The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 03, 1903, Image 4

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    AVlreles Newa Reports.
The first regular daily newspaper in
the world depending ntirely on wire
leas telegraphy for its general news ser
vice was launched Monday morning at
Avalon. CataUna Island, twenty-five
mi lea out in the Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific wireless telegraph com
pany has been doing a commercial basl
Bess from the island successfully for a
number of weeks past, numerous dis
patches being sent daily to and from the
island. Previously the only method of
communication was by mail.
The new paper is called The Wireless
and is published under the auspices of
the Loe Angeles Times, from the office of
which an epitome of the news was tele
telegraphed. Heretofore, the news of the world has
not reached the island until the arrival
of a steamer at 1 p. m. The system "of
the Pacific wireless telegraph company
is entirely distinct and different from
the Marconi system.
There was a heavy ctorm in progress
when the news dispatches were sent to
the island, but they were delivered
promptly and without difficulty.
He Kissed the Flag.
An unusual scene has been enacted on
the United States revenue cutter Semi
nole, lying in Boston harbor.' One day
this week, one of the seamen, a veteran
tar, broke out in the forecastle in violent
abuse of pretty nearly everything. He
proceeded in his vituperation without
being molested until he called the United
States flag a dirty rag and indulged in
. other unpatriotic sentiments. A Quar
ter-master standing near reported this
language to Captain Rogers, commend
ing the Seminole, and the latter took
prompt action. All hands were called
- to general muster, and the Captain ad
dressed them on the enormity of the of
fense committed by one of their number.
Then he compelled the culprit to kiss tbe
flag six times and to repeat after him an
obligation never to speak disrespectfully
of it, or allow any one else to do so in
. his presence. The name of the offender
is not made known.'
Win Die a Citizen.
In raf erring to a dinner given Ir.
Chamberlain by members of the Colo
nial Office, the Daily Mail says, accord
ing to a London dispatch to the Herald,
that there is no foundation for a state
ment published in Fans that Mr. Cham
berlain will shortly accept a peerage.
Mr. Chamberlain, it is declared, will
never consent to change his name, but
will live and die a plain citizen.
No Fools Like Old Fools.
It is said on excellent authority, ca
bles the London representative of the
Herald, that there is every possibility
that Admiral Sir Henry Keppel, known
as tbe father of the British navy, and
who is now at Singapore, will be mar
ried before he returns to England. Ad
miral Keppel is in his 83d year.
One of the richest yet poorest misers
the world has ever known was murdered
in Italy a short time ago by a villager
and on Monday the murderer was ar
rested near Rome, Italy. He asked the
Countess D'Onigo for food to save his
family from starving. She refused, and
in a fit of passion he struck ber a blow
which killed her. When her apartments
were broken into by the police, the rats
.were eating np bank notes' amounting
to $1,000,003. The total value of the
dead woman's property is over $4,000,
000. The Spencer Brothers, the well-known
aeronauts, are nothing, if not enthusi
astic, says the Tribune's London repre
sentative. They are at present engaged
in the construction of a new navigable
balloon, for which they are using a 24
horse-power-motor. This gives an indi
cated speed of 25 miles an hour, and,
with a breeze of 35 miles an honr in the
same direction, they say it is quite prob
able that Londoners will this year see
an airship rushing overhead at the rate
of 60 miles an hour.
Fine Farm for Sale.
A good 800 acre farm for sale five
miles from Myrtle Creek, 100 acres in
ultivation, balance hill, pasture and
timbered land. Small orchard, good
boose, barn and other improvements
For price and terms apply to P. T. Mc-
Gee, Myrtle Creek, or D. S. K. Euick,
Eoeeburg, Oregon. j!5tf
JtTthair Wanted.
I am prepared to buy Mohair in large
or small lots. Will pay the highest cael;
pnee according to quality for it. Will
be in Oakland every' Friday, and every
Saturday will be in Koseburg, head
quarters at V. R. Buckingham's grocery
Address L. A. Mabstebs,
tf-m24 Cleveland, Oregon.
The tax rolls for 1902 have been
placed in my hand for collection, and on
Monday, March 1, 1903, at 8 o'clock, a.
m., I will commence to receive taxes.
E. L. Paebott,
Sheriff and tar. collector for Douglas
unity, Oregon.
For Sale
' - A quarter-block near center of the
town, containing two good houses, rent
al (27 a month. Also two desirable
building lots. The lots can be had sep
rately if desired. Apply to
D. S. K Bcick.
Notice lor Publication.
United Mates LsndOSlce.
Roaeburg, Oregon. Nov.. 7 190J
Kotlce is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougreaa of
Junes, 1878. entitled "An Act for the saie of
Timber Lands in the Stales of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and W athington Territoiv," as ex
tended to all the Public Land Stales by set of
August 4, liW,
of Vancouver, county ol Clark, state of Wash
ington, bss this day tiled in Ibis office his sworn
' lament No. 31J0, lor the pnrchase of the
NW of section 4, township J& B. R S west,
and will offer proof tosoow that the landsonght
Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than
- tor agricnltural purposes, and to establish his
Ciaim before the Hertnicr cud Keceiver of this
liios of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, tbe 2Mb day nf May. 190.1. lie
name as wilneases: H!e Boren. John Lebn
herr, Wm. Murry, snd Heury Boren, ail of
Cerasfc Valley, Oregon.
Any snd all persons clslming adversely the
hove aescribid lantis are reoueU'd to file
their claim in tr is oOioe on or before said
l&lh day of Juey, l'Ju2.
Hull Ltgiflter.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
RosebtiTY, Oregon, Not. 29, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
lth the provisions of the act of ConitreM of
Janes. 1878. entitled, "An Act lorlnesale ot
timber lands tn trie stale oi laniorma, ur-kou,
kov..i m-.d WashlnEWin Territorr," as extend
ed to all the public land state by act ot Atifrust
4. IKK,
of Priest River. eountT ot Kootenai, ttate ot
i.lahn. has thin (lav HUxl In tnls onice nis sworn
Mt raent No. for the purchase of the NKl4
of section 3. township HO south, ranwe 3 went,
and will offer proof to tbow that the lana otis;n
is more Taluable for It timber or atone man
r.1 niinvnpi. and to establish his
claim before the Re isler aud Receiver of this
nfiir ni Ruaehur'. Oreffon..
nn Vkodnedav. the loth day ot Jane. V.KW. He
names as witneebes: Allen W liainill. Priest
Rim. Idaho. Peicr Dnrch. and Fred Stewart
both of Roseburg, Oregon, A J Durch, Myrtle
Creek. Vireiton
Any and all persona clalminn anveraoiy me
vii0iAa,rihai1 l.nris aiw iea nested to tile their
claims In this office on or before said Wth day
of June. 1WS. J.TBRllXiKS,
marD Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roaeburg. Oregon, Nov. 15, 1902.
Kntloa ta tierrhv e-iven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June , lirs, entitled "An act for the aale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug-
of Roseburg. eoonrv ot Douglas, a ate of Ofcgon,
has thisdRT filed in thiso'.Uce bis iw-irn state
ment No. :Vi6 lor the purchase f the K! E'
of section In township 30 south, range 8 west,
and will offer proof Vo show that the land sought
Is more valuable for iu timber or stone than
for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roaeburg, Oregon,
on Tuesdav. the 9th dy of June, 19m, He
name as witnesses: W. H. Boren, John Lehn
herr, William Murray and William Lehnherr,
11 nf Cams Vallev. Oreson.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reqnested to file their
claims in this office on or befoie tbe said tnh
day of June, WuS. J.T. Baues,
mar2t.p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. , 1901.
KhUm is harabv liven that In compliance
with the provisions of the act Of Congress of
June a, jb'o, enuiiea ad art ior mo w
ttmhor l.n.lE tn th Stales of California. Oreson
Nevada .and Washington Territory,"asexiefid
ad to all the public land states by act ol August
nt Priest River, county oi Kooienai. state of
1.1. ho has ihisdav filed in this mc his sworn
statement No. tu for tne purchase ol the S1,
of section si. inwnsnip w soniu, range a weoi.
and will offer proof tosabw that the land sought
Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than
for arrieuliural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver nf Uu
oifice ol Roeebursr. U re eon.
on Wdneday tbe loth davot Jnne. 1SW. He
naraea aa witness: iseas Ainens, i-nesi
kiver. Idaho. Peter Durch. and Fred S"-art
of Roseburg, Oregon, A J Durch, My. lie
Cfvek. Orvfft.n.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reqaea ed to file
their claims in this office on or before said 10th
day of J une, I. J T BR1DCL3.
marJfip Register.
Notice for Publication.
rnitel State Land Office'.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 17. 1S02
Notice u herebv given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June a. i(C .entitled "An an for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California. Oreenn
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, IStL
oi Mvrtle Point, eonntv of Cooa. sttte of Ore-
ron, has this uav filed in thi- office his sworn
statement No. &7 for the purchase of the l-t 2.
K Ji- 'Ji S. bee 22. T aV S. R west.
and will offer proof to show that the land eonght
is more valuable for it timber or sbine than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver oi this
oixiee oi Roaeburg, Oregon.
on Tnesdav. tbe th Oav of Jnne, 1903. He
names as witnesses: J r Kimball. Kosvborx
Oregon. Fred L Coffey, Thomas W Coffey, and
Finis Houser. of Camas a'iev. Oreron.
Any and a 1 persons Claiming a'verselv tbe
above describee laoas are requested to file their
claim in IhiscUiOeon or bekresam vtn oay
oiJune. 1903. J.T. ERI DtifcS,
mar2t'p Rigiter.
Notice for Publicttion.
United Slate Land Office,
Soseborg. Orecon. Jan If. )-o3.
fotiee la hereby given that la compliance
with tbe provisions of tbe act of Congix-a of
Jnne i, VST8, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states of California, Orernn
KevadaAndWashinewn Territory." aaexiend-
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
a, nn,
ot Brockway, county ot Donglas state ef Oregon
Has lb is Oav Bled in mis otboe ni sworn state
ment Nn. tJIS for the purchase of the S '., be
ing lot 6 and 7 E'i W' . re 6. Tv 36 8ouih,
No a W and will oner proof to abow that the
land sought is more valoable for iu timber or
sfeme than for agricultural purpoaea, and to
labium bis claim to said laud betore Z L l'l.K-
mlok C 6 Commissioner, at Oakland, Oretou, on
w raneaoav. i lie em day ol April, ivih. lit
names aa witnesses : Ge-wre W Kruse, Roae
burg. Ore Ores A Hooser. Oakland. Ore.. W
Threlkeld, Tyee, Ore- M f Caiiahan, Wardlon,
A ny and all persons claiming adrersely ihe
above-described lands sre requested to nlethei
claims in this office on or before said Mb day o1
Apr. isna. , J. T. UKi ixeo.
j-P Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited Ftates Land Office
Rosetmrg. Oreron. Oct.17, 1!W1
Notice la hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June , ISTtt, entitled "An art for the aale of
timber lands in tbe States of California. Oroyoo
Nevada And Washington Territory." asextend-
ed to all the public land states by act of August
t, IBMi
of-KDLnmber Exchange, Mlnneapolia, count
of Henniin. state oi afiunetota, has Ibis di
filed in this onice his sworn statement N
1714 for tbe purebase of the of nf
eec Ko. 10 in Tp. Ko. 26 b, of K No. s went
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more vaioaoie tor its umber or stone tban
for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish tit
claim before the Kerister and Baceiver of this
ofuce of Bosebnrg. Orea-on.
on Monday, tne a lb Osv of April H03. Ee
namea as ailnesses: Francis A. Baker, and
James W. Doberty. of Sfinneapdis. Minn.. Jotn
Tbom, and Cbaa. Thom, of Koseburg, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descri bed lands are reqnoted to Die their
claims in this
of April, l'-SB.
of bee on or before said 6th day
Notice for PubL'cation
United States rand Office.
Roseburg, Oicgon, Nov. 7, 1U01
Kotlce is tiereoy given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, )fs78, entitled "An act for the sala of
timber lands in the States of Califomla.Oregon
Nevada And Washington Territory," asexteud
d to all tbs public land states by act of August
4, IBM.
. S. J. WT30!?,
of Glide, county of Douglas, slate of Oregon, bss
this day filed in tbis onice his sworn statement
No X911, lor the purchase of the NE'i of ti V i,
bE.'i KWJi.'of aee 4, in Tp 27 S, R 2 W.
snd will of r proof to sbow that the land sought
is more va uable for lu timber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tne Register and Receiver oi this
oif ice of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the JCih day of May, 1933. Be
names as itnetses: JohjLWktson of Glide,
Orecon, J J Thornton, of Osk Creek,,
J R Gardiner, an John W Greenman, both of
Peel, Ores on.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
sbove defribed lands are requested to fife
their claims in on or before said
dayof May,190. J I' BRIIX.E-I,
marll , Register.
SherifPs Sale.
In the Circuit Conn of the State of Oregon,
for Imugla county.
J. F. Clements,
vs 1
8. W. Tooley, j
Defendant J
Notice is hereby given lhat by virtue of an
execution and order of sale.duly Issued out ol
and under tbe seal of the above entitled court.
In the above entitled cause, to uie riirecud
and dated the 26th day of February, wo, upon
s judgment rendered and entered in said court
on the 22nd dayof Januan-, 19n3, in favor of
the above named plaintiff and against tbe
above named defendant, and against the
hereinafter mentioned and descrilieil attached
real property, for tbe sum of 100 with Inu-rot
tbereon at the rate of 10 per cent er annum
from the 14th day of Jnly, VAK, and tbe further
sum of 17J0 costs and the cotg of and upon
this writ. Now Iherefoie 1 will on
Saturday, the 11th dav ot April, 1903,
at one o'clock p. m. of saiif day, at the court
house frontdoor, In Roseburg, Douglas count) ,
Oregon, sell st public auction to the blghest bid
der, for cash in hand, all Ihe right, title snd
interest, which the said Iw-feDdsnt, hsa on
tbetotndsy of Oc'ober, l'.i2, or at sny time
thereafter in or to the iollowipg described
real property, lo-wil:
The undivided one-hslf interest in and to
the following described real property lo-wit:
Lot 8 in block No. 1, and lots i, i.i, H, , 16.
17, 18, in hloi k Mo3;NolnU8,9and 10 in block
No. 6, iu Thomas subdivision of lot No. 1.1 s'id
went ball of lot No. Vi. Frnltvaln Addiliou to
Roseburg. Oregon, wilh all and slngulnr the
tenement heredilauieoU snd.sppurteiiRm-s
thereunto belonging or In snywii speiUin
Ing. To SKiisly snid execution, order ol sale,
Interest, con and seeming costs.
Hated at Roseburg, this eth rtsv of MArch,
Sheriff of L'GUla county, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
United Htatea Land Office,
Koseburg, Ore, Nov. 21, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
d to all the publio laud slate. ir act ot August
nf Mvrtle Orvclc. county of IViucUs. stale of
urviron. nas mis tiay mm in inis umre ut-r
airnrn KtHtenient No. iXIS for the purchase of
theEUaW'i.SUHK'iol Sec 22, Ip 2& 8, R 4
weNt ana win oner prooi losnow mat iuc isuu
winch t is more valuable for iu Umlier or stnne
lhau lor agricultural purpuMW, and to establish
her claim to said lnnd before the Heglktur and
Receiver nf thisofflce at Ruaebnra. Oregon.
onThursdvtbelh day ot May, li'. She
naines a witnesses: LT Robinson, O 11 Rob
inson, W W Hudson and Oscar Uuslalaon, all of
Mvrile Creek. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adrersely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said 2b th
day ot May, 1903. J. T. BKlDliKS,
marl2p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseuuku. Ore . Oct. 15. 1902.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
uno. 187K. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the slates of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washiugton Territory." at extend.
ed to all the public land states by act of August
of Rofeburg, county of Douglas, state of Ore
con has this da v tiled tn this office her sworn
statement No 3t77 for the purchase of the NKi
NLU section 18, township aum, K I wi st
and will offer proof to show that the land socght
is more valuable lor its timrier or stone man
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver oi Una
suiioa oi Rosaburar. Orea-on.
ou Kridav me 3l day oi April. IMS. She name
as witnesses: urant Mnmeum, linear Mngieion
N N C hapman ana K LUauuon all ol Koseburg
Ore son.
Any and ail persona claiming adrersely tbe
siicve aeacnota lauiis are requesuu hiuio meir
claims in uilsomoeon or oeioreaaia ara aay oil
April lWM. I
J. T. BRIDGES, Register
Notice for Publication.
United Bute Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 24, 1902.
Notice is hereby given tbat fa compliance)
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JcneS, tf,K, entitled "An act for the sale oi
timber lands in tbe Muleeol California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territorv."asexiend-
ed to all the public land states by act oi August
of Xvesett. countyot Kuohoiniab.slaieof Wab
bas this dav tiled in una oil ice nis sworn state
ment No. l. for the ntirchee of the lots 2, 7.
. II, of atett'n 6. townhip XI s, R 1 west, and
will offer proof to sbow that the land sought is
more valuable for its timberor stone than for
agricultural purposes amt to cs'ablisb his claim
to said land before S Brill, Cut oinmissioner
at Kiddle Orecon, on Fr.iiay the 1st day ol Mat
1S-U. tie names as wluieese: J u oilbert, lr-
due, Oie.. Andrew Anderson Everett, Wsh
Diaries A $bort, SnohomUh, Wash. O D Reeves,
Everett, Wafh.
Act and all persons claiming adversely Uie
above descnued lauds are requested to tile their
c'srrr.i in txis OBlcs on or be lore said 1M day
ol air, jl ilKliMits,
Notice for Publication.
rnite-l KUIes Land Office,
Roaeburg, Oregon, Jan 16. l'JOS.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress oi
June 2, a. entitled "An art tor u,e sale at
timber lands in tne states of ( alirornia. Oregon
Nevada. and Washinrton Terriiory." asexiend-
ed to ail the public laud stales by act ol August
, utu.
ot Oakland, enemy of tons la... stale of Orecon
has this dsy rili In this onice his sworn
siaieux nt No 4;. for the purebaw of the S4
oi !clirn. 4, Township 'H txr.h. Hange "
west and will oner prool to show tbat the land
sought is more valuable fonts Uuilior or stone
than for agrtcollural t urpr sea. and to eetabiisn
his eiaim to said iaud beiore Z. L. Dimmitk, V.
CommiMdoncr at Oakland. Orecon. on
Wednesriav the 8th dav ol A:ril. lnui He i
names as witnesses: t,erge W Kruse, of Rose-!
bare. Ore , W a fimraondii, of Brorkaav, ore..
W Threlkeld. of Tyee. Orean. M F Cailahan. I
OI n ardton, ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lards are requested to B'e
their claims in this cthee on or beiore said bib
day of Apr. lid's. J.T. BRIDGES.
J-.p Kegtater
Notice for Publication.
raited S-ates Land Office.
Koseburg, Oregon. Feb 2L1VOJ.
Notice is hereby given that in eompliane
wiin ice provisions 01 ine act 01 i.ongre? of
June S, 1K7S. eautle.1 "An art fer the sale of
timber lauds in the States uf Californlaoreo
Nevada jind Washington Territory." asextend
d to all the pubUe land slats by act of August
of .anohomlh, comty of Snohomish stale of
Wa.hiusion. 1 1 a tl. 1. div eu-4 in this office
hi-i saorn s'.alement No. 4rJ, tor tbe purchase
of the Nw' of a, Ip XI Houth. Rangi X
weal, aod win oner proof 10 sbow tfiai tbe land
aitnffi t is more valtmile for its timber or atone
than fT airrirulinral purpose, and to establish
but claim to said land before W Unit,
V n tommiMiomr st Kldd'e, Oregon, oa
Friday the 1st day of May, lwl He naiin as
witnt-Msea: Charles A hort, Snohomish. Wab.
H U Short, 8,alll . Wash. W Weybiight, kl.iiie
Oie. 4 U Onb.-it. rrrdue. Oregon.
Any and all pennas claiming adversely the
sbove deacrilied lands are requested o file
their claims in this umce or or beiore said 1st
ciMayUwi. J.T. BKlDt.Eri,
lJbp Regur.
Notice for Publication.
Cnited eistes Ijind Office.
Host burg, Orecon. Nor. It. WtX
Kotlce Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
June 1, l7H,entltied "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in tbe Slates of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory."
ex tended to all the Public Land Mates by act
Ol august S,
of Iola. conntv f i a!ipaja. statoi WUconti n
baa lbis,dav li ed In Ihis office bis sworn state
ment No as for the pun h se ol the N'i of
NKW and B'4 of NK'i and N a of Sk of
section IS, township 31 south, of range 4 west.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more vai uanie ior lis limner or slime Uisn
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tbe Register and Receiver oi this
olilce ol Koseburg, Oregon,
on Monday, tbe am day of Jane, WO. He
nam. s as witnesses: Charles Wncfaerplsnnie
and Henry T Olson, both of Iola, Wis., J M
Weatherby and Charles Clement, both ot
Koseburg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descntied lands are requested to file their
ciaim in iQisociceon or be tore ssid fin day
uwuue, ism. J. i. Hill IX, IS,
mar2t.p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Tnlted Sutes Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon, Nv. It, 1WJ
"once is nereoy given thst in eompllsnee
with tbe provisions of the act of Congrem of
"". .enutieo "An act lor the sale of
timber lands In ihe 3ttinrraiiffi,.i..
Nevada .and Wal.ingbm Territory'asextend-
"e puuiic land stales by act ot August
of Iols.countv of Wsnrnsca. sbile of Wis . hd
this dsy Died in this office his sworn statement
fn. Xk7, lor the purchase of the lots I, 2. K'4 of
N YM snd NM4 of Nt' snd NEJi of NWof
section ji, towiisuip ai soum, 01 range 4 west,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more vaiuaoie ior lis timber og stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estahlish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
01 ace of Rvse burg, Oregon.
on Mondsy, Ihe 8th day of Jnne. 1903. He
names as witneses: Henry T Olson, and Olof
Oullikson. of Iola. Wis., J M Weatherby and
Charles Clement, both of Koseburg, Oregon.
Any and all p-Tsons claiming adversely the
above descri lied lands are reouestei to file their
claims in this ofllce on or before said Sth day ol
marp Register.
Notice for Publication
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Nov. 14, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given lhat In compliance
wilh the provisions n( tbe act of Congress of
JuneS, li7i, entitled "An act for thesale ol
timber lands In lhetalsof California, Oregon,
nevaos aim nasningum territory, as er lend
enltoali the public laud slaU-sbyact ol Aug
ust , l.-nf,
of iola, county f Waunaea, state of Wisconsin,
hss thisdsy filed In this ortice hi sworn state
ment No, fir t; e purchase of the fgi of
NKi4and NW;.; of and E'i of BE!-,, of
sta tion 24. towurliip HI south, of range & west,
ana wiu oner prooi to snow that tbe land songht
is more valuat.le for its timber or stone tunn
ior agricultural purposes, and to estsblisb hi
claim before the Register aud lieceirer ot this
uios 01 &os oa rg, Oregon.
on Monday, tbe Bib day nf June, 1903 He
Dsmei as witnesses: Charles Wucherpfannig
snd Olof GullUion. both of Iola. Wis., J M
Weatherby. and Chancs Clement, both of
Roseburg. Oregon.
Any and all iwrw.ns clainilsg adversely the
sbove1ecrltd laudL aremtienled bi lite their
claims in this oilite on or beiore said Mb day ol
Juue, lr).
J. T. Enrrxixs,
mtirp" , Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given thst
Ihe undersigned
has been by the County Court, ol
ty Biate ol Orcpou, duly appointed the adminis
trator ol the estate of tlecla
Al! persons having claims against said estate
are hereby re'iiin-.l to presei t Ihe same duly
verllie.l. to the undersigned al Koseburg, Pong,
la conntv, Hlate f Oregon six months
from the dtle ol this notie..
liatisi at Roseburg, Oregon this 24th day ol
Janus y. Jinn.
Administrator ot tbeestate o( Electa lie
Clitllfu, cwctihed.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Koseburg, Oregon, March 10. VMS.
Notice II 4erebv alven that In comnllanea
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 18.8, entitled "An act tor the sale of
timber lands in ihe Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the publio land states by act of August
of Sill Lombard A ve., Kvuretr, county of tno-
hnmlsh, slate of Waxh, has this day ti lent in
this ollloe bis sworn statement No. ,', for the
purchase ol Ihe SK'nf bW',, lots 12, l.t, H, ol
section 6, township :tl south, range 3 west
and will oner proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for In tliuU-r or lione
than lor. agricultural purwso. and to estab
lish his claim to said land before W a Brttt,
U S Commissioner at Kiddle, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 1st day of June, I'm. He imnes as
witnesses: J u tuiiieit, ol rerdue. Ore. O D
Reeves, of Everett. Wash. 1. L Perdue, of Per.
due, ore, J Lampmau, ol Kvcrelt, Wash.
any and ail persons claiming the
above described lauds are requested to file their
claims In this oaice on or before said 1st day
o June, law. j i BKllKiKS,
marl9p RegUlcr.
Notice for Publication
rKiTiD BTATgg Lawn Orncg.
Koseburg, Oregon, Feb. 2, 103.
Kottca is hereby given that In compliance
run ia nniTiiioni oi ma aei ai nnrm, nr
June i, 1ST, entitled "An act for the aale of
timber lands In tbe Stales of California. Orairon
Nevada .and Washington Terriionr." uuuiuU
ed to all the publio land itaiae by act of August
of Spokane, county of Hpokane, stale nf Wash
ington, has this day filed iu this o his
mora statement No 4:6 for tha purchase
lots 11, !2, lit, and H Sec Si, Tp 2S south K W
and will offer proof to show that the laud sought
ts more valuable for its timber or stone man
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Keister and Receiver oi this
ollloe ol Koseburg. Oregon.
on Monday, the oih day ot April 1'Xtt He
names as wi'neases. ueorge Turner, Koaebntg
ore , u w cnambenaiti. uavs creek, ore
h Wright, and U W Miller Myrtle creek, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reonesied lo HI.-their
ciatms in this omce on or before said lutn day
oi Apr. iwa. 4. . eaiDoxs,
lop Register
Notice for Publication.
United Htatea Land Office,
Roaeburg Orvron. Jan 16, r.s.4.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act ot Congress of
June S, l7S, entitled "An act for the sala oi
timber lands in the Stale of California. orecon
Nevada. and W ashington Terrtiorv."asexte.nd-
ad to all the public land stales by act oi August
a, utK.
of Poseburg, f nunli ot Ihorrlas. state of Oregon
uss Ibis day nled In this oSlue Ins swore lau-
meut No alii for the run-has.' of tha KE'i of
section 4 , township . soti'.h. ranges west.
snd will oner prool to sbow that the land
sought ts more valuable for lis Umber o stone
than for agricultural porres, nd to estab
lish b s claim to aid land before Z L Dimmk-k
' e Comroii-iouer, at Oakland, Oreti, on
Wedneadav, the Mb. day of April, He
naniesas w itness,: Ores A Houser, Oakland,
sre.. W A eimmonds. Brockwsv. Ore.. W
Threlkeld, Tyee, Ore., M F Callahan, Wardlon
Or eon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
xireaeacnoeo lana are teonraica to n 1
laims in this ofllce on or before said t.h day
OIApr.lyiB. J. T. BKILHiKS.
P Register
Notice for Publication.
Cnitcl HUte Land Orr.ce.
Roaeburg. Oregon, trarch 10. PaA
Kotlce is here t y given that In compliance
wila the provisions ef tr.e srt of org reus ul
June s. S.s. en"j:,rd "An a-t br tha sale
timber lands In the Stales ol California. Oregti
Nevada a-id aohington lrmmrt, "asextcn
ed to all the public land stale by act of August
a. irf
ot Sill Lombard Ave., tlvcret'. eooaty at frnfl
nomih. scale ol asa. cas this dav Diet
tbtmnuue hisswora stsiemeni No lor the
pure)-.Be ol the l-r.'.-. ri; at ai.
nt s H of Sec , in Tp 3 s, K J west, an I w
oiler proof to sbna Hist tlui land sought
more aliib'e for its t'mber or swne ittau i
agricultural purposes, and to establish I
claim before W S Bn-t. I e Commisioner. of
kiddie. tMrgon, orlMondsy, tbe 1st flay o
June, 13 lie nan.. as witnews: J u Gil
hen. of Perdue, ore. R F Adsmsnn. an-1 O
Reeve, both of Kveiell, Wash, and L L I'erUue,
ol tvrdue. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming a,lvmel tbe
sbove described lands . are reooeMed to
their claims in this office on or W ore said
day of Jnne. 1SUS. J. T. BR! IXiK
. marp - Krsrster.
Notice for Publication.
fulled States Land Office.
RoM'turc,On-7tB Jan. 16. It 1
notice is hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions ef the set of Congms of
june a, entitled Asset ir in sal of
timber lands in the State of Cali lorn la. Oregon
Nevada .and Vlashtnsion Territ4irv."asextend-
ed to all th publla laod stales by ad o August
a, ixi.
of Tyre, county of Iinugla. stal ot Oman
Da tni dsy Died la Ibis omce. bi som sis
ment No f.ii Utt Ihe purchase of tbe sK1,
:tlon o. s lownbin o miib. range
8 west W . M. and will ofler pm4 in
show tbat the land souchi Is more valuable lor
lis timber or stone than tor axrcnlurl pi
pose, and tocMabiisn his claim tosaid land
beiore i. L ilimmick, u 8 ConrolsaiotH-r,
Oakland. Oregon, on W'ednis-iay the sth d
ol April 19JS. He name aa wit.icsscs: eorgr
w Kruse, Kwbnrg, re, W A Kinnmn
Bme way. Ore.. Ore A booser, Oakland, Ore.,
at r Cal,aban, M ardloe. O mis.
Any and al. persons elaimmsj adrerselr tbe
aonve uescriueu lauus are requealed to Ble tneit
ciaims in mis run oa or beiore said Mo da
oi apv.
if 1. T. B Kl IXi K3. KegUter.
Notice for Publication.
Rnsgspso. Ore- Nov 4. hot.
Notice is berel-y given that In eompliane
wim me provisions oi me act ol t on g res
June S. 1XTH. entitled "An aet for tha aala
timber lands in the State oi California, Oregon
Nevada .and wahtnrton Terntorv." asexind.
d to all the public land states by act ot Auguat
of Ashland, county of Ashland, state of W
eonsiu, bas tMs day tiieii nfMce I
sworn stsUMnenl Kn. Jfil lor Ihe pun hse ol
tbe oi sec u. In ri.3. R 4 w
and will offer proof toahow that tbe land aonght
la more vaiuaoie ior its timber or stone lean
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tbe Lcglster and Receiver oi this
olao of Roaeburg, Oregon.
ou Thursday, the xb day nt May, 1901. Re
name a wituessea: W P Johhson. Mrs Evs
Tine Johnson. John Fall, Jr., and C O White,
aii oi wyr.ic vreea, oreson
Any and all persons claiming adversely tb
shore described lands are requested to Ble thei
culms In this office on or before raid tb Uy
I of May. 19ut.
mar Up
Notice for Publication.
Tnlted Rules Land OfEre
Roseburg. Oretron. Nov. S. I'.Bl.
notice is fcetel y given tbat In compilanct)
with the provisions of tbe act of Cotigrea cf
June x, IK7K, entitled An act for the sale
timber lands in the State of California. Oregon
Nevada.and Washington Terriuirv."asextend-
d to all th public laud state by' act of Angus!
a, uau. -
ot Erie, county ol Krle atate of Ponns.lvsnl
has thlsday filed In 1 his onice his sworn sts
ment No. irjjl for the purchase of the N
NhJi, 6'U NKJ4, NW' Na'i ot section
2n, In township 24 south, range 4 west
and will oner proof to show tbat the laud sought
is mor valuable for iu timber or stone tnan
tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim beiore the Register and Receiver of this
uio 01 coiurg,urgun, '
on Thursday, tbe 2Mh day ot Msy. VXZ
name as witnewa: WP Johnson, M.' Hi
line Johnson, John Hall, lr., and C O White,
Of si yrtie Creek. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming sdversely the
atiore d.sciibed lands asu reiUU-d 10 tile lb
claims in this ouice on or beiore said 2hih d
01 aisy lwa. J. T. Bripwis.
marlp Register.
Notice for Publication.
TstTgn Btatss LAMnOrricg.
KoeKRiiBO, Ore., Nnv. 7, I jbi.
Notice Is hersby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Junes, ltiTK. tr tilled "An act for the sa'e ot
Timber Inds In the ritab-s of Calilnmia, tire
go:', Nevada sn I Washington Territory," as eg
tended to all the Publ c Land Steles by act of
August 4, 1H-.I2,
of Portland, connty of Mul noniah, state of Ore
sou, has thi. day bled in this oilco her sworn
statement No. sv21, for th purrhsse of the
H of section 4. township ; 8, range 8 west,
and will offer proof to sh iw tbat the land
sought is more valuable for Its timberor son,
than Ior sgricultural purposes, and to etabllsn
her claim ui said laud tic ore the Register a ad
Receiver of this ofllce at Roaebure, Oregon,
on Tuesday the day of May. litoa gho
nsmes a witnesses: Hale Boren, John lehn
herr, Wm Murry, and Henry Boren, all of
Camas Vallev Oregon.
Any and all liernons claiming advcrHely Ih
above lie rilied lands are requested l til
their claims in this ollice on or before ss'il atiib
aayof May, l'JUl. J. T. MtllMiKH,
marl2 . RiBislcr.
Notice for Publication.
Land ('fflce at Rosebtirp, Ore ,
February ISO
Notice Is hereby given that ihe following
named settler bas filed notleeof Ins liiientinn
to jnsse litittl pnsif In support of his claim, and
that snld prool will le luade before the Reirlstcr
and Rcciivi.r, UC.IUil mates Laud Ollice at
10ebuig Oiegon. on April n), I' :, vis'
JAMKS ff. fiHIU'K.
Hd K.No 12,4111. lorlbft V,4 MKU, 8r'i NK'i
NW; H.-eau,lp25, R 2 west.
He diiim the following witnesso to prove
hisi-niuinu oits residence upon and cultivation
ot said bind, vis. (iooive Wist, and HcnlNinltl
K Biiellds, ol lloiiglln lire., Andrew i Bellows,
Roseburg, Ore.. Lee O IUrrlngton, lillde. Ore.
March 5 J. X. bKlDGE.4, Ei'gUlcr.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 11, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of tfea aet ol Congress of
June S, S,8,entiti4 '"An act tor the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and W asbtngtun Terntorv." aaextand-
ed to all the publio land states by act of August
of 210 Osk St , Ypsilantl. county Of Washtenaw,
stale of Michigan, has tills day filed In this
otllee his sworn statement No. 4114 for the pur-
ae oi me w '4 -r.'i, sua n'. Bit;,, oi sec
tion 2, In township 20 south, ratine a wet
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
more valuable for Its timber or stone man
for agricultural purpoaea, and to establish bis
claim before the Register and Receiver ot this
liioa ot Roaeburg, Oregon.
on Friday, the h day of May, 1903. He namea
as witnewee: td von ressi. Melrose, lire. J tin
Thorn aod Charles Thom both of Itosebuig, Or
egon, t;narles ut hurrn. Millwood, Uregoo.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above desert ImmI lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 29th
day of May, 190A J. T. KK11H. kH,
mariyp Register.
Notice for Publication.
KosxBCsa. Orsooh. Oct 17. 11.
Notice Is hereby riven that tn eompliane
with the Provisions ot the act of Congress ol
une, i7 n, emmet "An act ior tne saie 01
timber Undt in tbe sutes ol California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory, a extend
ed tn all tbe Public Land States by act oi Aug.
us 1 1, uyz.
of Whl burn, county nf klsrion, sute ot Ore
gon, baa this day filed In this ofnee his sworn
stateinrniNo 37 if lor the purchase of the N H
id section sz. uiwn.liip si annin range B
and will offer proof to show that th land sought
Is more veiusnte lor iu umber or sione tnan
for arrieuliural purposes, and to establish bis
clsua before tha Register and Receiver of Una
elites oi Roseburg, Oregon.
n Tuesday, the th day of April, l'.U. He
names as witnesses: W P Mtnsrd. H W Miller,
B si Armiiage, Jsines Rnliock sll of Myrtle
reeg, Oregon.
Any snd all persons claiming sdversely the
buve dewribed land are requested to Ble the!
iaims in this office on or beiore said 7ihdayof
aprn. ismj. j. t. nsiiMss,
Jbf Iteguier
Society J4tlng.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
11 rwanlar meeting oo aecono
and t urlh Wednessdayi of each
snnth. . E. J. ctrocd, W. M.
N.T.JkTT, Secretary.
AO. U. W.
Mt-flls U
I day of
W. Koeeborg Lodge No. 16.
the recoud ami fonrln Moo
ys oi each nionin at 7 :du p. m..
n th- l. U. U. tf. Hall. Slemoetg id
rood eUndine ar invited to attend.
K. M. Toztta M. W.
E. II. Lekoi Kecorder.
D. .8 WgsT, Kinaocler.
P U. ELKS. Rueeburc Lodge No.
3Ur. Holds regular com monk.
tiooa at I. O. O. F. Hall on aecond
tnd fourth Thnradari of each month.
1I minV-rs requeetexl to aiteod regu-
rl and all fititioir brotbere ar corOi-
iorited to attend.
V. ii. JAMiaaoK, K. tv.
V C. Los dob. Secretary.
- N. ti , otaeta at Armory Halt every
' rhuraday Teniog, at 8 ciock.
F. B. IlAMua.Capt
KliRKK OF I'ONOK. Mysiicldge
No. 13. Maeta '.'nd and 4 b Ttiora-
dv enit. of each aionb in Na
ire Sons' Uall. Wiiina members coi-
lially to a' ten J.
Mas. Main Wkst, C of II.
E. II I.a!ti. keu
OF A. Coort Iis!m Nu 33, ror-
eetvra ot America. Merta tsn
TnvevUr eventPft in Kativw .iotP
tlall. VieiUngheotheJa'waisweicouie
S. W.VasZilb C. k.
E.lL'Lox. R.P
K. V. Ilouvaa, Plivsidan.
O. U. F Piiih-tarien Lcalge No. 8.
Ueta in Odd Fellows Temple, cor
oer J art son and t.asa aireeta, on
Saturday evening; ol eacb wont Mem
-wr ui tha order in sond asaAding ar
iitd to attend.
N. T JaWarr. Srretar.
K -
Alrdia Lodm No. 47. Me,
vr? Wedneaxlay, in I. O. O. F
II . p. m. Memiwrs it
ood f Anilirr are tnul to attend.
W. C. IIii.dcbkaxd C. C
. S.Y. KampK R. S.
KO.T. M.
first ar
Protection Tent No. IV
its regular Reviews the
firrt and third Friday of each
month in tiie I. O. O. ball. -.siting
members in good vtanding are inrited to
attend. I. t. t'ATrsjtsox, Com
hi. E. BuDtia-TT, Record Keeper.
IUU CIKCLK. No. 49. Women m
Wnxidcrait. MeeU on 2nd sod 4th
Friiats of each montb at the N
uve rvinf , tiaiL. laiunir memrxra it
rood BUnding ar inrited to a'txnd.
Msixig 1Uciia5ax, Uoardun Nelghlwv
Kumi trsr. Secy.
I (. T. M. R-ieehnr Hive No. 11
I llnid ila refilar review npnat ihi
aeoond and lonrtb rn.isy are,
A eat-h month in tha Nti tSwis' Hall
Staters of other Hive turning in ib eitt
ire) cordially mvl't-l to at tern! our re
Jta-ii Krr, I.. Cm
Mauhc E. AIci-lau.i. R K..
OF A. MwtieCaron tin. tvCVl.
Meets nratanJ third Wednemlari
eacb month atltetifa Sons' Hall
Ubo Bvrox, Clerk.
E. 8. Roee'Htrff Chapter o. 8
Holds their regrn'ar meeting on the
first and third Thnrsdave in each
nonth. VieiiioK mem tiers in goevd
lUndHir are reepectlolly invited to at
eod. oLna. Nannie praocb W. M.,
Macdb Kat Secretary.
nKKKKAHS RoMbnrg Kebeaat
Iodge No. 41. l.O. O. FM meets ii
Odd Fellows' Temple every Toeexla
evening. Visiting sisters and' brelhrer.
invited to attend.
Dklla r.Eow.t , N. G.
sembly J.'o. 105 meets every Satur
day evening, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons llulL Visiting" Artisans cordially
1 11 vi leu to aueuu.
Rey. 8 A. Docr.LAg, M. A.
Miaa. Prowtt, SecretRrv.
Camn No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Felloe, s' Hall, in Roeehare. everv
first and third Monday evening. Vlnit-
iii neighbors alwava welcome.
N. T. Jbwbtt. C. C.
J. A. BrcnAMAit. Clerk.
1 1 Odd Fellow's Temple. M.ts first
and third Thnrxdav evenings eac
month. ViMtors coniially invited.
J. it. Hamilton, C. I
J. C. TwiTCfiBi.L, Scribe.
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber land located and fnrssle. Good bar.
gains in farm property. Loans made on eauy
icrms in sums imin s.w ui sny amouut at J,
6 snd a per cent.
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave orders at Bur r's Mumc S to
The frequent galea of email instru
ments ot lain is a surprise for this time
of the year. Price and quality g wlmt
count when gelling gotala &n you can
always get the Let gooJa for the least
money at T. K. Ri hanlon'.
Roseburg and Cottage Grove,
iuuiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiaauuuuiiiaaaii hk
Professional Cards.
s.k. 4 Rest dene Sii, Pestdsnce,
rauM J ottos 11U West aosebarc
Office : Koom U Taylor A Wllaot Block
IxassiBatioa free. COea hoors t to 12 a, m.
1 to p. m. brsdusl gliU College oi Osteopathy
Pbone Ksia 21
Ooart House
Oowa Mairs.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. O. RoaaarsM,
'Phone Main 591. Osaboa.
Physcian & Surgeon.
aSos Review But.
faotM, Mala n
Roskhcbo Oaaoox
special atleatloa riven to Pt ansae at Us tea
aixl Thmat.
Kre- sTala Hi .om door sua Ik of C4 ty Ball
fboaas. Maia Ml.
rUpkoa K -
aiMgxrait uao.
Attorney t Law,
Coosms I A t. ataruers B:d, ItOtiKSD Vs. Ok
BoaiBass betoee Ok C a Land O See and
aiBiaa Bur a special ty.
Lata kenssTer 0. 8. Land 0c
Roeaaraa, Oasooa.
Buslnea. before 0.8. Land OSk-e and Frobat
busifseas a sperlaity.
OOV Abrahaia amidlnc.
WU' Bcaetlca ta all tha Mat) sad gofera! Coark
OBca ta Mark' Bios:., Koacbarc, Orecoeu
Attorney and Connaellor at law.
Mining Law and Water Right made
a apertalty.
ftluSVer Bid- ROegBCEQ. OKIGOU
on 1 snd I
VfcTW loildlng. K08EBrEs.OREttOH
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Koom t
staistera Building.
Attorney at Law.
Taylor A ilauo Block KoBl'a.
a. a. aaav.
c. a. PtHLatsoa
rrsetlc) In all nl the court of the ta a. slat,
before tne U.S. Land department
Tailor ilaoa Block,
Notary PnbHc In office
fbotie Vain ZU BOSEBCKQ, ORI
Head Office, Mclflunvllle, Oregon
Amtof insurance in force, III, 000,000.00
Net ptin in one year, 2,628.787.00
having ita member 1 yr., SO.Ml.tK)
Number separate risks, "2,3'UJ
Pe6 A. J. Buchanan,
Roaeburg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co.
erf ect
j S 1 Mfc.
We have on Land a
lianoc, which we ai
oat at a aarrifiae, to make room for
onr next car load. We hare only four
pianos of our l mt car loal left. The
Needbarn tea iU lf at eight arul aoiind.
Neelham Pianoa, the best and only the
beet. T. K. Bichardson.
1 V II The Best Always the Cheapest
For Sale by
to buy a farm
furnished rooms
to buy a house-
rent a house
build a house
move a house
I' en 1 tTttrf vr
F F. pali2?5ax
all no nr at-! rwas . .
Of erery tlesrrivtion. Farms an J Min
eral Lamia. Oregon, WasliiDartoo arnl
Cor. Vahincton
and Main Street
Mrs. Belle Ceifias'
H. Little,
Ore son.
Abstract of Titl to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing 00 Go vera -ment
Blue Printa of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
ings, Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in new Rank BuilJinjr. 'Phona 415
Xbe New-Vork Clfe-
"tljr-sievajia years) old.
AsMscta over io,ioo,aoo.
Ist-orae nt 1901 avsrr 9?o,ooo,oo
InxarstQce in forco ovrij6$,
Xiw Iusarsnce (Maid.fortri 1901
Paid Policy-Holder tn 1901,
over i;,ooo,no.
Paid Pollcy-Holdera Its 57 years,
over 8 J, 10,000,000.
W.J. Flo 011, Arrets.
Rosrbarg ore
yi1 '''and TSTrTFlHr " 1
Through Salt Lalce City, LeaJville, Pueblo, Colorado
; ' Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
S W I w tal s.
For rates, foUora and other
informntion, addreon
(ft a I
few tecorfl Land
giving to clone
Leading Grocers
ai4 Eaiiier
liaaiail oa
Go to
1 LS
7 r. n. iiuuiJAurr
For a Prompt and Firt-ciaa
Shasieor Hair-eot. Compe
tent Workmen. Clean Tow
els, Toola alwari ia abape.
Batbs in Connection.
Shop on Jackson rH.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or Thooe
CTm. Til, Porter,
Real Estate Aent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Qutfc
Camas Valley, Oregon
siiirssmitk tnt al Kuecsars;
tvetyva. V
t MRS. H.
ta reparexl to wait upon old
and iew customer and fneada
with -a foil and completa
stock i
AH fnh and e( th very beet
qnalitr. Teas aad cofTeea are
apeciaitie. Yoar patrooajo
. 3e ItrVtnn Cf l
as ws ivskvui j
v aVfJsVVeV'
Th0r"t Fam Prr at Xonk
wvi. Ibiishel wrvalv at ties. v're
po. E.ii(et hv Ihe rarwr ( th
JiviriasresU Twcaty . lUiusrated.
5 Paper ear Si so. Lass thao sets set
rnblU-ail.iti brraa Mrrk t. 1 'iw
ha s.xxi sulwribr. l'ho.imroal erv;
Is tiur ia lis bring I ho best tarrn paper paa-
5115 A IXL
V. C. McBRIDC, Gea'l Asertt.
I j4 TTiJrd Stfr, Portland, Cr
Mil i l l!
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