Rose burg Plaindealer PnMUhed Honaj and ThumUT. schomo to beat Hermann and to provo itself recreant to every principlo of pa triotism on Memorial day. It was just PLAINDEALHR PUBL1SH1NQ CO. H. H. BROOKfeS, Editor and Publisher Harey fl. Brookes, Local Editor. MaY 28. 1903. uiousm uu Bini , j . ... ,,,,.: Wnnbitii'ton Union meet rrtuay altornoon at a: such bald hypocrisy and wanton perfidy .."Z the homo of Mrs. A. C. Marsters, on tho part of democracy that .enW ta? "df 20th, a full attendance is espc necessary that the lives of hundreds of aspirants makes ia , thousands of men bo Bacrificed to publicans who are ... .,...,.. carry out the principles of a republican or have been within the last few weeks government and it requires equal vigi- are united lor the nomination of 1 res.. m2t to keen the dent Roosevelt. It further shows that for Cesgresssaa, First District HON.BINGER HERMANN Republican Nominee Special Election June 1, 1903. THE DEflOCRATIC MULE WEEPS The democratic committeee of this county has sent out the following circu lar: Roseburg, Ore., May 26, 1903. Dear Sir: Owing to the apathy and dis interestedness of many Republicans and the lack of interest there are bright prospects of electing our can' didate A. E. Reams. If we get the Democratic Harmony. An interesting summary oi uio opui- W. C. T. U. Noti-S. lanco and clear country today complications. cratic mule weeps again, thoucht to keep freo from democratic Bnt before the demo- it would no tell the democrats could not be more wiuoiy apart on the panic inferos' ing question: There is former Secietary ol the ireas smitten to toll my John U. Carlisle, wnoiias couw us why he weeps; to tell the public Washington on legal business, and uho At.- .1., nhdrtnt. una uoiui; i viu nu "" 3 ... ,.r,..n tn dose- Uav he is for any ono "who can consoli- Uulti""B a . ..... ... ii l... .1 crato Memorial day last Sunday ami uaie uie pari , u..fcm-w -then getting into a fit and having who that some one is, nor will 1 f iwnuRa Bincer Hermann ture a guess. rr .: .r; the Saturday "Pitchfork" Tillman raves and tears afterwards, ana wim v..v the democratic hope of electing Reames. name of G rover Cleveland, and says in It is oxnosuro that the democratic com- so many words that the mere mention a.U and weens about not of the possibility of Mr. Cleveland again wol- being nominated by the democrats is an insult to the intelligence of the party, Tli.m Mr. Tillman discusses the failure of tho Bryan men to do anything but set tho democratic party into a chaotic state. Ho refuses tn name lus choice, and it is dillicult to decide who he real lv stands for unless it is for Tillman. Representative, who has a good deal more political acumen and is j in much closer touch with the inside of Vr.ri- ilpiiirv.ratie politics than he r nrinrinl of libertv the is riven credit for, declares that the iXA f 0 tmn was shed or to aban- democratic Moses is none other than , i ir. nml lVrtor. who c-u carrv the male non a man uecaueu no I-..-,,. r ciuorlimnkins! advc of New York, hands down, 1 . . . i. i .1... I t. Unnl-liniit nf Alilia- .. .1 i .t-,,,'ii iiikl icunrvHiiijiiiiu uauni.i...u. . eating tne pnucjiuca -'i ... vi.-j - -.a tu- nsini? Decoration ma. comes out for Senator Gorman. UIUUU a cnw j - o - . . I ..... i , .. . .!... rw for that purpose it is hallowed by BankheaU saui pnvaieiy, ..oi:vu. , mittAfl dreads ana weeps Titration Day. and when tho ia at 6tako or Us nrinrinlps of honor and integrity in ..i..u..i, er.MAa mit forth by the vaueu uy cuui c. - i "ii ,imrw.rtin committee any day is hal i 1 1 .continn ami exposinc sucli iOWCll icv.uii..(, . Imika ilnaicns. Tho democratic mule can bray and sing lullaby songs and issue screeds but that will not causo veterans of the war, old soldiers or the sons, wives and ..,.t,i-o nf nnldiers to forsake tho Democratic vote to the polls we are euro the effort maue for liberty, justice and Judge Parker did not have a cnancc . of the doubtful democratic - j truin. - . . vonmrecinct to donate such time as . tprritnrv. as he wa pnicucaiiv uhkuowii you possibly can to tret tho vote to the i, i,i,1in.r of ono drop of of his own suite, ami all me " - - " I II 1L1IUIII. n c.... . I ... . i.?in polls. Get every Democrat in your pre- blooti ancl.uria is now actually a part enemies of Dave Hill believe lie is mu i. nKl In Ih. mill 1TI 1Q MlXVRK. . ... i. I...l., tn I lw. 1 ... Ii; ,. I , nrl -111,! :r O S till f 1 ll'J UIO U I . f AM HUieUllI l-ltVii-J l...."...,. - . s PUBUCANS AS YOU CAN to vote for Reams. is the choice of tho democratic The Womans Teinperanco Union meet Friday afternoon at 2:110 in May pccially Tlioy will also give a window salo Saturday, May :10th, at the Knndy Kitchen, of home cooking, salt rising bread, cake, baked beans, salad dressing, cold meat, pies, cottagu cheese, catsup, etc. Tho eighth annual convention of tho Douglas Co. V. C. T. U. will convene at Kiddle, .lone :til,-tlh and rih. 0H.Miing Wednesday evening with an address by Mrs. Mattie ( Cenlmlia, Wash., National Oriranizer. liituresting ses- hiom will bo held Thursday and Friday riiursday uvening Mrs. Graves will sneak airain. Fri lav evening the con vention will eloo with a matron con test. Looking (liases Novs. J. T. Spimgli ih working onhi 1ioiim in ltispliur;. Waiter (toodomn mid Chnrle Howard, lmv. ro'-iiriied homo afti ii month in Coo-;. Hoy Sjmuli, Ltlnucli H-iell and IJfpsm aloryiiii niii biinilny in leu MiIm. H-v. K. H..Ktcluon of Ten Mil'-, pleached to a well filled bouse on Sunday. Guuidpn Morgan will leave in n few diivB for Iinsleru Oie"n. Mibs Alice Bostii was on tho ami; Kt last wp'k. Hownrd Uiter. was in our valley in SHtiirdHy. . Mt. A. Youofjer nnil daughter Mies Faiiriit', retnrneil hotn n few lays H;o from ii vicit with relative. in l'oit Intnl. Mrs. . r.. U-rhrHii ami mile children i re vim i m with luo fami j ... i fit-:.. . .. Ol 1. Ai 'l " 1IIMIIII. Edilio Churchill, whh iln Kiiest o J. V. Mole, of this city, has prepared a polish for furniture, that is flue for toching up any kind of furniture, from tho piano down to a kitchen chair. It dries quickly leaving a fine gloss on the surface. All housekeepers should try it, as it will be suro to please. SO TEAMS WANTED. Sternly Season's Lumber Hauling. First. Draper Mill to (! rants Push, distance of 22 mile-i ; pay, fl.fil) per 1 1: I sood horecH can haul 3500 feet to load anil the trip is made in two days Sci on I Wertz Mill to GrantH Pass, a distance of 12 miles; pay, $2.25 per M feet. Haul is practically the the fame as from the Draper Mill except that the trip is made each day. Lumber to both mills is in pood, dry condition. Teams can comiiiciico at once. Roads in first class condition. SUOVl 1'lNK I).)OI! Si LUMIIKK CO., 37-lnn Grants I'ass, Oregon For Sale. i r t w dp i ruses to knives to puncture his Uxiin. mninrv iinu mi v.. . - . . . .. . 1 5nt,tia. in ti.o rn. . . ..r a a i...a I ri.:..f iiwti.-.. ;iler (;lark ot the .Minn .u ...u uu . f nff tnr,.ir.n lnier.creure. 1 ui..v... gressional district, and all other persons oftjn l)een Baj before .Germany has no I Carolina suprem court, holding eacred Decoration Dav that! .. .. r. mniirai of I William J. Brvan for . . ..1A.,nn in Li h niusiuu " I i . I . ... National Holiday fraught with such r.,,prn Phina but there is no consider- presidential nomination in aeconi- U. U-bpaiiKb. oiih mKiit l-.-t w,-.-k. . . . . .-w- I , . t . l I . I 11 . I I N tender ana sacred memories to an ... . na tn what course the ine to authority umv "as old Eoldiera and others having Cttaa a Ton,n will take. It incton. While in WaMiington recently it V'V-J . I ... 1 .,M.,.iriii.lilll a fnr irranteii that Great Unt seems that .nr. ira.. e,.. . interfere, but dispatches desire to discuss ponura, I . . . ? . .!.... ....1. l.. IIIUI UIC Jfu4.icv n onu..- . i.. I m..n,rn Tti related that at tn Him resilience ot Ur. U'.lime. Uall a ho house for terms, from 3 to 5 clock in. tf, Come quick tl you wish to get you ick of Buggies ami Hacks from that car just received by Churchill it Woohey. A cheat) horso for sale or trade, for milk cow or young cattle. Address F F. Ball at the Deer Creek. Mill Dam Kosebuig, Oregon. For Salo. A splendid team of heavy draft hoircs Address P. O. Box 43, Roseburg, Ore gon !U l-or Sale. Dr. Oelime'H residence, with one-haU r the w hole of the laud. Call at llu muse fr terms, from 3 to fi oYloek in. tf. loved ones resting neath the sod will reeent the action of Mr. Hermann in using this hallowed day for making campaign speeches. Mr. Hermann has billed himself to speak to the voters of Myrtle Creek at one o'clock and at Roseburg in the evening of Decoration Day. Let everyone who has respect for things sacred know this and they will resent it. we cannot supply you with any money. What you do must be done purely from patriotic motives. Will you not use your utmost exertion on Election day to being victory to the; Democratic cause. Yours for Success Dkxtes Rice, Chairman Bern. Co. Cen. Com. W:S. Huoltox, Congressional Com. O. P. Coshow, State Committeeman. is taken ain will not fromTokio report government feels over the aggiessiveness of Russia. The tlin,. nirninst KUSSia is uai.y uuret t-...f p. crowing stronger in Japan, and may force the government to some acuon eht consider a cause beli. Our readers will do well to read Arte- mus uooii, common sense aiuuo Binger Hermann under the head Sun- nydale Items. He is our correspondent there. X Y. Z. Painting and Paper Hanging. conference Mr. Hryan souuueu :: burn as to his choice of a presidential nominee. Some months ago Judge Clark was the .. . i i . i ; .. guest of -Mr. liryan at ms mime coin, where he spent several day-. It i; said of Judge Clark th t he i more op ulistic tlian Mr. Bryan. In ltKi h went to Mexico lo Ft inly the free silver ntiestion. The same year he aivepled the iHipulistic nomination hr cl:;el jus tice, after having l-een iioiniuatoil the democrats. hv John Miller, of Hagerstown, Washini: ton County, Maryland, nas hxsiteil in Itoolulv. ami he is a thorough master of ids art and prvittnii to do all kinds of iiiiting, paperhanaing, graining, and decorative )iihliii-j in the highest style as prnclieeil by tirt class norknien on the Atlantic C.t If you want the very latent arti.-tie work he will bo pleas ed to "ive for low nriee ami llrst elas work. Call on him at 517 Mosier stnt'l or ilnip a letter tlinrngh tlie pkst otliie and lie will oiiM-klV riiMind. (tf ' Letter List. Fullerton &Richardson ihe above circular Bhonldconvince j every republican that there is need of eternal vigilance to keep in subjection the machinations of the democratic party and every republican shouid be full of enthusiasm and work hard for success and destroy the hope of democ racy in this congressional district. It has now come to the point when there are no apathetic or disinterested repub licans, for every member of the party has imbibed enthueiasm from the dem ocratic system of circulating malevolent falsehood and abuse of Binger Hermann and are like the red-headed Irishman who joined a company of Teddy's Rough Riders which was organized in New Jtiexico. fat was not up on orders or bugle calls; he knew nothing but to fight at fighting time and when the first charge was made up San Juan hill to j the Spanish trenches, Pat rushed in ad vance of the company and grasped a Spaniard by the hair of his head and pulled him out and dragged him down hill to the lines and yelled out, "Boys, why didn't ye come along and each fel low would have got one." The republi cans of the First Congressional District will next Monday charge the Democratic 'etrsabold -and every man will get a man to vote for Binger Hermann. But when we contemplate the woeful expression on the democratic mule's face as the tears roll down in a river to the ground, at the deseciation of Dec oration Day by talking politics, we feel that again are we up against democratic perfidy and hypocrisy, and as the drops of blood from the eyes of that commit tee turn into a swelling flood of grief, we REGISTERED DRUGGISTS PREMIUM TICKETS GIVEN ON ALL SALES miV- 'XS3 EXCEPT SUGAR AND FLOUK FISHER & BELLOW S COMPANY Warner's Bust-Proof Corset Made by the most famous, corset fac tory in th world. Satisfactorilly modeled, carefully liaped, neatly made and leaiitifully finished. Waunkk'm Uuht-Pkooi'Coiwcth have no rivals. They are HiijKirior to all others in point of urace, comfort and durability. 50c, 75c, 5I.W, 51.25, 51-50 and $2.25 Seasonable Special Offerings We are better prepared this s?ason than ver fore t in all lines of General Mer- v clian depa tint best s. 1 - n tt't ymir wants '( mr stock was never o complete in every We bo u glit early, securing the very propo -I .STATU Ol" OHIO, CITY OK TOI.KDO, l.Uei.S COUNTY. Kkaxk j. ('iiknkv inakeH oath thai hi is senior iartiier ol tneurm i r. . Chunky & Co., doing businesn in the Mi v of Toledo, Coiiutt' and SUte afnre- id, and that said tirm will pay the sum f One Hundred Dollars for each ami overv ease ot uatarrn mat cannoi w cured bv the u3 of Hall's Catarrh Cure Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and Hihsvribed in my preence, this fith day of Deremlwr . D.1SS5. . A. V. (5l.KA.O.V, KBM. 1 Notary Pcnur. Dress Trimmings. We have everything that is new. Tin line is too extensive to go into any j description. Ion should see them . . . j Dress Goods. Wo have given this line a great deal of careful attention, and have got ten together as complete a line of desirable fabrics as was ever shown in this city. In Summer Dress fioods our stock is strictly up to the time. We have all the newest creations including Mercerized Zephyrs, Popelleoas, Cluny Lace Stripes, Faataise Silk i Tissue, Linen Madras, Grass Ba tiste Muslin De Soie, Etc. i m-j and the very lowest prices, and we su ' ; - tintain our reputation for selling the BE 7 MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICE Men s Furnishings! Men's CIothin tl C 1 - , K very thing st r'.. . to date and right in kei'piog wi.'i gcxl tastf. In j Men's Ne kwi-ar we havi; the latest coloring in f- Kour-iii-Haiidu, Kind and HtriKtl IVjwh. The iiow est of all if tin: Miget Club Tie Ladies Underwear Knit Vest from 5c to 50c Minlin Underwear in all grade an elegant line. Gj blurts. A half I.sndril tlitTeront style! to 50c. to $2.50 Men's Hosiery. Everything that k new in thin lin we have, from 8 to SOc. Men's Underwear. ami take gnt pride in thw oV ixirtiitent. Ihtr Five D4Uir alt Wiiui unit! for nwn can't b tet, in fawrt we k?fy oii.jetioit hi Uik Jiise. An ahiHwt emlieiw rariety to cIkhwh from. $5.00 to $18.00 SHOES. hne for men, women chiWren and infanta, and all oM with oar pr onal ana ruler to be ih beet for the nriee or ymu money back. HATS Hummer Uei-'l.t. wool. 75c S1.00 A gn-at iimity limw to seleet fnm lialbriggan underwear, 25, 50. 75c. TW tnlon hat m here, a well a tun line at eneaper naf. The Reliance Wrapper ; Ha eorrC linuur. al m perict tit- tint:. So hie her in price than ordinary wrapper. w have the agency for Korbarjf. Boy's aaJ Wztifs Clothing. The Ka:.l to looV show !' -' ut kiiMl. A new !t will iki yrm k'KkI . .ii. No troable to See us for Groce 'Phone 721 City Treasurer's Notice. We want your telephone and mailorder busi ness. We will give prompt and carefull attention to every order received by us for drugs, medicines or specialties. Our prescription department is equip ped with the best of everything and we can till pres cription as the doctor wants them to be filled. Hemainin: uncalled for at the Hoe Imrn ost oltkv. 2 Barnes MrC E Kennedy. J H 1 Itarnee, Mrs C E Manrins, Mr Home Ifcuind, MrWHIUiH Parker, Mr G II 3 Cook, Itk-hanl Sovern, Mrs U O Davis. Mr E C Smith, Mr V E Denny, E F T:nilin, -Mr Thomas Detrk-k Mr E Tonilinson, Mrs J Hughe?, MrCha-" Weech, John Pastor of the Coie'resRitional church. Pros I-idies' Aid sVx-iety of Cansrea tional Chtircli. Pihxmw calling for these letters will 4se state the date on which they aro advertfcod. May ; 1. The letters will lu charvoil for at the rate of one cent each. Wm. A. Fiiatek, P. M Sheep For Sale. I have l&Ohoml of good stock shrop for sxleat n verv n-asonahlo price, ror particulars, addross Adam Fisher, Uost" hurR, Ore. lmop'J7, Notice for Sale of State I jnd. Kothv is hurehy iven to all ar- j la iHiliinu citv warrants enuorseti 1 prior to May S, I'JOI, also warrant No. UU, undorsed May S, P.Ol. are tiiUetted 10 present the mine 10 tlie city treasur er for (layment, as interest will cease hon-on after the date of this notice. Dated Uoseburp, Oren, May 6th 1B0S. H. C. .uccm Jb., Citv Treasurer. I RICE THE Hoase Furnishers The Largest House Furnishing Establishment This Side of Portland Hay Curriers, iiile Double ami Har Im Forks, Jai-ksou Fork?, ami all kinds of Haymakers Tools, at Churchill & Woolley". JU0 Piano Chain Drive mowers fold in this virinity ly Churchill A.Woolley. CiHtomers verv much satisliM. You will mis it if you buy anything hut the genuine. FULLERTON & RICHARDSON Telephone No. 451. Near Depot ROSEBURG, OREGON On Wednesday, at Eugene, a mental wreck stripped on the most public street in that city and proceeded to grease himself, and when arrested by the city marshal and the sheriff and taken to jail, he gav3 his name as Loper and said tliat he meant no harm ; he was only preparing to make a Ueames run and had greased himself so as to be hard to catch before or after the election. will attempt to assuage the torrent and administer a little "high life" to the A large number of the citizens of Eu sorrowing mule. But we must gene have secured a temporary mjunc- mate a thorough diagnosis of the tion restraining the playing of base ball critters' troublo before wo can inject the on the base ball grounds at Eugene. subtile fluid in a hypodemic manner An attempt will be made before Judge with a horse rvrinee. We make this Hamilton to have the injunction made statement to the patient and ask a few I perpetual. Other grounds will be se- questions. Last Sunday wan Memorial I cured, as on Sunday the league games Day: a day made holv by national con- hntween Albany and Eucene are to be sent a day observed by the pa- played there, trmtiA rkArtnla fit ftioKA TTnifcwt Rtatna-I .Vin -vhlrh thB o at? niHRoi! The combat of democratic mud and diers. Veterens and all kindred societies elan,e amtrng to a cose m .... hold In reverence; a day observed by all Plmmwamh is glad to state, that where rlufm.nH nH im.a ?n tho ever the mud lodged on the republican United States. In nearly every citv of "ominee it quickly dried and fell off the country union-united services are leavlg a 8Ptas clear as 11 cieanseu dj ..u r,A tuA. i.nA D tuners eann: adu as ma aucr uv a-j aj ao vuevi iwt ta oiivu 1 . H fh Hhrn hnU thir PBBnvr hill 'a"ea ana UIO Siream in v.iujibhw.. whpm tin va finil thof. imrrnurint. H.nn. na aDUSO UneU Up leaves Hie. ueill " e w . 1 1 1:: t.. rmtir miil wilh tr H!mrr,t v? ocrais in an nopeieaH u-unuiuo... a,i VuhKinth. ninn? W hn t political issues they could notcomoat thn RArci. nr rn ha nrnnnn l,v the victorious prosperty now enjoyed. hi W,r? nnt h,u tho ,.:.: J In tricks and evasions pf facts President -were observing Memorial Day. The ooseve gave tnem in geutee. a.u.. mulo divided and one part of the ari- language tho he, male was found rooting for the Jackson The writer once saw a buffalo bull on Sprats and grafters ; another part of the the plains of the Texas Panhandle. He mule was working up the published was the last of his species in a state of screed and another section of that mule liberty in a vast district of country and was fixing up a scheme to a throw around him had gathered scores of coy the Gardiner Paking Company "sky- otos who made music peculiar to coyotes wholloping" out of court, and when an eternal vicious snarl repeated over that mule did got itself together on Sun and over and every time the bull would day afternoon it lamented the fact that charge the coyotes made their tails tho Congressmen of Oregon were to speak gcarco between their hind legs. Next in Myrtle Creek and Roseburg on Dec- Monday night it will ho found that the orationDay. What bitter scalding tears I yelpinc will be over and the entire first that democratic mule shod I JJut who or Congressional district will be strewed what made Decoration Day possible? over not only with democratic tails hut Was it not the democratic party itself? hind legs also Tlinrn was no need if the tears and 1 . .. . . ? 1 anguish of that committee is sin- Marriage licenses nave ocon issueu r. tt , I,., flhsontrvl itself uv the county c eric asiouows: a. 4l V f W - w tho hallowed service for Kurtz and Miss Roso Ageo; Ilert b wear iniren and Elmira J. Wise: Ohas. iu. cero from . 1. n AA daMIami iy famrtrift1 dav. t . a ,i ;, nn ft Logsdon and Luella F. Abbott. 3ut it met on Bundayi to conjure up a General News Advices of a thoroughly reliable char acter received in i ashington, under date of May 27, show that the Vene zuelan revolutionists are not onlv hold ing their own, hut are uiaKing consider able headway. Tiio advices sav: "Within rixty miles of I.a (Suayra, in the Rio Chico district, a battle timk place recently in which the govern ment lost over a thousand men, and about 300 wounded were brought back to La Gnayra after a two days' fight." "Pee, mother, I have set myself on fire and I intend to burn up," and with these words still on her lips and her clothing furiously burning, Annie Johnson, 23 years old, of St. Joseph, Mo., began to hop around in a circle, laughing and screaming in demoniac style. She died at the Sisters' hospital in great agony. The young woman ap peared sane until the time of setting fire to her clothing, Tuesday. More than 22 ier cent of the men cn lieted in tho army for the war with Spain have already applied for pen sions. Commissioner Waro says the showing is unpleasant, and he blames the pension attorneys for it. Ho de clares that very few of the men who applied saw any actual fighting, and that a smaller poition of the few volun teer regiments which saw hard service in the Philippines have sent in applica tions than in the regiments which never left the instruction camps. The appli cants under the head of "invalids" num ber 67,040, and '"widows and depend ents," 8,390. There have been allowed 9881 invalid pensions and 31(50 of the other class. A total of 18,185 claims have been rejected, leaving 34,210 land ing on May 1. New applications nro coming in daily by the hundreds, and the indications aro that nearly 50 per cent of the men enrolled on the army lists during the war with Spain will have applied for pensions by tho end of the year. At tho closo of 1872, eleven yearB after the beginning of the civil war, and rcven years after its close, only about 0 per cent of tho soU'iers who served in tho Union nrmy had filed claims for pensions. Notice is lierebr "iven that the Slate 1 .and I loan I will receive seated bids tin til A mil 2S. 1U03. at 10 o'cl k a. 111 , for the sale of the following described schoo lands, to-wit:- ections 10 ami 3, Township 31 South. Range 0 West, Section 10 Township 31 South. Jlarwe 10 West of Willamette Meridian. The North half of North half and Lots 1, 2. 3, 4 of Section lTownship4l South Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian cont titling 303.40 acrv.i in Douglas, Coos and Jackson Counties. Oregon. Applications to purchase must In made on the regular blanks, in accord ance with the law for the wile of school lands, and he accompanied by cash or check for oue-lifth of the amount bid for a certificate of purchase, or if full pay ment is made deed will issue. The richt to reject any and all bids is reserved. Applications anil bids should lx? ad dressed to G. G. Hrown. Clerk of the Hoard, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchase Stuto Lands." G. G. Bkow.v. Clerk State Land Hoard, Dated this April 8, 1003. w2. Reduced Summer Excursion Rates Tho Denver and Rio Grande, popular lv known as the "Scenic Lino of the World" has announced greatly reduced round-trip rates from tho Pacific Coast jioiiits for the huncfit of teachers who will sjiend their vacation in tho East and of delegates to all the promt nen Conventions N. E. A., at Roston ; A O. U. W., at St. Paul ; 11. P. 0. E, at Baltimore: Woodmen of America at Indianapolis; Eagle , at Now York Mystic Shrine, at Saratoga Springs; K. of P.. at Louisville, and T. P. A., at Indianapolis. Tickets at the reduced rates will bo based upon one fare for tho round trip. but will ho sold only on certain days These tickets will carry stop over privileges on the going trip, giving passengers an opportunity to visit Salt Lake City, Glonwood Springs, Colorado Springs and Denver; and will lio good to return nnv time within ninety (DO; days. Passengers going via tho Deliver and Rio Gramle aro given tho piivilego of returning via a different route. For tho rnto to the Hiint you wish to go, mid for dates of sale and other par ticulars, as well as for illustrated panv phlots, write W. C. McIhtinK, General Agent 124 Thir4 St., Portland, Or. Public Auction. The undersigned will sell at public iiictioi, on Saturday, June 13, at one o'clock p. m., on Mr. G. W. Thompson's premises, os nines souin 01 toncuia, one 14-horsepower, Russell, compound, traction engine, all in first-class run ning order, terms of sale to be cash. Cctuack linos.. Puis mavi") Yoncalla, Ore. jE: RICE & RICE L All our Stoves and Rinces are I supplied by the largest and btol - Foundry in the world. Buy tha " Standard Itanjre, Its guarautevd for 15 years. These are facts ; we stand back of every assertion we make. No S-4 hole teol Rauw "" and Cloot, Only $30. fi hole and Clo-et Z Only $35- " ft. additional for Reservoir. Rest No S Cast Cook Stov ever L- offered 1" inch oven with Ex ten- siou Bracket, all Sectional Top and Sectional Cross Centers, Lilac Circle No. 4t, W. O. W.. will hold its annual jubilee celebration Fri day evening, May 2i. W.xidmeii and their wives, and husbands of Circle meuitwrs are invited to 1 present. Tlie Circle will bciiin its Imsiness session at 7:30. Invited guests should lie present by" o'clock. M Aixn: Bcchaxan, U . N. MiNMK OrEV, clerk. 510.00 Reward Will bo iaid to the party giving im formation, which will lead to the con viction of the iKirson who cut and des troyed the hoisting rojw used at Jone's new hotel building on Saturday night. Mav 23. F. F. Patterson .Mrs Wilbur Items. Georce W. Short wis n Koso burner a eonplo of diutt, dnriii tho week. ShohaiiK a tho Kmilnatiiig exercises thoie. Mr. ami Mm. GeorH Olny, of The Dalles, aro visiting Inro with rela' lives. Extra Values in Fine Stationery For a Limited Time 35c. papers for 20 SOc. papers for 40 All New StocK and Latest Cut Envelopes : : SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Also off on Kino Leather Goods until Wednesday evening. Dout Miss these bargains :::::: CANNON'S BOOK and STATIONERY STORE. Only $12. You can't beat it Others would like to find out where we get them, anyway we've got them. We can sell vou a matting for I5ca yard up to 50c; a nice car net 25c ui. best all wool heaviest RICE & RICEIRICE & RICE made for only 75c a yard, sewtd and rally l lav. the sreat re- nowaod cottage carpet. Only 35c a yd. Oil cloths and Ieiolims. 10 doxen of thw-e hard wood Brace Arm Chairs in this sale 75 and $i. Each. Rawhide. Chairs, only 50c Each. Rockers $1.25 to $12. We fear no competition on any line of goods considered. Iron Beds to sleep on co-t so very little f3.50, f5.0), t7o0 and np. Fine 3 piece Bed Room Set in GoMf finish, but only $14. A 3 piece -ill liard wvl nffta-dnt lied Riun Set, only $iS.5o. sell 1-ue (Crktnr and Glass Ware at if rent reduction?. s:tfler Sewiae Machines l-:t there is, one-half ff resnlar price I .ace Curtains V. x pair Ut frfi 56. Every aaai naythta;: for the home. Wintlow Se Jttus ami Screen Doori the beet there ts, first dw Screen Poor- f I -25. fl.65, 2.J and 1- 25, donbie ami paint, com plete with otnans and hangine:?. All Hard Wood Scrams metal pa da, only 40 and 45c Each. 5 Dtmma Clmkes Pine far, only DC 2 toed Tin Cnps lor 5c. r .-ood tUngsTnanMrt Ut 20C. (irmlM hnrj-aioK err seen in lib;- ware. 5r WORLDS OF CHAIRS AND ROCKERS js I RICE & RICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS 4-4.,;-,. ....... TrrTi Just arriveil from tho factory a car load of the celebrated Page fence, which is cheaper than a IkmoI fence and will last a ltfe-timo and is put up to your nati.faction without extra cent. It is used and endorsed by tho leading men of this county. For circular!" and prices address Stearns & Clienoweth, Oakland, Ore., or S. B. Crouch, Oakland, Ore. ly Rye bread, brown bread, graham bread, steam bread and all pvxl bread is kept constantly on hand at the Umpma Bakery. tf- Call on Drs. Che.idle & Johnson for up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson, lato of Portland, will have charge of the crown and brid)p wort department Prices reasonable. tf. Car load shipment is a common thing with Churchill and Woolloy tlr;a days. Another car of Piano, chain drive mowers, Lover hinders, rakot, etc, arrived this morning. Stcanns and Chenowith, of Oakland, havo received car of Rushford Iron Clad wagons, car of hnck and bucgies, car of Pago woven wire fenco, car of McCor mick binders and mowers, car of goxl cedar shingles, car of nails, car of best hlnck smi' h coal, all for enlo at tho low est prices, with tho best garden plow, $4.00; 6 tooth cultivators, $3.50; tents and wagon covers, full lino steel ranges, boys' steel wagons; 1900 washer; Hn food oil fiOcenU it gallon ; bast mixod paint $1.176 a gallon; Windows and Doors. Cream Puffs, lady fingers, macaroons doughnuts, Angel cake, lino pies, cako and othor pastries new and fresh at tho Umpqtia Bakery. tf. i LONG & BINGHAM LUMBER CO. Is prepared to ship in notico, first-class carWd lots at short SHIPLAP, RUSTIC, FLOORING AND FINISHING LUMBER Thoy select patronage, and all correspond ence promptly answered. COTTAGE GROVE, - ' - - ORECON GRANTS PASS Under the auspices of the W. 0. W. GRANTS PASS, JUNE 17, iS, 19, 20 7 iJig J euts a Uircus in fc,vory lent. (Jleaa, 50 FREE Moral Shows, and EXHIBITIONS DPQLY 50 Base Ball, Horse Races, Athletic Sports of all Kinds. Public Wedding. Baby Show. Conn try Store. Japanese Duv Fireworks. Baloou Asceusion ami Parachute Jump. Crowning of Carnival Queen. Parades. Fun and Excite ment. Music 1" Music I Everywhere. THE ONE REAL BIG EVENT OF THE SEASON EXCURSION RATES ON RAILROADS F. B. T1CHTENOR, President. C. E. M AYBEE, Sscrstarx . JAS. A. SLOVER, Trkasurkr,