The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 04, 1903, Image 3

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    and if our SPRING and SDMMfR
Lino is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. Weare showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Silk Gause Novelties, Soic Jouree, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladinc
Novelties, Fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Lcno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursuckcr Ginghams, Percale
irry the Finest I.ino of Made-up Skirts in town, ami our line of Underskirts cannot lie
equaled for quality and price
Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing K,ZJ t
Highest to tlic Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly deiendablc. We rivoniinend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower tlian any other store sell for the same quality. Abo a new
and up-to-date line of ladies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the V. L. Douglas Shoo
HP PfOniP N Stfire Proprietor.
One Door South of l. O.
in Fine
;Fbr a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
-All New StocK
and Latest Cut
Envelopes : ;
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at Fullerton
and Richardson's.
See Dr. Stndley, the Osleopast, fo
that lame back. He permanent!) cures
all chronic and acute diseases. Koom 11
Taylor and Wilson Block.
When you use Wakelies Poison you
find the squirrels
I5uy the best Wakelies squirrel poi
son. It does the work.
Fullerton & Kichardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Dejot.
When you uso Wakelies Poison, you
lind the squirrel.
J. It. Riddle, was in tqwn on busiiiess,
i Buy the best Wakelies' Squirrel poi
son. It does the wprk.
! W. W. Chesman, of Eugene, was a
i ltoseburg business visitor this week.
See Clen-renpeors window for new
ttyle watches, chains and rings.
-Mrs. L. C. Williams, who has been in
! California foi the past seven months,
You can get anything you want in the . has returned home.
.Uso off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening, pout Miss, these
bargains . z .: : : :
line of garden tools of S. K Sykes. tf 17
For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators,
Brooders, etc., go to S. K. Sykes. tfl7
Try the. Pedalis Shoe for Women.
Only $3.00 at Flint's Fopular Shoe Par
Wakelies' Squirrel Foieon at SO cents
i per can, at Fullerton and Richardson's,
i olbs, $l.-25.
Wakelies Squirrel Poison at 30 cents
per can. at Fullerton and Richardson's,
o.b, ?125.
Foryout hardware, stoves, and tin-J Mrs. W. II. Jamieson, who has been
wnr rm tn S. K. Svkes'. where vou cet n Portland for some time, returned
the best.
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
inquire of llenery Conn, Itoseburg Ore
gon. Alderman II. Wollenberg who has
leen visiting his family in San Francisco
I has returned to this city.
1 Clenpenpeel, the jeweler, carries the
! "McKinloy Movement", at T. K.
I Richardson's.
! MLs Dallas Miller, of Gloitdnle, is the
' guest of her sister, Mrs. Jessie Clements
I of West Itosebnrg.
I Of Local Interest.
W'atch our windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for yon at
Flint's Shoe tnre: -
Yon mn lo mure rtrdt'n work with a i
Planet Jr-Seeder thantyou can- nvitha f
dozeu hoes. Churchill and Woolley
sell them.
Fairbanks, Morse "- Jaek-of-all-tnules
Gasoline engines lor,Hi work, Grind
ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws
etc , for sale by. S. K- Sykes.- tf 1 7
For Trade Small farms in Southern
Indiana to irade for Oregon property.
H. L. Bali.. :tf.
Dresiiiakiii: nH plain i-t!ing
neatly done io i rder. Gull on Mrs.
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. I)
Uumibou. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
Whittemore'js polishes are theyery
best, you will always find them at Flints
Popular Shoe Store.
! Thursday evenin:
Hon .1. T. Riddle, the popular hotel
man of Riddle, uas greeting aid acqunnl
ances in this city Tiiur-tfcty.
For u good 25-cent gu to the Ke
..wt. iiir.UB Gabbgkt. .
J.F. Donah! nwd T. E. I. ur sou of
Gimtdalu, were attending t business
matter in l!oclmnr this ui-efc.
Mr. GouM, of the I!re-lmr ftiel Co ,
: pent Snndjy in Kiddle, on a hunting
I Capt. ami Mrs Ben I). BwuvH, Jw
Vfull line of ladie'js house and dmcing returned to ltouell Spritis", aft-r ypend
j slippers constantly q:i hand at Flint's iig the winter in California,
j Popular Slux; Parlors. j Tpo Jersey yenrh'm; "nil's ami we grade
"If vou intend so buy a wagon this llerofcinl ynrliwg hull fur j-ale. Inquire
. ... - . I T I . : 11..
.j spring gei ine price in a ouiii n aim
' jsold by S. X. Sykes'.
Builders take 'notice you can do bet
ter to figure with S. U. -Sy kes on your
material before buying any place else.
Hehasalargestocklo select from, tfl7
County Treasurer's Notice.
Go and see the largest stock of buggies-,
Road and Spring Wagons, at S. K.
Sykes', before ynu buy elsewhere.
Manufactured by the Racine Wagon
and Carriage Company. - .
Fok Sale- A bout200 high-bred goats,
half does, f 4 per head. Henr Mooney,
Anlauf, Oregon. 4t-5-i
If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, Mars'nfield
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
every day at C, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. tf.
r C T U'oet hovir.i npfpntpl wverftl
J- AV.U. - ' ..... . I - -
old and relume nie tnsurancj compn-
nies, is now prepareI to do a general
Office at the llty Hall. tf.
For SAiECiiEAr. Less than ?10 per
... - i ... i.
acre. A well improvea cram auu siutk
f Henry Coin, I!ujebnr,i,nt:on. lip.
TIkhiuis Kn-linell, the young mxn tliat
lias been ivHirted lost, or stiayeJ is re
potted to have breu found and i. now at
hihome in Ten Mile
The Medford Success has fj.lle.1 to be
a snccest and ceased publication with
the last issue. It savs Medford is to
slow for such an up-to-date paper.
B. F.. Gilbert of this city has received
word that his wife, who recently under-
Xotice iFhereny given to all parties
linjding county warrants endoreedrprior,
to and including oy- 10th t 1900, aie rer
quegted to presenrthe taine at tliecoun- fi ;nsur.tnce Insure with
tv treasurer's office for. payment as in- him.
terest will cease thereou .after the dat
of this notice.
Dated Boseburgv Douglas County O re firln of 330 acres in Camas Valley
gon, Manbi9tb,J903.
Geo. Dimmick,
Count v Treasurer,
Brood frosh ovory day, at tho Umtiqua
Bakery. tf.
The Umpqua Bakery 1h prepared to
furnish good fresh bread in largo or
small quantities ovory day. tf.
One good milch cow for sale cheap.
Write, Box 213, Roseburg, Ore, 2tp
In ladies' colored and white shirt
waists, wo show the cream of the mar
ket at low prices, Hildebrands.
Judge W. R. Willis and daughter,
Miss. Lula, left this morning for Salem
on business, before tho Supreme Court.
If you want everything good in the
Bakery line, you should viht'. the Ump
qua Bakery. tf.
Mrs. .1. F. Peuhler left this morning
for a snort visit with friends anil
rolative at Cottage Grove ami Portland.
Glen Woodruff, the Kugono liarher,
was visiting his relatives in this city
S.itinl:iv. reliirniiii' home mi lliis morn
ing's local.
Rye bread, brown bread, graham
bread, steam bread and all good bread is
kept constantly on hand at the l'mqmi
Bakery. tf.
Call on Drri. Cheadlu & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and liridge work department
Prices reasonable. tf.
Charles 11. Friendly, who died Wed
nesday nieht in Portland, was one of
tho best known merchants in the Wil
lamette Valley, having leen in business
51 vears. He came to Oregon in 1852
and settled on French Prairie and en
gaged in business with Jacob Seller.
Later he was in business at Parkers
ville, Corvallis, Portland and Moro.
Finally in 1805 he started a commission
house in Portland and has resided in
that city for 30 years. He leaves a wid
ow and live children.
Does vonr memory ever call yon back
to the days when you were a little"tot,'
and the advance agent of the old time
circus invaded vonr little home town
with his pretty pictures of prancing
ponies, elephant0, dogs doing all sorts of
tricks, and ye merry old ".clown with his
funny painted face ami grotesque garb
ami the innumerable wonderful things
to see? Of course it does. Do yon
remember bow your heart beat, and how
you longed for the time to come when
the circus wouhl arrive, ami after count
ing the weeks ami dya ami Immits the
time arrived, and Uie "greatos'. chow on
earth" apHjard? Was that not one of
the happiest days of your life? Witlwut
a doubt it was. Time has pjss.d since
thun, vou mav have little children
now, who will oxperHnej the same joys
and snstiom, l lie expectations and i
disappointment- that you did. Norris A
Rowe's Big "Ihih uro coming t tli ri'.y
givinc two rw-rform ntr tind -r h-ir'
eimrmous wnter-pro-.f tvulnat 2 A S P M
Ttiestl iy, May I2tii. Do :oi fail t- ;k-
tlw lisilc oaes tQ lit'v- givnl .
do not fad tj let llietti - tint "w, i' e
ntreet par;u!e at 11 oYtrv i t-
iiHirniui: lh fxliitHiin-i. You enm t
crowd too inweh sunshine into lhir livts.
Thwr lifnirt dV0 r now, and tin-
will renwmtwr tlwday spent at Nftrns
& RmreV s4n in aftT years, a ooc c f
the happ'-es-t in thr-ir livvn. Do not
lU-wppoiiit the liulc ones.
Axin the tir. iletiion han UitedlCo--Irtir
ami for ilf wixnl titwe Imp pnid
its rMi'ls to (4irl Si-liiH!iro-.teinV
Iwkvry. Alit tlmv jenrs jo the
liuil-linsr. fvrnpicil Uy Mr. S-hi?nre-,
stein mi Jnrk on Street, a? a bakery waQ
louiiy detnk-fd by lite, ami asin this
moruig his lwkry on Rose ami Oak '
Street, reiliicul to a Worlbk-ss hulk '
by the flames. At six oVWfc this morn-;
ing a fire alarm was sounded and the
firemen immediately answered the call. J
The Rose Hose Company made a bril-1
liant run from their Hose House to the!
fire, making their connection at the Oak
and Mcpliens Street fire plug ami laying
150 pattorns in Men's
Golf Shirts at one price
McDonald Red Seal
Union Made Overalls.
Plain Blue $2.00 a suit
Stripe $1.90 a suit.
Ladies' Walking and
Fine Dress Skirts.
$3.50 to 17.50
50 patterns in solid
color and fancy stripe
and Check Chambray
10 cts. per yard
New shapes in Ladies'
walking and street hats.
Silk medallions in
Gray Black, White and
White embroidery
washable medallions.
All Prices
75 new patterns in
in Kupponheiraer Guar
anteed Clothing for men
$12. 50 to $25.00
Our summer stock is now com
plete, and we are prepared to
meet your demands for the lat
est and best merchandise at
nominal prices.
Ju addition to a large stock
of medium price goods our aim
is to raise the standard of our
merchandise each year and to
carry the finest goods Avhich
the market affords.
In this we believe we are
supported by the great number
who prefer fine qualities, ex
clusive patterns and reasonable
A visit to our store, and au
inspection of values, will be to
our mutual pleasure and profit.
Dr. Reed Cushion sole
shoe for Men.
Calf and Kid.
I.ace and Congress.
Ladies' Silk, Wool and
Mercerized Waists from
$1.50 to $12.50
Ladies' Lace Lisle
Gloves in White, Black
and Tan.
25 & 51 cts per pair
Black Cat Hose for
Ladies, Men, Misses and
25 cts per pair
Men's Silk Finished
Light weight; libbed
Underwear, cool and
$2.00 per suit
Men's Panama Hats,
Others from
25 cts to $2.50
Colortd Glass Bead
and Pearl Necklaces for
Misses and Ladies,
All Prices
Florsheime High Grade
Dress Shoe for men.
Oxfords and High Cut
$3.50 to $5.00
Red Seal Union Made
Negligee Shirt.-. Cotton,
Wool and Silk.
50cts to $3.00
Little Ranch for Sale.
oi itl' lion,.- Utr faU ; 17 3-r--adjoiuing
fair groand. mi.t nut U
ItoHiKtrg. lioad lmldiRp, 10
enag fruit m, Ml men in tealtiT
Un. Price ft2. For Mrtiodirs in
qjtire at MiMHn rku-r wtan. Kaetmry
Ore. tfa I
For Rert.
1 hire a ImiltTin- 31 ami -Ml feet, mk
i''le for a lMt Kof i4rmfc rUr.. W
atd tone Llo. k ftwt titfftX awl
ti.rce block fr -m Uh; IV U I )!
n-inin; f '1 it. Canuun at I j
crner of (Hk an.l Iin, or at tbej
"tUat .i'Kti-. K rl tff
in or
went a successful turcical oieration in a
a Portland hpiitnl, is rapitlly rejraiijing their Uosv up Oak Street to the fcone of
the tire. By tins tune tnu
Hose Comjiany were plnyins;
is a rare bargain. For .particulars in
quire of Win. M. Pobtke, Camas Valley,
OrP MICtf.
For the Good
Summer Time
Ladies'ipure white silk finished Vests wath-short
. &Ieews.j.4 - Aii...c.....;f
Ladies1 plain white ribbed sleeveless Vests $ 10
Ladies' 'pi rik and: blue ribbed sleeveless fan cy
trimmed vests..-. .- 15
Ladies' pink and blue ribbed Ve;ts,silk finished
arid-fancy trimmed..... .r 25
Mens'Jfancy striped Balbriggaln shir,sVand draw
er5;each.....t.. s::..... ".. 25
Mens' plain BalbrigganshirtS'and dravers, extra
v ' finished,' each J".,..;...'. a.'.. 25
Mens' fine lace weave Balbriggau shirts and
drawers solid jbrown, each 50
Mens' light blue fancy ribbed full -regular fini
shed shirts and drawers, per suit 1.00
her health
Mr?. S. A. Songer, mother of Mrs. W.
IJ. Marsters, of .North Roseburp, has
arrived in this city from Ncodesha,
Kansas, and will in the future make her
home with her daughter in this city.
Wm. Gawler, an employee in the S.
P. round house, who recently received
a serious wound on the head by a falling
btick of wood, has recovered so far from
' his injuries that he is able to greet his
friends with the same old smile,
Charles F. Smith, the popular S. P.
passenger brakeman has resigned his
jKHition on the road and has ac
cepted the agency of Lane County for
the Pagi wire fence company. He will
reside at Eugene.
John It. Richardson and wife, who
hive been visiting the family of T. K.
j Richardson, of this city, left on this
i morning's local. Mr. Richardson will
go to his Bohemia Mines, and .Mrs.
Richardson, will visit for a time with
relatives on the Calapooia.
G. II. Bmnson who has been in the
employment of F. E. Alley, the ab
stractor, for the past two months, left ;
this city Thursdav morning for his home
at Dallas. During his sojourn hero Mr.
Brpnson has made many friends who
regret his departure very much and who
hope that he may soon return to this
News from Bohemia is to the effect
that a big strike has been made in the
property of the Crystal Consolidat
ed Mining Company. Authoritatively
stated, a four-foot chute of rich base ore
has been struck. Secretary Frank Jor
dan is now completing arrangements for
the erection of a large ore bin for tho
reception of the ore from the now strik;.
Fireman C. R. Cavanderleft this city
Friday to take a run on the branch out
of Albany to Lebanon. Mr. Cnvander
;md his estimable wife will be greatly
misled by n large circle of friends in this
city, who wilt look forward to the return
of these popular people to this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Cavander will bo kept
posted on eocial events in. 'Roseburg by
the ever popular publication, the
Stearns and Chenowith, of Oakland,
have received car o Rushford Iron Clad
wagons, car'of hack and busies, car of
Page woven wire fence, car 6f McCbr-
mick binders and mowers, car of good
cdar shingles, car of nails, car of lest
black smith coal, all for snlo at the-low-
eat prices, with the best garden plow,
$4.00: 5 tooth cultivators, $3.50: tents
and wagon covers, full lino steel ranges
boys' steel wagons; 1000 washer; lin
seed oil GOcents a gallon; best mixed
paint Xii a eallon: Windows and
a strong
stream of water on the front of the
building, with a hose laid from Jackon
street and another on the rear from the
Rose and Cass Street plug. Tne fire
was soon under control and although the
entire building was ruined, the sur
rounding buildings were saved. The
black-smith shop on the south and the
little office building on the west, which
is occupied by Frank Mathews, owner of
the destroyed building, were on fire sev-i
eral times, but were toon discovered by t
the firemen and immediately extin
guished. The loss and damage to the
buildings is estimated to lw about $150,
with no insurance. Mr. Schnerestein'e
loss is estimated at $250, which is
covered by insurance. Had the tire
gained headway before discovery it is
probable that all the old frame buildings
in that section of tewn would have
been destroy!, as all the buildings are
close together, and ii an ideal spot for a
big fire The prompt arrival of the fire
men and the excellent lorce of water
and the good judgment of the men in
charge of the companies has saved the
citizens many dollars. When the fire
broke out Mr. Schneuistcin and his as
sistant, Mr. Armitage, were absent from
tho building, having gone to breakfast,
but it is thought that the fire started
from a defective flue, a hot fire having
been left in the ovon.
ns ot iowes
New QrnnJ Spectacular Street Parade at io;3t A.
Consisting of Trained Elephants, Camels, Llamas, Lions, Pumas,
Seals, Zebus, S:a Lions, Monkeys, Goats, Ponies, Dors, Etc
Notice to Fireman.
All members of Umpqua Hose Co. No.
1, R. F. D. are rwiuested to be at the
Fireman Hall next Friday evening, May
8th, at 7:30 p m. sharp. A -pedal
meeting is hereby called for that date
and a matter of great importance to tho
members of the company will bo dis
cussed at that time.
By order of E. DeMotta,
2t President.
The Kind
?d Framed
to be used is very much a
matter of taste. It is import
ant, though, that the frames
et properly on the nose, and
at the riirht distance from
the eyes. That the leases
be perfectly centered, and
how are you to know -when
some one is guessing.
Glasses Right, Good Sight,
Seed Oats,
Flower Seeds
Get poe-ted. oar Catalog? tells
all. It is a 100-page book,
full of correct descriptions of
.wls adapted to this coast.
Ask for Book "o. 72, the new
City and Mining Property. Home
steads and Timber Claims. Located,
the best now racant. Xo fees paid
until Filing accepted. Relinqaish-
ments bought and sold.
Stewart Land Co.,
Rooffl i Taylor & Wflssa Iteck
Million DoHht Zoological Annex Lilliputian Roman Hippodrome
Royal Malsnda Tronpo of Japanese Performers
Spiisaltntinl Cycle- Wbtrl and Bicycle Exports
Hazardous Wild Auimal Acts
MnrvolotiB Acrobat, Aerialists, Tnmblons Contortionists
See-See the Baby Camel, the Only One Ever Born on the Coast
A Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to extend our heart felt
thanks to the friends and neighbor and
especially to Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Webber, who so kindly assisted us dur
ing tho illness of our loved one.
Mns. Enos Covn.
Mr. and Mits. II. S. Conn
and Family.
Yoncalla, May 2, 190:1.
Seo tho TitleX!uarantecfc Loan Co.
for blue print... and lilinir papers. tl
When in town and you want a first
claps 25-centdiuner, go to tho Uesort,
Gkuieoi: GAimKiir.
At tho homo of A. G. Matthews, in
Eugene, there nre four cases of typhoid
fever caused by usinir tho water from
Drain Gardiner
Commencing with Monday, Januar20. 02, we will chargo f 7.50 for
thefaro from Drain t Nay. Hau'gago allowauco with each full faro j"
50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggago when they
have MO pomuU or more. All excess baggago, ."lets, per pound, and no nl J
hiwauco will bo made for round trip. DA II A STAlih.
For further information address
J, R. Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
Have You Seen
The Wash Goods, in all Colors and
Also that swell line of Wash Suits, Chil
dren's Dresses in all ages. The stylo is
correct and patterns new.
In all the new styles and shapes. Wo are
agents for the famous Kabo Corset.
This Store will close every evening at 6
o'clock, except Saturday.
801. j
tho well, says Dr. D. D. Paino, the
licaltu omcer.