The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 03, 1903, Image 3

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    and if our SPRINti and SUMMER .
Line is not better than any other, don't buy
from us. We are showing this
Latest Styles in
Silk Ganse Novelties, Sole Jonree, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, Taney Madrass Organdies,
. . Lawn Sinaloa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Alton Dimity, Blouse ;
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chai-
lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
Slflt"fC We carry the Finest Line of Made-up Skirts in town, and our line of TJuderskirta cannot b
-' equaled for quality and price
Oar Spring and Summer Line of Clothing
Embodies many special features that- will in
terest you. The clothing that we sell from the
Highest to the Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with confidence even though onr prices are lower than any other store sell for the same quality. Also a new
and up-to-date line of Ladies and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe
The People's Store
One Door South of P. O.
: Values
; in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
" All New StocK
and Latest Cat
. - Envelopes t : -
Also x$ off on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesdaj'
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains . : : : : : :
Of Local Interest!
See the Title Guarantee A Loan Co.
for blut prints, and filing papers, tf
"Dressmaking - and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls opposi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. - D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set cf abstract books in the county, tf
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. Ton will find a complete
line at Churchill and Wool leys.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eatirg
Hoube, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
If you want to go to Cone County
points, take the Rosebnrg, Marehfield
route. Spring hacks leave Rosebnrg
every day at 6, A. M. 1 nqnire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. if.
' ' D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a general
fire insurance business. Insure with
linu- Office at the City Hall. ' tf.
Sulphur and Lime at Marsters. -
Sure death squirrel poison, at Mars
ters Drug Store.
Wasted. A man to spray trees. En
quire at this office.
You can get anything you want in the
line of garden tools of S. K. Sykes. tf 17
. For your Poultry Supplies, Incubators,
Brooders, etc.," go to B. K. Sykes. tl7
Good clean Willamette valley seed oata
at Barcards livery 50 cents per bushel.
Try the ' Pedalis Shoe for Women.
Only $3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Parlors.
Mrs. ANC. Eidd is visiting her daugh
ter, Liilie, who is attending the Albany
Mrs. J. C Campbell who' has been
visiting Mrs. J. II. Booth, has returned
to her home in Grants Pass. I
On Tuesday at Baker City, Pleasant '
Armstrong was seutenced to death for
the murder of Miss Minnie Ensminger. j
You can do more garden work with a 1
Planet Jr. Seeder than you can with a
dozen hoes. Churchill and Woolley
sell them.
' J. L. Crosby, of Coos County, passed"
through Roseburg on Tuesday, enronte
to Sacramento Cal., where he is going to
spend a protracted visit witn relatives.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petalrma Inculta-
tor and get a start in the chicken . busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell then
Builders take notice, you can do bet
ter to figure with S. K. Sykes on yoor
material before buying any place else.
He has a large stock to select from. tfl7 :
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clough and little
son came in from their place near Can
yonville, Tuesday, aud were visiting old
friends and attending to business mat
ters. Call on Irs. Cheadle & Johnson for
up-to-date dental work. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, w ill have charge of the
crown and "bridge work department.
Prices reasonable. . tf
B. F. Gilbert, who has been with the
firm of J. F. Barker & Co., resigned his
position on Wednesday and will look
after the interests of the Mutual Life In
surance Co., in Coos, and Douglas coun
ties. -
For Sale 1, 3in. wagon in running
order, price f 5.00. 1, 3,4 in. wagon com
plete, bed : wood-rack double-trees and
neck-yoke, in fiue order, price $35.00
Inquire of C. Van Zile, Douglas St. east
of Hill, Roseburg Ore. Mar 19-1 m.
Thos. Cannon of tins city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
Langfchan chickens, "greatest of winter
ayers," is making a special cfTer to
those wishing eggs for hatching 15 eggs
for $1.50. Those wishing eggs shoold
wr he him at tce. m4
This week we shall present
some - remarkable offerings in
Embroideries and Insertions.
. Ml new goods to choose from
and at gratifying prices.
. - We've heard many Bay that
our line in these goods is the
most attractive in the city.
- - - . - i 1
i,n ii am " i iiwiiwi.iiii p uw ppi p ii ''JjJ' '1 "''TiriVidHi li , -, " "",1 IZ ' 'if TT w T" T t
Pure drugs and medicines at Marsters.
Best by all tests, - Dr. Lowe's glasses.
Mrs. F. ,W. Benson left this morning
for San Francisco.
For a good 25-cent meal go to the Re
sort, Gboroi Gabbcbt.
High grade brushes, - combs . and
toilet articles at Marsters.
Mr. W.T. Williams came over from
Wilbur, on business, but evening.
T. K. Campbell, of Cottage Grove was
in tlie city on business, Tuesday.
See Dr. Lowe at once about your eyes
and avoid a possible rush, his last day.
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of w ood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Ore-
Invitations are out for "an afternoon
at home" by Mesdames Fullerton and
Miss Wollenburg will leave Saturday
for an extended visit to friends in San
Miss Clara Fawcett,of Oakland, has
been visiting friends here, the pas. day
or two. i
Dr. Lowe, the oculo optician is now at
the McClallen House. He leaves Satur
day night.
Mrs. Wm. Ross and three children
came over from Oakland, last evening,
to reside here. -
W. W. Cliesman and C. W. Merts, ot
Eugene, were callers on the Plaihdkal
this morning.
Watch our windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for you at
Flint's Shoe Store.
Don't fad to .gee Dr. Lowe about your
eyes at oncu, if. you need . glasses for he
will not be bock soon.
When in town and yon want a first-
class 25-cent dinner, go to the ReMrt.
v George Gabkut.
If your head-aches have Dr, Lowe re
move tlte cause with a pair of glasses.
He leaves Saturday night. -
Miss Winnie McConnell, of Ashland
came in on Tuesday morning's local and
is visiting Mrs. E. Autenrieth and other
Governor Chamberlain will arrive in
Rosebnrg ihis evening on the local, to
pay an official visit to tiie Soldiers'
Edward B. Limen, has been appointed
inspector of Surveyor General offices
and U. S. Land Offices in the states of
the Pacific Northwest.
Mr. Jackson, the gunsmith, has just
received a large invoice of blank keys,
and can now fit you ont with auything
in that line at reasonable prices. 2tp
Fairbanks, Morse Jack-of-all-trades
Gasoline engines for farm work, Grind
ing Mills, Pumps, Churns, Wood Saws,
etc., for sale by 8. K. Sykes. : ? tf!7
Mrs. Thompson, wife of our county
judge, left for Scottsburg, Wednesday
morning, where she had been called to
see her daughter, Mrs. Grubbe, who is
very ill.
Miss Foreman, manager of the T. K.
Richardson's music Store at Cottage
Grove reports good result by the sale of
one fine Needham and one Jabob Doll
This week, three last days, April 2d,
3d and 4th, Dr. Lowe, the oculo-optician,
will be at the McClallen House. Don't
fail to have him examine your eves, for
fitting glasses. - 2t-4-2
f Miss Baker, of San Francisco, is at
Wollenburg Bros, store with her em'
broidery, where she is prepared to give
lessons. The ladies are invited to call
and see the displav of needlework. It
Miss Baker of San Francisco will be in
this city on or about April 1st. with a
complete lino of art embroidery and the
latest designs and materials for em
broidered shirt waists. Exact date and
ocation given later. 'It
The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity
are cordially invited to attend the
spring millinery opening at Josephson's
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, March
31st, April 1st and 2d. .
George Neuner, Jr., of . Days Creek,
who has been attending the Normal at
Drain, cameln on Monday's local and
stopped off here. Mr. Neuner expects
soon to resume his work with the U. S
Geological Survey, ; and to begin his
duties this season in the Redding, Calif.,
Secretary Cardwell yesterday secured
through H. E. Lounsbury, S. P. freight
agent at Portland, a free rate from all
points in Douglas county and also from
Cottage Grove in Lane county, on all
agricultural and mining samples sent to
the Rosebnrg Board of Trade for exhibi
tion jmriKJses. All miners or farmers
who have a nice exhibit of any of their
products can now send them to the
Board of Trade without a cent of cost to
them ; all they have to do is send them.
Mr. Cardwell has done his part in get
ting together a nice exhibit and if those
who have something to show will do
their part, the Roseburg Board of Trade
can have one of the finest collections of
exhibits to be seen on the Pacific Elope.
Sulphur and Lime at Marsters.
A. L. Butler, of Scottsburg, was in
the city.
Sure death squirrel poison, at Mars
ters Drug Store.
W. B. Lamb, of Wilbur, was in the
city Wednesday.
Fullerton & Richardson, Druggists, on
Cass street near the Depot.
Geo. Johnson, of Oakland, wis in the
city, on business, Wednesday. -
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Wool leys.
The Ladies Culture Club will give
their last musical about April 15.
Mr. Bashford is erecting a nice cottage
on Mill street between Lane and Mosier.
' Grand Opening of spring trimmed
hats April 1, 2 and 3, at the Bell Sisters.
We will display an extensive line of
fine Pattern and Street hats March Slat
& April 1st & 2nd at Josephson's.
Rev. R. A. Reagan will preach at the
M. . Church South next Sunday morn-tog-
C.O.White and I. L. Brewer, of
Myrtle Creek, were in the- city Wednes
day. '
Ray Moore made a flying trip from
Glendale to this city, Wednesday even
ing. We wonder why?
Mr. Roy Stearns, a prominent stock
bjyer of Oakland- Ore., passed through
Roseburg, Wednesday evening. .".
Oscar Pierce, who has been visiting
his uncle, R. C. Brown, left Wednesday
morning for his home in Iowa.
The ladies of the Christian church
will give a window sale of home cooking,
at Kruse and Newland's, on Saturday,
April 4th.
The New Masonic Temple at Grants
Pass was dedicated Tuesday. D. L,
Anderson and W. P. Ross went down to
attend the ceremonies.
Osteopathy is the best treatment for
all diseases peculiar to women. A fair
trial always gives satisfaction. Dr.
Studley room 11 Taylor & Wilson B ock.
Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m.
As the roads dry up and tlie sno
melts oat of the mountains so people
can get out to locate timber land, the
business picks up at the land office.
There was a nice business done yester
day morning.
George M. Cornwall, Editor of the
Lumberman of Portland, made the
Plaisdkauu. a pleasant visit yesterday v
Among other things he said that he ex
pected to see a vast tide of immigration
set in to Southwest Oregon, this spring
and summer.
F.r a few good bargains in real estate,
v T. K. Kiciianl.xon. 40 acres dose to
town cheap, 8 acrrs near tows good
fjoune i ml barn, one-half block near cen
ter ( tn between main and Jackson
St. S-e Kkhanlson. 2t
Dr. II. L. Stndley the Osteopath lias
n.w moved into iis new office at room
11. Taylor A Wilson Block. He wishes
to thaiik the people of Roseburg for
U.eir earnest patronage of the past and
11 continue to give free consultation,
from 3-to 12 a ni., 2 to 5 p.m.
O'ntracler Patterson has the contract
from Harvey Jones for the erection of a
two story brick hotel building 42x80 to
be Ixiill on the corner of Lane and
Sheridan -itrcvta. The building will be
Biodrr n in every ivspect, and will be
completed within 70 dayfc. Work was
brpm this moriiing to nove the build
in now on the ground, about 60 f-ct
south, so as to give room for the erection
of the nrw tmildiitg.
The Reverend George Rite hey pastor
of the Christian Church of Salem, has
born holding a protracted meeting or
revival in the Christian Church, Rose-
burjr tl-is w-e with satisfying results.
U. is a gox! bible scholar and is also a
very earnest and effective speaker, his
ditrnwion showing great thought. The
meetings will be continued during the
wi-ck and next Sunday afternoon !w the
Ojxm House he will deliver a message
to men only, and preach in the Christ-
Unchurch at nik-liL. ' -
i Zu Li Li
acli and Colored Etamines,
Voiles, Mistral Cloth, Hop Sa
rimella and Melrose Suitings
Large Assortment of Wash SilKs in Plaids and Stripes.
Also Fine Line of Peau de Soies and Peau de Crepes
Spring .M illinery Opening
Tuesday, Wednesday acd Thursday, March 31st, April 1st and 2nl
The Big
Phone 211. All Mail Orderfc Promptly Filled,
Mrs. M. J. Hiwston, of Jun.-ti.rn City,
arrived Wednesday night, t lire with
her daughter, Mrs. J. F. PeebU-r.
For sale at Mrs. G. R. Child's, piano,
70, bedt-teads, stoves, fir.-p!.w-e turn bik
ings, laundry furniture, shade, cb irs.
garden tools, bookt-helf and Ubics. 2.'-3t
A paity of young ladie, called the C.
F. Ca were entertained at the home ,f
Misa Lilith Moore Wednesday eveuinj.
Games and music were very .ntx-h - n-
pneciaUd, even though th-y were wit-
able for April lt. At a late liuar a
dainty lunch was served eon-osling of
cotton raktft, brand ndaichr. vim:r
coff, stuffed walnuts, folhtwnl br a
delicioua repot wliii-h made the rmr.g
ladie regret very much of their condiirt
toward the former lunch, it ronciMtl f
aalad, cheese, aandwicl et j-llo, sakiH
cocoa, nuts and candy. Those prwut
were ULwt IVwie Ki hler, F.lla lllark,
Elsie Benedick, llascl Jewell, &.'
Coehow, Anna Whartn, Emma S-hl-brede,
Vivian Jewett, Delia Moore and
Iilith Moore.
$loo Reward J loo.
The lommfrtive, which tnrne.1 over at
Riddle the middle of last week, panted
thruiigh hereon Wei!neslay. Onedriv
ini; heel was broken off short to t'e
bn-iringand nnnthcrer.-irVcdrlenracro!,
and one of the axels were very badly
sprung. There were two flat cars' of
small parts and pick upa from off the
engine. The Poet Office car which was
being pulled by this engine, was very
badly smashed up. The engine will be
put in the machine shops in Portland.
L. W. Jones, of Glendale accompanied
by his son J. Jones, were in the city
Wednesday. Mr Jones, Sr. was called
here to appear before the U. 8. Tension
Examing Board. Mr. Jones stated that
there was a good chance for the Johnson
Bros, saw mill being built at Glendale
this summer. The railroad right-of-way
has been secured through most of the
land and when rights have been
secured for a distance of eleven miles
up the creek work will be pushed on
both railroad and saw mills as fast as
possible. "
Never in the history of theatricals has
a single play or production created so
much newspaper comment and contro
versy as Count Leo Tolstoi's powerful
drama, "Resurrection," which will be
presented for the first time in this city,
Friday, April 3rd at the Opera House,
Roseburg. Virginia Drew Trescott, who
is engaged to play the character of Mas-
lova is peculiarly adapted for that part
and :s receiving the most compliment
ary Botices for the excellent work she
performs. The scenic and mechanical
effects are most elaba borate, the cos
tuines worn are all from the original
plates and "Resurrection" is destined
to become famous.
Some of the finest work with the
brush and paint, which we ever saw was
done by John Miller on the new rest
dence of L. D.Carl, on Flint Street.
All the casings, windows, sashes and
doors are grained light oak, some gives
the appearance of strixht grained oak,
while those in the parlor " are of the
burned oak effect. . This work is so
natural that it deceives the eye for the
most scrutinizing could not but believe
that it was the "real tiling." The par
lor is decorated with oil frescoing, and
the centerpiece is a large scrol, and al
though it is painted on the ceiling, it
has the appearance of being saucer
shaped. All this work is simply fine
and in every way shows the work of
The readers of this paper will l
pleased to learn that thf re is at Wt
one drended disease that science h.ic
been able to core in all its staw and
that's Catarrh. Hal's Ca'anh Cnre
is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh Uirg
a constitutional disease leoiiirrsa con
Btitutiouat .treatment. Hall's Catanh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surface of
the srstcm, thereby dt-strovinj the
foundations of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers, that
they offer one Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address. F. J. Chasi t. Sc. Co.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Drugsrists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family pills are the best.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding county warrants endorsed prior
to and aicJuding Nov. 10th 1900, ai re
quested to preent the same at the coun
ty treasurer's othce for payment as ia
terest will cease thereon after the dat
of tin's notice.
Dated Rosebnrg, Douglas County Ore
gon, March 9th, 19U3.
CiBO. Pimhici;,
County Treasurer
Bids Wanted.
Sa'rd bids w ill be received op to noon
of Friday, May 1, fir the erection of a
three-story packing hoose, 50xS.i in
site, to 1 built in Ronebur, Ore. Tlans
ami specifications may be Krn at the
office of Frank E. Alley, Architect. Rose
burg. All bills to be accompanied with
a certified clieck for 5 per cvnt of the es
timated price, and the owner reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
Maich 1, 1903. ' C Gixltt.
Real Estate Transfers.
Constant Touseant to A. C. Marsters
145.80 acres in D L claim of Frances
Arcbambeau, tp 26 s, r 6 w. ; considers
tion $3,000.
Roscoe Hunt and wife to W PBeasley,
a strip of land laying on the east side of
the east half of lot 2 of the Umpqua
Fruit ranch, containing five acres : con
sideration $275.
Mrs Melvina Elliff to I K McCollum.
acres and 27 rods in tp 32 s, r f w ;
consideration $17. -
I K McCollum to W A Von Nortwick,
acres and 27 rods in tp 23 s, a 5 w ; con
sideration $34.
Eva Frost and husband to F II and C
M Johnson, 162.92 acres in tp 27 s, r 2
w ; consideration $700.
Verus Smith, of Spokane, Wash., to
Martha Smith, lots 5 and 6, bk 12, r r
addition to city of Oakland ; considera
tion $350.
U 8 Marsters and wife to Constant
Toussaint lots 4, 5, 15, and 1J in block 2
North Park addition to Roseburg ; con
sideration $1,500.
A 0 Marster to C Toussaint, lot 5 in
block 1, on corner of Fowler street and
Deer creek road, in Chadwick addition
to Roseburg; consideration $1,000.
They are Proviaj- Satisfactory.
The Supplemental Chamber Co.,
- Rusaaraa, Ore.
Gentlemen : Please send me via ex
press, one doien Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 S. A W.
Short and Browning Automatic .Smoke
less cartridge. The braes Chamber or
dered some time ago having' proved sat
isfactory I can do busioef with them
when the spring season opens.
Yours truly, H. J. Sti'Jman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903.
Tokoxto, Jan. 13th, 1903.
The S. C Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs -1 beg to thank you for
sample brass chamber and tlie informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order that I
might Uft the chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. 1 nnd same
works perfect satisfactory and now wish
to apply for the sole selling agency for
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours very truly,
F16 A. H. Fx., Mfgs. Agent.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
hokliii city warrants, endorsed prior to
IVc 6th, 1900, are reo.nes?ed to present
the same at the City Treasurer's office
for payment, as interest w ill ce&se there
on af t?r the date of this notice.
Dated Rowburg. Ore., Men. h, I'.OSL
H. C. Sioct!, Ja-, ,
City Treasurer '
Notice for Publication.
Lnd dace at Rowk-urr. It hob.
J .aiuir?. ly. 14CV
Notice I. fcw! tTTra 1ht irt folxiwiar
hi. rijLim 11.4 mat ii4 pro"f wul m.te b
of Tsiler. r-.ri. tl K $ 1M lor iKe
f!.'i ex !-!. T- R 1 west W. M. lit
.(n- um InCnwin Um ww a v-ror in
I rxntinao(ui vnVtvt- noQ d1 rt;ltivtjoa n
I ! t Uaj. it: Tanau Mciaif, Peser K'.UJ
Xpi'bot. 4tirp. of ktare. Or.. Th4p.:
I un. o( HjrU Crv-t, i-vrr,a
Notice of Final Settlement
In U Coontv Cocrt ol th Siala of Onvsn
lr I'm at? 4 Uxuiaa.
iBUieButiseroi uie eutl
R- B. JokJVKii, dfctw-cd. J
Kt! 1b berrtv r!ra thai D. 9, T. Wt !
niBt.Ualar o( lhtaio( R. B. JohaaoaL ii
cmm1. h rrn'trrJ anl frr--o ifl for arU-
mal. ml BhM la n:.l ennn hi. Sn.l (ceomi
tJ h-i alraliitM:jan r.f wl taip; Tb; Moa
daj. tbe rwl day ol Wurra. l-... at 19 a rlork a.
p. of mi l day. al the coart room or tait cnart
l Roorbrrr. t'p-roo. has br 1 lor tbM-
U'lMBI cl ! Eoati ammni. and lor lmruf
any obrtioaa tltat may b tntO in the wm.
D.S.T. Wbict
JSP admin 1st rur of taid Estate.
Saeith' Daadruff Poeude
f-topa itching scalp upon one appt
tion, thrre to fix mi&ovea all LinIraff
aod will stop iaHIns hair. Price 30c
For sale by Marsters Drag Co. mJ:f
If you Lave a riig & 'is
broken or a sec loest oci. or
poesitly yoa hare a ring tat
is just a little to Moall or a
little to large, perhaps yoa '
have one that needs strerglS- '
ening or is badly best. I am
. prepared to do all kinds of .
' ring repairing. I xtot only
guarantee my work, bat I
guarantee yoa will be well
pleased with the job : t t
71 1 Oak St., Opp. Churchill & WoeSey
WasiRo. -At the Oregon Soldiers'
Home, one dining room girl, one dish
washer, and one laundress. For partic
ulars inquire at the Home at once.
W. J.Shiplbt,
mar!9-3t " ' Commandant.
A Basc.aix Timser. ISO "acres of
fine white cedar and old-growth fir tim
ber in Coos county, Ore. Lies on bank j
of a good driving stream in easy reach
of log market on tidewater. For partic
ulars in this and other timber deal, a in
quire of Wm. M. Poster,
mlOtf. Camas Valley, Oregon.
Good Horse for Sale.
I have a good, gentle, family horse fit
for ladies' driving; age 9 years, weigh
900 pounds and black in color. Will be
sold at a bargitin. Enquire of A Fields
Roseburg. M 25 St p.
For Salb Chiap. Less than $10 per
acre. A well improved grain and stock
farm of S30 acres in Camas Valley. This
isararo barsain. For iiartiuilurs in
man who knows what he is doing, and o( Win M, Porter, Camas Valley,
also that he is au artist in his line. Ore. MIOtf.
fields from 1G9 to 2S9 Bushels Per Acre
It is the earliest Out in cul
tivation, extraordinary
yielded, stands np well
and has a large, white,
heavy kernel covered with
a thin hull, making it
Awarded the first prize at
Oregon State Fair, 1902.
Prices, SOc. per lb., 4 lbs.
Htstpaid, $1.' Our Seed An
until No. 72 tells all about
it ami other good things in
the need line. Write uh.
PCRTLaNS SEED CO., Portland Ore.
S K. S Y K E S
:- Slielf
Stoves and Tinware
Our new goods have arrived and they
. are all 0. H. We can show some
We have the Snow FlaKe Goods for Waists and
Dresses, also the Bedford Cord. If you want any
thing in the line of Fancy Hose we have then.
Some new patterns that are very pretty.