The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 23, 1903, Image 3

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    Line is not better than any other, don't buy J
from us. We are showing this season the o
Latest Styles in
Silk Gause Novelties, Sole Jouree, Silk
Zephyr, Corded Chambray, Lawn Caladine
Novelties, Tsncy Madrass Organdies,
Lawn Sinaioa Novelties, Minerva Dimities,
Leno Applique Lawn, Alton Dimity, Blouse
Linens, Organdies, Linen Batiste, Chal
. lies, Sursucker Ginghams, Percale
Q1tam We carry the Finest Line ol Made-up Skirts ia town, sod our linenf TikUyrakirii cannot b
wiLIX equaled for quality and price
Oar Spring and Snmmer Line of Clothing
Embodies many special features that will in
terest you. The clothing that we sell from the
Highest to the Lowest grade is in every ease finely tailored and thoroughly dependable. We recommend it
with confidence even though our prieeB arc lower than nny other store sell for the same quality. Also a new
and up-to-date line of Ladies' and Gent's Neckwear. OUR SHOES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.
Sole Agents for the W. L. Douglas Shoe
P T"f 5 1 JL I- AlsKAnAi
l The People s Store
One Do-r South of P. O. K
in Fine
For a Limited Time
35c. papers for 20
50c. papers for 40
..All New StocK
and Latest Cut
Envelopes : :
Also Yi oS on Fine Leather
Goods until Wednesday
evening. Dont Miss these
bargains : : : : : :
, t
t Of Local Interest.
t I
Pee the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for blue print and filing papers, tf
Dressmaking . and all plain sewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walls oppnsi'e the City Hall.
Get your abstracts ot title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only Ei'lver steel saws. None bet
ter made. Yoa will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a sjecia!ty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
Houf-e, Mesdamea Lohr fc Gegax, pro
- prietors.
If yon want to go to Coos County
points, take the Kowbnrg, Marshfield
mute. Spring hacks leave Roeeburg
every day at 0, A. M. Inqnire of C. P.
Barnard, agent. tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fiie iisnranc? compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the Citv Hall. ; tf.
Sulphur and Lime at Marsters,
Sure J oath squirrel poison, at Mars
ters Drui; Store.
Wasted. A man to spray trees. En
quire at th is office.
Hon. J. T. Bridges, went to Eugene on
Sunday, on business.
You can get anything you want in the
li ne of garden tools of S. K. Sy kes. tfl7
For your Poultry Supplies, Incnlxito'rs,
Brooders, etc., go to IS. K. Sykes. tfl7
Good clean Willamette valley seed oats
at Barcards livery 50 cents per bushel.
In Myrtle Creek the Saloon license is
$1,500 per year. Good things come
You can do more garden work with a
Planet Jr. Seeder than you can with a
dozen hoes. Churchill and Woolley
sell them. . ' .
Builders take notice, you can da bet
ter to figure with S. K. Sykes on your
material before buying any place else.
He has a large stock to select from. tf!7
Mrs. Daisy Abraham and daughter,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs
Frater for a short time,' returned to their
home ia Portland Sunday morning.
Call on Drs. Cheadle fe Johnson for
up-to-date dental wcrk. Dr. Johnson,
late of Portland, will have charge of the
crown and bridge, work department
Prices reasonable. tf
E. W. Frost, business manager of E.
J. Arnold's Oregon Pacific and Oriental
Carnival Co., is in the city lxkir.g
around with the intention of holding a
carnival here some time in the summer.
For Sale 1, Sin. wagon in running
order, prioef 5.00. 1, 3j in. wagon com
plete, bed ; wood-rack double-trees and
neck-yoke, in fine order, price 35.00.
Inquire of C. Van Zile, Douglas St. east i
of Hill, Roseburg Ore. Mar 19-1 m.
J. II. Thomas and wife who have been
spending the winter at Pacific Grove
Calif., returned home Thursday even
ing. Mr. Thomas says the weather
down there has been fine all the winter,
and all the rain which has fallen fell at
night so that the days could be sunny.
Brigadier General, F. A. Fanston,
formerly of the "fighting" 20th Ksnsa -.
volunteers, will in a few days take com
mand of the Columbia V. S. Army, with
headquarters at Vancouver. The officer
Gen. Rpndall, who be succeeded, will be
stationed at San Francisco.
Osteopathy has buiit npon the founds
tion of science deeply seated in the phil
osopy of truth, chemistry, anatomy and
physiology, a new etiology of diseases, a
new systematic method of treating dis
eases that have been accumulating since
the act of healing. It cures all acute
and chronic diseases permanently. Con
sultation free by Dr. A. L. Studley.
Temporary office at Hotel McClallen. tf,
V7& intend our
1 "ads"tobe,and
they are, an in
l dex of what is
occurring in
our store, a
j newsp ap er
that reflects the
B best we've got
1 to offer you : :
I x W"
Values this weeK in
Table Linens,
Always the Cheapest
rr r
- Pure drugs and medii-ines at Marsters.
For a good 25-cent meal go to the Re
sort, (lEOBOB GaBBKRT.
F. T. Hayes, of Grants Pass, spent
Sunday in the city.
Dr. Lowe, will be la Roseburg April
2, 3 and 4. His glasses are good glasses.
Men wanted to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Conn, Roseburg, Ore
Try the Pedalis Shoe for Women.
Only 3.00 at Flint's Popular Shoe Parlors.
Mrs. Rogers, oi Drain, spent Sunday
in the city with her husband. Deputy
Assessor Rogers.
Watch our windows for new styles.
Something new always ready for you at
Flint's Shoe Store.
Mrs. Kuykemzoll, of Eugene, Grand
President of the Native Daughters of
Oregon, will address the lodge to-night.
On March 50, at St. Georges Church,
Mr. Wonnecott and Miss Stegert were
united in marriage. Rev. John Dawson
performed the ceremony.
Eighty per cent of so-called incurable
diseases abandoned br other systems
are cured bv Osteonathv. Dr. Studiev
is yet at the McClallen House.
Mr. Jackson, the gunsmith, has just
received a large invoice of blank keys
and can now fit you ont with anything
in that line at reasonable prices. 2tp
For numerous disorders go to the
Osteopath, Dr. Srudley, now at the Mc
Clallen House. He will soon be located
in the Taylor A Wilson Block. 2tl5.
Chickens tbe most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petal Incuba
tor and get a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them
Mrs. J. W. Hamilton is visiting
friends in Portland where she was called
by the illness of la grippe of her daugh
ter, Miss Ruth, who is attending school
Tlje ladies of Roseburg and ricinity
are coniully invited to attend the
spring millinery opening at Josephson
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, March
31st, April 1st and 2d.
L. A. Marsters will be pleased to
meet anyone having Mohair or wool for
sale, at V. R. Buckingham's store, eve
ry Saturday. He wants thousands of
pounds and will pay a good price t -r it.
1-ee his notice elsewhere.
For a fow good bargains in real estate,
see Ti K. Richardson. 40 acres ' close to
town cheap, 8 acres near town good
house and barn, one-half block near cen
ter of town between main and Jacktton
St. See Richard6on. " 2 1
Thos. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiacr of the famous white
Langehnn chickens, "greatest of wintci
avers," is making a special offer to
those wishing eggs for batching 15 eggs
for f 1.50. Those wishing eggs should
write him at once. m4
pert honors was presented with a hand
some scene from Alaska and Mr. Warren
Mc Williams was consoled with "the only
thing he conld beat," a tiny drum.
The affair was charming in every par
ticular and the participants will always
look forward to some future occasion
when they may again be guests of these
delightful people.
Ja mes McDiarrued who was in the
employ of the American Type Founders
Co., of Portland, In the capacity of book
keeper, and who made his get away
from Portland very suddenly on the 6th
of this month, has not been heard of
sinre. It was discovered Friday that he
was over $300 short in his accounts. He
was married just a few weeks ago to
Miss Nellie Gibson, of Ashland.
Fireman E. B. Duch, who formerly
fired out el Roseburg, passed through
iiere on Friday on his way to the Port
land Hospital. He is laid up with a
broken elbow joint which he received
Thursday at Hornbrook, Calif. The ac
cident was caused by the sudden etart
of the Engine, just as he had got through
fi.ling the tender at a water town, and
as a result he was thrown off.
Last Thursday in ew York, George
j . uouiu ana ins who nad a narrow es
cape from serions injury to-night at
I Thirty-third street and Broadway, when
J their coach was crushed against an ele
vated road pillar by a South Sixth-ave
nue car as they were on their way to the
Manhattan Theater. The footman was
thrown from the box and cut about the
head, but neither Gould nor his wife
were injured
On trway night the members of the
Young Peoples Societies of Christian
bnUeiivor we:e entertained bv the
young people of the Christian church
at the home of Misses Bertha and
Lmma Seulbrede. Throughout thj
house the decorations were artistic nd
well diiosod, consisting mainly of gar
lands of greon, while suspended In an
archway was the Christian Endeavor
Monogram "C. E." wrought of ivy
leaves. The affair was a Kalinuignndi
party, various progressive games being
played and Mr. B. F. Alley having ex-
Sulphur and Liino at Marsters.
J. A. Underwood, of Oaklund was in
town Saturday.
Sure death squirrel poison, at Mars
ters Drug Store.
High grade brushes, combs and
toilet articles at Marsters.
J. M Shahan who has I ee;i in Cottnge
Grovo on business has returned.
D. E. Vernon, of Oakland, was in
Roseburg, Saturday, on business.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woolleys.
Z. L. Dimmick, of Oakland, accom
panied by his daughter, spent Saturday
in the city.
Postmistress Mrs'. Mary Wilson, of
Wilbur, was in Roseburg, Friday, visit
ing friends.
Albert Clay ton who bas been visiting
in Portland for the last week has re
turned '
W. C. Conner, editor of the Lane
County Leader, came in Friday evening
on business.
Minnie McCurdy left Saturday to
spend a week with her" father at Lee
Mr. and Mrs Reese, of Minnesota, are
in the city, looking for a country home
with about 40 acres of land.
Miss Leona Kabatt is now in the tele
phone ce. t ft', office, n the place of Miss
Dale tiarmon, resigned.
When in town and you want a first-
class 25-cent diuuer, go to the Resort
Geobuk Gabbebt.
e will display an extensive lino of
fine Tstteru and Street hats March Slst
A April 1st A 2nd at Josephson'a.
The Board of Trade have just finished
the furnishing of their room and it
looks iike a sure enough Boardof Trade
L, Z. Hendrick and wife who have
been visiting for a' month in California
resorts, returned to their home in Rose
burg on Friday.
Miss Emma Hetstine briefly visited
at her home near Oakland, returniug
Sunday evening to resume her duties,
next morning, in the school room.
Miss Dollie illefty one of the Pi-Aix-
dkaleb compositors, left Saturday
morning, to spend Sunday with her
parents in Drain.
Mr. Seveson is in the city, lookirg
for a dairy location. Mr. Seveson has
been over Wa-hlngton and Oregon, and
says this country looks better to him
than any he has seen.
There is a new kind of wheat on ex
hibition at tbe Beard of Trade which is
known as Johnston's winter wheat. It
is only a little over seven feet tall with
heads almost 15 inches long.
Dem Ien Eleyker, representing the
Allen, Gilbert, Remaker, Piano and
Organ Co., was in the city on Saturday.
Mr. Den Bleyker is the father of the
girl whose picture appeared in Muusey's
Magazine last fall, as the best lady
mathematician in the United States.
The next session of the Western Di
vision of the Oregon State Teachers As
sociation will be held at Portland, June
24, 25, 26 and 27, 1903. A etrwng pro
gram ia being prepared. Coming at
that time of the year there should be
large attendance from the teachers of
the state.
Tbe next Eighth Grade Final Exami
nation will be held April 7, S, and 9th,
as Friday 10 is Arbor Dar. There were
but three successful candidates in Febru
ary examination. Eight Grade Diploma
were issued to D. Lester Cron. Eva
Prunuer and Martha Ash, all of Dist.
No. 70, of Riddles, Ore.
At Whist.
On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Hamilton very charmingly enter
tained a number of friends at progressive
whist. This is the first time the Hamil
ton! deligntful new home on Cass street
ha.T leen opened since its occupancy and
the many in attendance conclusively t-
tt-sted the popularity of host and hostets
The decorations throughout the double
parlors, 1 brary and sitting room were
garlands of ferns and English ivy grace
fully disposed over windows and doors,
and strands of cards threaded on scarlet
ribbons passed from the chandeliers to
each corner of the rooms- disappearing
beneath great bunches of cnt flowers,
and bowls of scarlet and white carna
tions stood on mantles and piano. The
manner ot finding partners was as
nnkjue as pretty, the lady being present-
el with sprays of cut flowers and their
partner for the first game had the
flowers name on his score cards. The
score cards were perforated in a letter
II, the perforations being filled .at the
end of each successful game with a brass
button. Mrs. J. T Bridges won ladies
first prize, a great bottle of perfume, and
to Mrs. K. L. Miller went to the ladies
consolation, a box of bonbons. Dr. K.
L Miller carried off the gontlumens first
prize, a silver paper knife and the gentle
mens consolation a Chinesejmatch hold
er was presented to Mr. S. A. Sanford.
Mrs. Hamilton was assisted by her
sister Miss Bessie Kidder, her sister-in-
law, Miss Stella Hamilton, Misses Re
gina and Maude Rast, Elva Wimberly
and Ella Black, who most deftly served
the lnncn consisting of oyster cocktails,
crackers, pickles, olives, aandwiches,
coffee, cocoa, cake and ices.
11- iL. .il A
ilacR and Colored Etamines,
Voiles, Mistral Cloth, Hop
nmella and Melrose
Large Assortment of Wash SilKs in Plaids and Stripes.
Also Fine Line of Peau de Soies and Peau de Crepes
Spring Millinery Opening
.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 31st, April 1st and 2nd.
Phone an. All Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Kate Claxtcn Csrn'ng.
Socialists Attention.
On Friday March 27 Hp.!" CI ixtonand
her distinguished company rp;ir here
in " The Two Orphans", a rlay in which
she is justly famed. It i a jle-fnre to
commend this famou play to V- e public,
with tbe assurance that a;: who ee it
rill be delighted with the performance.
Such a play and such a performance con
stitute one of the season ' treat. "The
Two Orphans" is one of the rollout and
strongest of dramatic wnrk", f nd contain
ing some scenes which in poirersre not
excelled in any play. The piece itself
has been described and liscnei t full
length several times, and the greater
part of the public is fairly Umiiir i:h
the plot, in which ail abouiKiinit wnt of
jotice, a nobility of heart and lofiineos
of emotion and pathoa are admirnMr
portrayed. The story is presented with
admirable skill by Miss Claxton and
supporting company, and is iinprcive
from first to last.
Rial Estate Transfer.
A ma-J convention will Lc held at the
Court House, next Saturday, lar. 2S
at 10 a. in. for the propose cf electing
delegates to the Firt Congrwsiona
Convention to be held in falem April
3rd, 1903.
Rat C. Bbowx,
M. E. Cboocbam. Secy. . Chairman.
Buff Plymouth Rocks.
ggs of purebred stock for sale at
Blodgeit Bradley's 2nd JOT store,
Rosebarg, at 50 cents a setting. 19-1 mp
Wajoxd. At the Oregon Soldiers"
Home, one dining room girl, one dish
waher, and oce Laundress. For partic
ulars inquire at the Home at once.
. W. J.Shiplxt,
tnar29-3t Commandant.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants, endorw! prior to
C- Sether to Clare KmJI1 6th, 19C0, are mjneete.1 U, present
Q. A. R. Entertained.
On Friday Evening the G. A. R. In
dian War Veterans and a few invited
guests were entertained by the W. R.
C. No. 10. The evening was spent very
pleasantly by all those who attended.
Mrs. E. DuGaspreaided. The following
entertaining program was rendered:
" Instrumental selection 5Iiss Fuller-
AddressMcCoy, commander of Reno
Tost, G. A. R.
Song Miss Flossie Kidd.
Piano solo Miss Gertie Rast.
Vocal duet Dr. E. DuGas, Wilbur
R oss.
Impromptu speeches by Messrs. John
Hamlin, Judge Follerton, J. W. Wright
A. C. Marsters, W. J. Shipley, Dr. E.
Song, America, by the audience.
All were then invited Into the banquet
hall 'diera a delicious supper was servod
Afterward a number of the old in
spiring war songs were sung by the vet
cranHin attendance.
An address by Rev. G. II. Bennett
concluded the evening program
humorous thrust at Dr. DnUass being
eleverly returned by the latter.
acres in to 33 s. of r 7 w of
sideration f 250.
Louise E. Rapp and hn.kin.l, t.f
Jnirean, Alaska, to Mary J. V. inkier.
block 9 and 10, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, ( l-t 5
lot 6. North Tark addition. Cousin-r
ation f SCO.
W. J. Konua to Eva L Konns, lot 1,
block 42 Drain. Consideration t?)0.
It. F. Swan to M. E. Churrh South
Myrtle Creek, lota and 5 Mnt-k H.
Consideration 400.
Cobb Real Estate Co. to Ellen Tajl.-r,
lot 9 block 14, Wait's addition. Con
sideration f 140.
W. P. Totten to Matrgie M -'.i;::,
west 23 ft of lot 2 block 3 Ju'.ij.. Con
sideration 1.00.
Henry Wadsworth and aife to V. II.
Bradford, 100 acres in tp 24 s, of r 3 w
of w m. Consideration f 10.
Win. P. Totten and wife to W. "H.
Neff, w 25 feet of lot 2 block 3 Glonde.
Consideration 700.
W. A. Gridley and wife to Williams P.
Johnson Lumber Co., 349.44 acres in tp
29 s, of r 4 and 5 w of w m. Considera
tion $3,500.
W. !I. Neff to Mrs. Maggie M. Totten,
7 acres in sec 33 tp 32 s, of r 6 w of w m.
Consideration tf TOO.
Alfred II. Brown to W. II. Bradford,
IqO acres in tp 25 s, of r 3 w of w m, 1G0
acres in tp 25 s, of r 3 w of w m, 80 acroa
in tp 25 s, of r 3 w of w m, 160 acres in
tp 25 s, of r S w of w m, 1G0 acres in tp
24 8, of r 3 w of w m, lfiO acres tp 24 s,
of r 3 w of w m, 160 acres tp 24 s, of r 3
w of w m. Consideration 110.
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at tho Rose
burg poet office.
Allen, Ernst P Kocken, Mr G A
Brown, W II Peterson, 8
Cooley, Frank (2) Tage, Mr II P
Deans, Miss Eunice Rocker, Mr Henry
Evernden, Mr F S Smith, Mr R G
Fisher, Jacob Turner, D S
Grant, Mr W II Williams, Miss Pearl
naagensen, Mrs A M
Hall, Mr J W Wells, Emael
Persons calling for these letters
please state the date on which they
advertised, March 9, 1903.
The letters will be charged for at
rate of one cent each.
- Wm. A. Fbater, P,
J the same at the City Treasurer's office
for payment, as interest will cease there
on after the date of this notice.
Dated Rowburg. Ore., Mch. 6th, l9Cv3.
II. C. Suktu, Ja.,
City Treasurer.
They are Proving Satisfactory.
The Supplemental Chamber Co.,
RosEBrao, Ore.
Gentlemen : Please send me via ex-
i press, one doxen Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 8. A W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke
less cartridge. Tbe brass Chamber or
dered some time ago having proved sat
isfactory I can do business with them
when the spring season opens.
Yours truly, H. J. S;iilman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. th, 1903.
ToBoxro, Jan. 13th, 1903. .
The S. C. Co., Roseburg, Ore.
Dear Sirs: I beg to thank you for
s.'. in pie brass chamber and Jh informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters in order that I
might test tho chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. I find same
works perfect satisfactory and now wuh
to apply for the sole selling agency for
the Dominion of Canada.
Yours very truly,
FltJ A. H. Fkxs., Mfgs. Agent.
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
. Stops itching scalp opon one applica
tion, three to fix removes all dandruff
and will stop UlYiug hair. Price 50c.
For rale by Marsters Draz Co. mltf
Notice for Publication.
lxl Of Set ml Box-birr. Ottb.
Jnurt, li. 1S
!" 1 KrhT gtTtm tht la trtlow-z
uti trtUer ku 3k-J o.:W of h- lotcn-.'.n
to iiol ermmu::ka btw la mrtrt vi
flun nod tiuii nta im' aril! he wt-'f- be
kwr.Grt. Onrgon. oa K.iJat. FoOrurr 37. 1 3
of Ti!r. Ornrni.n H K N for the rai
ol swe i Tv.-S . R 1 ( w. M. il
D;n- n.. !n;:-,win nianx, o rm
Sic!'l)(iorf.fkl Km-mit, ore., A Tliomn.
on. ot Xrrti. Cre, "m.
Notice of Final Settlement
la the Coont Court of tht Suie at Orvrnn
for fllt rrl acia.
la the Oi::r ol lc. aliu)
K B. Jotaaon, dcoaapL J
ix hrrbr firea Uit D. i T. WU -4
ninxtnlnroi Itenuwtt K. B. Jahams .(-.
fJ. li n?r.lTTj aod xrr-u ri lor wtl V
ner.. rd B.ed in tnvn him final ammnc
o an admlm-.-r.iim ol r:atr; Tiia! H'-a-Uj
, U? JnJ Jay ot Jla-T.i. 15.0, a( jo a'rtvk av nlil dv. at lb eoan room nl mii cnart
Rortarr. Ornroo. bit bco Sxol fnrtlret
iMMat f s.!1 finaJ arfnuat, and lorbnu-tnc
aaj- oJctiotii I ha bi j t ra( v ih xax.
. l. T. W r.
J2?r AdmlnlJtratoTof Eu.v.
Albatros Market...
J. M. BRIER, Prop.
Cash paid
Dealer in
and Oysters
a M
K. m !a yrir or-pnrtwalsy to gr a rboK
a fc oa "a !.". hax mr pise or irto
tw o. r-u'ts kept alu tm
ttTcL. l Tin txn u kinc tar abase.
c. we . il. t.txl am t
S tewart S Creecen
E:0SECl!!Q C?IC0:i
If yon Lave a ring that ia
broken or a set J oat. or
ly ysi have a ring that
is it a little to small or a
lAila V large, perhaps yoa
have one that needs strei?h
enii'g or is badly bent. I am
prepared to do all kinds of
ring repairing. I not only
guarantee my work, bat I
guarantee you will be well
pleas J with the job : : :
Opposite S. P. Dcpot-n etcher Ba'l g
Fok Sai.k Citrap. Less than $10 jer
acre. A well improved grain and stock
f irm of 330 acres in Camas Valley. Thil
is a rare bargain. For particulars in
quire of Win. M. Portkb, Camas Valley,
Ore. MIOtf.
FOR SALE. At a bargain, a country
store with dwelling department in
the rear and upstairs. Blacksmith shop
and building? ; 12 acres of land ; good
business point for a blacksmith or shoe
maker, with trado which justifies carry
ing a fair stock of general merchandise.
Address Wm. Fbakkr, Cleveland, Ore
gon. l'-'f
For Sale
Small saw mill
particulars address.
and timber. For
Livixostoj Bros,
Peel, Ore.
Deprt,mnt rl the Interior,
I'nltrd riUlf Land aer.
RoavburH, Ore., Kb. Ln 1.1
Notice la hereby given that the approved
FLAT! nt airrpy of
TON'WSHIP 81 S, R 10 wt
have boon rwoired trotu the Surveyor General
lr Or-eon, and on
rUU'AY. Maioh S7, 1S, at 9 o'clock, A. M.
the aald plHta will be Hied In thia offliv. and
Hie land embraced therein will be subject o
eutry on and alter that dale.
J. T. BKIOOR. R-:stor,
J, il. BCKjrH.lteceiver.
State Treasurer'a Seventh Notice.
Fairlmnka, Morse Jack-of-all-trades
OaNoiine engines for farm work, 5 rind
ing Millw, Puins, Chnrus, Wotxl SawH,
etc., for Bale by S. K. -Sykes. tfl7
j -
Tr?nry Department,
flute i( Oivn.
Nnt!re ia ht'Tvby rlreen that Ihvra am tunti
In the ireiwury with which to redivm an out
Mnndini aiitto warmnta drawn on th Hiaio
K'alp Hmiuiy and Bount Kumls, endine.
"Hn'entixt and not ratd ;,r want ol timU"
rrlor to thix date. Ail aurh warranta. If rnn
erlr emlonn-d. wille iaid utxin vnaiMilKiion
at thia orllfio, luierv t 'lionxin caiiiK lr.n and
after thia dole. (HAH. rt. mhikk,
.flat Troaaurer.
Stoves and Tinware
Mow is Your Chaace
Oar new goods have arrived and they
are all 0. H. Ve can show some
We have the Snow FlaEe Goods for Waists and
Dresses, also the Bedford Cord. If you want any
thing in the line of Fancy Hose we have then.
Some new patterns that are very pretty.