The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 23, 1903, Image 4

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    . . --
Bow Ornrm, Ltarire asul m.a,U. Han
dle tb 1 f tnt) Sesusost'a Crop.
Large growers handle the last of the
eeiery crop by the method known as
trenching. The celery Is partially bank
ed with earth and allowed to remain
where grown so long as there Is no
tar. per from heavy frosts. The work
of trenching will be greatly facilitated
try setting up two parallel lines of
twelve Inch boards about eighteen or
twenty tacbee apart, between which
Ibe ceiery Is packed with the roots
imbedded m the sofl. When the space
Between the boards Is filled, the soil
fa thrown vv on the octal de to the tops
of the fco&rds.
Another method of trenching is to
eocavate a pit (see first cot) to a depth
v. n i i
of about twenty-four Inches and three
wide and of any desired length.
Thoroughly loosen the soil In the bot
tom or shovel in loose top soil to form
a bed In which the roots of celery may
be set rack this trench with fully
groratn plants, placing the roots close
together with considerable soil adher
ing to them. As the celery is placed In
the trench ft should be well watered
ajid the trench allowed to remain open
)oog enough for the tops to become
-dried off. Unless the soil Is very dry at
the time of storing or extended warm
weather should follow, it will not be
necessary to apply any more water.
Place a twerre Inch board on edge
alrmg one side of tbe trench and bank
em fl CTimlns Mirth on" the outside.
CoVer the trench with a roof of boards,
Bash, straw on poles or cornstalks from
which the tops have been removed.
plsdng the stalks across the pit with
one eou resting oa uie umuu nuu urc
other on the ground. Spread over this
a light covering of straw or other
lose packing material, and as the
yreather becomes colder Increase the
covering to keep out frost, Celery
stored In this manner will keep until
late In the winter, and while the meth
od is too laborious for application on a
larse commercial scale It is to be rec
ommended for the use of the farmer
and small grower because of Its sim
Almost without exception the larger
northern growers have found' it un
profitable to store celery for Tate keep
ing, and those who still adhere to the
practice do so In order that they may
control and supply a special trade.
Even under special circumstances there
is onlya moderate profit in storing for
late marketing. Where these circum
stances exist the best form of storage
Is a broad and long structure with low
.walls and even span roof coming al
most to the trround at the sides. Tbe
roof should be of heavy planks, with
one end resting on top of the wall and
the other on a ridge pole supported by
line of posts through the center. The
cracks between the roof planks may be
battened with old celery blanching
' boards and the whole covered to a
depth cf four Inches with earth and
sodded over or double roofed to keep
out frost
Tbe ends of the house should be built
double, with a dead air space between.
rwtJth, feet; height of eide walls, I
feet; height In center to ridge, 11 feet;
a. bed of sand; b, division boards
through house: c, posts Bupportlng roof;
A. roof planks: e. sod. straw or manirre
for frost prooflBST oa the poof; f, ven
tilator.) or consist of a heavy wall, and there
ehotrld be a large floor In each end
The flirt floor cf the hotsee should have
a covering of three or four inches of
loose sagd or fine earth In which to
peck the roots of the celery. Farmers'
BaHctin Xo. 14S.
Beet GroTrlcx fader irrlsratlosu
For the future development of the
eugar industry we can look confidently
to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ida
ho, Utah. Arizona and Nevada. Beet
growing under irrigation Is peculiarly
"euoceesftil and may with its aid be
extended south into Kansas and other
states In this latitude. In no other
area In the United States Is the pros
pect for furore growth of the industry
bVtter than in the mountain states.
Engar production in this area means
.what wheat. does to Kansas and Min
nesota, what CjT'i does to Iowa and
Illinois, what coaon does to Mississip
pi. Alabama and other states of the
sonth and what fruit culture means to
California. The arid region will as
sume agricultural prominence largely
through the Influence of beet sugar
firoduction as surely as have these
throuch the various products men
tioned. Whatever el?e can be said of
fhe,srigar beet, K is a blessing to the
arid region. C. F. Baylor. .
' BtUced Bass saa. .
To bake bananas deiiciously make a
ilrcp of orangea and lemon Juice and
rogar. For six bananas two oranges
and one lemon will be required. A lit
tle pineapple Juice is an improvement
Eemove the entire skin of the bananas,
place them, with the sirup, in a baking
cSsh, put la the oven and cook until
dear. The bananas should be basted
frequently with tbe sirup. When they
are done and cooled, remove to a glass
ttifjh and pour the contents o& ihe flisb
orer them. Serve very cold.
The Divan.
A fllvan should never be set across
the corner of a room, as Is occasionally
seen. A divan's place Is against the
zwalL which, softened by upright cush
ions, tnukes the back. Neither should
a screen stand Irrelevantly, screening
nothing. It should shut off a draft, nn
cjrly view or conceal an awkward
i Loodoa bas a new game called "pltf
pnS.' Its came eoancs foolish eaoapa
to make it a rival of plngpong lu poiv
- - - . " " ' ' '
Bsyertsaeata With Petrolenm on
Ulghnari la Georsrtsv.
The experiments with oil on some of
the roads In the vicinity of Augusta,
Ga, are proving very satisfactory, and
farmers coming Into -the city are high
ly pleased with the work. The first
experiment says the Augusta Herald,
was made several weeks ago by judge
Eve at the stockade, but he thought
the experiment had not- been given a
proper test when used under shelter
and decided as soon as practicable to
got on the road In the. open with the
The experiment at the stockade was
such a success that the grand jury
recommended the use of the oil on the
roads, and the Wrightsboro thorough-
fnpe was selected as the first to be
given the treatment Farmers coming
lato the city over that portion already
covered say the travel has been greatly
Improved. They notice at once the ab
sence of the dust u&ual on a dry, nor.
day and say their horses seem to real
ly eujoy traveling ever it.
Where the sun strikes the worK tne
oil percolates with surprising rapidity,
and in a couple of days the road is In
pood condition for traveling. After tne
Irntb the surface is left with kind of
spongy covering, yet of a nature Into
which the tires of the vehicles do not
sink or cut as might be expected. The
exDerunent period Is practically, over
now, and the new material will ne
used on road Improvement throughout
the county this year.
Tim sua Hosier Saved by EsoplOT-
Ium sis Ensrlsiee.
Vast waste of time, energy and mon
ey have been caused by errors In road-
making. In many cases the loss re
sults from running roads straight over
hill and through dale, with little re-
card for steeD trades or for soft
CTound; in others, from making unnec
essary or badly placed detours: In yet
othpr instances, from following lines
far from materials fit for road pur
On a single trip of one team xne
waste may not equal the cost of a per
ceptible improvement In tbe. way, but
that waste, multiplied by the number
of trips that team will make and the
uroduct multiplied by the whole num
ber of teams which will use tne roao.
will give a surprisingly large aggre
gate, savs Good Roads Magazine. In
many cases It will equal the cost of
relocating, regrading or rebuilding tne
whole of the defective highway.
Maurice O. Eldridge says truly. The
richt course Is to call in the engineer
and throw the road around the end or
along the side of the steep hills In
stead of continuing to go over them or
to poll the road up to dry. solid ground
instead of splashing through mud ana
water of creek and swamp.
Call In the engineer. Thus old errors avoided or corrected without
risk of making new and costly mis-
tn'kp The eatable civil engineer Is
well worthy of his hire.
Wkea Wt W1U Bsve Oood HlTavwmrs
1st TsUa C-outrs-.
A period when road makers will have
reached the heavenly state. Bays the
commissioner of public roads of New
Jersey, will be when crushers furnish
the stone in uniform size, when con
tractors will learn -to use the proper
material, when wornout flirt, red
shale and stiff clay for binder are
Khmmed as the rirhteous shun evil
wavs, when only coarse sand, ferrugi
nous eraveL molding sand and " stone
screenings combined with stone are al
lowed to enter the composition of the
When freeholders will establish a
uniform system for the care and re
pair of the roads, when freeholders
will cease to each care or not care for
the roads in their respective townships.
so thattwhen a road runs through sev
eral townships one freeholder covers
his portion with sand, another his por
tion with gravel and another floes
nothing until he gets through with his
farm work, thus allowing it to ravel
and loosen millions of stones and laie
tire horses that travel over 1L
When freeholders will appoint a su
pervisor far each county, whose whole
time by constant inspection shall be
devoted to watching every break in or
der to remedy it as soon as it occurs
and, not wait until a more convenient
season when personal business is dis
posed of.'
Tbe assessed value of real estate In
the state of New York, according to
the board cf equalization, la ,1C9,-
Georgia fruit growers are claiming
that the peach crop of their state yields
more money -to the producers than
does the cotton crop. Tbe area de
voted to fruit is now large, and these
assertions are likely to cause It to be
The state of Minnesota has no valid
Inheritance law on Its statute books.
Judge Bunn of the Ramsey county
court holds that the law of 1901 Is un
constitutional and Invalid, and deci
sions of other courts have already
found irreparable flaws In the laws of
1837 and 1902, so that there Is no In
heritance law whatever.
The Interchange of assnrances of dls
tlngulBhed consideration between rres-
ldent Roosevelt and Minister Don Era!
Ho de OJeda looks as If our peace -with
Spain might, like a broken limb united,
grow stronger for the breaking, to use
Shakespeare's fine anatomical simile
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon.
1UI 1 nutrias C iU .
J. Y. Clemen's, 1
1-lainUff (
6. W. Tooley, j
Defendant 1
notice is nereoy given mat by virtue of an
execution ana order of sale.duiy isMiud out of
and under the seal of the above entitled court.
111 me aoove eniu eu csnse. to rae directed
and dated ihe20th day of ieoruary, w, upon
a juiigmetit rendered and enured in said court
on tbe 2ud ty of Jannarv, 191)3, In favor ol
tbe above named plaintiff and against the
above named defendant, and against the
hereinafter mentioned and described attached
real property, for the mm of U0 with interest
thereon at the rale of 10 per cent per annum
from tne nth day of Julv, l'.m2. and the further
ram of $17.50 costs and the costs o,' and upon
wi, 11.. ..wot uieiei'Jie 1 win va
Haturtlav, the 11th day o! April, 1903.
at oueo'c'.ocx p. m. of said day. at the conrt
house frontdoor, in Rofcebtirg, Douglas county,
Oregon, sell at public auci ion to the biFheat bid
der, for cash in hand, ail the richt, title and
iatet, which the said lefendant, had on
the2ftnday ot Ociober, 1 T!2, or at any time
inereatter id or to the loilowlng Jescribed
real property, P-wit:
The uodtvidf 4 one-half Interest in and to
ttie loilowlng fleserlrxd r a" protierty to-wlt:
Ut S in block No. 1. and lots li. 1. 14. lfi. 16
17, 1, in block No 3: aleo loU a, and 10 in block
No. 6, in Thomas subdivision of lot No. 18, and
west naif of lot Mo. 12. Fruitvale Addition t
Roseburg. Oregon, with all and singulnr the
tenements hereditaments and appurtenances
memium uemngmg or in anywise appertain
ing. To satisfy aid execution, order of sale,
interest, eoct and accruing costs. ,
Dtei at Rosebuig, tills oth day of March,
ft. L.I'AKKUI l,
'81ierlir of Douglas county, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
United States Lund OfBca.
Rowburz, Oregon, lieu. 37, 11X12.
Notice li hereby (riven that ta compliance
with the r-rovlslons of the act of Congrera of
June 8, )8.R, entitled "An act for tbe pale ol
timber lands fn the States of California, Orefron
Kevaita .and Washington Territory," a extend
ed to all tbe publio land states by act of August
of Wet Bend, conntv of Palo AHo, itale of
Iuwa, has this day'flled In this oftire hi sworn
gtatc.nent No. 4Jii$, for the mirchase of the
NW'Jof Src. it), Tn.SOS. R7 VY, and will of
fer iroof to show that the land sonant is more
valuable for lie timber or none than for atrri-
cultnral niirnose, aui to estamisn bla claim to
asid land it-tore W 8 Britt. V S Commissioner
at Riddle, Ort-iron, oa Mordnv the 2-Sd day of
March, IMS. He names aa Witnesses: C. A.
Knv, of ar-pltton, Minn , A. C. Carlson, of Cen
ter City, Miun., Peter Durch, and Albert Durcb,
of Rosebnnr. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming' adversely the
above described land are renotatcd to Hie tbeir
claim in this office on or before said lid dny of
March. lsXB. J. T. BRIDGES
jl2p Regular.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, Keb 21, 1.!03
Notice is herehy riven that In com pllanca
rith the provisions cf the act of Congress of
June S, 187(1, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the States of California, Oragon.
Knv and Washington Terrltorv." asextend-
d to all the publio land states by act of August
4, ueu.
cf Seattle, county of King, Stale of Washington,
has this dav Med in this omce ni sworn etate
nieut No 44. for the pun-hase of N'i of H
of Sec 8. Tp SI 8, R 8 west, and will offer pnof 10
how tbat the land sought is more valuable lor
it timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
posea, and to establish bis claim to saii iana
L-fom W 8 Bitt. US Commissioner, at B iddle.
Oregon, on Friday, the 1st dsy of May ltt. Me
ntiuF as witnesses: Charles H r-hort, and
V ctor Piuketfc-n, of Snohomish, Wash., J Q
Gilbert, of Perdue, Ore., W Weybright, Riddle,
an t and all persons claiming adversely tna
above described lands aru requested to file
theirclaims in tbisofhee on or be'ore said 1st
day of May, 1903. J.T. BRllXitS,
tXp Register
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
BOKburg, Orugon, Keb 21. 14H.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliant)
witn tne provisions of tne art oi tongirj oi
June a. l.s.8. entitled "'An art for the sale of
timber lands In the states of Callfornia.Oreron
Nevada. and Washington Territory," aaextend
ed to all the pablie land states by act of August
of Pnohoratsb, county of iHhnmish. state of
Washinglou. ha this aay tiM in this omce
bis sworn statemvut So. 49. lor tbe purchase
Of th 'til of of ec- S. Tp. SI 8, R 3 west.
ami ci 1 oner prooi 10 rjiow uu u iana
nought n more vaiuaDie tor its Timber or stone
than tor acncultural purpoacs, and to esrab
liKh bis claim to said land before W S britt.
r H Commissioner, at Riddle Oregon, on
Friday, the lt day of May, l'Ai3. He names as
imtves: a H bort. btattie an., v rin-
ertoB. Snohom'sh.Wash, w Weybright, Riddle,
Ore. i o Gilbert, i'etduc, ore.
Anvand all persons claiming adversely tne
above described lands are requeued to fiie
tbeir claims in this office on or before said 1st
day of May 1903 . J. T. BRIDGES.
I'j-ip Kegisier.
Notice for Publication.
Fnited 3ufes Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Ft b. 2t, 13.
Notice ts hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of tfce act of Congress ot
Jane X. ST, entitled "An act for the sale of
tlmler lands in the Slaws of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." as e Head
ed to all the public land states by act ol August
a, ISO.
f SCK) Colbv Ave . Everett, eounty of Bnoho-
mtsh. state of w aidiington, has tms day filed ic
rh's office his soru tati-ment No. 4 '.', for the
purchase of kits 1,8, 9. 10, of See. . Tp. 31 S. R S
el and will oSet proof to show that the land
ought is more valnable for its timber or son
than tor agricultural purpoem ana toesianusn
Ma claim toaaiu land Deiore n e unit, 1 1 tjni-
mlstionerat Riddle, Ongon, on Fnday the 1st
dtv of Mav. it. He names a wltnrssva: Theo
dore A nderson. and O. 1. Reevea, oi Everett,
W.t J. J. Gilbert. Perdue. Or.. Chas. A
tho-t. SnnhomishWai-h.
Any and au persons claiming an verse ly tne
above descntd lands are requested to file
their cUiss in thU office on or before sjlI-1 1st
day of bay 1301 J. T. BR! DC, KB.
Notice for Publication.
Cniteil Btafes Land Office.
Rrweburr, Orrtn, lec. 27. IW2.
Kotice is kerebr r.rrn thai in compliance
with tfce provisions t: tne act of Congress of
Jate J, lva. emitted "A act for the saue of
tmoer lanes tn trie Mates oi t aiitornia. irrecon
Nevada and WahiDrun Temtory as extend
ed to all toe ra ic lanj Males DJ act oi Aag
nsi 4,11,
of Center City, conntv of Chiari, state of
Minn., has thisdsv tied in IbisoCLce bis sworn
statement Ka. 42;n, for tbe purchase of tbe
jSinlffl. 2u. Tp. a) 8, K 7 W, and will of
fer proof to show that the lAnd sought is more
vaiusbie lor it Umber or stone than for arri-
cuitora' pnrroses. and to established his tiaira
betore W e Brut, C e OoTmisioner. at Riddle,
Orron. on Monday, the 2-1 day of March. 1VA
tie nunes aswimet-sea: v. l. Bancs, oi neat
Bend. Iowa. C. A. Far, of Applcton. Minn
t-'eter Parch. and Albeit Parch, of kaaeburr
Ores on.
Aor and au persons elaiminc adversely the
above decr-.b"d lauds are reouested to tile their
rlaims in this ofhee on "or befo-e said day of
slarr ti, t 1 iuij f.
jl'2p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Fnfhtl State Xand Offi"e
Rosebure, O rerun. IXC S7. 1:02
Fotlca Is cerebr civen that In ernnnUanos
with the previsions oi tbe act of Congress ol
June S, )67&, entitled "An a-rt for tbe sale of
timber lands tn the 9taw 9' rallforma.Oresroa
rieveda .end Wasnlnrwn Terriiorr."asestend-
d to ail the pubUa Laud slates by act oi A (gnat
of Appleton, conniy of fjwift, slae of Minn.,
ess lilts nay nieo lit mis omre nis sworn siate
rrent No. KS.1, for the oivhase of the of
SW14. b14of S Xi of tyi, of sec
tion U. township 3L south, raoire 8 W. and will
oner proof to snow that tne land sought U more
vainaoie or 11s iimDer or siom insn mr aen
c jltarai purposes, and 10 establish bis claim
before WS Britt. U H CommiMioner, s: Riddle,
resron, on Monday the 23d day of iiaJch 14.
Ke names ss Witnesses: Peter ' A. linrch of
towborr. Ore., Issnc Winninehara, and Dons;
las Winainrham clOlalla. Ore.. W. R. Toann.
of Conned, V sb.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above d--aeribed lauds are reij nested to t ie theii
claims In thisoSceoa or before said 23d day
of March, 1SAJJ J. T. BRJIXiKS.
J12p &-glstT.
C B. Land Office Rnaebnrs;. Ore.,
Fefcroary , 18a
Notice is hereby tiven that James A. J. Yo-
rnm, wboae postoffice address is Kiddle, Uoos;-
las conniy, Oreiron, bss this day made end
fiied hi application for a patent lo tbe follow
wf described plaeer mining r.r.'und, in Kxcel
sior Mining District, Douglss county, Oregon
Tbe east halt of thesontb eest onarter of the
southwest quarter of st ction nineteen in town-
onp tnirty ,oum 01 range uve west of the Will
amette meridian, tn Dooglss eoonty, Oregon.
eottlnlng twenty acres. In the diet-In of
lan-i subject to sale at the Land Office at Koce
burv.Oreson. Any and all persons claimtni
adversely the foregoing described laud, or anj
portion mereoi are nereby notified to file in
this oQt such adverse calm within sixty dny
ftom tae first publication of t'lis sppllcation
tor patent, and failing t do so. ativ and a'.l
adverse claims to auid plai-er minrug ground,
or any part thereof will be barred bv the pro-
vixiou5 01 law, 4. 1. UbiuvjiLtt,
wp Register.
First publication February 9,190.
Notice for Publication.
r nited States Land Ontre.
BoK burg, On gon, March 6. lV'tl.
Not'.ea ts hereby given that tn compliance
with u.e provisions of the act of Coiijrrrss of
June 3, 1S7X, entitled "An K-t fnr the ssle of
timber lands in the Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." a ex tend
ed to all tbe public land states by aot of August
of Index, county of tnohomlsh, siste of Wash.,
has this day filed In tbisollice his sworn state
ment No. '?. for ti.e pmehase of th HWU o'
dec 10, Tp SI 8. R 3 west, and will offer
proof to show thst the Isud sought Is more val
uable for Its timber orstMie than for agricultu
ral purposes, and to establish hia clsim before
n B hrltt L 8 Commissi! ner, at Kiddle, Oregr-n
on Wedne1ay, the2oth dsy of ifay. I:i3 He
names as witnesses? i u (iillrt, of Perdue
Oregon, Wm f Index. Wash, O 1)
Keeves, and 1 hos Owens, both oi Everett, Wah
Any and all persons claiming ad Vermel v the
above descrilied lands are reouested to file
their c aims fn this office 00 or bclor said 2Lth
day of Msy, l'AW. J T HitIIXiK-4,
iar sU-Kihter,
Notice for Publication..
CuiTitn Statrs Lasd OrricK,
Roaeburg, Oieeon, March 4. )!IU3
Notice u hereby given that ta Oronptlanc
witu iue provisions 01 ine act OI congress ol
Junes, )87H. eotitlad 1 'An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Uregon
Nevada .and Washington Tsrrlijtr, ''u.tiaiM.
tu w au me puniia lai
and states by act of August
, 1BA
of Index, county of Suihomlnh. state of Weh-
ingum, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 4vs, for the r.archnafi of
tbe NW 14 of heClO. To 31 8. Kl W. and will nffer
prooi to show that the land sought is rr.oreval-
uauie lor 11s umber or stone thsu lor agricul
tural purposes, and to esiablisi bis claim to
ssio mno iwiorc h s iirm u v commlssirner at
Kiddle, Ore.., on Wednesday, the SUth day of
May, 1!M0. He names an witnesses: J y Gil
bert, of Perdue, Oregon, Wilbur Morris, of In
dex, Wssh., O l Ktevee, aud Thos Owens, both
of Kvcrett, Wssh.
Any and sll persons claiming adversely the
aliove-descilbed lands are mjih-i-ukI to file their
caims in inisoiuci on or btlorelaid nh day
vi P10..1WO, d. A . cnlDSKH,
Mart. Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Stacs Land Office,
Rosebnnr, Oregon, March 3, 1U03.
Kotice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congrers of
June 8, 1878, entitled "An Act for ihe saie of
Timber J.nds in the Steles of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Torltory" as ex
tended to all tbe Public Laud Slates by act of
August t, iWi.
of Aberdeen, county of t.'heliallB, state tf Wash
ington, has this day filed in this olhce his
sworn a'atemeut No. 4Mi, for the purchase of
the NW Sec 4, Tp 81 south, range 2 et, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its limber or stone t au for
agricultaral purpose, and to rstablisb bis
claim to said land before W 8 rlrltt. U 8 Com
missionrr at Riddle, Ore., on Kriil.y, tbe eth,
day of May, He names as witnesses: J Q
uuoerc, reniue." uregon, u. 1 iavugod,
Kiddle, Oregon, Lloyd Miir-iuain, Tiller, ore.
Al. Bolrnbaugh, Riddle. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lauis are re-) muted to Hie
tin ir claims in this office on or betore said eth
day of May, 1S0J. 1 T blUDH ICtf,
Mt. Keglstt-r.
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
-Kotioe la hereby given, that by virtue and In
pursuance ol an order and license of the Coun-
tytxmrioi toos vounty, tiregon, auiy mule
and entered therein on the'JTib day of January,
i4, in tne matter oi tiie guaratansmp oi tne
txtkoiis and estates of Charlt-s K Minard,
hutha Z Minard, Monta M Miiiard. and John
11 Minard, minors, tbe undersigned, the duly
appointed, qualified and acting guardian of
raid minors, and of each ol them, will, on
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of aid day. In
irontnl the Court House ill Kofi-burg, Douglas
county. Oregou, offer for sale and sell at pub
lic aucfon to tbe highest and best bidder fr
rash in hand all tbe right, title and Interest ol
s-uu minors and of each ol thcin. of, in and to
ell that part of the Pre-emption Claim of Isaac
Minard (said Pre-emruoD Claim be'Cg the
HE4 of sociian 'i, in township 17 south, range
B west of Willamette Meridinu, lying norm ol
the County road leaiing lmm Roseburg to
Looking tilaw Valley, be the same more or leu-)
a wording to a deed recorded in Volume i7,
ps?e 4 ol Deeds, lxiglss County Oregon Reo
orda. Dated March A. D., 1 S.
friigncd) KOXANA K. MINARD.
Guardian of the perxins and estau of
Charles Minard, Kntha Z Minard, Monta M
Minard and John H Minard, Minors.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlied States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon tXrl 11. liMl.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress f
Janet. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada .and ashlngton Territory. a ex te lin
ed to all the publia land states by aot of August
4, IS&X
ol Roaeburg. eoiioty of Douglas. Stale of O e-
inn. has tnisdav filed in ibis oillce her sworn
t taU-mrni No iis. for the purchase of the K1,,
hLSt'tt'i"IIIM section a, ip o
ranae No I west and will offer proof to abo
tha tbe lad w-ught ts more valuable lor its
timber or stone than for agricultural purnoara.
and to establish her claim to said land before
he Reeiler and Keceiverof tills ortce at Rose
burg. Oreg- n. on Tnesilay the Slt day of
March. 1S. bhe namrs as wuncses: J J
Krosl, Jessie gcaulan, E W canlan, J H Barton
all of kosbna. Ore.
A"v and all i-ervm claiming adversely tne
aboe de-ritied lands are requested to file
tbeir claims in this office on -r before said Slat
day of March, l.Di i. T. BKIIx.tS.
CAJp negisurr
Notice for Publication
I'nited states Land Office.
' Rosebart, Oreton, .Oct Is, 1J
Notice is hereby siren that tn eomp'.iancs)
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June s,)S., entitled "An art for the sale ol
timber lands in the Slates of California.! irecon
Nevada .and Washington Terrtiory," asextend
d to all the pubiis land states by aot oi August
of Woodbnrn. conntv ol Mar.n, suteof O eron
has tbs dsy filed in this ofhre hts sworn state
ment No 7I9 for the purcba-e of the of
reerion X. Wanhip 31 sou:h, raiiK a ml
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
ts more valuable for its timber or suir.e than
for asrictiltural purposes, and to establish bis
elattn before the Rerister and Receiver ol Uua
oUioe oi Rosebarg.ciracuc
onTharsdsy tht1 day of April. M He
names ss witne: n r Sioirt, a stiver.
B M AnrltaTe end James Baliork, all ol Myr
tle Creek. Oregon.
Any and a'.l persons ciaimlnc adversely the
sbove decrild lends are reqnested to tt
their claims in this office on or be lore said ith
day ot Apr. li.
jjbp J. s. Dauiuu
Notice for Publication.
Tnlted States Ind OfHoe.
Boacburg, Oreiron, Not. 26. l.vl.
Mottee ts beret-y given tt at In ctr plianee
with the provL.i iiS of the act f of
Jane S, ts., entnl.-l "An a-t f-r the sale ol
timber lands in tteStaien.f 1'sltfomta.oreiron
Neva-la .and asiiticwn Territ.ry." asexiendr
ed to all the public land sta:es by act of Angus!
4. lKrt.
nftJ2J Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, conntv of
H nnepin, H'aie of jiinnesota, bas this day
tiled In this office her sworn statement No
V'.ri jo, ibe pnrrbsae of the N-, N Ki. tK;
SE'J. S E) SE ol Sec. A. Tp. t. K ; wen
od wiil oder proof to show that the Isn't
yousht is more va:oat-l for 11a timber or sti-ne
than tor leiuu tural puriov, and to establiUi
berc'aim toid la 1 t !tre the Reyinter and
Rveiverof this otter at Kcsebur, Oreeon,
on Tuesday, the Mh day ol May, l't Phe
namtsaa witnesses: Frank Lncand r. 3 ward
Von Pel, of Cleveland. Oton, Charles
Tbora and Jnhn Thom. ol Rot niy. Orrcon.
Any and all persons elaiminc adversely the
above dewritd lao-is are rejncMed to flle
their claims In this office on or before said i:h
day of May., 1MO. J T. BRIIx.ES,
tip Kegisver.
Notice for Publication.
Tnlted utes Lend Office.
Rnaeourg. Orfgon. liee 2S. Ii2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
srllh the provisions of the act of Congrra of
June S, itr.s. entitled "An a. t tar the sale of
timber lands In tne ritaies?! California. Oregon
Nevada And W ashington erritory,"asextend
ad to all the publia land stataw by act of August
ot Coo cell, conntv of Franklin, a'aleef Wasb.,
has th'aday filed in tbisolrlee his sworn state
ment No. 4A, for the purchase of tbe N' "f
NK'. l-E!i of NE'i, NtS, of HKI4. oi ction 1-'.
township Ji soutn, ranee s west, nd will offer
proof to show that tne land sought s more val
uable for its timber or stone than for ' agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before W 8 Prill, t" ti Comm sal. ner,
at. Kid lie. Oreeon. on ;Mondav. the Sii day oi
ilareh. lil Us names as wlstiesars: Peter A. Roseburg. Oreton, Isaac Winclng
hsm, and Douglas W'lnningham of Olal.a, Ore.
Wm. H. Young. Aptdein, Minn.
Any and a. 1 pe rsons claiming adversely tne
above deseriled lands are requested to file
their claims in this office or or l-efore said 2d
day of March, lAi. i. T. RKf Ih.KS,
Ji2p RrgUler.
Notice for Publication
Tiilied P'ales Land Offico,
Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 1M, l'.42
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
JnneS, entitled "An set for the sale of
timber lands tn the StaU-sof California, Oregon
Nevada ,and W ashlngten Territory ," asextend
Sd to all the pnblis land states by act of August
4, lott.
of Vsncouver, countv of Clarke, stato !
Washington. basll:isdsv n lei in thlsoibce Irs
sworn slatetiient No. STs, for the purchsse of
tne r'4 of tec , u p a rang wesi
and will oner proof to show that the land sought
Is more vsluable for its Umber or stone thsn
for agricultural purprwes. and to establish his
claim before tCe Register and Receiver of this
files of Roseburg. Oregon.
00 Tuesday, the lvtti lsy of Vay, 19ft. He
names ss witnesses: W H Uorvn, Hale Boren
nd John Lenherr, of Camas Valley, Oregon,
n o applngton, of roi Hand, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverw-ly Ihe
above described limits are requested to hie their
claims fn tins officein or before snld l'.'lh day
ofMsr.1903. J.T. BRIlXiKft,
Mar&p Kegihter.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted Htatcs. Land Office
. Roseburg, On g n, Oct., la i
Notice is hereby glren that In compliance
with theprovisimisof the act of Congress of
June , 1X78. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of Callfornia.Oreon
Nevada .and W Arl ington Territorv," asexiend
ed to all tbe public land stales by' act ol August
WM. I). S4PPIN(iT0S,
of Portlsnd, county ot Multnomah, state of Or
egon, has this day tiled in this ntiice his sworn
statement No. iilhl. for the purchase of the N A
of section 18, township i b, riuige wt
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
is more vaiuauie lor 11a limner or stue llisa
for agrlciiltiival purposes, snil to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver oi this
oillce 01 Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the 19!h dsy of Msy, 10ft). He
nsmes as witnesses: W H Boren. ilale horen
and John Lenherr, of Camas Vailcy, Ore , Event
iiigdon, ol Vanoonver, Wash.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above deserllM-d lands are requested to file
their claims tn this ofliee on or Ix-fore snld 11 h
day of May. I'.i03 . J. T. BltllKiEH.
Mar 6 p Register
Notice for Publication.
Wind ( filcc at Rosebuig, Ore ,
February 'JS, 1SW3,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
nsmeu setiier uas nita nonce 01 ins intention
to mske final 'roof In stinno.'t of Lis claim, and
that said proof a 111 be made tefo-e the tit Ulster
and Keoeivtr, Ut.lUd hiales laud Ofllco at
tt'weuu'g uiegon. on aprn mi, itst , vis:
Hd E.No 12.41'.!. for llin E' 8fcW. Sfli VKU
VIA-ly civiy u. - .tn ir. u rt ..... . -
Be names the follnwing witnesses to pmvo
nis con tutu ous resilience upou ano cultivation
of sittd bind, vis. l.oor.e West, and Benjamin
r Bheilds, of Hosglln re., Aliorew J Bellows,
jvcr-i-Murfc, utv , u&s iisrriiiaion, unue, lire.
March ft J. T. URlliUbS, Utglitor.
Motice for Publication.
CiiTn Btatki Land Orricg.
Roseburg. Oregon, March 0, l'.iOI.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliNnce
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1(17)1, entitled "An Act for the s.leof
llmbbr lauds in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wahtngton Territory," aa extend
ed to all the Publio Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, lrt2,
of R. If. B., Portland, crnnty of Multnomah,
stale of Orvgdn, has this day tiled in this nflii e
hli sworn statement No. 4V4 for the pnrchsso
oi me iy , " " 01 1X0 'P o. f i west,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuanle for its tlmtnir or stone than
for agricultural purKses, and to establish his
claim before the Kcglstur and Receiver f toll
of tics of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Thursdar, the 4th day of June, l'JOj. He
uamesaa ltnt-sses: Grant Clayton, of Uillard,
Oregon. WH Root, of Bridge, Oregon. John V
Lvhnherr, Camas Valley, Oregon and (J 8
Smith, Roseburg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above decrltd lands are requested to file their
claims in this omce on or before said 4th day
msrlf-p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United fllates Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Feb 2-t, 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with tne" provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3,187k entitled "An Act for the sale of
limber lands in the states of California. Orego i,
acvaaa, ana wasninguin territory," aa extend
ed to all the public land states by act of Aug
ust v HUM,
of nhatcom coui.ty of Whatcom, state ot
Wash ngton, has tuis day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. Vtil, for the purchsse of
the NE'i nf section 18. townshlo 81 r. R S west.
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue
than for agricultural purpae and to nublish
bis claim to said laud before W. 8. Britt. V. K.
ComtuissloTieral Kiddle, Ongon.on Frldsythe
h: outiii jv, r .i. ne name a. witnesses:
I'tor nuaerion.eRonomu-n. sun, Herbert
H Short, l-ratlle. Was.. J O Oiibe-t. Perdue.
Oron, Chas A ehort, Snohomish, Wasn.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above descritied lands are requested to 1 e their
claims In tuisoBlceoo or before said l'tdayof
stay. I'VUJ. t. T. OKI mils,
1J8 tcegtsier.
Soelety Meetings.
AF. 4 A.
Hil ls i
snd I i
M. Ijiarel Lodge No. 13.
rugulsr meetings on second
ruth Wedneedayg of escb
curtiiih. E. J. riTBorn, W. M.
N.T.Jswstt, Recretsry. .
AO. u. w.
Meets tt
days of i
Kosebarg Lodge No. 16,
the Fcond and fourth Mon-
eacb month at 7:30 p. tn.
in th I. O. U. F. Hall. Members in
-.kk1 atandire are invited to attend.
F. M. Ton M. W.
. II. Lznox Recorder.
D. .8 Wist, Financier.
P. U. ELKS, Kosebarg Lodge No.
326. llolds rciuiar commnnua-
tious st I O. O. F. Hall ro second
and fourth Tbnrsdayi of each month.
All members rpqieeied ta attend retro-
Ltrlv and all vlsitipc brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
VT. H. Jaiokbos, E. R.
V C. Loxdoh, Secretary. -
I , N. G., meets at armory Hall every
w rbrtrtday evenmir, at 8 clock.
F. B. Uaxub, Capt
EG REE OF POSOR. Mynicl-odce
No. 13. Mets 2nd and 4th Tbort-
. dAT evenlbc of esxb month in Ka-
ti'T Boce Hall. Vwitinit meaubera cor-
'jiallr ivttted to attend.
M as. M kbit West, C. ol II.
E. II. Lassoi, Kec.
OF A. Court ItotKlaa No. S2. For-
erters of America. Meets every I
TnecdaT e Ten in a in N stive So&a'
Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome-
E. II. Ixox. R. S.
E. V. HooTiit, Pbrsician. '
O. O. F. PhilfUrian Lodge No. 8.
MeU in Odd Feliows' Tfrcp'.e, cor
ner Jackson and Case snreete, on
.Saturday ereninc ol each week. Mem-
hers of the order ia rood sianlioj are
uviteJ to attend.
II. B. GiLurra. . G.
N.T. Jawtrr, Secretary.
Kof P. Alpha Lodge No, 47. Mee4e
er Wednwday, in I. O. O. F.
" Hall '. 7u50 p. m. Membcra in
iood at andine are lo vitexl to attend.
W. C. HlLDKBRA5n C. 0.
S. V. Ramp K- R. tj.
T. M. Protection Tent No. 15.
Holds its regular fc Keviews the
first and third Fmiav of each
month in the I. O. O. hall. Visiting
members in good etandina; are invited to
attend. F. F. Pattcrsox, Com.
E. K. BiADorrr, Record Keeper.
LILAC CIRCLE. So." 49, Women of
Woodcraft. Meet on firet end third
Thursdays of each month at tbe Na
tive Eons. Hail. Vieitirz members in
j nod jumiine are invited to a'tnd.
Iaxtha Sedlhrcdi .Guardian NeiKhhor.
VSixmk Otst, Secy.
t. T. M. Ryeelioru Hive No. 11.
Holds its rvirnlar reviesra ore in the
second and fourth Friday eve.
of each month in tbe Native Sons' UalL
Sifters of other iiivea visiting in the city
re cordially invited to attend onr re
views. JlSelf KaPP, L. Cost
Macds E. McClalux, R. K.
OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330.
Meets first and third Wedneadavt
each mouth st N-tive Sons' Hail.
Geo. Bvrok, Clerk.
E. S. EopeSnr Chapter No. 8
Holds their regn'ar meeting on the
first and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting; members in pood
itanding are reepectfolly invited to at
nd. Mrs. Naxsib SjpAcr W. M.,
Macdi Rat Secretary.
PBEKAHS. Roeebnrj Rebekah
Lodge No. 41, l.O. 0. F., meots in
Odd Fellows Temple every Toeeday
evetiins. istting sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
Dblla Baoinf, N. G.
Cora Wimberlt. R. B.
senibly No. 103 meets every Satur
day evenine, at 8 o'clock in Native
Sons I lull. Visiting Artisans cordially
invited to attend.
Rev. S A. Doiolas, M. A.
Miss. I.vt.A BRfiwv, Secretary.
Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in RoeeboTg, every
first and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors a! way welcome. .
Jas. E. Lawyers. C. C.
J. A. BrcHAKAH, Cierk
1 1 Odd Fellow's Tt-mple. Meets first
and third Thursilay evoningg each
month. Visitors cordiiillr invited.
J. U. Hamilton, C. P.
J. C. Twitchkll, Scribe.
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber lands located and for sale. Good bar
gains in farm prsperty. Loans made on essy
terms In sums from -iO to any amouut at J, 4,
o and 6 per ceuu
yoncalla. ork
ED T. f,AG!!EL
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave orders at Bur r'a Music S to
The freqnent sales of small inetrn
mentg ot lata U Harprise for this time
of tbe year. Prices and quality what
connU when selling goods and yon can
always get the best goods for the leant
money at T. K. Richardson's.
Roseburg and Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Professional Cards.
Temporary Cffice McClellaa Hoose
Ixan.lnailon riee. Office boars to
Ztoip.m. firkdcsteSU'JCoUeteof Osteopathy
fhone Main 1
Coort Rnoss)
sown ritau.
Physician, Surgeon.
OCice orer P. O.
Roe car aa,
Phone Main 691.
Pbyscian & Surgeon.
Office Review Bid.
I-bona. Main tl
Roskbcbo Oassoa
Speelsu attention snven ta Dii
of the Fee
and T&roat.
O ace-Vain t., one door sou la of City Ball
Fhoua. Main Ml.
Kerte-w Bulldlmx,
Teiepbone So. 4.
aostsrRa obioob
Attorney at Law,
Rooms 11. Iinttnl RCtelBCRS. OB
f;w Business befo-w taa 0 Land OfBre an4
siiiunf eases a specialty.
Late RooeiTer V. 8. Land Oslos
Rosebcbo, . Oaaoo.
Bust oca before C 8. lad once and Picbal .-
bostnesa speeaaitj.
Office Abrahass BoiidUng.
Wll' practioa ta all the State and Federal Oosrrta
Ofice la Mark' Bld aVwobarg. Oresjow.
Attornev and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Rights made
a specialty.
Uarsters Bid ROsBBCRO. OB.KGO!
ms I and I
v1ew Builllrrg.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Room S
Earners buiKUng. ROSKBCRU, O
Attorney at Law.
Room U.
Taylor A Wiison Black . Koaiscas. UBB
a. st. saiT,
C A.SiHLBaana
pTartfee In all ol the courts of tbe
ta e, also
before the U.S. Land department
Tailor A llsoa Block,
Votary Pnbllc fn office
Thorn) Main 3ai ROSIBUBQ, ORB
Uead Office, McMlanvlllo, Oregon
Amt.ol insurance in force, l 1,000,000.00
Net nam in one year, 2,628,787.00
Saving its members 1 yr., 80,691 ,f0
Numlier separate rieks, 22,360
See A. J. Buchanan,
Roeeburic, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas Co.
We bare on hand a
planoe, which we at
out at a aacrifine, to make room for
our next car load. We hare only four
pianos of onr lsnt car load left. The
Seedham sells itaelf at sight and soond.
STeedham Fiance, tbe best and only the
best. T. K. Richardson.
X jst. sr: vs .vxjs: v: xtjviv :
1 V H The Best Always the Cheapest
For Sale by
If you want
f you want
If you want
If you want
If you want
If you want
to buy a
furnished rooms
to buy a house
rent a house
build a house
move a house
(-ta l'tk t?vr
F F. paUsfa.
all oa or adr
Of every detwrtTtk. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Oregon, Wahinton and
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Belle Collins
H. Little,
Oakland. - - - Oreeon.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for Sling on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Prints of Township Map showing
all mcant Lands.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures
OSes in new Rank Bniliiinz. 'Phone 415
Xbe Ncw-Tork Life
I"tfty-e?eoi year old.
Aa-K-ta over
Income in 1901 ever. 70.000,000
Insaraacc la forsxe over IKJ6),
Mew lusirsace pstld.for ta loot
Paid PollcyiioMer la 1901,
over StT.eoo.oeo.
Paid Police -Holders) la 37 yeans.
over aj4,
W. J. Rosa, A great.
Rosrbsrg Ore
'I i ? I i
i. 1 a a.n r ? i nam v JFa -jcs ''. i
Through Salt. Lake City, Leadville, Tueblo, Colorado
Spriugs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky
Mountain Scenery by daylight
Modern Equipment, Through Pullman and Tourist Sleep
ing Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.
For ratoe, folJera and otlier
iuforination, address
w second hand
giving to clow
x-.s: v:; x "sr. . v: nt v
Leading Grocers
aa4 Biitr
f fc, Go to
i u vmnnnr
I. II. liUUai
For a Prompt and FTrt-c!sj9
Shave or Hair-cnt. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in tRape.
Baths in Connection.
J Shop oa Jackson S.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or Thone
V7zn. LT, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Gaide
Camas Valley, Oregon
3i auks sent sreat asl Eosrbars;
is rrepared to wait nrxm old
and new customers and friends
with a full and complete
stock of
AU fresh and of the verv bei
qualitv. Tea aad coffees are
epecialtiee. Yout patronage
205 Jackson St..
fc .
sV VVo.a,eA.ov
TheGreatct Farrj Paper of tbe Vorth
rt. rtiihe.l sreealv at Si?m Ore
'a. E.tiie-t be the farmers of :i
Sortlnet-l. Taeotj-rajtes. liius-tratea.
5 Papers for $1 eo. Lass tsVesi acts
Publication Wan Mxreh 1. l?n. Sow
has e.loo snbavntwra. l'henomnal rrowa
lisueJ lM bt'"1 br1 fria p"per put-
5175 A HAS.
Ml Ml
W. C. McERJDC, Gen'l Agent,
U4 Third Street, I)rt!and, Ore