The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 23, 1903, Image 3

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    andif'our SPRING asd SUMMER
Line is not better than auy other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
'"pi s
Latest Styles in
Silk Gause Novelties, Sole Jouree, SlUt
Zephyr, Corded Chambray. Lawn Caladine
Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursuckcr Ginghams, Percale
carry the Finont Line of Made-up SkirU in town, and our lino of Underskirts cannot be
V equaled for quality and price
Oar Spring and Summer Line of Clothing ttTkZSLS&JA H
Highest to tle Lowest grade ia in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly di'iendable. We recommend it
with confidence even though our pries are lower than any other store sell for the samo quality. Also a new
and np-to-date line of Udies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the V. L. Douglas Shoo
The People's Store
J One Door South of P. O.
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c, papers for 20
50c papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cat
Envelopes : :
Also off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains : : :
Wakelies' Sqnirrel Poison at Fullerton
and Richardson's.
For a good 25-cent meal go to the Re
sort. Geobgc Garbert.
When yon use Wakelies Poison yon '
, Bridges is in Drain visiting
Geagax is in Eugene visit
Of Local Interest.
Something new always ready for you at
Pant's Shoe Store.
Jr a - i i -
lov cu uo more garaen wore wiui a
Planet Jr. Seeder than yon can with a
dozen boee. Churchill and Woolley
sell tbem.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petalnma Inculta
tor and get a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them
Builders take notice, you can do bet
ter to figure with S. K. Sykes on yoar
material before bnyLug any place else.
Ha Km a Lnrtrp Ktnrk in select from. tfl7
County Treasurer's Notice,
Notice is hereby given to all parties
Loiding county warrants endorsee! prior
to and including Nor. 10th 1900, ate re
quested to present the same at the coun
ty treasurer's office for payment as in
terest will cease thereon after the dat
of this notice.
Dated Rosebnrg, Douglas County Ore
goa, March 9th, 1903.
Geo. Dimmick,
.County Treasurer
find the squirrels. .
Buy the best Wakelies' squirrel poi
son . -It doeslhe work.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woolieys.
You can get anything you want in the
line of garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tfl7
For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators,
Brooders, etc, go to S. K. Sykes. tfl7
Try the Pedalis Shoe for Women.
Only f3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Par
lors. Wakelies' Squirrel Poieon at 30 cents
per can, at Fullerton and Richardson's.
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at 30 cent?
per can. at Fullerton and Richardson's.
5.t, $125.
Foryoui hardware, stoves, and tin
ware, go to b. K . !?y kes , where you gv-t
the best.
Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades
Gasoline engines for farm work, Grind
ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws
etc., for sale by S. K. Sykes. U17
The HO0 Ball bearing Washing
Machine is the greatest labor saving
machine on the market. Churchill and
Woolley sells them.
T-v w . .
jjressDiaKing ana all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
' Whittemore's polishes are the very
best, you will always find them at Flints
Popular Shoe Store. .
A full line of ladie's house and dancing
slippers constantly on hand at Flint's
Popular Shoe Parlors.
If yon intend to buy a wagon this
Spring, get the price of a Bain Wagon
sold by S. K. Sykes'.
Go and see the largest stock of busies
Road and t-'pring Wagons, at S. K.
Sykes', before you bay elsewhere.
Manufactured by the Racine Wagon
and Carriage Company.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver stlel saws. None bet
ter made. Yon will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolieys.
If you want to 3 to Coos County
points, take the Rxseburg, Marshfield
route. Spring hacks leave Roeeburg
every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
tire insurance business. Insure with
Mr. J. T.
Mrs. M. E
ing relatives,
J. S. Wenholt, of Glendale, was in the
him. Office at the City Hall.
Gibson style, Percale waists in
variety of colors.
Light colored Piqu?, tucked and
Htiapped 75q
Linen colors tucked, back and
front, small patterns. . $1.00
Light colored madras, tucked
back and front, Bishop collar,
large pearl buttons. $1.00
Mercerized Zephyr Gingham
waists, d6uble breasted, with
large buttons, or deep tncke
fancies . . . . . $1.30
Linen lawns, embroidered fronts
Bishop stock.
An elaborate line of white waist
at all prices
The difference between ours
other stores is what sells ours.
j city Wednesday.
! S. D. Chapman, of Glide, was in the
city on Tuesday.
When yon ose Wakelies Poison, yon
find the squirrel.
Mr. Campbell came up from Myrtle
Creek on Tuesday.
H. G. Sonneman of Glendale, was in
the city Wednesday.
C. O. White, of Myrtle Creek, was in
the city Wednesday. - ,
Mrs. SA. Sanford, is visiting Mrs. R.
B. Houston, in Salem.
Geo. Singleton is visiting friends. in
DansmuuTCaliL,' and Ashland?-
Mr. Jamieson, with leave to night to
spend a few days on Smith creek fishing-
R.' Alexander w ho has been in Cottage
Grove on business, returned home Tues
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Rosebnrg, Ore
T. O. Seaton, came down from Port
land Tuesday to transact business in
Pat Murphy and Mr. Thompson, of
Coles Valley, were in the city on
W. M. Fritsr aocompaaiet by his
wife, left for their home in Coquille on
We Inefday.
T. H. Hill who is emploved at the
fish hatchery at Glide, was in the city
od Tuesday.
Hon. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle Creek,
m as transacting business in this city on
EditorS. P. Shntt, of the Glendale
Xews, accompanied by his wife, were in
the city Tuesday.
Circuit Attorney Brown left Roeeburg
this morning for Coos County where he
goes to attend court.
Mrs Bickett arrived in the city from
Portland on Tuesday morning to visit
her son, H. C. Bickett.
The fine Stallion Barwu, UJongiug to
E. Hxon, of the Oak Lawn Farm, died
of lung fever, Monday.
Mr. O. C. Setner.of Glendale, stopped
off in Roeeburg on his way home from
Wisconsin where he has been visiting.
J. H. Vandover, who has been spend
ing the winter in Santa Barbara, Calif.,
pent today in the city, on his way home
to Olalia.
Rev. Towntend and Mr. Benedict left
for Oakland, Tuesday to attend the semi
annual Presbytery which convened
H. W. Miller, of Myrtle Creek, Bold
out his hotel there, and was in town
Tuesday, making arrangements to lo
cate here.
The W. C. T. U's will hold a parents'
meeting at the school bouse Friday
afternoon at 3 JO. All mothers are cor
dially invited. .
A cheap horse for sale or trade, for a
milk cow or young cattle. Address F
F. Ball at the Deer Creek MM Dam,
Rosebui g, Oregon.
J. G. Mack who has been transacting
business in Glendale, stopped off here
and spent Wednesday in the city, on his
way home to Portland.
Miss Dorothy Dixon,' wlso has been !
spending the winter in Idaho and Utah
resorts, for the benefit of her health, re-.j
turned home on Tuesday.
See Dr. Studley, the Oeteopast. fo
that lame back. He permanently cures
all chronic and acute diseases. Room II
Taylor and Wilson Block.
Dr. John Wright, who has been pty
iug a protracted visit to his daughter,
Mrs. W. D. Wright, left for his home in
St. Louis, Wednesday morning.
flTOn the hist page is to be found an
article of benefit to everv fruit erower
on the Pacific Slope. It ill pay to cut
it out and preserve it-for future use.
T. G. Roth, formally of the Pla-
vt.KiMK left Monday night for Oregon
City, whore ho has the position as
foreman, on the Courier Herald.
OHteopathy cures rheumatism as well
as female disorders. Free consultation
at Dr. H. L. Studley's office, room 11.
Taylor & Wilson Bik. 4-20tf
The regular term of the Coos County
Circuit Court will convene at Coquille
City Monday. Judge Hamilton and
District Attorney Brown left for that
place yesterday.
China Sam, will speak at the United
Brethern Church Sunday evening, April
20th, at 7 :30 p. m., on the subject of
China. All are invited to come and
hear this discourse.
Ou Tuesday afternoon in the Court
house J. W. Ingles, the Socialist candi
date for Congress, addressed a esther-
ing of the faithful and poured out to
them the pure milk of socialism.
Howard Spining, Editor of the Register
of Wilbur, Wash., was a caller at our
offiea this mornini?. With a party of
timber hunters, he lad eome to Oregon
but had to leave without finding any to
locate on.
There will be a conference of the Free
Methodist church in Rosehurg next
Wednesday and holding over to the ful
lowine Sundav. There will le from 40
to 60 ministers and delegates in attend'
Mr. and Mrs. Week, who have been
spending the winter in Arizona and
Southern California resorts, stopped off
on their way home to Portland, to visi
for short time, the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Churchill.
Mr. Stanley Kidder, who has been in
Roeeburg for a three months' visit to
his parents and sister, will leave on Sat
urday rooming lor San Francisco, from
which place he will sail for Manila,
where he is In the U. S. postal service.
The Great Con t nil surveyors have
moved their camp to Rocky Point,
where they ha v a force of men, and
will survey up South slough and over to
the Coquille. They tSiink thev can find
a short and easy pass by that route,
Marshfield Mail.
The Baptist church at Glide, known
as the Lone Rock Baptist church, will
on June 7, that day being the first Sun
day iu the month, lie dedicated to .the
tervice of the Lord, and we invite every
body to be with us that day.
W. E. Tiiorntok, Paster.
The W. C. T. U's held a very enjoya
ble parlor meeting at the beautiful
home of Mrs. C. A. Fahlbrede. Mrs
Rounds gave a very pleasant talk. The
delicious refreshments were daintily
and prettily served by the young ladies
We thank them very much for the nu
sic and songs rendered during the even
There was a called meeting of the city
council, on Tuesday night for the pur-
we of awarJing a contract for the lay
ing . ana opening up ot a sewer in
the block 76. The contract was
awarded to Sykes A Carroll, they
bid $171.75, with 70 cents each for every
put m. Churchill & Wooley made
a mistake in their figures and their bid
was 250.
I he lourtn annual ball to be given on
May 1st, by the Native Daughters of
Julia Abraham Cabin No. 5, of this city.
ill no doubt be one of the greatest so
cial events of the season. The best of
music has been seenred. A short and
interesting program will be rendered be
fore dan. ing is begun. The prices of ad
mission are; gi utlenian's ticket, ad
mitting himself and lady, fl.00; specta
tors, twenty-five cents. .
Ben Hendricks played "Ole Oleson"
to a crowded house Tuesday nighL The
Swedish brogue he need in this produc
tion was so natural that one thought he
was just from Sweeden, snre enough
The play was gooa all the way through
Special attention was attracted lo
the Swedish quartette, which teyond
all doubt did some as fine singing as was
ever heard in the Rosebnrg theatre.
Ole and the sonbrette did some gd
dancing and singing also.
A delivery team made things
for a while on Tuesday afternoon,
started and ran down Jackson
at the rate that would make
"Hoodlum" wagon team ashamed
themselves, mev cut arooiKl the cor
ner of Jackson and Douglas streets so
fast that they barely miseed throwing
the big delivery wagon, at the very door
of the McClallen House. TheycLased
np Douglas street for a little way, when
their terrific pace was arrested by Wal
ter Dixon, who held on to them until
they were finally stopped. There was
no da in age done to either team or wagon.
Come one, come all, to the box sup
per at Mission Chapel, given fr the
benefit of the Edeubower Baseball Club,
Saturday eveniag, April 2!lh. The
ladies are requetted to bring well fflled
boxes, and the gentlemen equally well
filled purses. Tte boys of Eden bower
have been striving to have a baseball
term, without which no community is
complete. They have been fortunate
enough to organise a fairly good team
and all they need now is financial help,
toward which we know the community
will contribute largoly. We know you
will "be there." Ma sages.
Major Shipley having tendered his
resignation to Governor Chamberlain
will retire from the Oregon Soldiers
Home as Commandant on May I, when
W. W. Elder will assume oharge. Ma
jor Shipley was appointed four years ago
by Governor Geer and has made a faith
lul and efficient officer. But a demo
cratic Governor was elected and "to the
victors belong the spoils" so for his
health's sake he resigned. Major Shipley
will leave next week for San Francisco
where he will make his future home.
The new Commandant, W. W. Elder,
comej highly recommended socially but
politically he is a regular sock-ribbed
rooster of the fighting stripe.
The Central Oregonian of Silver Lake,
has readied this office and it says : The
nomination of Hon. Binger Hermann
for the republican candidate to repre
sent the First District of Oregon in the
lower house of congress, will give entire
satisfaction to the republicans of the
Second District, as well as those of the
First. Mr. Hermann has represented
this State in congress with fairness and
ability, and no man from this state has
quitted the halls of congress with a
more successful! record than has the
redoubtable Binger. He stands with
the republican leaders of the na
tion on all question of importance, and
he has tritiny friends among the con
gressmen at the national capitol who
will welcome him asn colleague .when
he returns to represent the First District
of Oregon Jn the Fifty-Eight Congress.
a citv
laster Offerin
gs for Swell D
In Styles to fit the Most fasttfeoas
All the newest shapes in the Josephson
Hat. The Silver Golf and Dress Shirts in
endless variety, representing all the latest
patterns. Fashion's latest fads in Men's
Neckwear. The most correct styles in that
line ever shown anywhere.
Your Ranches and Timber
Lands with me. : : i '
Red Mill News N tea.
School Notes.
Two more Eighth Grade Final
Examinations will be held this year one
on May 20, 21, and 22, and the other
June 17, 18, and 19.
The marking of Iho manuscripts of
the April examination will be complet
ed to day. Successful applicants will be
announced in Monday's issue.
The April apportionment of twenty
two thousand two hundred eighty
dollars and sixty one cents which has
just been made is the largest single
apportionment of County funds in the
history of the County. Under the new
law next year each child of school age
will draw six dollars of Countv funds.
which with the State funds will amount
to about seven dollars and a half per
Miss Anna Cock era n visited Youcalla
A. McCarty, George Armstrong and
others was transacting business on the
Hill, Monday.
Bay Langdon visited his grandmother
who is very ill in Shoestring, Sunday.
William BiintbriJfce, of E'k Head,
urchased some very fine goats f II.
Corkeraii a few days ago.
Alva R. Manning was a guest of his
cousin, ol this plce last Monday ana
Tuesday. Gome again Mr. Alva,
Chas. Westenhiser had the misfortune
to lose one f his fine milk cows lat
D. J. Fritts has bonght Uie Finney j
place in Elk Head, and will soon take
possession of same.
Why is it that all tke Fair O iks girls
liken to have one of oar "scrubs."
W. Y.Cockersn attended the Kanipe
Bainibridge, wedding in Oakland.
Miss Mur Tornip, of Oakland, and
Miss Mat lie, of the Swale, was visiting
their parental home Satarday and Sun-
Miss Birdie Langdon came home from
Shoestring, Snnday.
The Misses Thompson's and Ralph
Westcnhiser are progressing nicely with
their masic lessons, under the manage
ment of Ray Langdon and Miss Cocker-
an as teachers. These two young people
we are glad to say, have become excel
lent music teachers.
Mr. R. R. High Stepper will leave for
Fair Oaks, Sundsy, and next" week will
work for II. Manning of that place.
Attractions at "The Cockern Ranch"
allured Clarence Smith from Rice Hill,
Sunday. What next we wonder?
Voncallaseemsto be the stopping place
for one or two of our boys now. ItV all
right boys as long as yon don't fall off
the side walk and knock Jim's fences
Why is it that all the old maids seem
to think they can boss the young frys?
Fred Dobson was a guet of Daisv
Thompson, one day last week.
Alfred McCord has chauged his route,
but we think his attentions are as good
as they ever was.
LeRoy A. Linsner, is expected here
soon from Pendleton, and will be a guest
of Ward Cockeran, of this place.
We are sorry to say that John Watch-
tenhauser is sick with laisrippc.
Roy Roland seems to make his regular
trips to Yoncalla. What's the attrac
tion Roy?
tf you wish to get the best of news
subscribe for the Roseburg Plaindkal-
Base Ball Meeting.
The Dire, tors of the Rflburg Base
Ball Club, hereby call a a meeting of all
interested to be held in the armory, in
the City Hall, ou Monday evening,
April STth, at 8 o'clock.
Little Raach for Sals.
A good UUie home for sale ; 17 ar
adjoining fair grounds, I Vf east of
Roseburg. Good building, J0 good
bearing fruit trees, 10 acre in ccluvs
tion. Price 1123. For partH-ul.irs in
qnireat MUitin's sli ton, Rol,rg
Or- tfal
For Rent.
1 have a building 24 and 40 feet, suit
able for a paint shop storage elc lo
cated one block from depot and three
blocks from the P.t Office Alo for
sale cheap, one good cooking stove, j
Enquire otT. B. Cannon at residence
corner A Oak ana rine, or at tte
Knat Saloon, Roeelmrg.
W. E. Ckneeunevl. ths ot hthalmolo-
gist, is a graduate cf the MeCornick
UpticmJ college, of Chicago. He m pre
pared to correct your eyes and fit glasses
properly. See him at T. K. Richard
son's music store. 4-20-2t
The Kind 1?
of-- i: rallies
HoEEKiHS. I have placed in
hands for sale at reasonable prices
era! farms, large and small som well
improved and outers but utile un
proved ; two or three fin. stock ranch.
Olalia is one of the favored sections of
the south part of the state,- on the line
of the proposed Salt Lake A. Coos Bay
R. R. For particulars call on or
address, W. R. Wells, P. M Olalia,
Oregon. 29tf.
On or before May, VJ03 a $150 photo
graphic -outfit for less than one-half
value. Tent and everything complete.
Address A. A. Graves, Roseburg, Ore.
Call on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and tridge work department
Prices reasonable. tf.
Se the Titie Guarantee A" Loan Co.
for blue prints and filing papers, tf
When iu town and you want a first
class 25-cent dinner, go to the Resort.
Geoboi GABscar.
Too Jersey yearling bulls nd one grade
Hereford yearling bull for sale. Inquire
ot' Henry Conn, Roeeburg, Oregon. Hp.
W. E Clengenpeel, the Jeweler and
Watch-maker, is now at T. K. Richard
son's music store, whet he is ready for
business. He is an expert watch ad
juster, and if you need anything in this
line, you w ill do well to see him. 4-2lK?t
ANDERSON. In North Roseburg,
Tuesday, April 21, 1903, Fred Ander
son, aged 19 years, 6 month, 29 days.
The deceased was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Anderson, and when quite
young had a severe attack of scarlet
fever which deprived him of the power
of speech. Ho attended the school for
deaf mutes for some time and made
rapid progress: in his studies. Several
months ago he was stricken with spinal
meningitis and never recovered. The
funeral services were held at the Bap
tist church this afternoon by Rev. 8. A.
For Sale
A quarter-block near center, of the
own, containing two good houses, rent
al $27 a month. Also two desirable
building lots.' The lots can lie had sep
mtely if desired. Apply to
D. S. K Bujcc.
The Baron
will make the season at Roseburg at the
Empire Livery Stables Fridays and
Saturdays of each week, at W if bet on
Wednecdsv and Saturdays, and the re
mainder ol the time at Oak Lawn Farm.
TERMS To insure f 15. Will furnish
pasture for mares at my place at $1 per
month. E. DIXON.
Department of ih Intf Hor,
i;nltl HUlei iJinJ Office.
RfMrburK, Ore., Umnsh . I8U3.
Notice li horvfav gtrvu (bat the approved
FIAT of iiinrey ol
bu boon received from tb 8urv jor Uinerl
tot Orrtn and on
r HI I) A Y. Aprt! U, 190. at S o clock a. nj .
the uiil FLAT will be Bled In thla office and
the land embraced tbeiein will lj aubjuct to
entry oa and after that date
J. T. BHIDOIS. Retrtater,
J.B. V to 11, Ktcentr.
to be ul i very mnrh a
matVr of taste. It is import
ant, thHi:h, tliat the frames
set properly on the n-., and
at the right dicUnr from
tlM eyes. That the kn.e
be perfectly centered, and
how are yoa to knew -hen
fmi one is gtiein
Qisszs 5itt, Good Sigfct,
; Ojtiaaa
' Hew
Seed Oats,
Flower Seeds
Get posted, our Catalogue t2s
all. It is a 100-page book,
full of correct descriptions of
Seeds a.iapted to thiscoavst.
Ask for Book No. "2, th new
PCiTlTO SED CO, PsrtlasJ On
Title (iuarantee& Loan Co
r. o.
C. HAatLTos.
serj. and Treaa
OSes In ibe (urt H.uiea. Hara the on'7 cos
' et of abstract Nmki la Ioue. ( .an:
Abelractaaad Orti2ol at T iM taruitttfi lo
lnuiarocmtr laad nod n litis claiiaa. Ht
lieniofittiiol Trmeinc o' ail urnhii
ptat la the Kovbare, Orrcoa, V. 8. Las d Ii
itrrL Wl I make blue print eopi- of anr tow
lathe'sKtie. CeartkxDeer Creek TUirot
IVae'o C--tit, Orj
U. L Xa-aien. faul.
' T! CoI b-a Ti3"H-; .
i To the t'o.a ofc'a T Wr Co.
I la Ibe tj-oJ Ut5-w Oiecon. je a.
heie-w requ-rwj lo : trr beJuee tb. ta?ee-
tarsal, a jutl.real 'be Ftae toe the
; atTre earned. q or beio lfi wd day t tf7,
!AJ at b J eflwe m K.eire. Or-vM. at to.
boerot h o !. k it i!e nrtwnot eaM Sf.
taaiM.1 laeroalami nied in to. ia
tae abreenut!i acurm. aad if M tau u p
far asd aa btreia repaired, tot at
taereof. li 'a;nt:ff will tfcke.uirant amiiet
jvn tr n Ai and bu u ant tiou-e-Bienu
la lie artaua.
tbtf naaou r"obtiSed ooe. a wtrk lor
ii torrcoK week ia U Ber. Pui aeeml-week ae.-rapee ub;li? at
K.ctwr. Orreo, bronlerof tae Juue af tfi.
Owt M av4 Utunrt, nd ipnl '. Hi Ta.
f n toamioa ol Us taaimoaa ia tb. Ka
d ot AprJ. 1X
' J. A BrCHAJf!.
Jiwtie. of the Feaf ter Deer Cree Clstrict,
Poof .u Com ty , Orta.
Have You
The Wash Goods, in all Colors afld
Also that swell lino of Vtish Suits, Chil
dren's Presses iu all ages. The stjlo is
correct and patterns new. ( -
V 1 1 . 1 .1 l ...
iu aa mo new siytes and sliapes. We
. agents for the famous Kabo Corset.
This Store will close every evening at 6
o'clock, except Saturday.