The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 13, 1903, Image 2

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    Th Tric-Vtk
Roseburg Plaindealer
Pmbllabed Mob dan1 nd Thnradays.
Cllendale News. 1
The general health in our city is now
on- a a : Unai mnvmi. improving ,ind whooping cough - is
tion met last Saturday at Albany and
PLAINDEALER PUBUSHINQ CO. va8 called to order by Sam White and
Editor and Publisher
Habut H. Bbookes, Local Editor.
TwkM-TTeck PUiodcaler. vet year, S2.00
Entered at the Poet Office in Roaebnrg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertiping Rates ou Application.
APRIL 13. 1903.
The Plaixdkaleh sees no reason why
resident property owners and farmers
should be taxed op to the full limit of
the actual value of their property and
also to oar taxes on money borrowed to
improve their holdings, or -on tbe
amount of unpaid debts, for then a man
is paying taxes on something which
does Dot belong to him, and at the same
time the timber land speculator is not
paying taxes on one-fourth or one-fifth
of the actual value of his land. There
are bat few timber claims today that
are not worth at the rate of from f 8 000
to $20,000 per section, and if all prop
erty was taxed justly it would remove a
very heavy burden from the shoulder of
the agriculturists, and we have come to
this conclusion by knowing the value of
the timber lands which are being taken
op so rapidly by speculators and timber
land syndicates. '
Oratiooal Contest.
A treat deal of fuss and leathers is
being made about the Rev. Rastus A
Smith of McMinnville college for deliver
ing another man's essay on the Jews.
Tbe college fraternity are now trying to
let him down easy which ' is perfectly
rieht and proper for there is no more
wrong in using the oration than tliere
is for a preacher we heard of who
preaches a sermon taken from a book
and publishes it as his own. This is
nothwE more or less than putting a
J. K. Weatherford was elected tempor
ary chairman and C. V. Galloway tem
porary secretary. The gentlemen were
affpru-arJg made permanent olRcera of
the convention.
The following platform was adopted
"We are unalterably opjo80d to the
present trust dictation of our financial
tariff legislation, especially as exempli
fied by the Aldrich and Fowler bills now
pending before Congress, and, declare
such control harmful to good govern
"There is an overwhelming demand
from a vast majority of the people for
revision of the tariff along rational lines,
We repudiate the absurd, proposition
of continuing high protection on pro
ducts of the gigantic trusts, now grown
to plethoric wealth under Governmental
"We demand favorable action in lieu
of mere promises in securing Federal im
provements of our rivers and harbors.
"We demand the passage of effective
laws controlling the trusts, and sincere
efforts to enforce them.
Public lands belong of right to the
people, and any attempt to alienate said
lands contrary to law should be con
demned at the bar of public opinion : we
therefore favor an honest administration
of the Land Department, as well as all
other departments."
The administration of Governor
Chamberlain ' is justly receiving the
commendation of the people, Irrespect
ive of party, ami the record of the Dem
ocratic party in the recent Legislature
reflects honor upon the party, and will
redound to the welfare of the state.
We commend their earnest endeavor to'
curtail public expenditures in the inter
est of the taxpayers."
The only points left out of the resolu
tions being 16 to 1 ; a pledge to renew
worship of Jefferson and 40 acres and
a mule.
almost a thing of the past. .
David and Frank, the little sons of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Tyner, are now conva
lescent under treatment of Dr. F. R.
The "donkey" engine for the Zwight-
Snyder saw mill was unloaded from the
cars Saturday, and work at the mill will
commence as soon as it is put in posi
tion. .
Dick Gutheredge. who was disap
pointotiin getting the Plotner property,
has bouglit eeven acres adjacent to that
property, and will commence to build
at once. We cordially welcome the
Gutheredge s to our city.
School will commence at our new
school house on Monday, - April 20th
with Mrs.II. E. Hamlin and Miss Mary
Benn as teachers, and 'no doubt those
estimable ladies will appreciate the fact
of having a comfortable' school home
with plenty o! room.
D. N. Fish, the newly elected mayor
of this city who has been dangerously
ill, is reported as being better today
Mr. Fish is one of the most popular and
highly esteemed men in our city, and a
universal feeling of sympathy is ex
pressed for his illness, and the hearts of
all go out in the wish for his recovery
Houses are scarce and tents are now
being used for homes. It seems to ns
that the erection of four or five cot
tages for rent would tea good invest
ment for some one who has money to
do the building. Stueetroff colonr will
want at least six houses upon their
arrival here, which will be about May
20th. Mollis.
At Luncheon.
Mrs. I. Wollenburg entertained twenty
of her lady friends at a one o'clor
luncheon Friday. - The affair was one of
the nicest which has been given in Rose
burg. The guests were invited by inf
lation's worded in rhyme, and most of
the answers' were written in the same
style. The guests were made to search
Seeking a Refuge.
Oakland News.
At Natchex, Miss., last Thursday the
members of St. Mary's congregation had
most peculiar experience at high mass
that morning at 7 o'clock, when a large,
fine doe ran down Union street into the
iron fence about the cathedral, severely
injuring itself.' The doe then ran into
the cathedral and up and down the
aixlej among the members of the con
gregation. It finally made its way out,
running at high speed, and when two
blocks from the cathedral fell to the
ground and -died in a few moments.
The doe had been driven from the l.uif-
iana parches bv high water, swam the
river, climbed the hill at the river front
and raced through the streets to the
cathedral. .
BottomaDroppcd Out of Hope.
'-.1 . "
A Santa Rosa, Calif., dit-patch of
yesterday's date says : If the hop mar
ket remains in the same condition as at
present it will hiean a' loss of thousands
of dollars to a number of Sonoma county
growers who still have a portion of last
year's crop 6h hand. At the present
time the bottom has dropped out of the
market. v Several hundred bales of hops
were sold here yesterday at prices rang.
ing from 17 to 19 cents per pound.
Thirty days ago 24 cents per pound
was offered for the same. hopo. To one
large hop-grower the fall in the nisrket
will mean a loss of between $15,000 and
$20,000. The fall has been caused, it
is stated, by a combination of dealers
in New York. One grower sold yester
day 381 bales of hops at 17 cents per
pound, for which he was offered 24.ents
earlier in the season. 7
Will Thompson, of Coles Valley, is
quite sick in this city.
Dr. Page was called to Elkhead last
week to see Grandma Langdon.
Marion Cozad, of Looking Glass, is
visiting his mother in this city.
Mrs. Ellon Rogers, of Central Point, is
visiting her sistei, Mrs. J. M. Leeper.
James Brown, of Looking Glnes, was
an Oakland visitor one day last week.
.Mrs. Russell, who h is been in Baker
City, returned home Thursday evening.
G. W. Adams has sold the old Mc
Farland property to Louis Villiixgue.
Mrs. A. N. Orcntt, of Drain, was viMit
ing relatives and friends in this city last
Mrs. J. R. Sutherland who has been
in Roseburg, returned Thursday morn
ing. George Johnson has purchased the
residence property in this city of A. D.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, in
Old Oakland, Sunday, April 5, 1903, a
. Miss Mamie-Wise, who has been visit-
ng in this city some time, has returned
to her home, in Yoncalla.
Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Dunham, of French
Settlement, were in town visiting their
son, L. W. Dunham, last week.
Mrs. L. W. Estes, of 5orth Carolina,
visiting her daughters, Mrs. Frank
Ilogan and Mrs. Jessie Morris.
C. L. Berkley has sold his
property to J. A. Ilogan. who
posessioo aa soon as possible.
Good Pig Feeding.
The convention then proceeded to vote I after their place at the table. Each
for a candidate to become a martyr and I'guest on entering the dinner room was
peacock's feathers into a jack-daws, tail I sacrifice upon the altar of democracy I given a white card with some inscrip-
and on the first ballot A. E. Reames, of tic on it, relative to Easter, and on
Jackson county, was voted to fill the I each plate was laid a green cord with a
bill. And now that the nominations 1 pen drawing on it relative to Easter and
are made the U. O. P. elephant will the holders of the cords found their
and if it does no good it does no harm
for a corpse cannot be damaged u it is
pumped full of air, nor can the high
Quality of Senator Vance's oration on
the Jews be lowered because a pop-jay
orator took the text without saying
thank you."
Republican Convention.
stand and let the democratic mule do
the kicking bird act which will not
amount to a raxooper's hot blast in an
effort to turn aside a cyclone.
.Strenuous Journalism.
The convention proceedings at Eugene
last Thursday, were given in the last is
sue except the direct announcement
that the lion. Binger Hermann had re
ceived the nomination. It seems that
iter tbe Plaixd kalis was printed and
until 19 30 on Friday night, that tbe
chances for nomination of the Douglas
County candidate were rather attenuat
ed if the vote as announced, may be re
garded as showing the true situation.
On the various ballots Mr. Hermann
received rote as follows: 1-79, 2-78,
3-81, 4-S2, 6-S1, &-61, 7-80, 8-80. 9-81,
10-82. 11-80. 12-72. 13-63, 14-57. 15-40
16-39, 17-38, 18-40, 19-12, 20-54, 21-62,
22-74, 23-79, 24-95.
From the above vole it will be seen
that while there was enough opposition
to Hermann to have defeated hint easily
after tlie twelfth ballot that the three
prominent opposition candidates, Gatch,
Vawter and Kelly could not harmonize.
They were each determined that the
- Douglas County candidate should receive
the nomination if they did not, and thus
it became anna rent among the politi
cians that while his full strength as first
choice was 78 yet he was the second
choice of 17 delegates, whose first choice
was Gatch, Kelly or Vawter.
The committee on resolutions report
ed as follows :
We, your committee on resolutions,
hereby recommend that the following
resolutions be adopted . by the conven
tion, to-wit:
Resolved, That we hereby record our
high appreciation of tbe private worth
and public services of tbe late Thomas
H. Tongue, congressman from this di
trict, and we deplore his death as aloes
to his state and the nation.
"Resolved, That we recognise in Theo
dore Roosevelt, president of the United
States, a stalwart type of American
citisenship, worthy of these, the best
days of the Republic, and we heartily
endorse his position npon use great puo- in. Manager
lie questions 01 Uie day aru ma aaminis-1 bet known all
tratiou ; and be it
Resolved further, That we hereby ex
tend to him the hospitalities of the state
npon the occasion of his proposed "visit.
Resolved, That we do hereby indorse
and re-affirm the platform of the last
Oregon state Republican convention
Resolved, That the republican party of
this congiessional district favors and
will earnestly labor for the improve
ment of oar rivers and harbors by the
national government.
J. N. Cakfbk l, Chairman
The rvport was adopted unanimously.
ind bow that the convention is over
and the nomination made, and the
Hon. Binger Hermann is virtually sent
back to Washington let every republican
stand true aa steel to tbe nominee and
rive him a larger vote than was ever
rolled in the First Congressional dis
trict.. "
Oakland, Oregon, April 11, li"03.
Editor Plaikdkalkb,
Roseburg, Oregon.
Dear Sir : Look out lor a piece signed
Xanonicus." It was written over a
week ago by the City Recorder J. II
Miller and if he is consulted the articl
will never go in print. J. A. Hogan, the
city marshal may try to impose on your
paper for spite. Yesterday he came in
to the office and drew his policeman's
club on me because I threw the copy at
his feet and refused to be annoyed any
further with it. This is the kind of a
city marshal we have here.
In brief: One week ago I wrote up
the trial of two Eastern men arretted
and tried in the recorder's court for
riding through the streets faster than
six miles an honr. I submitted proof to
the recorder. lie was satisfied. The
marshall is displeased with the attitude
of both the editor and recorder.
- Fraternally yours,
D. E. ViRjios.
Why did not Editor Vernon match the
club with his "shooting stick."
When we can get the names of the
two eastern dudes and the full particu
lars of their disgraceful conduct which
has not appeared in print and which was,
if our information be correct, a disgrace
not only to Oakland but to the state at
Why were the names of the dudes sup
Was the conduct so disgraceful that
the news items did not give names for
fear that tlm news would be sent bat'k to
the offended home?
places by. finding the plate on which
was laid the green cord which matched
with the white one which they had.
The parlor was decorated in green and
white, and the talde was decorated with
the same colors with a daintily arranged
center piece of white carnations. The
menu which was served is as follow :
Tutti Frutti in half oranges decorated
with a neet of tiny Easter egs.
Crab a la New berg.
Noodle soup and rye bread.
Fish a la Parisiunne, hot rolls.
Asparagus and Mayonnaise.
Turkey with oyster dressing, mashed
potatoes, mushrooms, pickled plums
and preserved gooseberries
Vanila Ice Cream, Strawberry Water
Ice, white and chocolate Mack rones,
Champagne wafers.
Coffee. Candied StraWberaies and
stuffed dates.
After llusexcellent menu was
ed the guests were entertained by mrwic
and other amusements for awhile
after which they disrwd, agreeing one
and all that Mrs. Wollenburg was tl
Queen 01 hostesses. lhoe wno were
present are as follows: Menlamea J
Barker, G R Child. W U Willis, D S
Buick, W T Wright, S C Flint, J
Aiken, M Joseph son, J T Bridges, T R
Sheridan. F W Benson, W W Thack
rah, K L Miller, J C Fullerton, E
Stroud, F G Oehme, J W Hamilton, W
S Hamilton, X Curry: Misses Belle
Curry, Kate and Jeannie Buick, Ma
bel Van Buren and Lulu Willis.
Tliere is more enquiry and more in
terest taken In feeding hogs than in al
most any other topic of the farm."
A grain ration consisting of a mixture
of oats, peas and barley in equal parts
gives a firm pork of excellent quality.
Skim milk - not only tends to thrif li
nens and rapid growth, but counteracts
in a very .marked manner any tendency
softness. Rape, pumpkins, arti
chokes, sugar beets, turnip, and man
gels can be fed in conjunction with a
good ration without injuring the quali
ty of pork.
Tbe tat of young pigs and animals of
unthrifty growth is softer than that of
nislied pigs tliat have increased
steadily to the finishing weight. In
diana Farmer.
UUc Circle No. 4 .
Roaeburs Base Ball Club Organized.
The Roseburg Base Ball Club has or
ganized by the eltiction of C. D. Jackson
as Manager and Charles Lape as Cap-
Jackson is one of the
round athletes of this
section of the state, and Captain Lane
has bad much experience in amateur
base ball. Roseburg will have a strong
team Una year.
Complete suits have been ordered.
practice has begun and arrangements
are nnaer way lor an opening game
with Fugene for the first of May.
Mr. Dan Fisber, architecht, bas'com-
pleted plane for a grandstand 24x64, to
accommodate upwards of 500. The
fence is under construction, and a force
is at work on the grounds. It is expect
ed to have everything in readiness for a
game at that date. Communicated.
Female Bull Fighters.
Women of Woodcraft will bold
special meeting Wedncsdav, April 15
at 2.30 p. m. for the purpntte of eloctin
and initiating candidates. All members
are requested to be jresent.
Ma dok Bithaxax,
Mihmc Ortcr; G. X
Notice for Sale of State Lands.
Texas Gme Laws.
The most rigid game protection law
ever enacted by a Western state will go
nto effect upon approval by, Gov
Lanbam, of the bill that was passed by
the legislature. It prohibits the killing
of female deer and fawns for a period of
five years, and restricts the number of
bucks which shall be killed by one man
in one year to six. The sale of deer
meat and of hides and the horns of the
animal is absolutely prohibited.
Antelopes are protected for five years.
The killing of all birds, except game
birds, is prohibited. The open season
lor quail is reduced from four and one
hulf months to three months.
Buzzards, owls and crows may be
killed at any time. .
The investigation now going on in the
Kentucky Insane Asylum chows the of
ficials to be a set of the lcwett brutes
that ever disgraced mankind. Sling
shots, whips, kicking with nailed booU
and "water cure" were the daily menu
dished out to the unfortunate men and
women, besides this, aside issue was
made In the female ward.
Last Sunday, El Paso, Texas, citizens
crowed over the Rio Grande into Mexico
to see the bull fights when five beautiful
young senoritas from Spain appeared in
the bullfighting arena. They are the
only female bullfighters in the world
Thousands from along the border at
tended tne bloody contest, I he young
women run at fnll speed and drive the
sword into the charging wild bulls aa
skillfully as any male matador.
Music Lover
Music lovers will have a rare enter
tainment by simply calling at Burr's
Popular Music House and inspecting
our splendid array of musical instru
ments. Our display 01 pianos are sim
ply magnifirient. Here are found the
world renowned Chickering, the won
derful toned Kimball, the many toned
Crown Orchestrioal and the beautiful
toned colonial style Victor. We have
others like the Singer, Kingsbury and
Needham. Then Lure is our mammoth
stock of small goods, such as S. S.
Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gui
tars, banjos. Our immense line of vio
lins range in price from $2.50 to $50.
We as sole agent for the Columbia
graphaphone and supplys. Remember
we are running no concert hall w ith 60
cents admission, but our doors are all
ways open to the public. 1
Notice is hereby given that the State
Land Board will receive sealed bids nn
til Ayril 28, 1X)3, at 10 o'clock a. m., for
the sale of the following described schoo
lands, to-wit :-
Sections 16 and SA.TownchipSl South
Range 9 West, Section 1(1 Township 31
South, Range 10 West of Willamette
The North half of North half and Lots
1, 2, 3, 4of Section lGTownhip4l South
Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian
containing 308.40 acres in Douglas, Co
and Jackson Counties. Oregon.
Applications to purchase must
made on the regular blanks, in accord
a nee with the law for the ealo of school
lands, and be accompanied bv cash or
check for one-fifth of the amount bid for
a certificate of purchase, or if full pay
ment is made deed will issue.
Tbe right to reject any and all bids is
reserved. "
Applications and bids should be ad
dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk of the
Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked
"Application and bid to purchase State
G.G. Brows.
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated this April 8, 1903. 26-Cw
. Ladybird and San Jose Scale.
will take
. Government entomologists have dem
onstrated that the Aistic ladybird has
a great liking for Uie larve of the Sao
Jose scale as an article of fteady diet,
and are now priagating this specif f
insect "for distribution among orchard.
sts in districts aQected by scale, says an
official . report. Efforts have been made
heretofore t? induce American ladybirds
to feed on the scale, without effect ; but
the Asiatic article seems to have a nat
oral predilection for the pest which has
caused more trouble and expense to tbe
orchardmen of the Pacific coast tha
any thing else. In tbe investigations
conducted by the government, it lias
been found that the original habitat - of
the San Jose scale was in the northern
and northwestern part of China. Here
also the ladybird flourishes and is
known as tbe deadly enemy of the scale.
Hence, when imported. to America, the
bivtle immediately attacked the icale
from instinct. The offspring from a
single pair of these leths number near
ly 1,000, and it has been demonstrated
by actual count that one beetle will de
vour 7,000 San Jose scale larvae in one
day, so that it can be readily seen that
if the Asiatic ladybird ever becomes
firmly established in this country, it
will result in a considerable diminution
of the scale. It is supposed Jhat the
scale was imported to this country from
its original habitat on Chinese peach
trees, brought to California by the late
Jas. Lick.
" Italy Looking Our.
At .'-Rome last Thursday, SenatoT
Villari, in an address delivered befte
the king and queen at the owning of
the international historical congress,
made several allusions to the United
States., uesaid Lurope was shut in
between two great, powerful countries
Russia on the east and the United
States on the west. The latter, from
a population of 30,000,000, had risen
to80,000t000 and no one knew what
number , its population eventually
would reach. The United States also
had taken the lead in all works of
progress and civilization. These two
forces, acting on Europe, were likely to
render necessary a union of the differ
ent European countries which would
completely change the geographical
situation to the advantage of Europe.
The senator added that lie foresaw and
predicted tho twentieth century will
perhaps see the solution of the problem
"The mixing of tho white and black
races." he continned,"brouitht about
the war of secession in the United
States and tbe liberation of the ne
groes. from slavery but this bad notbai
monized rr amalgamated the two races
which, hate each other now perhaps
more than-ever before.
"The United States probably will be
the first to give ns an indication how
to dual with snch grave and important
qnestions which Europe must meet
throughout the two immense continents
of Africa and Asia." ,
KellqCT Ripplrs.
Sunshine and shower, but mostly
Wallace Fryer was in Oakland the last
of the week.
The Kellogg Sunday School electa!
new officers last Sunday.
Charles and Emma Rader are visiting
their sister, Mro. Emmitt, of Tyee.
Miss Ida Hutchinson and danghter
were visiting Mrs. Shafer, Monday.
Clarence Madison and Walter Goble
are working for J. R. Hutchinson. "
Edgar Madison has gone to Lookiog
Glass to cut logs for the Goodman saw
There will be Easter exercises at the
Kellogg Sunday School No. 2 next Sun
Will Howard and Geo. Madison are
still working on Mr. Homard's barn, be
tween shoaers.
The dance at Mr. Lewis Shafers UM
Friday night was a success. Every oe
said they had a good time.
John h II lot had the misfortune to
break one of his ribs while shearing
goals. "He might have been trying to
ride the goat."
tsW' Seasonable Special Offerings
Made by tLe most famous corset fac
tory in the world. '-Satixfartoriliy We are better prepared this season than ever be-
' modeled, carefully shaped, neatly ,, ,. r ,
made ,.d beautifully finished, fore to meftt wants in all lines of General Mer-
Wabskb'h RcnT-1'Boor Corsets have chandise. Onr stock was never ?o complete in every
no rivals. They are suiwrior to all , ... , , . , . ,
others in ,int ,f. grace, comfort department. We bought early, securing the very
and durability. best selections and the very lowest prices, and we
50c, 75c, $1 JO, $1.25, $!it and $125 x ropose to maintain our reputation for selling the
We have everything that is new. The g FtirrmfllTI OsS Men's Clotting. '"
line is too extensive to go into any A J A Xk aaaJaAAjJ ( ,
description. You ghould see them Everything strw-tly to date and right We carry tLe brz't st"tk in UjWn'
in keeping with good ta.te. In an'! tak T'1 inr Lu
DreSS Goods. Men. Neckwear ae have the latest lament to re Mar !l
lireSS UOOaS. In Tks, Four-in-lIan.b,, ool smts for men can't be oeaten.
We have given this line a great deal I!1(J ,,i Striped Bows. The new- la fart we ,,"fJr r"nif'ti"n ,n thii
of careful attention, and have got- of alibis the Migt Clnb Tie ,,ne- An almost end les variety W
ten together as complete a line of clwywe from.
desirable fabrics as was ever shown Golf SbJrtS. $5 00 tO $13 00
in this city. In Summer Dress A Lalf hunw oif,.reilt styles to J
Goods our stock is strictly up to cboiJK; frorn -
the times. We have all the newest fl OllULo.
creations including- 10 '5U Shows for men. women children and
Mercerized Zephjn, Popclleoas, Men', Hosiery. S
Omij Ucc Stripes, Fantiise Silk 1 sL
fissae, to Madras, Crass B Men.$ Underwear. HATS
tlSte MflSllfl De Soie, EtC Ea!brian underwear, 25, 50, 75c The Gordon hat is here, as welt as a
Summer Weight, wool, 75c $1.00. full line of -l,eaj-r liats.
A great many line to st-lwt from.
Ladies Underwear , .. ...
Knit vets from aai Yoolll's Reliance Wrapper
ir tn lOr T,1 Kant-Wear-Out kind. Anew Has c.,r lining, ami U irft Str
au lu JUU Mock ju."t in. It will do yon gl tins. So higher in price than
Muslin Underwear in all grades an to look over thenK No trouble to ordinary wrappers. We have the
elegant line, show them. a;r-ra-y for Uoeebur.
See us for Groceries,
'Phone 721
Buff Plymouth Rocks.
Eg9 I of purebred stock for sale at
Blodgett Bradley! 2nd ff" store,
Roseburg, at 50 cents a setting. 19-1 mp
For Jil.
Small saw miil
particulars address.
and timber. For
Ijyi.xostox F.eo, .
Teel, Or. -
Foa l CnxAr. Less than f 10 per
acre. A well improved grain and stock
Lrm of 330 acres in Camas Valley. This
is a rare bargain. For parti, ulars in
quire of Win. M. Postkk, Camas Valley,
Ore. M!if.
The City of Roseburg offers to receive
bids on the construction of sewer to be
constructed through the Alley on Block
No. 70, between Pine and Stephens
streets, in the City of Roseburg, Oregon.
Plans and specifications can be seen
at the Recorder's oflice. Bids to be
handed to the Recorder on or before the
SOth day of April, 1903. A certified
check of five per cent of the contract
price must accompany cadi bid.
The City reserves the right to reject
one or all bids.
P. S. WkST,
City Rocorder.
By order of the Common Council.
Dated this lOlh day of April, 1903.
Po not condemn any man until he hs
a chance to be heai d,
Beating Jail Board.
On Monday of last week at Butte.
Mont,. Louis Lillinsklojd, who claims
to be a genuine Danish nobleman, and
who has been giving hypnotist exhibi
tions throughout Montana, was arrested
for fraud at Anaconda and sentenced to
twenty days in jail. Lillintkjold strongly
objected to being confined with a lot of
hobo prisoners, and threatened to hyp
notize himself and sleep out his term
of the sentence if not released. The
jailor laughed at him and Lillinskjold
carried out his threat. He has been
asleep ever since, and the police ofTscers
have unsuccessfully attempted m to
awaken him.
An old valcano has broken out with
flames and spouting lava in Colombia
and 100 persons weri burned to death
by the fiery fluid as St rushed down the
mountain ' end devastated hundreds of
Valley .League Organized.
ErcExs, Or., April 11. Preliminary
steps of organixation for a baseball
league to comprise the towns of the
valley wer$ taken at a meeting held in
Eugene tonight, although tliere was not
the enthusiasm displayed in tbe meet
ing that bad Ufa lioped. There was
prwent George M. Turner, represent
ing Albany ; Irving l. Gibnuu, of Rose
burg, and Alton Hampton, of Eugene.
It was decided to form an amateur
league, composed of three teams fur the
present, and that other teams might be
admitted upon application and with the
consent of two-thirds of the members of
the league. Organisation was effected
by the election of George M. Turner, of
Albany, president; I. P. Gibson, of
Roseburg, secretary, and A. Ilamptoo,
of Eugene, treasurer. The name adopt
ed is the Willamette Valley League.
A resolution passed that one repres
entative from each team, together with
the president ol the league, constitute a
lioard of control, bich sliall have full
power to settle disputes and transact all
legitimate hnainniB for the league, and
shall act upon ail I matters of grievance.
It was also resolved that two officia
umpires be apiuted by the president
of the league, theee appointments to be
subject to ratification by the bard of
The gKte receipts at each game are to
go to the team on whose grounds the
game h played, and out of these rece'pt
the expense of the visiting team are to
be paid. Any player who has signed to
piay with any team in the . league shall
be ineligible to play in any, other team
in the league without the consent of the
team with which he is signed.
The rules of the National Ieagua were
adopted for tbe government of all games.
Umpires are given disciplinary powers
over players to the extent of suspending
or removing from the game any team or
player guilty of insubordination or of
nngentlemanly conduct. ,
The league season is to on ' on May
5, but the matter of arranging the
schedule of games is deferred for later
wtion, as well as the amount of forfeit
each team shall post as guarantee of
completing the schedule of games.
Cattle tor Sale.
Seven head of cows and calves and one
yearling Hereford bull, with the excep
tion of one the cows are two years old
with their first calves. If . a person
wants to start a dairy, better stock
could not be found. There are three
head of purebred Durham r Short horn
cattle, three Hereford and one grade
Jersey. It is as good a bunch of cattle
as can be found in Douglas county, and
I am selling because I have not sufficient
pasture. Enquire at this office. 1 .
! tb Jctlire roorllacDcrr Crock Vitrei
DoiB otwIT.Orrfom.
E.L.KiU.iv, r.uS, .
Tb Ca)mb TtiWioe Co.
To I be cJnt' Is'lnnr.g Co.
la tlx urn of th S'.ai of Orrcna. ?oa arc
hffrr fr.)mr-J lo avprar bef.rf ih Wi-
iraed. Jatoof lie Ptr for th d!irirt
ahnr MitMd. a r tofo-e thu4 4a ol Ma;. htaoUkvia knaeborv. intom at LS
aoar t teo'rixrk IB lb tnenooa of aaiJ far
I tarf thcaBiaiet tiled acalatt ti 1
Uie aboTeeauiloa actin. aiel If jo-i latt to ap
pear aad aer aa fetreia rr) n i nrd, lor wasl
Uieicof, Ute B4aABtia ill lake jiHirrwrfat ajDt
ftm Ut i" 1 aa4 tua MU an 1 oboane
cornula ftuaartH.
Taauatot i NWIKI otmw a ft lor
dt aaet-eaMT aecia la Uta tiaix
MALa . a a-ml-a-M klT fc.iinif Mit.iar.t al
R.iaeoarc. Orwtoa. hjr nrrtrtof ibe Jo"' "
pear for a4 ln-.r.rl. aaade Aprti J. lt- Tlx
rt tHibib-3(i t tb aamotnaa ) oa ll Ma
dawol apnl. lJ.
.7. J A. BPCHANtX.
Jnailee of I he ri for Dee Crerk Di-tnrt.
DoatiaaCuaaiy. Onmn. am.
Notice for Publication.
railed $tt Land once
Baaebora. Otem. Jan 27. r
Kotlr is keraoe firaa that la Mrlii
vlla to ifurUkma of lha met of Oetreaa of
Juna S, lTS. eautled "Aa art for tha aio at
Umber Uau la lha Staieaof ramorata.vTeTi
Kavada And Waahinrtua Terntorr." miH!i-J-
4 to ail its aattUa Uai siata hj act of Aoroat
4. lavi,
otMrrOa Creak, eoanlr at lXM!'a, Stala of
Oregon, naa tBiariay Bled La that oftae lata
raw etatetaaai o. fcr ina auvnae
tnalotal. a, aad Wof aec. . T. J K J W
aad wlU offer rrwf toab .at tbe land amiffRt
ta mora TaluaUe tor tta timlwr or etora Ulab
for afrtrulturai parne. and lo mulah r.ta
ialra before tl ti.rrilr and Keeeirer o ttuv
tlra of Roaabunr.twmn.
on WedoeadaT. IheMh da ol J'. It. 1U He
Mnmuiiuma:'llJIMT, 1. ttrnraoaara.
C D Cbanej aad Katlte J Ad of JiyrtWi C'rvek,
An aad al peraons chimin adrer! tha
above drarrixod laada afe nrttvl.l to t! tb.-ir
rlatneJ la Ihia odteaoa or artoee aaid Mb da;
olJuiyld. J.T. aU!;-,
aprl3p-juJ Krwie.
Notice for Publication.
LatMt Off.oe at f-mbnrt. Ore..
Notir fa rl ciTea Mux th f-V-ariDV
aaated aeU-W haa "51d a&tir of hi iutralsoa
U wake atai proof ia aapport of bts e.aira. arid
thai ad fJTwt Will be ttvade bew lite H
trt aad Te . Cniu-0 scaur. Lanl tifhce at
aViaeoani. vioa. trl K. ri, T' l :
H4 E Vo Cfi lor ta SW-a i-E'i SE'i S
Srflt.Tpl.- ill -.!. t
H aja a( 4"lU i ur w.trx me m u pr-ive hLs
cr-aUnoota rdaee apo and coiuraivMi of
aaJdUad, rtc a1tw J Bi-.-Af Htn&
honr. Omoa Jaraea U a&apa aad B!ii 9
t.K,.lt U(':, Orc, l&otaaa W aaxVtO,
arerMrc ttvckau.
llarra a 1.1. BfUDOEa. BerAtber.
S'ate Treasurer's Sevtath Notice,
Tieaaarr tievartsrat.
jimol rrtl
Notice fa brrebr rtftra tbax iie are fnada
in Ihetreaeor ariib BTbirb . tdeai a t Ht
taaiinc aate aasrsol drmea oa Uie Ma
K-at rUma-r aal Fua-ta. eiiurv.t
ftreabl ad bh paid I -c aaal of lufeW
arur to tbia dat. A.i Hcl aitisiv 'i
ertT edrmTd. a ;il ae pt.t-1 Gp.a yr amli ;a
at tb; ofiire.iawrrtt ISarrron raAia ir.Mit aad
a:rr Una dale. t H K . H'Oiii
ntT Treaaer.
Notice for Publication.
Laad OZca at Xolm-T
Haita j) ;
Satire ia bereb ti that Uw
eased amjer baa doc . o im". ,.
mmt ftira. pnf i nf1Tt of k.a c jt - .
triat aatd vraut wiil be aiade tvforc ti kZ, .7
ad iLereiTer 1". r1 Imzi cr, mi kA .
Vtrxoa. on A--l 1".. :uv. tu :
milir B. LEkailx.
on hi II. t. hK tnj. mr tbe f
X K 1 -
Utumn Ue foi'.owifae aitarva u
tcwbiwiw lvnliif uai vl n... ,
of aul !al. ll; aftart Urm . .
u-rviil. la.ri Bioaa, aad na. t,
Podti. iiRtw. J. I. i. Jv -
Administrator's Notice.
Trespass Notice
Ail perna re hereby vmtl s.
trrTT a-, hoot. Co or cas ? r.- :
land" of th Curry Kstate. 1. .
m wiil he prreca-.ei to thel.'r
of the law.
(55-J.) fc-terni.
BBCTcs of
White and Eaff L:;
White Minorcas, I,irr:
Eas fT sale at llJij jr :: j .
i 17-lra p ROSECLTM.
Notice for Publicatioa
rmied Srabn I and Offiro
Boaabnnc. OnionJu. -JJ. N03.
Kottea h haroty firaa dad la corapltaaea
arllh lb frorisinrta of Uta ac of CoenM of
Jane k. . aautled "Aa a. t !r tba aala f
timber laadt la th Maleanf California. oreoi
herada aad M aahlnirtmi Territory," wriwad
d to all tka pablia land lUW bj act oi Aufaat
of at; Creek, eonnfj- of Ioucl, attte of Or
ecoa haathladar Sled la tbia o9oa ker icon
euilembBt No. tit, for tha rtrcfcae of tbe ki
1. 1, aad of St S, l iv. H writ and tt!U
OtTor ronf to abow Ibat tl:a land awutbt (
rnoia valaabla (r 115 umber orstoae than tor
aarriealiural -Barnoaoa. aad tn eataikiatt h t
alalia to aald land before Ibe Ree sler aad Ke
reiver of t bis oitica al Koaebunr. Orewo
aedaeadaT. tae da f Jul. 1''. She
naea aa vrltoraara: M A b!r, L Braaihantb.
C D 'ban and Allieaa L Aaj ail of Mrtle
irvek, trgm.
Ad and all renona rial mini adv-rwl the
above deerrihed laad are requvatcd lo b!e tbrlr
rtaina in taw otora on or beUire Ma da
of Juiv. MA 4 1 BKUHiK.
prup-jufi acsiriatrr
Notice for Publication.
rntted Slat.- Land Office,
ftoacburtr, OreaMtu Ap-il . IVoX
Notlra ! fcereb clren that In eomDllanea
with the TToelairna of tha ast of rongrea of
Juno J, )S,. entitled "An act for tha aala at
timber lan.1i In th !lataaof Callomla,Oref on
Keada .and W ashlnrut Terriior u.ilaml-
ad to all ib public land aiatat by act of An(uat
of (irand Fork county of tiraod Fortu, alale of
Knrlh lki'Ui. ha thix la in Uila new
hia avrorn HhUihtdi ho. StH". f".' the oorrbaw
of tha l.-ta S and 4. N Vt i, V of
KTtionlt, lowuliip 'Ai aoiit'A, ranita S 'o,
and will oner proof toaltow that tha laodaoinht
la mora Talnalile for tta timber ar au na thaa
fur arrlrultural purr.aa, and to eitatiliah hia
claim before I'm Krslntor and Kaceivar ol this
iuca of Koaabatf , uioi.
on Monday the 1 i a uy of rttnn. I-. 01 He
tintiiii aa ahrvewa: Jolin i;!lner, John
koer, Jfse W lli-ox. and Jamoa Moot, all of
Koaebunr, Oregon.
Aoyaudall (ernn rlalmine advenely lha
above drMribel lau-la ara Miniated, to Sia
tbelrfiaima in Ihta otlioaon or In-fore .al t I6ih
day of Juno, i. T. BUlKiHH,
airlj'p Kif .aicr.
Notice for Publication.
. rmted S:ateLaad 0r,
Roaobanr. OreaB, jtn. S, lAct.
Kotlot it bereby yiren that tn eanplianra
witk the tnTiiioni of tha act of C Cfcrra of
Janet, iS, entitled "Aa art tor the a!e of
timber lands In th Sauef Ca!l'ornia.trc'
eTala And W hinto Territnr.-' aaexiend
ed to ail tha puUU land atataa by act oi AOf uat
rf Myrtle Creek, count d Douir'aa. atate of
Orecon, haa tbia rlay filed IB ibia o. h
.worn aiawmeni No 471 (or the vjrchaa oi
the St of fr.'i. andSKOf S ol av.
don i. owmui n a aouti. ruot 3 wot.
and will ofler proof loaaov that Uw land aoufht
l mora ralual i for lla ttmlier or Mon thaa
for aririltural punnaea, and to ewailisk h a
claim belora lha Keirtater and Eccalvar of th..a
Oil lo of Korebarf, Urafua.
on Moojar tha tlb da of Jnlr, 1W K loin
aa wltneaica: John Hall Jamea K Hall. John
A Eng and and Harly Uukqc all of Mj rile
t'reek. Oreaon.
A o and ail person clalmlnc ad-eerly the
abora IwriW lands are re.ueatcd to fiia the r
c'aima in thta odiea on or bo lor rt a-h da
of lul. I, T. BKIIHiRS
prlt-iuii Rnrtver.
Notice for Publication,
, rotted State Land Offlte,
Roebir:. Untcon, Jan. 11. 1;S.
Kotlea a beraVy rieen that la tmnpllanoa
wiUtthaproruioneof tha act of Cormia of
Jonl.7vntitl.y "An art for tta aa a at
timber land In th ttateof rali!ornla,Or)roB
rirrada.and ftaahinirtoa Verrtiory'aaextand
ad to ail the public iand at a tea by aft of Auxuat
a, 1W.
of yrt!e Cret k, roomr of l.(tisla. tiate of
Or.Tioa.hta thta d tied in liiw oihco hi.
worn ttatemrnt No. f.Ti's lor t lie nn lia ol
h of lha N , and th' ol to oi
et'liou li lowutltin JS aoiilh. o! ranm w. m
and will oiler pmo! toahow that the 'and aoroj ht
'la mora rain a lor lla or (U.iie titan
lot acnrunural .ur).vi-a. and u rMaHwn M
clatnt belore th l.i kilrr and kecaMver of Uua
ifioj ol koabnrr.Ori;on.
an Friday, the iav of Jnn. m-A, Ho
nama iaitnar: Mtillam H ru-hl and
i.liain Iorch. o! Jintin. tivion. K .hert I.
J-Ba. ol ti'n-iie, tirvKon. Altui K Jua.a. ol
M ill t reck. Oron.
Any and ail IX-mo na clalmin adTeoal tha
at-.OTw dcitl.'d laixla are rour.ud to r. I
heir rlaima lu thta uflni on or (.. .l.t ii)
dr ol Juu... lHii J. T. B klDi.KS,
Notice la berebT ctcea that the aad-rvicsed
baa bzwn by the foamy Court of Dt;faj
cooBty. ttate of trvcoa doiy eppoi&'ed tha
a.listBKtra'iorn tbe ouite ol JL E. I't'.ani,
all peranna claim araint aaJJ ebate
are bi-rrby rt'itred v. mtm-oi tae eaate duiy
verged. Uj le andTtnei ax R. brc. lw,.;
la coautT. n of H-..a. vntiun six aaoata
Ir.HB Ibe da.e of tbia aotioa
laie-t al llofttiors trcioB. th a 3d da of
Apnl, 111.
Adm inUtrat. of the estate oi M. ti. -i-..rd.
dcreaacd. . apcS.
Administrators Nc
J a the u-7 of tie La&au of Jtaa r I
CtTlv dm .a!.
s-e arr tire- br t! T--LlMo:trM,vr4
iSe Euaa "of M ,
intror 4 La ai.J -Mir ai i -tar-
rrvi:e t oan of tavacaa
wiade ao.1 en oi record b?mb ti
of January.
A.l tta eilav aca.'
f-aiate ba!l p rvni (be oaate .
aary p-rml m.Ui.a ai saoniaa tr
of !.-.; twii-T uac aKirvC9ed av.
l tartaint.l)'rri4. S
1 '- k.-ar. trrat. Ihii
daT at liMan. l-.t
Stationer', Office Supplies
Near Depot, Roseboj. Ore.
Albatros Market
J. H ES1EK, Prop
la rooBly af DnQ(VM eoaatr.
la ibe auttter oi wale .
M1haW,wrnff deeeaaed)
mu-a ta ber jie tat tv as
bwa by ta touaty Coairt o Cr.
t. lrvc-a a-.p.-n'r.t rxeroaar. ot u
Xartaa Vlxlrtff li i a.i I Wirr.j
Bon illjtd to tn aniMia . -B..u5f.
to aiake tttnwOai w -it
xro. r. at tiir rkxoran ia' i
precinct. Itietlaa OHiatT. Oevvo,
w-vja haTio r.i3: ra.-iit tj . i
frwmwr.wiui,, a w-i
la t ih i?om .laie of thia
Dated aUcbu-f. (.Ki-tOQ. Frta. lev
Conrt toe SSmt
In the Cnaty
la the maxurrot Ute chance of na.s t
Soth-e ta h-Tjir rires tiat br
named court .la'C a.v . '
the i day o: Ja.iiark "n, tae aa.:
.uafaflWB bat twa 'haaed kj
Attct, D. S.SH tV
Cash paid
Dealer ia
and Oysters!
Opposite S. P. Drpot-FleUrwe BuTjr
riHn N. Hi,
Cite an-! Mitirii rn5.'r?.r. "
ftfatl a i I TiniluT Odinis!
I he K-sl rmw; 'oaiit. No t ;
until Fi!H,r avvvptcJ. lU'Iire;'iiij KH!,-?it ar. I st-Kl. :
Stewart Lend C:
F-3ni iTvlcr ifea I
! OSOCOOCOOOOC D 3f.-a- OCf-VOrr. --vv
-a. -BJ -aar V WVVVVVVWVVWVV ta-W V . 1
71 Olak St., Off. CT:urtbi:i & V