The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 13, 1903, Image 3

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A :
and if our SPRING' and SUMMER ,
Lino is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this season the
Latest Styles in
Siik Gcuse Novelties, Sole Jourec, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
leno Applique Lawn, Alton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale v .
'JkirtC We c""y the Finest IJne 01 Mfcte-up Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts cannot be
wllll equaled for quality and price
Oar Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
Embodies many special features that will in
terest you. The clothing that we sell from the
Highest to the Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly deendable. w e recommend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower than any other 6tore fell for the same quality. Also a new
and up-to-date line of I-adies and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe
The Peonle's Store ''
w - One Door South of P. O.
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cat
Envelopes : :
Also jf off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening. Dout Miss these
bargains : : : : : :
f T I Ti. 4.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
forblue prints, and filing papers. If
Dressmaking and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
"Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the conut v. tf
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of tie only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eatirg
Uoue, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. "
If yoa want to go to Ok Comity
points, 'take the Roseburg, Marshfield
route. Spring hacks leave Roseburg
every day at t, A. M. Inquire of C. P.
Barnard, ageiit. tf.
D. ST. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
Wakelies Squirrel Poison at Fullerton
and Richardson's.
For good 25-cent meal go to the Re
sort. George Gabbkrt.
When yoq use Wakelies Foison you
find the squirrels.
Buy the best Wakelies' squirrel poi
son. It does the work.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
You can get anything yon want in the
lineof garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tf 17
For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators,
Brooders, etc., go to S. K. Sykes. tfl"
Miss Nellie Collier, of Seattle, Is visit
ing her sister, Miss Lillie, of this city.
Try the Fedalis Shoe for Women.
Only f 3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Par.
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at 30 cents
per can, at Fullerton and Richardson's.
51bs, $1.15.
Yon can do more garden work with &
Planet Jr. Seeder than you can with a
dozen hoes. Churchill and Woolley
sell them.
- Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades
Gasoline engines for farm work. Grind
ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws,
etc., for sale by S. K. Sykes. m tfl7
Mrs. F. II. Rogers and little son, War
ren, returned to their home at Drain, on
yesterday's local, after a.hort visit with
their hnsbaud and father, in this city.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petal o ma Inculia
tor and get a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them
Builders take notice, you can do bet
ter to figure with S. K. Sykes on your
material before buying any place else.
He has a large stock to select from. tf!7
Call on Drs. Cbeadle A Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and bridge work department.
Prices reasonable. ' tf
in the citv from
Fob Sale 1, Sin. wagon in muning
order, price 5.(0. 1, 3'y in. wagon com
plete, led ; wood-rack double-trees and
neck-yoke, in fine order, price 135.00.
Inquire of C. Van Zile, Douglas St. east
of Hill, Roseburg Ore, Mar 19-1 m.
Tliofi. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
i Lanjishan chickens, "greatest of w inter
' ayers," is' making a special offer t
those wishing eggs for hatching 15 eggs
for $1.50. Those wishing oggs should
wr ite him at i lire. ni4
I-oujs Bagger A Co., Patent Attorneys,
Washington, D. C, report that recently
Mr. John II. Wiles, a resident of this
place, obtained a valuable patent for
improvements in pruning shears. A
printed copy of this patent will be fur
nished free to any reader of this paper
on application to the above-named at
torneys. Mention this paper in writing,
L. S. Coonr was
Dillard, Friday.
) Buy the best Wakelies' Squirrel pol
son. It does the work.
John Hall and wife were in the city
from Myrtle Creek , Friday
Rev. W. S. Smith, was over from
Oakland, Thursday evening.
Mrs WLlis Kramer, was a Roseburg
visitor from Myrtle Creek, Friday.
You should that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill sod Woolleys.
Mr. Cyrus Powell, is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Lucy Eddy at Kellogg.
Men wanted to cut 200 tier of wood
Inquire of Henrj Conn, Roseburg, Ore
gon. Messrs Frank T. Hayes and O John
eon, of Grants Pass, spent Sunday in
this city. .
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at 30 cents
per can, at Fullerton and Richardson's.
5ib, $125. .4
C. W. Benson, who has been visiting
bis. niece, Mrs .W. II. Carroll, returned
to Salem, Friday.
Watch our windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for you at
Flint's Shoe Store.
When in town and you want a first-
class iV-ceut dinner, go to the Resort.
Foa Sale. One good sewing machine
for $10.00. Will take wood or hav. Box
20, Roseburg. Soiotf.
Mr. Ed. Carlon, of Portland, has been
visiting his parents iu this city, return
ing to Portland this morning.- '
Too Jersey yearling bulls ami one grade
Hereford yearling bull for sale. Inquire
of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Oregon, lip.
The 19UU Ball bearing Washing
Machine is the greatest labor saving
machine on the market. Churchill and
Woolley sella them.
See Dr. Studley, the Oaleopast, for
that lame back. He permanently cures
atl chronic and acute diseases. Room 11
Taylor and Wilson Block.
On or before May, 1003 a $150 p I .olo
graphic outfit for less than one-half
Spring & S
shows marRed advancement over
any of our previous steps in this
We have better styles and more
of them than ever before without
a corresponding raise in prices.
No other line of men's and
boy's suits can approach ours in
style and originality of treatment
and for the quality offered our
Prices Cannot be Matched
7. n u
Always the Cheapest
fT Is l
Of i
alue. Tent and everything complete.
Address A. A. Graves, Roseburg, Ore.
For sale at Mrs. G. R. Child's, piano.
70, bedsteads, stoves, fireplace furnish
ings, laundry furniture, shades,' chairs,
garden tools, bookshelf and tables. 22-3t
Mr. Jackson, the gunsmith, has just
received a large invoice of blank keys,
and can now lit you out with anything
in that line at reasonable prices. 2tp
Governor Franklin of New Jersy, has
annulled the charter of 9JZ corporation s
with supposed combined capital of
1339,000,000. The concerns were all
wind and water.
Osteopathy is the best treatment for
all diseases peculiar to women. A fair
trial always gives satisfaction. Dr.
Studley room 11 Taylor & Wilson B ock.
Hours 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m.
A. C. Roberts, Editor of the Myrtle
Point Enterprise, made the Plaindeal-
r a pleasant call this morning. He is
a good newspaper man and his business
in Roseburg was to attend to some busi
ness at the Land Office.
II. L. MeWilliams, II. Bolvin and
Walter Bolton left for Roseburg this
morning to join the Elks. Attorney
McWilliams will then continue on to
the democratic congressional convention
that meets in Albany. Ashland Record.
Dr. II. L. Studley the Osteopath lias
now moved into his new office at room
11, Taylor & Wilson Block. He wishes
to thank the people of Roseburg for
their earnest patronage of the past and
will continue to give free consultation,
from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. -
A fashionable eastern dress-maker,
just arrived with latest styles, solicits
the patronage of the most fastideous and
guarantees to give entire satisfaction.
Will sew in private homes. 'Phone 715
5 rings or address Miss K. Becker, Box
155, City. " 2tp
The Supreme Court of Kansas handed
down a 'decision on Saturday in which the
Kansas Utopian Association is declared
to be a nuisance. The court says of the
club: "Stripped of the subterfuge and
pretense, it is simply a whisky saloon."
The association had 62,000 members and
200 lodges or "blind tigers," and was do
ing business in nearly every county scat
in the state.
Beaty Bros, known as the "Keneto-
scope Kings" gave an exhibition at the
Roseburg Theater, Saturday night. The
house was filled and every one who at.
tem'.ed felt themselves amply repaid. We
don't know whether the moving picture
apparatus, used by Beaty Bios, in better
than that which is usually on the road,
but there is one thing sure, they know
how to get the bent result out of their
KenctoHcopc, there being a distinctness
and clearness abotittheir pictures which
we never mtw before. And we honestly
believe that if Beaty Bros, had showed
here two niuhtfl they would have had a
When you use Wakelies Poison, you
find the squirrel. ..-..
Mrs. O. L. Willis, of Dillard, is in the
city, the guest of Mrs. Hanan.
Rex Romane took cliarge of the Aid
rich restaurant on Wednesday.
S. 8. Bolsinger, came over from Rrock-
way Saturday, to transact business.
Mrs. Jesse Clements left last night for
Glendale where she goes to visit friends.
Mr. Rennie Lohr has accepted a posi
tion" with the Perkins Hotel, at Portland.
President Roosevelt is now in the
Yellowstone Park liny ting mountain
lions and wolves'
Miss Hendricks left Saturday
morning for Eugene, where ahe goes' to
visit Mrs. L. N. Roney.
L. E. Bean and Hon. L. T Harris, of
Eugene, were in the city on Saturday,
transacting business. . . .
E. Holdredge was in town from Ten
Mile today, on business, and visiting hii
brother-in-law, F. L. Beard, and wife.
L. L. Hurd, postmaster at Glendale,
was in town on business, Saturday.
Mr. Hurd expects to make an eastern
trip of several months' duration.
Grants Pass Observer: - Mrs. Ray
Carlon, of Roseburg, arrived in Grants
Pass Thursday morning and is enjoying
a visit at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. S. Cook. ' "
President Brighara Young of the
Morman Church, died at Salt Lake City
on Saturday night. He was the second
son of the renouned Brigham Young and
was born at Kirtland, Ohio, December
18, 183d. - ..... '.. "' .
We learn from one of Douglas coun
ty's prominent prone growers, that the
frost, which fell Thursday night did not
damage the fruit crop to any great ex
tent. He says that the fog which came
npon Friday morning covered up the
sun and allowed tke frost to leave the
blossoms gradually, therefore he does
not believe the loss will amount to
much. ,
Tonight the Rev: Mr. Ross of the
Presbyterian Presbytery of Los
Angeles will preach in the Southern
Methodist church. The Reverend
gentleman is a fine preacher and is well
know n in Roseburg, and a packed house
will await him w hen it is known that he
is in town. He is on his way to bold a
revival meeting in Washington, and
stopped off to shake bands with old
friends. He preached last night to a
packed house in the same place.
The Revival meetings that are now be
ing conducted by the' Rev. C. W. Myers,
of Med ford, Oregon, in the new Free
Methodist Churcb, West Roseburg. will
be continued every night in the week ex
cect Saturdays until the 24th inst. when
the district meeting will be held by the
Elder, W. E. Gook. The Oregon Con
ference of the Free Methodist Church
will be held in the church in West Rose
burg, beginning April 29tb, 1903, reach
ing over the first Sunday in May.
Bishop Heart of Cal., will have charge
of the conference. Strangers '. will be
welcome. Mrs. U. C- Reece,
Snndar Services in the Free Metho
dist Church, West Roseburg, are as fol
lows: Preaching every morning at 11 a.
m., and 7 p. m.. Sunday School at 10 a.
in. Mrs. U. C Reece,
Paistor -in-Cbarge.
Messers Waite, Stewart, and Gal y.
have been appointed as a committee
to see to the collecting of an exhibit
from Douglas county, to be sent to the
Portland Fair. These gentlemen earn
estly request that any person who has
any thing worth exhibiting, will send
it to the Roseburg Board of Trade. It
doesn't cost the sender a rent, as the
Railroad company will deliver free of
charge any thing which is sent to the
Roseburg "Board of Trade. Farmers
and all other producers ia lVugtaa coun
ty should wake up to the realixalioo
that, with the great number of out-of-state
people who visit the ' Board of
Trade, each day, a giod exhibit will do
Douglas conoty a great deal of good.
The exhibits will be kept it the Board
of Trade, until the time they are moved
to Portland.
aster Offerings for Swell Dressers
In Styles to fit the Most fastioas
All the newest shapes in the Josephson
Hat. The Silver Golf and Dress Shirts in
endless variety, representing" all the latest
patterns. Fashion's latest fads - in Men's
Neckwear. The most correct stylesin that
line ever shown anywhere. - - -
Wakelies' Squirrel Poison at Fullerton
and Rkhardaon's.
Rev. Richey who has holdings
very successfu'l meeting at the Chris
tian Church, left for his home in Salem
this morning. Ding this meeting
there were seventeen new members
take i into the Church.
Fatlier Ioyle left last night fr Port
lind, where he will stay a few da a be
fore taking np his tew work at Burns.
Father Doyle, by Lis genial way, has
won many warm and Lusting friends,
in Roseburg, who will very much reject
to learn of liia derture.
There seems to be the chance I--r a
first class row iu Ut-elia!l affair, Imii it
is hoped that the cituett w ill land by
the boys who have to play ball and krep
p the reputation of t Ite i:y. It i the
players who will win the game, not the
men who want to niatr monev out of
them. -
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the Rose
burg post office.
Barton, M Spencer. Frank, jr
Hoema, Attorney Truelinger, Win
Hourton, Joe Wilkins, Mrs James
SpangleTjG L
Persons calling for these letters w ill
please state the date on w hich they are
advertised, April 13, 1903.
The letters will l charged for at the
rate of one cent each.
Ww. A. Kbatek, P. M
Weather Report.
High Grade Pianos.
How wouid it look if I were to adver-
tie that I bad Stein way, K, li-h-er
and Needliain l'Unos and son.e cheap
er makes like Chickering, Kimball and
others? It is just as consistent to say .
hat Need ham is cheap, ffr.there ia no
better upright piano made. It has al
ways ito d among the high grades; it
has never been bought cheap and never
was told as such, for it has .to compete
against all the high grade pianos that
are now on the market.
St T. K. Ricbaexwok.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ia hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants, endorar-f prior to '
Dee Cih, 1'JOO, are requested to present
the same at the City Treasurer's otfice
for payment, as interest w ill cre there
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Roseburg. One., Mch. 6th, 1003.
H. C. Suxx, Ja-,
City Treararer.
Smith Daadrnff ' Pomade
Stops itching sraJp npon one appile
tioo, three to six removes all dandra j
and will stop faCintr hair. Price W j
For sale by Marsters Drag Co. mill !
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all partis
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to and including Nor. 10th l'XO, ate re
quested to present the same at the coun
ty treasurer's office for payment as in
terest will ceae thereon after the dat
of this notice.
Dated Roseburg, fVmglas County Ore
gon, March 9th, 1903.
Gao, Dimmick,
. County Treasurer
The Ux roils for 1W2 have been
placed in my Land for collection, and on
Monday, March 1, l'Ai3, at S o'clock, a.
m., I will commence to receive taxes.
K. L. Pa as rr.
Sheriff and tax collector for toaglas
unitr. Orison.
Bids Wanted.
Miss Rose Parrott, first assistant to
the principal, entertained the high
school class of '03 at six o'clock dinner
Saturday evening. The affair was very
novel and charming throughout. Instead
of the conventional dirfner cards, Miss
Parrott had secured portraits of the
guests taken in the early days of child
hood, and these placed on the table had
to be recognised and claimed by each to
determine the chair te be occupied,
much amusement being occasioned by
the failure of some of the young people
to recognize their infantile likeness.
Dinner was served in six courses, and
the floral piece was of long stemmed
scarlet carnations in a cut glass vase.
The after dinner amusement was a series
of well known pictures of which the
young people must determine the title
and artist, and the price, a handsome
copy of Perry's "Princess" was present
ed to Miss Lillian Stanton. The guests
were Misses Gertrude ' Rapt, Lillian
Stanton, Kate Fnllcrtun, El!a Black,
Bessie Kidder, Edna Parsley : Messrs
Tom Townsend, Floyd Ramp and the
principal. Prof. Sanders
At the beautiful homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Barker in West Roseburg,
Rosebcro, Ore.
Week ending 5 p. m., A pril 8, 1903.
Maximum temperature, fi2 on the 7th
Minimum temperature, 36 on the 5t
Rainfall for the week, 0.15.
Total rainf II since 1st of March, 0.15.
Averagers, fall for this month for
85 years, 2.54
Total rainfal. from Sept. 1, 1902, to
date 33.85.
Average rainf II from Sept. 1, to date
Total excess from Sept. 1, 1902, to
date, 4.62.
Average precipitation for 25 wet sea
ons, 33 25.
Thos. Gibsox, Observer.
OLLI VAST-ROSE. Sunday 9 o'clock
a. m at the home of the brides
brother, Mr. A. Rose, Miss Cora Rose
and Mr. Tom Ollivant. Justice of the
- Peace Buchanan officiating.
Prominent Visitors .At the Board of
J C C Lewis Wisconsin.
J W Wallace Cutralia, Wash.
W G Hill Wilbur, Ore.
J Heineburg San Francisco, Cal
Sunday, a few guests were entertained Mrs. Celia Orth New York.
at dinner in honor of Mrs. Child, wl.o a C McKinnon Anaconda, Mt.
leaves for Sau Francisco, Thursday
mo-ning. The table decorations were
beautiful, the centerpiece being a largo
bouquet of sweet stock, nestled in which
was a white rabbit, symbolical of Easter,
as were also the souvenirs at each plate,
representations of birds' nests in whiih
Seeled bids will be received, np te noon
of Friday, May 1, for the erection of a
three-story pat king house, 50xS4 ia
sue, to be built in Roseburg, Ore. Plans
and specifications may be seen at the
office of Frank K. Alley, Architect, Rose
burg. All bids to be accompanied with
a certified check for 5 per cent of the es
timated price, and- the owoei reserve
the right to reject any or all bids.
Maich 3d, 190L C. Gaxlet.
A Profitable Garden
is spired when you plant onr
st-eds.- They -are all crown and
selected and put np especially
for this Coast trade. They ykl.1
big crops, early crops and money
making cror. Onr 1903 Annual
and Seed Beyer's Guile tells all
a boot them. Every farmer
should have it. Srnt free. A.
for lk No. 72.
POmAXa SEED CO, Portland Ore.
Headquarters for Poultry and
Pee Supplied, Spray Pumpa a ltd
They are Proving Satisfactory.
The Supplemental Chamber Co.,
Rosebcbu, Ore.
Gentlemen : Please send me via ex
press, one dozen Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for S3 S. A W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke
less cartridge. The brass Chamber or
dered some time ago having proved sat
isfactory I can do business with them
when the spring season opens.
Yours truly, (I. J. Stillman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1902.
Tobosto, Jan. 13th, 1903.
The S.C. Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs: I beg to thank you for
sample brass chamber and the informa
tion concerning . same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order tliat I
might test the chamber for my own sal-
isfaction and knowledge. I find same
works perfect satisfactory and now wish
to apply for the sole selling agency for
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours very truly,
F16 A. II. Fxss Mfgs.-Agent.
aVpartarat of th Iotrnr.
t ortnl Main LaJ O lice,
lUvt barr. Ore Mmrck. 14.
bu ba rKvirml from Um 6arrjor txarl
r orvon usa on
fRiWY.AwlII. 19H lllgrWk n .
Ottmud tLT will ho l la thio- and
the land mtanrl thfna .ill b rained to
i. H.BJOIU. Kmitw.
If yoa bare a ring that is
broken or a set lost out, or
poseiily yoa bsTe a ring'tLat
is jnst a little t small or a
little to large, perhaps yo
have one that needs strengthr
ening or is badly bent. I us
prepared to do all kinds of
ring repeating. I not only
guarantee my work, but I
guarantee yoa will be we3
pleased with the job : : :
Title U uc ran tee & Loan C
I. D. Bn.TO.
D C (Urates
OCnli tb.Coert Hew. Ht lis. o"7
p.rt art of 't7m- book! ia IXmnlMloei
A totrvru ul Cru ol T.u (arniAiir-i : crvraot oi Tnemn o fel tea&
titi la KoMtoar. Orw, P. 8. L.. i 1
tiirt. i.l max jxial copitic i JT to
wore two easier eggs and ttie nail ot an
eggshell filled with salted almonds.
The dinner was served in eight courses
and was as follows : Fresh oysters,
crackers; salad, salted wafers; creamed
clams, hot biscuits ; asparagus, bread
and butter; roast chicken, dressing,
gravy, mashed potatoes, green peas;
pineapple g'.ace, assorted cak; coffee;
finger bowls, in which was a spray of
wild currants; relishes pickles, olives,
and nickled tearg. Mrs. Barker is a
charming hostess, as all who have ac
cepted her hospitality enn testify, and
was assisted by her daughters, Missea
Veil and Hattie and Miss Gertrude
Rast. The guests were : Dr. and Mrs. Misi Pliil.l Mm. WilliH. Mrs.
D A McKinnon Anaconda, Mt.
U B Rowley Boyce Station, Penn.
Levi Green London, Ore.
T A Baker Minneapolis; Minn.
Adam Thein Carroll, Iowa
Ira Btuan Eckley, Ore.
frank Wixen Brockway, Oie.
A W Hadley Onotoma, Minn.
B Feuton Myrtle Point, Ore.
II J Prosser Troutdalo, Ore.
Wm Porter Camas Valley, Ore.
For Sale
A quarter-block near center of the
own, contajni ng two good houses, int-
al 27 a mouth. Also two desirable
building lots. The lots can be hail sep-
rately if desired. Apply to
1). S. K Buick
Horse I or Sale.
I have a bxh1 work horse. 7 years old
for sale, cheap. Inquire of F. F. Ball
at Doer Creek Dam. near Roseburg. tf,
$too Reward $loo.
v - ' . ..I .If
Stoves and Tinware
The readers of ihis paper w ill be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that scienco bat
been able to cure in all its stages and
that is Catarrh. Hal's Catarrh Cure
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
constitutional disease, leqmres a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure ia taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundations of the- disease, and giving I
therationt strength bp building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors have mi
much hath in its curative powers, that
thev offer one Hundred Dollars for anv I
case that it fails to cure. Send for lift
of testiinoninls.
Address. F. J. Chanky. & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family pills are the beat.
Now is .Your.C&ance
Our new gcods have arrived and they
are all 0. IL We can show sorae
We have the SnoW FlaKe Goods for Waists and
Dresses, also the Dedfofd Cord. If yoa want any
thing in the line of Fancy Hose we ha?e then.
! Some new patterns that are very pretty.
good houxe kith nights.
land Miss Zigler.