 1 yr., 80,591.60
Number separate risks, 22,360
866 Hm J, Buchanan,
osebnrg. Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
OTm, XYX, Porter,
Keal Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Uamas Valley, Oregon
25 miles south west of Boseburg
Go to .. ..
F. . 1
For a Prompt and First-cIaEa
Bhave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent. Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in shape.
Baths in Connection.
J- Shop on Jackson St. J
City and Mining Proper, Home
steads and Timber Claims Located,
the best now '3cnt. No fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinquish
ments bought and sold. ; : :
Stewart Land Co.,
fees 4, Taylor S Wilson Block
x m
Raising Sheep.
A correspondent from Rosebiirp
signed ' W" on tun nbovo subject
says: I ofton seo inquiries made
about tho profit, of shoop raising
and as I have had considerable ex
penenco with sheep, I would ndviso
any one to try that business, if ho
has good pasture land and can
protect the sheep from dogs and
coyotes. There is no other douiostic
animal that will stand so much no
gleet and abuse as tho sheep and
still leavo to its owner sonio profit
The sheep is called tho golden hoofed
animal, and certainly carries the
golden fleece, and has tho powor to
transmute blades of grass into
threads of gold. I started with a
few sheep in 1SS7 and sold out what
I had left in 189S, and thoro was
never a year in that tinio but I had
some net returns, and most of the
time a handsome profit Besides
they cleared out the weeds so nicelf
and fertilized the orchard and gar
den yearly without labor or tiouble
to the owner. Sheep will oat near
y all kinds of weeds cattle a good
many in the growing season, but
horses none at all. I have often
watched a horse gmzing around a
weed and sparing it with as much
intention, seemingly, as a gardener
wonid spare a choico plant. These
Umpqua vallev seems to be the nat
nial home of the sheep for here is a
climate and a landscape more lov
able than the famed AnBcadia, with
a perenuial pasture land, whether
in tho low valley or on the breez)
uplands, and it wb a p!ea8Dt sight
to see the liock come up at evening,
honeward bound, looking like h hand
ful of white pees scattered on the
hillside and rolling down by lens
and fiftie? and hundreds to their
salting place. This valley at one
period, say from ISSo to 1S90. whs
well stocked with sheep, for wool
and mutton brought b good price,
and sometimes a very remunerative
figure. The year 1S72 was h red
letter year for the Umpqua shep
herd for that year wool in the grease
sold for 50 cents a pound, and several
other years it brought 30 cents per
pound. Then sheep were literally on
a thousand hills. The sheep men at
that time toak their wool to market
by the wagon load, and sometimes
had to nse their hay racks and head
er beds; but that is all changed now
There is not now more than one
sheep'here where there wee 10, and
instead of eight or 10 full sacks in a
load goingto town, you may now
see a single sack or a part of a sack
of wool bobbing around in a wagon
bed. It looks lonesome, and what
has caused this chnnge? The coyote,
The Similarities nnd Dissimilarities Oj
Editors and Hens.
A hen sits on her nest and lays
eggs. An editor sits in his office
chair and lies in his bed or in his
paper. The hen "feathers her nest;'
the editor does not he cuts his own
throat by doing business for nothing
simply to keep his competitors from
getting it. The hen cackles after she
has laid a good, fresh egg; th9 editor
cackles about what he intends to do,
but seldom does it. Sensible hei.
T1 I . , P
me uen scraicnes ior a living; 60
does the editor. The hen often
covers np bad ejgs; so does the
editor. The hen hatches chickens
that come to some good; most editors
hatch schemes that never amount to
anything. The ben presents her bill
when are wants something, and usu
ally gets it; the editor presents his
bill and hardly eyer gets anything
The hen has a comb which she does
not use; the editor mBy have a comb
and use it sometimes; but not alwayp.
Ihe hen has wings; the editor has
none and never will have. The hen
isn't a high flyer; the editor -is
sometimes. The hen broods and
raises a large family; the editor
broods over how he is to raise the
large family he already has as wel
as over wasted energies and lost op
pcrtunities. Ihe hen is a rooster
when Jsbe sleeps that's queer; the
editorjis a qneer rooster all the time.
Ihe hen often gets cooped; the
editor gets (s)cooped too some
i mi. , . . ...
iimes- ane nen oiten gels it m
the neck; so does the editor. Some
times the hen crows, but nobody
knows why. The editor crows a!
most bii me time, out uonooy knows
1 11 it i " I
why. There may be othor similari
ties and dissimilarities between the
hen and the editor, but they do not
come to mind just now.
Prince Peter of Scrvia Does Not De
sire Crown.
A special from Geneva assorts that
T . ti.i xr -
rnnce x'eter ivarageorgevicn in an
interview declared emphatically that
the nation ought to avenge the crime
of the assassination of the King and
Queen of Servia-
"A King," he said, "who could re
ceive a crown irom ine nanas ot as
f m i
sassins would be their accomplice."
Asked if he would punish the ass
assins, be replied:
"I have no power."
In reply to the qoostion, "But
when you are King?'' Prince Peter
gave an answer:
'That may never be."
Clock for Sale.
A good, up-to-date, shelf clock tint
originally cost $8, at a bargain. New
timepiece in good running condition,
gong strike alarm attachment. Inquire
F. AW, tliis office. tf
A IVew Crnft AVhl.-Ii OITcru n Fair In
come. Metal repousse work Is n craft which
has developed mnrvelously in the past
few years, nnd it Is particularly adapt
ed to women of nn artistic turn of
mind. Several women already have,
studios, and they take orders for tho
designing, execution and mounting of
fireplaces, overmantels, fenders, mir
rors, picture and photograph frames
boxes of every description, from n coal
bunker to a silver toilet box; also trays
of all sorts, namo plates, signs, door
decoration, friezes, dadoes nnd panel
ing, lire screens, bellows, etc.
There nro two ways of, executing the
work. You may either simply worlc-a
design on the metal nnd then have the
metal made up Into a lox frame or yon
may mako up your own work yourself.
To lenrn the repousse work takes six
months, but to learn the mounting de
pends upon how many branches of tfio
craft nro taken up.
In six months a girl can learn to exe
cute good work and to be capablo of
mountiiii: one branch fenders, for ex
ample. Hepousse work, Is executed op
riiu brass, copper, lead, jK'wter, silver
or gokL The metal may bo laid on B
boartl and worked with nails, whiefc
are filed to the shape required. Tor
this method nothing is requirutl saijt!
the board, some nails, a file, haminab
a pair of shears and some small nail
for fixing the metal to the' wood. Zltje
Rhould be usI for practldni:, as It fs
so much cheaper than the other uiotaht
Metal work offers a very jrood un-ans
Of livelihood to a woman with artrStSrt' eonntv of lnueln. nate of Ore con
ami nrHnil ,os -w,
anu onpnai weas. A pin can Ite np -
premiceu to a metal worker on tbe un
derstnndins that when proflcient she
will be retained at a progressive salary
or on piece work, or she can apprentice
herself to a metal worker with a viey
to learning thoroughly the work and
eventually scttinp: up for herself. Very
often firms plve out employment pltce
work, and In this manner a respectabU
Income may be made. 5
The Illustration shows a mantel of
copper and preen oak which has lately
been designed and finished In a woman
metal worker's studio.
What Tli rr Are Dolnrc nnd
They Are "Wcarlntr.
Never Indulpo in the deadly poison-
OUS entertnlnmont of nitrinrr vnnra.If
.i t ... t. " - .
uw is in luiuiiau.v aim finical
mo Ills tlmt nlnviilv nmmrotit r fiu.
the ills that already apparently aflllct!
lira. SIcItostle of Minnesota confess
es to a natural womanly liking for cows.
She has ten cows nnd sells milk ainl
cream, petting therefrom $70 a month
When inim-oved machinery is used.
Mrs. McltosUe finds dairying no hard
er than poultry keeping, and she also
finds cow keeping more profitable than
chicken keeping.
I have lately seen the picture of a
comely, spry old lady who danced "a
minuet and sang the sweet songs of
her youth at the age of ninety-seven.
There is lying on my desk a picture of i
King Edward's oldest subject 111
years of age the 12th of this May.
She is Mrs. Margaret Ann Neve, and
she lives ln the nrettv isle of Guem-1
sey. She is sweet faced, gentle anil
fair, looking like
n handsomf ol.l ladr
a uanusome oiu lauy
ve old girls! Very
oi sevenry. urave oiu girls: Very
firrrw? WAtyinn aa1 n 1nns-ni 111...
Innrnr lnl- lll-o i
hideous old mummies.
I saw a beauUful Darasol the other !
i .1 '
day. It was part of a trousseau for
a recent wedding of Importance. The
parasol was of Ivory white surah,
with a deep ruffle of chiffon set on
very full and with a tiny ruchlng at
the edge to give it still more flare. On
the silk there were four lace medal
lions on each section in graduated
tslzes. All around the edge was a row
of cream silk chenille fringe Just as
long as the ruffle was deep. A bow ot
cream satin ribbon was fastened to the
top and another to the carved ivory
Aside from the ridiculous nlgrcts.
the new millinery Is In the main pretty
and sensible, though some of the hats
are extremely large ponderous,
one I
mignt call them. Still they seem to
please the wearers, who look pretty ln
them; so there Is no more to bo said.
Tho coarse straws with almost severe
trimming seem to be greatly affected
by the smart set. and tho coarser and
rougher the straw the better they like
One of the best things for the general
health, also for the shapeliness of the
feet. Is to -go barefoot. Country chil
dren who were permitted ln tiie old
time to run barefoot In summer rarely
had. corns and misshapen feet when,
they were grown.
Excursion Rates To Yaquina (Jay.
On June 1st the Southern Pacific
Company will resume sale of excursion
tickets to Newport and Yaquina Bay.
Kate from Roseburg, $8.00. This popu
lar resort has long been well and favor
ably known to the people of Western
Oregon, and the low rates offered should
enable everyone to take an outing.
$10.00 Reward
Will Ikj paid to the party giving im
formation, wmcn win lead to tne con
viction of the person who cut and des
troyed tho hoisting ropo used at Jone's
new hotel building on Saturday night,
May 23.
I. F. Patterson
Morse For Sale.
I have a good work horse 7 years old
for sale cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball,
Deer Creek Dam, near Roseburg. tf.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
Stops itching scalp upon one applica'
tion, three to six removes" all dandruff
and will stop falling H-ur. Price 50c.
i'or sale by Marsters Dniir Co. uiltf
Notice for Publication.
; United States Lawl Office,
HoM'tmrir, Oregon, Mnrcli 19. 190.1.
with tnn irnvlulima .. I n n
Junes. lhXentlthM "An art Inr
timber lands in the Stntrsof California, Oregon
rcvda,aml Washiiiutim T.-rrlmrv ....V,.1
!SiU "' pUb" lauJ Mt' bT ctoI August
oi iN.i. union hi., rorliaud, countv of Multno
Ulllll. Mllll' 111 Wrt'lMlll. Ilttk thin ilai. fit. ..I I.. ,1.1.
otllrt) licrMvorn Mntcmuut No. ICi'.a ut tlio mir
clmv.ottlioNKK of m-cUoh SI. towxislil I "J
puuiii, M rilllKUn wvm, HI1U will offc-l
proof to show that tho land t-nui;!it In more val
unlilo fur its tlmlicrorrtonu tlmu for hltIcuI
tural iiuriHiseM. ami t.i 1-hihIiIIi.i, i....
said land before tlio KecinUir and Kccclvcr of
thin office al Kosuburt;, Onxon.
on Wcdiicwlay, tlio 15th day of July, loon Slio
uniuin tin wunckH'k' J w Jlclrvin, Fcllda
oi. " """"'. "iaua, OrtKon, II i
bliltldrt, Hoaslln, Ori'Kon, A A Aubln. Rwe
burn, OrCROii.
Any anil all persons clnlmlnc aovon-oly tlio
iiinnu iiTOnmn lamin aro nwniCKtctl to file thel
uiuintn ill iiiinuuiLU uii or O010
ro mid lfitli day
oi July, I'Mi.
1. 111(1 UUKS,
Notice for Publication.
Ko.-Kiii.'Ki,OroKon, Fob 28, 1003
i h neretiy Riven that In compliance
...... i-tu.iriuiip vi uiw nut in ixnereM or
Juno s. lh.K entitled "An art for tho ale of
imuri iiiiii in urn Mines 01 1 auiomla, Oregon
Nevada. and Washlnctuii T,rrltnrv "a.ntn.i.
edto all the public laud rtatci by act of Auguit
ot Oregon City, county of Cliiclcaman. Utc o
Oregon, has this day llled in thla nlllfH lui
SKorn statement tXX, for the iurchaic of the
fractional NWJi of Seo 3), Tji 2a south, ranee 7
west, and will offer proof to nhow that the lnd
muiKiu ib mure vaiuaoie ior its timber or stone
uiao loraKricunurai ruriu-reii. and to cf.tabllh
her claim to raid land before the Iteglttcr and
Receiver if this olllce at ItOKeburg. Ore.
on mcMiay tne Hill day of July, im She
liHinei as wunrrMs zacliarlah C Wood, ol
Mount Tabor. Oregon, lvello I. Wo-nlin. ol
Portland, Oregon. Sauiuel It lltl.bin. of Olalla
uit-guu, ami j n .Mcirvine, ol 1-cllila, Wash.
Any ami all iicrMiiis claiming adverselv th
I above dtK!ribel IaiiiIs are rti iuisip,l in ai..
Claims lu this olllce on or before said Hth day
1 Of Julr, 1MB. J. T. BRIDOKH,
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted Slates Lnd OfTlce.
Roebiirg. O'egon. March X. 19 3,
-Notice n hereby given that lu compllanc
with the nrovlslont of the act nf rVinrmu nf
Junes, )S,8. entitled "An act for the sale of
urn ier lamis in tne states of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washinrton Terrlrorr "iinhn,!.
d to all the public land states by act of August
of 0aki.. countv nf l).llltM. nf Minn
iwlinuay riled In tliotTice hlsunrn tat.
nieni .o atk. Ior tne purriia.e of the S;, NKl,
X'sE,of Sec. I. town-hip 21 s, K 7 went
and will offer proof toshou thai thelaiids,iiight
Is mom valuable for Ita timber or stone than
ior agricultural pnrpnw. ami to establish his
claim beiv re i-.e K.vlMer and Receiver f this
ouico oi xourg,uregon.
on M .iiday. t!:c .""th day of July. 1W3 He
aim-s as ' eler Dtiirh. an' A
Huron.. H Hot burg. Oregon. Itaac "limine
ham -nd Oonglas Wtnnlntham, of Olella. Ore
Atn ana a'l - s elaitutng adversely th
al.ive decrltwsl lauds re uoe-Icl to flip
thelr. Ulmsl thl. ofloe on nr Wmm I7tb
jay ol Jti'y. isu. j. T. HKlIh.ljS.
aprWp-juAV. Keglttcr.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitetl PlaUs Lanl Onice.
Rowl urg., pril It.
Notice is hereby given that In compliant
vrtth the provisions of t5-e act of Congreu of
june . t.i, en'.mm "An a-t tor tbe sale of
tl-ii'-e- land 1-. ti e -:int i I'alt'ornla, Oregon .and w asataigtur rtrtiory," a- extend
er u- alt trie puLile ttAt by act of Auguit
a i is iav nn-a in in - inee ni tw
, m,nt.o t fonhehufchafe oi ih
na u is .lav nit-a in tn -tBee h sworn 'a'e
e SW4 of
section 10. township sooth, K. 3 W. of M
and w illuiter vrwf toshow that theland soegbt
is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
Ior agricultural puis4s?s, and to establish fcls
dam before the Kegixerand Kecciver ol this
oince oi KGMiburg.urvgon.
onl-rilay. the 21st day of August, HB. Hr
as ssitiitsr 1. A Sanctuary. S W
roraell, J A McJtols. A A Tnrnell. all of rcvl
Any and all rrsons clsitninr adverslr ih
sbove drs, rlUd la.l are reioestel to die their
naims in inu occe on or oeiore iai.i 'ilfl rtsy ol
ftli-ia2S JU-gisu-r.
Notice ior Publication.
Pnited States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon. Dec 12. lttC
notice is bereby given tbat In oornpllanra
wltli the provisions of Uh act of Conrrrss of
June3.IS7S.eaUtled"Anact for the rale of
uawi lanas m trie Males of California. Oregon
Kevadand Washlneton Trrlinrr.Miiit!iil.
d to all the public land states by act of August
of Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, state of Or-
1 statement No list for the purraac of the SK
egon, na. ,nu ay all ln misoiui-e his sworn
i' -':"on -" '1'jn''tP3foutri.range I west.
I ouwni offer proof tosbowtfcatthelaadsocgbt
01 offer
i is more valuable for IU tlmtr or stone than
, ior agnrauur
agricultural irarnoies. and tn tMliH m.
claim lore the Register and Receiver of this
ciuce oi KoeeDurg,urcoa.
on Monday the 22 day of June. 19. He name
as witness- s John 1111, rr Florence Hall,
&ma Hail. John Hall, Jr , ail of Myrtle Creek,
Any and all persons claiming adversely ibe
aboveIwribd lands arc requested to ale their
urn-us in wis oracv on or iiore saw 22rI day
ui ms. J. 1. UtUlXtr.5,
PP Register.
Notice for Publication.
RoWku. Ore . Dec. LS. 1S02.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of Ui act of Congress of
Jone, entitled -An act for the sale ot
iimiper laaas in me stales of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington T. rrlLw." fTt,.ni
the IoW c UmJ ,ut" br "el of AuaM
OI .MTr.IC ( rtet-ronntv .if Iitir!. af.ln nf
i Oregon, has tbU dftjr fl!eJ in this office hit
'worn statement No. .r. for me nurchaj of
iaS.'V-2.14 . .WV..N k
vainanie ior lis umber or stone man
j or agricultural purposes, and to establish his
,t3m Jore the Kcgister and Becclver ot UU
1SD3. He
lie M
England, Grace
""-";J:J'nshcNi-izicliughcs.allof Mr
nfk. Oregon
Any and all trsons claiming adversely the
above described lands arc requested to file their
i-iaira ia mis oince on or netoro said 2lrd nay
Ol June, 1KB. J.T. 1JHIDGES.
I'rtp Register
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roeburg, Oregon, Feb.2S. 1903
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
srlth the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S7C, entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lauds In the States of Californla.Orcgon
Nevada ,and Washln gton Territory as extend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
, 1S92.
of Mount Tabor, county of Multnomah,
of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his
sworn statement No. fc7, for the purchase of
iui-oi.?,rar,i,, ip, n souin, range e west
and will of 'er proof toshow that theland sought
is more valuable for ita timber or stone than
for agricultural nurmm. am! in Mtil.llih hl
claim before the Kcgister and Receiver of thU
oiu cc ot luwenurg.urcgon.
on Tuesday, tbt 11th dav of Jnlr. 1M3. Hi-
names as witness: Lillian J lllfler. of Ore
gon City, Oregon, Lavelle L Wo.lln. of I'or -lsnd,
Oregon. Samuel R Krlsbln. of Olalla, Ore
gon und J W Mclrvine, of KelUla, W run.
Any and all jKirsons claiming adversely the
aoovcuescribco: land are requested to file
their claims in this olllce on or belorc said Mill
day of July. 1W3. J. t. IMIDl.ES,
, aprlCp-JuaS Kcgister.
Notice for Publication.
Noileo is hrreby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Cougret of
June. 1-;k. entitled "An act for tho sale of
Umber lands In th- Htatee or California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the I'ubUc Laud State by act of Ang-
of Myrtle Orek, eminty of Douglas, mate ot Or
egon has thia day filed In this or) lee her sworn
statement No 'n. for the purchase or the Irac
llotial.N WJiof btion,H). Township 29 Snulh.
"two :t wot and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable Ior
Its tlmU-ror none than for agricultural nur
Kim-S. nnd to Mial.llsn her claim to said land
sforethe Keglster and Kecctrvr ot this office
at Koscburg Oregon,
on Monday, the 22nd day of June, JWtt She
names as wl'aesM-s: John Hall, Sr.. James It
Hall. KIma Hall, John Hail. Jr., all or Myrttc
Creek, Oregon. '
Any and nil persons claiming adversely Iho
above described lands nrc requested to file their
claims iu this cflieo on or before said 22nd dav
June. 1003. 1
aprtlp J.T. UIU DGK8, Register
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
nine Prints of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands.
Architect, Abstracter.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
. Ings.
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Olllce in new Bank Iluilding. 'Phone 415
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Olllce,
, .. Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 21, 1003.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance,
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
Juno S,)m entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In tho States of Californla.Orcgon
Neyadn and tt ashlngton Territory," asextond
ed to all tho public land states by act of August
4, 1872.
of I'ecl. county ol Douglas slale or Oregon,
lias this day llled In this olllco lila swop, state
ment No. -IHH, for the purchaso of thu NVM of
secllou 2fi, township 27 aouth, range 3 west,
and will offer proof to show that theland sought
Is moro valuablo for its timber or slono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim before the Register and Receiver oi this
olllco ol Rosoburg,Orogon.
on Wednesday, the 1Mb day or July, RKH. Ho
names as witnesses: H W Turncll, Marvin Mar
tin, J A Nichols, Charles J l'owell, all ol I'ecl.
Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming adversely tho
me aoovu iicscrlbeil lands are requested to fllu
mcir ennui in mis oincu on or before said l.'lh
day ol July, 1003, J. T. IIRIDGES
aprlfliH"' Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Und Office,
Roseburg Oregon, Dec 12, 1002
Notice is hereby given that In compliance,
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Junes. 1878 entitled "An act for the sals of
.imber lands ln the States of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
Jd to all the public land states by act of August
of Myrtle Creek, county ol Douglas state of Or
egon, has this day filed in this office her swom
statement No ll.'sj for thn purchase of the NKW
or section SO, towiuhlpVO south range j west,
and will oiler proof to show that tho land
sought is moro valuable for its timber or stone
than f..r agricultural purposes and to es alc
lish her claim to said lard be'ore the Register
and Keeetverot this at Roseburg. Oregon,
on Mondsy. the 22ud dav ol June. 1903. She
iismesas wltnse: John Hall, Sr.. Florence
Hall. James R Hall and John II. II, Jr., all of
Myrlle Creek. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming rdversely Ihe
above described lands are reouested to rile tbelr
rialmslu this offlcs) on or before said 22nd day
of June. 100.U J.TBslixJi.
Pr!. Register
Notice for Publication.
United Males Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon. Dec IS. 1 12
Notice ts hereby given that ln compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, tk.a. entitled "An aet tor the Sale of
timber lands In the States of Call!ornfa.Oregon
Nevada. aiKl Washington Territory." asextend
ed to all tho public land states by act of August
4, 1592.
ol Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, slate of
Oregon, haj. this day filed in this office her
swotn stati-m..nt No. tlV-f.r ihe r.urchss-s of
thr K!4 NK'J. MVU NKf. K. of
section 11, township 2J south, range 3 west,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for Its llmbt-r or
sbmcthan for agricultural ptirpo-u, and to es
tablish her claim to said laud befo e the itegls-ts-r
and Receiver of ibis office a' tvwertunr. ore.
on Tuesday, tht- 23.1 day ol Jun. 19U8. She
?i7!?s JonnA HuUikI, tiracv
Hall Hardy Hughes. Llrxie Hughes, all ol
Myrtle Creek. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adrervdy the
Nvedt-criUtl lamis ar requtsttsl in Hie their
claims ln this office on or la-lore aa.l v3nl dav ui
Jur. IB.
J T. HKIIX.K"-. Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlted .-Hate Land 0c.
lltsKbunr. Oregon, Jan a. ISV2
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions o! the act of Congresa of
June MKTS entitld.n art for the sal. of
ttmt-er lands in the r-taitaof t alllornla. Oregon
Nevada .and W ashlnglvn Terriiory," asextend
f1 'o all the public land states by act of August
ot Roseburg. rouii'.y of Dtus las. state of Ore
gon has thiaday filed In th:s office hs swum
statement No tin fr the i-urcnase"f the NK'i
ofsmmtj li. loruhlp 2Ss Hilh. range -I west
and will offer proof to s how that the land sought
Is more valuable for IU timber or stone than
tor agricultural purjoses. and u establish his
m lf lan the Ketfr and Receiver ot UHj
oillce of Roseburr.Oreran.
u iednely. tnc2lm day or June. 1A II
names as witnesses- FW Dillard.ol Koburc.
Ore. L R Robinson. John Ha l. Jr.. and Hardy
ungues, all ol Myrtle Cri-ek, Ore.
Any and all r-nons claiming .ilr.MW tt,.
aUivedrscribrsI lands are reouested to file their
claims In this office on er before the 2llh dar of
June. 19-S.
lirP Register
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted Sute Land Office
Roseburg. Orrron, Dee. 12. 1JQ2.
Notice u hereby given thai In compliance
with th provisions of the act of Congrru of
JuneS, )7S entitled "An act for the sale of
Umber lands ln the States of California, Oregon
the public land state by act of August
of Myrtle Creek, county or Douglas, state ot Ore
has lhl day Sled In this office his saorn itate-
rani rso iVZi tnr the rinreh&s nf t rr.finn.i
W'tOrSrC. 30, Tp. 29 south, rang- 3 west.
and will offer proof to s how that theland sooght
Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hU
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg. Ore on.
on Monday the 22nd day of Jnne. IMS. He
name as witness,-: Florence Hall. James R
Hall Elma Hall. John Hall. lr .11 nr v
Any and all Mrwm elalmlne ailrrrsolr th
a Vive described lands are tmnnM tn fli tv.u
ciaims in in is osce on or belore said 22nd day
PWP Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates lnd Office,
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 21. 1MB.
Notice ts hereby given that ln compliance
rlln the frovlftotis of Ihm ai-t nf PnirY.. a?
'! ''".enuuea "An act lor the sale of
Umtr lands in the eiatz-nnf rtirnmi r,n
Nevada .and Waihlnrinn TsrHwrr ..Ytn
bt . 1 , . V. - III. . ... . . .
w w u.s puwic ianu siaies oy act ol August
Ol Peel, county of Douglas, state of Orernn
nas mis day Died In this ofllee bis sworn su e
ment No. tsl2. for the nurrhuu. nf ih vvt
... ......... , ' " u . ' . r. 1 . 1 , nuKV SSCTI.
and will offer croof to show that the land son rht
Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
ciaim oeiore ut tiegiiicr ana liecelver of tills
ouico oi ucee burg. Oregon.
on Wednesday, the 15th day ol Jnlv. 19. He
names as witnesses: a w Turnell. Marvin
Martin. J A Nichols. Meade IT Tnonnum ail
of r-ccl, Oregon.
Any ant all persons rlalmlnc adverselr th
above described lands are requested to file
tneir claims in thlsoSiceon or belore said 1Mb.
nayoi juiy, inu. j. T BRIO E3.
apntp-lU2A Kegister.
Notice for Publication
United Slates Land Office.
. Roseburg, Oregtin. Dec. 20 1902.
noucnia nereuy given mat In compliance
dlh the provisions nf th art nr rv,nr nt
' . i . enuuea An act ior me sale or
umoer lanos in the States ol Calllorola, Oregon
Nevada.and Washington Terrimrr."asTtinrf.
d to all the public land states by act of August
of nulnth.ronnty nf St Louts, state of Mlnu.
lias this day filetl In this offlee his sworn state
ment No lleA for the purchase ol the SEtf 0I
section 6, township 31 south, rang" t wst
and wlllolfer nroof loihnwih.tth.Unii un,M
is more valuable for ita timber or stone than
ior agricultural numnspa ami tn ..laMt.H s.t.
tialm before the Register and Receiver of thU
u. iilu n, anHDarr.iiT.pnn.
on lucstlay, tho 23d day of June. 1903. He
uanies as witnesses: u J clement, J. F. Kin-r.
ooln ot Knscbtirc. Ore. i-vlvl. Un.l nr t...
inin, .n inn. joun King.ol Korcbure. Orpirnn
Any anil alt irons clalmlmr th..
above described 'attds aru riinctsl m titn thi.
nanus in tins ouico on or ocioresalit 23.1 day ol
ft. nn 1 1 .1 . m ....... ....
"pwp Register,
Notice for Publication.
United States Und Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 13, ISin.
Notice is herebv clven that In cotni.llanea
with the provisions ol the act of Conerrsa nf
Junes, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale oi
timber lands In the t-'tatesoi Cafornla.Oregon
Nevada .and t ashlncton Terrltnrv." asexlend-
ed tn all tho public land states by act of August
Ol Ct DUllllll. CtltllltV ol St. Ltmls stain nf
.Mlnneoi.n, nas this day llletl tn this office her
sworn sinicmcii; n. iais. i,)r mo imrcliase of
Mo f-N and lots No. 2 and 3 of .-cilon
bnvnsoil27 suiilli, range west, W. M, and will
nllrr nroof to show Unit the land mineht Is morn
valuable for Ha timber or sbmo than fnr arl.
ruiturHi puritoscs. iin i 10 esinunsn ner Claim lo
sain latui isiioro tne Register anil Receiver ol
tins oiin-oai Ki-scnnrg. on-KOn.
on Thursday the 21 day of July, 190S. Sho
naincNiiN wniKSHS: iewis K ne, James D
rihlnabtirg. w fc Toe, Daniel tlarrlson, all of
t'tei, uiegun.
Any and all persons claiming ailverselr the
Imivo described lands aro reouestetl lo fllu th.-lr
claims in tins ollicu on or before said 3:1.1 day of
SU1), lissi J. X, 1IU1UUU),
apriir-jiizj Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Ijind Office.
Roseburg, Oregon Dec, IS, 19 2.
Notice is hereby given that ln compliance
with the provisions of the act or Congress of
Junes, IS8. entitled "An act ior the sale ot
timber lauds In the Blatcsnf Californla.Oregon
Nevada ,and Washington Territory," aaextend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
L1ZZ1K Ill'nilKS
f Myrtle Creek county of Donelaa. statn nf
uregon, nas mis nay n un in this olllco her
sworn statement No. Hai for tho purchase of
theBKlfor Sec H. Tn. 28 south, raneo 4 mi.
and will oflcr proof to show that tho land
sought Is moro valuable for Its timber or a'ono
than lor agricultural ltiirpnsrs, and tn estab
lish her claim to .ald land betoro thn Kutr
and Receiver or this onico at Rost-bjrg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, tho 2lud day ol June, I'JOX Uho
names ax witnesses: Hardy Hughes, Oraco
Hall, John Hall. Jr., John Hall, Sr., all ot Myr
tle Creek, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described landa are requested tn tlio
Ihelrclaima In this olllco on or before said 2:ld
day ' June 1903. J.T. 11RIDQK8,
apr9p Register.
I have heaid it whispered in loud tones that I was going to C3
quit the music business, but that is only another from the old g
source for the purpose of gaining a point. Even if I succeed in
my new enterprise, it will be only another step towards holding
my own against the trusts and combines. I am about the only
piano dealer now on the coast that is going it alone and single
handed. I s?m grateful to the many friends who are giving me
their patronage, for each month is bringing in greater results.
I have never been guilty of sellinga cheap piano for a high price
or of misrepresenting the goods I handle, or even my competitor
except in a defensive manner. And the name NEEDHAM (as
he has no connection with that house) ,must be dropped from his
ad. or he will hear something drop in regard to the price of
Victor pianos that will surprise him and the public, or better see
clipping from an eastern paper in my window, where Victors are
offered for nearly two thirds less than is asked for them on this
coast. This trick of holding a piano and keeping it in bad order
jiist to knock its good qualities, is getting to be an old gag and
the public certainly sees it or we would not continue to sell so
many high grade Needham pianos.
.j00!1 rememoer not long ago, when a certain dealer got
hold of a few Steinways and sold them for low prices .just to
hurt its reputation? Did it hurt it? No and neither can they '
hurt NEEDHAM because it speaks for itself.
rM.AI1.our last sales are a choice between NEEDHAM and
Chickenng, NEEDHAM winning out every time. Watch next -ad.
for names of purchasers.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Diiugla County.
loariea u. n nile, flatntlfj, -
CharleaStronr and Mannla
Strang, his wile; Leonard
troug and Ona Stmoii. his
wife; Kddtitrong and Mr.Kdd
Siron, his wife; Florence
strong, a minor, and Ellen
Mroiif, her gtianlian; rusie
Duncan (net- .SlruUx) and K.N
Dum-n, her hus'-and: Oe-mr
tntnr. single; Fannie Kelly
(u Strong) and rDilin Kelly.
her busbaud; Margaret SUiing, Suit In Eoulty
kloM;HoracetrougandMra. i
.;hvjhk a auu jsrs. ueorge
Strong, his wife; Eplirl.m
-stung ana Mt. apnnam
.-irtirtg. nu wile. Ella ruong, I
-Ingle: Harvey Strung, single;
uasuuitr, cnarle
bright. Koa BMwnlng (nt
Wright). Walrr Wright, Ethel
Wright, Jise Wrignt and the
stale Land Board.
TO hdd rtrohg and Mr. EJd Rtronr. ibnw
name-1 defendants:
In the nami-of the Slate of O regno you, and
each of you are hereby rcsinlrerl to appear and
answer the complaint 8 ed against you tn the
above entitled suit on or before
Saturday, the lStli day of Julr, 1903.
and If you fail o to appear and answer, (or
want tliei-of the plain US will apply to the
court lor the relief demandrd ln the complaint
a succinct statement of which Is. that (he title
to the following Jescild rel property, to
wn. The ea.t one-half of the southwest one-
quarter ana me west one hail of the southeast
unq.arler of section 22, township 23 south.
oi range s west of ihe Willamette Meridian.
ujuisiutux iwtcm Dore or lese, oe quieted
and the lee therein be decreed aa la the com
plaint stated, the Interest ot said defendant,
Edd Strong, be decreed to be 30.11507 thcresif.
and no more, and that the defendant, Mrs. JJdd
-wuui, ucurcreeu u nave no rurnt, title or in-
tcRsl therein, except aa the wife ol the de-
icu'iani tia strung.
That a partition of said real pre raise be had
according lo the respective rights ot the par
tial to this suit, and if parUUon cannot be had
without material injury or prejudice tn tlxe
rights, that the premise be sold and a division
ol the proceeds be t-ad according In the re
spective rights of tne said parties, and Ior such
other and further rclle! as to the court shall
sm equitable.
This summons Is published by order of the
Honorable J. W. Hamilton, Judge of the above
enuUcd court, which order U dated May IS,
last, and the date ol the first publication of
this summons Is Thursday, May 21 1901, and the
time prescribed In the order Ior publication of
this summons is al least onee a week for six
successive weeks, commencing with the first
day ol publication thereof
Dated this 21sl day of May. WO.
-IU Attorney tor Plain US.
Administrate 's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
baa been by the County Court oi Dntlgtaa
county. Stale ol Oregon, duly appo nted the
administrator ol thecatau! ol lr. A. frock, de
ceasl. All persons having claims agafntt said estate
arc nereny rrtjuired to present the same dnly
ve llled to the undersigned at DlaJIs. Douglas
county, Slate of Oregon, within six months
from the dab- of this notice.
Dated at OUIU, Oregon, this Sd day of Jane,
Administrator of the estate of D. A. Proci,
First publication Juna . 19CO.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersign -J
sdminlstratorof the estate of Nelson Orav, de
ceased, has fllel his final account In tne
County Court of Douglas county. Oregon, and
MONDAY, the Cth day of July, 1S0J,
al the hour ot ten o'clock, a. a., of s-sld day at
the office ot the County Judge of said county.
In the (iiurt House in Boseburg. Oregon, baa
been fixed by th Honorable M D, Thompson,
Judte of said Court, for hearing objections to
raid anal account, if any theie be, and for the
settlement nl said estate.
Dated this 1st day of June, A. D . 1903.
Administrator ot said Estate.
First publication June , 1903. CJ-iwp
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Administrator ol the Estate ot W. B Carev. de.
ceased, has filed his final account as such Ad
ministrator in the County Court of Dongiaa
ixHiniy, uregon. ana tne said Court has set
MONDAY. Julvfi. IS03.
at the hour of luo.cloek a. m., ot said day at
the Court house in Roseburg, Douglas County,
Oregon, m the time and plare for hearing ob
jections thereto, and for the final settlement
oi sain estate I3AAUT. COY.
administrator ol the estate ot W. B. Carey,
Dated Ibis Uh day of Jnne, 1903. -iw
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that ihe final arronnt
ol the Executor of the Estate of K. T. Grubbe,
d i erased, has been rendered to the County
Court tor Douglas county, Oregon, for acttlc-
meni. auo tnai
TU KSHAV. tho 7th dsvnf Jnlr lom
at the hour ot 1 o clock. I- m.. has been dnlv
appointed by said C.iutt tor the settlement
incrcoi, at wnien time any person Interested In
said e-tate may appear and file his objections
' "tin aecntiui or to tne rciticment tncreor,
Date.1 al Roseburg. IKtuglas c.nnty, Oregon
th s the 13th Jay of lune, IWt
6". W URU1IPE.
ueeutnioIthcEsUtaof E T. iimhb n.w
wwvu. juno IB.
In Countv Court of Donelaa ennntr. fii.l. nl
in thu matter of estate )
of S
Martha Wooiiruff dcccascsl)
police Is herebv trlven that thn itn,lurlnvl
has been by the (iiunty Court'of Douglas Coun
tv. Orccon. annotnled rinciitnrs or thn ,mfatK nr
Martha Wtaxlratr deceaod Wherenn all per
sons indebted to the said estate aro hereby
notified to make Immetllato payment to tho
utidersigued at their residence in Coles Vallev
precinct. Douglas county, Oregon, and all per.
auus iinvitig t-iatiits agaius inesaiu estate Will
firesentssme verified ea by law required with
u six months from date ol this notice.
Dated Koscburg, Oregon, Keb. Hth, 1901.
R. A. Woonanw
6p.) K T. WOOnhnvF,
; 7
and Cottage Grove.
T jof Your Ranches and Timber
awUi Lanris with ma ....
hs w WW
H you waut to buy a
jf you want furnished
If you want to buy a
It you want to
If you want to
rent a house
build a house
If you want to move
a house
tf yen don't kuosr PAT
II on nr a.Iii res . .
F. paltepsion,
ELATiiKlTJj la Mineral Rnbber
or A BOIt aecesaarv lo RF.P1 lrF a wnavjun,
- - - -
Takea the place of shingles, Un. Iron, tar and
steerisnrfaen. veitfra. raiissn .,r r . n t . .
-old on merit.' Guaranteed:' iVwmy to Mkforprd LTou
Worcester Saildins, XtTXaA3sTX
Soelcty ftitings.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
llslds rexnUr mertings on (srscctxJ
and ( nrth WetlnendavB of each
month. E. J. Stkoou, W. M.
N. T. J Kwirr, fecrruiy.
AO. u.
I cUtsj
W. lioeebare Lodge So. ItL
MeeXn the rcood mnd foarth Mon-
tlayn of each month at 7t3f) o. m
in. tho L O. O. F. Hall. Membe in
good 'Undine ar tnrited to attend.
F. iL Ton or M."W.
. II. Lsxox Recorder.
D. Wear, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. BfleeburgLodKfNo.
326. Holds regular com m nova
tions at I O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thanwayt ol each month
All members reqaeeled to attend rrsn
Urlv and all Tititiojc brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
J. B. WAiT. K. K.
Ror McCLAtirir. SecreUrr.
. N. G , meets at Armory Hall every
tnaraaay erenintr, at 8 a clock.
F. B. HAtonr, Capt
S M . 1 ...
s'u. ao. jjb soa ana ita l nn re
el sv eveniba3 of each month in Na
live Bona' Hall. VLsiting members cor
dially indued to atuad.
Mss. Mxjut Wet, C. of H.
E. H. Lsxxoz. Rec.
C OF A. Ooort Donglaa No. 32, For-
1 enters ol America. Meets every
T,,4. ; sr..: r
at.rwAf Diruilill IU HSUVn COUB
rrsi s?-,., ... .
xxaii. v inning oromrrK at wats welcome
S. W.VaxZils C. R.
E. H. Lssox, K. F.
E. V. Hoovrn. Pbrsician.
O. O. F. Phtletarizn Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Case streets, on
Saturday evening ol each week Mem-
bern ol the order in good ttandlncr aia
invited to attend.
H. 3. GiLHTTg, N. G.
N.T Jgwrrr. tVcreUry.
of P. Alpha Lodge, No. 47. Me!
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F
Hall at 70 P. m. Members in
good at andintr are invited to attend.
S.V. RaupK R S.
O.T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
Holds its regular Reviews the
first and third Fridav of -eh
month in the I. O. O. halt. Visiting
members in good standing are invited to
attend. Gso. W. Pkrkv, Com.
E. E. Blodqrt, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
WmnJcraft. Meet on 2nd and 4th
Fridays of eacli month at the Nn
livti ekins, Hall. Visiting members in
irood standine are invited to attend.
Madok Bcchanan, Guardian Neighbor
Minnie Otkv, Secy.
Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado
Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky,
Mountain Scenery by daylight
A'TtT . T3fTrTrT-ir -m a a-rn
Tnrifrn T?nnirmrsvit Ttss-ns.rrt.
...r...).u,, uiuuu
itirr Pnrc Cnna.k
u6 wssu uuu uiiiJt.iu xytutug uar oervice.
For rntcti, folders nnd other
formation, addruaa
sm.M - & aULA
Conine lor r
Aid Kaiiilr
- " "7 . sva aswj i
rravel and all pretavred roostnea.
-r T7 . r. . rrr Mt
Keaaocable fa eoec
O. T. M. Eceebssrw HT. Tfo "TT
HoMa ita r-sralar rBTifws. fmMm-
Ncond and fonxth Fridav ..
ol each month in the Native Bou tHll.,
Sislent of other HItm Tiaftisfcfe Ua dtr
ars cordially invited to altaasj or ra
riewe. J" exix Kjipr, L. Com.
Macdi E McClaixxx. R. K.
E. S. Roee'mrff' Chantar fin s
Holds their reznlar aeetias; cm tha .
firit and third TiBisdaa.ias.ak&aJ.-
nontfa. Viajtfne; members ' ta ioo&
itandmtr are i8pectfnlly invitod ta at
tend. Mua. Kaxxik Smlujcx W. it.,
Maudz Rast Secratary.
RKBEKAHS. Rcwbarjc Bebekak
Lodge No. 41. 1.0. O. mssjta in
Odd FlIcrwa'TeapIoeTSry Tuesday "
ereninr. Visiting sisters aad brethrsa
hiTited to attend.
Dixla Baowjr, K. G.
Cora Wihbxrlt. R. S.
sembly No, 105 meets eTerrSj.tnx
dar evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Aniens cordial It
invited to attend. :
Rev- S A. Doraus, M. A.
Mtsa.XixA Bsoktt, Secretsxy.
Camp No. 12S. Me attbss -OsJd
Fellows' Hall, ia BoaeBaf' ery
nrst and third Hoodav ereeiasl "VSv
tng neighbors alwars wslenma,
t . r, X. T. Jnrrrr. C. C.
J. A. BccHAJCAS. Clerk.
(Aid Fellow's Temple. Meets first
and third Thuradav evt-nings ch
month. Visitors cordially invited.
. C. TwrrcictLL, Scriba. I
The Greatest Fares Paper of the North
west. Published. .weeUr at Salem. Ore
Ron. Xdltetl by the Fanners -of the
-Northwest. Twenty Pages. Illustrated.
51 Paptrs for St 00. Lj thai acta
Publication began Starch U 1930. Kossv
haa9eo subscribers. Phenomenal growth!
lUhed 135 thohtalUrm rPer poh-i
hoiesteai : - m mimmr
5175 A YWL
T)..1 1 i nr.. '. ";-
A uttLuitu uuu iounsc. oieep-
TrI - rs
W. C McBRlDE, Oea'l Age,
la4 Third Street, Portland, Or
. sa. I I -m BBV asa (SB SB m L'smW -4,.t-B,fa