The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 26, 1903, Image 3

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? 117- ir a a r 0
wc want 10 .save you i loney
So while you are looking around the town doing your shopping you
don't want to overlook the PEOPLES' STORE as we have the largest and
most complete line of fall goods that has ever been shown in the town.
LcldiCS We have all the latest weaves and colorings in tailor suitings,
Long Coats, 3 length, Jackets and Capes. Our stock can't be
most complete line in town ganging in prices from $1.50 and
upwards. Taylor suits from $7.50 and upwards.
QcntlcmCn, Those of you wishing a new suit of clothes don't want to
overlook us as our line is the David Adler & Sons goods,
and in wear and fit we guarantee satisfaction.
Our Shoe, the noted V. L. Douglas shoes speak for themselves.
Neck Wear, always the latest and most up-to-date line in town.
The People's Store Lw
One Door South of P. O.
New Boohs
Capt. yaeVHTi Darii
Oliver Horn Arnold
Love and the Soul Hunters, Hoolfs
I iSy Xi dy Peggy Goes to Town,
Y Mathers
The Needle? Eye Ktngtley
Hope loring- ...Bell
The Crimson "Winy Toy for
The Stroller I$ham
The Long Stralgb Road, Eorton
Rosalynde'a Lover . Thompson
Confessions of a "Wifa Adams
Janet Warde Sangs'er
The Maid at Arms Chamber
Rockhaven Munn
The Leopard' Spots Wrow
Barbara Ladi Eaibertt
Franceika SeavaU
Donavan Pasha Parker
Moth and Rust . L'kolmvndeUg
The Fighting Biahop Hoplins
Th Fifth String' Souta
The Virginian Witter
A Speckeled Bird Etara
and many others.
Price $1.15; "Mailing price $1.27
t rent them for 25 cent.
S Of Local Interest.
9ee the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
for bine print and filing papers, ti
Dressmaking and all plain eewing
neatly done to order. Call on Mrs.
Walla opposite the City Hall. '
Get your abetracu ot title from J. D
Hamilton. lie has the only complete
set of abstract books in the county, tf
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. Yon will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woolleys.
Fresh oysters all styles. Pan, fancy
and pepper roasts a specialty. Served
oy an expert cook, at Railroad Eating
Honee, Mesdames Lohr & Gegax, pro
prietors. If yon want to go to Coos Connty
points, take the Roeebnrg, Marshfield
route. Spring hacks leave Roeebnrg
every aay at u, A. M. Inquire ot fj. V .
Barnard, agent. tf.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable fire insurance compa
nies, is now prepared to do a genera
fire insurance business. Insure with
him. Office at the City Hall. tf.
N. Cochran is laid up this week with
a case of grtppe.
W. A. Ferkins, of Drain, was a caller
at this office Wednesday.
Will Van Lnewin,one of the employes
of the S. P. freight office, has been quite
ill for several days.
You should see that Bean power spray
outfit, at Churchill and Woolleys.
Men wa rited to cut 300 tier of wood
Inquire of Henry Oonn, Roseburg, Ore
Yoa can do more garden work with a
Planet J(, Seeder than you can with a
docen hoes. Churchill and Woolley
sell them.
Miss Lena Roach, who has been visit
ing relatives and friends in this city,
left Tuesdav morning for her home in
Mrs. G. R. Child had charge of the
public school last week, during the ab
sence of Prof. Sanders, called home bv
the sickness of his familv.
Chickens the most profitable animal
on the farm. Buy a Petalnma Incuba
tor and get a start in the chicken busi
ness, Churchill and Woolley sell them
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. Edith Plank on Friday
afternoon, Feb, 27th, at 2:30 o'clock
All are invited. Bv order ot the secre
tary. S t.
Miles Agee, one f Douglas county's
enterprising fruit growers, was in town
Tuesday, and purchased a Fairl anks,
Morse gasoline engine and spray pump,
to ose in his orchard this season.
The Ladies Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church will meet at the
residence of Mrs. Fullerton on Friday
afternoon at S o'clock. All members
are requested and all ladies of the
church are cordially invited to attend.
Contractor J. A. Eggers, ofDillard
has taken the contract to build an eight
room cottage residence in the Waite ad
dition to Roseburg for F. B. Waite. The
residence will front on Jackson Street
and will be up-to-date in every respect.
J. E. Grantham, of Salem, arrived in
the city a few days ago and has pur
chased the Parker place containing 15
acres of land in Edenbower, the price
paid was $1,350. Mr. Grantham says
that he expects his wife and lam ily to
come from Salem and take possession
within the next two weeks.
One of the neatest and most unique
designs in the ehapc of a photo mount is
the "Standford Folders." It a is new
style and up to date, and when a beau
tiful Platinum print is placed thereon,
produces the richest and daintest effect.
Leave your order for cue or more when
having your photo takenat the Sun
beam Photo Parlor. Work guaranteed.
Don't forget the piece, one block from
g. P. Freight depot. tf2G.
You Have Learned
to expect ' frequent
exceptional offerings
in this department at
To have them here
at the right time, just
when yoa want them
is good fortune doubly
amplified : : :
The Patterns are
the best of the sea
son, the variety
most broad and
satisfying prices
Lower than usual
We will also show a
splendid assortment
of Valencennes and
Miss Belle Currv left for Portland
Tuesday night, to visit friends.
Mies Agnes Pitchford, who has been
visiting in Salem for a few days, has re
turned home.
Miss Bertha Sehlbrede, who has been
visiting relatives in Salem for a few davs,
returned Sunday.
Michael Devanev received the sad
news of his brother Patrick's diwth at
San Franciico last Tuesday.
Mrs. Qimpbell, of Grants Tass, came
down yesterday morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. J. II. Booth.
M. II. Holmes, a prominent mill man
of Central Point, Oregon, was transact
ing business in Roseburg, Tuesday.
Lawyer Jackson, who lias been wres
tUng with an attack of typhoid fever,
was able to be out on Tuesdav.
Miss Gertru !e Johnson, of Jefferson.
is in roseburg on a visit, the guest of
her sister, Mrs. J. H. Waaonblast.
Mrs. L. D. Kinney left Sundav to vis
it relatives in Boston, Mass., and Otta
wa, Canada. She expects to remain
away about three months.
e understand that F. B. Waite,
owner of the Waite addition, has given
the Ladies' Club of Roseburg, block 13
in his addition to be used for a park.
L. B. Hendricks, wife, mot her and
sister, will leave on March second for
Lower California on a business trip and
will take in a little pleasure with it.
Lee Bell has been appointed dep
uty county clerk of Baker county to
succeed C. W. James, who was recently
appoint! superintendent of the pen
itentiary. Mr. Bell is a son of J. R. X.
Bell, and a former Roseburg boy.
Colonel Schmidt, of the McClallen
otel, has let the contract for the erec-
ion of a six room cottage with bath
rooms, pantries, etc., etc, in the Kin
ney addition. The cost of the buildinit
will be tH00. It will be thorouchlv
modern and up-to-date.
Prof. A. P. McKinlay, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, delivered a lecture and
leading, on Juvenile and Martial, at the
public school house Tuesdav night, but
owing to the fact that th re was a plav
last night at the Opera House. Prof.
McKinlay had a small aodience.
M rtle Point Enterprise : Dr. J. W.
trange this week finished his course of
fifteen months' study, and paused his
final examination in the Philadelphia
Opticd colleHe and will be a full fledged
optician as soon as he receives his
On Tuesday, C. E. Gaddis, sold a car
ad of round high grade Jersevs to Mr.
IL n. Taylor, of Medford. Several
registered animals were included in the
shipment to Metlford. Mr. Gaddis con
templates the establishment of a cream
ery at Medford during the coming sea
Major Kinney, of the Great Central
railroad, is this week in Coos county,
where he has been called to let another
contract for grading. It is said that the
deep sand cut between Marshfield and
Empire is nearly completed and that
with the advent of spring the work will
be pushed.
The railroad company should be more
careful in keeping the crossing loading
to the county bridge, open. Many times
pedestrians and teams have to wait as
long as fifteen minutes for a crossing;
and often is the case that the footway is
blocked and people have to get out in
the middle of the street, where the mud
is shoe-mouth deep, to get across this
W. 0. Smith, formerly of the round
house of this city but now of the car
shops of Portland, is In this city.
Mrs. J. C. Aiken was called to Salem
by a telegram announcing the serious
illness of Mrs. Jenny Aiken, of that city.
J. W. Hamilton, left Wednesday for
Portland to attend tlie loard of regents.
He will hold the regular term of circuit
court at Eugene before returning homo.
The Rev. A. Kingsley Glover, General
Missionary of Oregon, is exacted to
preach in St. Georges Episcopal Church
on Sunday next, in the evening
F. W. Benson, attorney for Wood,
Curtis & Co. of California, entered at
tachment proceedings against the
grocery stock of William Currier. The
obligation being 1 14.15.
The trouble over the claims jumping
on the unsurveyed land about 35 miles
east of Roseburg was caused by a
timber cruiser locating several persons
on land upon which he had previously
located other settlers.
Mrs. J. II. Booth left for Portland this
morning to jein her husband, who went
down Tuesday night to receive treat
ment for his left eve, which had become
much inflamed by a cinder that lodged
there while Mr. Booth was traveling in
the train.
Traffic on the Southern Pacific is very
much jlclayed on the account of a cave
in of tunnel Xo. 9, just below Dunsmuir
The cave in occarred laet Tuesday, and
since that time freight trains have been
blocked and passengers had to be trans
ferred over the mount-in through which
the tunnel was dug.
Osteopathy has built upon the founda
tion of science deeply seated in the phM
osopy of truth, chemistry, anatomy and
physiology, a new etiology of d:seases, a
new systematic method of treating dis
eases that h.ivo been accumulating since
the act of healing. It cures all acute
and chronic diseases permanently. Con
sultation free by Dr. A. L. Studley,
Temporary office at Hotel McClallen,
Daniel Bement died suddenlv at the
home of U. L. Englos, at Peel, last Mon
day while talking with some other tim-
bermen. Mr. Bement came here a lit
tle over two years ago, and is quite well
knoru. Besides a wife in this city, he
leaves a son in Mexico, a father, mother
steer and daughter in Michigan, who
were notified of his death, and his re
mains were shipped East for burial. He
was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge
Xo. 224, of Xewaygo, Michigan.
The Hon. Binger Hermann arrived in
Roseburg yesterday evening on th local.
Regarding Congressional affairs the
gentleman has not committed himself
and the Plain duler this week is unahW
to give an authentic report about what
ie intends to do. He was met at the
lepot by a large number of political
friends and has been in close consultation
nearly all day today, but there is no
authentic news for the public, bat no
doubt before a week has pasted his final
determination on the Congressional
question will be announced.
The Underpriced Store
r- " ' ' - .-..f mmlmlmm 71111 i nTmrnrnmrnrntimSmiriam
Virginia Drew Trescott presented Lord
Stiathmore in the Roseburg theater,
Tuesday night, to a large and apprecia
tive audience. The play was good and
had some striking morals all the way
through, and Roseburg theater goers
were well pleased as all the parts were
well handled, and the acting of Miss
Trescott was some of the best stage
work which has been seen in Roseburg
for some time.
On Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6
Mrs. T. R. Sheridan very charmingly
entertained about 20 guests at progres
sive hearts. The decorations through
out the parlors were entirely of ferns
and fcarlet hearts. The talley cards
were small red hearts with white cord
and tassel and the count was kept with
tiny green adhesive hearts. At the close
of the pime Mrs. M. Josephson and
Mrs. F. W. Benson cut for the flist
prize, a cut glass dish, which fortune
threw to Mrs. Josephson. Mrs. J. U.
Aiken won the consolation, a framed
water color sketch. Lunch, after the
game, consisted of chicken salad, bread
and butter sandwiches, olives, ice cream,
asHorted rake and coffee, while fruit
punch was served daring the afternoon.
Those present were: Mmos. Barker,
Child, Houston Ziglur, Benson, Joseph
son, W. S. Hamilton, J. W. Hamilton,
Willis, W. T. Wright, Dr. Jno. Wriht,
Aiken, J. C. Sheridan, Sanford, Lane
Haynes, Miller, Hannn, McClallen, De-
vanney, Wollonberg, Thackvah j Miss
Hay, Oakland, Miss Mosier, Portland
This month completes our 25th year in the Dry Goods business
in Roseburg, For a quarter of a century we have catered to the
wants of thousand of cu tomers, from the little store establish
ed in '78 to the present mammoth establishment which we occu
py. Ourjgrcatest advertisement is that many who dealt with us
at the start arc in 1903 still honoring us with their patronage.
In remembrance of this event we have instituted this sale, which
for unapproachable values, cxccll anything heretofore offered.
Dress Govds Department.
200 yards colored satins, mostly blues
anil reds, regular 50c values, special. .
60 yards Scotch washable waisting- flan
nels, very dtirable colors, worth S5c,
T pieces woolen plaids, litdit and n edium .
shades, easily worth 40c, siwcial 4 IC
300 yards fancy mixed suitings, mostly
all wool, val.'SOc to 50c, special L 1
500 yards Chambray ginghams, one pat-. .
tern, regular 4 -i
House famishing Department
A small ot Marseilles spreads, 10-4 size,
regulai 75c kind, now
Another lot Mars.'illea spreads, 11-4 sire,
good valno at fl.00, now
25 docen pure linen damask towels,
fancy fast color borders, IV to 50c
regular. Heeial .
Hosiery Department.
Lot 1. Ladies' fine cotton fancy stripe
Lisle finish hose, 35c kind. Special. .
Lot 2. 5 doz. ladies' all wool black cash
mere h3se; size only: 50c regular.
Lot3. 5 doz. ladies' fine black Linle
hose ; good values at 50c. Special
Lot 4, Ladies' fancy stripe, pure Lifde
hoe, 50c quality . Now
Corset Department.
We are cloning orttonr entire stork of
Itoyal Worcester W. C. C. corsets at
the following attractive
3.75 corsets while they lat for.,
I. 00
Shoe Department.
About 200 pairs mens fine black shoes,
lace and congress, calf and kid, which
regularly sold for 2.50 to M.OO. To
clean up the odd lines we have mark-
edtLcm 1.50 to 2.10
Any mens tan shoe in the house
This includes vici kid, cloth lopj and
calf. Values from f 3 to t.
Mens fcrnishings Department.
About 5 dozen mens silk and wool negli
gee shirts, hrr.k'-n lines, all s-za, val- . ,
oes 1.50 to fl.75, wl.Ie they la-t ... 1.13
.jO dozen men Lome-made Loikekin
gloves, all first qnalitr, long gauntlets,
regular 7oc. Sjeial." 5
Mail Orders
Promptly Filled
-.LHJL..J. - - - ir."f '.Till.J'tLW,!lltf-L.l!1l.111B!ai-l.lJlJJiJ.i..j. ..mqb iHum ,i j, m .j
Stelner-Perry Nuptials
Prof. I. E. Richardson will pve the
firxt leon in shorthand, on Friday
social event evcninit, at 7 :30, in the abstract office
chronicle j of Frank Alley. All tin- who wih to
ei.ter the cla should be there at that
Smith' Dandruff Pomade
As the moft prominent
of the week we are pleased to
the happy marriajje of Mis Haze. i. :
Ferrv and Mr. A. T. iteiner, which was i time, as no one can enter the class after
solemnizod at the residence of the bride's the first lewon is given. The rate for
Albany Won
The basket ball game at the Roseburg
theatre last night was won by the Al
bany team, the scc being 12 to 8. The
game was moct interesting from start to
fftiish, but neither team showed that
they were capable of good team work.
The best and most effective p'ays were
made by Ramp and Ferguson, of. the
home team, ho were easily the stars of
the evening. McCall, the center, also
did good (laying. Ri:tman did good
basket throwing for fouU, but Ramp,
who has alwaos been considered tha
best foul line basket thrower in this
city, completely fell down. For the vis
itors Rupert and Coates did the mo-t ef
fective work and McDaniels showed his
affection for Ritzman by continuously
ugging him. Thi-re was considerable
rough playing in last nighfs game, Int
11 took it good naturedly. Following
was the line-np:
Tonight there will be two games, Al
bany vs. Roseburg Maroons and Albany
vs. Roseburg High school. Price of ad
mission 25 cents to both saloons.
The Roseburg boys are under a large
expense in bringing Hie Albany boys to
this city, so all should turn out and give
them a good house.
New Board of Tra 'e.
Many of the enterprising citizens met
the Roseburg Lumber Company's
office lastMonday nigfit to permanently
organize. Ten individuals and firnw
agreed to pay ten dollars per month.
After discussing ways and means the
meeting adjourned to meet on Tuesday
ight at which meeting the same officers
were elected viz : Mr. Woolley, chairman(
and Mr. Whitcomb, secretary. Major
Waite of the committee on ways and
means reported that eighteen active
members at f 10 per month had been se
cured and that it was the object of the
committee to secure twenty-five in total
at lO and then secure allitbe honorary
members that could be secured at to
per month.
The following onmittee were appoint
Committee on room and furnishings,
Mr. Alley, Mr. Co'jb, Mr. RrooVe ; com
mittee on Constitution and By-Laws,
Mr. Alley, Mr. Stuart, Mi. Wimberly;
committee on Right of Way for switch
from 6. P. Track, Mr. Jamieson, Mr
Stuait, Mr. Waite, Mr. Shahan and Mr.
London requested to act with the com
mittee; committee on securing perman
ent asst. secy. Chairmau, Woolley. Mr.
Waite, and Mr. Whitcomb.
The first movement taken up for the
benefit of Roseburg is the switch loca
tion from tlieS. P. to the Kinney addi
tion. Just as soon as the track Question
is settled, a large packing establishment
will be ereoted in Roseburg. We have
besn requested to with-hold particulars
for a few days ; but enough can be given
out to assure our citizens that trackage
is the only difficulty in the way and Mr.
London ol the B. P. said that he believed
that 'he management of the road would
meet the citizens of Roseburg in the
enterprise just as soon as the right-of-
way is secured.
Let every citizen of Roseburg put his
shoulder to the wheel and then the citv
will boom with public enterprise and
double the opiilation within tlie next
three years.
mother, Feb. 24, 1903, Rev. S. A
las officiating.
Promptly at 8 :30 a. m., to the sweet
rinitm of the wedding march rendered
by Miss Elsie Benedick, the bridal party
entered the room and stoJ nnder a
bower of Mistletoe, where the solemn
words were spoken that made them one.
Mis Reti&ie StimpHon, aunt of the bride,
arted as brideeniaid and A. H- Fteiner,
brother of the groom, as bet man. The
bride looked lovely in a gown of tur-
qnoi. t-lue Ijnmlowne cat entrain aim
trrmmed in chiffon lace, and carried a
boquet of a bite carnation The groom
wore the conventional Uack. Tlie
houe was beautifully decorated with
trailing vines of smilax, rich carnations,
evergreens and potted plants and was a
veritable b wer of beauty and artistic
After congratulations and many ear
nest wishes for the health, happiness
and long life of the happy couple, all sat
down to a charming wedding breakfast
consisting of all the delicacies and most
choice viands knonvn to the culinary art.
Accompanied by their relatives the new
ly wedded couple left on the 11 :45 train
and will visit in Portland, Astoria and
Salem before returning here, when they
will houekeep in the residence lormerly
occupied by W. C. Conner.
The younj conplo are both well and
favorably known here and the Pmx
dbaleb joins their many friends in
wishing them happiness and prosperity.
Those present were: Mis. L. Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Steiner, Mrs. LUIie
Bercham, Misses Bessie Stlmpson, Stel
la Harmon, Flossie Shambrook, Elsie
Benedick, Messrs. A. H. Steiner, W. C.
Gray, M. Thompson, L. H. Ziglcr, B; n
nie and Arnien Bercham.
the complete course in shorthand is IS,
id in advance, for 10 weeks. Any apt
prwn can become a good stenoeraper
In this time. ThfM who wish Ieon8
in tyi?riting will see him at the Mc-
Clellan Houc, on Frtlay forenoon.
MARRIED. Feb. 22, 1903, at the res
idence of the bride's parents, at Brock
way, O. V. Heater and Olie Brosi,
Rev. G. W. Miller officiating.
RICE In this city Feb. 24, 1903, to Mr.
and Mrs. N. Rice, a danghter.
LAUGHARY In East Portland, Ore.,
Feb. 11, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Laughary, a boy.
They are Prcviog Satisfactory.
Tlie Supplemental Chamber Co.,
RosEnraa, Ore.
Gentlemen : I lease semi me via ex-
prv-w, one dozen Gillette's Supplement
al Chambers; fitted for 32 S. A W.
Short and Browning Automatic Smoke-
Jess cartridge. The brass Chamber or
dered some time ago having proved fjtr
it-factory I can do business with them
hen the spring season opens.
Yours truly, II. J. Stillman, Gun
smith, Pendleton, Ore. Jan. 9th, 1903.
Toaovro, Jan. 13th, 1903.
The S. C. Co., Roseburg. Ore.
Dear Sirs: I beg to thank you for
s-miple brass chamber and the informa
tion concerning same. Have delayed
answering your letters m ortier tiiat I
miiht test the chamber for my own sat
isfaction and knowledge. I fisd same
works perfect satisfactory and now wlh
to apply for the sle seljing agency for
the Ikjminion of Canada.
Yours very truly,
F16 A. H. Fax., Mfgs. Agent.
Stops itching scalp opon one applica
tion, three to six remove all dandruff
and will stop falling hiir. Price 50c
For tale by Marsters Dru'Co. inltf
Notice for Publication.
La4 Office at Rotetxir. Orvoa.
J.nuarr, 1. MUI.
oic t fcmbr tnrtu tht . U'X.owne
emd attuVr bu Bld soiW of his lntrnuoa
o SdJ mnmiiitiioa ymnl m xj rport 4
hi. riwam and that at 14 proof an:) Ve ulr be
!owtiiilr al KwHiff I'. Lcn1 tmt
Uaburt. Orttno. oa Fr.!r. Fenry a, lv4
Tlllw. (Vt"n, n H E 124 fnt the
bt'J(iwll.I(S. II 1 W. M. H-
naaMw la loiiowin luwm to rore hi,
raounamn m!rw apa n-l raltiralioB el
ak.llaji4.Tt: Tfcmua. Muirr, Prter Ha 111.
Nirlaula. Mm, ol KnarOunr, Vtt-. A Tbowa.
on. ol MrrUa Cfrek, titi.
ftfp JTaijjGEftrti-.
Notice of Final Settlement
In lb Countr Cnorl of ! lal of Ornroo
for l4anfT ol UrHutaa.
In Ihr itu-r ( iht ctUtel
R.B. Aihoaon, dtccaatd. j
Notice te herebr rirr-o that D. Sl T fnl .4
ntintKiraUir ol tn miai of R R j..knnn
etK4. ha. nndrRd and prwatl for wie
nmii. and IM in aM rotirt fa Bn! ama(
01 laainwiniKn oj .ai l ratal; That Mon
day. Iht lri day ol Marrb, Uut, at 10 orlork a.
m. of aaad day. ax the conn room ol aai.l eonrt
at Rrak-barc. orrron. ha hm tx4 fnt thet-
ifrmfnt 01 aald nsal armcnt. anl lnrW:n
aay objrvboa that mmj ba mtvU, tn th aaxna.
I) T Waxr
1t administrator of said Estate.
Wow U year eywiitunlty to fr a eaoica
limber cCain aafnal Wacaa h
rate yoa on the best Onecva pi a ar an
b bad. troiix-ra krit constaady as-P-T
d- II yn in iYkln iorakoaK.
cj lip, w aar IL. 1 - oa (
Stewart & Greacen
Kid Estate jal Timber Dealers
Albatros Market
J. M. BRIER, Prop.
Thos. Cannon of this city who is a
breeder and raiser of the famous white
Lanirshan chickens, "greatest of winter
layers," is making a special offer to
thoee wishing eft for batching 15 ejrpa
for fl.50. Those wishing ewra should
write him at tince. m4
For Sale.
Small saw mill
particulars address.
" (Aprl) -
and timber. For
Lrvisc.sTos Ibos,
Peel, Ore.
FOR SALE. At a bargain, a country
store with dwelling department in
the rear and upstairs Iilacksmith shop
and buildings ; 12 acres of land; good
business point for a blacksmith or shoe
maker, with trade which justifies carry
inn f'r "tock ot general merchandise.
Address Wm. Fbakeb, Cleveland, Ore
on. 12f
WYLIE. Vera M; infant daughter of
Mr. aud Mrs. S. J. Wylie, of Ashland,
died on Sunday. Feb. 22, 1003, age
three months and 23 days.
Sweet infant, when I first saw you
little did I dream that toil ay you would
be sleeping that everlasting sleep that
awaits us all.
In infancy you were taken from us bo
loved and mourned by all that knew
you, your parents prido and hope. You
were laid low by the same grim reaper,
''Whose hand deals death for high and
Today we have laid you beside your
darling sister. For both of you the
rustlings of the stately, sombre pine
trees, and song birds joyous lay, will
unite in singing the lullaby that keeps
you in your peaceful rest until the res
urrection morning calls you to your
crowns of glory. ,
Fast as the rolling seasons bring
Tho hour of fato to those we love,
Each pearl thrt leaves the broken string
I set In Friendnhips crown alwve.
As narrow grows the earthly chain,
The circle widens in tho sky,
These are our friends that still remain,
Cut those are stars that beam on lnVi.
E. W. B.
rvrrtment of the Intanor,
I'nitrd States Land "Oee.
Hosebur. Ore., Keb. I. 15C3.
Notice la btreby given tbat the approved
PLATr ol mirroy ol
TONWSHIP St 8, R 10 weU
TOWSM11P 31 t R wwt,
have ben received from the Purveyor General
r Oregon, and on
FRIDAY, Mairh 27, 19CS, at o'clock. A. M.
the Mid plala wiil be riled In this offitt), and
tba land embraced thereiu will be subject to
entry on and alter that date.
J. H. BOOTH, Receiver.
In County Court of Douglas county, State ot
Id the matter ot estate )
ot J
Martha Woodruff deceased!
Notice 1 hereby Riven that the nndersisned
has been by the County Court of Douglas Coun
tr, Orenon, appointed executor ot the estate of
Martha Wooil raff deceased Whereon all per
son! indebted to the said estate are tarrehy
notineii to make Immediate payment to the
uudemiunod at their residence lu Coles Valley
nrei'incl, Doiiftlas county, Orecon. and all per
mii haviUK claims nint the said entato will
present s me rerided as by law required with
in six months Irom date ol this notice.
Dated Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 14lh, WO.
K. A. Wonnarrr,
(fldpO K T. WouDWrt.
Notice of Final Settlemeut
In County Ointtoi Stale ol Oregon la,, ami
fer Donitlas county.
In the matter ol the rotate 01 1
Notice is hereby Ktren that the undersigned
executor ol the above entitled estate has Tile!
In tho above named court his account in niai
wtllemuiit ol said estate and the court by or
der dnlv maile and enten-d on the Journl
tliercol iiie 1 Monday .March trd, 1;W lor liiMar
ins olijtMloua. il any, U said Ilnnl account and
the sc Ih'inent ol said estate.
Dated this Vlh Oar of Kehruary, 19TW.
5p IAJUI3 P RAVI, Kxetjutor,
Cash paid
Dealer in
' Fish -Poultry
and Oysters
Opposite S. P. Depot-Fletcher BuT
Ring X
If you have a ring that ia
broken or a Svt kt out, or
possilly yoa have a ring that
is jut a little to small or a
little to lare, perhape yoa
have one that needs strength
ening or is badly best. I am
prepared to do all kinds of
ring repairing. I not only
guarantee my work, but I
uarante yoa will be well
pleased with the job t : :
- ?Sf Hardware
llantiets! Blanbets!
We can give some of the best values in
BlanKets ever shown in the city. We can
give yoa a full size all wool BlanKet for
A Mixed one fcr
50 cent vxir to two do
Cotton Blanket from 50 cent vxir to two dollars and filfty cents.