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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1903)
The Twi--Vek Rosebarg Plaindealer FaoUabed Monday and Thutdgyg. PLA.INDEALER PUBLISHING CO. H. H. BROOKES, Editor and Publisher ILlhbt H. Bboozes, Local Editor. Twice--eek Plaindealer. vet year, $2.00 Entered at the Poet Office in Roaebnrg, r., as second class mail matter. AdTertjwne Rates on Application. APRIL 6, 1903. Governor Chamber lain arrived in Rosebarg last Ibarsday ereningona riait to the Soldiers' Home. He was met at the depot by prominent citizens of this city and escorted to the McCl al ien hotel. la the evening an informal reception of the citicens of Roeebnrg was held in the dining room of the hotel and plates were served lor thirty guests, Banker Sheridan presiding. After sup per the Governor made a very good talk on general affairs and complimented Douglas county very highly. The Hon Binser Hermann, Judge fullerton and O. P. Coshow also made very good after dinner talks, but the whole affair; in which prominent republicans as well as democrats participated, was gotten np on the spur of the moment and so far as the Pliixdkalk knows the little friction caused by some of the citizens' being left out was entirely unpremedi tated. There was nothing . political in the gathering. It was nothing more nor lees than a gathering together of prominent citizens on the spur of the moment, to meet the Governor and do honor to the state of Oregon On Fri day morning the Governor went out to the Soldiers' Home and after thorough ly going over all the affairs with the superintendent he returned to Salem on Friday night's overland train. . Two savage lionesses belonging to tli Bostock trained animal show were at large on the streets of PitUfield, Mass, on Thursday morning., creating a panic among the crowd assembled, killing one horse and maiming another. That no person was attacked by these savage beasts was owing to the prompt action of the keepers, who shot one of them dead while it was grappling a horse's throat. The other animal ran through the streets and sought refuge in the cen tral automobile station, where it was brought to bay and driven into its cage alter it bad been badly wounded. The two lionesses were being lowered into their cage from the rear of the third story of the Academy of Music When about 20 feet from the ground the cables holding the cage broke and it was thrown violently to the ground, break ing in pieces and releasing the animals. Abe condition of the wounded lioness is serious and it is thought she also will die. She is valued at 1 1000. The grand jury at Seattle has ad journed and after thorough investiga tion found the following indict' ments against the city officials as fol lows: Ma yoi Homes, malfeasance in of fice ; Chief of Police, Sullivan, malfeas ance in office ; Police Judge George, fail- nre to perform his sworn daty4-JnUoM a. ii. Cann, extortion and perjury George 17. Piper, perjury; Jacob Furth obtaining a valuable property by fraud 8. L. Soffieton, obtaining valuable prop erty by fraud ; Walter S. Fulton, failure to perform his sworn duty; Charles F. Wiltleeey, larceny by embezzlement ; P r. JFadden, larceny by embezzlement Samuel Rosenberg, renting premises for immoral purposes. The report shows mast of corruption little dreamed of and taken altogether proves Seattle to be the toughest city in the staU. . General Wood is to be the governor of the Moros and Sulu Islands, but he instructed not to interfere wilh the Mo- hamfdan religion, Mormcnisn blavery. Well we can stand the Mo hamedan religion, for a good. Mohame- dan is a better man than a professed Christian, and the Sulu group would be i i . . . m pwi jmsoi vo Bena seventy-live - per cent of our Congressmen and Senators to, and thus save the Country keepin g up two thousand women m Washington at public expense; and as for Slavery that fact is a disgrace to the American people at large and should be stamped out at any cost. To fly the Star Span gied banner the Emblem of Liberty over the Sulu group in sight of thous ands of slaves disgraces the flag. The fact that the war in the Tranevaa country practically depleted that coun try oi cattle nas grown more apparent. Thextresne fb6rtage of cattle in South Africa as a result of the long conflict has become a very serious matter, and in order to relieve the situation the British government has undertaken to induce the importation of breeding cattle from tbe United States into that section of country, and naturally the stock will come from Texas. Thos. Jones of south Texas was in -South Worth Friday Bit firm has just sold 2500 head of breed ing cattle to Mai. V alter de S. Maude, connected with the British army, and this consignment of cattle will be ex ported Irom Galveston April 8. The cattle will go direct to South Afriea. TV C a e .i . oecreiaryoi tne interior bas is sued an order restoring to ihe public do main nearly 1,000,000 acres of land in Na tronia and Johnson countieo, Wyo., that were withdraws from public entry about a year ago as oil lands. An English syndicate represented to the depart ment that the lands, were highly valu able as oil lands and undertook to de velop them. The company spent i large amount of money in sufficient quantities to warrant the pet manent re tention of the land from homestead en try. Several -wells have turned out fairly well, and the order restoring the land to entry reserves an acre in the vicinity of the promising wells. 4. nerpont aiorgan is planning to build a splendid art museum in New York city aud present it to the Ameri can nation, it was learned that the ambition of Mr. Morgan is to create a great art institution which shall be monumental La scope and which shall contain the very cream of the available art objects of the world. Mr. Morgan Las spent $7,000,000 in the last seven years for treasures. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The Meeting Well Attended First, Last and The county republican congressional convention for Douglas county, assem bled in the court bouse at Roeeburg on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The meeting was called to order by County Chairman Miller and upon mo tion Benton Myers, of Drain, was elect ed permanent chairman and W T Em ery, of Uinpqua Ferry, was elected sec retary. Upon motion the chair appointed the following committees ; On credentials E R Aiplegate, Pass Creek; ZL Dimmick, Oakland; J a Sykes, Roseburg; Hiram Gallup, Myr tle Creek and C L Bogard, Glendaie. Committee on Resolutions Geo M Brown, Roeeburg ; H B Hams, fclkton; John Livingston, Peel ; I B Riddle, Rid dle, and J H Hobbs, Civil Bend. Committee on oider of business Rot- ert Blakeley, Drain; Asner lreianu Olalla ; Joe Churchill, Millwood ; L 11 Mynatt, Rostburg, and Henry Conn, Coles Valley. Uron motion the convention ad- journed to meet at 1 o'clock. AT ATTXaXOOX SKSSIOX. The committee on credentials leport- ed as follows : We, your committee on credentials, beg leave to report the following as en titled to votes in this convention. Deer Creek Fred Haynes, Mr, Galli- gher, A. C. Marsters, V . C. Oden, yn. Schmidt, IK-lmar uixon, ttoy jucviauen. East Umpqua J. L. Watson, John Livingston. Umpqua James New land, F. V. Benson, Chas. T. Curry, F. B. Hamlin, (by H. L. Marsters, proxy) T. B. Can nou. Looking Glass Ira B. Howard, Geo. G. Bacon. Millwood W. R. Vinson, J. L. Churchill. Yoncalla W. S. Fegles, A. W. Lamb, E. Williams, E. B. Spangenberg, Ernest Helliwell, L C H Mahn, Ben Hunting ton. Olalla F. F. Fisher, B. F. Wells, Asher Ireland. Oakland J. 11. Cockeram, A. F, Brown, (by J. IL Cockeram, proxy) Z. L. Dimmick, L. C. Sherman, (A. F. Stearns, proxv) M. A. Strain, A. F. Stearns. Calapooia H. Cockeram. (by Z. L. Dimmick, proxy) D. Reed, (by S. C. Quant, proxy) C. A. McGee, (by A. F. teams, proxy) J. C. Young, (by S. C. Quant, proxy) A. Cole, S. C. Quant. Pass Creek Joel Tracy, J A Black, E R Applegate, C E Hasard, Benton Miren, H C Hedrick, W W Kent, L M Perkins Elkton 9 P Finley, E E Haines, A B Haines, A W Woods, H R Dimmick. Azalea Geo W Riddle, N Sebring, (by G W Riddle, proxy.) , Gardiner Warren P Reed, (who also brought the proxies of Ben E Lyster, A Schulte, J S Gray, Dr Alex Patterson, Scott Morris.) - Comstock J A Griggs, (by Frank Calkins, proxy) Henry Mooney, (by A C Marsters, proxy) Roy Griggs, (by F II Rogers, proxy). West Roseburg L D Carl, Geo Perry, Scott Landers, Harvey Jones, D S K Buck. D G Palm, Geo M Brown, Geo Rapp. Roseburg R L Mynatt. K L Miller, M M Cooper, S C Flint, G Worthington C B Cannon, J H Sykes. i Riddle E D Riddle, (by Geo Quine, proxy) W L Xichols, A R Mattoon, I B Riddle. Coles Valley Henry Conn, Frank Conn, W T Emery, W W Scott, Ed Von Pessl. Canyonville J L Arzner, John Fuller- ton (by John L Arzner, proxy) B A Stewart (by John L Arzner, proxy) M N Colvig (by J A Shupe, proxy) John E Love. Mt Scott R H Barker, R T Blakely Perdue A B Marquam, Frank Tate. Myrtle Creek B M Armitaee, II F West. C A White, A J Rice II Gallop. ScottsburgC Hacker, W D Grubbe A E Ozouff, (all by M D Thompson proxy) Hiram Weatherly, (by DSK Buick, proxy). Wilbur J I Chapman, W H Leather- man, N t, Jr. Glendale V L Bogard. C P Totten (by V L Bogard, proxy) Gilbert Gilbert son, R K Montgomery (by Gilbert Gil bertson, froxy). Civil Bend D T Thompson, W S Johnston, J H Hobbs. Lake, Bohemia, Galesville and Kel- loggs were not represented. . The report was unanimously adopted. To Raise the flaine. The navy departmeut has been noti fied that the wreck of the battle ship Maine is to be raised in Havana harbor, thus making possible a final solution of the mystery surrounding the manner in which the vessel was blown up. The wreck is to be raised by Cuba, at tier own expense and bids for the work have been asked. - , Ever since the conclusion cf the Span ish war the navy department has been besieged with lequests for contracts for the privilege of raising the famous wreck. The department has invariably replied that there was no fund for this work and that, at any rate, Cuba's con sent to the raising of the wreck would he necessary before the work could be undertaken. There is still much curiosity and dif ference of opinion as to whether the Maine was destroyed by some outside power, or as the Spanish claim, by spontaneous combustion in her maga zines. The question will probably be settled finally when the wreck is raised. From reports received at Terre Haute. Ind., a majority of the 10,000 bitumin ous miners of Indiana have voted to ac ceptthe operators' demand that last year s agreement be accepted with an advance of 12 per cent in wages. Ratifications of the Cuban reciprocity treaty war exchanged by Secretary llav and Minister Quesada at 10 o'clock Tues day morning at the State Department. Treaty will not be proclaimed until th- UniteJ States Congress acts ujxm it. and Instructs for Hermann AH the Time The committee on order of buisness reported as follows : We, the committee on order of buiness report the following recommendations as the order of buisnefcs: Reports of committees. The election of 14 delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Eugene, April 9, 1903. That the delegates be elected by bal lot. Unfinished busness. Signed by the committee. The following gentlemen were noml nated for delegates to the Congressional convention and the secretary was in structed to cast the ballot for them : John Love, A M Crawford, F W Ben son, A U Marsters, Geo Baron, Gerry Young, A F Stearns, A W Lamb, Leon ard Perkins, Benton Haines, W P Reed, Ben Huntington, T B Cannon, B M Armitage. The committee on resolutions reported the following : We your Committee on Resolutions re port the following two resolutions with the recommendation that they be adobted. Whereas, death has claimed Hon Thomas II. Tongue the Representative in the Congress of the United States for the first Congressional District of Ore gon, therefore, . be it " EfMieJ that it is the sense of the Douglas County Republicans on con vention assembled: That in the death of the Honorable Thomas H. Tontrue the people of this Congressionl Dis tricts have lost a tireless, faithful ser vant, the State of Oregon a loyal honest, able statesman, the Pacific Northwest a champion, the Nation patriot. Geo. M. Brows A. B. Haines Ira B. Riddlk J. H. Hobbs Johs Livixostos. Whereas, this Republican county con vention has met for the purpose of selec ting Fourteen delegates to represent Douglas County at the Republican Con gresfeional Convention to be held at Eu gene, Lane County, Oregon, on the 9th day of April, 1903: Wherefore, be it feolrd, That the delegates elected to represent us at said Congressional Convention be and are hereby instructed to support and vote for the nomination of Honorable Binger Hermann for Rep resentative in Congress. For Congress we are for Binger ner mann, first, lat and all the time Gki. M Brown A. B. Haines Ira B. Riddli J. II. Hobbs JOHX Llfil.XC.8TOS The resolutions were adopted by riding vote without dissent. A committee to notify the Hon. Bin T, . . m .. ger nermann 01 uio action 01 tne con venlion consisting of Dr Miller, F W r . . . . censon ana senator -Marsters was ap pointed to escort him to the convention hall. In the meantime Major Buick ad dressed the convention in words of elo quence as to the duty of republicans. ins speecn was cut snort by the ar rival of the Hon. Binger Hermann, who after acknowledging his gratitude for . I - . . a. toe lavors Destoweu upon bim, among other good things expressed his deep ap preciauon ior toe noner done bim in the choice expressed by the convention He referred in feeling terms to the oc casion which brought the convention here the death of Mr. Tongue, his suc cessor in Congress, and who had done so much in aid of the industrial develop ment of our state, and in his many suc cessful efforts for individual relief. He regarded him as having had few peers in the House of Ipresentatives. Ore gon may well mourn the death of such a man. Mr. Hermann then reminded hu hearers of the wonderful changes wrought throughout the nation by measures secured through the recent and present republican administration and Congress, and through the energet ic and strenuous personal labors of on present chief magistrate, whom he char acterized as the greatest of all the ha t.ons beads. An administration and I resident that bad so patriotically, so conscientiously and so successfully ad ministered the anairs of our country was entitled to the honest and earnest support of all citizens, regardless party lines, but more than all, by every republican. lie stood ry such an ad ministration and the country would stand by it. ' Watterson on. Bryan. In reply to one. of William J. Bryan editorials, Henry Watterson says : "Mr. Bryan, we fear, will never quite go over 1896. Vore's the pity, because if he could there might ultimately be the making of a great man in him. It is a sad thing to see a talented young fel low ot three and forty already soured and embittered, though, in Mr. Bryan'i case, there is no reason why he should 'be. The presidential orbit into which taking him by the nape of the neck aud seat of his breeches, the fairy godmother flung him heels over head in 1890, found him obscure and jwor, and it has left him rich and famous. "iree Bilver is as dead as Judas. So are some other articles of Mr. Bryan's catechism. There is no more rhyme or reason for repeating that catechism' in 1904 than for subntitntiiig in room of it the democratic plutform of 1S64 and 1868 or 1880, on which the .jirty marched to defeat, and not half as much as for reaffirming the platform of 1892, oa which it marched to victory," The Big Horn Basin development com pany has been formed, backed by sever al million dollars, and will construct a storage reservoir the head waters of Shoshone river, with a capacity of 20,- 000,000 cubic feet and an irrigation canal eighty miles in length, to reclaim 250,- 000 acres of land lying between Hio- shone and the Gray rivers in the Big Horn country. A big agnculturjl col ony will be formed, with settlers from the East. The land is to be taken up under the Carey act. Work is to be commenced at once on couHtruction of ine refcervoir and canal. The very latest news. Hermann has 78 votes pledged. Total number i73. Ten more are needed to secure his election. He Is the second choice of 43 delegates. This Insures his nomination. Dunsmulr Destroyed. The whole town of Dunsmuir, Calif, with the exception of a butcher shop and a plumbing shop, burned Saturday night. The fire originated in the Mt. Shasta hotel. The Southern Pacific had a train load of provisions, ten sleeping cars and three dming cars set out at Dunsmuir for the accommodation of the homeless people. Glendale News. Bora, An Glendale, March 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jom s, a daughter. . Born, At Glendale, March 28th, to Mr and Mrs. F. E. Olinghouse, a son Roy, .the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Totten is quite sick with whooping cough. w hooping Lough prevails in all parts of the city, but many rases are getting better. " . .1 J. L. Roberts and F. L. Bailey h:ive ! gone to Gal ice creek, where they Willi pose as honest miners for a while. 1 Mr. and Mrs. II. Woodford and their little boy, spent a week at Medford visit ing with Mr. aud Mrs. A. Woodford..,, : Frank, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Tyres, who has been critically ill, is getting better under the care of Dr. F. R. Bowersox. ' - There are a goodly number of sick: children in this city afflicted with a' disease of the stomach and bowels. The worst cases noted are those of Rice And erson, Mable and Jennie Jones. A fashionable eastern dress-maker,- ust arrived with latest styles, solii its the patronage of the niot fatideous and guarantees to give entire - saUbfacticn. Will sew in private homes. 'Phone T15 5 rings or address Miss K. Becker, Box 155, City. 2tp-. We read with interest the first copy of theG lendale News under its new man. agement. It is larger than the paper, one-half being home production, the other half is patented, and altogeth er it is bright and newsy. , We wish tlie new management abundant success! The services at the church last Sundar , conducted by Rev. 8. A. Douglas, of Roseburg, drew out large congregations both morning and evening, and re very much appreciated by all. We are requested to ask Mr. louglas to given another appoint mental the earliest dale that is convenient for him. j t The people of South Douglas art beginning to realize the importance of the coming election that is neecittaiy in consequence of the death of our lv merited Congressman, Hon. Tho..lL Tongue. All the republicans and many democrats have decided thai. Hon. Binger Hermann is the person best fit ted to fill the vacancy. He hasJia-1 years 01 experience in t. ongress at our Representative. He waa a devot-d r - ... m irieoa 01 jir. tongue, ana was complete ly in sympathy with him along: the line of his duties as onr representative, and a greater argument than all is, -that Bin ger nermann is a friend of Orecon. and f all his constituent, we must one our influence to elect him. ah OLUR. Dillard News. There were sixteen visitors at schou last Friday. - . - , Rev. Jacques and Bro. MoffiU, of -the chapel car "Emanuel," are holding some interesting and well attended meetings here. ; ' 2.- . Among the Dalard people who went to the connty seat this wefk were Ollie Pickens, Mrs. Dudley Baker and Mrs, L. E. Milledge. Dillard is receiving a share of the honieseekers. Two families, one fmni North Carolina and one from Wiscvn sin, arrived ust week. e need more houses. Cur is k flencral News Not'S. The threatened strike of the San Fran asco street car employes will probably oe averted as all parties to the contest have decided to arbitrate the differeofles, One day, while the twentieth century was still young, an unusually strong wind blew New-York's justly celebrated Flatiron Building over ' on its aula. But the occupants were not disheartened Wilh a few slight changes in the floor and partitions they found they could use it just as well as before. There are certain distinct advantages in a build ing of this kind. Railroad building by electric light is the experiment about to be tried by the Santa Fe Railroad Company, when it begins the construction of its cut-tiff line which will connect the Pecos Vallev line with its msiin line in New .Mexico.- isrge electrical plant will be installed the mouth of the Abo Pass Canyon, and six hundred laborers will be kept at work all the time. . . Farmers around Butte, Mont, have or ganized to make a fight against the owners of the ore smelters in that vi cinity, 'which, it is 'claimed, have ruined the agricultural industry of that section The statement is' made by tho farmers that no less than five tons of sulphuric acid and half that amount of arsenic are discharged into the air daily, and that the crops for a gflt many miles around are aitected. In a lectui a before the National Geo graphical Society, Prof. C. D- Walcott, Director of the United States Gooloica (survey, said that the anthracite coal news uiine united mates would bo ex hausted in pixty years at the present rate of consumption and that by the year 2203 the bituminous coh! fields will also be worked out. After this the coun try will be compelled to secure its fuel supply from the l&niU-Jbeda of the Went. It in reported that the Mad Mullah, against whom the British are operating in Somaliliind, has fled to French terri tory. If this is true it may bo regarded as equivalent to tho breaking up of the Miid Mullah's power for the French government could not let him retain his army on French ground and afterwards cross into Somaliland to attack the British forces as that wouM lo equiva lent to a French declaration. Death Blow to Strikes. It is asserted by leaders of organized labor in Texas, who have obtained the opinion ot high legal authorities on the subject, that the anti-trust bill, which was passed by the legislature last week may mean the destruction of labor unions in Texas. It is clear that under the provisions of the new law, which only awaits the governor's signature, that at time of strikes no attempt how ever remote, can bo made by the strikers 6r others to prevent other workmen from taking the vacant positions. - . . ' Coming to Oregon. "One of the notable features of the spring movement of population in the prairie states is tiie emigration to the far Northwest, of Kansas farmers who have made a success here, says a Kan sas exchange. Last week a party of twenty-five such farmers, with their families, left for Washington and Ore gon, Another company has gone to Central California. Most of these hive told good farms to settlers from Iowa and! Illinois, who have paid $30 to $45 an acre, and have taken this method of gaiuing larger tarnis. I hey took 111 most instances all their household goods with them, except those of which they diAposed at a sale. They had no need of sympathy, for they traveled in Pull nan cars and were prepared for return u they did not find 'conditions to suit them in the places of their new selec tion. V Music Lovers Music lovers will have rare enter tamment by simply calling at Burr's Popular Music Hons and ins(tecting our splendid array of musical - instru ments. Our display 01 pianos are situ ply magnificient-' Here are found tlie world renowned Chickering. the won- k-rful toned Kimball, the many toned Crown Orchestrical and the beautiful toned colonial style Victor. - We have others like the Singer, Kinesbury and Needhatn. . Then here is our mammoth stock of small goods, such as S. S. Stewart and Washburn mandolins, gui tars, banjos. Our immense line of vio lins range in price from $2.50 to $5X We are sole agent for the Columbia graphapbone and supply. Remember w are running no concert hall with f 0 cents admissiou, but our doors are all ways open to the public NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. The tax rolls for 1902 have ban placed in my hand for collection, and cn Monday, March 1, 1903, at 8 o'clock. in., I w ill commence to receive taxes. " r.. L. Pabrott. Sheriff and tax collector for DongLis unity, Uregon. " ' ' For Sale. A splendid team of heavy draft horses. Address P. O. Box 4.1, Roseburg, Ore gon. , 5 ' Notice for Publication. roll! PtAtn !Dt O!9or. RorUir. Urvdd, !. , 1C Nolir ts krrttrf flTa that la eaapilw wiiB ih mnuit-nioi ir.c art ol Coecma ii JumZ. It.ft.euur.d "Aa art (r U mW ul umr lanat in Cba suuiol California. ofna h .! mji U uhlnrb-o 1errlurr."aaiuikl- 1 k all Um pablia land ausaa br act ot Auf it rKRPiXAsr. 1 norcK. ol RMhnnr. ro -ntr ol lmt as. Mate At Omr.a baa Uii day Sled ta Udaoftic hu mntra stalw m-l o. JiKL ior lb Tarrha ol in M KK'i fW o. hE'i and HS'i ot the SW, f xTii. 4, toahip 2b amlti. at rang 7 aoi. ana will oftr proof loHow that tb land nrifht unonTiinuiicwr iia umrwr or un tttatt Kir afrtrtiliural purpura, and to rtataI hit alalia before I he kerlsler aod kevclrcr ol Ihia euica 01 aoaeoorcviccoa. oa Taeaday, the lota day of Jane. IMS. B Damra . aa wila-so-- Henry U Lrr-ix. . A Dor tor, Mich . Prmoa. B Locf, aad WUliai H 1-one, ot Cleveland. Ore, and Bocuro lieff. ol lUMcbnnr. Grecott. Any and ail pron clalmis adrerwly the w ocimwu tana an reaueateo to Die wi claim ta tnta oak on or bclore Mid 16(h day HKniMWl JTBKJlMiCs. aprip - ... - Kecuter. . Notice for Publication. , CXITtD TATES LASD OFflCK. Roaebarg. Ore., bee. S. Wottca ta br7 lvu tfcat la ooapltaae wiw or ut hi oi .mfrea of Jon . !C entitled "Aa art for th aale of iimner lanot in the state of Catlfornla.O'vroa Nevada .and V) aahlnrmn TerrtinrT."oexuii.u d to all the pubua land atataa by at ol Aagat ALBERT L. riNGKL. 01 rrieat Blver. count of Konleaat, ktata ol itano, tu tbiidae Si-I In tat office hi orn tlalemrnt 5a, t(H for the purr-hue of the k ol lection U. In t.nhip Ju rt, R S weat and will offer proof to enow that tbe land aangrbl i More tor ita timber or atone I nan lr aeTh-rjltural porpoeea, and to etat!ia hta eVaim befure toe KftrUler aad Keecirex of this oiuoB oi KoaetxiCe', oregoo. oo WedDea-la the 17lb day of Jnne, J-Xrt. Be nameaa witneaaei: John win, and I'etcr hrtuteacth, both of meat Hirer, Idaho. A Iurrh. atrrtle Creek, Oregon, later Dorch uaettunr, urron. Any and all person elalmlag adeera-ty the aoove-oearnued Undi are no nested to lie thru eitima in thiiomceon or belore ald 17th da; Prtp Eenlor. Notice for Publication. ' Cnitrd State land Office Roeburg. Orrttun. Uee. . Notlca ta hereby given that ta aranpllane wim me proruion ol tne act 04 uongreaa e June X, IK7S. entitled "An aot lor the al of timber land In the gtatMol California, Oregoa Nevada jind WMhinrionTerrltorT."aitenl- 4 to all the public land itaiaa by act ol August Tt - JOHS W1U of Prlf rt River, county ol Kootenai, ulale ol I'lano, haa this dy Bled in Mil office bloworn tteinrlit No. -tlul for tbe purrha-o of be M-Viol aecilua it. la towmhlp &) H, of K 1 W and will offer proof toahowthalthc landiongbt Is more viUuaUe for lta timber or tone than Ivt airiirultural pnrpoae, and U ea'abltsh Ms claim before tb KegUtar and Kecetver of Uua an lea oi Koeeburg, Oregon. on Wednea-lay tho 17th day of June. lHrtJ. He name a mt'.nera.-: Allrt L Piugel. and Ust P Hrudraeth, both of Priest River, l.laho, ; I. J Iurcb. Myrtle Credit, Oregon, teter Durch, Kocpuunr, ort-gon Any and all p non claiming adveraely the anove dcacribrd land are reqantted to tile their claim In tliiaoOica on or belore aid 17th day or Jin e, lUOi. - I. T. BKllMitd arrep Keirliter. ' Notice for Publication. ; 4. trMrrao 8tat Ln Orncr, RoaeburK, Oreiion, Dt-c. , ltl. Notice If hereby given thai In compliance witn ine proviMonn oi me act oi t-onip-n ol JuneS, lf.;,eu tilled "An Act for the aal of 1 imotr Land In tbe 8taie ol Cal Horn la. Oreiron, Nevada and Wa-hlncton Ten lory." a ex loaded to all the Public Laud Htatva by act of A ugiut , Dm, , PETER, P BRUDKSKTH. of Tricot River, nounty of Ki-otenal, tat of Mabo, ha thidy Hied In thlor)ice hi vorn ftaletiient No. 41U3 for ibe pun-haMi ol I lie N VN of necllon 24, townnhlp 'M aouth. range ea'. and will offer proof to how that the land aought I nionrvniuauie ior iw timner or done than for agrlenltural pnrpnana, and to eatabllh his claim tiefore tha Kcxluior aud Kaoelver ol thi flic of Roctburg, Oregon. ou M vdncxiiay, tue 17m day of June, 190.1. lie namra aa witnciwe: Albert L Plng-1 and Julio ill txrtti oi rriuil hMvcr, Idaho, A J Kurcn MyrtirtUret-K., urt-gon, l'eti-r Durch. Koaeburg. oienon. Any and all pornon claiming adveraclT the abore doacrilivil laiul are n-oiseattNl tolileihelr olHlma in una oliu-e on or bt lore a-id 17tliday oi juiiv, iuo--. . i. amuor.N, prt.p . . j . . Keirintor. Administrator's Notice. Notice l hereby given that the nnderalgned u b.H-ii by the Comity Court ol llouiriaa county, Stat of OrcKon, duly appintca Hu- admluinirn-.or oi me oolnle oi M. t. lililard. lect-aauu. All peraon having claim acainat aald ettate are hereby required to prcmnt the name duly verified, 1.1 the undt-ralitned at KoM-burg. Dong. aa county, elate of Oregon, wltlilu tlx nioutna nun lue daUt of thi notice Dated at Koevburg, Oregon, this Sd day ol April, I'Mi. Adinin'ntrat'r or the eaiate ol M K. l'.,iard. deccaaud. aprti. PREMIUM TICKETS GIVEN 0$ ALL SALES EXCEPT SUGAIt A!JD FLOUR R & Warner's Rust-Proof Corset Made hy tbe mont famoim cornet fac tory in the world. 8atifa-torilly modeled, carefully nhad, neatly made and beautifully finirtho!. Warnkk's RuHT-PRooe-CoHJirrg liave no rivals. They are Hujwrior to all othera in ioint fi grace, comfort and durability. 50c, 75c, $1.03, 515, V$ and $125 Dress Trimmings. We have every thins that U new. The line in too extensive to go into any , , description. You tsliouM nee them Dress Goods. . We have given this line a great d of careful attention, and have got ten toother aa complete a lit . desirable fabrics aa wa ever el in this city. In Summer I Goods our stock is strictly tj the time. We have all the ne creations including Tissue, Lines Madras, Grass Ba tiste HaSlifl De Soie, Etc. Ladies Underwear Knit Verts from 5c to 50c elegant line, FISHE Se us for Groceries, - For Sale. Small saw mill and timber. For Livuttisro Bros, Peel, Ore. particulars address. (Aprl) Mohair Wanted. I am prepared to boy Mohair in large or small lots. Will pay the highest ra.-li price according to quality for it. Will be in Oakland every Friday, and every Saturday will he in Rosebarg, head quarters at V. R. Buckingham's grocery. Address L. A. Makstus, M-inSt Cleveland, Oregon. ffiSto Grade Piano. How would it look if I were to adver tise that I had f teinwav, Knabe, Fitdr- er and Need ham 1'ianos and aon-.e cheap er makes like Chickering, Kimball and . , . . , . . osuera: 11 n juh umnsiwni vt hat Neodham is cheap, for there is no belter ' npright piano made. It has al ways stond among the hih grade ; it haa never been bought cheap and never was sold as such, lor it has to compete against all the huh grade pianoe that are now on the market. 2t T. K. Ric-HABosoy. Notice to tbe Public Dillaeo, Oregon, April 1, 133, To Whom It Mat Cosckjw : This is to certify that we have this day given oar minor son, Otto A. Parker, his time and will not be responsible for any debts Ire may contract, nor collect any wages due him, bnt will be in all rc!ects as though he were of age. This is given by mutual consent, so lie may do business on his own account. (Signed) S. M. Parker, (Sipued) Mrs. M. A. Parker. - Subscribed ' and sworn before me, a Notary 'Public in and for Donglas coun ty, Oregon, this' 1st day of April, 1903. L. E. Milledge, Kotary Public for Oregon. Seal " ' 2t-p . Notice for Publication. felted mate Land Offlr-a, Rosebuig, Oregon. Sot. H, 1M2. - KnMrota herahr rieea that In eoronllanei wlia tb rmtlFlnnt cf tha act ol Coogn-as ol Janes. xrH.enilUed "Aa art for tha aala ol timber landa In t.a tteif Cllfomia.Hrnn Kerada.and Maxhlurton TerTtinry."aexlcnd- cd lo ail tb public land atata by act ol Aoguat EDWIN APAJIS. of Monrhead. munly ol Clav. Ut of Uinne- !, ban lliladar Hlwt In llimollMM hi. aurora aatemvnt !' oUA ! the purchase oltbebK1 ol aeclion SB, 'aoarnablp 'AS anutb, rarute 7 writ, and will offaraeoot tobortbatlhlaji4Higbt 1 nure talual-i. lor lla Umber or au-n tbaa ftir afrrleultaral purpoaea, and to eatabluh bit claim before tha Keg later aad Keoeivwr ol UU olllca ol Hobuc. uragoa. on Fridar the li'th dar of June. lv. He nmea wnawi: wiiitam a rorio. ana Hi-nnr O Wallers, both ol Mmocapoli. Minn Charlea Thorn and John Thorn, both ol Kose- bonr. Orecnn. Aey and all Demon claiming ariwael the abtire dearribed lanrie are reqarated to Die their riaim In thi ottiutt on ot lefira aai l liila uaycl Juue,la. JBKIUUKS, aprri Kegiaier UilHIIII t Registered Druggists, Stationery, Office Supplies Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Near 'Depot, RosebuJg, Ore. Drugs Chemicals, Patent Medicines BELLOWS Seasonable Special Offerings We are better prepared this season than ever be fore to meet your wants in all lines of General Mer chandise. Our stock was never to complete in every department. We bought early, securing the very best selections and the very lowest prices, and we propose to maintain our reputation for selling the BEST MERCHWDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICE Men's Furnishings Men'$ CIotWn ,. ... . ,i . i . i , We carry the htrjria-t f t t in town, Everything etru-tly to ilate and right ' ... ,. , . . .,, , , f ami take gri-at t.ride in thu de- ln keeping with good tate. in , i- . . ., , , t artmerit. Our Five II!ar ail Men s Net k wear we have tlie lateat I..,.. . , , , . . m. .. i, t ool n ltd for men can t be beaten, colorings in Teck, 1-our-in-Handa, . , , , .... Ban.! and Griped to,. The new- " fart compete this e-t of all in the Mi Club Tie ,me' K lmmX . cinxife mm. Golf Shirts. . $5.00 to $13.00 A half hundred different styles to ' cho6e from. ennre 50c to S2.59 : .-hoes for nien, women children and Mn HnciPi-v infants.' and all wJJ with our r- Everything that if new in tins line the ,rif i)T roor mlIu.r we have, from 8'i to 50c. 1 I Men's Underwear. IIATS Balbrinxan unlrwvar, 25, 50, 75c. Tlie (Jordon hat is hre, as well as a hammer Weight, wnJ, 75c $1.00 foil line of cheaper hats. A great many lin-s to select fmm. toy's aai YoBli's Ootiia. The Peliancc Wrapper The Kant-Wear-Out kind A new Hascrt lining, and m rrfect fit- htock jiwt in. It ill do vmi good tinj;. o LilK?r in price than to look over them. Xo trouble to ordinary wrappM. We have the show them. -. ajpnry fr Ks;lurg. Foa Sal Cheaf. Less than $10 per acre. A well improrea eram anu stock farm of X'X) acres in Camas Valley. Tlais is a rare bargain. For rtknlars in quire of Wm. M. Poetek, Camas Valley, Ore. Mlfitf." Notice for Publication. Land Oetce at, Orr.. r-rwar r. 1 a x. Knlir la Iwrvby given thai ih Iniluaiac Ranted artucf baa lot aollra a4 bi lai.alioa to aak anal praft to aupfwrt M kirn riaam. an4 thai Mid pmnl mil b t. lve tlie It -flail asxi Ux-mt. CaiU-d riam Usl Ofi. al Koarbnrg. lrrena. rl 1. 1 OA. w a: - utoh'.r. WEtr. FM. E Xol ICC SPi. SE1 BWif Serf. Tp 2 i. It i arrai. lie Majn-s ir kaioa in witur to pr ki ronltnivxu mtdrw apam and eall.ra.trta ol aakl land, tic Aaxlrrar J Beitowa. ol aw Kanr. Omoo Jamr U Saupe. aai SVm;aiaiii F rbida.u( ilnairliii. Orr-, lboaa atarkU, Kiwrbare. Oorteuu. Karrai. 1. T. BEllXiES, Kcsuucr. State Treasurer's Seventh Notice. Trraamrr IVrartmwil, rHalnl ncvoa (Ulcaj. inntr) iv. !. Xrtir It hetrbr ria n that ihr arp landa la lap wary arilh abwra to r iliaui all oat tandlnc ataUt aar-au draa oo tbe Siase alp bouajiv and rtonDt' Fnnda. eoiord "Prrwah-I ao4 aot ti.t I- r wast of" pnor to thi lal. All arh ararraaf. It pn ertr endnrard, will l faid nana r artaWliua at ihta o&ot, iniCTCVt Unwi mvn Ir tm aad a.'iT LK'a daoa. CHAvti.afX.iaE. Plat Treaaorer. Breeder of Leghorns, AI. B. Tuskeys, Tou louse Geese, Pekin Ducks, and the Finest Scotch Collies AS THERE ARE ANYWHERE" Chicken Egs, $i SOf per SlHn?, two Setting $50 Have bred Poultry for 12 years, and have won many prizes. A. KRUSE, Roseburg Ore. Administrators Notice. In the mailer of Ibe Ektataof Jennie K Clent enla, dereoMl. Nolle la hereby H(ren be tbe Dn.l.-roed AduitnKtralorol tbe Kaute of Jennie E. i lm. enu. deeeaawl, that be traa dulr ar.i.inle.l Ad. miniatralorotthe M:d KMate balneonlerol the rroba'a t:ur n( Unuiri.. , Inada and entered ol record npon Ui'o UMh da 01 January, i1JIn, hvar elt asainM theaatd iatateahall p-esent the m a 1th the Brce. ar within alx month Ir m tba date ?! J 1.T ,n "'"'nJ Admloilralot at Row burg. Oregon. Daied at Row-hrrg, Oregoa, IhU Ihe 2od day ol lanuafr. li J. T. Cl.FKtTS. AdminUtraiur. NOTICE. IHT-trtment l the Inlerinr. 'nded Stales I and OHice. ar .. . "Ablins. tr, March 1S police la hereby g,v n tha: tDe approved rLA t of nrvev ' ' ToWKHIr1 15 WXTTh, k ANCK.S K.tsr. baa been retviveri Irom l!i Mirve .M- iiersl ttw Oregon and on aiiii..v i . ... . . uiriiuil.iniipi m,. ID It,,. .1.1.. -r ainl hit rHunmi in r:n ltl Ik .ulti....- ... J. T. HKUm;K.-i. K,-cKter. J H. B oril, Km-ivur. Albatros Market J. M. B3IERS Prop. Cash paid Dealer in Fresh Fish Poultry ttnd Oysters for Chickens and Eggs Opposite S. P. Depot-Fletcher BuTs 'Itione No. 2J1. COMPANY 'Phone 721 Notice for Publication. Lal Ofk at KVa-oir;. Ore.. Marc 11 lt. KatW la brretr tbai iw b.iowi; aame-1 trtier baa tjfi notirv rt h lefauo lo aaaaa 6oal (.ro..( io tnptrl ol h:a riata. aad toat aaid pr M a ,11 ie a)e br(nr too aci'arr and Uemurr LaaJ at K-mrbmrfl. Orir.o, o4 At-n3 Vai. eli: faiUf at. IJlRWIIX. hi b! H. E No. lui(2.1ortbeIt-- See 1A. Tp r. XI .. mwi utr I llc-.ii'.r aiiann to roea b orHiLiaa'ma r-atoeoe ap a&4 murauoa ol aail laid, tti : iarviire Lrrarili. awtr teroiil, 'bar:es Bora, aad !;a H-rn. a'l of rniii-. rTf. j. j. Bkl -. -'' iUapahrr. Trespass Notice. All perwna are hereby warned not to trer-p". boot, fi-h or camp on the LtrHloi theCnrrr llstats. Pe.isdoinE will be prowler!! to the fall extent ofUe law. Estate of X. Craar. (5tf.) K.TeridaJe Farm L. G. MATHEWS. BCExKit or White and Eulf Leghorns, White ffinorcas, Barred PljEiothRodl, EfS for sale at $1.25 per st-tticg of 15. 17-lm p ROSEBURQORE RELIABLE POULTRY YARDS E. A. KRUSE. Proprietor, B. P. Rocks, S. C. Brown EXECUTORS 0T1C TO CRLDITORS Inj r.Hiaty Court of DoagUu eoaalj. Stat rd la i ha nial--r of eatate ..I J Varlha rlrn I deevaae.1 .ie la brret.T givea lhat th Bn,lert4 haa been by the t ouaty Court of Doneiatoa. ui'I,J ,rHn'l eerr.ur. of Ueaaiateof Martha Wxovlril dteeaae-1 Whetyua aU te aon. IndvhWd to iba aa,d ea. are Jrir 5i8d to asake iane.i ai faraseat lo iha UTtdeFttn.d at tlxir r. .Kter.ce ia" t-ea Va- Wy pnx-iiict. UMiKiaaconuir, Oregnn. and all pe aoa baring t'tain: aaaisat li aald eolata will prr-nia!iTer..-e.laatT 3a required ailli ta":l "wDh from dale ol thi nouce Jled H.ebrg, Oivgon, Fo. 1., iW b A. ouoarrg, aV T. XHBtrr. Nou ce. In Ihe County tle of O-.c.r, - fourt V Dotigiaa Connie in the mailer or ii.a k. n... , 12... , S Ul l Vi.iU rkr iv, n that by order of tha Vk. 7" "" fwrt -! fcte and euiered oa ine i in ,a) ,w January !. , nae ot t.uatal - Ua wu viiaitae-1 to tiualav ti. CvtintT Clerk. TIMER AND GRAZING LAND City snj Mining Troivrty, gn,l Timrr ClaimUitate.1, thr Vt no vaoant. N fcva jaij until Kilit.jr avtvj.lI. Re)ii,.1Ui,h. nuto tK.ught ami soKl. : . Stewart land Co., Rica t, I,jor s Kilscj E.':k ROSEBL'KG CHECOrj