The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1903, Image 4

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    Tha Pan-German Idea.
The promoter! ot the pan-Germanla
Uet, about which ao much U said now
a&ava la the European press, reckon as
German all their compatriots who hare
left the fatherland within the last six
ty years. According to their calcula
tion, the total German population Is
pretty nearly .00,000,000, of whom 10.
120,000 are settled In different parts of
the American continent, principally In
the United States, 623,000 In Africa,
mostly In Cape Colony and the annexed
Boer states, and 106,000 In Australia
and New Zealapd.
Professor Brand!, chairman of the
German General School association,
peaking at the recent colonial con
gress, laid stress upon the importance
of German instruction in America, th
promotion of which he strongly adr.
cated. After observing that at present
" half a million American children werv
being taught in the German languag
Professor Brandl said:
The Importance of that fact will he
realised when It Is remembered that a
national civilization ia not rooted tn tha
aoU and does not depend upon forma of
a-oTarnment or upon aiueumi or build
lnjrs, but adlelr upon our lanaruaare, which
to the Instrument of thought. Of course
tha dtrusEto for existence Imposes upon
our transoceanic brethren the necessity of
being; bilingual. Owing; to their numerical
weakness, the German colonists are In m
very difficult position In South America.
South Africa, and Australia, but even
there efforts are being- made to preserve
the German language and customs which
are deservtne; not merely of admiration,
but support.
There is little political danger, at
least in this country, from any pan
Germanic propaganda. However much
our fellow citizens of German nativity
and descent, who form one of the best
elements In our composite nationality.
may care for the preservation of the
language and literature, the customs
ar4 traditions of the fatherland, which
are admirable, there Is no ground for
fear that In any emergency they will
ever falter In their loyalty to the coun
try of their adoption.
Pax Amrri ran a-Bri tannics.
"If Great Britain and the United
States were Joined In the Interests of
universal peace,' said Lord Charles
Beresford m a recent address In this
country, "and If the rest of the world
wanted to fight these countries, then
let the rest of the world look out"
It Is hardly likely that the rest of
the world will ever want" to fight an
allied Great Britain and United States.
An alliance between them would, if
the American nation came anywhere
near maintaining a naval strength pro
portionate to Its commercial position.
render the appearance of armefshlps
of ny other nation on the sea a mere
Impertinence, but there will never be
any formal alliance. It is evident that
even Lord Charles Beresford, who is a
great partisan of the United States.
never expects any such alliance. The
thing which he has In mind is a per
fectly practicable and desirable thing
a moral understanding, a sympathetic
Juncture of purposes. In favor of peace
all over the world.
Lord Bereef ords Idea Is good and Is
generally shared by the people of this
country, who desire not merely paa
ADerlcasa-Britaiinica. but peace on
When "Sapho" was produced In Dub
lin the other night, the Freeman's
Journal and the Independent condemn
ed it severely. The Journal advised the
public to stay away from the perform
Dce, and the Independent said that
those who witnessed the play were
guilty of a grave Impropriety. Now it
appears that Actress Olga Nethersole
has written to each of these journals
.threatening legal proceedings if re
tractions are not made. The press
agent of the divine Olga never misses
an opportunity to get free advertising.
The actentlflc experts may now add
ix montns to their previously pub
Habed estimates of tbe time when tbe
Pennsylvania coalfields frill be
Better tale a look at your roll of ten
dollar bills. There is said to be a coun
terfeit HO On themarket.
General Firm In of Haiti appears tt
hare gone down the pike In front of
th usual tin can.
Notice for Publicttion.
, United State Land Office.
' Sosebor. Oreann, Dec 12 12.
lotSc la hereby given that In compliance
wtUi th provisicn of tbj act of Cong res of
Jane 1, 1STS entitled "An act for the sale of
feaiber lands tn the State ot California. Oregon
Nevada And Washington Territory," aaextend
d v all tha ubU land etala by act of Anauat
of Myrtle Creek, county of Dongia. state of Or-
eyoai, ass ue day nied la uii onice his sworn
Slau-ment No. 412 for the purchase of the rh'4
of secu on !, toanshlp 29 outh. range S west,
ad will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tbsa
lor at-nrcltvral purpose, and to establish his
claim be lor the Register and Receiver of this
tiio of Roaabarg, Oregon.
oa Monday the dav of Jnne, 1903. lie name
as witnesses: John fisll. Hr Florence Hall,
r.ima tiaii, jona nail, i r , ail ol M y rtle creek
Any and all person claiming adversely th
above-described land are requested to file tbeir
Claims in tills ofhce on or beiore said 22nd day
VI JIDt, 1K1. J. T. BIU1MJI.B,
er-rvp Reei.ier.
Notice for Publication.
Roasit aa, Ore., Dec, 18, 1902. .
Notice is hereby given that ia compliance;
with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of
June, 18 entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Ute of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," a extend
ed to all the public land stairs by act ol August
ot Myrtle Creek, county of Douglas, state of
Oregon, ha tbi day filed in tbi office hit
worn statement No. 41'. for the purchase of
the I1 KH, KSli NW$4 NKK, of
action . In townahip south, range west,
aid will after proof toshow that to land aonght
I mora valuable lor lu timber or stone than
for earieuiturai purpose, and to establish hU
alalia befor tha Register and Receiver of this
tiM o4 fa use burg. Oregon,
en Tuesday tne Itlrd day of Jnne, 1903. He
name aa witnesses: Ltilie M England, Grace
hail. Hardy Hughes, Lizzie hughes, ail of M) r
tle Cieek. Oregon.
Any and all perBcn claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to hie tbeir
da ais in i';is 01 nee on or belora aaid day
1 June, liwi.
aprtp Register
Notice for-Publication.
United Bute Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec IS, 1902.
Netlea at hereby given that In compliance
With ths provisions of tha act of Congresa of
Janet, 16 , entitled "An act for tbe saia of
Si a-ber lands ia tha Bute of Call lorn la. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," esexumi
ad to all the peblle Und stales by act of Anruj,
4. IMA.
of Myrtle Creex, county of Donglas, tabs of
Oregon, has this dsy filed In this office ber
worn sutement No. 416 for the purebsM of
the IS NE'i. Ei hK, of
aecnou 18, township 29 aoujh, rauge 3 west,
and will oiler proof to show that the
land enueht Is more valuable lor It limber or
tone than for axrieultural purposes, and to es
Ubiish her claim to said laud beloie tbe Regis
ter and Reoeiverof tbtsomoe at Hoaehnre.ure.
on 1 uosday, tbo 23d day ol June, I9u3. 8be
name as witnesses: Jonn A fnglaud, Grace
Hall, Hardy Hughe, Lixxie Hughes, all of
M yrtl Creek, Oregon.
Acy and ail person claimli g adversely the
above (iesenoed lauds are requested to hie their
claims In tbU olbceon or before said 23rd day of
June. 1904.
air9p J. T, BRIDGES, Register
Notice for Publication.
CnlUnJ Btates Laud Office.
RoseburK, Orctfon, Nov. 36, 11W2,
Notice it hereby irlven that in compliance
with th provision of the act of Congres 01
June J, 18T8. entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the Stat of ''elirornia,Oreiron
Nevada .and Washington Territory." asexlcnd
ed to all th publio land states by act of August
of 22 Stephens Ave . Minneapolis, county 01
fhir l... tu' nti m4
Hennepin, siaie 01 innrao " "'"
in Hits office his sworn statement No. '. for
tbe purchase of bK' ol -oc i, i p. " .
and will ofler proof losnow mat me lann so.igns
Is more valuable for It timber or stone Ihso
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
latin before (he Register aud Receiver of this
atliua of Kueaburc. Oregon.
on Friday, the 12 day of June. 1903. Ho name
vilnesM'.- Edwin Adams, 01 jiraioinu,
Minn.. William K Morton, of Minneapolis.
Minn.. John Thorn an t Charles Thom, ot iUwo-
bum. Ore.
anw n,l u Tterwns elalmlne adversely ne
hv .ieaoritvi Umls are reotiented to tile
their claims in this onice on or neiore ram i-m
day of Juno, WW. J T ltui.t
V-T ",K
Notice for Publication.
Tnited 8Ute Land Office,
Rnsuhur. Oreron. Nov. 2. ltt.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
srith the provisions of tne act ol Congress of
Jnnai. lh.K. entitled "An act for the sale of
Umner lana in me ria;es 01 i amoruia, iimuu
Kvat1a and UaHbinston territory ' as exieuu
ed to air the fuo.ic Land State bj act of Aug-
"' "u-'iin.u EDWARD NORTON.
of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, state of
Minn, has this dsv niea in in is nis sworn
statement No. 40X7. lor tbe pun-bane of the
SW of section 20, township , south, K 7 w
and win offer proof Vol cow thai tnsiana solium
1 more valuable for Its timber or stone lliaa
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before toe Register and Receiver of this
afitca ol koseburf. Oregon.
on rTidav toe iztn ty oi June, iisw. jic
names at. witnesses: Henry o waiter ana nn
win Adams bothVif Minneapolis. Minn.. Charl. s
Thom and John thom. hoth of Koeebure, Ore,
Anv and all persons claiinitur adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their
claims in tins omce on or Deiore ssi-i mn usy
of June, 1903. JTBKUH.KS
apr.'p Kegisier.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited gtate Land Office.
Roeeburg, Oregon, Nov. 17, 1802.
Notice is hereby s;iven that In compliance
with the provision of the act of Congresa of
June S, 1S78. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the State of California. Oreron
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land l tales by act of August
4. USUI.
of Mvrtle Point, connty of I'-oon, state of Ore-
iron, has this dav Bled In this office his sworn
statement No. lei." for the purchse ot the lot 2.
tW N r. SK'i, 8ec 2. Tp M S. R west,
and willotfer proof to show that the land sought
la more valuable for lis timlier or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of this
office of Rose burg. Oregon.
on Tuesdav. tbe th tisy of June. 13. He
names as witnesses: J t Kimball. Rosebure,
Oregon. Fred L t'ofley, Thorns W Coffey, and
Finis Uouser. of Cam Valiev. On-con.
Any and all persons Claiming anversrly the
above deacritied lands are requested to ale their
claim in this office on or befo'e said vth day
Of June. 1903. J.T. BRIIX.E3,
mar26p Register.
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Otecon, Not. 7. 1102.
Notice is here it given that in enmpllanc
with th provision of the act of Congresa of
Junes, IS . enutWd "An act for the sale ot
timber lands in the States of CaUrornia,Orecn
Nevada And Washington Territory," as cite Hi
ed to ail th public land state by act of August
of GUde. connty of lionelas. sute of Oregon, ha
this day filed In this omce his sworn statement
No. 8911. lor the purchase of the NK'i of 8
SE'i Wi, of aeo 4. in Tp 27 c K 2 W.
and will of fer proof to show that the land sought
1 more valuable for lu Umber or atone U.aa
for agricultural pnrpotn, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver of Uus
file of Rose burg. Oregon.
on Tuesday, tbe lh day of May, 1M. Be.
name as w itnesses: John L Walaon of Glide,
Oreaon, J J Thornton. V Oak Creek, Oregon,
J R Gardiner, and John W Oreenmaa. both of
Peel, Ore on.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are feqnested to ne
tkeir claim in this office on or before said 26ta
day of May, 1SQJ. J I RRIIXiE.-i.
mar 12 egiitr.
Notice for Publication.
United SUte Land Office.
Roeeburg. Ore, Nov. 21. 10.
notice i hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of th act of Congrrta ot
Jnne S, J7. entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber land in th States of California. Orecra
Nevada .end W ashington Terriiorv'aaextend
ad U all th public land state by act of Anguat
4, ISO.
of Myrtle Creek, county of IVmrias, state of
Oregon, ha this day bled ia this office her
sworn (tatement No. 4UW for the purchase of
tbe E'-ieW'. t.i, of See 22, Tp 28 S, R 4
west and a ul oner )roof toshow that the land
soaeht is more valuable for it timber or sVine
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land beiore tbe Register and
Receiver of this oRlre at Roseburg. Oreron,
on Tfanrsd.T toe JNUl day of May, I'l l. She
name as witnesses: I. 1 Komnwn.u tl HDb
iuson, W W Hndsnn and Oscar Uustaiaon, ail of
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above descrihed lands are requested to file
their claims in this ofhce on or before said 2lh
day of May, lAXi. J.T. BKIlX.Ei,
mari2p Reguter.
Notice for Publication.
United SUte Land Office.
Roeeburg, Oregon, Feb. 'U, I Ml.
Notice l hereby given teat enmplfanea
with the provisions of th act of Congrrta of
Jnne J. 8TR. entitled "An act for th sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," asexteod
ed to ail the public land stales by act oi August
4, 1SS2.
of Xveretl. county of twobomlab.suieof Wash.,
has this day filed In this oil ice his sworn state
ment No. 4 11. for the pnrchaxe of the lots 2.7,
6. 11, of aeetiona. townahip :1 8. tt S west, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought t
more valuable for it limber or stone tban for
agricultural purpose and to rstahlmh bia lalm
to said land before W H Britt. U U 4 immisinner
at Riddle. Orecon, oa Friday the lt dv ol Mav
18. He names aa witneasw: J (4 tiillxrrt. t er
dae. Ore., Andrew Anderson, Kveielt. W anh.,
Charles A Short, bnobomiah. Wash. O D Reeves,
Everett, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above di-scriied lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on 01 beiore said 11 day
olMv, 19CJ. J T BRIDGES.
126 Rorif-ter
Notice for Publication.
' United Bute Land Office,
Soaebnrg, Oregon, Oct 2s, Wui.
Notice Is here try given that In com pi ianca
with the provisions of th act ot Congresa of
Jnne , ISC", entitled "An act tor the sale ot
timber lands In th State of California, Oregon
Nevada .and w ashlnrton Territory," extend
ed to all th publia land stales by act of A a rust
of Vancouver, eotintv of Clarke, state o!
Washington, has this day filed In this oflioe his
wom sutement No. 37N for the pnrcbsse of
tne &i of 4, beo 8, Tp 29 , range 9 west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
1 more valuable for iu timber or stone
for agricultural purposes, and to esublnh hi
claim before tbe Register aud Receiver ul this
Uioe of Roaaborg. .Oregon,
on Tuesrtav. the I9tli dav of Mav, wr. He
names as witnesses: w H Roren, Hale Poren.
and John Len herr, of Camas Vallev, Oregon,
W D Kapplngtoo, of Portland, On-gon.
Any and all persons claiming a;lversly the
above described land are reouestcd to He tbeir
claims fn tbi office on or beiore said 14th day
Of Mav, 1902. J.T. BRIDOES,
Mar 1 p Register.
Notice for Publication
United Bute Land Office,
Roseburx, Oregon, Dec, 20. 19"2.
Notice u hereoy given that In eomptlano
with the provisions of the act of Congress ef
June 1, 1878. entitled "An act for tha sale of
timber Unds In the Ptaiesof California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Terriiory," asextend
ad to all the public Und stales by act of August
4, lasri
of Dulutb.conntv of M Loin. staU of Minn,
has this dsy filed in this office his sworn nimie
ment Net Its for the purchase of the r'E'i of
section 6, township 31 south, ranee 4 wist
and will offjr proof toshow that the Und sought
U more valuable for IU timber or su ne than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish eta
claim before tbe Register aud Receiver ot thia
of lice ef Roe burg. Oregon,
on iuewisy. -the 2-id dav of June, 1903. Be
names as witnesses: C J Clement. J. F. Ring,
both of Roseburg, Ore , rvlvi Rude, of Du
lulh, Minn. John King.of Roseburg, Oregon.
Auy and all fieisons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to hie their
claims in una omce on or before said t id day of
June, 1903.
Notice for Publication.
United BUte Land Office
Roaebnrg.Orefon, Doe. 12, 1902.
Notice U .ter by given that In compliance
with th provision of the act of Congress of
June , 1878 entitled "An art for the sal of
timber Unas in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asexlend
ad to all tha public laud date by act of August
of Myrtle CrceK. county of Douiiias.suleof Ore
ha this day HIM in this olln-e his ssorn state
ment No 4127 for the purchase cl the fractional
bWoiSec 3U, Tp. 29 south, range 3 west,
and will offer proof to show that the Ir.nil sought
U more valuable for lu timber or lUme tnxn
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register aud Receiver ol thil
of'l.e of Roseburg, OreKon.
on Monday the lilud 'lay of June, 1903. He
names ss witnesses: Florence HbIi, James R
H. II. Klma Hall, John Hail, Jr., ail ol Myrtle
rink, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above-described lands are reotiinil to tile trnir
cinims in inisooioe on or beiore sail
22nd dav
of June, lvu3.
Notice for Publication. I
tTtilTltn STATSS LiWnOrrtca.
KosKiniHU, Ore., Nov. 7, 14)2.
Koileets hersbv eiven that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougress of
JuneS. 1K7K. entitled "An act for the sa'e of
Timber Ijinds in the Htntca of California, Ore
gon, Nevadaand wasninguin Terriury," as ex
tended to ail the Public Lacd bUU by act of
August 4,
of Portland, comity of Multnomah, state of Ore-
sou, has this day tiled In this othee her sworn
alHlemfiit No, Sl'21, tor tin purchase of the
8W! of m-etlon 4, township 29 8, rane 8 west,
and will offer proof to show that the land
seiight 1 more valuable for its timlier or sione
than lor agricultural purposes, and to ectaoiisn
her claim to saiu isna ueiore tne Kimici ana
Kwiver of this offit e at Kuaelitinr, Oregon,
on Tueislay the Jith day of May. 1MB She
names as witnesses: Hale Rorcn. John Lcbn-
herr. Win Murrv. and Henrv Huron, all ol
Camas Valley Oroitnn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tn
above div?ribtMl lainls are requested to fil
tlieirelalms in this otllec on or liefore said 26th
day of May, 11WJ. J. T. BIUIX..K8.
niarU Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States I an I Ofhce.
Rosebure, Oregon, Uec. 11, 1902.
Notice 1 hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of th act ot Congress of
Jnne S, entitle An act tor the sale of
timber land In the 8tatesof Californla,Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asexteud
ad to all the publio lana state by act oi August
of 210 Oak St , Yptilantl, county of Washtenaw,
state of Michlgau, has this da filed in this
oitice his sworn statement No. 4114 for the pur-
enseoi tne "ti, ana r.' oi ec
tlon 2, in township 26 south, ranae B west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for it timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thia
eilio ot Roseburg. Oregon.
cn Friday, the vili dav of May. 1903. He names
a wimee: Sd ou ressl, Melrose, Ore, ho
ihom and Charles Thom both of RoscbuiK, Or
enon. Charles D Church. Millwood. Oregon.
Any and all iersons claiming advcna'ly the
above described lands are requested to file
theirclaims in this onice on or Ix'fore said 29th
cay of May, 19U4. J. T. BKUiUEi.
marl'.'p Register.
Notice for "Publication.
United Bute Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon. Nov. 39. liKIX
NoOca 1 hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act f Congress or
Junes, 1S7S, entitled "An act far tha sale of
tlm ber land In tha 8iaU-s of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington 'erritory," asexwnd
d to all the public land nau by act of August
t, ussu.
of Rosi-bnre. 1 onntv of Ikiuglas, state ot Orr-
gnn ha this dav filed lu this office bis anrn
sutement No 4vs, for the purchase ol hits 2, s,
4 aud i In Sec a, Tp. l south, range 1 west.
and will offer proof toshow that the land aonght
i more valuable for fu timber or stone thsn
for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver oi thia
oil tea of Rom burg, Oregon.
ou Saturday, the loth day et Jnne. 190X He
names a witnesses: frank C Ladd, Jacob
Fisher. M W Aldrirb and Mrs M W Aid rich, all
ot RoseDure tin eon.
Anv aud all persons Claiming adversely tbe
above described lauds are requested to file
claim 01 this omce on or Deiore said l ua aey
ot J uoe, lata. J.l Bhiix.K.i.
apri Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Sutca Land Office.
Roeeourg;. Oregon. Deo 4, Iwi.
Notice la hereby given thai tn eompllanes
witn the previsions of tha act of nntifresa of
June ,:, entitle! "An t for tha sale ot
timber lands In tbe Stateso California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," as fend
ed to all tha publio land slates by act of i ag-uat
ot Harvey, county of Well sute ot North Da
kota. ts this nay met tn mis o nce nt sworn
Mau nirut No.4it, lur the purchase ot th eW li
ot section 11, townhip2 south, laoge 8 west.
and will offer proof to show that the Und son ght
u more vaiuatie lor tu limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to esublish his
claim beiore the Reins ter and Receiver ot tl
otiica ot Roseburg. Oracon. v
on M, tae . nil uay of June, IW. He
name aa witnewes: t'barle. Thom. of Rne
Inrg. Ore , Ruwant Von l ew!. John Becker and
Frank Long, oi Cleveland. Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office or or liefore said liih
day of Jnne.lSu. J. T. BRIIX..ES.
apr2p Register.
.Notice for Publication.
United tiutes LsndOfflce,
Rose burr, Oreeon. Nov. 7, 150.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
srith the provisions of the act ot Congress of
June . Kith, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Land in the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Waehmrton Temtotv." as ex
tended to all tn Public Land butea by act of
August 4, U92.
of Vancouver, oantv Clark, state ot Wash
intton. ha this dav filed In this ofTtee hteswnrn
statement No. UlJti, lor the purchase of tbe
K',ol section 4. townsliip 29 t. R 8 west.
and will offer pmof toshow that the Und sncght
ta more valuable for lu timber or stone ILaa
for agrlculinrai pnrposea, and to esut4ish hU
batm before lee Keirisier and Receiver ot thia
ffice of Roaebarg. Oregon.
on Tuesday, ibe 2nth dav of Kay, 1903. He
names as witnesses: Hle Botett. John Lchn
herr, Wrn. Muirv. and Henry boren. all of
Camas alie. n egon.
Any and ail pevsams claiming adversely the
above dearribi d laoia are rcoqesied to ale
their raaios in this oQice on or ot (ore said
th day of May. 1903.
MarU Recister.
Notice for Publication.
United Male .Land Office,
Rcwburg. mron, Nov. 29, 1902.
Notice b hereby given that ia compliance
with the nrov isioas of tne act of (omen-as of
JuneS. if'. entitled, "An Act lor the sale of
timber lsd I the slates of California, Oregon Wkinrtnn TenitiMT," asextind
ed to aii tne public Und tatia by act ot Angunt
of FrWt River. cuntv of Ko.enal, sta'e of
Maho. has this day bled in this office his sa-nrn
aii me- t No. M'k fr thepnrrhsae of the N EV
ot section -X, townsnip w aim in, range z west
and will offer proof toshow that the land aonght
is more valuable for iu umber or sume than
for agricultural purposes, and to eetatilmh hi
claim I fore tne ResUicr and Receiver ot thia
office of Roseburg, Oregon
on W edneedsy. the ltnh day of Jane. tOOS. He
names as witnesses: Allen W HainllU Priest
River, Idaho. Feter Durcb. and Fred Stewart.
both of Roseburg, Oregon, A J Dutch, Myrtle
t;ree, ireoB
Any and ail person claiming adversely the
abovedewtilatd land an requested to file their
claim in thL office oa or before said luth day
oijunr.iau. i. I UKiutilES,
mar-J.p . Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 15, 1902.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Cons re of
June 8, lh, entitled "An act for tbe sale of
timber land' In the Sutes of California, Oregon,
Nevadaand u a-hincton Territory," asexu-nd-ed
to all the Public Land fcute by act of Aug
ust 4. 1K42.
of Ro'bnrr, county 01 Don via. ale of Oiccnn,
bss this day filed In this oliice his sw to sute
ment No. xs.6 for Ibe pan-base of tbe E'j K1,
of aection township ;) south, range H west,
and will ofler proof to show that the Und aowght
U more valuable for lu timber or atone tnan
for agricultural pnrpoiiea, and to etailish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver oi this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesdey, the Sth dv of June, 1903. He
name as witnesses: W. H. Boren, John Lehn
herr, William Murray and William Lehnherr,
all of Camas Valley, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely tbe
above-desrr bed iaods are requested to tile their
claim in this office on or beloie tbe said 9th
day of June, 19U3. J.T. Battxiaa,
tnerjr'.p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Bute Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. JU, 1902.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congresa of
June S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timlier land In the States of California, Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Terriiory," asextend
d to ail tha public Und stale by act of August
of Priest River, county of Kootenai, state of
Idaho, has this dav filed fn thia ofiio hi swom
statement No. 4U- for the puiebaseof the N W4
of keclion 32, townahip SO south, range S west,
and will of fer Proof toshow that theland aonght
ia more valuable for its timber or stone thsn
for agricultural purposes, and to esublish hi
clslni before the Register and Receiver of thia
oliice oi Roseburg, Oregon,
on W edneaday tlwlom day of June, 1903. He
name as witnesses: Nel Alberts. Priest
Kiver, Idaho, Peter Durcb, and Fred Stewart,
of Kos.-burg, Oregon, A i Duroli, Myille
Creek, On-gon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described landu are rque ed in file
their fis'iiu in this office on or liefore said loth
day of June, I9U3. J T BKilKjKS,
m?X,)f Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Cfllce at Rnscbujg, Ore ,
February 2S. 19u3
Notice Is hereby riven that the following
named settler bas filed notice of hi Intention
to mke rinsl prisif tn support of kli claim, and
tjjftt sai l prool will l-e made 1-ofo'e the Keglster
ami Rienvtr, U tiled t-lnlcs Land Office at
Roeebuig Oregon, on April in, lnm, viz:
J AMKH 11. Hill I K.
Hd. E. No for the EU SK'S, SVi NE1.'
N 4 bl !. Hec 2(1. 1 p 25 If, H i West. '
He nauun the following witnesses to pmva
hiinontinu ous residence upon and cultivation
of a1rt land. vis. Geor.e West, and beniamin
r bheilili.of Hrmi-lin. Ore., Andrew J Bellow,
.--,-. ,i, vio,, m.-v - n.Tniifinn, iiuie, Mre.
March ft J, T. KRlDGK-j, Rcglater,
Notice for Publication.
t!nlto4 Wales Land nnie
United Ktate Land Ofllre.
eosebura, Oregon, Nov. 14, lti02.
Notice tl hereby given that in compliance.
with the provisions of the act of Congn-ss of
June 8, 17H, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lends lu the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and AVatdiington Territory," as
extended to all tlio Public Laud Htates by act
of August 4, lfj,
of lola. county .if Wanpaoa. slate of Wivoniln.
has this day men in tnis omce his sworn stale-
ment No. !t!i for the of the N'4 of
NKW and HWW of NK1. and Ns 'i til HE1; of
section 1H, township SI south, of range 4 west,
and will offer proof toshow that theland sought
Is more valuable for lis timber or stone thsn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
clatiu before the Register aud Receiver of tbia
office of Rosebura. Oresron.
on Monday, luo Mn nay of June, 190.1. He
naimx an witnesses: diaries w tichc rplantilg
and Henry T Olson, both of lola. Wis., J M
vtcathwrhy and Charles Clement, both of
Kosetiurg. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claimin advorselv the
above described lands are requested to Bio their
claims in nils omce on or oeioro sain Mil day
01 June, 1904 J. T. BR1UUE8,
markup Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Plate Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 14, 1902
Notice II 4iereiv atven that tn enmnlUnra
with th provision of the act ot Congrers of
JunsS, IS,, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California. Oregon
li'evads.and Washington Territory. " ummmt.
ad to all tha public land itau by act of August
4.LS92. .
of lola. coun y of Waupaca, state of Wis., ha
nia osy niea in tni omce nis sworn sutement
o. 39ot. for the purchase of the lot 1.2. K1. of
am ana i ia-. imi nt',1 01 iw. ot
section -ai, townsnip si souin, 01 range 4 west.
and will offer proof toshow that the Und sought
Is more vaiuanie tor lis tiinner or stone msn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
office ot Roaeburf, Oregon.
on Monday, the Kin nay of Jnne, 1903. He
names as witnesses: Heurv T Olson, and Olnf
unillkson, of lola. Wis., J M Wewiherby and
Charles ( lemnt, both of Hoseburg. OregiHi.
Any and all persons rlaimiug advrrseiT the
above descriled lands are requestei to file their
claims in IhU odios on or beiore said Mh day of
June, 19i3. i. T. BKIlKiKR.
marjip Register.
Notice for Publication
United 8tate Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, Nov. 14, l'T'2.
Notice Is hereby given that in coniplUuce
with the provision ol t he act of Congress of
JnneS. DI7H. entitled "An a t for the sale of
timber lands In the states ot Callforn'a. Orvgna,
Nevadaand Washington territory," as ex 'end
cdtoall the pnblic Und suies by act of Aug-
of Iota, connty of W aupaca, slate of W Icronitn,
has thisdsv tilel in this odice hia sw-irn slate-
ment N...r4. for tl-e Hircbae of the HK4 ef
M-.uand NH'i ot f-r.u and t'. ol sr.1 ., ol
section 24. town hip tl south, of range 6 west.
and will offer proof to show that tha land aonght
U more valuable for iu U is tier or sume thsn
lor agricultural poraoeea. and to establish Ma
claim before the Register and Receiver of Una
Uios otRoseburg. oregoa.
ou Monday, tbe Mh day of June, 1903 He
name as witnessea: Charles W ncherpUnniir
snd Ofof Gullikson. both of lola. W is.. J M
Weatberby. and Charles Clement, both ol
Roeeburg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
bove-descrioed lamlz are requested to file their
elsims tn tot olihe 00 or before said 8th day ol
lone, 1903.
J. T. Baior.xs.
marp Recutcr.
Notice for Publication.
United Butea lnd Office.
Roaeburg. Orecon, March 10. I'd.
Notice ta hereby given that tn compliance
with the provision of the act of Omgrrsa of
Jnne , 1ST, entitled "An art for the aala ot
timber lands tn the 81 ales of California. Orecon
Nevada .and W ashlngton Territory," asexund
4 to ail lb aublM Und stales by act of August
4. UW.
of till LomtMird ve Everelt. county ol fno-
homt.h. sia-e ol W arh, ha this day filed In
this office bis sworn s;st ment No. 4.n, for the
parctiaaaot the t.i. U e1;. lots 12, IX, 11. ol
seetion 8, town. hip --l soutn. range 3 west,
and will offer pnaif to snow that the Und
sought I more valuable for Iu timber or auie
than tor agricultural purposes, and to esub
lish hi claim to said Und before W S Frill,
L a t omQiMinint at Kiduie, uregon, on MoO'
day, the 1st day oi June. 3il. He n.mes as
witneaeea: J VJ Gilbert, of Perdue, Ore. O l
Reeves, ol EveretU W ash. L L rtHw, ol Per
due, Ore. I Lavpmsn. of Rrerett, W ab.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above de-n oed Unds are reques'd to file their
ciiiiu In thl omce on or beiore said 1st osy
o' June, lisj. J T BRIDGES,
Darl9p Resnu-r.
Notice for Publication
Cxitd Ptstxs Lko Omn.
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 2, 1.A,
Notice u herel.y given that tn compliance
srith the provisions of tbe art of Congres of
June 3. l!T entitled "An art for the sale c4
timber lands In the Slas.- iV Cali omia. tfregoai
Nevala .and aiint,-ton Terrtirry," asextend
J to aU the public Und taia by act ot August
of Spokane, munlv i. 8i,kfte, stale of Wah-
lnston. bs Ibis clay bled in Uii osTee his
sworn staU iiH-nt No 4-X for tbe pore nl
lot 11. 12, K and II sec 34, Tp W soutn Rx W
and will offer proof toshow thai the Und sorght
u more t a'ual'ie tor lu Umber or clone tiisa
tor agricultural purpose, and to establish LU
claim before the Remiier aud Receiver of Uus
onice of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Monday, the tuth day ef April l'Ql. He
names as wt'nease. Oenrge Tirner, Roeetmt.
Ore . G W Chamher!aln. I"ays Creek, Ore, W ai
H W right, and H W" Miller Mrrtie Creek. Ore.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
horve described lend are requested to rib their
cis-ma in ibis ofhcooa or before said 2oto day
01 Apr. 10. t. t. Bain.iS.1,
l9 . Rcistr
Notice for Publication.
Riaanaa, Ora- Nov 4. Iri.
Notice U herety given that In com pi lanea
arith the pmvisi'riaof tha art of Cngrra ot
Jane 3. is., entitled "Ao act f-r the saia of
timber lands In tbe Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada And Hahinrton Terriiry."asextend
d to ail the public land atate by act of Auguat
a, uwi.
of Ashland, conntv oi Ah!and. atate of Wis
consin, haa this day filed In this oibce hi
sworn sutement No. .-WiJ for the pnrchate of
tne W', ui( of sec 2. in R 4 west.
and will offer proof toshow that the Und aonght
Is more valuable for Its- timber or stone than
for agricultural porpr-vea, and to establish hU
claim before tbe KecUur and Receiver oi thia
of floe of Rose burg, Oregon.
on Thursday, the Ath dsy of May, 190.1. He
names as wit-jessew: wp Johbson, n, K va
line Jobnaon. John Rail, Jr., and C O white,
all ol Creek, Orecon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described land are requested to file their
claims In thU oflioj on or before aid ' day
of May. 19tn. J. T.bKIIx.KS.
mar Up Register
Notice for Publication.
Tnited SUtealjindOlnre
Rneebunr. Oreeon. Nor. lW.
Notice u hereoy given that In compliance
with the provisions of tha act of Cougrcsa of
Jnne X, "CH. entitled "An act for the aale ot
timber lands In the Rtatcsof Caliiomia,Oreeon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asaxtend
ad to all the public Und itate by act ol August
4. 1892.
of Kr!e, connty of KrU dnte of Pcnnsrlvanla
bas this day filed In this onice his sworn sU e
ment No. :su for the purchase of the N'j
Nt'. & NEJt, Nh'i of wctinu
y. in toanship M sonltl, range 4 west,
and w ill otter proof todiow that tbe Und son gat
Is more valuable for tu timber or (tone ti n
lor agricultural purpose, and to etablih hi
claim before tbe Register aud Receiver of thia
Woe of Roe burg, Oregon. -on
Tbunday, the 2Mb day of May, 1908. He
names a witnesses: WP Johnson, Mrs g
lme Johnson. John Ball, lr., andti O White, all
of Myrtle ("reek. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above decilhel lands are requested 'o tile tbeir
claims in thia oliice on or beiore said 2Mb. dav
of May 114. J.T. Ratbota,
ttlarUp Register.
SbcrifTs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of Iho Plate of Oregon,
for iKiiirlas county.
J. F. Clements,
PlainUff '
v V
a W. Tooley, I
Defendant j
Notice I hereby given that by vIKoe of an
execution and order ol sale, duly iwuio-t out ol
and nmier tbe eal of the above entitled court.
In the above entitled cause, to me directed
and dated iheth day of February, 19H3. upon
a judgment rendered and entered In said court
ou the 2.'nd dsy of January, lnos, n favor of
tbe above named piaintig and against the
above named defendant, aud against the
hereinafter mentioned and described alUched
real property, for the snm of (luo with interet
thereon at tbe rate of ID per eent per annum
flora toe 1Mb dsy of July, l'.X2. mnl me further
sum of fl7..'ionis and the cta of and uikio
this wilt. Now therrfoie 1 will on
Satnrdttv, the 11 th dv ot April. 1003,
atniieo'cock p. m. of said" day. at the court
bonne front door. In Ron-burg, Ioiii;1hii conniv
On -grin, sell al p'lUic auction to the bli.-hest bid
der, for cb in band, all the right, lulu ami
inu-rest. which Ihe Mid Ivfen.lant, had on
thei-'itn day of Octotier, l'.mi, or at any time
ther-after io or to tbe billowing lesollad
real property, to-wif
The ui.iiiviiled one-hilf Interest In and to
tbe following described r-al pmperty to-wlt
lit s in block No, 1, and lola f j, :t, u i ia, In bio. k No:::sKo lots s, 9 and 10 In block
No. 6, ,n 1 lioma ulxll vi-ion of lot No is and
west half of lot Nil. Y2. Krtiitvale Addition to
Ro.,-biirg, (irvgon. with all and slngiiliir the
bm menu hereditaiiieuts and appuitoiia'-es
tlierrnnto belonging or In anywiwi aprerlalii
Ing. To satisfy said execution, order nt salt!
inlerest, co-Is and accruing ixois. '
l'Blt -1 al Roseburg, this eth day of March.
laua. ot ' E. uPAkiurT,
bheriffot Dougla couutv, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
United Mute ljind OfTlce,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 10, 1903.
Notice 11 hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of th act of Congres of
June S, )h(H enUtied "An act for the sale ot
timlier lands In the Rtatcsof Callfornla.Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Terriiory," asexund
ad to all tha publio Und slates by act of August
4, lt'J2.
of 3111 Lombard Ave., Everett, county ot f no-
homtxh, state of Wash, has this dav filed in
lliianuite his sworn statement No. A'), for the
ptirebaseol Die N BK'. HW' olrla'i. HK'i
ol HW'.i of Hoc 6, in Tp .11 rt, K 3 west, and will
ofler proof Ul show that the land sought Is
mote valuable for iu timlier or stone than for
agricultural pnrin.M, and to ealablikh bis
UI111 iH-loie W 8 Brlit, U 8 Coinmlsxioner, of
Ridiilc, Oregon, onJMonilsy, the 1st day of
Juue, l!K:i lie names as witnesM-s; J q Gil
bert, of Perdue, tire, R F Ailamson, and O D
Reeves, both of Eveiett, Wash, and L L Perdue,
of Perdue. Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above described land are requested to file
theirclaims In thia office on or before aald 1st
day of June, 1)3. J. T. BRIDGK-t
niarWp Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Hi ate Land Office,
Roeeburg, Oregon. Feb 21, IA.
Notice u hereby given that In eompllanci
with the provision of the act of Congres ol
June 1, 1878, ntltled "An act tor the sale at
timber lands In the State of California. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territory," asexuud
ad to all the publia land Usui by act ot Aoruat
of Snohomish, county of bnnhomiah state of
Washington, has this day filed In tbi office
his saom statement No. 4490. tor the purchase
of the S'i of ec 8. Tp SI South, Raniti X
west, and will otter proof to show that tbe land
pouch 1 is more valuable tor u timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to esUMisb
his claim to aaid laud b-lore W 8 Britt,
U H Commissioner at Ridd'r, Oregon, on
Friday the 1st day of May, 19(11 He name as
witnesses: Charles A Miort, hnohoinisb. Wash.
11 11 Short, Beattle, Wash, W Weybtight, Riddle
we, j 14 unoert, rvruue, viregon.
Any ad all person claiming adversely tha
above deacritied Uuds aro reu nested 10 tile
heir claims in tbi office or or before said 1st
IMaylAU. J.T. b KllM.r-,
i'JCp Register.
Society jsatting8.
F. & A. M. Laurel Lode No. 13.
Halda regular Goeetioitson second
and 1 nrth WedoefHiara ol eacb
tnoufh. E. J. Ptbocd. W. M
K. T. JiwkTT, Pecrtftary.
AO. U. VI. Uoeobnrg Lodge No. 16,
Mtwta tb rccood and fourth Mon
m Ammm u..k .ft T .-0
in ttHi I. 0. O. F. Hall. Members in
food atandlnc are invited to attend.
F. M. Touts M.W.
. 11. i.R.Hoi Recorder.
D. .8 Wbut, Financipr.
P O. ELKS. kiweburg LudgeNo.
326. Uolda tvifnlar commanu-a
none at I O. O. F. Hall on aeoood
and loortb ThoraJayi ol each month.
All members recneeied to a'tend rpra-
larlv and all vieitioic brutnera are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. H. jAJtliaoK, K. K.
V C. London, Secretary.
CO. E,
meets at Armory Hall Tery
tirade? evening, at 0 e clock.
F. H. Hamlt. Capt,
EGRLK OF HONOR. Mystic ldrt
No. 13." McU 2nd and 4ih
day eeniia of each inon'h in Na
live Hons' Ha-1. Vn-itioi; roetr.bera coi-
jialiy twitted to attend.
Mis. MkBIT WaUT, C. of H.
E. U. LaKSns, Kcc
OF A. Conrt bongta No. 32. Kor-
rtTf of Americw. Meets every
Teday eyeotre in Nativw Son
Hall. Viaitingbsotheraalwave welcome
8. W.VasZoji C. R.
E. IL Lenox. R. f
E. V. Hootu, Physician. .
O. O. F. PhlleUrian Lodre No. 8.
Mitetii in Odd Fllo' TempJe, cor
ner Jat keon and Caes street, on
6tnrlav erenmic of eacb week. Mens
ber of tbe order ia good eian-liox are
Invited lo at'end.
N.T. JgwriT. Nrcretar.
of i. Alpha Lo1?9 No. 47. Meet
erery I. O. O. F,
Hall at 7:31 n. m. Mem Sera in
(wl Andin are invited to attend.
S.V. RamfK.R. h.
O. T. L- rrotcx tion Tent No. IV
1I-11 iu ivcnlar Ileviewa tlie
first and third of each
month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting
members in gnod etarnlinjr are inrited to
attend. Oeo. . Tatar, Com.
E. E. Dloogbtt. Record Keeper.
I LAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of
wo-xlcralt. Meets on Snd and 4
Fri lays of ea h moolh at the Na
tive Kins, Hall. Vbititif( members ia
ffood standing are invited lo a'tend.
Maimis I'.rciiAXAN, Guardian Neighbor
Minxis Otsv, Kecy.
I O. 7. M. Rueeborg sHive No. 11
I Hoide ita regn!ar reviews upon the
" aecond and loorth r riJay ere
of eavJi nionih in the Native Hniia' Hall
iatera of other Uivea vuiting in the city
are cordially Invited to attend nor
Jtif Rapp, L.Cm
M ACDa K. McClallkn. R. K.
OF A. ilyrt e Camn No. 633il,
eets fiirt D'J third Wednsedav
each mouth at Ntive Son' Hall
Uao. Byron, Clerk
fS E. 8. Roeebnri CtuDter No. 8
(j Holds their reen'ar meeting on the
v first and third Tborsdays ia each
nonth. Viniting tnembers in rood
standing are1 reerpct folly invited to at
tend. Mas. Nanms brgAcra W. l
Macpi Rat Secretary.
KBEKAHH. Roeebnrg Rebekah
lwlire No. 41. I.U. O. F moots lr
Odd Fallows' Tern pie evert Tneds.
'evenine. Visiting staters and br-hrip
iitvitivl to attend.
Dsixa BftDWN, N. G.
Coua Wimbkrlt. R. S.
sembly No. 10H meets every Satur
day evening, - at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons Hall. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. PoroLAS, M. A
Nf IS9. I.Kf.A BlWiWxt, Pecrofarv.
Camp No. 125. Meefs at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Roeehnrg. ever?
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors alwava welcome.
N. T. JWTT. C. C.
J. A. Buchanan, Clerk.
II (KM rellow a lemnie. Moots first
snd tliinl Thnrsdsv cvoninpi each
montii. imtor8 t-nniiiillv invitsl.
J. It. lT.t MILTON, C.
J. C. TwrrcHSLu, Scribe.
YoncaUa Real Estate
Timlier land located and for sale. Good bar
gains in (arm property. Loans made on easy
term in sunn from JAG to any amount at I, 4,
S aud C per cent.
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave orders at Bur r's JIon'cS to
- oooc oooooooooooooo
Thefreqnent sales of small inatrn
ments o lata is a surprise or this time
.of the year. Prices and quality Is what
connts when selling goods and yon can
always get the best gooda for the leant
money at T. K. Richardson's.
Professional Cards.
Phone j Seatoence 801, Besldeace.
rDon lOtncallaS west IUbor
Ofne : koota U Taylor aV Wllaot Block
f laminaiion Tree. Office boor t ta Ua.a.
3 Ui p. as. Graduate SUU College of Osteopatiiy
rnone Main n
Coert Bona
Oowa Utatra,
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Roeut no,
'Phone Main 59 L. OaatioM.
Physcian & Surgeon.
0&C Review B:a.
Rosanvaa Oateov
Spedai attcstloa given ta Dtiiana el tbe Mo
and Throa t.
OSra Mala HI., one door Booth ot City Ball
Pbots. Maia ML.
vtw Balldlasc
reiepkoa . .
x. cuArroui),
Attorney at Law,
em 11. afate id, ftOBZBoa,uk
pwBa(Bcas beiore ta 0 Land 09c axae
auuing eases a specialty.
Lata naoatTBT 0. a. Lan Oete
n. EBcrE,
RoegHi'M, Oaifloa.
Bosioca. before D.K. !! 0Beea4 rnt
bosinea a specially.
OOca Abrahaia Bnil9ln.
Attomey-at Law.
WU' practice la all Ibe.dtaU aavl rleral Cesairu
OaVa la Mark Bklt Roseburg. Oretna.
Attorney and Coonaellor at Law.
Mlnicg Lav and Water Right made
a epecuuty.
ata.-stn Bl ROntfBUaa. CEKGOS
oou 1 and t
wvlew BalUtlnf. BOPSBCKfs.OUUOa
J A. BCCIIASAN, Notary Pnblle.
A ttorn ey-at-Law.
Collections a Specialty.
Room t
arstera B.tilllng.
Attorney at Law.
toon 11, .
Taylor w iisoa Block Rosaat aa, Oaa
a. a. bat.
c. A.EEKUtaaoa
Practice In all ol the courts of the ta . alau
w. . t . r-. n , , .
dqiisv uis u.o. ua uTpsnmvBi,
Tailor tlaon Block, -Notary
Public fa office
'Phone Main iSS KrMtKBCRO, ORK
mi it Em m
ITead Office, McUinnTtUe, Orcfon
Amt.of insurance in force, f 1 1 .riOO.OCO.OO
Net gain in one year, 2,f2S,787.00
Saving ita members 1 yr., SO,5Ul.fiO
Number eeparate risks, 22,300
Se A. J, Buchanan,
Roeeburg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co
a L.
We have on hand a
pianos, which we si
out at a sacrifice, ta make room for
onr next car load. We have only four
pianos of our List car load left. The
Xeedham sells itself at sight and sonnd.
Xoedham Pianos, the iiest and only the
best. T. K. Ricliardmn.
Roseburg and Cottage Grove,
J. e5 Always the Cheapest
For Sale by
ii you want to buy a farm
f you want famished rooms
If you want to buy a bouse
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a bouse
If you want to move a house
If IiVUiMi'tf
all oa or a-Mr
Of ererr !es-rivtiin. Far ma an.l Min
eral Lamia. Orvoa. Wsjihineton anl
and Main StreeU
Mrs. Belle Collins
H. Little, g
Ahetrat of Title to De.leJ Land.
Papers treparer? for filinjr on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Prints of Township Mapa ebowirt
all waxant Lands.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Rank Dnildin. Thone 415
Xbe New-York Life
KtftT-acvei year eld.
Aaaeta over t9o,ooo,ooa.
laconic ta 1901 ovvr S 70,000.
Insoraaca ia rrco aver tU6),
New ! ranee iMldjror la toot
Pollrv-Holdrr in toot,
over aa7.oo0.00o.
Paid Pollcv-Maldensln 57 year,
over 93
W. J. Moon, Arsai.
Raarbarc Ore
mrmt VIP
Through Salt Late City, Lcadville, Pueblo, Colorado
bprmgs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
to all foustts'eiast
Modern Eqnipment, Throtish rullman and Tourist S'.eep
. ing Cars aud Superb Dining Car Service.
ror rat.-, IoKU-m and other
ii;feniiation, addrvsa
few second hand
giving to clone
Leading Grocers
aa-l kailaer
Go to ..
For a Promt t an-1 Firrt-cla.w
Shave "r I!a,:r-mt. Corr
tent Wrkmen, Clean T(.
e!. Ton.' alwav-f in shr.
Baths in Con next kvo.
.. .
J Sbop on Jackson St.
Homes from 5250 to $5000
Write or Those
Vafxn. LT, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Gukle
Camas Valic-, Oregon
3 s;lraMU!t rt ol Ufkert
ia i-rerami to wait Cpon lr
and newrnfcnierandfr-n.Ij
with a full and com;'.e'
ftock cf
All f reh ard of tbe verr btast
qnalitr. Tea aad cr-.fs are
ipc;a.tiea. Yoi Mtroctn
a 20$ Jacksoa St.,
VhifvlJ F!Xi Ttprr f th or-.h-Hks.
rntH:Mv:tl N,rn .re
a E.titf-f kr ta ttnort of t
rtiwvx. r: rti. n;utt.
fs iwrnr. Ha.vnl rniw !!
hlVL ,h " Uuiu ppf r-
513 A .H2.
W. C McllRlDE. Gen'l A sent.
Ia4 Third Street, Pvrt'.srr t -s
m mn
m j i