The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 14, 1903, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Sdcjoty
d-ver Using
In busy -seasons brings o
ud printing
yon your sunro ol trade; ;g--
Is a vcryfmporlant factor m
business. Poor nriutiDcr re-
irlviirtli-infT -ii null 4cnn
sons briugs you ypar shwr3, nud. also
that" ol the merchant wbo ''can't af
C x,ford" to.advertise..
flecla do credit on a good
business boose. Let ns do your Job
Printing we guarantee it to be in
every way satisfactory.
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
No 36
i A"
1 )
jcoox;ooockx;xxoo ooooogooooo c o dogoo coooo
V " "Trc'sWcut, Vice President. Cashier
3... -- Douglas County Bank,
rtf-Eatablialieci I883. Incorporaterl-iijot
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
F. W. BESSON, U. A. BOOTH J. H. ItaoTH, J. T
cnst-:i!i"- uivdii every
-0 ..: .
A iinirl .hankinc business tranacted. anil
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative hanking
5 Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. $
tooooooooooooopoooocoooo O OOOO
TVT r rvff a TV T r 1 FftD FiMF r.ftVFi P.TIftNFDV
Education so as to Understand the
Law s of Nature; Organization
and Ipmartial Legislature.
-M Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies,
i Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily
- a?
Portland Journal Agency. Hendrick's Block.Opp. Depot
m I. J. NORHAW & Co. Props
iare wep
with an IMMENSE LIN og
y If you are going to buy a carpet we ask t; c prn ilege L
of showing you our line. : : : : :
Bed ROOITI SetS A full car load bought at bed
'rpek -prices," and we are going to give our customers
the benefit of a close buy. j
1 B. W. STRONG, Roseburg, Ore.
Brio o- Us Your
5 rf 1 r
1 J. F. BARKER d CO. 1
. We Lave just , received a liue of Walk
overs Shoes in. several different lasts and
leathers, which we.will be pleased to show you
at any time, whether you want-to buy or not.
Call in and inspect thein; also the Krip
penddrff Shoe fof-womeuj-at-
Hints to ffotiise wives..
. - - Half the. battle Sn good cooking, is' to hayegopd
fresh Grocerids, and to. get them. promptly
..r .""..'T when, ou order them. Call up 'Phone-No. 181,
for goft3 goods and good service. . . ,
Fkast: j. Cue.seV rna'kes oath that ho
fis eenior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City ol Toledo, -County and State afore
saidf'and that'eaid firm 'will pay the sum
of One Hundred , Dollars for each and
every case, of Catqrrh that cannot be
cored by tlio use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D.1880.
A. W. Gleason,
Notary ..Public.
IK IB. 1 11 1 11
.. AND
w.rv. EMPIRE
LiVeifj, Feed and Sale fables
C. P. Babkabd, Prop. (
Saddle Horses. Single and
Double Rig at a I -hours .
Transient Stpc- gven
very bes? of. care
Rates always reasonable :
Trespass Notice;
All persons are hereby warned not'to
trespass, ,bunt, fish or camp on the
land of the Curry Estate, l'ersonsdoing
rfo-wiil"be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
Estate of N. Curry, '
(55tf.) Eiversdale Farm
In the County Court for bougla County
Slate ol Orecon.
In the matter ol the change of nanlc of Gusial
Notice U hereby given that by order of tho
Hbove nnraeil court luly mule and entered on
the Sth day of January 1903, the name, of Cuntaf
GuMafson has been changed to Guatare'Q
Attest, D. B. 811 AMD ROOK,
W8p) County Cleric.
Slontpolier, Ver., May, S, 1903.
Koseburg 1'i.aindealek ,
While tho farmers' needs aro many,
they may bo mainly included. un(jr the
following heads; 1, education; S.'brgani
zation; 3, legislation. '"
While knowledge .is not oxactly capi
tal, it is a great help in acquiring it and,
I keeping it when bnce wo have tho treas-
ure. If people following others-profes
sions need education, why not tho
fanner, whose. profession rnnksias high
as any that I know of? Blissful: ignor
ance may do' well in some .tilings, but it
makoaits bad mark on a farm. The
farmer should, know his fnrrri, his
animals, his market and his own! ability
to accomplish something with tfio help
.ho can-get He sould .know hisijjand so
as to arrange his crops in a profitable
manner; his animals, so as not to
squander good feed on worthless stock.
The farmer shonld bo educated to be
observing, and thereby know the laws
of cause and effect. There aro great
truths written therein, such as these :
God gives no value unto men unmatched
by labor; cost and worth aro close
neighbors ; common good has common
price; exceeding price; he that puts
notning into his farm life mustpot ex
joct to get much satisfaction.
Is it not a self-evident truth that man
cannot make something from nothing?
That .being the case, should 3he .'expect
the impossible from his beasts? Can th
cow be expected to produce large quanti
ties of 'milk and,- butter without .proper
material to make them from? How can
the farmer expect to grtw'and fatten his
hog when lie gives him onlv maintcn
ance food, and not enough of that?
Farmers should learn to think an
keep on thinking, so as to plan their
business that it may bo done in a profit
able manner. Farmers should learn to
covet the best homes, the best crop:
stock and surroundings, and to realize
the truth in the old saying, that a thing
of beauty is a joy forever. Let the farm
er adorn his home with - -beauty, that it
may be the dearest place on earth.
It is not an easy task to organize the
farmers of so great a country as this
They must first be educated to see the
need of it. It seem? as if the farmer's
only Hope of getting his ehare of good
things in life lies in organiration. The
Grange has been a great help to the
farmers of this country; the only
trouble I can Eoe with it is we do not
have enough of it to give ns sufficient
power at the ballot box and in our legis
latures to demand and obtain our rights,
such as just tax laws. Here in Vermont
we have the double taxation law, and
the farmer is taxed for the land ho is in
debt for as well as the man who holds
the mortgage. There is another evil
that is a monster in the land, and one
that requires strong organization force
to cope with, and thai is that greatest of
all frauds, the oleomargarine business,
which robs the honest dairvman of his
birthright so much so that farm mort
gages are at a discount here in the East,
ui an classes, the tarmer needs organi
zation most, that he may be protected
against many kind of sharks who would
devour him and all ho has,- 'and still
hunger and thirst for more.
Farmers need legislation becansc all
laws slionld be made to protect the weak
and promote the welfare of all. Un
fortunately there are some laws that
have been framed so that they promote
the welfare of a few 'tit the expense of
many, like someof our tariff laws, which
allow a few men in Australia to raise our
col instead of the farmers in this coun
try, who help to rapport our govern
ment. Is not the privilege of raising
the raw material to feed an I clothe the
people of any countrv the birthright of
tho farmer of that country to which he
bciongh? W:re tho farmers educated
and properly organized they might bo
able to call forth just and righteous laws.
industry can be crippled without
havine a bad effect on other branches of
business. If the 'farmer' lias but fifty
cents instead of one dollar ho can buy
ut;ono lalf as much with Jiis monev or
elso thp pr;ce must shrink to the size of
his coin.. Vo-niay conclude that the old
aago is oowpct that, .righteousness ex
sltjU aviation. F. EDouglas.11
Qood Roads.
When Colonel Ilrownlow; of Tennes
see, introduced a hill in Congress ap
propriating $20,000,000 . as a " fund for
national aid to road improvement in tho
United States, a good many peolp wero
startled nt tho sizooftho figures, saya
tlio New York Tribune.' The amount,
lrowevor, seems very small compared
wittrt-uo.- sum that a single State now
proposes to raise and spend.' TJioJNpw
York. Legislature fins adopted"a coiisti,
tutfynal am'endmont proposing tB raise
Jtiiifspend $5,000,000 annually for ten
years', 'or $50j000,000 in all. This
ftiireudincht must nass the' leuhdaturo
'agaih ifr l!05, antTUien. it will jo beibro
the people for salification or rejection.
It can reasonably bo expected that tlio
Qlcndale; Items.
Qeneral News.
mcasaro will 'nftet with nonuku- favor, carnages lrom me livery
Tlw people of Xew York have gfrek the Austin W Wells, of this city,
printipjtlof State aid a thorough rtrial, 1 handled tho "ribbons" with
j seal j-
Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal
ly, and acts directly on tho blood . and
mucous surfaces of the system. ' Send
for testimonials', free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, .0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c. - " ,
Hall's Family Pills arc thd best. j
and tho results have been highly satis
factory. One of tho objections most loudly
11 against both Statj and national
aid is th: t it will encourage local com
munities to neglect the improvement of
their roads and depend on the State and
the federal government to do the work
for tl letn. Hut this objection has proven
to be purely imaginary. In no blaco
where bUte aid has been tried has any
such result appeared. On the.contrarv
aid from the State Treasury only stimu
nues local sell-help, it arousoa warm
comjH'tition among the counties and
town.-liips to secure a share of tho State
aid funds. Instead of sitting down and
folding their hands, as predicted, the
local .communities are raising a great
deal more money under the stimulus of
State afd than they did before.
A very important advantage that
comes from Statesggid is intelligent
supervision in layingleut roads, selecting
wateruls and,.in methods of construct
iuh. JHis-jDfjvmean an tnoamerenc
between sucfpjignnd failure. "I
year millions 01 tho people a. hart! erif 1
dollars are wasted, virtually th
away, in fruitless attempts to patch up
bad roads, to fill mud holes and tb im
prove roads with unnecessary steep
grades, all because there is no one in
charge with the knowledge, judgment
and authority to do the work as it ought
to bo done
What is saicLof the advantage of State
aid applies all the more forciblV to
national aid. Its effect will be far reach
ing. It will quicken the pulse of the
whole nation. It will arouse universal
activity. "Good Heads" will become
the j)fople's watchword throughout the
length and breadth of the land. A
quarter of-a century of work under
national and State aid should cive the
United States tho best system of roads
in the world, instead of almost the worst,
as at present,
It looks now as if national aid is bound
to come in the near future. Already the
State legislatures of Alabama, Tonnes
see, tsconsin, NewMexico, M issonri
and Minnesota have put themselves on
record in its favor.
American Negroes to Selae Haytl.
William Pickens of Little Rock, Ark.,
the colored orator of Yale, 1901, who
captured the TenEyck prize in February,
has received an invitation to become the
head of an Afro-American empire, to be
established on the island of Havti.
The proposition comes from X. L. Mus-
grove of Sturgis, Ky.f who is agitating a
movement tending toward the seizure of
the island of Havti bv the American ne
groes. The plan is for Mr. Pickens to
enlist interest in the movement in the
East, especially at Yalo university, and
collect money for the equipment of an
army, the purchase of a warship, trans
port and provisions. Then the negro
army hopes to at'ack Port an Prince,' the
capital of Havti, and, if successful place
it under the protection of the United
States. The Government will be Kepub-
ican in politics according to Mr. Pick
ens, but it will bo administered as a
gigantic corporation, with all tho citi
zens as stockholders.
All land titles and franchises are to bo
csted in tho state. There will bo no
pcnitentiaricsror jails, but all dangerous
and incorrigible criminals will be pro
visioned and sctadrifton the sea to seek
otherhorc. Agriculture, manufactur
ing and ail other profitable industries
are to .bo encouraged. Public schools
are. to, be established and liberty is to be
universal, but the rights cf each are to
be bounded by the equal right of every
other . person.' The movement has de-
cloped to a considerable extent in tho
South and to a more limited extent in
the North.
Notice for Sale of State Lands.
Enroute to arrive for Cli'urchill and
Woolley, a car load direct from the Jno.
Deer Co., of Spring goods. Buggies,
hacks, i-road wagons, -tha. very.' latest
styles at prices that will fastoiiisu.- Yiou
will miss it if you buy bcfore;thifr car tr-
. ' " 1
For Sale.
A of heavy draft horses'.'
Address P. ,0. Box 43j'Rostburg, Ore
For a good 25-cent mcal go to tho Ro
Eort. George Gamjeiit.
Notice Is hereby given that the State
Land Board will receive staled bids un
til April 28, 1903, at 10 o look a. m., for
the sale of tho following described schoo
lands, tc-wit:-
Sections 16 and 36, Township 3l South,
Range 9 West, Section 16 Township,3l
South, Range 10 West of Willamette
Tho North half of North half and Lots
1:, 2, 3, 4 of Section 16Township41 South,
Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian
containing 303.40 acres in Douglas, Coos
and Jackson Counties, Oregon.
Applications to purchase must bo
made on tha regular blanks, in accord
ance with tho law for tho salo of school
lands, and bo accompanied by cash or
check for onefiftlv6f tho amount bid for
a certificate of purclmso, or if full pay-mont-itf
made deed will' issue.
Tho right to reject any ttnd -all bids, is
reserved:" 1
' Applications' and bids -should bo ad
dressed 'tij'G'G. ' Brown. Clerk of tho
oar3',"'Salcm, ' Oregon, and marked
'fApulicati'pn and bid to purclmso State
'Lahds.'V' ' V .
' ' G. G. BnoWN.
Clerk .State Land Board.
Dated this April 8, 1903. w2G-0
Mrs. C. Clark, and daughter. Miss Jean , " ork "as commenced on tho $20,000,
havo returned fromjheir visit at tho 000 cw iw terminal depot. 1
Bay City.. 4 .1 In tho past threodays over four inches
J. L. Roberts, of Galicc Creek, who of rain lias fallen in Nebraska.
is blacksmith nt'tho ininos, ia at home Poet Richard Honry Stoddard, died in
on buelnesj for a week. New York on Tuesday. He was 78 years
Albert Abraham, a prominent attor-! old
ricy-'olosefiurg, s'ricnt three days hero Tho government' is to nrosecuto tho
this-woeklCbEing after business inter- salt trust. Suits havo been brought at
ests. -"UsJ informed tliat he was ar- San Pranciscd. ,T
ranging Jor.the erection of a large addi- x,vo iiun(lre(1 thousand onl f,ri
tion to Hotel Glcndale, which is made President Roosevelt at S"an Francisco, on
necessary by the increasing custom of Tuesday morning,
thispopular Hotel. . .
.,. .... ... 1 iujio uub auuuiuieu six new
Mrs. Maggie Austin entertained a few ,.,r,Knf,ia Ti, -!ii .o. i.t.
friends last Frjday afternoon, by a driv- hats at Rome, June 15.
ing-party. Shehtid oiiO of tho finest c r , ,lt ,
stable of ,,.:,. " 'vvr. r. .ol
d M n I ""'B"" Jvansas, was Killed oy a ue-
I tinrnivl Kllll'nw Tnnc)l.f
the grace . . . . . .
and ability of an old time Oregon itage Anueands ot acres of valuable timber
driver. Their destination was Glenellen knd ,,as becn burned during the past
where two hours wero spent most pleas- ,our Ua'8 m Pennsylvania.
antly with Mrs. C. P. Totten.-Mra. E. Contrary to all previous statements
E. Tottcn and Jiisa Reals, of Davs Creek, fine quarries of granite and. marble lia've
The ladies who were invited were: Mrs. been discovered in Ireland.
J. M. Kenedy, Mrs. E. A. Wall, Mrs. A. The.llth biennial session of Sover-
Slocutn. Mrs. J. M. Trimble, -Miss Goner eign Camp, Woodmen of the World, is
vive Roberts, Miss Minnie Hodsori, Miss now in eeasion at Milwaukee!
Myrtle Wall, Miss Verio Trimble,, little At Dal hart, Texas,-a Texas editor
Gladys. Trimble and your correspondent, shotand killed a Texas lawyer. The
JolihL. Ariiier, n pioneer, of Southern I lawyer-ebot first amh'lho editor went
Oregon, who Was for many yeata con- Ijrest after his iirst shot.
Jiectedrwilh the Oregon and Califprniaj- Flve thousand delegates are in at-
StageCo.,spentthree-dayAfju.Uiis- city tendance at Pittsburg, Pa:, at the cm
last week, looking after his property and ventlon of -the order of railway con
greetiug his old friends who accorded ductors of the United States.
. b.w.wu. w.cuu.c. r. Aner - Ma j)a3 broken t j epidcmJc
mnrAtimts tl iwA tunA a( I 0 1
that the wisdom of thewtsest man called u , .u
the of God andhoueet man. 1 .r, . . ...
He has acquired a handsome competency .. .. . . ....
by truest toil. He and his noble wife. 1 .r5. 01 PIW"5 a ln
who wasthcldP,t h.,Wrnt tuti soauiem wnna oLstamtioa and uun-
Jessa Roberts, well knoWn thebrtn drcda-,f women and children are being
nfnrvo r,.tt ?i 1 by th eir famine stricken relatives
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs,
If you want eggs for Hatching
from High Grado Poultry send
your order for eggs or breeding
stock to the
Roseburg' Poultry YJfards
Buff and Barred Hyraotrfh Rocks and
light Brahmas.
15 Eggs for $1.00. Live and Let Uw-
Is our Motto. " W3?SS35
JOHJfE.jon.N8OX, Prop-, Box 33X, Rcoabare Oregea
V. R. Buckinghai
(Successor to W. L. Cobb, Mrs. (Boyd's old stand)
...Sole Agents for...
G h a s e
Extend a cordial invitation
to the public and tne many
friends of the old firm to call
and examine their new line
of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Queensware, Etc.
Bring Us Your
Butter, Chickens, Eggs.
years surrounded- by-.a-kgion of friends
who heartily wish for their continued
"health and happiness.
It was our esteemed privilege to be
able to visit the Glendale Ditt. School
of whrch Mrs.: -TL E. ' Ham'ln is
princial aud Mis.- Mjv BenjijHjL-tant.
for daily bread.
Tlio birth rate in New York City has
increased.500 per month for the first
four months of this jrear over the death
rate. The total population of New York
City is now.3,732,390.
The Mexican overnihent has granted
83,000 acres tf land in Chihuahua for a
! ? - -
. Vv Jvre surpnswi aiaiie manliest tm-i - , w in:; .. ...
iffiniii,u.riL. -ti nmnK.P0"' coloney. jOrec 1X1 1 famihts wUl
ofuuDils0nrol!iT?ui? hundrl nd n"Sraw ,rom "'n mca mis year to.
eern, so that each 'oifjae ladies liave
two grades to look after We found! Anotner wsmngton nh company
Ierfect order-and dUciuiiiic.iu harmony I 'l?lSne into the hands of a receiver.
with teachers and pupils. There is work Thir time iris tho ChlopeclrFtsh Com-
enou2li.for.(Lree iorfuur tenchefj.t veLlpaiy. The president, Edward Chlo-
Mi-s Hamlin aod-Mits Bonn arvhiaoai JPck, I?" insane and' Jds jwifo has been
ing it nicely. We are informed that appointed managing receiver.
prominent young hid r and a popular I All indications point that Lord Lip-
young geiith-man of this rily are to bo I ton's new-cliallenger Shamrock 3d is a
niarriai in June, and thv are duL-civing I very swift boat. In the last tral spin
their friends by not speaking to each
other when thev meft in sodetv.
Wonder if their little mi will lw suc
Lately, it was our esteemed privilege
to spend a day at Oak Lawn, the beauti
ful conutrorjTaidcnce.of .JndscjmtfcJta;.
Garrett Crockvtt, in, Jojenhine coanty.
the new boat beat Shamrock 1st eight
and one-half minutes in lh, 11m. 41s.
It is how up to the Reiiancc to improve
her trial speed at least 12 per cent.
At Philadelphia last Monday evening,
Mayor WVaver fainted before 300 guests
at-arhanqnenrpt .the: Icthodhr Social
Union as he reueated. the.nledcs that
Their early years, were psscd. nSa,Myr- U&rcsent e35tl to. purify tho city
tie Creek iri this countjv where both are jweronot'lo be'srstnodrc but "the initia-
well and favorably known. Our friends tire of aa ae-jrcssivc cam-tin that
would envy us if they. could realize how I would be continued with vigilance.
much happiness was ours during one A. Washington state man pravs for
short day with those grand old I'iopeers L divor foP reajan th,. hI
in their picturesquely beautiful home,
how we lived once again the hsppy
hours of childhood. e saw our beauti
ful state in its virgin beauty looking-like
an emerald that had been plucked from
1110 Dosora 01 tne ureal raanc. We
talked of and wondered at the grad'ua
.improvement that has marked' each
passing year, Until wc have reached the
beginning of tho 20th century, and we
gaze in amazement at tho wonderful
transformation mado in' a halfceutnry
no were cii.umeu witiithe gnnrctan
angel of this homcCwho lias beeh for vcars
the inspiration of the Judge's life. Wc
turned with reverence to tho .husband.
who has sheltered her life from the trials
aud tempests of time. As our journey
swindled. He supposed that he was
marrying a veritable old maid and she
told him she bad never been married.
He has since found out that she was
married twice before and hence ho says
sho obtained a husband by false pre
J. 3f. Weatherby
T. A. Bury
D. L. Martin
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper
ty -with us.
We Want Your Patronage
and as an inducement we offer TJ. S. J?.
Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines,'
High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti
cles, and Specialties
Tvugh School Directors.
A special from Seattle,-, Wash ., says :
Warrants have been sworn oat , for
tho arrest of . School Directors B. A
Berlocfcer, M. F. .Smith and Warren
Brnckhard, charging ihein with aidinc
and abetting a prizefight. Tho directors
are. charged with having allowed a prizo
fishtr to bo nulled off iu a schoolhouse
ing was made in Uie interest ol our Con- just north of Seattle: that they were
gressional Umdtdatc, we listened with directly interested in the fight, and took
proiounu attention 10 uie wise words ot a nart of tho jwojr.tsfrnmthnfii.lit.
Judge Crockett, who is a life long repub- The justice of the peace of that district
iican. no iniurmco us mat no nad can- who caused tho warrants to bo issued
vassed the entire valley surrounding his sava Uiat tho fwht was brutal, and that
home. That we found all pioneers solid the floors of tho schoolhouse were bc-
for Bmgcrllermann, also that ho will smeared with blood from .tho noses of
secure a great share of democratic votes the fighters. The" action of tho men
(sensible democrats thoscj, wo gained an who havo the direction of tho schools
idea from the quiet work that Judgo Ma charge is characterized as reprchensi
v"uv"k ' Hums, uuu niiifc s; iikii me, and tlio prosccutinc attornoy says
eacii community m . tins great state ho will endeavor to hayo them punished
snouiu nave one launiiy , loyal repupn- as hard as the law will allow.
can to watch over the interests of our
-.i , .'
candidate, and tn this small waygrfcat Roman Catholfc 'Kalshts.
good can bo accomplished. Binger Hjr-
mann.who has spent tho best vcars of! A dispatch from St. Louis, of Tues-
lns life in congress working for our whblo I day's date,' gays
state, and who is a personal friend to all The 14th biennial' session "6f tho Su-
pldneers and their children, wilj get.the prcmo Council, of tho Catholic Knights
great majority of votes on election day of ' America convened today for a four
that will testify to hWJ that wo do not days' session. Delegates representing
forget. . .1 all hut threo of tho'states and (crritories
MbMJE, wero welcomed bv Mavor-Wellat Pro-
1 I Vlnim tn rnllintnf tlinMinnii! tn nnlnr
iokc no inousrnt ior lomorrow." 1 L
1 I -I 1.. 1 . .1 1 .
Thn U'MlArn MlSnnri fWt A' 'ck a cnursn. voaujuior Arcaoisn-
.. .. - v" tI I 1 LIJ
peals lias decided that a member of the Y T. , " . v !
The Catholic Knights of America now
number nearly 200,000 in' membership.
For Sale."
church congregation is not' liable in law
for tho payment of tho pastor's salary,
and that a minister ,of4ho gospel must
depend upon 'tho good consciences pf. tlio
v. 1 1 .j. ''nL A 1 ' . 1
uiuuim.-i a ui ins hock mr 111s oar nnu 11ns
tin Iponl rinlil nnnn ' w;f ti;o The residenco of Dr. Gilimo. Call at
decision was niado in tlio 'pn'lt brought tho house f orVorms, froni 3" to 5 o'iclock"
bv Itev. J. ir. Rllto acralnst thn P ns.
- . r - -"O ' "
cntlnn nf tho 'firnt: Rnnffat'
" 1. ""-," 1 f !.!.
Monroo City. Rev. RuTo was' engaged nt
OOlflV Al .IMIkl A tfrtnti hltfr tna I
thatmhcbVso ho sued for tho balance, k ucmnS 8ca,P uPn .ono PPJ,ca
1 i'ii.l a 1 r . it- .1 . .1 rr
Tho clergyman won his caeo in tlio trial " " f..w. f S U8 "u"ur"
courtbut the Court of Appeals rovorsed "nd T 1 Mpp falltaB co 50c,
I Wnv Bfilnhtt nfaraTAftt llnirt 1V1 mill
flint U I - v WJ
On the
Wave 6)
tides ca the very tap
of the wave.
It has reached that pod
tion because of its great
worth and it win stay there.
No other paint does good
Trork so vetl and so cco
comically. No other paint
has gained such popularity.
Color cards on application.
If you intend to paint your house see
Churchill $ Woolley,
- Agents for S. - W. Paint.
7ll Oak St., Opp. Churchill & WooHey's
Smith' Dandruff Pomado
Men'wanted to'-cutSOO -tiirof- wood
innuiroof HcnorrConn. Rosobure Ore
1 -ii '
Tho tax' to'uZfop., havo.bedn Son
' Horso For Sale.
I.wiMlmm,enco9frco,o imVQa.go0ti work'horso 7 yoars old
Sheriff a'rfd tar Sollector for Doutrlaa for salo. chtau.'" Innuirb of F. F. Ball.
county, Orogon . at j) rjrcok Dam, near Rosobure. tf
placed In my.haud Jorjcollcption, and on
Monday, Marjjlj JpI,vat8. .bjclock, a! ,
m.l I will 'co''taxes.
'' Located on Southern Pacific Railroad
in Doufflas County Oregon
The Waters CURE flinty Per cent of cases of Constitution, Rheaaatisa
Catarrb, Stoaach, Kiisej aad Liver TroaMes. ,
Post-oflice, Expross and" Public Telophono on tho premises. From $10 per week
up, iucluding baths. Trains atop in front of Hotel.
One Gallon of these Waters Contains
Potassium Chloride - 540.00 gr Magnesium Chloride - .10 gr
Potassium Bromido - .57 gr Calcium Chloride - - 1436.00 gr
Potassium Iodido - - .53 gr Calcium Carbonates - - .10 gr
Sodium Chloride - 211.00 gr
CAP, BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor