Oregon nl."?!.!.'" dvertising : : J ob Prihtinor -- .....--- In bnsy seasons brings yoa .yonr share of trade; Mi Is a very important factor in advertising in tinn sea son brings yon your share, and also that ot the merchant who "can't af ford" to advertise. Heel a hnmnesa honae. Let oa do yonr Job J rrihtins we jrnarante it to be io Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. g every way eatiMactorj. - ' ' J Vol. XXXIV. ROSEEURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1903. No 26 I A r-v c . . J .' ,. o- - t. 6 oockoooooockc F. W.BEKSON. A.C.MARSTER8. H.C.GALEY, i President, Vice Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901 Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS r. W.BENSON, R. A. BOOTH J. II. 0OTH, J. T BRIDGES J.Y. KELLY.A.C.MARSTERS K. L MIHER. O A peneral banking business tranacted, and customers given every 0 accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. 2 Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. MAnpi AMC' FOR fiNE CONFECTIONERY 11I and ICE CRE4M PARLORS Fruits, Candies, Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts and Fresh Bread Daily Portland Journal Agency. Hen d rick's Block, Opp. Depot I. J. NORflAN & Co. Props I Spring I 1 is here i - with ah IMMENSE yffi CARPETS If you are going to buy a carpet we ask the privilege -if c!i nw itirr vnn mir Urn5. ? i. s w e. j & Bed Room Sets a j rorl- nrir. and we are coin? to eive our customers w - t ' r thf Vwricfit. of a close buv. I B. W. STRONG, Roseburg, Ore. i rOgS Brine Us Your ... 4 FOR CASH J F. BARKER d CO. W.V.V.V.W.VAV.V.WVAW.W.'AWAW.VAW.Vj I Drain Gardiner 1 J COOS BKY STKGE ROUTE Commencing with Monday, January 20, '02, we will charge for thefare Irotn Drain t Cw Bay. .Baggage allowance with each fall fare 50 pounds; Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baegage when they have 300 poundi or more. All excess baggage, 3 eta. per pound, and no al 5 "lowance will be made for round trip. ? For further information address i J. V.WiV.VAVAV.V.'W.VAW.VAViV.VAVV.WAV , FOR MEW ONLY Edwin C Clapp Shoes for Walk Over George E Kieth u ii Menominee Seamless Orthopedic Sidwell Ba Wint 44 u Ani Namcrecs Other Styles, in fact Anything yea Want can be found at FLINT'S POPULAR SHOE STORE Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for go goods' and good service. C. W. PARKS &l CO. IB' IS!. 1 - -AND- at. 00000 President. Cubier f . I And so I are we OF AND RUGS i full "car load bought at bed ' - " Q k CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. OR TRADE J DAILY STAtf E. R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Oregon Men $5X3 $3.50 to Lti 3.03 to m 150 to 3.00 3.50 3.00 IB EMPIRE LiVefj, Feed End Sals Stable C. P. Babnaed, Prop. 5addle Horses Single and Double Rigs at a I hours Transient 5toc' gven very be f care Rates always reasonable i 1 Sll Good Roads and Good Schools. The advantage of good roads to dwell ers in the country districts lies not alone in greater ease by which crops can be transported to the distributing cen ters and towns. They play a great part in the education of the children of these districts, inasmuch as the more the children can be drawn together in large central schools the better can they be edn cated. With a number of small schools scattered over the rural districts it is too expensive to provide much more than instruction in the rudimentary branches, but if the children can be brought to gether in large central schools, the cost of instruction is divided among a greater number and more branches can be in cluded in the curriculum. As is pointed out in the following extract from the re port of Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Charles R. Skinner, of New York State, it is impossible to b I toe 'VI dreu together unless the roads . id good condition. "The arguments thus far advanced In the commendable agitation for good roads bave not considered the welfare and comfort of our school children as a factor. "The farmer is told that good roads will put money into his pocket by saving his horses and wagons, that the value of his farm will be enhanced and the tnp to town or to the chnrch will be a pleas ure rather than a burden. The mer chant is assured that his trade will mightily increase if good roads lead to the village. The bicyclist knows by an occassioual run over rare sections of well built highway what comfort would re suit if good roads were the role instead of the exception. Those who are able to indulge in the luxury of automobiles also see pleasant visions. Nothing, however, has been said about the chil dren as they go through the mud, or dust, up hill and down, from tbeir homes to the scboolbouses one to three miles distant. Is it unreasonable to believe that these men and women of tomorrow would prefer well graded, macadamized roadbeds to the miserable pretences lor highways which now disfigure so much of our landxape? Is it not difficult to imagine the country school a much happier and busier place if the children could gather after pleasant walks along well built and well kept highways. "What to do with oar country schools is becoming a serions problem as the years go by and the rural districts be come more sjarely settled. When more than 30 per cent of oar rural schools have an average daily attend ance of less than ten children some thing should I devued to pat a stop to such needless waste. Combination of resources and capital cheapens produc tions and results in an improved pro duct. I; is the opinion of educators that a reasonable application of this princii'l to our roral school problem would result beneficially. With the present eondition of coantry roads the transportation of the children to central well equipped schools is practically im possible dating most of the year. Good roads would remove a serious obstacle to this most important step forward in the improvement of our country schools. The boys and girls of the country with one accord demand grod roads, that they may enjoy school privile equal to tbope of their brothers and sisters in village and city. Securing Strong Chicks. We never had chickens more strong and active than thoee that are hatching now-a-days. There are several reasons for thisT Especial pains has been taken in making up the breeding pens; every bird is in perfect health and vigor never ailing a minute in its life. The morning feed consists of a very dry matdi made of equal parts by weight of bran and cracked corn, moistened a very little with skim milk warm as it comes from the separator. Daring the day when not on their nests, they art busy scratching in from six to eight inches df straw, in the gravel pile, or in the rotten straw where it lays at a depth of four to six inches, and beneath which is found anzle worms galore. The box of oyster shells and the dust ' bath are often visited by the hens. It is surpris ing the large quantities of mangels, cab bage and sjrass they consume ' daily, as also the fresh water they will drink, as well as milk. The night feed consists of wheat, oats and cracked corn, and the other half mostly wheat and a few oats ; all of which is thrown in the dry straw where the hens must scratch for. all of In the absence of straw we find that a bed of . coarse gravel the size of a bird's egg to that of a hen's egg is an excellent place upon which to feed the grain. The hens will turn over all the surface stones in search of their feed, thus getting the-required exercise. To these conditions we limit each pen of Rocks to eight hens and Leghorns and Minorcas from 8 to 12 hens, all of which goes to contribute to a high percentage of fertile eggs, that will batch ' chicks, which with the right care we can almost It T T t 1 3 1 ll. fl. ' see grow. ii. l. jjiancnaru iu the The Ranch. Roe Farm for Sale. A good 800 cere farm for sale fife miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in ultivation. balance hill, nasture nH timbered land. Small orchard, good house, barn and other improvements For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc- Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Duick, Uoseburg, Oregon. . jl5'.f Mohair Wanted. I am prepared to buy Mohoir in large or small lots. Will pay the highest cash price according to quality for it. Will be in Oakland every Friday, and every Saturday will be in Roseburg, head quarters at V. R. Buckingham's grocery. Address L. A. Marhtf.rs, tf-ui2-l Cleveland, Oregon.' Hypnotic Spell. An Illinois dispatch of Tuesday says : One of the most mysterious and at the same time the most pitiable case that has ever been brought to the at tention of Warren county officers and to the physicians of Monmouth happened this morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Mink, who live near- Ponemah, were brought to the courthouse. For several days they have been under a hypnotic spell which they were nnabla to break. Each day it became worse, and friends at last decided that it was best to bring them to this city. ' Some time ago, in looking over a mag azine, they saw an advertisement by a man at Jackson, Mich., telling of his mail course in hypnotism. The first papers were received some few weeks ago and were read by both Mr. and Mrs. Mink. They became familiar with the subject and on last Wedn they received their first lesson, airs. Mink started to read it, but had read only a short time when, with the excla mation that she could read no more of it, she threw down the book. Mrs. Mink this morning was able to tell a little of her experiences : "When I threw down the book I . had just read . yoa are falling asleep. I at once began to feel drowsy and started about the house to throw the feeling aside. I could not succeed. Sine that time I have been through everything. The world has burned np, but I saved my two babies and my husband, y very thing it alright now and we are gradu ally coming back to happiness and strength. When I was put to sleep I was to be awakened by the sound of a gong. It rings regularly now and I will be alright." Later this afternoon, however, Mrs. Mink became violent while at a doctor's office and it became necessary . to bold an inquisition as to her sanity. The verdict is that she must be taken to the hospital for treatment, and she will be taken to Watertawn tomorrow. The husband ij slowly coming oat of his sleep. The two little children of the couple, one aged 2 years and the other 9 months, are being cared for by neigh bor. The President Win Hunt. In spite of the repeated assertions made at the White Douse that there will be no banting on the trip on which the President is engaged, there is a well-defined rumor that the President seeks by his present method of announcement to make it possible for hira to hunt if he chooses to do so. Three mor.ths agOy it was announced in these dispatches on authority that the President would take bis Western tour with onir ooe reporter with him, representing every ress association and every newspaper in the country. So much opposition was found to this and so strong was the desrire of each of the press associations to name the man that the President felt obliged to change his plans in this connection. Be will now take not only representatives of the press associations, bat representatives of the big weekly illustrated papers. II is object in wishing to keep his party as small aa possible was to that-he might enjoy a hunting expedition with out the accompaniment of camera fiends and interviewers. ' I set In Must Look at Every Point. A dispatch from Scotland of last Mon day's date says : Rain was falling over the Clyde this morning and the two Shamrocks re mained at their moorings. It was hoped the weather would clear np in the after noon and enable the yachts to have another trial spin. Later the weather cleared somewhat and both yachts set off on what promised to be a splendid frefth-weather trial. As the two boats w ere fetching oat of the shelter of the bay a bard westerly squall staggered the boats and laid them neatly flat. A few minutes later the gear of the Shamrock I.'s stay sail carried away and the sail went down with a run. The Shamrock III stood the test handsomely." All the way down the channel the yachts had a hard reaching trial in a strong wind. It was the point of sailing in which the Shamrock I. has hitherto excelled, bat she showed herself qaite unable to hold the new challenger. The latter gained on every mile, and over the distance, about seven miles, which was covered iu thirty-five minutes, the Shamrock III, gained half a mile. She carried her sails handsomely and went fast and clean through the water. The trial finished with a windward turn across the frith. The wind continued fresh and the !hamrock III. again dem onetrated that going close hauled she is easily faster than the older boat. Qood Oregon Mohair. Mr, L. A.Marsters, of Douglas County Oregon, recently sent a sample of his motiair w mr. Levnssove ana asaea his opinion thereon and quotation as to price. Mr. Levussove in his reply said I moat admit that yoa are producing the beat erade of mohair in quality of fibre cleanliness and also length. I also find 1 BAif io w iilu wi uav.. 'a verr eooa advantage. Monair uae sample ts worm 4U to ou cents per pound, providing it is like the sampl you sent me. Jiyou can seieci any measuring 12 inches or longer yoa may shin it to me at 11.00 per pound." Ore gon Northwest. Little Ranch for Sale. A good Uttle home for sale ; 17 acres adjoining lair grounds, 1J mi.es east of RoHeburg. Good buildings, 150 good bearing fruit trees, 10 acres in cultiv tion. Price I12J5. For particulars in quire at Milikin's shoe store, Roeeburgl tfaj. Alfalfa. Why alfalfa is not more generally grown in Western Oregon is a matter beyond my comprehension. It is one of the best forage plants known, makes 3 to 6 tons of most excellent hay to the aero and cuts two and in many sections three crops'of hay in a season. Cattle, horses and sheep will get fat on alfalfa hay and hogs will winter in fine condi tion on alfalfa alone. Its only enemy is the gopher and he is easily exterminated with poisoned turnips. Alfalfa will flourish on any kind of lands from sage brush plains to the yel low aud red clay soils of the volcanic foot hills. Of coarse it likes a rich loose Boil best, but will grow on very poor dry lands, where other vegetation stands a poor show for an existence. It has a long tap root which strikes deep and penetrates to incredible depths. Alfalfa ! lur been foai'd in wells to a depth ao leet. ' There is an erroneous idea that the roots go to water. Whenever the roots reach standing water the plants will die. The true tlieory is that the roots reaches down and down into the earth until it finds a statum of mo:sture or rather it follows the evaporation of moisture into the earth giving below the line of evaporation and there remains nourishing the plant above with the moisture drawn from far below the sur face. There are but two precautionary steps in getting a good stand of alfalfa to wit : Avoid frost and avoid deep seed ing. Prepare your ground thoroughly having the surface well pulveriz L Sow from April 1st to the 15th, about 22 to 23 lbs of seed to the acre. If your ground is sandy put a small - light horse to a brash and drag or brush it in. A very light covering is all that the seeds re quire or will stand aa they sprout at ooce and must have liijht and air or they will rot. Many eases of "fail are to catch" may be traced to deep 'planting. bave known many good stands of al falfa where the seed being sown just be fore a good rain, the ground was not harrowed or brushed at all, the rain do ing the work instead. On other soils. borrowing with a light harrow is ad vised. I have an object lesson today on the subject of Alfalfa. After sowing 20 acres for a friend, we had a tea-cup fall of seed left and jort for an ' experiment took it away np on the son tb side of a dry mountain and scattered it in some hne footings and loom leaves, that ' was on the 10th day of April 18?7 and today the alfalfa from those seeds is growing rank and splendid as in a garden. The soil was the ordinary red claybh soil of the Douglas county foot hills. I am of the opinion that alfalfa will grow anywhere in Oregon . antes we except the "black by," which is so bard to get "jnt right far planting" that probably the seed would not germinate. On all other ilsttisa sura crop. It should never be sown in shaded pljces however, a sunshine seems to be necessary to its existence, l oa may place a shade over vigorous healthy plant and it will very soon pine and aie. it may oe sown however with spring wheat and make an excellent stand the wheat be ing cut low, the straw contains enough alfalfa to make it most magnificent fodder. If gophers begin working on alfalfa immediate steps should be taken to rid tle field of them. There is noth ing a gopher so much reluuhe as a turnip for denert after his meal on alfalfa roots. With a knowled of this fact it is quita easy to work his rain. Open the hole where lie has been throwing up the loose lirt, place inside the ocning a piece of turnip the site of a walnut with 3 or 4 crystals of strychnine incaed in the tur nip and Too have a dead gopher. As sown as be discovers the opening he iu mediately starts to close the door, finds the turnip and the trick is turned. A man is a saccees who can make two blades of grass grow in place of one. How much more of a success then is the man who can make 2 lbs. of excellent hav prow where before but one misera ble little withered blade of grass grew. Shearing Lambs. The mushroom millionaries of Pitts burg, Clevelaud and Philadelphia have been badly bit by the slump in the stock market. Their aggregate losses during the last six months are estimated to have been 1100,000,000. Philadelphia speculators are believed to have sunk 20,000,000 in Consolidated Lake Superior, a property with which they became infatuated early last year The w hole city "plunged" on it. The great decline in Pennsylvania also hurt he Philadelphians badly, and put an acute crimp in the back of Pittsburg operators. The formation of the iron and steel in dustrials during the past four or five years made scores of millionaries in Pittsburg and gave them command of an enormous amount of reauv money, Their wealth had previously been in rolling mills, iron mines and coal mines and other forms of property connected wkh these industries. A majority of of them kept their money in reach for a long time, where they could fuel it and be happy in the consciousness of pos session. Tiring of this, many of them went in to the stock market, and it is said that with very few exceptions, they have lost. Painting and Paper Hanging. John Miller, of Hagerstowrf, Washing ton County, Maryland, has located in Rosehnrir. and he is a thorough master of his art and prewired to do all kind of painting, paperhangittg, graining, an decorative painting in the highest style as practiced by first class workmen on the Atlantic CoaHt. If von want the very latest artistic work he will he pleas ed to give for low prices and first class work. Call on him at 517 Mosier street or jr0p a letter through the post office I nd he will quicklv respond. (tf) Planning Gigantic Strike. Frank Buchanan, president of the In ternational Association of Bridge in a Structural Iron Workers declared speech before the Chicago Federation of Labor on Sunday that he believed the time was near when organized labor throughout the country shoald unite and declare one gigantic strike against combinations of capital. "The present strike of our members all over the country against the Ameri can Bridge Company may be the begin ning of an industrial upheaval," he said. "That strike is likely to spread so as to tie up the building industry in the United States, aa we aro considering the question of refusing to handle ma terial made by the United States Steel Corporation. In case such an order is issued, thousands of men not directly interested in the strike will be involved, because, if the iron workers refused to set structural steel all other building trades will be thrown out of employ meuL'" "The strike thus far," he added, "has been all ia favor of the men, aa the com pany's work ia completely tied np all over the coantry." His startling statement that the time ia near for a strike of all organised labor alarmed some of the delegates, while it amnsed others. Following as it did, the report of Organizer Fitzpatrick that the employers are organized in every branch of the industry and setting pitfalls for the anions, in the hope of disgusting them, it caused a decided sensation. Ocnrral News Notes. It was stated at the war department Monday, that Gen. Wood is not to be come governor of the Philippines, as a suewsror of Gov. Taft, even should the illness of the latter cause his resignation. The painters in Portland bave strack for higher wages end from all indica tions the masters painters will be forced to meet tbeir demands or a tie up of all the building trade allied unions will re sult. Aguetrilla warfare among stockmen has broken oat near Akron, Colorado. One prominent stockman was assassinat ed in the brush at night and two more are missing. The trouble ia over ranged grazing. A Chinese military oSicer, who ar riveJ at Canton from the interior, re ports that the province of Kwangsi and parts of the province of Kwantnng are infected with rebels who number at leat 100,000. They are moetly discharge J soldiers and banditti. They are well armed. Physicians of Salt Lake City, more particularly those attached to the staff of Holy Crrs hospital, ar at a Uxw U aeconnt for the condilKm of Miss BeAie Knecht, 22 years of age, who for the past twenty-eight days lias been asleep. I taring that time the young lady has not spoken a word nor had, to all appear ances, a wakinz moment. She swallows iqtiid . food automatically when it is : poured down her throat, bat, in spite of this nourishment, she is gradually wast ing away. , The historic old log cabin in which President V. S. Grant and bis yoong wife passed through their "hard scrab ble," aa the general usually referred to t, is beinj torn down preparatory to re moving it into the World's Fair gronnds. St. Louis firm lias purchased the cabin from Edward Joy of Old Orchard for the purpose of exhibiting it. For several years it has be;-n standing on Mr. Joy's property near the Frisco do- pot at Old Orchard, where it has been iewed by hundreds of visitors. As it is raxed each stock and lo is labeled so that there will be no mistakes in put- iiig it together on the Fair grounds. Louis Dotsmeir, aged forty-six, a con sumptive from Buffalo, S. commit ted suicide some time daring Monday niw'ht in a horrible manner, at Los An geles. He poured three gallons of kero sene over bis body and set fire to bis clothing. He was burned to death in a few minutes. He learned a few days ago that he was suffering from tubercu losis and the knowledge weighed heavily on bis mind. The evidence shows that he took a can containing three gallons of kerosene to the yard in the rear of the residence, seated himself w ith his back against a eucalyptus tree, poured the oil over bis head and body and set a lighted match to it. The flame ronst have caused death in a few moments. The remains were discovered Tuesday morn- ins bv Mm. Schneider. The body was a terribly burned and charred, only strip of cloth clinging about the waist and a aiece of a can on the head. The tree bad caught firo and burned had through to the height of several feet. Ralph W. Bartlett, a young lawyer of Boston, Mass., has invented an appara tus for the reduction of congenial hip disease which the local surgeons say is far in advance of the Lorena method. Mr. Bartlett tried it on his own little daughter at the Children's Hospital to day. The child suffered from a severe case of concenital dislocation au4 the result would seem to have fully tested the efficiency of the invention. This consists of a sort of easy chair in which the patient sits. The seat is something liknabicvele saddle in which the feet hang clear. The limb to be set is at tached by straps to a movable rod which is worked by powerful leverage. The ef fect is exactly like pulling a nail with a draw hammer, the child's leg in this j case being the nail. The great ioint gained is the doing away with the wrenching and straining of the muscles and lif amenta, which it inseparable j fr.nn Dr. Lorens's manipulations. This force is applied directly and solely to the ; seat of the trouble. Tho npparatus may bo adoptexl in more or less modified form j in the Boston hospitals. Try thu Pedalis Shoo for Women. Only 3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Parlors. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, If yon want eg? for Hatching from High Grade Poultry send yonr order for eggs or breeding stock to the Roseburg Poultry Yards WE HZ Buff and Barred PljnonUi Rocks asd LigM Eralimzs. IS Eggs for $1.00, Live and Let Live la our Motto. JOHN E. Johnsox, v. Ii BncMngkni- fSaccessor to W. L. Cobb, MrsfEoyd's oil stand) ...Sole Agents lor... Chase & Sanborn's Coffees J. M. Weatberby T. Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Bonght an3 Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your proper ty with "us. A. C. MAItSTEItS Q CO. DRUGGISTS. We Want Your Patronage and as an inducement we offer U. S. P. Standard Drugs, Fresh Patent Medicines, High Grade Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Arti cles, and Specialties. 1 i v If you intend to paint yc.ur house see " Churchill Q Woolley, , Agents for S. - W. Paint. -if-"- P. S, DAY, JEWELER and WATCHMAKER All Work Gnaranteed for Reasonable Prices.' Second Door north new Bank Ballding, RELIABLE v..,. Have bred Poultry uiany prizes. . rv - -' - - V) Vl Prop , bo mi. Keoabatr Ores. Extend a cordial invitation to the public and the many friends of the old firm to call and examine their re-wr line of Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Queensware, Etc. Bring Us Your Cutter, Chickens, fees. A. Bury D. L. Mania On the Wave of Prosperity. TKE FAI3T rides oa the very top cf the wave. It Las rcacLed t!iri pes tea because of its great worth and it wi3 stay there. No other roint does good work so well aad so eco EorojcaHr. No other paist . Y- J. Las gameu such popalar.ty. Cclor carJs oa a: Ko632caa, OKteoa POULTRY YARDS. E. A. KRUSE, Proprietor, Breeder ot B. P. ROCKS, S. C BROWN. LEGHORNS, ft. B. TURKEYS, TCU LOUMj GEESE, PEK1N DUCKS, AND THE FINEST SCOTH COLLIES THERE ARE ANYWHERE. . Chicken Esgs, $150, per Settlnj, two for 12 years, and have won E. A. KRUSE, Roseburg Or