Tk Trie-a-Vk Rosebtirg Plaindealer fabllabed Monday aad Ttonrartay. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. I H. H. BROOKES, Editor and Publisher ILajhtt II. Brookics, Ixcftl Editor. Twic-a-Tcek PlalDUa1er. vtt year, $2.00 Entered at the Pout Office in Koseburp, Ore., as second class mail matter. Adrertisinn Rates on Application. APRIL 9. 1903. TO PROTECT THE BIRDS. The Oregon Legislature passed two . rood bills of Kieat benefit to the Bute from a moral and true civilisation stand point. The first referred to the execu tion of murderers in the penitentiary to be performed as privately as possible and the other was for the protection of our birds. From the latter law just pub lished we clean the following salient points ; Section 1. No person shall, within the state of Oregon, kill or catch, or hare in bis or her possession, living or dead, any wild bird, other than a game bird, or purchase, offer, or expose for sale, transport, or ship within or with oat the state, any such wild bird after it baa been killed or caught except as per mitted in this act. No part of the plu mage, skin or iKKiy of any Lira proieci- ed by this section shall be sold or had in I Dossession for sale. For the purposes of I this act the following only shall be con-1 aidered game birds: The anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant, and river and sea . ducks ; the ralidae, commonly known as rails, roots, mud bens and gallinules ; the liinicolae, com monly known aa Bhore birds, plovers, surf birds, snipe, woodcock, sandpipers, tattler and curlews; the gallinea, com monly known as wild turkeys, grouse. prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges and quails. Section 2. No person shall, w ithin the state of Oregon, take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, other than a game bird, or have Bach nest or eggs in his or her poeession, except as permitted by this act, Section S provides the penalty a fine ot not less than $5 nor more than $100, or imprisonment upon conviction Sections 4 and o provide lor cerun-1 catea by the president of the State Agri cultural College and president of the University of Oregon, allowing the kill ing of birds and gathering of eggs fo scientific purposes. The emergency clause is attached to the bill. The Plaikdkilcx hopes that the citi- sens of Oregon will do the at most they can to enforce the law because of the great moral and humane effect it will have on future generations, in pre vent ting the taking of life from any living creature needlessly or heedlessly, THE STRIKE SITUATION. Over the whole of the civilised coun tries of the globe are reports of strike 1 and threatened strikes. Queen Wil-1 ' helmina of Holland has ordered all the ut anJnavv forces lobe in" readiness! t crush out the strike if revolution is J attempted, there being 18,000 idle strik-1 ere in Amsterdam and 25,000 in other! cities of the little kingdom. la Russeia the troops f red on a band of strikers in St. Petersburg yeeterdav and 30 were killed ane 100 wounded. At Rome traffic is tied np and the city if full of Italian troope ready to pre-1 vent riot by the strikers. At New York 9,000 members of the allied building trade anions have struck and all over the United States the strike situation is daily growing more serious. On the Pacific elope, at .Tacoma and Seattle the strikers virtually lost the contest. At Vancouver, B. C., every tiling is about a standoff. The charges against George Estes, president of the United Brotherhood of Railway Em ploree, charging him with detaining His Majesty's mail, having been dismissed at Victoria by Judge Hall. At Portland tle Painters Union strike threatens to tie up entire building operations and the end of tlie strike situation no man Santa Clara, Calif., is to have a pas sion play in which the trial, crucifixion, death, banal and resurrection of the Nasarene is to be put npon the stage at Santa Clara College Hall bythesta dents and several of the alumni of that institution about the middle of next month. It has been decided to have grander and more elaborate music than w hen it was first presented and" there will be a chorus of sixty voices made tip of students from eight years to twenty. Besides the cast of characters, which in cludes thirtyx speaking parts, there will be a mob of 100 and the great cho rus of sixty, making a total of nearly 200 people in the spectacle. By order of Judge Bellinger of the United States District Court, U. 6. Com missioners H. W. Reed of Bend, Crook County ; J. W. Hamaker, of Bey, Klam ath, County ; and J. O. Hamaker, of Bonanza, Klamath, county, have been removed from office for cause and Miss Marie Ware, XJ. S. Commissioner at Eu fene, tendered her resignation after charges had been preferred and it was promptly accepted. Land Office frauds are at the bottom of the business and the whole affair will be investigated by tlie Federal grand jury. An election was held at Cottage Grove on Tuesday, the subject being high or low license. Dr. Job was the low license candidate' for mayor and Bob Veach the high license candidate. The question was thoroughly discussed and Veach won out by 67 votes. The con test was purely non-political or non paitisan as the saloon men themselves were divided on the issue. The amount of license to be fixed for town purjionet was $SO0 for each b&loon. A Bargaih ik Timber. 4S0 acres of fine white cedar and old-growth fir tim ber in Coos county, Ore. Lies on bank of a good driving stream in easy reach of log market on tidewater. For partic ulars in this and other timber deal.s in quire of Wu. M. Tosticr, il6tf. Camas Valley, Oregon. HERMANN WILL BE NOMINATED Special to tb FLAiniaAUa: Euoenk, Ore., April 9, 1903. Eu- ig fuu oI Republican politician and the friends of all the candidates are cer tain that their man will be elected Pr. T. X. Harris called the' conven- tion to order, as temporary chairman on crednnuala, and order of business and resolutions have been appointed. At three o'clock no ballot had been taken, but it is confidently ltclievtHl that the lion, llinger Hermann will lead all the candidates by 30 votes. The nominating speeches are now be- ing made ana Deiween intervals me i . 1 - a 1. I Fourth Regiment band furniBhes music. The convention has assembled I until eighty, presumably because of de in the Armory Hall. I Us expected that 1 creased earning capacity, the tax is re- many ballots will be taken before the contest is decided. Eugene, Ore., Aprils, 8:45p.m. Brownell has been elected permanent chairman of the congressional conven tion by a vote of 93 to 80. He will nom inate the Hon. Binger. Hermann and George Brown will second the nomina tion . - So far everything goes to insure the nomination of Mr. Hermann as his friends has captnred the convention and it now seems possible that he wiil be nominated on the first ballott. Euokkc, Ore., Aprii 9, 4 p. in. Kve- ry thing now points to the nomination of the Hon. Binger Hermann on the first ballot, but no ballot has yet been taken ErasN'i, Ore., April 9,4:10 p.m. Congressional convention was organised by the election, of Geo. C. Brownell, chairman. The complete organization is in the hands of Hermann's friends, It is apparent that Hermann will be nominated on the first ballot. The vote on chairman resulted in W votes for Huston and 93 for Brownell. A Carious Dispatch. The followini, .nTl in rpsUrdav'. Portland Telegram MUST NAME HERMANN. OTHERWISE DOC O LAS SD COOS WILL SUP PORT PKMOCRATIC CAKPIPATB roa coNOBXSs. RosssTRd, Or., April 8. A large dele- gallon of Hermann supporters accom panied the Donglaa County delegates to the Republican Congressional Conven - vention, at Eugene. They were joined here by the Coos and Curry County dele gates, who arrived in the city by private convevances. All delegates and ciu- sens of Coos, Curry and Douglas are for Hermann, first, last and all the time, ai d several hundred large red bu ttons. bearing the motto, "Binger Hermann for Congress," have arrived and w ill adorn the button-holes of the entire party. The nermann men are out to win, and declare that their candidate will sndoubtedlv be nominated. Some prominent Republicans claim that U lUneer Uermann is not nomt- naiUMprorienaiuoosamiiKug- las counties will give a majority to the Democratic candidate. TnetKVels a ' slander n Mr. Hcr- roann's friends and supporters and the Telegram doubtless knew all about fix ing np of such a scheme. In fact the I twin of the Oregonian like that sheet I wants to get all its news from Roeelmrg I highly colored and of a political nature 1 to suit. Th'j correspondents of both of I those sheets are rabid democrats and are kept in the position in order that they may be able to furnish republican news items. Tne Contest at Eugene. Yesterday morning the Hon. Binger Hermann, accompanied bv John Love, A. M. Crawford, F. W. Benson A. C. Marsters, Geo. Bacon, Gerry Young, A. F. Stearns, A. W. Lamb, Leonard Perkins, Benton Haines, W. P, Reed, Ben Huntington, T. B. Cannon and B. M. Arm i tape, the regularly accredit ed delegates, and Dr. Miller, Jos. T. Bridges, J. II. Booth, D. S. K. Bun k, Geo. Staley, S. C. Flint, C. .B Cannon and other prominent republicans from Douglas county and also by Schiller B. Hermann, of Myrtle Point, and J. C. Roberts, D. E. Haling, R. H. Ross and urviaa iKMge, oi tjoos conntv, who are delegates to the convention. The whole delegation were confident that the Congressional plum will fall in Major Hermann's month on the Crst or second shake of the tree. Institute at Canyonvllle. The local institute at Canyonyille on Saturday, April 4th, w as called to order at 9 o'clock by Supt. Hamlin, and Prof W. B. Dillard was appointed secretary. t uteen minutes were devoted to sing ing from the Busy Bee, Mrs. CV'Ivig at the piano. Prof. D. W. Wright then took up the j subject of Percentage, presenting his ! method cf introducing the subject to the class. This was followed by a gen - eral discussion of the subject. After a short recess aud several songs, the subject of Spelling was taken tp, and briefly introduced by Miss Devore, and discussed at some lencth by Pro fessors Orcutt, Hamlin, Dillard and others. In the afternoon, after several songs by the institute , and the song, Oregon, by a number of young ladies from the Riddle public schools, Prof. J. B. Ford presented his method of teaching His tory. He used for this purpose an in geniously constructed chart of his ow n design. A general discussion followed. Prof. Dillard then presented a care fully prepared paper upon the subject of Sinth Grade Work in the Tublic Schools. The subject was f urtber discussed by Profs. Wright, Hamlin, Orcttt, Frd and Rev. Zimmerman. Geography What to Teach and How to Teach It, was the last subject consid ered. This was introduce! by Pres. Or cutt, who presented a very practical plan of handling the subject. Nearly all tmchers w ithin reach at tended and the advanced pupils from Csnyonvillc and Riddles, w ith friends and patrons, filled theschool house. Reports from San Domingo are to the ! Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades eTect that the goverment troops have Gasoline engines for farm work, irind won a decidedvictory over the revolu-jing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws, t'.onists. etc., fur sale by S. K. Sykes. tf 17 Must Marry or Pay. One of the states of Argentina has en acted a law that is being watched by the people there, and esjiecially by tlu so affected by its provisions, which in sulstance, are to the effect that every marriageable man must take unto him self a wife orjtdd materially to the finances of the state. Hereafter the un married man over twenty years of age who refiiRwt to join the Benedicts will that age and suffer for it. Butwtin thirty every single man will have to pay $5 per mouth to the supiort of the state. From thirty to thirty-five the tax is in creased to $10, and from thirty-fivo to fifty to $'-0 jer month. As a warning to elderly men that it is not good for them to live i lone,' tax is increaHod to per monm uciwecn mo ages oi uiiy all . . a 1 t and seventy-five. After that ago and duced to $20 per month, and after eighty it is remitted altogether. That the lawmakers do not look upon marriage as a failure la shown in the provisions effecting widowers. Three years are given them to mourn the departed, but after that time tliev must take another spouse I or heln their celibate brethern to swell the state's treasury. Some recoifiiition :...;...,., f.,,., ),. ..,). O IIV II W vliu limn Hinj a-w I honestly desirous of taking a mate and yet fail for no fault of his own, in provision that w hen such a one can prove that he has tried to comply with the law as many as threo times he will be exempt from the pavment of taxes. Thereafter he may live alone, or con tinue his search cf a fair one to whom he may be acceptable. How the law will work in pratice re- mains to 1 seen, but if the people there .. . I are anything like ours mere is preuy apt to 1 a revolt when its enforcement is simcht: that is unless they are letter t.i t,,.- i, . n.;. i,u I mention is "stronu that if the men of that .... ,. m iwnrl IVUIHIJ . lC lioill TA T" 1 1 I month for the privilege of remaining single it must 1 a eood country to live in. It wnnld w hard with the averaee in..rinn haehlor if fiftv to seventv-five run to d ia for taxes, and it is safe to say they would not stand for it. At any rate there will 1 a great marrying time in Argentina or a revolution. Ex. Doings at the Board of Trade. The influences of the Roseburg Board of Trade are bennning to be felt in the community. Strangers from nearly every state are registered at the Pniard, and they are all very anxious to get the most reliable information possible about Douglas county and its resources. Many are in quest of timber, but a great majority of the new comers are eople f tlm aiirt thst Onnin nmnls : a class of menwiliinirto undertake the develop- ment of the latent resources of the conntrv. Such a class of citurens is very much desired. We have moved in the same line for so long a time that we have become oblivious and careless of important matters within easy reach While some persons who have recently come to Roaohnrff are farmers in a spe- d 1 olhpr Kre substantial men who are ready and willing to un- dertake m?w ventures. The little mar ble display at the Beard room is attract ing great interest, and people who know what they are talking alxxit, freely state that the class of stone on exhibition there wonld bo very eagerly sought after bv Eastern people. The mineral di. play is still more c'.oly examined by people from other Ftates, and put on opinion expressed : which is to tfie effect that one day the people of Oregon will aw ake to the fact that not only has the valuable timWr cf this state been se cured by Eastern people, but the stone and mines as well have gone to people who both know and appreciated their worth. But perhaps it is just as well for, while the old proverb says: "it takes three generations to breed a gen tleman." it mav take four to breed a man w ho is ise to bis swrnmndiiign. Tlie Boird of Trade is doing some val uable work which is duly appreciated by strangers with a resultant benefit to the business men. Three Score Ytara and Ten. On Wednesday afternoon the la-lies of the Mental Culture Club gathered at the home of Mrs. Oehme at a surprise party in celebration of Mrs. Oehme's seventy-first fcirthday, the day being also the forty-sixth anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Oehsne's marriage. Mrs. Oehme is the mother of the Mental Cul ture Clnl, which organisation attended to a member, and there are no people in Roseburg so universally beloved as Mrs, Oehme and the Doctor. The pleasant little affaii was directed by Mrs. Child the club president, and Mrs. Thackrah, the secretary, who were assisted by Mmes. Barker and Willis, Besides many more lasting remembrances pre sented, the floral pieces were number less and boanlifal beyond description, particularly so being the scarlet carna tions ordered from Portland by Mrs. Joeephson and white hyacinths sent by l Wright and white carnations sent I by Miss Byrd and Miss Simmons. Be- 1 sije those already mentioned those present were: Mesdames Aiken, An- lderson, Bartrtim, Bellows, Brown, Brookes, Flint, Fullerton, Had ley, J. W and W. S. Hamilton, Hunan Hunting ton, Haynes, Jbsephson, Marsters, Rast, Roberts, Strange, Sherwood, I and A. Wollenberg, Wright, Zigler; Misses Kate Buick and Zelia Zigler, Columbia University at the Front. Colombia University Students have organiajd an Anti-Knee Suicide Club the following giving the purpose in a nutshell. "If you are single, you apree to marry as soon as your income will allow and your family mnsi not number less than five; if yon are married, you agree to stay married even unto the third or fourth wife, and the same family requirements prevail.. It is to lie named the An'i-Suic:de Club. It is said that j'omig Mr.' Talma, son of Cuba's President, was one of the first members of the c-lnb. President Roose velt will lie elected as honorary vice president of the club. The Greater Interest. German legislators continue to agitate measures aimed at American Industrial supremacy, and in their debates thoy make no secret of their drend of Ameri can "ovrer. WiMnesiiny tins iiostihty took the form of a bill to increase the tariff iix)ii American refined (letroleum, which was voted In the face of wise counsel to the contrary. Yenterduy K appeared in a proHnition by Baron I ley I ait Herrnsheiiii to have the Gov ernment denounce the "most favored nation" treaties, cnccially with Amerl ca. nerr lsernsiein, bociuuhi, pointed out that such action would react to the injury of (icrmany, but an agrarian member declared the United States Is more interested in maintaining trade relations than tier ninny. As a matter of fact, tho United Stetes buys com pars tively littlo trom Germany, and we be lieve can find markets elsewhere for all products that Germany is not compelled to buy from us, regardless of duties Germany is not a self-supHrting nation The I nitod States has plenty for its own Hople and to spare and goes abroad only for luxuries. Pittsburg "Gazette. No Reversal "lr eononinue irancais, a nnanciai iournal of l'aris. says: "1 lie period oi - - great business activity in the United Mates lias already lasted lontrcr man anv anaiagnus period in iiiMory. "L'Econoniiste" finds signs in the Unit ed States that often precede a crash, but warns Europe that these signs do not mean necessarily that there will be a crash this year This conservative French journal, like other European journals, dates our pe- rkd of proHrity from the panic of 1S;3, ... I l.. .1.1:.... t. t, It, at nmm. u"iUiiiS i ,u ....immu ..... , Parity comes in cycles anil cannot be prolonged beyond a limit nxci oy r.uro- pean precedent, predicts that we mm-t meet another panic in the near future Our pernid of uroKPerity dates fnmr" - a i at... irom ifeu. u came im u ud condiiions assure.i py me ao.- tion of certain definite policies in 18SW, " has continued because those polKie have been maintained and strengthened. It will continue because there is little opposition to our sound-money policy and little ditdxwition to reverse or change our economic policy. The European financiers seem to be lieve that 1904 will be a year of financial disturbance in the raited States because of the uncertainty incident to the Presi dential election. This does not foilow. There is likely to le as little donbt about the result of the election in 19(H there was aNut the election in PJO0, Tlie American rxMple knew what brought the preei-nt H-rioil u nnexam: plel piMsperity and they are not likely to vote a reversal of prosperity polices I . .... . . . -. :tl i w.ey uo not, pnimy mm continue tor tne same reason ini n continue.! after t!ie Presidential eloctiou of l'.WO. Chicago "Inter-Ocein Thrce Advcntists Jaded. The session of the biennial general conference of the Seventh Dar Advent isis was held at Oakland, Calif., last Sunday, and it was an exciting one and sb a result of it three dt lepates from New York-It. T. Nelson, Oscar" 4.und nd F. O. Hedlund were lotkedjn the city pruoon charge! with having i!i- tnrbed a tvligions meeting. ! r also hell for Imterv. fcr at the service undav morning he attempted forcibly to remove from the platform Miss E. G White, tlie woman preacher. wIhj was delivering an address. I.tind and Hed lends created tlicir disturbances at nigh by insisting upon speaking before the conference was called to order. The three men were arrest ed at the instance of Elder V. II. Jones, of Oakland. The three men under arrest claim to be intervstcl in a movement to change some of the doctrines of Uie chnrvh They belong t what is known as the "Tmth Soriety," and though they were able to g to the conference aa delegates thev were not with the Advenlists in spirit. Their performances made the first trouble so far experienced by the general conierence at this meeting. While Misa White was speaking Nel son suddenly interrupted her. "You are not preaehine true doctrine,' he shouted as he stepped on tlie platform Miss White persisted in speaking, where upon Nelson caught her by tle arm aiv tried to lead her from the platform Several of ths delegates interfered and the police patrol waeon was summoned to tak the man to jail. The second tremble occurred at night shortly after the delegates assembled Before the conference could be called to order Lund and Holland Poth arose and began to speak on their doctrnes, When they refused to stop Elder Jones had both arrested. Alabama Tornado. Yesterday morning a cyclone passed over Hopwell settlement, one and a ha miles north of HanceviHc,' Tt 2 o'clock, and as a result 11 persona are dead, foa fatally injured and a doson mere or less seriously hnrt, while the destruction to property is heavy. . ' The storm came from the . southeast and its roar was so. terrific that it woke many people,- some of whom fled from their houses in time to escape death Buildings were tossed about like paper boxes, and several structures wore blow a hundred yards or more. The body of McCoy, who was a prominent farmer was blown 200 yards and landed in sand pit. Trees were nprooted in all d reckons, and many were blown across the Louisville & Nashville track, delay ing trains for a time. Under the pressure of popular de mand und the urgent request tf con gress, rresident Castro' has announced bis intention to remain the chief execu tive of Venezuela.' The " president at' tended tle meeting of congress this af tornoon. lie read a lone address to crowded audience. His decision to' re mnin in power was graatly applauded. It is the U-lief that President Castro de sirel the vote of confidence which he received. Fx-l.ientenant Governor Tillman, of South Carolina was indicted by the prand jury for tho willful mnrdcrof Editor Gonzales. The defense ai'ked for a continuance, of the cafe to the July term of court and Tillman went back to jail, bail being refused. Divorced Because of Insanity. That the United States government' should take up the subject of framing laws governing marriage and divorce there can be no doubt. As the case now stands every state has a different law and different causes for divorce are allowed to lie plead for the dissolution of the marriage relationship. New York this week has demonstrated that that state is ahead of all others in grant ing- divorce for cause without the knowledge or consent ot the divorced patty or the divorced party having been guilty of any kind of offense against her marriage vows or society at large. A dispatch says: -invorceu on uie plea that she was 'incurably insane,' Mrs. Henry M Flagler, the former wife of the Standard Oil multimillionaire, has lately shown great improvement in her mental stale and there are strong reasons to believe mai sue win recover ner reason com pletely. She is at New Rochclle and hr.s been taking long drives daily, ac companied by a single attendant. A parently she is in the best of spirits. "On August 14, 1901, Flagler divorced his wife, who had been a society leader, on grounds of insanity. Ten days later Flagler married Miss Mary Kenan, Wilmington, Del. It is not yet known hether the first Mrs. Flagler, who recovering her reason, knows she has been divorced. The situation opena embarrassing possibilities for all concerned that have not before been thought of. The first concern is the attitude of the first Mrs Flagler toward her former husband an toward the woman who has become mistress of the home she once graced Almost as interesting aa this phase of the situation will be the action of Flag ler and his present wife. When Flagler married again, nearly two years ago, he as convinced the wife he had divorced onld always be a lunatic. He ha tried every resource of science in the ioie of restoring her to reason, but the best physicians in the land told him there was no hvpe. Now comes nature nfoKling another of her mysterious moods and confounding the doctor as well as Flagler' faith in them. Mrs. Flagler is wealthy in her own right, having an income of $100,000 a year. McKenney the Murderer. A special from Kingman, Arizona, of last Saturday's date, says: "Newt h just reached Kingman of the horrible murder of Charles Flukey, known the "Cowboy Pianist,' and Roy Win chester, a young minor, on tlie trail forty miles south of this place by James McKenney. Nothing definite is known ot the cause of the murder, but it thonght that McKenney. who is wanted for the killinir of William G. Lvnn at ForterviUe, Cal., last July, took the men for officers and laid in wait for them on Uie trail. Blakey was shot the breast and Winchester ia the back with buckshot. After the shooting the murderer went to a ranch and compelled the randier to shoe two horses for him, and then rode away. Tlie rancher failed to re port the killing until three days after Uie occurrence. A slterifT poeee is now 16 pursuit of tlie murderer. McKen- tiey in easily recognisable, having two joints oil the left forefinger and wounded in the left thili. He has li hair and wears a heavr ' licht coh.nsl uintache; has a short, thick note. square chin and large ears. Governor Brodie has been aked send out rangers in pursuit, a it thought McKenney lias gone S"Olh into the Bad M.m's land of Yan.a countr, where it is almost impossible for a small pwwe to go w ith safety." The editor of the Plaixpiale knew Charice Blakev in New Mexico several yers ago, lie was a wonderful per fumer on the piano and he took to cow boy life becau.-e he loved c pen air exer cise and the fear of tuhercukieiA, which he seemed to dread. Before McKenney went to Arizona he killed two men in California in cold blood. , Gardiner Nw . J. S. pHkley, of Elk ton, was city one day last wc k. Miss Bessie Gentry, of milh river, was In tlie city Thamlay. Born On Tliursday, April 2, r.XW, to Mr. and Mrs. George Terkins, a son. R. T. Ash worth, one ot our Smith river farmers, was in town last week. Uncle Job- Hatfield, of Scottsbury, we" leArn ia quite sick, and Dr. Patter son was called to see him. Miss Edith Finch, who has been in our city some time, retnroed to her home near EJkton last week. Kobert Chapman. Will Koepke and RobU Wade, of Smith river, were seen on our struct one day last week. Messrs. Frank and Martin Weber r rived in tlie city from Sturgeon Bay, Wis., last Wednesday, and expect to Sjiend the summer here. L. J. Simpson and wife, who have been in the valley for some time, passed through Gardiner last Wednesday on their way home to North Bend. Sherman Short received the sad news of his sister Anna's death at her home in Apalachan, N. Y. Sherman has been here but a short time, but has made many friends, who sympathise with him in his sad bereavement. This is the second sister who haa died since lie came here. He left for his home, via of Portland, last Tuesday. Music Lover , Music lovers will have a rare enter tainment by simply calling at Burr's Popular Music House and iusjiecting our splendid array of musk-al instru ments. Our display oi pianos are sim ply nincnificient. Here are found the world renowned Chickering, the won derful toned Kimball, the many toned Crown Orchcstrieal and the lieantiful toned colonial style Victor. We have others like the Singer, Kiiigvbnry and Needhnm. Then here 11 our mammoth ftock of small goods, ' such as S. .'5. Steaartand Washburn mandolins, gui tars, banjos. Our immense line of vio lins range in jirice from $2..r0 to We are sole agent for the Colunihia grajihaphone and supjjys, Remember we tre running no concert hall w ith 50 cents admission, but our doors are all ways ox-n to the public. PREMIUM TICKETS GIVEN vmVbMMbn' Seasonable Special Offerings Made by ti.e most famous corset fac- u.ry in the world. Satisfactorily We are better prepared this season than rver be- modeled, carefully shajied, neatlv . J 1 . made and beautifully finished', fore to rueet your wants in all lines of General Mer- .WARMKR'sRtmT-PRoorCoKsKTshave chandise. Our stock was never o complete in every . no rivals. They are Hiirir to all . '. others in point of grace, comfort department. We bought early, securing the very and durability. best selections and the very lowest prices, and we 50c, 75c, JIJID, $1.25, $1.51 and $125 propose to maintain our repntation for selling the Dress Trimmings. EEST MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICE Wehaveeverjthinthatisnew. The Ug-' FumishmP'S Men'S ClotMng. line is too extensive to go into any J a UlUUUiUgj . " description. Yon should see them Everything tri. tly to date and rurht We t" lar2't "t" k int"in' in keeping with jroud tarfe- In 'h1 Uke rr"t I'ri,ie ia thL J- DreSS Goods Men'a N-k-.r we have the latest lenient. five Dollar all . c.lorings in Tecks, Four-in-Hands, w4 suit. nn mh'IU beaten. We have (riven this line a (mat deal j;an(1 an,i strij-.! Bw. The new- ,n fa,"t " ,M e"t" l x",n m ltl1'' of careful attention, and have t- e(,t 0r aj -u tlie Mi(t(.t (ial Tie line. An almost en.lls variety to ten together as complete a line of choose from. desirable fabrics as was ever shown Golf SWrtS. - $5 00 10 $13 00 in this city. In Summer Dress A ,inni,re(, dif(.rt.nt rtyU. Goods our stock is strictly np to cho,. from. cTTnrc the times. We hate all the newest o n JilUU. creations including- . 5QC tO Mercerized Zephyrs, Popdleons, Men's Hosiery. iBf"u-'n'1 n T ' J 1 sonal pnaranU to Tje the bd-t for Qanj Uce Stripes, Fantaise Sflk flx soc." lhe I-ri 7MT WMrr beck' rne, Linen Madras, Crass Ba- Mea.$ UnderWear. HATS Uste MttSlifl DC Sole, EtC. DiUK-ian underwear, 25, SO, 75c. The GorIo hat is here, as well as a ; Summer Weight, wool, 75c $1.00 full line of cheaT YjAh. A great many lines to selt-rt from.j Ladies Underwear " Knit vests from Bos aai Yoatis QoiluflS. The Reliance Wrapper 5C tO 50C The Kant-Wear-Out kin-1. A new H1" r- lining, and w j-erf.-ct fit- SUick yi'A in. It wiil do you pl ting. No higher in prw-e than Muslin Underwear in all graih an to look over them. 2io trouWe to onJinary wrappers... We have the elegant line, show them. ' agency for Rsebut?. See us for Groceries, Buff Plymouth Rocks. Eggs of purebred stock for sale at Elodgelt Bradley 2nd fJT store, RoselKirj;, at 50 cents a setting. l'J-Imp For 5al. Small saw mill and timler. For particulars address. Livingston Baos, Peel, Ore. (April SUMMONS. In the JatJi rmrtorDr Ci- I'ixrvcl, TfefnBjk mTmllnriBa Ca. To U l'oluibl 1 lnn '. I ib m ot tii f (it, vna art twrvbr ruirrl U, T.trmr bIurr anrtr U!lMi. ittif Ik l tr U Ih rtwtnrt ,Ur ruun1. wm "t Sk- lh T.l o M HJ. ri. i hwoftrr ta lUwtMinc. !. l tae tml W lt kwriwn ! Mi'l r ta iuf U na!it ate-i xuM I Ute .w at!ti aeiloa. mat U ywi tail in rmt atHl tnnrtM !i mn rrMimJ. mr ut tbrrol. tt ptaiBtiff wil uk M-mrat ci roa l.rt TT' X m4 hiM r4a a I diMHin anl 13 ta lioa 1 b Miamm, i pohlMJ a wo- r ilKvwn ia lh trK lull rriit. vtn acx kit il.wHtl. rrma. Wr urww n Junt' o th fmrr fcw m 4 r r Arnl '- . "! onMiinuon M Ih i aa laa IA dar ot April. 1- - Jnstir af lt IVae lor IitI Ui-lHrt. Iixuiaa Coaaiy. UmiML apt. Notice for Publication. ra.tra RaSa land OPt. Rnarearf.urrroa Uee. li. 11 K1(a rta mat la !! wit taa r-Torlavaa of U art of CVna of JnaaA. WOt.ant:tied "Aa a-t or tha aal W tiiabaf tanj ta Um Stair M raii:om-.a.tTo Karada .and I'MntKa Trrt .-rt" annd ad an aU taa avtuc taad stalca bj act of Auraa. a. 142. uzitr Rr;nE. of MTTtVCrrk. ewiatT of looU, atasa of t -.. a. ha. this da M1 la UN oau oer aarnra alnBt K 41A t"f tba the Sk, ol Se- It, To. omtk. raarr l. and will o8t kI to ahnw Ikat toe U4 rlt la auu Talaalu fc tt limnf o aioae than for anra!ta-ai totriMora, aa.1 to rtaV n.h h riatia to !d laad bt'f.vf i be IWtr aad Keerivernl lttt Siaat Knaajrr. Orocoe. oa Toealar. lb Sind dar at Jan. 1-U r ium aa tilmvi: ltanla linrlirs. rc Ha l. Hail. it-. Joha Hall. ., a. I ol S;r UetXek. tveii. am aid a.l oeianna rSaiailBC adverar'.y IH a Mr di'aenbrd lada ana r)Ocid t Se Ibeirclaima la thit attic oa or orlv am S3J d? " J HOC Iil. J.T. KKIloiltx arra Kfciatrr Notice for Publication. . I'MTIP STATU UM rr!01C. Koasaraa. OaBKoii. tw IX 1MH. Kotlea ta artn rireti tbat la eranpiiaae wltb tb proTiaioiia oi tba act of Coacrraa of Inn. !;. vautlod "Ab act lor tba aai af timber landa la taa Slawa of Call fornix tweo Krvada and M oahiartoa Tritnr,y,' aa cxtvad ad to all the Pubuc Laa4 Statra ay act of Aof Bal t. US. FLORtfCK HtU, o! MjTtla Crork. contT of lHcla. (lata of Or eMi haa lb dar la tMaoSkw br iwoti avaiannt No 'tlis, kw U1 pnrrbaa of the in u..naIBW;ol ocUaalt. Taahhia2 .Hiih, kance vwl and will otVr vrrmf u abow that the land aonchl la aim raiuabia tor It timber or a:ooe thaa for acnral'nral nur naaaa, and to eatatulsa k rla in tnaai l land beforvtae Rrri.wr and Ereeircr ot lb la oSire at Xoaebura. Utoo, on Mondar. tba ud day of Jua, 1. Pbe Banc aa wttnaaa: John Hail. r, i-rni. a Hall. Uma Hail. Joha Hail. Jr., a.l of U;nit Crrek. Oreron. Any andai. rann claitnliit adrcrwriy tb t)t ilnmtw are rqaatd 10 hi thtr clalma la tMxflioaoaor brier aaid 2Jod daj of June Dut. apra J. T. BRl!VE. Vxtator. Notice for Publication. Catted Stall land OSo. Roar bo rr Ort', Dec ta, IA Korieats baraby (ri.a that la vcanplianea with tb rroTiriona of U a act of Coacnva of June A. 1ST, anUtisd "An act r Uta aa'ia of tlmbar landa tn tha State of California. Oracoa Nevada And W ahinruc Trrturv,r,aaxind ad to aa tb anon litad alaM by act of Aural 4,1101. ILSA HAU. ot Mynl Crock, counly ol IS'iicav atate oi Or bat ibis day 6 r.1 in th.a uSi.-e bt sawn atatrmrat No 41' ln tba pnn-baar of Uie NF ol aciioi . kia Tubip -. aiHitb ranaa a wnv, and will oBer proof to abow that tha lAnd auKbt ta aaora ' ub! In ila timber or alone than t.,r asriraluirai rr--e and tr ea a fo liah br rlalta l aaid lasd b' or the R-c' and Kwrr o! thi oic at Koarbur tin .n. oa Hon lay. tne 2iud ta ot Jqno. m nm aa aim aai a: John liall, !tr IKirriir Hall, Jam R Hall and John, Jr.. ail oi Myrtle Crrk. Orvcoa. Any and all peraon elaiminc drerely lb bov d'rlhrd lantla are teott.-atod lo nl thtr riaima in thia ollipeoa or boiore d iind day ol June, l).v J.T Bu.i, apr. kecvUT Notice for Publication. l ntto.1 suwi ln,l OTiy. Rdorburtr, Urecon, Jaa i, 19ll3 Notlea t berel.y friran that In eomplianra with tb pro1al,mi of Ibe act ol Coiijtr of June S, IS.S, enuiled "Aa art for tba al of limlr lan.U In the Ssaieaof raU'onsia,tncnB Srra.1a and nanlilnrton VerrttrT," ax:nd J to ail d pobiie land alataa by act of Ausuat Thomas r. even, of Ro-linrtr, rountT of tVnt laa, auto of Or, ton baa Ihi.nay lilod In Una ortii-o tisa nun alalrnirnt No 4171 l the yuha. of the N 1 olMN'iina .'li, ionhip sra .oft, ranter 4 neat and w ill 1 f lr proof to abow that v land i(rbt la more val.inl.'. In) it. titnlvr or aiooe ttiaa for rluli ural rnry.ira. ami la ial.l.h htr Claim liflore the lilr and KeuiTir of Utta ollic ci Horn barg, Oregon. oti rduoottr. in M' n .lay of J una, H nanira a witneaa : r V, i'liiar.t, 01 R.m.Miiv. ro. L K Robiiiaon. John lta'1. Jr., and Uar.ty Hiiphea. all of ilynl.- wl . tr. Any and all rrmona 'la.min ilw!v the !.vrdoM'rii liimi, a ninoaied to Me Iheit claiiiia 10 Oil, 01I10 on or bf lor tb iMibdavof Juno, IS S. J. T. BRINKS. prt fctfKlalot ON ALL SALES EXCEPT LLOWS Foa Salk Cbbap. Less tlan f 10 per acre. A well improved train and stork farm of 330 acres in Camas Valley. This is a rare bargain. For parti. nUrs in quire of Win. M. FoBTtt, Camas Valley, Ore. Miaf. Notice for Publication. land Office at Rvwtonf, Or . Sewtia-w 1 J. Cnti U btrtv t!vo tlul ta W.w.l mw itlr b . t'tl aoiira of ht ntolwa tn atl, Stal p-wl ia mpiMrl of fct t.mim. and taaimid r4 wiil o rl h:o- I'm. ((ii If aad at-virc-. Caii1 ku'ji Laal v&rm at aoaeoarf. (irji- i-l V". t : t. EOr...K E-r. H4 E Va rjtv I. a- ta BW sVi SZ'i SW- it. T 24 -. R 1 . li aaja ni'io. In i a a '.tunas ta prvre hi ul-1 la an. ric J 'o of bnnr. t-oa Jam It asapa ad B aai-a t tota.T.iRt. avTii J T. aaiixjc, iCffri.ier. State IreaMirrr'a Sevewth Notke. Tiai-T fvrartmt. ehoai7. f. - St.'ra i Vrn-lx ria aat t ."- ar laaila la ta txe.nry wita mhti tv.lyai a.l mi .t.ain afL aairant. -tr. oa tae -:: LawJSi tenia r aod Saa-la. ea-anr.t -I'arDl! I M4 1 l I r aai.t 1 prtnr to taia dat. 1.1 wr aanactt, if !i-w rrlr ea-l-a-d. will "i afa ott..a at tot iniero I tera r-rm u tr-n- aad altcrUna.Ute. tUt . S. K'nL Male Tnraicaapr. Administrator's Notice. Nlic ia nearby rTeaOat the aadr.ime.1 haa b "rt by tire .oasiy Court ea l-i aa cinty, rvata of 'n-ctrn, duJy apBTi- tha 'or of tbe estate of M. . Inward. drvaM. all ar.Ba?taTr eaivn aratnt aaid tat r N-roy retirrd w ,-r- n I ih rr a y rpribmi. w ti BdrixB.j at Il-m bvnr. laaroaaEy t of ihrrn, wunia m tata from tn-lae of tbta aoira lat-t at Bif tcr, rea, tit 3A dar ol Artl.lJti U MILARH. A im in4rab-t of theeaiate oi M fc Ir iard. drcaasod. arrV, III ! Registered Druggists, Stationer), Off ice Supplies Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Near Depot, RqscJjojs. Ore. Albatros Market J. it BRIER. Prop. I Cash paid for Chickens and Eggs Dealer in Fresh Fish Poultry nd Oysters Orsttltc S. P. Depot- flcuhcr BuTjt ' TtHrtie No. 24 1. SINQLH S TUBH TIRES Jll Oak I Drugs Chemicals, I Patent : Medicines j SUGAR AND FL0U3 COMPANY 'Phone 721 Notice for Publication. La&4 OSca at Re-bmr. Ore.. Vareh U. Itui. 5!k I brjT rinw thai im louMrtse BaJ aniicr aotto ft hi l'a?it ia rnaae trrml proi :a ms-art A hm laiwi. aa4 l'. aud foot muk lie a4 Irforc Xbe kxc :ter t ktrmrr I". La r&e. at amn. ktt-s. eaAnli, ,i,T:,t th.iUf a. utkaiLi m fcr H. K So. kisrl. (urtiK S5i See K. Tp. i K 1 wT. Hnaais tiie i'cwicc a -tw a ta ymm lii rausuotti i'ltre aoiva a vl eaiuvaxaoti at aalt la-wl. t-.i: Urvr- Lwtii. Wa.irr liriij.Cb.r! B.'iTt.a94 Baa a.1 of l-ttiv, 'R-eof J T. BKIOa. Jaa.-ip ke;aleT. Trespass Notice. All j-err. ere herrhv wameI cot to i tnes-p. hant. fiVn or am on the j j ,4 Curry 1 :tt. Per-Mi9 dAz wil: prtea.-rted to the f a.: extent ; ojineiaw. Fatjreof S. CrasT, (Vlf.) kiveradae Fansa L. G. MATHEWS. PKrriica vr White and EufF Ughorns, Pljincth RocK, f- sa!e at I '-13 pr sa-tiir.s c4 15. K-lTi p ROSEBCRO. ORE Administrators Notice. Ia IS B'trrf the F-a,t Jcai f C'w m 1 v .i.-cc ,-i :- a .-r, :tt r-r the r ..t ra d A-tiir;-tra'.-r .f tb I ta ol irDtl, ft Wa at.rrri, 'rat be wraca y a!4.!d A -r:;lr.t. o( tAc aa: l t Mot wilrrf tar tT.-l-. ocrt oi tk.-c .aa C.Taty (Hp, paw and .t4 ot reritt.i apoa ta 5it uar of January. I- i.ipnMi. aar-ir-r rlaiata jralt tt aaxl Latatr aaa.1 ft tb aano a tb a. aa-y rtJ m tr.iB hi aanatba rr-ci lb w t x (fc aaoansrd A.lta.-.vlrawe at K.-:-x. r;. iftvv-a. , tlWuxoMM, Una tba rsvd v faatta.-T, 1. -" J. F. ri;;VTS. A4a.aiinair. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS la iiHli Caort ai tvQi mslt Owt. Sale cd la um tta'irr of eatabr 1 Martha Wnndraf 4eaw -V- : irrey '-! a t-ut tba w.t-mirnrd a- twa by lirMe:t t-wrtof O.'nt -mr i t. trre,Bj rwu'rtnwttir. Us;atf ar :.- e.-r-avi a brm-a a., rrr- tadrbbM to tba a4 rvtaie are a-rr-T a aal i3taei ai. r..3,M , th an-t.-. ri-vl at ter k rira ia Co. Va..f j.rr-irct Uwt.w niarr. lro, and al! ?w aooa harit(tt,;aLaa:aiit t aaid :a!a:.l rrearoiSAeTe-iRM aa rr law arwauvd a:u to . x noaiita imta rtaae ol tr.w aur lai.i kow-i.rf . nrvpa, Fro. K-l. 1-3L , . . k. A. w.uiarra, ("M S T. Woueatt. Notice. In tbe Connty Coart k Dourfaa Coea'.T Slat of 0-v., J la tb tnatt-r ol l tbaaj of aaar of GaauJ l,rt.ta'. i b- rbr ri tb.t k ortfr cj tb a! nit romrt .iair and enterrd oa I. Mb cayo Jawaary !Jt, aa-W ba:af t-natarva Va rrwvd k a4ar-u. A: (IJ . D. K. S3 tsv:. TI3IBE3 AND CRA21NQ LAND City an.i Minns l)vrtr, IIns n-s,l aa.l Tirt.Jw C'utiniUi.'Ttl.vl, tho la-l ih.w afaiit. ." frts jgtij i;, ii;sb..ns;;t .;. Sh4,l. ; : : Stewart lar.3 Co., ROSECtRG OHECC'i DlLILLlL, ICiil'Aiillfab UARRY I niLLER, St Op. Chm-vhtH & Vo?y8 ."