AN ORCHID CENTERPIECE. B. KlcUr EakkroKered Dealers! F thm Dlmacr Table. Richly embroidered centerpieces are naturally for especial occasions, though the centerpiece- Itself of simple design his become an everyday table decora Uon that Is, dinner or lunch table dec oration. Orchids are lurariant They would be If they grew by the acre, and one would, like Thoreau, be ready to tote bis hat off to every cypripedlum, so In tensely royal are they. Our design of an orchid centerpiece Is rather prodi gal, but the appointments of even a ORCHID C'KNTEKPXBCK. simple dinner can hardly be overdone. A. dinner Is the acme of entertaining. and beautiful things are appropriate to tt ' - The leaves of this design form a framework for the blossoms, and both are so managed that, while conven tionalized as to arrangement, they do not In the least violate the manner of the natural growth of the plant. They are embroidered In deep yet soft shades of green. The orchids should be worked In purples and gold, always a rich com blnatlon. The method of the stitchery is featherstitch, and this work should be slanted toward the stem base of the flowers and kept almost parallel in the leaves. Since to embroider a flower as complicated In form as this requires some skill, an amateur should avail herself of all possible helps. None Is more desirable than color studies. If these were obtained and followed more often by the embroiderer, as they are by the decorative painter, we would have better needlework. There are many beautiful orchid studies, as these flowers are favorites In decora tive art. With one before the em broidery frame the worker can shade correctly as well as follow the lines which Indicate texture, as a guide to the proper stitch direction. Before setting the work on the frame a fine buttonhole edge should be em broidered all round the outer outline of the design. The embroidery can afterward be carried down close over this. It Is not supposed to show much, merely to fortify the edge so it can be cut out when the work is complete. The work should be done on a round weave linen of good quality. It Is no economy to put needlework on Inferior materials. Lilian Barton Wilson in Collier's. - Hw o Hoi f a Skirt. Eow few women ever attain the fac ulty of holding up the skirts on rainy days with ease and daintiness! Al though it is the rule to wear flounced underskirts that almost touch the ground, petticoats that reach only to the top of high boots have hitherto been the rule, and on rainy days these are still reverted to. When out walk ing, the clever woman arranges her skirt, and then, with one hand or per haps two. she lightly lifts it so that It falls evenly all round. This Is where the knack comes in. says a writer .in the Louisville Post. To bold up a skirt on one Bide and let it sweep the ground on the other is very natural, but it Is not good taste, and when it falls evenly all round and the frills of the petticoat are almost if not quite visible the effect is dainty hi the ex treme. One of the things that are taught at a school In New York is bow to hold up the skirt gracefully. Time Cklllrem gfcomld Sleep. In Sweden a committee was recently appointed by the government, says the New Turk Times, for the purpose of ascertaining how many hours children of various ages ought to sleep in order that they may be able to study prop erly. According to the report forwarded to the minister of education, children who are four years old should sleep twelve hours, children who are seven years old eleven hours, children who are nine years old ten hours, children who are from twelve to fourteen years old from nine to ten hours and those who are from fourteen to twenty-one' years old from nine to ten hours. It further points out that ansmia and weakness in children are frequently due to lack of sleep. T)a Cost Csrmer. Cozy corners are dear to the fem inine heart; but they have been con demned as the homes of dust and mi crobes. Draperies and canopies are to Llame for this. These should be dis carded. The couch should be placed a little diagonally, with a space behind it The couch covering should be as rich as one can afford, but with noth ing sweeping on the floor, the pictures and bric-a-brac simple and bright, the former of inviting landscapes and flow ers, with no scarf or drapery across the tops or at the corners to gather dust and distract the attention from the subject of the picture. - A Kmffe Cleaner. To make a homemade knife cleaner eorer an old knife boasj with a strip of brussels carpet. Thickly cover the board with powdered bath brick and , keep an end of it wet First rub the knives on the wet bath brick and then finish off on the dry. Knives are pol ishedweU and quickly in this manner. A Lars Bora Breedlaa- Ranch. It is the purpose of Great Britain im mediately to establish in the Trans Taal colony in South Africa an im mense horse breeding ranch, where re mounts for the army may be bred. Two thousand mares have been select ed from the stock on band and have been divided up into bands of 200 each, located on ten different ranges. Just as soon as the officers in charge can ret their plans Into working order sev eral more such establishments will be stocked in Cape Colony, the Transvaal and the Orange Elver colonics. Breeallair Font Trotter. . Nojr; and then a fast trotter corata fjosa a mare of unknown breeding or from a mare sired by a thoroughbred, but the majority of them come from sires and dams that have been bred to produce trotters, soys National Stockman. But remember that the blood is only one of the essentinia Stive, conformation, soundness, disposi tion and speed are all in the inherit ance to be sought for the coming gen eration. Do not inherit the future feme ly neglecting these essentials. When the telephone was Introduced, some wiseacres predicted that It would ruin the telegraph business. That these were false prophets Is Indicated by the annual reports of the telegraph com panies, lately Issued, which show earn ings of ? 1,700,000 more than ever be fore. An express train has been held up and robbed In Spain very much lu the same style as the trick is done ou our western froutier. Spain appears to be learning American methods fast since the Cuban war. Notice for Publication. rolled States Lund Office. Roscburg, Oregon, Njv. , Wfl. Notios i hereby riven tint In compliance with the provision of the act of Congress ot June 8, 1S& entitled "An art tor the ssl of timber lamU in ihr Statosof California. Oregon Nevada , and Washington Territory, asextend ed to all the public land states by act oi Auirust 4. 1892. ot Moorhead. county of Clay. Mate of Minne sota, na iniaoay nun m iuw miFiwui rut i r" " --- - of section an, township south, range I west. acd will offer proof ioiqow inai mtunupK'sm 1 more valuable for lu titular or stone Uian lor agricultural purpose, and to estaUish hit claim before the KvKisler and Receiver of thi on Friday the 12tb uv of June. 19U3. He names as wittM-assis: IMlltam K Norton, and Henry O Wallers. th of Miiiueaimlia, Minn. Charles Thorn and John Thorn, "both of Kose- ourct wrejiou. Any and all person claiming adversely the abt..-edecribed lauds are requested to file their claima in thia ollice on or before mid 12th dav ol J une, 1S04 J X BMIXiKS, aprtp . Register Notice foi Publication. TJnlted States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon Jan. 19, 1H Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provision! of the act ot Congress ot Jane , 1678. entitled fin act for the sale ol timber Und in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory" a extended to all the public land slates by act of August 4 CLArDE TALLIN. . 1 ot Wvrtle Creek, county of )oug'a, Mate Oregon, has this day tiled in this efhee hit sworn statement No" 4.141 for the. purchase of lo s 4, 5. 6 and S of See 12, Tp 29 Sou h, K 4 west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tlmlier or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish hii claim before the Register and Receiver ol this office oi Koaeburg, Oregon, on Thnradav the 9th day of July. l!fS H names as witnesses: John Hall, Jr.. William f owell. Jatnea R Hall, of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Albert M A ken, Nueget.Oretmn. Adt and all wrsona claiming adversely the above described Hands axe reoutsUd to file tbeir claims in thia office oa or before said 9th day ol J.T. BKllii.s aprl3p-iu21 RegUter. Notice for Publication. Cnited State Land OElce, ' Koeeburc. Oregon. Jan 19, 1KB. Notice ia hereby given that in eompliauce with the provisi ni ot the act- of Co rarest of June . 137&, entitled "An act for the sale ot tim ber lands in the states oi uaittornta. uregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory" aa extend ed to all the public land 'ate by act of Aug- nai,SHi ALBERT M. A KIRS, ot Nugget, eon my of Donriaa. slate of Oregon, ha this day filed in thia oSca his sworn state ment No 4340 for the rmrchaae of lota , 10, 11 and 12 of Section 12, Township 19 S.. S 4 wt and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Reinster and Receiver ot Uua Kica of Koaeburg. Uregon. on Thursday the 9th day of July. 1903. He names as witnesses : John Mall., jr , w Hllam Powell. Jamea-K Hall and Claude Fallin, of MjTtle Creek, Orceon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to fite their claims in thisofheeon or before- said Sth day oi Julv. 13. aprl3p-ju22 J. T. BRIDGES. Register. .Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Bosebure. Ore,. Feb. 5, laOi. nonce is neraty given that in compliance with tbe provurtons of the act of Congress of June, JS7. entitled "An art for the saie of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washington Terriiory," as ex vend ed to ail the publis land states by act of August 4,1882, ' L WXUJAM R. OTOXXELL. of Gladstone, county of Ilella. stale of Mirh has ibis day filed in this office his sworn state merit No 4400 for the purchase of the h ol t S seccioa 2C town-ship 28 south, range wel and will offer proof to show that the land aocght is more valuable for its timber or stone thaa for agricultural purposes, and to establish els alalia before the Register and Receiver ol this flice oi oa burx. Oragun. on Friday, tne Itnn day of Julr, 19"t. He MTei as witnesses: jobn rarmer. 1J L slartin. t at Weatberby, all of Koseburg.Ore.. and W J Pow er, of Bibbing, Minn. ATiy and all person claiming adverseiv the above descn'icd lands are reyuesu-d lo hie their claims m this office oat or lefore said loth day of July. 19ui J. T. BR1ItLS, aprJHp-juil Register Notice for Publication Cnited Slate Land Office. Rosebarf, Oregon, Feb. &, lt Notice ts hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June t, lS. entitled "An art for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California. Oregon Nevada .and W aahlneton Territory." a extend ed to all the public land states by act oi August 4.UW2. 1. rX)TTIE M. POWER. of Hibbing.coonty of ?L Louis, sta'e of Mine, nas tnis Oav rued in this oihce his awoin statement So. 4:9. for tbe purchase of tbe S'7 of N y.'i and lota I and 2 ot section 21. toansulp 2S south, of ranges west, and will ol fer proof to shoa that the land sought ia more valuable tor its timber or stone than for rt cultural purposes, and to established his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roaeburg. Oregon, on Frida, the lOdavot Julv. I!si3. He names witnesses: J if Weatberbv aud D L Martin. of Rosebnrs, Ore.. W R O'Corrtiell. of Glaisto3e, icn-, joud rarmer, OI Kosetiurg, tire. Any and all i-era,ns claiming adversely the above described lands are reiueted to tile their claims in mis office on or before sold l'nh dsy apri:p-ju22 Register. Notice for Publication. Cnited States land Office. Roaeburg. Oregon, Iec. 17, VMtj. Notice is hereby given that ta eorapllacea with the provisions of the act of Congress of June3, 18:. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land! in the States of Californa.Oregon Nevads .and W ashington Territory," as extend ed to all the public land states by act oi Ancuat 4, urn. ' " ROBERT U JONES, of Eugene. eon ntv of Lane atate of Oregon, has thia day filef in this office his sworn aute tnent No. 41, ir the t urcbase . J the lots 4, h, 12 and M -containing 162.10 acres of arc tion . township 29 south, ranae ? west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or aume tl n for agricoltural purposes, aud to establish his claim before tbe Register aud Receiver of this tfim of Rose burg, Oregon, on Friday, the a;tn dsv of Jnnc, wn. He uamesas witnesaes: W 11 Wrght, of Mrile llreek, Oreeon. A R Jones, La Grande. On-gon, Joseph Logsdon and C E Logs-ion, of iljnle Creek, Oregon. Any aud all persona claiming advirw-lythe aliove ritied lands are re.iitei to 61 their claims in ibis oflUe on or be'ere said Kthdayof June, 1U03. J. T. BKIIXiKF, pr!3 Kgliter. . Notice for Publication. Cnited 8ta; Land Office, Rosebnrg. Oregon l)ec 26. 114)2. Notice is hsreby given that In eoropllanos with the provisions of the act of Congrers of June 1, )S. 8. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexteud ad to all the pubils land slates by act of ALgust 4, lt 'A SARAH A. SHIRIA. ol Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas stste of Or. egon, baa this.isr lib d In this etlicn her swom siatement No 4197. tor the purchase of tha lot. n, ii nu is, section , lownsntp 2 south range No 3 west and will oflur tinw.f m that the land sought is more valuable for lu timber or stone than for agricultual purposes and to establish her claim lo said land IxMore the Register and Reeeiverof tins orSce st Ruse, burg, lreg' n. on Thui day tbe 26th day of .uuc, r-im utmn aswuuesses: John A EngUud, John Hall, Br., Fred C roves, Adam E Shina, all of Myrtle Creek. Oiegon. Any and all persona claiming adverseiv h above described lands are ruquestd to tile ineir claims in mis omce on or oerore. said 2,',th day of June, 19U3. J. T. BKIl'UHs. aprl3p Register. Notice for Publication. t'nitcd States Land Office; Poseburg, Orecon, Dec 46, 1902 Kotica is hereby given that in compliance with tbe provisions of the st of Congp-ss of June 8, 1S78. entitled "An at for the snie of timber lands in the States of Ca!i'ornia.ire.-on Nevada.and Wsshingtcn Terriiory," asexteud ad to ail the public luud states by act oi A ugust 4, li92, ADAM E SHIRIA, of MyrileCieek, county of loulss, sts'eof Or egon, bat ths dsy Bled in llils otlice his sworn statem.-nt No. 419s. for the piirc)iae of me lots 7, 10, lf and lfi. of See. g. In 1 p. 29 8. R li west, and will offer proof to show thai the land soughs Is more valuable tor lis tlmlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Ket-lster and Receiver of thig slllce of RoMburg, Oregon. on Thursday, tbe 20th day of June. 19)3. He names as witnesses: Johu A England, John nan, or., rreu uroves, sarn A fcuina, all o: Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Any and all jiersons claiming adverwly tbe shove descrited lands are (U;Wd u fi e thcii c laims iu this cfliceon orb -fore li e said 2.Mh day of June, 1903. J. T, BKiDU HS, prt-P ktiieter. . Notice for Publicai ioii . United Nta cs Land Office, 1 Rosi'lititv, Orcgou, March 3, l'.n'-l. Notice is hereby given that 111 roimiltance with the provisions of the act of '"imiirosa if June S, 1S7N entitled "An Aot fo the sale of Timber Lands in the Stales of California, Ore gon, Nevada and WaxhinKton le ritory as ex tended to all me mono utna stales ry act ot August , ii-M I'UARl.Kfl A. El.MORK, of Aberdeen, eouuty of I'tirliallN, stale of Wash ington, has tins ilay file.) In this ollice his suom statement No. 4Mii, for the puichae ot the N W'4 Sit' 4, T XI south, range 2 west, anil will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable lor lis limner or stone taii for agncnlluta' pnriww. and to fstitlilisti his claim to said Isn.i before W 8 Hrill, l! 8 Com nnssioncr at Kiddle. Ore., on Kridy, the Mb, ilsy of Hay, He names as witnesses: J tj titllart, IVrdue. Oiegoti, tj. I l.t-xveiigoori, Kidole, Oregon, l.loyd Mro,nani, Tiilor, Ure. Al. Bob nbuiigh, Kntdle Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lants aiv rv iiesiot to Hie th ir claims in tins oil lev on or beiore said Mil dav of May, l'.UI. J T II HI iKifcrt, MarS. Register. Notice for Publication. Cnited States Land Office Rosebiirg, Oregon, Oct. 2t, lu2 Notice ia hereby giver, that in compliance wi,h the provisions of the act ol Congress of June S, 1S.7.S entitled "An act for the saia of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada.and Washington Terriiory," ascxtend ed to all the public lard state by art of August 4, 1M2. W M. T. PAPPIXtiTON. ot Iorlland, cotituy of Multnomah, state of Or egon, has Ibis ilav died in this ollice tils sworn staiemenl No .Y7M. lor the purchase ol tho N l4 ol section IS. township f9 S. range 9 west, and will otter proof los how thai the land aoiight is more valuable for Its tlmlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Kecisterand Receiver of this of lice of Koaeburg, Oregon. on Tuesday, the 19ih dsy of May, 15n pe names aa witnesses: W li Ru'cn. itnle Kuren and John lnherT. of Camaa Valley, Ore , Event iilU'iun, i Vancouver, nun. Any and all HroiiB claiming adversely the above desiTllnsl lands are requested t tile their claims in this otlice on or K fore said 19th day of May, l'JUi J. T. URllHiKS. Marap Kegister Notice for Publication. r'iTEH Ststks Lskd Orpto. Roseourg Cireeon. March 9. iftj. Notice is hereby given that in romolisnce with tne provisions of the act ot Congress ol June i, ip. s. entitled -AO Act tor the s-leol limber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, snd Washington Terriiory." aa extend ed to ail the Public Land Slates by set of Aug ust 4, WILLI AM KEITLK. ot R. M. S., 1' ennly of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has Ihtsday tiled in thia office his sworn statement N. 4.,so lor the pnrchsse ih uies'.nnni rc. 14. 1 p p, k west, and willuifer nr.s( toshow that the land sought is more vaiuaoiu tor H timl-er or stone tuan lor agricultural puri-ws, and to establish his claim before the Hcuister and Receiver nl this ollice of Roaeburg, oiegon. on Thursdsv, the 4th day of Jure, 1W. lie names as iliiesaea: Urstil Clayton, ol IMIIant Oregon W' 11 Root, of Kridge, Oregon John t lbnherr. Camas Valley, Oregon and C 8 Smith, Roaeburg. Oregon! Any and all persons- claiming adversely t.'ie above described lands anireMueated lole their claims in ihtsofflce 00 or before said 4ih day 01 June. isuj. j r liKiti. :-(. marb-p Register, Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given, tbst by virtue snd in pursuance ot an order and license of the Coun ty Court ot Coos County, Oregon, duly made and entered therein on ine?7th dsy ol January, hsu. in the matter of the guardianship f the tersona aud estate of Cnsriea F Mtna'd, Kntha I Minard, Moots M Minsrd. and John ii Minard, nu 1101s, the nndersitued. tbe duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian ol said mino s, and of each of them, will, on SATCaiiiY, APRIL 4. 19111, at the honr of one e clock p. m. of said dav. In front of the Court Hnuse in R'SH-bnrg, Isreigiss comity. Oregon-, off -.r for aa'e aud sell at pub lic aileron to the highest anl heat bidder f. r cash in hand all tbe ricbt, title aud interest ol saia minors and of euch of Ihem. of. in and in II that psutof the Pre-emption Claim of Isaac Minard Isaid . Pre-emption Claim be'Cg tbe SE'i of seeiion t, in townhfp j;.a,utb. rsuge Swestol W nlametic Meridian, lying north l the ouuty road kadiug Iroio R.iaehnrr to Looking Glass Valley. b the same more or less) according to a Oeetl recorded in Volume 7, pace 4 ot IJeeda, ISM'giaa County Orego u Rec onls. Dated March 2, A. P. 1 1. (S'EDcrf) ROXAN 4 M. MIXARD. Gusrdian of the persons and estate of Cbaries F Minard, Ktitha Z Minard, MoDta M Miusrd SLd John H Minard, Minors. Notice for Publication. rnited Ststes Land OSce. P.oet urg. Oregon, Use S, lisxl. NptJce is fcereby given that in coropllance with the proviri' naof the act of Congress of June S. s. . entitled "An art for the sale of timber lsnds In tbe Stales f Csli'ornl,lrer.n Nevla j:id WasUnrton Tern;ory."aexieud ed lo all the public laud stales by act of Auga 4.192. FERMSAXD I HOt'CR. of Fosehnre. e inty of IKiuc as, slate ol Oreg.Mi has tins day titej In this neire hr sworn iiilr menl No. 4"rr. for the purchase ot the N'. of sE'4 SW'i of SE',; and SK't ot the S, nl sectuin 4. iowttshi2trutb. uf range 7 wl. and will offer prwl to show that the land Sought is rnose valuaf.le for ita timber or stone Uinn for agricultural rurposvs, and to rstat bis claim U!'ire the Register and Receiver of this ot.ics of Hose burg, urcgun. on Tuesday, tbe u lb day of Jnnc, 19J3. He names ss wilnse- Heurv H I vr-pa. ol Anorbor. Mich , Frank. B Lrt f , and W iiliam H Lone, ot Clev eland. Ore, and Kooco O Goff. of Ros'-borg, Oiegon. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above dombed land are rettuvs'ed lo file their claims :n this off u on or before aaid 1m h day of June. 19ui J 1 UKJ ,K.-. anrp Register. Notice for Publication. CSITL"I STATES LANIl OFFICE. Rose burg. Ore-, Jfc-c. , 1.'. Notice ts here py given that tn compliance with the provi-i ins of tne act ot Congress ot Janet, is.s. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in t'.e States of Caiifornta.reeon Nevada and W s:incton Terniory."' asextend cd to all the public land s'.axcs by ad of August 4, uai. ALBERT L. TIVIEU of Priest River, countv of Kootenai, state ol Idaho, has this day died in thiaoff.ce his sworn tl&u-meni No. 4 ot .'or the nn l s of Ihe &', ol ol seeiion -2. Id township 9t S, R a west, and will of ler proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuatl for ll. liuuer or stone thnn for agricultural purposes. nd to establish Ins claim before liin Kenisier aud Receiver of this oliire of Roseburg, Oisgon. on Wedws'lay the 17lh day of June. t'tt. He names as wi messes: John W ill, snd Peter P Krudeaeth. both of Priest River, Idaho. A J Iiiirrh, Mmie Creek, Oregon, peter burro, Roaeburg, On-gon. Any and all p-rvon claiming adversely tbe ahove-dest rtbed lands are reUeled to file their c aims in this olice on or beiore said 17th day of June, 1.4. J.T. BttID .KS. lrop fU-giiler. Notice for Publication. United States land Office Rr-v'iirg. Oregon. Isrc. 9,1902. Notice is hereby given that ! compliance with the provisions id the act of Congress of June . 7!t. ent ii. d "An a-t for the rale of tlinler lands In ire S;aieof Cahfomla.Oregon Nera.Sa.and a:iiiinn Terriiory." asexiend td to aii the public laud stales by act of August 4.192. JOHH WII.U of Prbst Rive-, romnv of '-Kishtrnal. state ol l lano, has tins lay filed in tblsofh.-e his sworn sl-ieinent No. 4UU tbe pur.-baso nl 'te Nh'4ol K-c ioii 21. in township M 8, of R S W , and will offer nrool u show thai the land sought Is more valtiKiie lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his elauu Is-lore the UetisU-r aud lUfCtlver ol this Hice of Ruacburg, Oregon. on Wednesday the 17th day of June. 113. He names as wi'm-sses: Alliert L Pingvl. and Peter P Brudiseib, (with of Priest River Idaho, J Dnn-h, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, Peter Iiuruh, Rofu-hiinc, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the sinive descrila-d lands are rcqoesUd to file their claims in Ibis office on or before said 171b day of Ju- e, 1'jfM. I. T. BRI1X.E8 trSp Register. Notice for Publication. Crnrso PTiTtn Lmd Orricg. Rissebtinr, Oregon, Dec. 9, 191C Notice Is hcieby given thai In compliance with the provisions of the act cd Congress ol June i, ls7,i-nliue.1 "An Act for ihe sale ol "limlH Ijiuiia In the Slates of Cal ifomia. Oregon. N. vada and W a-liington Te 11 tory," aa ex let. tied to all the Public Laud Slates by act of Annul 4, lis.2, PETER P BRCDFKKTH. of Priest River, county of K oU-nai, ststo of Idaho, has Ibis day tiled In Ibis office his sworn statement No. 41W for ibe purchase of the NWJ of secllou 24, town.hip ao south, rangu 8 wes', snd will offer proof to show that ihe land sought is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim before the Kcrisier snd Receiver of this office of Rosoburg, Oregon. 011 W'edmsdsy, the 17th day of June, 1M3. He names as wr.tioases: Allien L Pingel and John Will both of Priest River, Idaho, A I flitren, .lyrtlet'retk, Oregon, Peter Imrch, Roaeburg, Oreton. Any snd all persona claiming adversely the at-ove desctibed lands are requested to lile their claims in this 0UI1.C on or before sld nthday of June, J. T. BKirHiE-s, aprbp Kegister. ; Notice for Publication. Land I'tllcc at Rosi bmg. fire , February 2-1, 19oa Not'iI'." hrli,hpyn thai the following named ae-tler lias ftb d notice of Ins Intention to iriske titiHl nr.s-.f In support 01 bis claim, and thatsnld prool will he maile bcln-e tbe Heelater and Kccuvir, (ii.tu-d mates land Ollice at U-KscbusK Oiegon. on April n, vm:i, Vi- JAMES H. SHI'PK. lid. ET No 12,419. tor iha EU' MX: fitr'i NK'.' KW!SE. ! 20, Tp2SS, K 2 nest. ' He nami-a the following, witnesses to prove his roulinu 0111 residence upon aud cultivation of said land. viz. Ileore West, and Ki niatiiln F Hhellds, r-f Ifosgltn Ore , Andrew I Bel'ows, Kosebiirg, Ore., Lee J Hrritiirton, Glide, Otis. March 6 . J. X. BKIilGEd, Register. jNfotice for Publication. Cnited States Laud Ollice, Roaeburg, Oregon, Nov. 20, 1'.HI2. Notice is herany given that In coinpHuuce ith the DrOVislotlS Of the ACt of f 'nhirrn,, ,.1 June 8, IK.7H, entitled "An act for the aula of 11111 ner lautis 111 111c stsiesoi t mitornla, Orogon Nevada .and W ashintfi,, 11 'lerritorv ",t.i. d to all tha public land states by act of Ausrual 4, lssrj. u KIHTII P. MCKSOX. of SJ2 Nicollet Ave, M ltineatHdix, con ntv of H nucpin. 8 ate of Minnesota, has thia day Hud in thia otlice her sworn statement Nu. 4n-.'.'l lor ihe ptin liase ot the N1, N E' j, SK'i NF.';. NK. KK'4 ot Sei-. S, Tp. i 8. R' witst mid ill oiler pioot to i,lio that the Ian 1 itougbl ia more valuable for its timber or nu n than for agilcit'tiiral purposes, ami lo establish her claim losaid laud beiore Die Heulsl. r and itm'elver ill ibis otlice at Roaeburg, Ori-eoti. 011 Tucsdar, the Mb day ol May, Kile namis as witnesses: r rank Long and K Iward Von Fcssl, iA Cleveland, iingun, Charles TI10111 and John Tbom, of Kusehurg. Otvg.m. Atiy and all htsoiis elaimliig adversely Hie atmve descrilad lands are requested to file Ibcirclaims in this ollice on or before snid bib day of May., l'.stt. J T. liKllssrX, riip Kegister. Notice for Publication." Cnited 8tatca Land omce, Rosebiirg, Oreiton. Keb 2.1. I'jr-.t Notice Is hereby given that In comnliance with tne provisions of the act ol Congies-ol Jnue 3. 1S7S cniilbsi "An Act for the sale of timber lands in tne slates ol California, Orego :, NcvaiU. and W ashington lerruorv." aa extend. ed loan the public land states by act of Aug ust a, JOSEPH A SHORT. of W hatcnm ol Whatcom, atate of Washington, has tins day tiled tu this ottice his sworn staiemenl No. 4 oj, lor the piirt-hsse it the NK1. of st-cll.iil is. lownstitnxt s. R A uesl and will oiler proof to slext thai the U10I ainglit is more valnable foi its liniisr or siotie lliau lor auricnltural piirH.-s and -slablh Inaclaim losaid laud la-lore W. H Brill, IT, s. ('omiuisslotier mi K oldie, lirtgon, on Friday the Is', nay 01 May, l''. lie names as alliu-,,-: lor l'iiikertoti,Snobomlh. Wash., HetU-rt H Short. SH-attie. Was., J 14 l.ilhert, Penlue, Oregon, diss A short, Snohomish, Wsu Any and all is rson claiming s.Herely I he above tlcscriben lana arc KNim-atol to a e their claims lu th h of! ice ou or before said ltdayof stay. , 1. ssiisjin, Ct Register. APPLICATION FOR PATENT, r. fj. Land Office R.-shurg. Ore.. Feoruary , 1 Notice Is hereby riven that lames a. J. Te cum, w hose postoffice ad dross is Riddle. Doug las onnty, Oregon, bss thia day made and filed his appliciiiion for a patent to the follow lug rtearrilsed placer mining ground. In Excel sior Mining liiairici, Isjuglaa rouotr, Oregon t) -ail: The east half ol the south et quarter ot the southwest qtlariirnl st-l-tton -lllleleen in town ship thirty sou ill ol range uve west of the W lib amelte meridian, tn Douglas ronnty, Oregon, en- laming Iweniv seres, in the disl'icL of land Pilijsvt lo sale al Ihe land Office at Rose, bur. Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the foregoing li-scriled land, or any (sirtion tbenad are hereby notitlesl In tile in this office such adverse Calm wuhln aixtydavs from the first publication of this application for (latent, and failing 10 do so. any and a'l adverse claims to said placer mining ground, or ant pa't thereof a ill be barrel hv the pro visions of Us, J. T. RRIOi.KS, 9wp Register. Fiist publication February 3. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LANPOFTICE. kosaavso. Omroo, Nor H. ld Notice Is hereby glvrn that lo compliance tin the provisions 01 the act ot Congress of June 1.1s 'a.ent:t'.cl. "An act fug the sale of timber lands In tbe tstatos ot 1 a! Horn I a Oregon, Nevada, sr-d Washington Territory," ssexleal ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug ust 4. ls. Ft OTP H. WOODRCFF. t Rivburg. counts of Iiouc'as, atate of Ore gon, has this i"t fid tn Ihla omce his ssnm slatrmert No. IflM.t. for Ihe pnreSia" ot the lots 1 and 2 ol fs-c. lMps,k J wist, W. M.. and wtll offer Proof toshow that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber vr. stone for agricultural, and lo establish tis claim before the iu-s-t:rr and Irfceiver n4 Uua lilce of Ruaaburg. Oregon. on Werliie:s. Hie S.1 ua of June, lri. He names as nnn: Will, am Kiake Bnrie, Idaho, Ira Kc ies. 1 Olal'a. lovson. M F Rice, and F C Wo1rutr. rtn 01 KwriHUt, Ojv. Any and all r-ons rlaimiitg a. Urn. y "the ic-si-rita-.l lands are n-"iio-lr,l t, ftle b Ir cia nis in 1 h I. or! on or l-ef.-re said rd nay 01 Juee. I' J T. HK!l.r, marii Register. Notice for Publication. Tntted Stales I.snd tltBre. Ricbt:r. Orcein. Nov. ' Notice Is 1 ereby given tat la romp! ance with tbe provision of tne a,-lof Congress of June X, ls:. entitled "aa Act for the sale tit Timber Lands in the States of Califo.-nla, Ore gon. Nevada and W sshitigtoo Tenitcrt," as ex tended to all the Pubhc Laud Elates by act of AUKtlSt I, IRA KCCI.FA ot O'alls. coonty of rHigla. cat of Ori son has tbisdav tli in this oUice hi sworn slaie mefl No. !. lor the puribs. ih tiW'j St1,', Wl, t-r.-i ao.1 t.'i W'i ol acrl'oB . luwuanip ju suin, 01 range , west, w , M and w ill offer pnnf to show that the land hwight is more vai'iai e ior i:s tircu-r or sto-ie for arrictiliural purtaM-. anl to establish his claim before the ilecistrr aid lcclver a this Slice of isoaeburg, uregon. on Hedbrwiav, tne xrd dsy of June, lts. He nsmes as wt'urssm: K II woodruff. M F Rice, FC slriil. ail f Rfwrbarg. Orron, V. iliian Blake, ot burke, Idaho. Any and all I'ers-ins claiuiit-g a 1 verse. 7 tl anoie described laud are requesie t to tile Ih -Sr r suns in lhisoiT.coa or beiore aid 3rd dav ol Jot. 11. . J. I. BRIlN.Ea, mar.'j Regis urr. Notice for Publication. Cnited Mutes Land Office, BiKeolirg, Oregon, Feb 21, 1XJ Notice is tereJ.y given that In compliant witn lue provisi ,ns of tre act ot Congn s ot Juel. is:. entitled "An art for the sale of limber lands in ihe Slates of California, ureroa Nevsxls .ate! w aMnrton Territory." ssex'.end ad to ail Ibo public moid slates by act uf August 4. lVi i n 1 tin s short of gnohomish. cuntv nf siwih.-.nkiih. stjtte nf W sshiuglou, hs- this day kied In thia o(Ece 0 is sworn statement so. S4-H. lor me piirvhase of th ', ot S;j ot e.- Tp. SI 8, 8 1 wel. and will 3ffer La show lhst tt. lu-l seught Is more vaiuabee for Its limb r or stone than Inr agricultural purposs-s. and tn rstsb iish his claim to said laud ! lore W S Bri t. V 8 CommlssKiiiv. at Kiddie flsreon. tvn Frilar. Ihe 1st dav ( May. lavl lie pamea as iln-ssrs: IIH M,o:l knlll.Ui.h V 1'ini. erton. Me-horn-sh. W ash, W Weybngbl, Kiddle, ' re. 4 i-l lilllwrl. I'eruue. tire. Anvan-I al! 1,-r.iDa elaltnln strmi lr the di-serlbril lands are rviuesled to f.'.e heirelaimsln Ihisotlicson or beiore said 1st da).of May lsu.1 J. T. BKIDGI-S, 12 '.p Register Notice for Publication. Tntted S'.a'es Land Office. Roaeburg. Oi'Knn.r.b 2.X.VM.X Notice is hereby g'ven that tn compliance) wlti the provisions of the set of Congress of June 3. )7H.eiiu;l.-l "An set tor the sale of liml-r lands In ihe States of ali!omia.Oregoa Nevada.and Washington Territorv." asextend ad to all ths public laud slate by act ol August 4, 1V2. ANDREW W. ANIiV BsflX. of .ircMColny tn. . Kveretl. nunty of Snoho- misD. suiie ol n a hi nylon pas tots dey tllc-1 in th'soflioe his som KtHlement No 4M', for tbe purchase of lots l,K. Jil. ,,f is,-e B. 1 p. 31 S. R :l weal and w ill olb r prool to show t'-al the land -iight is more vslnaf le for lis tinils-r or a on than lor ai'm uilural purp,u- and tnestaidl'h ins claim losaid laud l. W 8 Hn't. I 8 : 011 missioner al Kiddle, Oregon, on Friday Ihe 1st day ol May. I nu. Il-names a-wltni i-: Theo dore s ndeison. and O. I. Reeves, of Everett, Wass,.. j y GillN-ri, Per.ltie. or , Chas. A 8ho-l, Snohomish. W 'asb. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe alaive di-M'rilt-d lands are leqiieshd to file their claims in ihfs ollice on or liefore said 1st dayolMayim . J. T. BKllMiFS. f2 Register. Notice for Publication. United States l and Oil ice. Rn-ehurg. Opgon. March i. 190. Notice is herehy given that in comnlianca with the provisions oi the acl of Cngr-ss of June 3, Is7x. entitled "An a-t for ths sale of timber lands in the States of Cidl'ornla. Oteron Nevada.and Washinirton Terrin.rv."ssextend- 4sd o all the public land states by act uf August S, wii.nrR morris. of Index, county ol r'nohnmlsh, state of Wash., has this day lib d in tills ollice his sworn state ment No. 4..S, for t ie piiM'liHseof the SW; o' cc in, Tp .ii. S, R :t wesi, and alii oiler prool 1.1 show thsl the land sought Is more val uable .r Its tinitvr or sbme than for airriciillu- ral purisises, and to establish his claim I-(ore w uri-.i u 8 1 ommlssu ner, at Ki.ldle, Oregon, 00 Wednesday, Ihe2nili day of May, l'J. He nsmea as witnesses J i Giitssrt, of Purdtto Oregon, Win F Vlrlch. index. Wsih, OK Seeve and Tho Owens, both of Everett, W ash. Any ami al) persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file ineir c nuns in mil otlice ou or lavrirv said 2lih oar 01 ay, j:au, J 1 URII)Gb;, M'9 Register. Notice for Publication. " UNtTgn statrh Land Oftick, Rosebiirg, Oregon, Match 6, l'Ju.1 . NcHceis hereby given that In Onmpllanca with the provisions of lbs act of Congress of June X, lMrt.entltled nAn act for tbe salo of limber binds in the Sinu aof California, Oregon Nevada, snd Washington 'i'erritory,"asextund. 4 Wi')" " e plll,''c 'n'' ,lte, bT o' of Augugt WILLIAM F. ITI.RK'H. ol Index, county of Snohomish, aisbi of Vah It.gion, has this dsy filed In Una nfee his wion slalemeiil No. 4V9. for the pun hsse ol tbe Nri'4ol S .cm, Tj.:tl N. R 8 W, ami willofTir uool Ui si ow Uihi the land sonulit is morevsl for Its timtM-r or sione than for agricul tural purposes, mid tn csiahlls 1 his rUlm to said laud iKdorc W 8 Itrilt I.' 8 Commissioner al Kiddle. Oie., ou Wed nes.lar. the 201 h dav of May, l;i:i. He naim-s aa wltiicmus: J u'Gll berl, 01 Perdue, Oreuon, W ilbur Morris, of In dex, W ash.. 0 II Reeves, and Tho Owens, both ol hveroll, Wash Any and 11 persons claiming adversely Ihe aooVf.di'WtriliMt l.,U . . ... u , . T, 1 , , - . . ....,t i ucmi u uie in ir claims iu this ollicj on or bcloru t aid 2mh day '' My.l'. J.T. BKtMIKS, ilaril. Rwji.icr. Notice for Publication. United Stales Land Office, Kosebiirg, Oregon, Feb 21, PJOJ Notice is hereby given that lm compliaiica with the provisions uf the act of Congress of June S, )SiB entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon Nevada .and Washington Territorv." asextend- d to all ths publlo lnd states by act of August 4, IftlK. HERBKRT II. SHORT. cf Seattle, cniintv of King Htate of W'ashingtoa, lias mis unv uieci iu una omce nia sworn state ment No 44SH, lor the purchase of NU of - of Sec K.Tp 81 8, R n west, snd will uflor proof lu snow nisi me isnu aougni ta more valuable lor Its limber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land iH-tore W 8 K-Ht, U 8 Com missioner, at Riddle, Oregon, on Friday. Iho 1st day of May 19UI. He names aa witnesses: Charles II sihort, and V ctor Piukcrlnn, of Sunhnwiish, Wash., J q tilllsert,of Peril ue, Ore., W Waybrighl, Riddle, uiegoii. any snd all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested lo lile their claims In this office en or be'ore aald 1st day of May, 1903. J.T. BRIDGES. 126 p Register. Notice for Publication. Imlled Slate Land omce. Roaeburg. Oregon, Mar. 27, isot. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tbs provisions of tha act of Congress of June 1, IS78, entitled "An act for the sal ot timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada.and Washington Territory," assxteud ed to all tha publis land states by act of August 4,laStt. ' .- CAR11I.IN CHER BERG, ot Akelry. county of Hubbard, state of Minn., has ibis dsy filed In this otlice ber sworn state rm nl r-o I7i.' tor the purchase nf 'lie 8'i of NW'i NW'i ol NK'SWii of NE', of 'taw. tion ,r., tuw nat in M aoulb. ramie t west, and ill oiler pnail to show that tbe land MHiahl la more valuable for Its tlmlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish h. r c aim 10 aaiu land pctore w. 8. Hrill, U. 8. Com nusaioiieral Riddle, Ore., ou Monday, the isih d-.V ol June. ltl 8he namis aa J y King, O i Clement, both ot Roacbnrir. Ore.. Frlck Pete son.ol Akeley, Minn., Geo. Heath, of Moseburg, Ore. Any and all ttersnns claiming sdversely the alaive described lands are requested to nlo their claims in this office on orbciore said fttb day 01 June, iv jo. J.T. BRIt OES. nrWp Register. Society Mtlngs. 1 F. A A. M. Uarel Lodge No. 13. IX llaliut retralar mtMrtiogi on eftcond ' ta and ( orth Wtrdoasdayt oi each tuonlh. E. J. OTROTD, W. M. K.T.JBwkTT, Secretary. 1 O. U. W. Kosteborg lxlge No. 16. Li Meets Ibe pocood aod fonrtti Mon ' m Hivi of sarli mnnlli at 1 "iTI m n to tiHt 1. U. O. . Hall, alemtwrt in good ataoding are invited to attend. F. M. Toxigjt M. W. . H. Lenox Recorder. D. .8 tVsaiT, Financier. D P- O. ELKS. Koaebor. Lodge No. Ii ilulda regular commacica- tiona a.I O. 0. F. Hall on second and foortb Tbaradari of each month. AH members requested to attend regn larl and all viaitioc brothers are eordi ally InTited to attend. W. U. jAjucaoM, K. tt. V C. Losdos, Secretarj. 0. E. JUURTH REGIMENT. O . N. li., meets at Armory tlall erer luuiauaj sivmufi o w uiut. a . F. B. Hau, Capt DEGREE OF HONOR. Mjsiic Ixdare No. 13. Mets Snd and 4th Tbora day ereoiinc of each month io Na tive bocs' Hall. isUmg members cor tiavlly itusal to attend. Mas. Mkbjt ffnrt, C. of II. E. II. Lkknox, Rec. fC OF A. Coort Donglaa No. 32, For- I esters of America. Meets every Tuesiday eyeolGjj in native sons' tiaJu N laitingbrothersiaivara welcome S. .YaxZilk C. R. E. II. Lkxox, R. 8 E. V. Iloorxs, FbTsicUn. 5 0. O. F. PbileUrian Lodsre No. 8. Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor- oer Jackson and Case atreete. on Saturday evening of each vjeek. Mem hers of tbe order in rocd siandiog- err lavited to attend. H.B.Gtiajrrrt, N. 0 N.T.Jiwrrr, Sr clary. 1 of F. Alpha Lodin No. 47. Meete li everv Wedneedav. In I. O. O. F Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in tjtood st Andintf are invited to attend. W. C. Hildibssmd (J. C. S. V. Ramp K, R. B. 1 O.T. M.-Prxtrtion Tent No. l.V it Holds its regular Reviews the tiit aud third Friday ol each month in the I. O. 0. hall. V biting members in good etirnlin are invito! to attend. OfA . I tRRT, Lorn. K. E. I'lodcstt, Record Keeper. I I LAC CHICLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on Snd and -Sth " Fridays of each month at tbs Na tive K-ng, llau. telUng members in rood standing are invited to attend. Maix.e lkcHANAs, Guardian Neighbor rS5IB Otet, rsecy. - I O. T. M. Roeeborc Hive No. 11 I Holds its refalar reviews opon the second and loorth hnday eve, of each month in the Native Sons' Hail Sisters of other Hives viiriiing ie tne city are cordially invited to attend onr re views. Jgseis Kapp, L. Com Macuk E. McClalum. K k,. l1.W OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6CC0, eets Bret anil tbtrd Wedceedart each mouth at Native tSon' Hail, Geo. Ryrox, Clerk. A E. b. Roee'nus Chapter No. 8 II Holds their reiroJar meeting on ths art and third Tharedeys in eacb nonth. Visiting mem hers tn good taniiir g sre reapectfnlly Invited to at -nd. Mas. Nassik Spragfi W M.t Macdr Rat Secretary. ft"P.r;K.AHs. Kueelmrn Rebekah Lialire No. 41. l.O. O. F., meets in Oild Fallows' Temple every Tiw'eilay eveninv. Visiting eistera and brethren invited to attend. Dklla F.row, N. G. Cora Wisiiikrlt, ii. S. jJNITED ARTI9AN.S.-Ump,itia As 11 m-mlily No. 105 nieetH every Satisr dav evcisinir, nt 8 o'clock in Native Kim Hall. Viciting AriiKang ctirilia'ly uiviuM io aiii-nu. Rkv. 8 A. PoroLAs, M. A Minn. Lela Biuiw.k, SeiTvtary. IIOODMEN OF THE WORLD.-Oak i Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd 1 Fellows' Hall, in Rosebarg. every first and third Monday evening. Visit ing neighbors alwsv welcome. N. T. Jkwett, C. C. J. A. Bccuaman. Clerk. I IN ION ENCAMPMENT, I. 0. O I I (.1,1 Ft- Itiw's Temi.lo. Mesdji fi rut and third TImnUv evenings eac month. Visitors conliailv invittsi. J. B. Hamiltox, C J. C. Twitch ell, Scribe. P. Yoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOAN BROKER ..FIRE INSURANCE..' Tlmlier lands located anrl for sale. Good bar gains In fsrm praiK'rty. Loans mails on easy terms In sums from A0 to any amount at t, 4, t and 8 percent. A. P. APPLE0ATE, YONCALLA. OKK OCOOOOCOOOCjOOCOCXjOX ( ED T. filAGilEL RESIDENT Best References. All Work Guaranteed l eave orders at Bur r's Music i? to 5000X00000XS The froqacnt (talcs of small inetru- ar ments ol late is a snrprine for this time of the year. Prices and quality is what counts when sellinjf goods and yon can always get the lwet g.xids for thekVaet money at T. K. Kichardxon's. T. K. RICHARD50N MUSIC HOUSE t; Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon. .uauiamaaauuuiiuuuuiuiuuuiUuUaUg Professional Cards. jyn. II.L.$sTLDLEV, Osteopath ALL DISEASES TaEATTD VcCErTIXT Phone t "cstdciK Sil, , Bcsldcm. ruon iOSca 1161 es4 Rossftnrc Office : koom H Taylor Wilson Block f lamina! Ion free. OfDea boon S ta 11a.m. brail oats HUUCoiUcof Oslcopaiiiy Q.E0RGE II. BROWS, Attorney-at-Law, Coort Boose Oosra riiAirs- ROSEBlTtG.ORE Q V FISHER, ii. d; Physician, Surgeon. OfSce over P. O. Rossbcsxi, 'Phone Main 591. Okbtxm. Q R.GEO. K. I10CCK, Physcian & Surgeon. Ota oa Review Bid. Fbooa. Mam XI KOeEBreo JjLMER V. B00VEB, PHYSICIAN AND FURGE0N. ROSBSCM UtSOXSM SpdsJ attcotloa civrn to Dlsnsss.s of ths Has nd TcroaL OSca-Vala ft.. one door soetaof City Ball Phot,. Msia Ml. p VY IUYNES. DENTIST, arm Building, reier-non So. i. SOiiXBrita Otts'JO A. M. ClfJaWTOBJ), Attorney at Law, aVooau UL Karster Bids... ROUBCES, Oh BTlaTB'Sasinosa tsefore tha U 8 Land OfBca aod aunins eases a specially. Lata Reeelvw C. B Land OSce J0UN H. SHUPE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Rosea i' at), Objusom. 8astBca befora V. S. land OsVvaud frotsat bust sicas a special t y. Offics Abraham Baildinc J C. FULLERTON Attorncy-at-Law. a Ui pracUre In all tha (slat aa? FolcrsJ Coorv OtSca la at arks' Blda RoaaoarK. Oregoa. QOMMODORE S. JACKSON, At lorn? v and Counsellor at Law. Mining Law and Water Rights made a specialty. alters Bid ROjSBCBSJ, OREGON P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law. oass 1 and S sarvtov BullJint. KfteEBrECs. ORKtvUB . J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Room S slarslcrs Bu.U-ut- HOSKBC RH. O J. ROBINETT, Attornc)' at Law. TayLr A w i iaott Block Koasscaa. Mas A. H.SBAT, C A. B(HbBUa gEIILBREDE & GRAY, LAWYERS Vrwnfco In ail nl the nvarta of the ta a, atau belorv th U. t. Land dcpartmroL Tailor ilsoo Block. Notary Pnblic In otHc i'bonu Mai a Jj6 ROSEBC RO, ORE -INSURE IN THE- I INSURANCE AT COST. Head Office, McMlnnvllle, Orvgvo Amt.of Insurance in force, 111,000,000.00 Net gain ia one year, 2,G2S,7K7.0O Saving its niemlaars 1 yr., S0,591.H0 Number separate risks, 22,St0 A. J. Buchanan, RoBcbnrg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co AT THE PLAINDEALER. erfect rinting leases ractical eople AT THE PLAINDEALER A L IEEDHAM PIANOS THE BEST AND MUCH THE BEST We have on hand a few second hand pianos, which we are giving to close oat at a sacrifice, to make room for our next car load. We have only four pianos of our Let car k-ad left. The Needham pells iUclf at sight and soansl. Needham Pianoe, the Ixfiit anl only the best. T. K. lsichardtson. YRTLE GREEK FLOUR The Best Always the Cheapest g a I S For Sale by 4 II you want to buy a farm if you waat furnished rooms If you want to buy a house' If you want to rent a house If you want to builu a house If you want to move a house If via In'tkiiePiT all on or avlJrees . . . F F.paitsfa. N. A. FOSTER & CO., 1 " GOTERXilEXT LANDS Of every descriy tion. Farms and Min eral Lands. Urifgon, WashinUn and Minnesota. (j23 OAKLASD. OKEGOX BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Wachingtisn and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collins r H. Little, o: j DENTIST. j Oakland. - - - Oregon. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers rreparw! for filing en Govern ment Land Blue IVvnta of Township Maps showing all acant Lands. FRANK L ALLEY, Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures 0t3ice in new Hunk Ruildirnr. Thone 415 ROSEBURls. - ORKGON A GREAT COn PAN Y The New-York I.lfe-!-1ft3T-s?v,ti year eld. Aasvctsi over tto,ooa,ooa. locome ia 1901 ovs-v.S 70,000,00 Ivaarance in force ever ij6s, 000,000. Mew luaarance psild.for In 1001 over 96 a, 000,000. 'Pmta Jotlcylloldssrsi in loot, over a 7, 000,000. Ilt ftlcs -Holders la S7 yestrw. ever aj49.000.000. W. J. Moon. Afrnl. Rostbarj; Ore AMD Tn f mm F5 filMOf 1 ttl tin THE SCENIC LINF Through Salt Ls-tke City, Lcadville.. Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Rrtiai. K.. 1 J . , WS.S.UVJ.J, uy uayiigui to .axjli ortrrps "east Modem Equipment Through Pnlhuau aud Tomist Sleep mg Cars aud Superb Dining Car Service. STOPOVERS ALLOWED Ft.r raw, folJor, Rnd olher . W. r M,r-,m . it?:orntB,:oa, avV'ress s, -0 A, 630100. GfOCerS LLUUHIU Ceatnctar aa4 Kai'dsr Reeebnrg - Orasroa. Go to .. ff.J.!llllfF BARBER SHOP. For m Prompt and First-elaje Shave or Hjur-cnt. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow els, Tools always in shape. Baths in Connection. I Shop on Jackson St. saasaeaievea Homes from 5250 to $5000 Write or 'Phone TOm. I.T, Porter, Real Estate Ajent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator Packer and Guide Camas Valley, Oregon 2& oi'.a mtb srest nt Kosvckwx MRS. H. EASTON is t re;red to wait apon old ajnd pvw customers and fritsrHla with a full and complete stock ol GROCERIES w i All fresh and ol the verv beet o,nalitv. Teas aad coffees are Fpeei6itia. Your patronage solicited. . aoe JarL-cnrs tt r...w as s, imocuuij . VaVrV erS THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD TheUrr.u-st Farrj nsrr of Ik Xnrtn-t-t. liituishat ws-siY at .a,ra ir tB F.lii,! by las- f.nsrn of tn Nortbarol. Tsmt7 4-. lUu.lratJ. A WESTERN l'APER FOR WESTERN PEOPLE S Psjstrs tor $1 asa. Lass taaa rabll.-atiOQ Is-so Msrrh I. lsj, esr has 9. so lubsrriWts. I aeQmnai nwih " t"i X b' ,rM Prr put YOU SHNULD READ IT H031ESTEAD AND FLALNraUS $115 A 1QL EJHi-llUFIl' s Is- . . ft . ....viit., 1 js,jr,cni, Ia4 .cdij Street, PoittanJ, Ore SI PS! Kan a n c " 'a daw K --s. as. I ft K S " vi -r- J ! 9 V