The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 09, 1903, Image 3

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A ,
and if our SPRING and .SUMMER
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. Wc are showing this season the
Latest Styles in "
Silk Cause Novelties, Soie Joarcc, Silk A
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine A
Novelties, fancy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Alton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
.Slfl1rC We carry the Finest Line of Made-up Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts cannot be
I'"" equaled for quality and price
Embodies many special features that will in
terest you. The clothing that we sell from the
Highest to the Ixiwest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with confidence even though our prices are lower than any other store sell for the same quality. Aled a new
and tip-to-date line of Ladies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe
Otfr Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
The People's Store
One Door South of P. O.
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c, papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
All New StocK
and Latest Cat
Envelopes : :
Also xi off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains : : : : : :
Of Local Interest. X
J. F. Wright, of Glide, was iutown
R. J. Marsh was in town from Myrtle
Creek Tuesday.
G. W. Bash ford, of Medford, is in
town visiting his son.
Col. J. C. Par, of Olalla, was in Rose
burg on business, Monday,
J. L. Chaney.'of Myrtle Creek, was in
the city, on Wednesday,
For a good 23-cent meal go to the Re
port. Geoboe Gabbekt.
R. D. Sham book and George Dimmk-k
went to Eugene, last night.
Marjory McDougall, who has been
quite ill, is now improving.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bledsoe, of Leona,
were in town on business Tuesday.
Miss PitUford, who was taken sudden
ly ill yesterday, is some better today.
You can get anything you want in the
line of garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tf 17
For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators,
Brooders, etc., go to S. K. Sykes. tfl7
Mrs. Isadore Wolleuburg will enter
tain twenty of her lady friends at a din
ner party, Friday.
Al Kent and Albert O'Neal, have pur
chased the livery business of C. P. Barn
ard.on Main Street.
Miss Robie Baker, who has been visit-
; ills' her brother, t B. Baker and family,
j returned to her home at Cottage Grove,
I Tuesday. "
Mrs. Emma Warren, who has been
i visiting Ler mother, Mrs J. C. . Corn-
stock, returned to her home in Portland
You can "do more garden work with a
Planet Jr. Seeder than vou can with a
See the Title Guarantee fc Loan
for blue printi. and filing pajiers.
1 dozen hoes. Churchill and Woollev
sell them.
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs. '
Walls oppoei'e the City Hall.
i Clii kens the inot irofitaiMe animal
Dressmaking and al! plain sewing ,,, T.1V , I.,.,-,., in,.,.).-.
j tor and get a Mart in the chicken busi-
n-ss, Churchill and Woolley t-ell them
Get your abstracts 01 title from J. D , Euil,,eri, taVe notice von , ,U )wt.
Hamilton. He has the only complete ; ter ,0 fi.nre with s K ou voor
set of abstract books in the county, tf ; niaU.rii4j u.fort. bnvil)g anv. ,)Uw ;Ise.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker J ne has a large stock to select from. tfl7
of tLe only silver steel saws. None bet- CM on Tr8 cheaJle & John9nn for
ter made. Yon will find a complete ' tHlaU, denUl work. Dr. Johnson,
line at Churchill and Woolleys. - I la,e of Portjlndf wi have charpe of thf.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy CTOwn and bridge work department,
and pepper roasU a specialty. . Served Prices reasonable. tf
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eatir gj p ,.
House, Mesdaiue Lohr & Gegax, pro- priwf3.(Wv 1, 3 in. wagon com-
plete, led ; wood-rack double-trees and
If yon want to go to Cot Connty
points, take the Roseburg, Marvhfield
route. Spring liacks leave Roseburg
every day at G, A. M. liujuire of C. P.
Barnard, a gen t. tf .
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fiie insurance compa
nies, la now prepared to do a grneral
fire .insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
neck-yoke, in fine order, rice $.15.00.
Inquire of C. Van Zile, long!as St. east
of Hill, RosMmrg Ore. Mar 19-1 in.
Tin. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
tanpdian chickens, "greatest of winter
avers," is making a special offer t
those wishing eggs fur hatching 15 eyes
for f 1.50. Those wishing eggs should
wr ite him at cure. m4
E. OUivant, of Ten Milo, was in town
L. E. Milledge, of Dillard, was In the
city Wednesday.
J. T. Dixon, of Seligman Ariz., is in
he city on a visit to his father, II. B.
Dixon. '
Mrs. W. II. Jamieson, took her sou
Harry to Portland, to have an operation
performed on his ear.
J. C. Robertson, left for Portland
Tuesday night. He expects to locate in
Roseburg and open up aa architect of-
e. .'
If you would know how easy it is to
take and develop pictures, come to
Churchill & Wooley's, Friday afternoon
from 2 tq 5 p. m.
T. E. Lattimer, labor organizer will be
in Rosehurg Friday evening and will
hold an open meeting to which all
laboring men are invited. Place of
meeting yet to be determined.
Churchill and Woolley invite you to
witness a demonstration by the East
man Kodak expert, with the wonderful
developing box which entirely does
away with the dark room, Friday after
noon from 2 to 5.
H. G. Ploeger, who went to Portland
recently in quest of relief for his arm
which has been giving him much trouble
returned on the Alliance. His arm is
much better and his general health is
much improved. Coast tnaU.
ew Millinery
With pride and pleasure we
mm - . . ..1 . i
call your attention 10 me mosi suc
cessful trimmed hat department j
iwm l a rivi tmmT 4
ill UIC lUUilllJ
Our styles are as high as the
Heavens, our prices lower than
the lowest depths of the ocean.
Another thing, our selection
is twice as large, giving a splendid
and varied displey to choose from
Sam Josephson is expected home from
San Francisco, Saturday.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woolleys.'
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Ore
gon. Watch our windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for you at
Flint's Shoe Store.
When in town and you want a first-
class 25-cent dinner, go to the Resort.
Geobgi Gabbekt.
For Sale. One good sewing machine
for 110.00. Will lako wood or hay. Box
20, Roseburg. No26tl.
The Mental Culture. Club will give
their last musical for the season next
Wednesday evening
Mu-s Winnie McConnell, who has been
visiting Mrs. ' Autenreith, left for her
home in Yreka, Calif., Tuesday.
Too Jersey yearling bulls and one grade
Hereford yearling bull for sale. Inquire
of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Oregon. Hp.
Miss Nell Collier, of Seattle, is expect
ed to arrive in Roseburg, Friday, to
sjnd a visi with he-sister, Lillian Collier.
X. W. Perkins, of Myrtle Point, ac
companied by lits family passed through
Rusehurg, Wednesday, en route to Mary-
ville, Calif.
Mr. and Mr?. J. 61 Piatt, (nee Daisy
Diiworth) of Seatt'e, arrived in Rose
burg on Tuesday, and are renewing old
Miss Min-ie McConnell, who has been
visiting friends in this city for the past
week, left for her home in Yreka, Calif.,
Tuesday evening.
Several couples of young people went
up on the overland last uiht, to atU-ud
the dance at Oakland. 1 hev par ther
had a verv good time.
On or l-fore May, 1M a tlSO photo-
craphic outfit fur k-tts than one-half
value. Tent and everything complete.
Address K. A. Graves, Roseburg, Ore.
For sale at M rs. G. R. Child's, piano.
$70, bedsteads, stoves, fireplace furnish
ings, laundry furniture, shades, chairs,
garden tools, bookshelf and tables. 23-3 1
Mr. Jackson, the gunsmith, has just
received a lare invoice of blank keys,
and can now f.t you out with anything
in that line at reasonable prices. 2tp
Carter Harrlon was re-elected mayor
of Chicago by nearly 7000 votes. The
republicans have ii votes in the City
Council, the democrates 33, socialists I
and 1 independent. f
Osteopathy is the best treatment for
all diseases eculir' to women. A fair
trial always gives satisfaction. Dr.
Stndley room 11 Taylor & Wilson B'ock.
Honrs 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m.
Dr. H. L. Studley the Osteopath lias
now moved into his new office at room
11, Taylor & Wilson Block. Ho wishes
to thank the people of Roseburg for
their earnest patronage of the rast and
will continue to give free consultation,
from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m.
The Railroad Restaurant is under a
new management with ' F. H. Rogers,
proprietor, and Alvin Wood as man
ager. Open 'all night. All white labor,
Good treatment, and good meals. The
itatronage of our friends will be appre
ciated. It.
A fashionable eastern dress-maker,
just arrived with latest styles, solicits
the patronage of the most fastideous and
guarantees to give entire satisfaction
Will sew in private homes. 'Phone 715
5 rings or address Miss K. Becker, Box
155, City. ' 2tp,
The lecture at Days Creek school
house, Thursday Evening, April 3rd up
on the subject of education .by Prof
Hamlin, was well attended by the peo
ple of the Duubboorhood and well re
ceived ; also an address at Canyonville,
Friday evening, upon the subject of
"Measures of success in education"
was given close attention by a large
and appreciative audience.
W. P. Johnson, Adam E. Shina and
John Hall, of Myrtle Creek, have filed
articles of incorporation for the purpose
of running a hotel business, a whole-sale
and retail liquor business, to conduct a
general livery stable business, and to
buy, sell, mortgage, lease, bond, rent
and hold real estate aud to hypothecate
personal property of all kinds. The
amount capital stock of this company
will be 125.000 which is divided into 100
shares at $25 each.
aster Offerings for Swell Dressers
In Styles to Tit the Most fastltleoas
There will be a free entertainment at
Myrtle Creek Saturday evening, April
11th, under the auspices of Roseburg
Lodge No. 10, A. O. U. W. Rev. G. H
Osborne, in a novel and unique program
will introduce humor, pathos, laughter
scenic beauty, music and wit, scenic
effect: "The Flight of a Soul," "Man's
Burden," "Daute's Inferno" "Chris
tian Martyrs" "Above the Cloud," and
many others. All are invited, ad mis
sion fiee.
Real Estate Transfers. :
m ...
: I. J. Furgnson and wife to R. P. Endi
cott, lots It, 15 and 16, in blk 22, RiverH
side ad. Consideration $100.
A. D. Hawn to Mellie J. Johnson, 643
acres in sec 4, tp 25 s, of r 5 w. Consid
eration $450.
Mrs. S. F. Hassell to Mrs. S. Susa Ab
hsire and. Mrs. Minnie Ostrander, one
half interst in 80 acres of land, tp 27 s,
ofr6w. Consideration $1,000.
S. A. Fowler and wife to Hans Frode
son and Albert Huebuer, lots 5, blk 2
in Gilbertson's additiou to .Glendale.
Consideration $300.
J. D. Hamilton and wife to L. D. Ad
ams, of Hoquiani, Wash., 320 acres in
tp 20 s, of r 12 w of w m. Considera
tion $1.00.
Nebj M. Evcnsen and wife to Peter 0.
Lee, all of a strip of land on n jrth side
of Cow Cro k, situated in the se qr of
the nw qr of sec 2, tp 33 s, of r 7 w m.
Consideration $70.
Amos W. Martin and wife to Maurice
Brown, 1G0 acres in section 28, tp 20 so,
of r 8 w of w m. Consideration $(50.
T. N. Rutherford to J. A. Soesbe, the
se qr ot section 1U, tp 20 s, ol r 10 w.
Consideration f 1,200.
J. B. Holmes and wife to J. A. Soes
be, se qr of sec 9, tp 20 s, of r 10 w in.
Consideration 1 1,000.
Theodore Anderson to A. E. Ander
son, 200 acres in sec 32, tp 24 s, of r 5 w
of w ni. Consideration f2.00.
Charles Wolfer and wife to Emma K.
Remington, .26 of an acre in section 18,
tp 21 s, of r 4 w. Consideration $400.
A.J. Bellows and wife to W. H.
Sharp. .87 of an acre in Bellows' first ad
to wet Rose burs. Consideration $201.
G. Christian Grovesen to Nicholas
Moore, h'0 acres in sec 34, tp 26 s, of r 8
w of w m Consideration $'"40.
James Rcaxley to Alphon I ierre, 100
acrrs in sec 30, tp JO s, ol r S w ot w u.
Consideration $o50.
Frauk B Smith to Gilbert Gilbert son.
6.59 acres in section 4, tp 33 s, of r 6 w
of w m. Consideration $500.
Minnie M. Chenowetb and husband
to A. A. Smith. loU 1. 3, 3 and 4 in blk
C in Brown's ad to the r r ad to the
town of Oakland. Consideration frtX)
J. J. Long and wife to John F. West-
enhiser and F. H. Westenhiser, 100
acres in sec 23, tp 23 s, of r 5 w of w in.
Consideration $1,200.
Roscoe I. Hart to Willian P. Beasley,
a strip of land lying on the east side of
the e half of lot 2 of the Umpqua truit
Ranch. Consideration $275.
Mrs. Melvina Elliff to T. R. McCol-
lum, 2 acres aud 27 rods, t p 32 so, of r 6
w of w m. Consideration $17.00.
Thomas S. McCollom to W. A. Van
Nort-mk k, 3 acres and 27 rods in sec 21,
tp 32 8, of r 5 w of w m. Consideration
George Reed and wife to Roscoe I
Hart e hf of lot 2 of Umpqna flruit
Ranch, containing 12. acres. Consid
eration $035.
W. S. Moore and wife to Roy Weston,
60 acres in sec 21. tp 23 s. of r 4 w of w
m. Consideration $650.
G. Gubertson and wife to Mrs. Elena
Rohnabacker, lot 1, blk 1, in Gilbert-
sou s ad to the city of Glendale. Con
sideration $125.
Clyde D Lloyd to Chas. H. Carey, 490
acres in tp 24 s, of r 1 e of w m. Con
sideration $1.00.
Margaret Freeman and husband to
Josephene Larkin, 160 acres in sec. 16,
tp 24 8, of r 6 w. Con sideration $603.50.
Maurice Abraham et sis to Budd
Moore, lot no 12, blk 17, in the town
of Glendale. Consideration $125.
J. W. Billings and wife to V. L. Bo
gard, lot 6, blk 17, Glendale. Consider
ation $250.
J. M. Winniford to Benton Mires, lots
1 and 2 in blk 21, South Drain. Consid
eration $100.
Mox Knoll and wife to S. F. Hassell,
120 acres in section 14, tp 27 a, of r 4 w
of w m. Consideration $800.
J. W. Krewson and wife to T. M
Simpson, 9 acres in sec 9, tp 22 s, of r 6
w. Consideration $300.
G. L. Hunt to J. A. Black and T. E
Bledsoe, 165.39 acres sec 6, tp 22 s, of r
5 w of w in. Consideration $001.53".
L. H. Hamilton to U. S. Nichols, lo!
3, blk 12, Riddle. Consideration $100
J. B. Riddle to W. I. and Annie M
Brown, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in blk 8 and
lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in blk 9, Riddle. Con
sideration $250.
David and Ella Thompson to Will Q
and Annie Brown, lota 1 and 2, block 14
in the town of Riddle, consideration $200.
All the newest shapes in the Josephson
Hat. The Silver Golf and Dress Shirts in
endless variety, representing all the latest
patterns. . Fashion's latest fas . in Men's
Neckwear. The most correct styles in that
line ever shown any where.
Phone 211.
i ' -
1 t r
r . -
I . r
High Grade Pianos.
City Treasurer's Nstke.
How wouid it look if I were to adver
tise that 1 1-ad Steinway, Knabe, Fish-
: er and Needham llanos and sns.e cheap
! er makes like Chickering, Kimball and
'others? It is jut as consistent to say
hat eoUham is cheap, for there is no
' better npriht piano msde. It has al-
ways sUv d anviig the hih grades; it
i has never ln bought cheap and never
j was sold as snch, for it has to compete
) against alt the high grade pianne that
', are now on the market.
2t T. K. RicHms..
Smith' Daisdref7 Pomade
..uu .vu. n mil Clnr. it.)i!n. mill ennn lu anrJL.
' ' - : 1 ! . .r ttiM. til T MnwtrM !l Hn1rt
Dec 6th, UW), are re-iueweJ to present j . '
the same at the City Treasurer s oace
for payment, as interest will cease there
on after tlie date of this notice.
Dated Rost berg. Ore., 5Ich. 6th, IM3.
II. C. Slocc, Jb.,
City Treasurer.
r ! and w ill stop falling hair.
LICK 'v. ....
lor sale by larsters Lrrcz Uo.
Will preach in the Christian Church
to-night. His subject will l
Is Koscbnr? Read for ths Jcdmcat
The church should be packed
to bear the address
County Treasurer's Notice.
No;ie is befvby giveu U all parti-
hoMing CMinty warrants endorsed prW
! to aud intruding Nov. 10: h IViXi, aie re
; qui!.! to present the same at the conn
; ty trsjninr"s otfice payment an in
terest will cease tliereon after the dat
of tliis notice.
Dtel Rowbsirg, iX'Oglaa Connty Ore
j gon, March fth, 113.
Gs. Diwmick,
Gwntv Treasurer
Bids Wanted.
HEARDHODGES.At Canvonviile
on Tueslay morning April fth, 1903,
MifS Ln?a Holges and Rev. Walter
Heard were united in nisrriage, Rev.
L. M. Puhell, officiating.
The bride looked very pretty in a dres
of dove cashmere and silk.
The groom is a popular young Baptist
preacher of lake City, Calif., and the
bride is one of Canyonvilles' charming
young ladies.
After the ceremony the newly mar
ried pair, along with guests, sat down
to enjoy the good things which had been
provided for the joyous occasion . Those
present were: Mr. C.Hodges snd wife,
Mi. Charles Hodges and wife, Mrs. F.
F. Merril, Mr. F. 8. Heard, Miss Frena
Hodges, Miss Helen Sullivan, Miss Fan
nie Gibbs and Miss Oaka Gibbs.
A large circle of friends wish the pair
a long and happy life in each others
The happy couple left for Glide w here
they will spend the summer.
(Roseburg Review and Eugene Guard
please copy,)
Notice for Sale of State Lands.
S.'alcd bids will be received op to noon
of Friday, Mar 1, for the erection of a
three-story packing house, 50x4 in
sie, to be built in RoseUirg, Ore. Plans
ami specifications may be seen at the
office of Frank E. Alley, Architect, Rose
burg. All bide to be accompanied with
a certified check for 5 per cent of the es
timated price, and the owner reserves
the right to reject any or all bi Is.
Maich'JO, 1903.. C. Gaxist.
The tax rolls for 1902 have len
pljct.J in my Land for collection, and on
Monday, Mjrch 1, l'.XJ, at S o'dork, a.
ni.. I wilt coaiuience to receive taxes.
K. L. PjiaaoTT,
H.erifT aud tax coilertor for Iwwit'as
unity, t hvsrou.
A Profitable Garden
is axeun-d w hen you plant our
sewls. TWy are al! grown and
selectel and put up specially
for this Coast tra.le- They yield
his crops, early rrof s and money
making croj. Ihir 1903 Annual
and See-1 Buyer's Guide tells all "
about them. Every farmer
slnKild have it. Sent free. Ak
for r.k NX 72.
Hc-vlquarU-rs for Poultry anl
Be Supj5i, Spray Pumps and
Tor Sals
A quarter-block near conter of the
town, containing two good houses, rent
al $27 a month. Also two desirable
building lots. The lots can be had sep-
rately if desired. Apply to
Notice is berebr civen that the State
Land Board will receive scaled bids un
til Ayril 28,1903, at 10 o'clock a. m., for
the sale of the following described school
lands, to-wit:-
Sections 16 and 36, Township SI South,
Range 9 West, Section 16 Township 31
South, Range 10. West of Willamette
Meridian. '
The North half of North half and Lots
1, 2, 3, 4 of Section 16Township41 South,
Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian
containing 308.40 acres in Douglas, Coos
and Jackson Counties. Oregon.
Applications to purchase must be
made on the regular blanks, in accord
ance with the law for tho salo of school
lands, and be accompanied by cash or
check for one-fifth of the amount bid for
a certificate of purchase, or if full pay
ment is made deed will issue.
The right to reject any and all bids is
Applications and bids should bd ad
dressed . to G. G. Brow n. Clerk of tho
Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked
"Application and bid to purchase State
G. U. Bkown.
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated this April 8, 1903.
For Sale.
They are Proving Satisfactory.
Tlie Supplemental Chamber Co.,
Roskbcro, Ore.
Gentlemen Please send me via ex
press, one doten Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 S, & W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke
less cartridge. The brass Chamber or
dered some time ago having proved sat
isfactory I can do business with them
when the spring season opens.
Yours truly, H. J. Stillman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903.
Toroxto, Jan. 13th, 1903.
The S. C. Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs : I bee to thank you for
sample brass chamber and the informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order that I
might test the chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. I find same
works perfect satisfactory and now wish
to applv for tho sole selling agency for
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours very truly,
F16 - A. II. rrxM., Mtgs. Agent.
Dcpartwrnt of Ih ImerW.
1'ttitoi S !(: lmi OSior.
R.wrbun. Itw.. Mrrh . 1.S.
Koller Is fcrrrl r sirtin Itui lb iiDird
PLAT ol i.iT ol
has bn rrrtved froa ti) Sunrryor iDfm
for nntnn 1 on
FRlliA Y. M. lira .t,rwt . m..
tb wd l'LT will t fiid In thU ofir. and
o'ay o and alter that c!r
J. tl. B'JOTU, RcceiTcr.
If you have a ring that is
broken or a set lost out, or
possilly yon bare a ring that
is just a little to small or a
little to larje, perhaps yoa
Lave one that needs strength
ening or is badly bent, lam
prepared to do all kinds of
ring repairing. I not only
guarante my work, but I
guarantee you will be well
pleased with the job : : :
Title Uuarantce&LjoanCo
I. D.
fcO&XBCRO. 0K.EG05.
C Hiaarns.
Sccr ai J Treaa
09c. la tit. Coart Roaae. Hit the oa'y eww
pil.aFt of aluwt book ta IxxMiaa tonaiy
AtMirmrtsand Ortiocajea of T.U. furtUtel t
txiwUa twenty Uaj a4 mloia fit -ma. Ear.
alao a omp.e ar ot Traeian of aii tows . 9
ruaca la tr Eoaebara. Orrua. U. 8. Las d l-t
ij max pout copies, ol aaj tow .
A splendid team of heavy draft horses
Address P. O. Box 43. Roseburg, Ore
Jloo Reward $loo.
S K. S Y K E.S
Self Hardware
Stoves and Tinware
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease Uiat science bas
been able to cure in all its stages and 1
that's Catarrb. Hal's Catarrh Cure
is tho only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken Internally, acting directly
npou the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundations of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith In its curative powers, that
they offer one Hundred Dollars for any I
that it fuils to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address. F. J. Chany. & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Fold by all Druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
Now is Your Cliance
Oar new goods have arri?ed and they -are
all 0. K. We can show some
We have the Snow FlaHe Goods for Waists and
Dresses, also the Bedford Cord. If you want any
thing in the line of Fancy Hose we have then.
rSome new patterns that are very pretty.
D. S. K Bdick.
gon. ' a5