and if our SPRING and SUMMfR? , Line is not better than aify other, don't buy from us. We are showing this season the Latest Styles in Silk Gause Novelties, Sole Jouree, Silk Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine Novelties, Fancy Madrass Organdies, Lawn Sinaloa Novelties; Minerva Dimities, Leno Applique Lawn, Afton Dimity, Blouse Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal lles, Sarsiickcr Ginghams, Percale AND ALL THE LATEST IN DRESS GOODS 0 1 1ADIES i TAKE I A I LOOK Qlr !r We carry the Finest Line of Made-up Skirts in town, and our line of Underskirts cannot be equaled for quality and price Our Spring and Summer Line of Clothing Embodies many special features tliat Mill in- nt l.l At II al terest you. me doming mai b h'ii ironi mo II ighest to the Lowest grade ib in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable.- We recommend it with confidence even though our prices are lower than nny other store sell for the same quality. Also a new and up-to-date line of Indies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe The People s Store V One Door South of P. O. ) Extra Values in Fine Stationery For a Limited Time 35c. papers for 20 50c. papers for 40 All New StocK ' . and Latest Cut Envelopes : : SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Also off on Fine Leather Goods until Wednesday evening. Dont Miss these bargains : : : : : : CANNON'S BOOK and STATIONERY STORE. 1 2 5 Of Local Interest, See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co. for bine print- and filing papers, tl Dressmaking and all plain sewing neatly done to order. Call on Mrs. Walls opposite the City Hall. Get your abstracts ot title from J. D Hamilton. He has the only complete set of abstract books in the county, tf A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker of the only silver steel saws. None bet ter made. You will find a complete line at Churchill and Woolleys. Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy and pepper roasts a specialty. Served oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eatirg House, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro- order, price $5 .00. 1, 3 in. wagon com John L. Arr.ner, of Canyonville, was in town Friday. Waxted. A man to spray trees. En quire at this office. . For a good 25-cent meal go to the Re sort. Georgk Gabbkrt. Hon. G. W. Riddle, of Atalea, was ui town on business Friday. John Hall, of Myrtle Creek, was a business visitor here Friday. You eau get anything you want in the line of garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tf 17 For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators, Brooders, etc., go to S. K. Sykes. tfl7 S. D. Chapman and sister, Miss Etta, came in from Glide Thursday evening. John Kein, a foimer resident of this city came up from Portland Thursday. Try the Pedalis Shoe for Women. Only $3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Par lors. Mrs. J. M. Potv, who has been visit in her daughter, Mr. J. S.Taylor, m Ashland, has returned. j Miss Nannie Callihan, who has been in Santa Barbara, Calif., for several months, returned Thursday. r Perry Foster has gone to Dunsmuir, Calif., to accept a position as baggage master with the S. P. Co. Yon can do more garden work with a rianet Jr. Seeder than you can" with a doxeu hoes. Churchill and V.'oolley sell them. Ray Carhm, who has been in charge of the switch engine in the yards here, has gone to Portland to take a run out or that city. Mrs. W. R.Willis, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Sherman, in Portland, returned home Thursday eveniug. Chickens the most profitable animal on the farm. Buy a Petal r ma Incuba tor and get a start in the chicken busi ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them Builders take notice, you can do bet ter to figure w ith S. K. Sykes on your material before buying any place else. He has a large stock to select from. tfl7 Call on Drs. Cheadle & Johnson for up-to-date dental work. 1. Johnson, late of Portland, will have charge of the crown and. bridge work department Prices reasonable. tf Fob Sal 1, 3in. wagon in running prietors. If yon wart to go to Coos County points, take the Rosebnrg, Marshneld route. Spring hacks leave Roeeburg every day at 6, A. M. Inquire of C. P. Barnard, agent. tf, D. S. T. West, having accepted several old and reliable file jnsurancj eompw nies, is now prepared to do a general fire insurance business. Insure with him. Office at the City Hall. tf. plete, bed ; wood-rack double-trees and neck-voke, in fine order, price ,i.UU. Inquire of C. Van Zile, Douglas St. east of Hill, Ros.-burg Ore. Mar 19-1 m, Thos. Cannon of this city who is hrplpr and raiser of the famous white Langshan chickens, "greatest of winter avers," is making a special offer t those wishing eggs for hatching 15 eggs for f 1.50. Those w ishing eggs should wr ite him at once. rfi4 New 1 With pride and pleasure we call your attention to the most suc cessful trimmed hat department in the country. Our styles are as high as the Heavens, our prices lower than the lowest depths of the ocean. Another thing, our selection is twice as large, giving a splendid and varied displey to choose from Best by all tests, Dr. Lowe's glasses. Albert O'Neal, of Rice Hill, is in the city. C. . Hasard, of Drain, was in this city on Saturday. H. J. Wilson, of Canyonville was in this city on Saturday. . It is human to eeek revenge. It is God-like to forgive a wrong. W. L. Nichols and I. B. Riddle, of Riddle; were in town Saturday. W. J. Kelleher, of Yoncalla. was in the city, transacting business, Saturday. Se;; Dr. Lowe at once about your eyes and avoid a possible rush, his last day. Mrs. S.i i) ford is in Portland, for a month's visit with friends. Little Miss Veva Buick who has been very ill of Scarlet fever is now improving rapidly. Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood Inqnire of Henry Conn, Roeeburg, Ore gon. Dr. Lowe, the oculo optician is now at the McClallen House. He leaves Satur day night. Miss Alice Clinkenbeard, a teacher in the J!elrcse school, was in Roeeburg Saturday. T!ie AUlrich Restaurant for sale or rent. Terms Reasonable. Call at Restaurant. 25-2t-pd. Watch our indows for new styles. Something new always ready for yon at Hint's Shoe Store. Don't fad to see Dr. Lowe about your eyes at onoe, if you need glasses for lie will not be back soon. v When in town and yon want a first- class 25-cent dinner, go to the Reeort. Gbokgc Gabbekt. If your head-aches have Dr, Lowe re move the cause with a pair of glasses. He leaves Saturday night. D. A. Collier, of Coquille, passed' through Roseburg on Saturday, on a pleasure trip to San .Francisco. Bennie Lohr left for Portland Sunday morning to Uansact business there. He expects to be away about a week. Miss Bertha Kay, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. u. f. uosnow, re turned to her home in Salem, Saturday. Too Jersey yearling bulls and one grade Hereford yearling bull for sale. Inquire of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Oregon, ltp. Miss May Allen, of Salem, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Aiken, left Friday, for Leland, w hero she will teach school. Mrs. F. B. Waite is in Portland at St. Vincent's Hospital, where she had an operation performed, Saturday. She is doing nicely. On or before May, 1903 a $150 photo graphic outfit for less than one-half value. Tent and everything complete. Address A. A. Graves, Roeeburg, Ore. For sale at Mrs. G. R. Child's, piano, $70, bedsteads, stoves, fireplace furnish ings, laundry furniture, shades, chairs, garden tools, bookshelf and tables. 22-3t Mr. Jackson, the gunsmith, has just received a large invoice of blank keys, and can now fit yon out with anything in that line at reasonable prices. 2tp Miss Kate kullerton entertained, a number of her friends, at an informal gathering, at her home, Saturday night. All spent a very enjoyable evening. Osteopathy is the best treatment for all diseases peculiar to women. A fair trial always gives satisfaction. Dr, Studley nm 11 Taylor & Wilson B'ock. Hours 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 p. ai Among those who came over from Drain to attend the convention Satur day, were Frank Kent, W. W. Kent, Roy Applegate, L M. Perkins, J. A. Black and Benton Mires. Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades Gasoline engines for farm work, Grind' ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws, etc., for sale by S. K. Sykes. Jtfl7 This week, three last days, April 2d 3d and 4 th, Dr. Lowe, the oculo-optician will be at the MtClallen House. Don' fail to have him examine your eves, for fitting glasses. .21-4-2 Miss Baker, .of San rrancisco, is at ar.11 . .... wouenuurg tiros, store witu tier em broidery, where she is prepared to give lessons. The ladies are invited to call and see the display of needlework. It Miss Baker of San Francisco will be in this city on or about April Jet. with a complole line of art embroidery and the latest designs and materials for em broidered shirt waists. Exact date and (cation given later. it Be.aty Bros., King of the Moving Pictures business will apear at the Si Iff . .... upera iiouse, r-aiurar.y, April n, pre senting Jack and tint Bean Stalk the jollv old maid from N. Y., Maude Al'.en the flying lady all colored pictures Also latest illustrated songs. B.saty Mrs. Wm. Storm of Ashlsnd, is visit ing friends in this city. W.B. Wells, of Olalla. was in this city on business Saturday. Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on Cass street near the Depot. You should see that Bean power ppray outfit, at Churchill and Woolleys. The Ladies Culture Club will give their last musical about April 15. Miss Hattie Beckley of Oakland, is visiting friends and relatives in this city. Nathan Fullerton went to Portland the latter part of the week, on business. Mr. Homer High, of Ashland, has accepted a position in Geo. Kohlhagen's meat market. Miss F. S. Herbert, who has been in the Rosebnrg land office, has gone to Washington D. C, to accept a position in the General Land Office. On last Thursday the Railroad Eat ing house was sold to Wood and Co. The former proprietors, Mesdames Lohr and Gegax, who have been ' running this business for sometime, have won through their pleasant ways and never tiring de sire to plo-se their patronB, many good friends among the traveling public, and the which the Railroad Eat ing house now enjoys, is due to the busi ness like war in which these two ladies ran this place. The new management will conduct the restaurant as did the old ones, and will do every thing in their power to 'maintain the good will and large patronage which it justly deserves. Mr. and Mrr. S. C. Flint entertained Friday night at a very elaborate dinner party, in honor of Mrs. G. R. Child. The dinner was served In six courses, Misses Yell Barker and Kate Fullerton assisting in serving. Those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barker, Mr. and" Mrs. J. C. Fullerton, Mrs. Wil lis, Mrs. M. Josephson, Mrs. Seldon, Mrs. Child and Mr. Kimball. We could not learn what each course consisted of but it is said, by those present to have been one of the nicest served and best prepared dinners which they ever had the pleasure of attending. At the Baptist Church last night the Rev. E S. Ufford, author of the revival eong, "Throw out the life-line," spoke to a crowded house. The gentleman is one of the most realistic speakers we have ever beard and his lecture or stsv mon was illustrated by the actual ap paratus used in a life saving station. Among other things he showed a life line which one year ago saved twenty three sailors from drowning off the New England coast. While he whistled and san? and recited there was a deep vein of spirituality underneath, and after all it i- a man's spiritual uature which must be ! liefore auv ermanent good can be; and in religion as well as morals it is the heart that needs to be changed. We can all get reformation rt any noiiieiit we want and wills for it and l!e religion that merely reforms without giving an abiding faith in the power of God lo keep saved, falls short of what the bible teache. The gentle man is now taking a trip around the world aiul bv his own unique ntethods is preaching the goeiel of salvation The PuAiNr.tu.Ea hopes that he may he tlx-me.: lis of throwing out the life-lioe to many buffeted Bonis. On Saturday afternoon Mnies. J. C. Fullertuii and J. F. Barker were boa- terses at a very charming reception at he TullerUm home iu West Roseburg. The fl rall let-orations appearing in the hall and spacious parlor were artistic and well disposed. Ferns, bamboo and branches of flowering quince were mass ed in corners and alcove, the brilliancy of the quince blossoms making a pi ing color scheme against the deep green of the ferns, and huge bowls of wild current sprays in bloom were placed on mantlet and tabouret tee. In the dining room the decorations were l,.TT7 Ul U U 15 8 SPRING 0 -r? v. tt n T" ' i rl II n II r I i 1 f 1 IN lis i Blacli and Colored Etamines, Voiles, Mistral Cloth, Hop SacRing Prunella and Melrose Suiti QgS Large Assortment of Wash SilHs in Plaids and Stripes. Also Fine Line of Peau de Soies and Peau de Crepes IH ALL THE LATEST COLORIflGS Spring Millinery Opening Tuesday, Yrednesday and Thursday, March 31st, April 1st and 2nd. JOSEPHSOfi The Big STORE ROSEBURG, Phone 211. AH Mail Orders Promptly Filled. OREGON Virginia Drew Trescott pltved in the opera house Iint Friday ni-ht the jrt of Manaulva in Count Tolftoi's drama- tiied play of the Resunection. To U Mir Trescott justice e nut say that (lie U a remarkable art rea ail jt- forrae.1 the play true to life. She was most ably sopHteJ by her ccinniny and belter acting we have never . along the lines of Such a play. But white we can er. dorse tle acting a a work of art, we ninst coufess t'-iat tle moral of tle play is of a very nature, the same as would be disc'vcee.l in reading the original novel as -b-lished by Count Tolstoi. It is to be re gretted that su h a fine actress can .!y ahine or sh'me to advantage wlteu the is dt'icting and acting the part f an abandoned or wanton woman, but come to think of it, if first claw troupe shook! strike any tow a on the I'acific slop and give one of the old fhionl love and affection dramas, that there would be a " very scattering bouse to greet the performance. But we do hon estly believe that the plays in which Dr. II. L. Slodley the Osteopath hj now moved into his new office at room 11. Taylor A Wilson Block. He wishe to thank the rop'e of Rowburg for their earnest patronage of the act and will continue to give free consultation. from 9 to 12 a. m.,2 to5 p. in. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to a! I parties holding county warrants endorsed prior to and including Nov. 10th ate re quested to present the same at the coun ty treasurer's office for ynent as in terest will cease tltereon afte the dit of this notice. DateRtmeburg, Dooghw County Ore gon, March 9th, 1903. Geo. Dim kick, County Treasurer City Treasurer Notice. Notice is lreby given to all partiee holding city warrants, eod'rs.1 prit tr DecAUii, VMM, are requested to present tle same at the City Treasurer's office for payment, as interest w ill cease there on after the date of this notice. Iated teisebur. Ore, Mch. otfi, IDOS. II. C. Suxtm, J, Citv Treasurer. BUs Wanted. debauchery, profligacy, seduction and general abandonment and scenes from batrniort and bagnio methods of conduct white and green, bowls of white "narcia- J ag business are depicted, are demoral- sus being placed at every available I in- ojj anJ roung. point, and tiie Boral piece on the lnacb uil.le wu of white hvacinlhs and lon I Promlaect Visitors at the Board of vines of sinilax. Sandwiches, olives, tea, cakes and ices were served. Mines. Fullerton and Barker were assisted by M ines Brown, Bellows and Child, and Misses Begina Rast, Gertrude Hast, Lillian Stanton. Kate Fullerton, and Veil Barker. About 2J0 guesta paid their respects to the hostesses during ! the afternoon. Trade. Deserted His Wife and Child. Vascocvbs, Wash., April 4. Claude A Riddle, who suddenly disappeared Wednesday, and hat not been seen since, was last seen on board the steamer Un dine Wednesday morning, on the way to Portland. He had left hatne to go to his work at a local sawmill, and his lunch basket was found under s pile o lumber, where he had left It. Riddle did not get on the boat at the dock, but went down the river and boarded it at the drydock. He left no word of his in- tendent movements, and deserted his wife and child. Claude is a son of A. Riddle, of Riddle, and his relatives say the above report is not true, but think he is a victim of foul play. E. D. Mrs. J. K: Armstrong - esterley B. Krokenberger Duluth. W. E. Clinaenpeel Carbomlale, III. E. A. Foster-rPaichogne, X. Y. Clias (Jeorge Lebanon, Kaua. I. H. Woods tlkton. E. O. Miller llixton, Wia. John Green " " Olie Holreo Alma Center, Wis. Chaa Newell Hixton, Wis. Jacob Frank " " Earnest Tower Louisas a. J. A: Black Drain, Ore. P. M. Ldstrom Moro Minn. W. A. Sunmonde Brock way. M. A. Strain Oakland. Q. E. Eddy Minneapolis. Minn. E.E.Eddy " " Gust S. Cheller Grar.d Rapids, is, DIED. K.I. NEW OAT THE SHADELAND WONDER Ydis fma 113 to 23 BasWs Per Acre - Jt is the earliest Oat in cul tivation, extraordinary yielded, stands up well and has a ' large, white, heavy kernel covered with a thin hull, k making it THE KING HILLING OAT Awardtxl the first prize at Oregon State Fair, 1902. Prict-s, 30c. per lb., 4 11. pivtjaid, tl- Our Seed An nual No. 72 tells all about it and other good things ia . the seed line. Write us. They are Provtog Satisfactory. PORTLAND SEED CO, Porllxai CfC Scaled bids will be received op ta noon of Friday, May 1, for the erection of a three-story packing house, 50x4 in sire, to be built in Rosebnrg, Ore. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Frank E. Alley, Architect, Rose burg. All bids to be accompanied with a certified check for 5 per cent of the es timated price, and the ownei reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Maich SJ, 1903. C. Gaxlet. Wilbur Items. BELL. At Myrtle Creek, Or., on Tues day, March 31, 1903, Mrs. Elizabeth Bell, aged 89 years. Mrs. Bell was the mother of Rev. J. R. N. Bell with whom she lived for a number of years in this city, and Mrs. John Hervey, of Myrtle Creek, at whose borne ' she 'died. She was buried at Myrtle Creek Thursday. The Supplemental Chamber Oo., . Roe esc i. Ore. Gentlemen friease send Die via ex press, one dozen Gillette's Supplement al Chambers; fitted for S2 b. & Y. Short and Browning Automatic Smoke- i lew cartridge. Ths brass Chamber or dered some time ago having proved sat isfactory I can do business with them when the spring season opens. Tours truly, H. J. Stillman, Gua nmith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903. ToEOjrro, Jan. 13th, 1903. The S. C. Co., Rosebnrg, Ore. Dear Sirs: I beg to thank you for sample brass chamber and the informa tion concerning same. Have delayed answering your letters in order tliat I mightiest the chamber for my own sat isfaction and knowledge. I find same works perfect satisfactory and now wish to apply for the sole selling agency for the Dominion of Canada. Yours very truly, F18 A. II. Fsxx., Nfgs. Agent. Notice of Final' Settlement ia oi la Cocnt. Oartot Bute o( Creeps It ttw master o the rstate of I GolIr.T Ktp, deerl Notki herrDT mto that tn oalemmJ nwawrot the bor ntit-l Mialu htt fiird la he br n.ra eoart hi tmal in 6uml etu.mcot ol ttid mate at the c-nrt bT r df tlaly atadf and enterr-J Ina Journal Iherrol iiel Xfo.Ui March IXS for hoar th ob wet i"t V anr tn..;il final accunl and Itetcd Uili '.m oar of Finarr. 1W. Smith DaadnsfT Pxsmad Slope; itching scalp upon one applica tioo, tl.ree to six removes all dandruff and w ill stop falling hair. Price 50c. For aale by Msrsters Drug Co. m' J Sing it If yoa Lave a rir.g that ia broken or a set lost out, er possibly you have a ring that is just a little to small of a little to large, perhaps yow have one that needs strength-. ening or ia badly beat. I aai prepared to do all kinds d ring repairirg. I not only guarantee my work, but I guarantee yoa will be we.1 pleased with the Job : : : r Title Guarantee & Lean Co t. D. Hawn.TO. fraaiieat BOSKBCtO, OilGOS. D eej. aoaTnoa OIStntbCnrtHWifc. Har'y ema p..( art o abuaet book ta Doiaa Cooaty ItotncatMOn-jcaM ol TiUa tnrmith PoB'.aaeoai-ty laJ ami mtttiatcla-m. iaw CiroBiiuK olTraoian ol -t towb!i viae t thff Ea.bir. Orra. V. . L 1 W Utru Up W Li mat feiue jkrxst eopfaia of aay tow Mr. G. W. Short went to Rosebnrg on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Bacon is visiting with friends in town. Mr. G. W. Grubbe has bad the front of his store re-painted. Miss Bird Otey,of Portland, is visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Loom is were visit- j ing with C. Grubbe's, on Sunday. Do not forget the box supper here next Saturday. Everybody invited. A number of our young people attend ed the box supper at Winchester, last Saturday evening. Mr. ana Mrs. ri. J. iiarbit spent sev eral days in Oakland. Mr. Iiarbit preached there on Sunday. BaBBAXA. Buff Plymouth Rocks. bggs of purebred stock for sale at 1 Blotlfj-ett Bradley'B 2nd store, Kosoburg, at 50 cents a setting. 19-1 mp I BORN. WALKER. In this city, April 3, 1303, to Mr. and Mrs.. I,. A. Walker, a son A Bargais vt Timber. ISO acres of fine white cedar and old-growth fir tim ber la Coos county, Ore. Lies on bank of a good driving stream in easy reach of log market on tidewater. For partic ulars in this and other timber deal.s in quire of Wm. M. Porter, m Ifitf . Camas Valley, Oregon. Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at the Rose-, burg post office. Bffrrow, Mr J R. Martin, Miss Iva Deans, Miss E Porter, Mr T Erickson, MrJW Stewart, Ole Humphrey Mrs Williams, Mrs. Alice A Jenkins, Mr T W White Mr Eli Murhy, D Persons calling for these letters will plewse stato the date on which they are advertised, April 6 1903. The letters will be charged for at the rate of one cent each. Wm. A. Fkatkr, P. M For Sale Kros. comes to our city very highly rec- Petitions are Ixing extensively circu oiuiiiunu-ju. mr. rironir oiirr. u w w .n, l irno. ll,o i Housa will refund your money if not j the gtate to refer to the referendum the satwfactory. Admission 25, 35, and 50. j porla;0 Railroad appropriation and the J Ticket on sale at Strongs. It 4 Elyv iaw on corporations. ' A quarter-block near center of the town, containing two good houses, rent al $27 a mouth. Also two desirablo building lots. The lots can Ihj had 604 rately if desirod. Apply to D. S. K Bcick. $loo Reward $loo. S K SYKES Builders Siielf Stoves and Tinware ROSEBURG OREGOi The readers of this paper will be ileased to lenrn that tltere is at least one dreaded disease that science, has been able to cure in oil its stajys and that is Catarrh. Hal's Catarrli Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being constitutional disease, require)! a con stitutional treatment: Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the foundations of tha disease, anJ giving the patient strength by building np the constitution and assisting nature ia do- 1112 its work. The proprietors have so iiHich frtitb iu its curative powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any ew that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CllAStT. & Co., Tolethi. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. Hall's Family pills are the best. Mow Is Your Clianc Our new goods have arrived and they are all 0. H. We can show some WHITE GOODS THAT IS NEW AND UP-TO-DATE We have the Snow FlaKe Goods for Waists and rt l .v P.Jf-,1 f J ir.Mt ti Tt t in. tMnd in the line cf Fancy Hose 'Ae have then. Some new patterns that are very pretty. WOLLENBHIG BROS., Flionc CO! i