The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 27, 1903, Image 3

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Qlrif o Wo carry the Finest Line of M:ule-uri Skirts in town, ami
equaled for quality and price
Our Spring and Summer
Highest to the Lowest railc is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly deiendahle. We recommend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower than any other store sell for the same quality. Also a new
and up,to-date line of Indies' and Gent's Neckwear. " OUR SIIOUS SPEAK FOR TliGMSULVliS.
Sole Agents for the V. L. Douglns Shoe
nri r j abrahah
j ne Keouie s zxore pr"Hetor-
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cut
Envelopes : :
Also 3 oS on Fine Leather
Goods until "Wednesday
evening. Dout Miss these
bargains ::::::
Of Local Interest.
Watch onr windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for you at
Flint's Shoe Store.
Yon can do more garden work with a
irianei jr. ceeaerxnan yon can vriin a
dozen hoes. Churchill and Wool ley
sell them.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm". Buy a Petaloma Ineulia
tor and get a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them
Builders take notice, you can do bet
ter to figure -with S. K. Sykes on your
material before buyiug any place else.
He has a large stock to select from. tf!7
County Treasurer's Notice,
ICotice is hereby given to all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to and including Ivor. 10th 1900, ate re
quested to present the same at the coun
ty treasurer's office for payment as in
terest will cease thereon after the dat
of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Douglas County O re
gon, March 9th, 1903.
Geo. Dihmick,
County Treasurer.
For the Good
Summer Time
Ladies' plain white ribbed sleeveless Vests $ 10
Ladies' pink and blue ribbed sleeveless fancy
trimmed Vests 15
Ladies' pink and blue ribbed Vests, silk finished
and fancy trimmed 25
Ladies' pure white silk finished Vests with short
sleeves 25
Mens' fancy striped Balbriggan shirts and draw-
ers, each , 25
Mens' plain Balbriggan shirts and drawers, extra
finished, each 25
Mens' fine lace weave Balbriggan shirts and .
drawers solid brown, each .'. .. 50
Mens' light blue fancy ribbed fulj" regular fiui- '
shed shirts and drawers, per suit 1.00
and if our SPRING and SlIMMfR
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Silk Gausc Novelties, Soic Jourcc, Silk d
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Lcno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chai
lies, Sursuckcr Ginghams, Percale
Line of Clothing
Eiulwdies mauv
terest you.
. Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at Fullerton
! and Richardson's.
For a good 25-cent meal go to the Ke
sort. George Gambert.
When you use Wakelies Poison you
find the squirrels
Buy the best Wakelies' squirrel poi
son. It does the work. k
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woollevs.
You cau get anything you want in the
line of garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tfl7
For your Poultry Supplies, 1 ncubators,
Brooders, etc, go to S. K. Sykes. tfl
Try the Pedalis Shoe for Women.
Only ?3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Par
lors. Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at SO cents
J per can, at Fullerton and Richardson's.
;51bs, $1.25.
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at 30 cents
per can. at Fullerton and Richardson's.
5ib, f!25.
Foryoui hardware, stoves,. and tin
ware, go to S. K. Sykes, where yon get
the best.
Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades
Gasoline engines for farm work, Grind
ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws
etc., for sale by S. K. Sykes. tf 17
The 1000 rtall bearing Washing
Machine is the greatest labor saving
machine on the market. Churchill and
Woolley sells them.
Dressmaking and all- plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get yonr abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
Whittemorc's polishes are the very
best, yon will always find them at Flints
Popular Shoe Store.
A full line of ladie's house and dancing
slippers constantly on hand at Flint's
Popular Shoe Parlors.
If yon intend to buy a wagon this
Spring, get the price of a Bain Wagon
sold by S. K. Sykes'.
Go and see the largest stock of buiH'-S
Road and Spring Wagons, at i:. K.
Sykesjj before you buy elsewhere.
Manufactured by the Racine Wagon
and Carriage Company.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
If you want to go to Coos County
points, take the Roseburg, Marsiifield
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. tf.
D. S. T. West, bavins; accepted several
old and reliable' fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
our line of Underskirts cannot b0
special features tliat will in
The clothing that we tell from the
One Door South of l O.
J. A. Black, of Drain, was in town
Sat unlay.
When you use Wakelies Poison, you
find the squirrel.
J. J. Chadwick, of Myrtle Creek, was
in the ciiy, Friday.
O. H. Seiple, of Portland, was in the
city, on Saturday.
Buy the best Wakelies' Squirrel oi
son. It does the work.
Hon. .Ite Lyons, made a business trip
to Uosehurg Saturday.
Mrs. T. G. Ruth left for Oakland, Sat
urday, to visit relatives.
Ira Wimberly, of Drain, came over on
Sunday evening's local.
Mrs. Oscar La Forest, of Los Angeles,
Calif-, is visiting relatives here.
Henry Black, of Drain, was transact
ing business in the city on Saturday.
Postmaster J. A. Black, of Drain, was
in the city on Saturday, on business.
A. Fenton, of Myrtle Creek, was trail
sacting business in Roseburg on Friday.
C. D. Drain and son, Rolo, of Drain,
were arrivals in Rosebnrg last evening.
Rev. Moore gave a very interesting
sermon on "Missions" Sunday morning.
Born to the wife of Jack McCurdy, of
Hayhurst, on April 22ud, a bouncing
J. II. Smith, of Glide, was in the city
Saturday, attending to some land bust-lies-3.
Mrs. W. L. Cobb and daughter, of
Roseburg are viiting Drain friends this
A marriage license has been issued to
Wm. A. Roberts and Mrs. Luella Miller
of Yoncalla.
The government has decided to aban
don the jetty work at the mouth of the
Sim-'aw river.
Mrs. Wert E. Moore has been ill for
several days but we are glad to iejort
her convalescent.
Mrs. F. F. Wells and Miss Jennie
Hefty came in from Elkton Thnrsday on
a short visit.
Mr. Darius Wells, of Elkton, was in
Drain and Roseburg the latter part of
the week on business.
Over one hundred Mormon preachers
have recently been expelled from Prus
sia and Mecklenberg.
Mrs. S. S. Catching came down from
Ashland, Saturday and is visiting her
sister, Mrs. B. F. Lohr.
Miss Dorothy Dixon has accepted a
position, for a few days, with the Tittle
Guarantee and Abstract Co.
Mrs. J. T. Bridges, of Roseburg, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Hollifield, and
other Drain relatives this week.
The many friends of Rob Sanders will
regret to learn that he is quite ill at Al
bany, from an attack of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Earl entertained
a party of young people Saturday even
ing. A pleasant time is reported.
Mrs. Ernest .Morian and little child,
and Miss Maud Catching came in from
Ashland on Saturday morning's'local.
Mrs. A. H. Wheldon returned from a
several weeks visit to relatives and
friends in Portland and Dundee last
Roy Smick, who has been a student at
the Cooper Medical College at San Fran
cisco, is spending his vacation with his
Mrs. T. E. Bledsoe, accompanied by
Miss Genie Black, will visit relatives and
friends in Gardiner and vicinity in tho
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williams have re
turned from Portland, where they have
been epending the winter, to their home
at Looking Glass.
ThoK. O. T. M. will give nn enter-
aiumeut to the families of the K. 0. T.
M. and L. O. T. M. on Wednesday eve
ning the 29th of April.
Mrs. Anne Strom, of Drain, passed
through Roseburg, on last evening's lo
cal, enroute to Myrtle Creek to take a
position on the Myrtle Creek Mail.
Stanley Kidder left Sunday morning
for San Francisco, and from there will
go to Manila, where he goes to resume
Ilia-duties in the Postal department.
The Governor has appointed Mrs. W.
W. Elder to die office of Matron of the
Oregon Soldiers Home. She is the wifo
of the newly appointed commandant.
Mies Doll jo Hefty spent a few days
the latter part of tho week, visiting rcla
tivcs and friends in Drain. She re
turned to Roseburg on Sunday's local.
Mrs. C. E. Wade, accompanied by
her little daughter Marie, departed on
Saturday morning, for California whero
sho will visit her mother.
Miss Francis Kinny spent a tow days
with her grandma at Hotel McCallister
last week. She came from nnd returned
to Roseburg in company with Miss Dol-
lio Hefty.
J. A. Black nnd W. W. Kent, of Drain
have been re-appointed regents of tho
Drain Normal School, nnd Dexter Rico
of tliiB city in tho place of Hon. A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hulin. who have
been visiting for some time in Millwood,
Oregon, stopped off on their way homo
to Portland, to visit in Roseburg for a
few days.
Rodman Wannnuiker lus just took
out another insurance policy for $1,0W,
000 on his life. Tho premium is ? .'iO.OOO
annually. Ho is a son of John W.uui-
maker, of Philadelphia.
Contractor Patterson has tho contract,
at Glendale, for moving two wooden
buildings which now occupy the ground,
so that ho can erect one two story brick
store building. Cost, f 4.000.
A rich strike in the Peek-a-boo claim
in Bohemia uncovered a six foot vein.
Three feet ol tho lodge prospects big in
coarse gold and is reported to run into
hundreds of dollars per ton.
J. G. Hefty was a passenger on yes
terday's train, enroute to his home, at
Drain, after several months' work in
Southern California, and Arizona, iu
tho Government Geological Survey.
Coquille City is going to have a Na
tional Bank. I he capital stock is 23,000,
and the incorporators are H. U. Shine,
A. J. Sherwood, L. H. lluznrtl, Isaiah
flecker, K. II. Mast and L. Harlocker.
George F. Littlewood, of Olympia,
holds the palmfor matrimonal ventures
lie is less than 25 years old and has been
married and divorce! five times. The
combined ages of his various wives was
over 320 years. The oldest was SO and
the youngest 52.
William K. Vanderbilt and .Mrs. Anna
Rutherford were married on Saturday
in Ijondon. The Bishops of Iondon
granted a sceial license for the occasion
so that their names were not read out on
three Sundays or posted on the door
a dissenter meeting house for three
Rev. Alexander Blackburn D. D. ias
tor of the First Baptitt Church, Port
land was married to Mrs. Virginia Wat
son on April 21st at Portland. Mrs.
Watson was instructor in the Drain
Normal last year and has many friends
here who will rejoice in her happiness.
Government Inspection of the Na
tional Guard by Major Edward Clieno
woth, of the Regular Army begins this
week. Co. "E" of Rofeburg will bo in
spected Friday evening May 1st, at the
Armory Hall, at S o'clock p. m. Col.
Jai. Jackson, Inspector, General of the
National Guard will also be present and
inspect for the t tatc.
Yesterday there was a very exciting
base ball game between Roteburg and
Edenbowcr. Tho score siool 13 to T in
favor of Edenlowcr, and the features o
the game were over-throws, errors and
rotten playing all around, such a-s a
fielder making a thirty yard run for a
fir ball, and fell down just a-ihewas
about to catch it. ,
Wm. Gawler, one of tho empoJyi of
roundhouse, was quite lndly hurt Inst
Friday evening while standing by the
side of an engine while it was being
wooded up. A stick of wood fell and
struck him on the head, lacerating the
scalp and making a bad gash over the
eye, which necessitated a few stitches
leing taken by Dr. Houck. Mr. Gaw
ler is getting along nicely.
Yesterday was the S-Uh anniversary of
the I. O- O. Fs. and the Relekahs.
Both orders attended the Baptist
t-hurch, in a body. Rev. Donglass
preached a beautiful sermon, from the
text, "Pure religion and undefUed be
fore God and Uie Father, is this, To
visit the fatherless and the widows in
their ailliction, and to keep himself un
spotted from the world." James
1 :XXVfI.
J. W. Ingle, the Socialist nominee for
congressman, accompanied by N. W.
llkins, National organizer of the So
cialist party, addressed a fair-sixed audi
ence at the"I. O. 0. F. hall last night,
liking making the speech of the even
ing. Not a hand clasn or other mark of
applause greeted the speaker, though he
was listened to with the strict attention
that denoted interested auditors. Drain
This week Marion county takes her
hat off to Goernor Chamberlain. He
has selected one of her faithful demo
crats for a responsible position. He has
named W. W. Elder, of Stavton, to be
commandant of the Soldiers' Home at
Roseburg. Mr. Elder is a good busi
ness man, a progressive citiren, and
one of Marion county's very best resi
dents. He is to be congratulated so is
the home, the state, the governor, and
the old soldiers. Salem Sentinel.
Township 15 s, of r 3, was thrown
open to settlement on Friday morning.
There was a nice rush for the land and
about 29 claims were filed on. All of
this township with the exception of sec
tions 31 and 32 are claimed by the north
ern Pacific R. R. Company. Nearly all
of those who filed claim that they had
their cabins on the land before it was
granted to this company some two years
ago. Here is a good chance for con
In resjwnEO to a call made by Mrs. 11.
C. Stanton, who was appointed for that
purpose, by Mrs. Galloway, state or
ganizer for the Ladies' Lewis and Clark
Exposition Club, there assembled at
tho Itoanl of Trade quite a number of
ladies, Mrs. Stanton in the chair. A
temporary president nnd secretary were
chosen. The organization was not
fully completed owing to the fact that
that there was not present enough la
dies to fully organize. There will bo
another meeting at the Board of Trade
next Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
It is earnestly requested that 'there
be a large attendance, so that tho or
ganization may bo completed and some
work done along tho lino for which this
club is being organized.
W. C. Congill, city editor of tho
Democrat; Baker City, was a caller this
morning. Ho is working up signatures
for the referendum to bo used on the
Eddy bill, Portago bill and the Tax
Exemption bill. Ho says that each of
these measures will bo referred to tho
people. When asked why Eastern Ore
gon "throw off" on tho southwestern
portjon of the stnto on tho Lewis and
Clark graft, ho said tho Eastern Ore
gon papers would not tako tho matter
up and yet they expect tho southwest
to help them out in their fight. At the
prcEent time scores and hundreds of
signatures are being secured to tho Low
is and Clarke graft bill. For tho good
of tho state at this time it is best to lot
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : : :
the srafter rob the tate without raid
ing a fuss.
A pteoi-ant Minnie !rty ws- gives
Mr. John Towm-end. at the ltonie of
Miss Elsie Itvuedtck, Saturday evening.
All WL'te very pleft-'anlly entertained
by their hostess Miss KMe, white
John m-verel hw Hlf-os.ion.
At a late hoor a deffcaoo lunch was
Mrved, which eor.risted of iiidwiehes,
ealmi, assorted c::ee and ices. Those
present were: Mfenw Iieie Kklder,
Delia Moore, IJessie Ccslww, K1U Black,
l.ilith Moore, Anna Wharton, Hael
Jewell, Emma Sehlbreds, Vivian Jewett
and EUie Benedick. Messrs Kay Otey,
Uter Bell, Volney Dixon, Dalksy Bell,
Klovd Ramp, Mar Hannan ami John
Tonend.-"C. F. C."
The Crown Princess Lonise of Saxony,
who eloped with a musk teaching
lover in December, and was divorced
in February is at last to become a
mother, and the child will be a prospec
tive heir to the Crown of Saxony. A
special delegation has been sent frjro
Munich, the Capitol of Saxony, to at
test to the birth of the "royal nibs" and
to tasc it from the mother when it is
three weeks old. The child will then be
raised second hand. The moral rotten
ness of nine out of ten of those "noble
and royal families put us in mind of the
Pirates of Penzance, whose Captain,
when asked if all the ciit-throau were
noble, replied to the English lord.
"Yes, all are noble, and as he looked
down the line and taw the veriest lot
of seoundreda that remained unhung,
henual fiedby adding softly: "nearly
The latest jwstal laws are that the
publisher can arrest anyone for fraud
who takes a paper and refuses to pay
for it. Under the law, the man who
lets his subscription run along for some
time unpaid and then leaves orders for
it's discontiniiance'leaves him liable to
arrest and fine the same as tlicit. It
will lw seen that many disputed points
are disposed of by that decision, which
is certainly just. If a subscriler. does
not want to renew his subscription, let
him notify the publisher. The second
decision given hero will Ins a surprise to
some publishers who believe that they
must stop n delinquent subscriber if
ordered to. The delinquent must pay
up if he wishes to discontinue his sub
scription. Otherwise ho is held respon
sible for it as long as the paper is being
sent to him, whether ho take? it from
the )ost-llico or not. I'ugeno Guard.
At the Roseburg Ijind OlTicelnst Fridayl
township 15 south, range cast, locaieu
in Linn county, was opened to settle
ment and about 40 persons were at the
hind otlice to file on their land. It
seems that the railroad company wanted
to (lie on some of the land and a young
man nnmed Patterson was m lino to tlo
so. Ho stood tno Uiiru mnn irom mo
door, ready to enter nt 9 o'clock. Be-
... r ii..
fore that time Mr. Andrews, the. umi
Agent of tho Southern Pacific company,
handed him a lot of location papers and
somo monev and then the fun began.
Mr. Patterson was literally kicked oiit of
line nnd forced to the bottom by tho en
raged men who wanted to filo on the
hind for homestead purposes. It is
claimed by somo of onr citizens, that
when violence was used on Patterson,
forcing him out of line, that tho men's
entries, who did so, if tho land entered
by thorn was tho same land as Patter
son had the papers for, can be success
fully contested, because force was used
Offerings for Swell Dressers
All the newest shapes' in the Josephson
Hat. The Silver Golf and Dress Shirts in
endless variety, representing all the latest
patterns. Fashion's latest fads in Men's
Neckwear. The most correct styles in that
line ever shown anywhere.
contrary to law. U'e ilo not know how
the matter will end but there was lots
of fun white it lasted.
Base Ball Meeting.
The Directors of the Roseburg Base
Ball Club, hereby call a a meeting of all
interested to be held in the armory, in
the City Hall, on Monday evening,
April 27th, at S o'clock.
For Rent,
1 have a buihling 24 and 40 feet, suit
able for a paint' shop storage etc.. lo
cated one block from depot and three
blocks from the Post Utfice. Also for
sale cheap, one good cooking stove,
Enquire of T. B. Cannon at residence
corner of Oak and Pine, or at the
Senate Saloon, Roseburg.
W. E. Clengenpeel, Xiis ophthalmolo
gist, is a graduate cf the McCormick
Optical College, of Chicago. He is pre
pared to correct your eyea and fit glasses
properly. See him atT. K. Richard
wn's music store. 4-20-21
Homes KEKEus. I have placed iu un
hands for sale at reasonable prices sev
eral farms, large and smalt some well
improved and others but littte im
proved ; two or three tine stock randies.
Olalla is one of the favored sections of
the south part of the state, on the line
of the proosed Salt take & Coos Bay
R. It. For particulars call on or
address, YV. R. Wells, P. M., Olalla,
Oregon. 20tf.
On or before May, 1903 a fl5Q photo
graphic outfit for less than one-half
value. Tent and everything complete.
Address A.. A. Graves, Roseburg, Ore.
Call on Drs. Cheadle it Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown andnridge work department
Prices reasonable. tf.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue print aud filing papers, tf
When in town and you want a first
class 25-centdinner, go to the Resort.
Gkokgk G.uiitKur.
Too Jersey yearling bulls and ouegrade
Hereford yearling bull for sale. Inquire
of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Oregon. Up.
W. E Clengenpeel, the Jeweler and
Watch-maker, is now atT. K. Richard
son's music store, where he is ready for
business. He is an expert watch ad
juster, and if you need anything in this
line, you will do well to sec him. 4-20-2t
For Sole
A quarter-block near center of the
own, containing two good houses, rent
al ?27 a month. Also two desirable
building lots. The lots can ho had se
rntely if desired. Apply to
D. S. K Bu:ck.
A chea?) horse for salo or trade, for a
milk cow or young cattle. Address F
F. Ball nt the Deer Creek Mill Dam,
Rosebuig, Oregon.
Department of ttie Interior.
United States Una Office,
UcMvbur. Ore., March 9. 1903.
- Notice, is hereby given that the approved
has been received frova tho Surveyor General
for Orecon and on
FKIllAY. April 21. 1S0J. atO o clock ft. m.,
lhatatd PLAT will bo fllsi In this office and
the land embraced thcteln will bo subject to
eutr j on and alter that date.
' J. T. BRIDGVS, RcffUlcr.
J. II. BOOTH, Receiver.
In Styles to fit the Most Fastideous
Phone 2ii.
UtU Kanch for Sale.
A ;roexl little home for eaJe ; 1" acres
adjoining fair grounds, 1? rnLes east of
Roseburz. Good buildings, 150 jnxxl
bearing froit trees, 10 acres in ecltira
tion. Price 1225. For particulars in
quire at Milikin's shoe store, Rosebnrg
Ore- tfal
The Kind 1?. .
of-- names
to be used is very much a
matter of taste. It is import
ant, though, that the frames
set properly on the nose, and
at the right distance from
the eyes. That the lenses
be perfectly centered, and
how are yea to know -j-hea
tome one is guessing.
Glasses Right, Good Sit,
R.F.WINSLOW Jjlefaad
- Optician
Title Guarantee & Loan Co
I. U. IUxiltoh,
D C. UaxiLTOS,
Scy. aed Tmi
OOe in the Court Bow. Hare the onl; coa
plot et of abstract books In Docsla County
AbttracUaadCerUEcates ol Title turalihtvl to
imucIm craw tr land and raining clalcu. Hare
AHo complete wt ot Tradrix ol ail township
rlt ia the RosoburK. Orecon. D. S. la d Dt
"ff-t- WI I make bine print copies ot aay tox
Have You Seen
The Wash Goods, in all Colors and
Also that swell lino of Wash Suits, Chil
dren's Drosses in all ages. The stylo is
correct aud patterns new.
In all tho new styles and shapes. Wo are
agents for the famous Kaho Corset. ,
This Store will closo every evening at 6
o'clock, except Saturday.
The Big
Seed Oats,
Flower Seeds
Get posted, onr Catalogue tells
all. It is a 100-page book,
full of correct descriptions of
Seeds adapted to this coast.
Ask for Book No. 72, the nenr
lattieJcstice CcartiorDer Crrek District
Doagias Coaatr. 0:trco
IX. U Varstes, KalntlS.
T2e Colombia Taflnriae r
To the Columbia TIorfr c Co.
in the name oitfcS.te ot Oregon, jtra ar
herebTieqaimi to appe&r bciute lha C3Jer
i tcard. a Justice of the Peace for the euciet
above named, on or heior the 3rd rtay ot Max,
1323. at bU oSce in Rmeborz. Orrxun. aS the
hoor of 18 o'clock ia the toreo-xia of said Car,
la answer Use coariaial Sled agaiast yon fa
tie aboTe entitled aetioa. and it too tall to ?
pear asd asswer as herein required, for vast
thereof, Ih pUiatU will tale JaJitaent agiisst
you for in IS and hit casU as disbsse
laenu is ihii action.
This susuaoru is published a wcer lor
alxFsetesaiTe weeks in the Soszacas Fraur
iuus. arai-weklT newrrarer published at
KoMburrr. Oregon, b r order of the Justice of the
Peace for said District, aiade April 7. ISO. The
first pablldtioa oi this Kmaaoaa Is on the Sth
day ol April. 1303. .
Justice of the Peace for Deer Creek. Diitriet,
Douglas County, Oregon. Pr9.