t: the last r ing COD fcel EU an In ha bu nit fir ID w c c V t t i f "why did They tie him?" rmT Ta Still Mj-attfled Over tb Kathan Hale Statne. Mrs. Worth lart wwk came orcr nirw-,i.i .n Tnmmv m.l -aike ! with him across the Citj Hall park Tommy manifested a lively interest In the Xcthan Hale statue, lie wanted a , pood, lonp look at it, and his mother humored him. "Mamma, what's he tied .for?" was Tommy's first question after his search ing examination. ' "&b he can't get away," the proud mother replied. "Is he alive?" was the next question. "No, Tommy; he's made of bronze, and there's no life in that . "Then he couldn't get awcy, could he, mamma?" "XoTdearest." "Then what is he tied for?" "You see, dear, the soldiers "caupht him and bound him that way, and then, they hanged him." "Did they kill him, mamma?" . "Tes, darlic.L,'." "Then he is dead. Isn't he?" "Tes, love." "Then how could he get away?V "Cm er why. Tommy" "Then why did tiiey tie him, mam ma?" . Only the roar of Broadway could be heard above the intensity of her si lence, and as she led the little fci'.ow along he echoed over and over, "What did they tie him for, mamma?" New York Times. A Pal at He Forgot. It was In a small town" up the state. A young lawyer who wasvounsol for the prisoner in a murder trial was cross examining an old farmer, the chief wit ness of the prosecution. The testimony of the farmer went to show the time at which he saw the accused pass a field where he was working. "Now, my man," he commenced, "yon declare that you saw the prisoner pass your potato field at 12 o'clock." How did you know it was 12 o'clock?" "Kind of innarvl feelin' that it whs dinner "time," drawled the old farmer. "I don't.carry no watch when out d:g gin pertaters.' But when I got home aa hour later It was half rast 2 by the kitchen clock." Tie young lawyer did not wait to hear more. He turned to the jury and began, "Gentlemen of the jury, you have heard ,.what this old gentleman has said In regard to the time, and" "Say, mister," Interrupted the farm er, "I forgot to tell you that the kitchen clock has been -at half past 2 for the last three years." New York Times. , FaUosopMt IMlIa- Lots of talk about this old wcr'd ret being a bright one, yet if St went to blazing first thing you'd do would be to call out the fire department. There's always life in the old land, but the world gets mighty tired digging so deep for it. ffhe charity of this world covers a multitude of sinners that don't care a straw for any other covering. Some foik-pend so much time la looking backward they never see tie train coining till It's too late to step aside. Atlanta Constitution.- . tfnooi natter. . - The young man In the dross suit wat angry. T Bay." he exclaimed, "it's a deuced outrage!" "What is?" asked the proprietor of the restaurs ct. Tve been mistaken for a waitab twice!" complained the youth. "Thunder and gun?!" crii-d the pro prietor excitedly. "We'll liave to fir.d a way to stop that or I won't be cbi to keep any waiters." Brooklyn Eagle. Snapiioti. . "I'm afraid my husband doesn't love me any more," said the bride cf six months, with an overgrown sigh. . "When did you discover the change? 6ked her mother. ; "When I discovered that he had quit leaving any change In his pockets," re plied the young lady sadly. Dead Rtxnt. Cynic One oT'the greatest nuisances on earth is this custom of shaking bands with every one you meet. Friend That's right, old man. Shake! San Francisco Chronicle. trosr For the Strong ; "Tour father has a strong box at home, hasn't he, Willie?" said the twacher. "Tesm," repli Willie; "the one hr. keeps the limljurgcr In." Toukex? Statesman. CURTAIN CALLS. Wilson Br.rrett is to have a play by his son, Arthur Barrett Lester Loncrgaa is loading suau vitlj the Melvi;le-iiltiwiu stock couiriiiy of Sew Orleans. Tbe prolific Theodore Kremer isi pre paring for production "Tbe Triumph of an Empress." Mrs. Robert Osborn has engaged Purr Mcintosh to play an Important line of parts in her stock company. Lew Docki-tader rill riext.j"fcar head s troupe of 100 performers, under the management of Messrs. Klaw Ai Erbin ger." Henry. Miller Is to appear this sr-a-eon as an independent star, portraying the famous actor Mehnn in a drama cf the Crotnvrt'Uiau period. ' George Arliss' farie called "Tiiere and DickM wUl be acted In this coun try by r.n American cast. Hatvtrey tried it last season In London. Mrs. John Wood's role in the new Drnry Iinp melodrama will be that of o circus ftrong woman reduced by ago to the Necessity of training parrots. NEW FUR FASHIONS. V.ANY NOVEL. FANCIES INTRODUCED IN SKiNS AND TRIMMINGS. Tony. Leopard And Mole Skin Iron Fur and Gimp and Chiffon Reprrunt Inramtak Modes-Callsura Are liroad and Turndown. Decided revolutions have occurred Id furs and trimmings. These have taken w der-artures, and many unusual skins are to be applied to our warm garments. Leopard and pons ar0 prominent among them. One fur trims another, and ermine Is Introduced as an addendum to the popular gray siyiirrol, which Is being converted into paletots, jackets and capes. Motorinir is responsible for a number of new skins which have been turned to women's uses in dress. Ieopard. , COAT OF 6FAT1 AXD SKUNK. mole aijd pony skins are applied alike ta dresses and to cloaks, wluch are often trimmed with leather and treat ed ia an uncommon fashion, identical with tLis new amusement and mode of transit. The latest Is pony poulon, as it Is called which Is made up Into c'tose fit- ling basqued jackets trimmed with silk gimp and Into sack poletots of the three-cuarter length. ; Gimp ornaments and gimp and chif fon trimmings figure largely on as trakhan end other furs. The muffs are enormous and quaintly shaped. The old style of pelerine namely, cape that rescues to tne waist, wnn deep stole ends that fall thence to the 4 '4 .f. ErSalAS COAT OF ASTTULKEAT. feet In front Is the newest and most A fashionable form of fur garment. The cape is cut somewhat full and mostly lined with white satin. The fur collars turn downward, though -not without the possibility of being more ambitious and covering the ears In cases of emergency. The sack paletot with hanging sleeves Is produced In squirrel trim med with ermine and other furs. Latest Table Decoration. From across the water we have bor rowed the very welcome idea cf build lug the centerpiece for a large dinner out of frtiits ,that would win ribbons and medals and enthusiastic exclama tions at a Ebow. It Is an art and a gift to be able to build one of. the fruit cas tles that at big dinners measure some times four feet from the ba.w to the apex. Just the market fruits, lemons, oranges, bananas, etc., can be used with good effect, but the rich and fash ionable hostesses have run races lately In the rival splendor cf the gorgeous and unseasonable hothouse products heaped n their tables Art Inter change. - A Cleansing Cream. Cleansing cream made after tbe fol lowing recipe is highly recommended for general use in the household. It will remove grease ppots from coats, carpets" or any woolen texture, paint from furniture and ink from paint. This cream will keep an indefinite pe riod: Cut four ounces of white castiie soap very fine and put It over the fire In a quart of hot water to dissolve. As Booa as It is thoroughly molted add four quarts of hot water and wbT3 nearly cold stir In four ounces of am monia, two ounces of alcohol, two ounces of glycerin and two ounces of ether. ' CURRENT COMMENT. . Arctic explorers do not rucceed in finding much except one another's re malrjs. Washington Star. Tire ci'g dealers. It is said, are get ting 'ocelli er, which probably means that eggs and the people will bo far tlier apart. Cleveland Leader. Presidents of the anthracite coa! rop.da mv tht'y lire Mtlslied with tbe strike cutlwk. It is a pity they can not Inspire pimilnr contentment in the mLnd of the unhappy consumer. New l'ork Tri'iune. The 'lusslar; have naver been known as great humorists, but nothing couid be more huniorous than tbe Rus sian embassador to Turkey urging the sultan to take measures to improve the situation in Macedonia. Deseret News. rTench diplomats are treading on dangerous ground. They are bo.isting ail soris of things in the event of a for eign war. They should remember that It Is all very well to call yourself names, but eitreniely hazardous to try that isort of a game oa the other fel low. San Francisco Call. 1 - .-- ! ft f Notice for Publication. CniU-d 6tate Land Omoe. RoseuurK, Oregon, Keb 'ii, 1903. Notice is hereby Riven I bat in compliance wttli ino provisions of the art of C'oncress of Juue 3, 1871 cut llli'd "An Art for the rale of timtior lands In the states of California, Oretro i. Nova. In. anil Washli.eton Territory," an extend ed to all the public land states ly act of Ann ual , isfi, JOSEPH A.BPORT. of Whatcom coui.ty ol Wn..te.om, mate of WaMrnirton, ha tills day tiled In itiia office bit sworn statement No. for tlifl purr hasp ol he N E'i of Section 18, township SI e. K A west.. and will otter proof to ahnw that the. laud s.peht is more valuable for ita tlnihor or Moiie than- for agricultural purpose and to establish his claim to ss.id land bclore W. S. Rrltt. II. S. Commissioner al Kiddle, OrtKon, on Friday the ls day l Mar, JA.i. lie name a witnesses: Virlor r"lnkerlon,enolKnlsl. Wash,, Herbert Htfhott, Seattle. Was.. J O tillbert. Perdue. Orfon,Clkas A short, Mtiohoinish, Wasu. Any and all person claiming adver-ely the above described latins are requested to a e their claims la iMsoflice on or before said ltdayo( IX . . Register. Notice for Publication. Cuiied Sta es Ind office, Roebur(,t)refton, March 3, luuS. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of CocKres of June S, 18T8, entiiied "An Aoi for U10 aaie ol limber Lnds In the Stales of California, Ore 11011, Nevada and tliin)tUin Te ritory" as ex tended to all the fublic Land Slates hy ael ol AllRllst i, 19-2. lli.m.Ss. ELMORE. of Aberdeen, county of i hehalis, state of Wash- ini.'loii, has this day filed in this othce his sworo s'atemcul No. 4,Vli', for the purchase of tne f '4 ch?c 4, I p Bl souih, ranve 2 west, and ui.i offer proof to show that the land solicit is more valuable for its timber or stone t an tor aiirieultuial purposes, an-1 to tstatdlsh his cliiim to snid land before W rt Prill, V S Cora miswoncr at Kiddle. Ore., on Frid.y, the Mh. ly ol fasy. 19e.i. He uaines as witm-sitea: J Q t; ilert, fentne. Oregon, O. I l.eavt uiro xl. R ddle. Or, hod. Lloyd Marquam, Tiler, ore. Al. Robntiaugh, KiiiJ.e Oregon. Any and all persons claimiue adversely the itaru dewritH'd lsu '? are reo, nested 10 hie tbtir claims in this office on or t-efore said s;b day ol May, l'JOJ. J T BR1 DGKj, Mr.S. Register. Notice for Publication. Tnited Stales land OiTice, Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. , V.l Notle is hereby gn en that tn compliance with the pro Liin ol the act of Cougres of June , 18TS. entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands tn the States of California. Tjreiron NeTada .and W ashington Tertiiory'asextend d to all the public land states by act of August KVEKEtT HIGDON. of Vancouver, cuntv of Clarke, state o Wa-h:ngton, hss this lar tiicf tn this office bi saom statement So. X, for the purchase o the .S'j o! ev,. Sec a, Tp 29 , range west and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tir.itr or stone man for agricultural purpuses, and to es'-ai lish his claim U-iore toe Kecisier and Kecetver of Uua Oiiice of Koseburg, Oregon, ou Uo-iai. tbe lm day of May, 1901. Ho names as wiioeasea: ' U wren. Hale rr-n. -lid John Letiharr, nf Camas Valley, Oregon, W D applngtoo. of Po'tland. Oresou. Any and sii pcrons claiming advena-'.y the above di'ecribe.f lands are requested to rile their rlsims In this office on or before said lthday of May, 1901 J.T. BKILXjf-s, Mar dp Kegister. Notice for Publication. ratted Sia'ct Land Off e. Boecburg, Oregon, f,b. 'JS,13 Notice is bertvv f iren that in corr pilanra with the provisions of It. act of Congress of June S. ivS. entitled "An a-t fr the sale of timber lands in the Stares California. Oregon Nevada .and ttashmcon Ierriiory," asextend d te all tea public land states by act ef August 4, Itii. AXDP.EW W. AM)KROX, f JxnCoiby sre. Everett, county of Snoho misn. state id VYaahiuston. has tins day filed iu th's orr.ee his s orn -tHtem"U No. 4'X.t. for the purchase of lots 9 JO, of Sec. 6. Tp. 31 S, R S west and will e3r fvroof to show that the land ought is more va'maMc ior i 1 limtwr or s.one than loragr: ultnral purpjst-s and toe;abii"li bis claim tosa.d land oeiore W 5 Bntt, I' S Com missioner at k:QUIe, Oregou. on Fndy the 1st day of May. l.vS. He names as witD' ses: Theo dore Anderson, and O V. Reeve, ot Bveretl, Wa:i.. J Q Gi'ben. htrdue. or, Chis. A Short, Snohomish. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above dt-scr.lc-d lands are teqneld t'j file theirclsims in this ofEeeon or before as Id 1st dayof May UOi. i. T. BKlDoKo. t Register. Notice for Publication. Tnlted rtatos Land OEf, Rorurg, Oregon, Feb 21, liS. Sot'.i.e is terety givrn ttal In compliance srltk the provisions of the act of Congr-ss ot June 3. )sTs. entitij-1 "An act tor the sale of timber lands tn the States p Cali'om!a.Oteoo Nevada. and ta ashington Territory," asexteiid ed to all the public land state by act ol August 4. li - CHARLES A- FHORT, r.f 5iohnmisb. cmnty of ti'h-irauh, ststc of Wsshicrton. ha this day filed In this office his rru ktaiemrnt No. iiS. lor the purcha. of th--r-:4 o! fi; 01 ree. 6 Tp, U K. R S west, and wi l after proof to show that tie lsn-1 soueht Is more valuable for Its timber or stone tnn for scrirultnral purpos. and to fstab iiii his rls'm to said land before VV S Btitt I' H t omoit.loner. at Rid lie Oregii, on Fridar. the Ut dav of May. I aJ He names ss :tuews: 11 H fhott. Ssttle Wah . V Fins prtoo, snob im'sh. Waah, W Weyhright, Riddle, Ore, J J Gilbert. Ierilue. Ore. Anrand a ! persons claiming s-trersely the abtnre decr:ted ands are requested to tie tbeir claims in this otfioe on or befs aid lt r!a of May 1903 J. T. BKILXtr & fi'p Itexister. Notice for Publication. fnited (Mates Lsnrl Office. K.eram, Oreeon. Sep' 27, 1. Kotice fs 1 ervby riven Uiat in eorcpl ancr sritb tbe provision of the actol Congress o! Jane. lTa. entitled "an Act tor the saie of Timt-cr Laifla In toe rlau-s of California, Ore gon. Nevada to J I ahi-i-ton Terrtu-rr," as ex lcn.ii.-d to al1 tbe Pabhc Land SUua by act ol An-ust , ls9J. ROBERT H COSHOW. of Salem, covjnty of Varion. nate of Oreeon, Las this lay Cled In this office bis saorn state ment So S-'H-S, for the purrhsx of the h1. of st-e'.inn Tp 9 sooth, K 8 west Wil. Wer and sril! offer proof to show that the land aivriit ts more valuatle for its timber or si" me ti n for acriciliaral pnT-pna. and to estaliltsb Me claim be' i re tne Kecister and Ileoeiver of tLi oiiice ot ttoaeburg, Oregon, on Thnrwiay, Ibe Stb 6 yof Vsrch, l&a' He nsmesas wilnes e Sirs E -ma 1 Coshow, Miss Herha Kav. Miss i ennre Kay. of tialcrn, Ore., Ii H Oatuan, of Myrt e Creek, Ore. Any and al persons claimirs; aytversely the ato-.e deKin'oea lands are reqnestel to le th -lr i-iaims In tbuofneaon or before said Si I. (Urol March, 1VM. J. T. BRIIHiEa, di:p kesittcr. Notice for Publication. Tn'ted Ftatee I and OSce. Boscbnrz, On-iron, Ihh;. TI. I'K. Ifotlce la hereby srtren that fa compliance sritb tbe provisions of the act of Congresa of Jnne 3, is. , entitled "An e-t for tbe sale ol timber lands In fie States of Californta,Oreion Nevada .and W ashiiinton Territory," asezteud ed to all tbe publie land states by act of Aorue OpMa.V D RANKS, of West Ber-d, countr of Palo Al'o. state ol Iova, bss t:,is dsy'tjied In tbls office bis morn ttsiercn? No. 4-i. fer ti e rcrchss- of tic NWi-i of Sec. vn. Tp a) S. K 7 W. and will of fer proof to show tr.at the land aouUt Is more val'iable fur Its timber or stone limn for arrl culinral purposes, a" to establish bis c'nni to said lard rr forc vt 8 Britt, L" S Commissioner at kid'lK Oregon, on Alondnr tlie i.i day ol March, 13 He I sine as Vitnees: A Kay, of Appleton. Minn , A. C. t'srlwn. of Cen ter t lty, Minn., Peter Inrcb, and Albert Ourch, of Ros-.'bury, reon. Any and all o-nmns elalmlntr a !ver- !v the above U-scnbevi lands are remit U d to nie their claims in rhis oDice on or btfore said 2.1.1 dsv of March. 1903. . J.T.BKIIXIKS JSp Kegister. Notice for Publication. fnttcd States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb 21, Hurt Notice is hereby given that in compliance sritb tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June S, PCS entitled "An ael for tbe sale ot timber lands in the States of f aliforn'.a.uieon fcevaiia .and Washington Territory," ascxtend ed to all the public land states by act of August 4, UiW. EEB.BSRT U. SHORT, cf Resttle. ewmy of King, Ht; of rVsshliiRiiiri, lias this dav filed In tbis ofbo: his i rn siate wntNo 44-. for ibe pun-bsse p jji 0j ij of B-e S,Tp HI , Rl wtl, and a ll! ofler proof o bnw tnat tbeland aouKbt is more vrluable I'.r its Umber or stone than for a;ricul ural ur pose, and to csiablish his c!alm to aald land before W 6 Brill. V S Oo-i mles oner, at Mdiiie. Oregon, on Friday, the 1st day of Me y l'.ot. if, names a witnesses: Charles U r-bort, and V clor Finkert-'n, ot Snohomish, Wash., J Q Gilbert, of Perdue, Ore., W Weybrigbt, Kiddle. Oreer u. any and all persons claiming adversely the above dt.nlx'd lands are nijiiesu-d to file their clRinis in this office on or before snid Lt day ot Msy.lAti. J.T. IiHUXjKS. I20p RegUiter. Administrators Notice. In the matter of the Emats of Jennie E. Clem ents, decessed. Koiii-e is hi-reby Riven by the Undereiened Iriilininistratorof the Estate of -Jcnnle K. t li-m-enta. decess.1, that he w inly antKin'(l Ad niinhtrator of tbe said Kstate by tbe order id the I'roba'e Court of Oonirlas fi.onty, tireiinn. made and entered ol recoid upon tbe litU day Of January, lisct: All s-r,(ii,s havlnir claims eirainst the said F.starc shiill j CM-nt the same with the neces sary proof within six motitlis fr-rn the dale of this notice to the undersigned Aduiiriistralor at Koebitrir, Oregon. Listed at KoaebtirR, OrcRon, thla tbe 22nd day of lanuarv. Itfui. J. V. CLKMF.T8. Adiuinlstrator. Notice for Publication. tlntted Hlah'S I. and Oftlo.o -Rosebunt, Oreeon, Oot 1, lW'l Notice la hereiiy nlveii that in compliance Mrilh ttie proviso lis of the act of Ootiurt'sg of JiiiicS, IKS, entitled "An Act tor the sale of Timber Lands in the Stle of t'olt lorui u. Ore (ton, Nevada slid WashliiRion XerriMry," as extended to all the Public Land Mates by" act of August 4. IVJ2. MARTHA CASE, of Portland, couuly of Multnomah, slate of Oreou, has this day filed in this cilice her sworn statement No for the purchase of lota S, 4, It and t, of sec Xt. Tp ?J S.. R S west and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is inure Taliiahlo lor Its Ilnitaf or stone tUitn for aKricultural purjoses. and to establish tils clnini before the Kei-isteraud Receiver of this office ot-Kosebunt, Oregon. on Tuesday, tne lolli ov of March l'.IOt. ifhe nanus as witnesses: M HiictiHiian. Anna E Tappendorff, Knk Wik, of l'ori'iiiul, Oregon, and C W Jackson, of t'anyouvllle, Oresron. Any and all persons -!lmnii adversnly the above aesc.rilied lauds are re)U rUi to fi'e their eJslnis In this olfice on or belon1 saUl H'th day ol March, l&H. J. T. DKIlx.il S, L)ifi Kcxisler APPLICATION FOR PATENT. V. 8. Land Office K sebnr, Ore., February B, lwn. Kotice is hereby given that James a 1. Vo cnm. whose postoffice address is lliddle, Uoiik lnsconnty, oreiton. hss Uils day made and hied his appiiciiiion lor a patcut to the follow inedwniH'd p'fst-er miiiluir Kround, in Kxrel sior Miuini; llistrict, UjiiIbs count v, Oregon, tvwlt: The east hnlf of the south est quarter of the couihwet.1 nuanerof station nineteen in town ship thirty ouih of range live ucst of tlm Will ameite meridisii. m Ki'iglas county, OriH;n, COT-taining tweniv acres. In the lit-ict of land subject to saie at Hie Tjsad Ollu e at Kose burv, tirt-tin. Any autt aU renwuis eiaimiuc adver-ly the fireHOini dewribetl land, or ap portion thereof are hereby notified to tile in this olllce such advertec aim williin sixtyitayi from the tlrt pui'licntion o! this appiieiilun lor patent, si d fai.lug 'o do so, r.nj and a. I ader-e claims to sai lp'a -er ininlnir crotind. or any pan thi reof w ill be barred ri the pro vlsioi'isol law, J. T. LIUi.K-!, Uwp - Kegisl: r. Fitl publication February 9.13. Notice for Publication. fSTf F.I 8TATKS LAN IK'FFK'E, Kohsbi-sc, Oregon, Iee IS, l.l NoUce is bnvy glkea uiat la omp'.muce iib the provii.io .8 r f u e a't ol i on.-r-j of Juue S, 1ST. e:il. Devi. ".a act f -r the le til llmler lards in the Svat s of Caiilorn'a Oii-grn, Nevada, a-.d WBsr,ir;on Territory," cei-ient-ed to ail the r'unl.c Laud Stales ty set of Ang ns: 4. lwi. 11AXS C M AISLES, of Rpfh City, county f t hinefi. nate of Mln n.noia. has this day tied iu this oftiee h s worn statement No. 41 S for the purchfseol tin' S. of N', of swe r. Tp. 26 H. K went and willoifer proof to show that the land sot: li t ts more valuaplo for its timt-cr or stone than f r acrirnltural purposes, and to establish his claim be'. -re the kee'.s'.er and keoetver of Uus oil loe of llueabarg, Oregon. op Knday be l.ta dsv of Mareb. 113. f'e 1 am' s a v.;tiifvs : W ilo.arr, Jot'!i,'ii apd C. l-..i t ar!oii, of Kib Cliy, Minn.. John Th'jm snd i harh Tbom.of Kostbora. ir-. Any and a1! f-Dtoiis r iaimlng a iv rcly thr Ui e i-iM ritd Units are reoneste.1 to f-'.e lrt-ireln'ms In thi? office on or t-tiore sHid ioth day of Marcc la J T. hK!I.r. jlp ttesi.ter. Notice for Publication. ' l'nitl Ststos Lard OrTi.-e, . I.M. Not!i-e is hereby g' ten 11 al lu com ipuacc- with the prrvisioi s .if tae act Coaie ci Jut,e 1, lia. entitle"! "An act for the sa.e of ttmrr land In U-e sita'. of CeliMreia. iln-tfot, Neva-'.s so 1 Wa.hini!ton Trrr.toT" aa cx;ed- e-t u a'i the Fu'i lc Land Stats i.t act of Ang us' 4,1- i. AXEL L. CARLSOV, o' Center City, county of Chisel's, stale of Minn., has this day bb-d 111 tats uiLcj Lit. ssi'M stateaent No. 4: j. '-r l.''e pc;c:ae ol the :Wof rc aVTp.S S. K 7 W. and sril! o: irr proaf to shoe tnal the Isnd a'lirht is ci- re valuable lor Its timler or stone than fvecri cuitara. furivfe and to e.fa')::i:e.l hi eeim Iwlore W e l.rin, L" p 1' ;i mi so-;:, r. at Ki-I oriirjQ, on Monday, tlie i d .y of Marcl.. f-. Ilf aiirw:iai-: o. l Ksnk. of Wi Itend. lo a. C. A. Fy. of Apfl.-Uin, lin . eler Lrrch, acd AlUit I'U.i i., o! Lceou,-g, Urtin. ' A ny and all persons claiming alreriy tiie above di-sr b.d laids are rt.uIrvl t.e I'ieir c'aitiis in tfiis oC.ce cn or beio e a-d ,"S das of .March, J T BKirK jl-P Riislrr. Notice for Publication. t'niUil Stair ijtni Oil Riwebunr, t,ir-eon. Ihr. ;;. !SC. Notice ts here' y cln'nthat la eonpl.'enee srlth the r-roTim t s cf ibe act ol 'v-efcrt- ot June X. Js,, er.fii.-l "An -1 tr-r the sa.e ot tlrcber lands tn the Ptsts-j Ce!t'orc'.Orroa Nevada .a:id V a'r.ini'jin temu-ry,"axiead-d to aU the pat :.: land states by act of A araat 4, iaxL wm. it Yors;. of Appleton. county o! tiil s!w of M an , saslf.isdny f;Ud in !bl olfi'e bis sworn s;ale mit N-. f . --r the pun-h w of t:e NU o! NH VA'- t v:,. ' ! "o- tion li to ii'hip : south, rsm-e s V. a d ail: offer proo to if-iv that tre land w.(ht i m--re va'.uahie for Us ltst-'rnr stone thsu t.r ar-.-CTliura: p'irt-. v. a--d 10 es'.s:-Iish h's Cia.-m (.lore a brut t S toainnwi.on.s' R.d'lf. tir-g.-n, on MoP'ty the A d dsy sf .vfs-r ii u.t He names as Witness.-: Peu-r A. irtirch of to burv. ore.. I-aic lonmtharn. aa I l-tt las V inuto:-ai3 of Olaiia, Ore-, W. H. Young, of Council. ash. Any an 1 ai'. persons e'alaiing atve:s-'y th-? av-.e d'sH-nld iadv are n-tue'.ed hi t e thi ii t".aims in tht oiiice on or b?:or5 M Z day ol March, IaiS J. T Rr:lLiln. Ji.'p K.1tr. Notict? for Publication. I'Dl'ed ?!aVs lirtd OfP.ee. Host-ture. Ort'?o Oct li. l'.ei. Kotfi-e is berevy given that In corrpliancsi srl'.b the prortJior.s of the act of Conffrvsa ef Jnne S. )TS. entitled "An aet fr tie aaia of timber lands in tbe elates- f CsLromia.ireron Nevada .and W esblnrton Territory," aaezteod 1 to all tb.e publie land Kiln by act ol August 4, Lti ol Rortn?T. HaiMty of lo:iic!s. Sta'e of Oie. n. bas trns day in ims office t.-r jni tate!'i,'nl o fi r tbe pnn'bav." of U- E!5 Mu t. K' S fc'i a-.d lor J, .ertion a. Tp Zl r.. riiitfcSnf sri,n-lsil ofTer .r -f to sno thai the la"d s"c;ht l ri.irv vaiii-bH" f-.r !t Umber or str.ne fban f-r arriciifnral r-iirn.-s. and to establish hrr c ilia la said land U-lorc tne krg'ktcr end Ktrtiurol tn.s nC-ce at ko-e burs. Uree-u, od TxK-sifsy the Slt day o! Varcb. v.ij. .he nan as a line-ses: J J Frrl. Jev :e S. aidan, i. W b anian, J H Burton aii of Hi'.hti'g, Ore. A"yanittli w-n.-n ciaixir.ir adverv-!y the above !'V-ril-ed ianl are r-"itttd t.i fi 'e thfirrlrtlms in this oroce 03 r l-f-r- aid :t day r.f i'ar b. Ls'i. J. T. fcKIIV.tS. c.'p Kegis-xr Notice for Publication. - rrTn ftstts t.asn Orricr. Roseborg, Ors-eon, Jn. 5, 15. Notice Is beteby given tiit In emplisnce with the pmv Isi rt s of the, act of Coimo-sa ol Jnne S. l-TN'MIUed "Ao Act f.r the sale ol lirntx-r IjiU'Is in the S-aiea of CI Ifornia. Omron. K. vada and We.hlnctoti Ten tory," as t x'e- dct to ad the I'nMic ijind Plates by act of A iir.sl 4 l--i, M t,It'K A HKVNF?Y. of Two II-rtLrs. e-muiv ot e. ette f Mi ir. h.s i Li i" dav filed In tins oflice bisswori stse- ns inisdsv r.K.i in LU;s.ir:.-e ciaswrvri ni'- ment K... 4J... br tbe inrri-a-e cf tbe M Irsr-tlnna' of sec. . ip. f I. K H W and wili ofl r irtvif to show t at tlie I vn 1 -iilii Is riore vsl-j me I iisi.le for it-tlmlK-r or sbrwe tlian fur aitr.cui tnrai pnriwwe. and to esta'.hsh his eisira to eld land U-f .re W S Br!;t. V S Comralwioat r. st Kidiilo. Oreeon, on Saiuplar, the 2isi 0y of waren, 1-i.t. He nsries as viitn s-i: J. M. Wcath iby.o! f"s l.t'.'ii. Ore . Mcrtln M -f-. o! Two llsrt-ors. Xiion.. 1). L. Msr'.ln, and JoiiU Farm,r, of Ko,:Uinr. tr.vn. Any a'id ail p-ro -s c'aiinini adverstdy lh etKive ri--scrileI land are rco'n-sted to pie ihclr c'ratrus In this oiiice on or is-tore '-a'd -Ist day ol March l s). I.TBK11X.KS isp - Re-tt-r. Notice for Publication. t"nltet Elates l and Office Itose'.urtt. Oi.-ii'iii. Jan. 6, lno.t. Notice la herel y elven that In compliance with tbe nrrrvisincs i.f tr.e act of 0!icrc-a of June s. is;. e'.ti:..d "An a t t-r the saie of .! lii in't lanos In the StaU s . ralllornia.tireaioa Nevada .and V -a-'.lneton Territory," eaettend ed to all the public land states by aotol Aurust 4,l&a . MARTIN Mt'TlT, Of Two HarlH-irs. ennt.ty of l ake, stntn of iliiiii., bas tiiisdsy tiled in ibis ciVu-e bis swt-rtt s ali ment No. 4J I, (rr the purchase f the K'-, of V.H. and bW'i of SK'; and r,ri i4 -.4 of -ic. 14. Tp. 21 ?, k aet aod aid i Hrr proof to show th"t the land ao-'itbt is ni'ire val uable for its tinils-r or sti.ne than lo- agricul tural piirsse an- to s:b'sU r!e cl iiui t.v n o lain! beinre w P lir::t. L N I omi.i's'.ioii. r ai i Kioil.e, tireeon. on raturcay t lie 2tt ilov o: Varrh, 11. He iinm-.a its viHn'm- R P. !. SI an lu, ? kwi-lmif uie.. Mnti.-if.-A I!er.ut'sv o Two tarlb-., Minn., J. M, Wvatheib., , at.l John Farnic-r, ol ii"M-Vnri;, I'r- K n. An and sll pe;o' s dMiniir.ir ailvee',- tie above di-scrilnyl Unds are n-uot-sted to ;ii,-'ih-ir claims in llils otlitc on or ta fnrc s-ld Jli dny of March, 11. J. T. BKr.H!-.s, J-P I'.esisKr. Notice for Publication . rnltcd Slates Land rifiu-e. v Rosebud, 'retnn, ,' ct 18 1W Kotlca ia hereby itlven that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congri rs of June 8, )HTK. entitled "An art f..r tba snle of timber lands In the Stales of 'itil!irnla,( Iro. on Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend edto tll the public laud states by act of August CHARl F.3 CCAMMAniv, 1 of Woodbtirn. eonniy of .Mnmm, stuieof O econ has th's dy fi ied In this "lib e his sworn state nn rt No H7ISI f.r the t'urclia e of the bW-j ol secrion toaiihhip SI south, ranira s west and will offer procf to show that the land soughs Is more vsluanle fur lis tlmln-r or stone timn. fur ai.'riciiltnral punxiscs, and lo establish Ma clnini before the KcLilsUr aud Kevi'lver of tilia oiiice ol KonuburK, Oroijou, cu Thurwtny the l r day of Ai.ril, toot He names as witnesses : W V Mfiinrd, ii W Milk", B M Arn-ita e and Jaincs buLuck, all of ilyr tle t'reck, tireifon. s Any and all p.'rsoMi nialmlni adversely the slx've dvacrllml lan ls are reiiiiestnd to file their claims In this olllee on or before said 3'h rlsy ol Apr. IU ft, . j-'P J. T. BRIDGE? i Hegla'cr. Notice for Publication. T'nlted Ktates Land Office. Poschurg, Oregon, Nov. !W, I'M. Notliio is here 1 y plven that In Comiilliince with the provisions, of the act of t'otigri-a of June H, m. f. entitled "An art for the ssle of tlmlier laiTIs in tre toatesof 'alifornta.tiregnn Nevada .and VVashl'igtoti Terriiory," tisexieud ed to all the publlcjand slates by act uf August , l!W. KHITIt P. MCKSON-, of Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, county of II-linepin, S ate of Minnesota, has this day tiltd In this olllce her sworn statement No tir.vi ior the purchase of the N N K'.i. SK'i N i-'i. N E4 8L'-4 ol Sec. 8, Tp. V, it, H I west huh ill oii'-r proof in show that tne lau-1 Miimlit is more viiluaMe 'or its timber or so n than for arifui'tural purposes, aud to establish her claim loatd lain! befoie the Kei;i.-it4'r aud Keceiverof Urs office al Ki sehiirg, orr-uon, 011 luesilar. the Sib day o' May, l'.'i. Rlie 11 snu 1- as. witnesses: Kiaiik Long and Kfward Von Fvl, of Cleveland, Oregon, Chsries Thorn and John Thorn, of Ko"rl.urg.- On yon. Anv and all iH'rsoiis claiming adverseiv the above deseriiM'd laii'is are reoustcd to. file tlieiPclanns in this ollu-e on or before said 6'.h dayof Nsy., Vm. 1 T. UK1IH.KS. f.'.ip Hcgisicr. Notice for Publication. Tnited Plates I.snd OfTiee. Rnscnurg. Oregon. iHtf 2. V.r2. Notice li herehy given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of f ongrea of June S. )b.S, entitled "An act fur tr.e sale of timber lands in the Slates of c alifornla. Oreson Nevada .and Waahsnglon "errtiory," asexleud ed to all the publie land states by act ol August 4.1M2. W.M. K Al I'ft YOl Xfi. of Connell, county of Franklin, s'ate f Wsxb.. I Ih s dav filed in Ihis ottee his saoru state- ineiii No. trs-., lor ihe pun-ha.' of the N's if N K'-i. o N K'4. ste';-4 of of tectiou I.' U nsliiy i soutn, rantfe esl. -Ld wilt off. 1 lil to show tlint tne tana sought s more vul sisMe Tor lis limber or suirte than for at;i'-ui lura! purpin-s. and 10 .thiili his rlnli.i to aid lau 1 b fuie vi t f:rit(. t. b vouuu sso-ucr at K.diie. ort-on, on laouday, the ij 1 dayof Mwh, livi. II miiie u witH'': f'ct r . Im-t'h. nf kocMire, (iregfo, lac WinL-ing-hiin.and Diuigias Wini, ingr am o! Olalia, Ore., Wm. II. Young. Appleton, ilinn. Any and a'l persons claiiniiig adversely the slfliei!i-HTil-.i Ir-n! are r.-Uested 10 liie tlietrclaliD in this orlice oror lH-lt'r said dav of. March, VM. J. T. BS'.IIt.KS. J12p Kcif.ster. JSosiety Meetings. 1 F. A A. 4 UjMs and! M. Laurel LoJge No. 13. e itirnlsr meetiniif on P'conl ortli eilpfMdiive ol aph insitiih. t. J.Maovu, V. M, N. T.Jbvitt, cretai. AO. U. 1 tiara V. lut I'liri Lii.-e Xo. 10. ! t!te iS'-co.-il a'i. 1 lnorth Moo- p cf .-a: ti Tior.lh st 7 :' 0 p. n , 'U 1 O. O. I. L'all. Members, in K.'M Toztea M. V. K. II. Lk.soz yetx'ider. D. .S '.Vm, I';n! ti r. 8. P. O. ELKS. 1. jtei . ijgr Lode N'j 3J(J. U"Ma r-.-tittr r.-cirto -.! tior? I O. O. F. Hal; f-n sH"5tid 11, J fourth Tliar.!aya r,I f ai h inutltb. !i tceuin'r rexj'trtiu-! to si'ei.J rt-g'j-alv tui aii visititii br.-tht r arp. cciJi ally irvite i to a'teni. W. H. Jaxiehok, K. K V C. Lonixin, Ses'rvtarv. CO. E, FOUUTH REGIMENT. O. N. t , ti.eft at 4m r Hail every , Tiiarv'y evii-itig, at 8 w'owli.' r. i;. Hakus, cLt DEGREE OF HONOR. MT:ieIjx!a' No 13. ir.J r,d 4:h 1rnn. day TtiiL.rf-' ct cac:i con-h io Na ive S- i.s ilu'l. Vi; '.I ts; tiitil-'ts ci li ally Ut tie ? t- tei rl. Me. ! r.KiT West, C o( H. E. H. Lk!cnox,Kc. OF A. Cvift Ikm'.' Nc. 32. Icr- tm of Aaietit-x Me-u every "J'ntsdT le-vuntt; in Nat va Hiii. Vhit'inti brti-f a watawe'e ra- S. W.Van.ils C. Fs. E. II. I-tvot R. ?. E..V. HX)ver, PiivMi-ias. I. O. '. P. Pi:-.lUrin leii.6 No. 8. Mei-! iaOir Eei'.owa Tfrt3p-P. ccr cer JjcKuu ao'i Caea itreei, t-D aturJat evei itii ct eaob mei-s Men- .-r c i- t H t lr vovi at.'!;.i; at i-.v:'e.i to at'.ecd. II. B.I-JiLLrrTa N.T. JaWLTT. CTittTf. X. G. Kef V.A';hL t'fT Wexlnei Hall ' 7:30 AV Lcv No. 47. ltet eiJiT, Jrt I. O O. F. p. ni. Merrsi.r in C.oJ 6t in Jip are inH.i to t:end. . v . lliUfEhawa U. v. s. v. i: AMP .. Ii. S. f O.T. M.- Prottvltt.a Tr-nt No. 15 ? rcrt!iar litviewa the! a aa fit. atxi tiiirJ Fri.ij) r.f tad. month in the I. O. t). Laii. Vi."it:r.( merilrs in fMariiini: sre ir.vitcvl to attend. F. F. Fattiiiison, Coin. E. E. Uu'Dtirrr. Ei-cord Kipper. LUAC CIEC Wo ftrsi ThtlfBI4TI CLE No. Woffcen r.l '. Mevtoo Crt o.i third Tharsaj.-tve s-ach rncotb at th N- vive Socn, li.,1. Vb-iU: ? ueiiibc-re ia oh1 ai.,p.i!m: are Invite! to a'tf nj. Ia-NTHA fEHLBRKI .GtUftlilD NfiANjr Vivsr t'tr.v, Sns-y. l: O. T. M. Iiv!t-nr Hie Nr.. H Hoi-is it rviar rvw cp n tf'r twy-ond and lonrt.i Fri '.at svs. of e'.:h Rioi-tb ia t,a Native) Nm' liz l Sifters ol r.:r.t-r llivos Tii?:t:i g u, .ha tiiy tt ewliallj itv:!--! to a't-'tid rcr J- iea. itS'iz Katp, L. C.-it. ilACUE E. Mc'.'LALi.kN, H K. W. OF A. M'rt Omp No. 3.. .Mcta hrtsr,1 Urt WeinadHrt earli tr.oi.tn at Native Son' IlaiL '.-i.o Eyiiux, Clork. aa E. S. Eoasj'jnrfr Chaptt-r No. 8 llcl;l ti-eir re jn'.ar meetltie nn the ' fir-r at.: tl.ir.t n..ifa.f.v i.. at & i h n.rtth. V jfiiis.n tt.eTiiH-r iv skt! t-.r.-ii- g rs 'rtnj's.ct'n'lT invito' in ;n:i1. Mp.. Naxve Sp.--.nirt W M., N!ACIE i;.rT Secr.-ti'tT. rvrPVCAlK ;,r,i,.,. A .' . 1. 77 j I f 1. fch'f . 1 . I . .. I), r 'a () j Fel'i-.va' Ti Ci f-li-tiVt llclx-kri .. rricpta jr rv Ti'.k1j5 r'.ei-Ititt. il'.VttHKl I VwtJck ("teTfera tr.J lta: rtr- af.en I. Dklla Psa-.vs, N. G. Cora WivnrRLT. K. y SITED AU pt-iiil'ly No. tJ:tv evcuinr ARTISANS. 1'r.iMna As- l'.i5 liiee1!!! every rvitnr nt S o'cl.H'k in Native Sens Hull. Visiting Artitiitiis cordially invited to a! loud. l'.EV. S A. DiH'iLAS, M. A. M its. l.Ki.A I'niiw.t, Sivrvlary. 1 1, .m ivi i:n ok hi:-: woki.i.-ohii j-g Oarr.p No. lir. Ms-n'P at th OiUl Y . i;ove' H-ll. in H.-.e-r-uru, erpry fi-nt ani t'-ird Murtlpr evening. .Vieit :r-c n":chV',irf aia-RV Hel.vjr'ie. Jas. E Sawyers. C. C .!. A. nrcMANAN, Cieik. if NI0N ENCAMI'MENT, I. O. O. F. O ld iVHow'e Ti'i!'.;'!o. Meets first and t-iird Thurs-lav cvvtiin j.t e;uh month. Vi-itors ronlidilv invited. J. 15. lfAHIl.TON, C. P. J. C. TwiTCKEI.L, StTilv?. Yoncalla Real Estate TlMCn tnd LOAN UUOKCR ..FIRE TN'STRANCE.. Timber lands located an I for s le.. G.svd bar irslosln farm property L"n made on easy terms uf sums from iSo to any amount a: S, 4, 5 aud 6 percent. - A. P. AEPLEQATE, YON'C.Vt.LA. OrtE fOOOOCX30000CXOC3XC030C s. r 'ED T. rAQlitL 0 EESIDENi- Best References. 9 All Work.Guarautecd X Leave or-lers at Eur r'tJIi pif S lc cooooooooooococoooo CJw K. RICHARD50N MUSIC HOUSE S Roseburg and Cottage Qrove, Oregon. z2 .UaauauuuauuuuuuuiaiuuiuuuiUiUiiif Professional Cards. IB.M.CHEADLE, DENTIST. Oftce opposite i-ocum s Had ROaftBC sfl OE.Z JJU. H. L.STUDLEY, Osteopath . TtBipcrary C tSca McC'.ellan Uc-oe Exatnieatlen Free, ofr.ee faoora t to 12 a. 2 to.p.o- t,rluate eli'd Colkireoi Ostctalhy rtoneMslnJl rAfR.'.r: a. brows. Aitorncy-at-Law, Cocrt Honsa Dosnt Suura. KOSEBCRG.0RE Q V riSHEIS, iL D, Physician, Surgeon. OS.- over P. O. li kbcrg, 'i'hone Main 591. Uumi. QR.GFO.j:. H0UCK. Physcian & Surgeon. 0fSy Review stM. F hone. Mam XI ROSIHrR't oaicKiK gLMER V. KOOVKK, PHYSICIAS AM)X SURGEON. HofSBria Desocs ipeciai atwetion inreo to Dtseaaea of the Som and TbnsaU OSas-Vaia St.. -jo a dooe soatt of City Bil FbotM. Meia Ml. p W IHYNi. DE.NTIST, Kcnear Bai'dtcf, tcepaaae So.. ROfEfsrRI Oalt'iO a. CRAwroau, Attorney at Law, iLooms 1 A S. itn-in BnJ.. IUcI3C RtJ. I I JTy Fos'.ruaaoefcvetlse P 8 LandOffcean ei' trtJteswa a speciei:y. Lata RecelTer C. 8. Land OCae JOHN II. PllteTE, ATTO RN E Y-AT- LA W, Bo8ittRO, Oajrarv. Baslnesi-btfore C.S. Ijusd OWreanl Protwsti bafnea a sooriaitv. I 0 See A bratam BniWinc J C. FCLLEUTO.N Attomey-at-Law. WU' practioe In all the Slate and Federal Conrta C3ie la Va-ts' Bitted iiofcbare, Oreoa. Q0MM0D0RE r;. JACKSON, Attorner and Couneeiior t Ijtw. Mining Law and Water Rights niade a specialty. . aaust'jeriBld ROfKBCSQ. 0RKG05 Fa W. BENSON, Attomey-at-Law. ai 1 and t wvlew Balidfruf. ROSKBCRts. ORKtH9 J. A KUCIIANAN, K-Jtary Pobllc. Attorncy-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Roorri S HarsUra Build'.". KOSKBURo), O H. J. KOHISETT, Attoruey at Law. Tajlr :.on Itlv Ro-tHcai. Oat t. H. SKAT, c. a. Kiwutaana gFIILDREDE Jt GRAY, LAWYERS frartlce In all ol ths o-vri'ts of the tae, ais oetore tne s. i-aai aepartmeni. Tailor A V ilson B!ivk, Notary Public In office 'I'hone Main 2 ROSEBl'KG, ORE INSURE IN THE OREGOH FIRE RELIEF fiSS'N INSURANCE AT COST. Head OOlee, McMinnviUe, Oreftoa - Anvt.of insurance in force, f 1 1,00 .(XXI.fsO Net puin in one year, S.tliS.TST.Oil Savinii its niemlHTS 1 yr., 80,5s)l.i'i0 UIllt!er separatt' riFk, 22,3ti0 Pee A. J. Buchanan, Rosehurg, Oregon. At. for DouglasCo Title Uunianlce&LoanCo ROSKBt'KO, ORKOOS. J. 0. Hian.TOH, t'n.idrnt D 0. lUmiTo, tecy. and Vreas Office In the Court House. Have the only com pit-le set ol abstract tuois in Honir'ss ou nty Abslractaatid t'erlitlcates Title furnlsrd U Iipuuias county land and pilniuu clulma. lisve afiio a complete set of Trar itiaa o all township plsls In the KosebU'it, Omron, U. 8. Lan d Ills tin-t. Wi.I make blue print copies ol any town ulp IEED1AI PIANOS THE BEST AND MUCH THE BEST The Needham Factory nothing but High Grade cv OBTLE GREEK FLOUR........ The Best Always the Cheapest J? 1 - For Sale by v v. v: v: x'. v v: v.n : sr. v: "-x If If If If If you want you vaat you want yovi want you want to buy a furnished to buy a Hirni rooms : house house to to rent a Uulll Liu a house a honse If you want to move fl ui I si'r rns ptr F F. p3 all on sr ad rse . . . N. A. FOSTER & CO., GOYEUXJIEST LANDS Of every lerTtvtioa. Farme and Min eral L&ikI. Oregon, Wajhictc-n and Minnesota. fj23 OAKLAND. OCEGOX BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Washington and Main Street Mrs. Belle Collin r Ii. Little, s DENTIST. Oakland. Orcg-on. Abetract of Title to DeWed IaJ. Papers pre pa ml for filing on Govern ment Land. Blue Prints of Township Mj ahowir.i all wacant Lands. flM I. ALLEY, Arcliitcct Jdbstractcr Plans and EstimaUs foraU Build- Special designs (or Office Fixturei OSicie in new Ftnk Puildira. 'Phone 415 ROSEr.URO. OREGON A GREAT CO."! PAN Y The New-York Life- " KJIty-sieTeti years old. Aaaetovcrtoo,ooo,ooo. Income in iot over S70.oots.ooo Insurance ta f rce oyer Si&j. 000.000. ?sew luaarntice rsisld ror In ioei over Si6i,ooo,ooo, Pollryllalder orr 7.000,000. ta toor. Paid rollc-Moiders la 57 jeans, over f jfViOoo.ooa W. J, Moon. Ascent. Rosrbarg Ore C Q THE M AND ijffi THE SCENIC LINE ThrltwLnf n Chy' LfdiVi11 V Colorado bpnugs and Denver, and the Fatnons Rockv Mountain Scenery by daylisut TO JJJlj jPOHsTTS EAST 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY imm CSICN AX3 DLNVLH Modem Equipment, Through Pullman and Toutist mg Gars and Superb Dining Car Service f,, ..ST,0POVERS ALLOWED s'lui-u ana oifHT jaicruiation, aU.lre 3 Malie Goods y. , i . i s Leading Grocers x x : s - x- ::vA'.r,visi tnrv-;-4i4 Bai d-w Rejebarf Oregon. ICtICIf t-H "H -ffl4 f f. i mm t Hi BARBER SHOP. for a Prom ; t anj r;rrt-e!js f-raver Hair-ent. Cod. 9 s a o s 0 o o ter-t Workmen, Clean Tow e. Tool a-way in tbap. Baths in Cconertion f Sbop on Jaction St, Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or 'Phoze XTJin, I;7, Porter, Real Estate Agent and Notary Timber and Homestead Locator - Packer and Cuide Camas Val! lev, Ore con airU-esssma arrst ol aU-wtuT? t MRS. H. ETASTON I 1 n-pirexl to vt upon 14 'iren;j;ocierin4 irwnvi avis 'va a luil aaj ?t x k of eerr. r t G R O C E R 1 E S Atl fresh anj of the verr ! alstr. Teas aad cxJTeje are rasrsa.tte. Yoor ptrocac 'iHited. i a os Jackson S:, uri the PACIFIC HO.MESTOAD Thei;r: ,t K.nj rer of j, Vor-h--aT S.iei. ure. - ... , i..r-i ot im nrnr-pi '"'""f-L iea;yrae?. !'-m; rate!. ANVE3TERN PAPE P0R WESTERN PEOPLE S a Psrr fer Si 0- (-eaa thj actaesa Pub;. bcr-sn Vsttsi 1. ,. ".l?;?,.,3irTUH'IV 1 errata "-bed "S ' :alm P"lr Ptv. VOUSHNTLD READ IT KOIESTE.ID A3 fLAKDULES 52.75 A YU2. i ' LaJ2a 3 Sleep- y U .McDIilDU, Oen-I Ajertt. l4 ThirJ Street, PurtlanJ, Ore WW T6 .U"' -1 rs ia . 4 v i asaaw. , AiY i Aaf a A