The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 18, 1903, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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    Roseburg Plaindealcr.
Rose burg Oregon
May, 18, IWW.
! Hoa
i iim....
Vim Loitwon
Willamette Viilloy (.cogue Games.
At Honoburg Albany, II ; Itottubur, -I.
At Solum Kugono, I I ; Siilum, 10.
At ltoeoburg Itoroburg. 11 ; Allmiiy, 10.
At Naloin -Solum, I I ; Kueonii, 0.
(UiiK I'inyut (imiK -i jt I'arOt.
Hulun I I Ml
UiMohtirti.. i 'i -flou
Albnnv ... 4 3 ,Vl
KutiUlU' i 2 A 0
Tliu league ha ho bull gumo opened in
Ilosoburg Sat urhiy under vory unfavor
able weather comlitloua uinl m a t'on
sequence tint ltocliiirg lovura of guml
hall woto not gratified. Tbo contenting
teama wore Albany tutil Kocobnrg mid
each won it game, anil iim ultiiii and
Kiigono tliv do 1 honors ut Salem, the
cont'ilug tuums are uguni nil 011 the
aamo footing of JVJO pur font each.
In wuturdny'a game Morrow occupied
tliu ttlab for tbo "Gruy" anil llui local
faiiH woro minowhat diMuppoiutiil in hia
tn irlliif: its wore they nlro in hi Holding ;
bill Sunday lio redeemed hliiimlf by ex
cellent work behind tliu
In Sunday') game Bradley did exeol
Unit work, txjili witb flit ball and in
Holding, uud Morrow's atick work wiim
tint feature of tbo guino. ltu (tit) ox
1 t'lk'iit llolding in tho latter art of I ho
game, but bo attempted to play to tint
grand Htund by "hutting in" on two in
Held Hies which should have been Hold
ed by Baker mid Wcatbroo.'i, respective,
ly, iim either la an Mini a catch hh I tea
Tbia at-iica of guinea Iiiih domoualralcd
tbat Ilosoburg nooda practice ami titain
work ; ami if they do not work together
will resemble tint noted Portland
Brow us In their grout parody on base
bull. In Sunday's game Uooburg bat
ted two pitchers out of tliu box anil
would 1 in vn in all probabilities dono tliu
faint) for Uilyou on I Ih second appear
ance I imi not tin) game ended. 111k Sam
Dunbar, wlio inndtt himself unpopular
with tbo grand Htund, Saturday, by
joworing with tbo uuiplro on tbo ques
tion of a "bulk" wlillo ho (Dogger) was
acting as scorer, proved to ho a iuildin
for tliu Grays iih niuo acorea woro rogla
tored by ilium during bin sojo'iru in tbo
box. Many orrorH In llolding woro aim
marl od down nuuiiiHt tliu "bop pickers"
during tbo liftb, Hlxtli and euvont It
Hurt Vincent, of F.ugonc, who tun
pi red tbo guinea, although a lltttlo off at
tlinua in ro.'iird io IuIIh ani H'rikoa. wan
fair in IiIh deohiioiis, and 1 10 demon
Htratod tbat bo knuw wbat a "balk1'
consisted of when bo failed two of tliom
on Dnggur.
Following is tbo HnoMip for Saturday
14111110. '
Ilosoburg Albany
Gray 1st H Dorsoy
ea -M 15 Dunfoitb
Bradley 'M 15 U. MoFarliind
I5nkor Sri . Leo
Morrow I' 0. McFiirlund
KoisM'iiHtetn 0 Hnydor
Westbrook L F Dtlyou
Bump 0 F Kuport
Van Louwon It F MyorH
Score, Albany, 11 j Hoaoburg, 1.
Kosoburg Albany
Morrow 0 Snydur ,
Urndloy I' IJilyoti-UuBKor
O ray iHt 15 l)ornoy
Westbrook '-!l H Danfortli
lid II
S 8
It F
0 F
lt. MoFarluud
Cray wuh Injiitcd In tbo 7tli Inning
and niplaced by Itolr.oiiKt'.iti,
1 i It -I o It 7 H It
Albany, !) 0 I II 0 0 It 0 010
Uomth'iKi 1 0 I 0 it 0 II 0 1 1
11. il. !:.
Ito.-ohnrK, II H 11
Albany, 10 (t 10
Inning pltcbed Ilnulloy, t); Dnnnr,
I; Hllyou. l.
Struck outlly Pradloy, 8; llllyuti, I;
DiiKgur, II
Two Imiho bltH Morrow j Pornoy, '
Tbroo baw bits llradloy.
Diiublo pluyit I 00 to MeFarliuitl to
Danfortli; Itakor to Wonthrook toOray.
lluiK) on llall.H llilyou, -' ; Dnnuor, I ;
Untillfy, l.
lilt bypltidied Imllt Dradly, l ; llll
you, S 5 DiiKuor, l.
Tiiuo of aiiic, '2 Iim., 10 lulu ; uiutiiri1,
Vincent; i-eoro, (iiboou. Noxt K'iuio,
ltoubuiK .vh. Albany at Albany, Satur
day and Sunday, May -'.'Id and L'ltli.
Albany WI115.
(Guard Special Sorvleo.)
ItoFubur;, On)., May HI Albany won
tbo loiiituo aino boro tbln aftttruiMjii by
a hfOHMif 11 to a. lt(h('l)tir wan out'
uliiDod by Hwlft playorn.
What about Siinduy'K kkiiiu? Did
Albany Supply tbo Sorvieo?
iMiiiliiK Cmiipnny Incorporntcd.
Aim- Lumlbur).', John Lluiliuikt, .lob 11
Ciowluy and Miubaol GootK have
iiiiorpniiUitd a mining ton. puny to
oporato tboir wix claiiiiM wbit'b lay in
tbo llobi-iuiu dUtrlet. Tbo fAOiH)' cap
ital Htock In fully paid up, mid iH now
arht'DMiblo, boiiij; all owned by tbo in
corporaloiH. Ah huoii iih I ho company
in fully iucorporattui tboy will beuin at:
tlvo iniiiliic oporatloiiK. Tbufo 111011 are
all practical initiom, ami Ixtforo tbo nun
nod ctoio.M tbity will bavo ntadn hoiiio
Kood dt'VoloiniionlM. Tbo otlliorM which
worn eluded woro: Alee Lundbur
proehiout; .lobn LlndipiiNt, tuiufui:
inaiiiiuer ; John Crowley, Keen tary, and
.Miubaol liout, troiiFtirer.
Unssla the Country so dear f Auk r
(ca tlii Atnlior.
An UH'oeiaio pretH dlnpateli fayn : Dr.
DoroHi'buwtiki, tbo head pliycicmu of tbo
National 1 1 oh j ii tul at Kinlilueff, after
axiiniinin tbo doml and woumlod ban
(.'iven tbo following ami Hpeeille hiHtanctw
of bldeoiiH eruolty.
A .lowi'86 named Sara Fonartiuhl wuh
lirouKht hurii witti two nallH, kovoii
iueboH lout', driven into ber brain
through lior iioho.
A .lew bail IohI hi" upper ami umlor
lipH, aftor which bin Kindle nud wind
pipo bad been pulled out through bin
mouth witb plucorH.
Tbo curH of a low named Seizor had
been cutaway and IiIh bead battered in
12 placet!. Ho wuh n raving nianlao
A carpenter una mtrprinod at work
and both of his liandH woro Hawed off
with bin own miw.
A Jowiali f-lfl wim asHtiltod by Hovoral
brutt'it who then cut bur oyea out with a
pocket knife.
Four thouamid .Iowa are without food
or Hboltor and it la ImposHiblo fiTr them
to jjot away.
One woman, after trying to defend bur
children, wuh thrown upon the pave
menl, tli'oinbDweleil and foathura and
borHCN hair from her m woro Mtuffed
Into lior boly.
Small ehlldren woro Hung out of win-
dowH and trampled iiKn by tbo mob.
Forty-fuvun woro klllml on tbo upot,
80 1II01I of their luJurio ami .'100 aro
under treatment.
Harly olnniliiK lllfo Destroy Prop
erty VdllicU nt $22,500.
HpORlol til I'l.AINl'-Al.t It.
Ahiii.ani), Oro., May 18. Firo oarly
t IiIh morning doHtroyed a block of build
1 1 HH near tbo depot, aloti tbo witHt lino
of Fourth Hlreet. Half of tbo block con
Hlntetl of ono-htory woimIoii utructuroa
and tboy burned ho fiercely tbat tbo
adjacent brick lmlMlit.'H 011 Imtb ftiduH
woro iiIihi duMtroyod. Tbo total Iohh
flW.fiOO witb 'liiMuraiu-o of $10,000.
Mitch.'ll'H livery and feotl utabloa direct
ly oppoiio tbo contor of conllauratloii
wiik Hiived from dontrtiction by tbo ab
huueo of wind. Tbo beaviuMt loHer fa G.
A. Gurnea who loaon coodn lit tbo Moro
and lurulluro in bin lodiut; house to
tbo extent of (X100. oil which there la
110 insurance.
nUUKK'lTi:. At Coburtj, Lnnu countv,
Oickoii, May II, 100.1, littlu Katie Itur
uotte, at tbo 110 of ten yeura ami eight
111011 Iih.
She wuh nick only a few bourn, ami
waa buried at Kii'une, Lauo county, on
May l'-'ih. Slut wuh tbo only child of
I'M Iturnetto, of Drain. Wo extend to
biiu our heartfelt xyinputby In tbo Iohh
of tin only eiiibl, ami ithk bint to look to
.Iomih, Who, alone, t an help him In tbo
hour of tbia roat norrow.
Peaceful bo thy kiluut 'lumber,
Peaceful in tbo jjravo no low ;
Thou 110 more will join our number,
Thou 110 moro our aorrowa know.
Vet, upiln wu boKt to meet thee,
When tbo day of lllu Iiiih lied,
And in Heaven with joy to (jreet tbeo,
WI1010 no farewell loara aro abod.
A youm; and happy Iih baa punned,
Gone to tbo bright reward at hint;
Shu paid tbo doht that wu alt owe
When aooti or Into wo all must go.
She boro lior Hiifferiii',' like a aaiut,
Without a murmur of complaint;
Her heart ami hand were free from guile,
Her heavenly face beamed with a amilo.
Sleep tin, darling Katie,
Thou Hweot, darling child,
ISy aorruw iinbllgiited,
By ain undented.
Liko tbo dovoof tbo ark J
by rem,
Thou luiHt flown to thy
From tliu wild noa of atrifo
To tbo home of tbo bleat.
A FlttKNI).
Gene nil News
That Cottage drove Shooting.
An account of tbo Cottage Grovo accl
tloiital ahooting of a woman by lior Iiiih
bund aaya tbo rovolvor wan placed "mi
tlor lior pillow to bo uaotl In caao of hoc
oaaity " wbon he waa away. Tbo nec-
t'HHlty might liavocaino but tbo lining
of tbo woapoii by tbo woman waa a ro
mote possibility. Tbo fact in loaded
weapona bavo no placu alxuit tbo homo
lu tbia part of tbo country. Huneno
How could the man bavo taken tbo
pistol from under tbo woinana pillow
ami not bavo known tbat tbo woman
waa nut In bod? If ?
Window Sale.
i'he Indloa of tbo Christian Church
will have a window aalo of homo cooking
at KniM! uinl Newlanda 011 Saturday
May -'.'I. Wo will alao aervo ovory see-
ond, fourth anil fifth Saturday of each
month during tbo aiinnnor moiitha.
Patronage Solicoitcd.
D. 1C. Noah, of Gloudalo, waa a Ito.-o-
burg viaitor thla week.
W. II. Kolloy, a Myrtlo Crook reai-
dout, waa In Ronoburg 011 buaincsa Sat
Mra. J. U. Dixon, of Clovnr crock,
expect a to loavo, tbia evening, for a via
il to Aalilauil.
C. J. Kurtz, tbo fruit ova)orator man,
was called to Salem, Friday night by the
illneaa of hia aiator.
I). V. Higglnbotbani, Wallace Freyor
and J. F. Matbowa, woro in town from
Kellogg, 011 hiiHiiicxa Saturday.
Miaa Audory Cbunoy, of l'alouae,
Waab., who baa been viaiting her uncle,
M. F. Itico, of tbia city, returned homo
Mra. Wayno Jones, of Lu Grande, who
baa been viaiting her partnta, Mr. anil
Mra. U.S. Conn, of this city, returned
homo Friday night.
Mina Dorothy Dixon, of Clover crook,
returned laat evening from ahort visit
to her aiator, Miaa .Mamie, who ia teach
ing uour Oakland.
Claro linker left thin morning for Santa
Clara, Calif., to join hia wifo who Una
been visiting at that place, tboy will re
turn home this week.
CP., a well known old tinio
truvollng man, ia in tbia city today re
newing old acquaintance nud stocking
ouraoda water men with "marvalado"
a now drink.
Miss Dollio Jackson loft Friday even
ing for Portland whoro sho will atay for
some time. Before leaving, alio wna
tendered a Biirprlho party by lior many
friuiula hero.
L. K. Hedgpetb and family, wliohavo
boon residing at Drain in order that tbo
children could have the benefit of tbo
Normal achool, bavo returned to tboir
homo on Deer Crook.
Mr. William Kollober, a prominont
capitalist nud timber land owner of
Drain, spoilt eriday and Saturday in
Myrtlo Creek. Mr. Kellobor waa boro
to look over tbo lumbering plant and
iniprovomonta Of tbo Jolinaon Lumber
Co., aa hu contemplates soon to estab
lish a similar business in and near
Drain. Ho oxprosaed biniself as boing
Mirprlsed at the excellent equipment of
Mr. Jolitison'u outfit, and of tbo great
amount of lumber In alght. IIo wont
homo fooling well paid for hia visit of
investigation. Mr. Kollohor oxpoeta to
On Saturday, Ex-Mayor Aniua of
Minneapolis, was sentenced to six yours
in tbo penitentiary for boodling.
Tbo labor unions, of Portland, bavo
boycotted tbo parade in honor of
President Uoosovolt becaimo a i-
union contractor with non-union help
built tbo Htund from which the presi
dent will apeak. Nono ol the unions
bid for the job and it waa awarded to
tbo loweat bidder.
Miaa Hllon Stono wants damugoa from
Turkey bocauao alio waa captured by
urigautia. , , ,f , lnmhorliiL' establish-
Stovo Short and Harry Marsh, who j nioiits of tbo ICast boforo deciding on
havo been in the mountains for tbo past j just what ho will do at Drain. Myrtlo
two weeks, havo returned . j Crook Mall.