The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 26, 1903, Image 2

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Fnbuahad Mondays. Mid Thursday.
aindealer puBustiiNa co.
H. II.
Editor and Pub&her !
i tared at the Tost Office in Roseburg,
Ore., oi second eloas mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
; JASUARY 28, 1903.
The Plaixdealk is in receipt of many
Iters of commendation lor its course
id also a few of condemnation. In
te month of February we have placed
t new subscribers on our list and
topped from all causes 31, leaving a
at gain of 37. Among the letters re
jived this morning we cony from two.
his one ia from Myrtle Creek :
"I have been a constant
eider of the Plaixdealkr for many
ears and I have read with much inter
et every issue of the paper under the
ew management. So far as I can learn
he stand the Plaixdkaler has taken
n recent public issues has the hearty
pproval of the republicans in this part
f Douglas county. This part of Oregon
teeds a straight, fearless republican
letrspaper that will advocate right
neaeures for the good of the people at
arge. Such a paper I hope the Plain
iKALEs will be from now on. I have
olked with a number of men in this
sommunity and all agree that there is
il together too much scheming and log
oiling going on in this county for the
jood of our party. I send you several
lew names to please send the Plain d kal
is to. I will be in to see you when 1 am
ji Koeebcrg. The other is
!rom Oakland and it says : "Stop my
"taper. I have had enough of your etren-
aous journalism."
And so it goes. The Plaixdkal-cb
will be what its name implies a fear
less exponent of the republican party
and principles. Whatever the party en
dorses as a party will be advocated and
it will at all times be true to public of
ficials who are true to their trusts. It
will praise every laudable effort for good
and denounce every effort to besmirch
the pa ply for personal gain. And re
garding the statement made that this
paper is owned by the Southern Pacific
railroad, (in any manner or form) all
we care to say is this : It is untrue in
every particular. The mere fact that
the editor believes in dealing justly
by every enterprise is the cataee for the
circulation of the report.
President Roosevelt's letter to Mrs
an ilorst deprecating the increasing
tendency of Americans to shirk mar
riage duties has been taken up by the
Paris papers as a text for a fresh cam-
TiAlCTl against till rlprmrmlarJnn rf Fktim
President Roosevelt's patriotic exhor-
vawuu ui lavin ui inrraiuun i u ievji
translated into French and published in
the leading papers of Paris and the pro
vinces, and M. Brieax, the robust and
combative dramatist who, in his plays
Evasion, Robe Rouge and Lee Rem-
plantes, made furious onslaughts upon
the medical faculty, on the judiciary
and on the employment of wet nurses.
has been stimulated bv President Roose
velt's letter into hastening the comple
tion of his Maternite great work, which
ha hopes will prove his masterpiece, and
which will soon be under rehearsal at
the Theater An to in e. -
M. Brieux in Maternite, with his un
shrinking analytical audacity, attacks
the institution of childless households
and the tendency to incipient child
murder, all features of which, the cen
sorship permitting, will be put on the
stage of Antoine's theater in the most
' realistic aspect demanded by the natur-
; iet school.
The Texas House of Representatives
has given the other southern etetee an
object lesson to think about On Abra
ham Lincoln's birthday that body
passed this resolution : "Resolved,
That when Una house adjourns today it
do so in honor to the memory of Abra
ham Lincoln, this being the ninety-
fourth anniversary of the birth of
that unique man of American history,
whom all nations call statesman, hero
and martyr." The resolution was
passed without a dissenting rote and
adjourned at high noon. This is the
first formal recognition in any of the
southern states of the supreme great
ness of the greatest man ever produced
in the history of the United States
Tuesday marked the beginning of ac
tive work on the Lewis and Clare fair
The work of clearing the site began when
a force of six men was put to work by
Superintendent Huber. This force will
dear the grounds and erect fences to
protect the natural shrubbery. Be
sides these six men there are two sur
veying crews in the field. These will
report by tomorrow. The site for the
rose garden Las already been selected
by the agricultural committee of the
fair, with the aid of rose enthusiasts,
exi-orUf, etc
Senator Fulton left yesterday for
Washington, where he had been called
by telegraph by Senator Mitchell. It ia
supposed that Senator Mitchell, realis
ing the end is near, has sent for him to
impart a fair as possible the political
policy to be pursued regarding Federal
patronage. The full extent of Senator !
Mitchell's illness is not known, but it is
asserted by those who know that be is
in a very precarious condition.
William Jennings Bryan ia the most
consistent of all the Democratic leaders,
He is a democrat of the old fashioned
Btnpe and changetu not. While every-
thing else in earth, sky and sea changes,
be is lor the tree and unlimited coinage
of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. To him
mere is no negation, ue is the old dem -
ocratic party and such men aallill,
Cleveland et al are .only grains of sand
on the beach of time.
The Plaixdbaler is the leading news
paper of Southern Oresron. Subscrilie
lor it read it.
Niae Men Killed and Fourteen
tween Officers
An Epidemic of Crip ii Kew York Crowds
Boa. Baser Hermann Entertained at Albany
Seattle, Feb. S5. Ex-Governor Semple
of the Superior Court, for contempt of court. Governor Semjje refused to answer
the grand jury's questions regarding the books of the Seattle, Lake Washington
Waterwav Company or produce them in
was ready to answer the grand jury's questions.
Oraklestox, W. Fa., Feb. 25. A pitched battle took place at Wright's coal
works, in Raleigh county, last evening, between 100 United States Deputy Mar
shals and Deputy Sheriffs, and 250 striking
officers to serve injunction papers. The posse met a mob armed with Winchesters,
who defied arrest and service of papers. They followed defiance with hostilities,
opening fire oa the deputies at once. The
raged furiously for several minutes. Eight
Special Offioer Howard Smith, of the Chesapeake A Ohio Railroad was shot in the
arm. A striker slipped up on him and fired.
for his heart and received it in his arm. He
After the posse had repulsed the miners
secured the arrest of over 100, who where
Deputy Cunniugham and posse have gone
one implicated. An ugly strike in progress
the mob are foreigners.
epidemic or
New York, Feb. 25. Crowded to its
birely able to care for its patients. An epidemic of grippe has brought the num
ber of patients in the institution up to 902.
order to turn no one away, attendants made
temporary beds, and every inch of available
N'aw Sore, Feb. 25. The Evening Telegram today prints a story to the effect
that anarchists from all over the world are
at Paris to advise plaus that may radically
All preparations for the convention were
known through the boastful talk of a young
an Italian known as "Angelo" and "Rudolph," gave tfp his place on Saturday, j
aecianng mar. ne naa oeen seiecieu us one
tO the Convention.
Alba st, Or., Feb. 25. Hen. Binger Hermann, was the guest of Albany yester-
day. ne arrived nere at noon, ana a oeing
cuy a oriel visit, ne was met Dy a committee consisting oi Mayor . M. lavis,
Edwin Stone, J. W. Cusick, County Treasurer James Elkins, Hon. H. H. Hewitt
and C. B. Winn, and was escorted to a hotel where the partv dined. Mr. Her
mann spent most of the afternoon and all of the evening at the Alco Club, where
he received his friends informally. He enjoyed the various amusements at the
club and tried his hand at bowling in company with Judge Flinn and Judge Hew
itt, who is mentioned as one of Mr. Hermann rivals for the Republican. Con
gressional nomination from the Fret District, Mr. Hermann had nothing to say
in regard to his possible candidacy for the
gressman Tongue, but his friends in this
The session of the legislature just past
w as undoubtedly one of the cleanest
that ever assembled at the State Capital.
There was not an intimation dnring
the whole session of any corrupting in
fluences lor or against any candidate or
anv measure. There was of course the
usual amount of lobbying, wireworking,
and scheming in behalf of candidates,
bnt, thin ""f than ? co
u ...
fact is, none of the prominent candidates
were blessed with a superabundance of
this world's goods, and were not pre
pared to tuse or foster any "push." It
is true, Jonathan Bourne wined and
dined and banqnetted in the most su
perb and expensive style in anticipation
of a possible fall of the senatorial plum
in his direction in the event of the fail
ure of Mr. Fulton. But he did not at
tempt to corrupt any one, nor to use in
fluences other than were legimate.
It is matter of regret that each recurring
session should feel it a duty to pass a
multitude of laws, many of which use
less and cumbersome if not worse, and
destined to stand upon the statute books
as dead matter. What the statute
wants worse than anything else is a
careful, wholesome am! systematic
pruning, and thereafter, the enactment
of such la ws only as will meet the de
velopment and the expanding indus
trial and commercial interests of the
State and the Northwest.
Prune Grower! Report.
The Willamette Valley Prune Asso
ciation is engaged in summing no its
business for the past year aud has a re
port of the season's business almost
completed, whieh will be of interest and
importance to prune growers through
out the valley when given out. The
greater part of the growers in this sec
tion sold their stock through the Asso
ciation and the ret pricee, given below,
received by the growers, were given out
by Manager H. S. Gile yesterday, the
prices given being according to grade,
high grade Italians ranging well above
4 cents per pound and French or Fe-
tites, went considerably above 3 cents
The prices are quoted according to the
grades, as follows :
Italians For 20-40's, 4.8879 ; 40-50's,
6.0755 ; 50-fiO's, 3.3969; 60-70's, 2.8712;
70-80's, 2.4119; 80-00" s, 1 cent.
French or Petites For 40-50's, 3.-
9511 : 50-60's, 8.3050: 60-70's. 2.8712;
70-80's, 2.4119; 80-90's, 1.9392; 90-1 OO's
1.4165; 100's. .93. Statesman.
The Rrjetry of the Orange.
'It appeals to you when the fruit
hangs ripe and sweet on the tree in
February or eariy in March. Then the
Diossoms oreaa out, ana the trees are
yellow with golden globes, and white
with orange flowers. It may be that
nurry oi snow has whitened the moun
tains tops, S-d then you have an irtistic
back -ground for a tropical forest. The
air is full of sun-shine, and heavy with
fragrance as night comes on, and then
if the moon be rhining, you may hear
at midnight through open windows, the
song of the mocking-bird in the scented
erove. and it never seemed so melodious
before. An experience like this is pos-
sible any winter, and it is worth
journey a thousand miles w bile you have
it, by taking the scenic Shasta Route
through t1.
1 kiyou and Shasta mountains to Sonth
era California. Complete information
about the trip, and descriptive matter.
telling about California, may be had
from any Southern Pacific Agent or
W. E. Com an,
Gen'l Pass Agent, S. P. Co. Lines in
Oregon, Portland, Oro.
and Strikers.
Wounded in Fight B
Belle Hospital to Its Etnost-
has been sent to jail by Judge Bell,
court. He w as ordered confined till he
miners who refused to permit Federal
deputies responded and the battle
strikers were killed, 12 wounded, and
Smith dodged the bullet intended
then killed the striker with a pistol.
they followed up their advantage, snd
brought to Beckley unler guard.
back to the scene add will arrest every
is the cause of the trouble. Most of
utmost capacity, Bellevue Hospital is
When the limit had been reached, in
efforts to set up Fpring matresses as
space was used in this way.
about to meet in a secret convention
effect the crowned heads of Europe,
carefully guarded, but the plans became
delegate from this city. This man,
ui uve ueiegaiea irom uie l miea ciates I
Known utai ne intended to make this
seat left vacant br the death of Con
city say he will undoubtedly be a candi
Real Estate Transfers.
J. C. Fullerton and wife to II. II
Biookes, 30 acres of land in west Rose
burg, for 400 and other considerations
Luella MeU and husband to Jake
Brown, lot, 200x200 feet, in Myrtle
Creek, consideration 1575.
Electa D. McCIallen, (widow) Roy
McClallen and wife, to J. T. Bryan, an
undivided one-half interest of 51-100
acre oi land in section 19, township 27
south, range 5, consideration 25.
J. A, A. Fink to J. T. Bryan, the
other undivided half-interest in the
previously described property, consider
ation $40.
J. J. Cawlfield and wife to S. F. Cawl
field, lots I and 2, block 54 A, in the
railroad addition to the city of Rose
burg, consideration f00.
Edward J. Redford and wife to Dena
Jahrens, lots 2 and 3. and the sw quar
ter of the ne quarter of section 2, town
ship 21 south, of range 6, containing 130
acres, consideration f 1,000,
O. H. Starr and husband to J. P.
Thiele, south half of lot 4, block 6, in
the town of Yoncalla, consideration f 3)0.
Adelia Hadley and hushand to Mamie
ykes, lot No. 3, on Kane street, Rose
burg, consideration t'VV).
F. . Hoffman to Anna B. Hoffman,
lot C, and 16 feet in width of north side
of lot 5, block No. 75, Roue's .3d south
ern addition to city of Roeeburg, con Bid
eration f 700.
George and C. D. Adams to John W.
Jones, lots 3 and 4, block 2, old Oakland,
consideration f-50.
Jas. A. Curry and wife to A. F. Bes-
tul and G. A. Sengalnetw, aw quarter of
ne quarter, north half of se quarter, of
section 13, township 25 south, range 2,
consideration 11,000.
w alter A. Norman and wife to A. F,
Bestul and C. A. Segnalncss, nw quar
ter of sw quarter, and south half of nw
quarter, section 13, township 25 south,
range 2, consideration 1 1,000.
H. L. Ma raters and wife to Stephen
Karnes, lot 3, block 2, Park addition to
Chas. A. Gardner and wife to C. E.
Gaddis, lota 4 and 5, and south half of
lot 6, block 12, in the citv of Roseburg,
consideration fGOO.
Chas. W. Smith and wife to Jas. W
bhafer, lot 3, block 27, Rose's southern
addition to Roseburg, consideration f 350
J. McDowell Martin and wife to John
T. Long, lots 3, 4, 5 and 8, in section 24,
township 20 south, range 9. Option of
purchase. Consideration 650.
John E. Aitchison and wife to F. W
Wegner, lots 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, in block 21 ;
3, 4,7,8, 11,12, block 27; leU 12, 13,
16, 17, 20, 21, 27, 28, in bloc 28, Kin
ney's addition, consideration f I.
Maurice Abraham, Mollie Mack and
husband, Albert Abraham and wife,
quit claim to Acelea Lodge No. 119, A.
F. A A. M., Glendale, tract of land in
Glendale for cemetery purposes, 200x250
Gilbert Gilbertson and wife to R. K.
Montgomery, lots in Glendale, consider
ation $40.
Gilbert Gilbertson and wife to Mrs
Elena C. Rohrabacher, south 125 feet of
lot 10, block 3, Gilbertson 's addition to
the city of Glendale, consideration $125
S.ock Holders Meeting.
a meeting of the Stock Holders of the
Umpqua Valley Prune Association w ill
bo held at the Court House in Roseburg,
Douglas County, Oregon, on Saturday.
March 7th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the
purpose of electing a board of directors
and transacting such other bueiness that
may come before the meeting.
It. C. Brow,
F. A. McCall, Chairman of meeting.
As Gleaned by our Corps of Speoial
Vine weather and garden making it
all the bo.
Roy Uodrick, of Jack Creek, is work
tng for his uncle, Horace Putnam, this
Mrs. Alva Wiiie, of Scotts Valley, ia at
Bv-.nn4 a : . i i. -i 11 i
talii Ti,.
Garfield Short, one of our local sports,
made a flying trip to Drain Inst Sunday
What s the attraction Gary?
M. Short, of Marshfield, Coos Co., ac
companied by his wife and eon, Ivan,
are visiting with relatives in Tin Tot.
We naturally presume by observing
the columns of the "Nonpareil" that the
sick finger of Cosmopolitan is again
quite well
Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Buchanan, Mrs.
Putnam aud daughter, Ethel, were the
ptiosts of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith,
last Sunday
We notice that Johnathan Jackson, ia
once more able to be about, and is not
compelled to walk with crotches either.
Congatulations John .
Geo. A. Crane, accompanied by sev
eral of his pupils, spent last Saturday
and Sunday visiting in Hard-Scrabble
They report having had a very enjoy
able time.
The coyotes have been very sociable
with us lately. Fred Swearingen almost
had a hard-shaking w ith one last Satur
day. Besides these animals have been
reported as killing several young lu nibs
during the past week
We arc sorry to chronicle the fact,
that, Dewey, the six year old son of
Joseph Francis, who has been suffering
during the past three weeks with a lame
font, is no better. He was taken to
Drain last Mondav, where he will be
under the care of Dr. Wade, of that
w- understand that we are to have
annlhor mianonsinn hn.U avma Pit
. , . ' ... v u I
creek which will o?ain unite North and
fsouth Tin Pot. Various persons in this
immediate vicinity as well as parties in
town are deeplv interested in the erec
tion of this bridge.
We feel under much obligations to the
"Plaixdealer" for the news it furnish
es, the manner in which " its editor Is
appear, because it is the people's friend
and represents the right side of the fence
politically speaking. We admit that
we deeply regret the lose of our old
friend and beloved editor, Mr. W. C.
Conner, as we shall long remember his
good deeds and nntiring energy while
connected with the Plaixefaler, but let
us be cheerful while we believe that we
have another who is just as deeply
interested in the cause as was Mr. Con
ner. We have had the pleasure of meet
ing with Mr. Brookes, the present owner,
and find in him a man of good judgment
and a perfect gentlemen. So ladies and
and gentlemen let ns put our shouldsr
to the wheel, and give the new adminis
tration a fair shake with the ret. Send
in your local news. Help the paper
that is endeavoring to help you, then
should it wind up with cob-webs in the
windows, we can sav "we did our part.'
Glendale News.
Kew houses and rumors of new hoaxes
are talked of bv eTerv bodv.
Carpenters are all buy and our city is
enlarging and improving every day.
aire. James Morgan is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Chad wick this week.
Born on Feb. 21st at Nichols siat'mn to
Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Torter, a 10 lb
Hie ladies of the 1. ol H. gave a
social dance on Satnnlav. As usual it
was a success.
Whooping cough prevails in this city,
many children are alfiiotcd with it, snd
it is quite severe.
Mrs. Sarah Ilovd and danchter. Miss
Estella, left for Roseburg lost Sunday to
remain for some time.
J. D. Montgomery, a brother of our
popular station agt., R. K. Montgomery,
is now freieht asrent for the S. F. Co. at
this place.
Mr. Minard, late of Roseburg, is fit
ting up a neat residence on 3rd street,
which he and his bride will occupy
Mrs. J. J. Guth has returned home
from a two weeks visfl with their son,
Fred, who is a student at the Naval
Reserve school at Goat Island, Cal
E. E. Tot ton, of Glenellcn, was in the
city yesterday. He retorts the loss of
two bridges on the road between his
residence and this city, which renders
the road almost impassible.
. L. lJogard who has been for some
1 i..l ir r c
"".ru "'
man, is now "wielding the yard stick
for M. L. Chase & Co. Mr. Bogard is a
popular and obliging salesmen.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Chadwick, died at the Limily residence
in this city on the 24th inst, aged 5
days. The young parents have the
sympathy of all iu their bereavement."
Mirwea Kate and Jennie Clarke arrived
home from their visit to San Francisco
and other California cities lost week
Mrs. Charles Hint accompanied them
home and will visit relatives here' for
some weeks. Tlie ladies had the un
pleasant experience of being on the
train that was detained at Delta forty
hours by the cave-in of the tunnel near
that place. They are enthusiastic in
praise of the train men who did all that
was possible to make it agreeble for the
passengers on board the train,
Coles Valley News.
Sunshine and rain.
Miss Rose Emmitt, who has boon
quite ill, is improving very fast.
Mies Aettie Morgan was visiting
mends on Calnooia lost week.
hufus Cranneld has gone to Eugene
to attend the funeral of his mother.
Late Kamsey and II. Warflidd, of
Roseburg, made this valley a pleasant
call last week.
t. o. - I .
. i. r.mery, who was running coy
otes Sunday and Monday, was unlucky
in catching any.
The Valley school is progressing nice-
7 under tyo management ol Miss ,dna I ico
Adams, of Kellogg.
' We are Tery sorry to say that Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart have gone to Ban Francis-
co, where they will reside.
Mrs. A. Jones, of Roseburg who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Fortin, on
of this place, has returned home.
Miss Moda Camp, of Umpqua Ferry,
was the guest of Miss Anna M. Long, of
this place, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennines. of
Boise, Idaho, who have been visiting
the hitter's sister, Mrs. J. L. Shambrook,
of this place, have returned home.
M. A. N. M.
Myrtle Creek Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wanacott has a new
ten pound girl.
There is not a case of sickness, with
the exception of Mrs. 9otton, in town-
This past week has been garden week.
You can see the man with the hoe in all
The Baptists are holding meetings
and there seems to be great excitement
Our town will be incorporated in a
few days, so look out for electric lights
and all city improvements.
We are glad to have the eastern peo
ple come, for most of them have money
and that is all we want to make this the
Italy of Oregon.
Scliool is doing nicely. We hear no
complaints. Why don't the people put
in school directors that live near the
school house. Some that would look
after the school building, as our school
is too good a house to lie abused as it is,
Myrtle Creek is livening up. The
town is full of strangers. Some looking
up the mines, some the oil well, and
others looking for homes. I should
think that country would be a pleasant
change tor some of them. The hi'Ls are
green and flowers blooming in the yard
Mrs. Hamilton met with a painful ac
cident, w hile riding in a wagon leading a
horse. The horse jiamped back and took
off one of her fingers, broke one and
took the skin and flesh off another, and
hurt her hand badly. She is doing as
well as could be expected under the
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
are very proud of their church. They
have it nicely papered, painted and var
nished, cleaned, and a new carpet down
ready for Brother Smick. The members
of the Preebrterian church thank all
w ho kindly assisted them with money
and wcrk, to make our church so nice
and attractive, and we cordially invite
them all to come aud enjoy it with us.
Brock way Items.
Douglas Ingram is veir ill at II. S.
Reports from Washington state that
Senator Mitchell ia again confined to his
hotel in that city.
Mr. W. A. Williams left a few days
azo for Yaouina Bar. where he wil
cook for the Life Saving Crew.
Mrs. C. A. Williams has gone to
Pvson Creek to visit her son, J. W. Will
iams, who is engaged ia mining.
ML-aj Nancy Heater and Rosco Bol
singer are on the sick list. We hope tba
thev will soon be able to be in school
aain. t -
The farmers are making good use of
the fine weather, and we hope that their
labor will be rewarded in the next bar
The Cxar of Russia has ordered the
construction ot a railroad in Finnlard, to
give employment to the Finns who are
Four mail clerks were cremated in
their mail car in a head-on collision on
the Big Four railroad, near Cleveland,
Ohio, on Tuesday.
The Game Warden passed through
our street the other day and we are of
the opinion that some of our friend are
U ing close at home.
We learn that one of our enterprising
citizens was lioaten at tbe shooting
j match list Saturdar, by his nephew, a
small boy. This is too bed after spend
ing weeks in practice.
General News Notes.
The Oar of Rivsia will lie requested
to name the arbitrators in the enezo-
elan affair.
The G. A. R. National Encampment
will be held at San Francisco during the
week commencing August 17.
Representative Levy, of King coanty,
Wash., is charged with soliciting bribes
in the award of the printing contract.
The trial of eight individuals and nine
corporations for conspiracy to force up
the price of coal ia now progressing in
TV.o tVulla Firim FrnrMa Pnmnanv in
I ' i J
,Vnt tnatal,lih a nenaion bureau aim-
ilar to the one in force on the Harriman
railroad lines.
Several papers have given their read
ers editorials on the snniect: "!nai
beat Geer?" The want of enough votes
is the true answer.
The officials at Eugene refused to issue
a city license for a boxing match which
was intended to be held in thai city.
They are to bo commended.
Andrew Carnegie is going to erect a
Palace of Peace as the permanent head
quarters for the International Arbitra
tion Tribunal at the Hague.
Eugene has a second class scandal at
last. A man named Scroggins, of end-
ling, abandoned his wife and family and
took up with another woman. The pair
were arrested (and to show that it was
not a first class affair) were imprisoned
at Eugene. The trial will come up be
fore Judze Hamilton at the next term
of court. a
The Encene Guard says : "The de
bating team hell a short meeting yes
tenia v afternoon to perloet arrange
ments for the tryout debate to be held
on Saturday, Feb. 23. The judges will
bo Prof. Young, Frof. Sheldon and Al
lan Eaton. The winners in this debate
will debate with a team from the Rose
burg High School in that city."
The statehood bill for Oklahoma, New
Mexico and Aricona is still in doubt.
The democrats refuse to vote for New
Mexico and ArUona to be admitted as
one state, as this would only be a stand
off with Oklahoma, which will go re
publican, while Arizona and New Mex-
would (If admitted as states) rote
the democratic ticket. It is bad policy
at time to double up those territo-
ries make one state.
Barnum'i and Bailey's big circus wan
destroyed by flre at Bridgeport, Conn.,
J -a gnppe continues to number it
victims by the tho thousand in New
York City.
The Daughters of the American Revo
lution are having a regular hair pulling
t Washington this week, over the elet-
on of a president.
President Roosevelt has signed tin
agreement which had previously !;
signed by Presidont Palma of CuU
granting the United States a coaling
station at Guantanamo.
l here is more trouble over the cur
rency question hi the Philippines. If
these islands are really American terri
tory why not give to the inhabitants our
financial systen of coinage and currency,
inun me greatest and most prosperoui
nation of the world would be standing
at its back instead of the Mongrel races
and conglomerated intorexts of the 1 hi!
ippines. If our system is good for the
United States it must also be good for
United States territories.
The Sultan of Turkey is again at his
old game of thumbing his nose to the
European powers on the Macedonian
problem. He gives every promise that
the reforms shall be made, but takes no
step to make the reforms. The powers
of Europe are acting- like a lot of cow
ardly curs in this matter the same as
thev did two or three veaop aeo when
they saw in total over 100,000 Christians
massacred by the Turkish Mobamed
aits in cold blood. The Christianity of
the Christian nations is very attenuated
and their blood runs very sluKKiidilv
through their bodies. Even the prqr
verbial Frenchman's blood never eb-
ulated when reports of massacre after
massacre had taken place.
Oregon ChBdren's home Society.
Mrs. Juliette Jones, the district super
intendent, made the Flaindeoler a pleas
ant call this morning in the interest of
the Society, and we learned that the So-
cfety receives and places in christian
homes any children neglected, abused
or abandoned by parents; boards.
clothes, and places them in good homes
far adoption w ithout the intervention
of an institution. By this home-find ing
method the large expense of keeping the
children in an Institution is avoided.
ana me lamiiv home and the child are
brought together to receive a mntual
ine cost oi the institutional child is
from one to two hundred dollars per
year, while, by the home-finding meth
od the average cost of each child to tbe
Society is but fifty dollars, which in
eludes all expenses from the time of re
ceiving until of legal age.
By means of Local Advisory Boards
and through District Superintendents
the Society keepj in such thorough
knowledge of the child's welfare that it
ia well-nigh impossible for neglect or
abuse to occur without the Society be
ing informed. It dues not antagonke
other methods of caring for children,
out tut' is u co-orrate in every war
which may benefit the children. Th
worn is national in its extent and i
commended by all who seek the highest
welfare of the homeless child. Medal
and Diploma were awarded the Society
at the Columbian Exposition for its
most aggressive and humane methods
for the arresting of th j dangerous class
Stand by this old and honored Society,
which in twenty years has received and
f laced in family homes twenty thousand
children. More than five hundred chil
iiren have been received and placed in
family homes on this upper Coat (in
eluding work done by the Washington
and I J alio branches.) The Governor of
Oregon is on our Local Board.
No state aid beinz received, the
friends of homeless children are given
the privilege of being annual contrib
utors to the work. By the payment of
one dollar each year yon become a mem
ber of the Society. Twenty-five do!
lars, which may be paid in five annual
installments, make you a life member;
fifty dollars a patron member, and one
hundred dollars a benefactor.
Address all communications to the
Superintendent at 005 Moronism Bid.
I. F. Tobst,
Supt. O. C. 11. S
Mrs. JrucTTB Joscs,
District Supt.
At Eugene, Mrs. E. E. Lyons, wife o
the murderer of Sheriff Withers, who
has been in jail awaiting trial for inter
fering with tlie otTicer, hat obtoind her
rehase bv depositing bonds in the sum
of $100(1.
The Rev. Mr. Minxhall ia no longer
connected with this office nor is he
autnonzexi to receive surxcriptions or
transnct business In any manner for this
II. II. Brookes, Editor.
Roseburg' Or. Feb. 25, 1SH3.
The tax rolls for 1902 have been
placetl in my hand for collection, and on
Mondav, March 1, It, at 8 o'clock, a.
m., I will commence to receive taxes.
E L. Pabbott,
Sheriff and tax collector for Douglas
connty, Oregon.
Music Lovers
Music lovers will have a rare enter
tainment by simply calling at Burr's
Popular Music House and inspecting
our splendid array of musical instru-
our aixpiay oi pianos are sim-
ply mngnificient. Here are found the
woriti renowneu ciucaenng, tlie won
derful touetl Kimball, the manv toned
Crown Orchestrical and the Ixttutiful
toned colonial st.le Victor. We have
others like the Singer, Kinjsbury and
Neelham. Then here is our mammoth
stock of small poods, such as S. S.
oiewartaita asnourn mamitnins, gm
tars, Imnjos. Our immense line of vio
lins range in price from I2.50 to $"i0,
We are solo agtnt for the Columbia
grapliaphono and supply. Remember
we are running no concert hall with f0
cents admission, but our doors are all
ways open to the public
Notice for Publication.
CulWd Sis Lnd Ofltc.
Rom burg, Oregon, Feb. 23, VJ'.'i.
Kotlas H barabv (Wen that la enpllaae
wltk lb prorliloni of tb Act ol Cdiirm ot
Jan I, ntltled "An t for th iai W
tlmbr Unas la Mi BUM of CslUorsUi,Orvoa
Mrd,ftQ4 Wuhlnvton Tirriiory," aMtb4
d to ail UK bU load itatM by o Af ua
4. AM.
of SOSOC.IO y . Rroretl. rouoijr of nnho-
mMh. a'.lol wun ofluD. Du oil 1st dii in
tb'.a oHlc till morn alateinnul No. tVM. for (ha
purchiwaot lotal,, 10, of Hvc. 6, Tp. II K, K S
mv-l ami will ofJVr proof to Uo thnt Uta Un-i
tonnlit ! more valiiai la fur It timbrr or ainna
mail lor asnruilnral inrun-. ana lomnnin
bit claim toaaiil land ifore W S Brltt, C S Om-
mlMlnirat klrto o, circsnu, on Sridar ibe lt
day of May. H.- n tm aa artnaa- Ihw.
oro AUm imiu, a tt. i. , oi r. vth
laah.. J. J Oi ! i. rr.l'i. Or.. Cba. a
Short, finohonn ti. W aiih.
Aniand a I i oaona claim nir atret!? tba
bov dwnl .. 1 laoda ara i-innul file
leircl i id Iblaoflicoon or rt- uld 1st
daybif Msy I. i. T. bKIIXiF.S.
Notice for Publication.
nntted fltsto Ind Office.
Roeebunc, Oregon, tub. XI, l'Ml
Sotles i berefT alrsn that In eomillane
with tb arorlaioDs of tb aet o Cie areas of
Jane I, in. snliilad "An set for lb sal ol
timber lands la tba aisles of California, Otmoo
Nevada. sod Washington Territory." asestano-
d to all to pa bile land state by am of As 4-
a, un
of IvereU. county of Hiiobomlab, atale of
WaabinaUon. baa this dar Bled bl aarorn state-
meal No. .!. lor toe purchase 01 me iota 2,
. II. of section . toamabip al S. K 3 "eat. and
111 offer pmol to show that the land aooarbt
mors ealnabi lor ita ttmot-r or alone tban for
agricultural purboaea and to et'abliab bis eialra
be lor W S Brut, I'.H. Commissioner, at Klddi,
Oreeon, on Friday the 1st day of Mar, . tie
names aa wltneaaea: J qui.bert, rerd-je. Or.
Ab'lrear Anderson, fcreiett, l n., chae
Short, enobomlali, Waab., O D, En rett,
ui and au persona eUlminr. air rae.r the
above described lands ars rra,t-eted to Hi their
els'ms In tMs oTlca) or or i:ore aid 1st day
1 K-r-aier
Notice for Publication.
Cn'led Suites Land Office,
Row-bunt. Oreeon. Feb U.
Hot tee is hereby r:ien that in comnliinre
rt'h if provisions of tbe act of Congress of
June) a, I8 enittled "An Art forth aaieof
umber lands In tbe aisle of lalilt-rtila. Oreato
NeTada. and Wahlraun Temiurr " a extend
ed to a I in public land atale by act ot Anf
tut uau.
oa M r a Irnm avmt.rv of alumaa
W ash mum, has this day filed in this oaloe h
sworn statement So. AVi. for th parrbaae of
in -r.'l or aeil .n l. toenanip 31 . It 4 west
and will offer prwf to sb that Use land
sneeni is mor wiiaab.e lor lis tlmoer or stone
tban lor aimcoRtiral purpose and to establish
b j claim to raid land betore W. A Brltt. I".
Comntusloner at Si-Wlie, Onrna, on Friday tb
iMaayoi stay. iw.o. H nasru-a aa antn
Vlnor Plnkertoa.tnoboml.b. Wa.o , Herbert
H bhort, feealle. Was. j Q Ol.bert. Kerdoe.
oreaon.inaa A enon. enonomlaa. a. a
Any and illsnn riaimioa aderr-ely th
above described loa ar requested to I e their
ciaimsla taisonV on or befor sa.d lal day of
May. 1X15. i. T. BstiD'iE.'i.
U &eialer.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlled State Land O&i-e.
Roaeoars;. Oreroa. Lee 27.
yotlc I berat-T siren that la enuet
with th Troels1ons t1 tha act art Cocareaa rat
Jan, ift, en U ".led "An art fair tha aal ol
timber lands la tba p'atea it Cauforata.Orvoa
)TS!a And Wasbarirtc-a lerrtt.jrr." af ex'-eud-
d to aa th anbaa land atata by aet ol Aasrnat
, um.
of C-onnell. connti A Frankl-a. sraterf Wash.,
has ths day flie-i in this o&re hia swora a;ale
ment No. tal for the pnrctts ol I be :s of
at i'i o e.i.of reruon 12.
lownahip ai eonta, ranxc west, and will eScr
proof toanow that toe an3 sirticbt mnrr sai
nabie for It timber or stone than for ajrtif-ol-tnral
pursnsra. and toeaiabhsa hia rUia t
said ian 1 belore W S Brut- L" e Coram ssioner.
st tuddie. Orveoa.on Mocxlar, the 2a. day of
Hvro. Ii.rt. a, names as witnesses: feter A.
luch. of Roeeonrr. Ormroa. ilsaae WioBtns;
bm. and bouclas Wlnmnrrara ol Olalia. Ore-,
m. H. Yoaet. Apple too. klina.
AST and aU persona eiaiminc adreraeiv tl.e
aboredesenbol lands ar rr40rte4 . tie
ineir claims in this ottce or or before said hI
day of Marcs, lSol. J. T. bk!l".M.
Jl-p Rertcr.
State Treasurer Seventh Notice.
Treasary Dr-artaeet,
rtal ol 'irreon.
Salem. ebruary 2S. I-.OI.
Kot-'re Is beretrr riveen that ibvrw tomAm
ta Ihetreaaory with which o mlcem aa oat
stsndinc stsla warrants draen oa tbe Stale
scalp ttoua-y an.1 floonf Faada. endorsed
rrrate. and oot rsud f-r waal of fuad"
prior to this data. Ail och warrants. If arm.
eriy eodorsrd. wiU b paid apoa n-aetaxa
at ths otw, iBicrest tbereoa mqof f r.m and
aiie-r taw date. tUtV ti. S'HitF..
Mat Treasarer.
Ia the ConnlT Coart fur Dons'aa mm
Stat of Oreeon.
In the matter ol the chance ol nave of r.n-f
S'JtKt Is herebv rtrea thai hv ntr of ih.
above named court dale made and entered on
la Ma day of Janaarr l'sxt. th name ol t.asial
t'Ostalsoa ba brea chaturd to onstare i.
Attest. D. S-SHAMStinrir
(JP) Cooaty Clerk.
Best References.
All Work Guaranteed
Leave orders at Bur r's Music S to
Trespass Notice.
All persons are hereby warned not to
trespans, hunt, fit!i or camp on the
land of the Curry Estate. Persons doing
so will be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
Estate of N. CritRT,
(55tf.) Eiversdaie Farm
All Work Qnaranteed
Second Door north new Bnk Baildin?.
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs,
If yon want egrs fr Hatching
from High lirikio Poultry nen.1
ytmr onler for egv or bntlin
lock to the
Roseburg Paaltry Yards
Baff and Barrsd nmcnUi Rocks and
Li2lit Brahnsas.
IS Egg. for $1.00, Uve and Let Live
Is our Motto.
Notice for Publication.
(Jaitad Ststas Land Offlga,
Roaebu nr. Ornron . fb 21,
Kotioa is harai.T 1n that la amsplisnea
with tba proTtalona of tba sat of Cocfraaa ol
Jans I, W7S. satltlad "An aet for tho aaia of
tlnahor laadi In tba Stsusof California. 'wacAa
Heada.uT Waahlnrton Tarrltorr." aaastaad-
ad to ail tba publls laud stats by actoi Asfus
a, urn.
vf "rot ri5KTO!,
of Bnot,oiul.lj. k. only of ononomlsh stals ol
Wa4liiiua. aa ibis day Oiad In ibis orai-e
bis aaorn laiemviit Ho. ). lor tnc purvnaae
of tba N'i oi nec , Tp al rVoib, Kangx
waat. snd "ll. ort. r proof toaboar that tn Imbo
annajht ia more Tamable for its timbot or Mono
loan lnraarir:uliural purposes, ana u esiaoiwu
bis claim Ut said Ian brforo W S Brltt,
U H CoiamiMiioiHr at Riddle, Tln. oa
Friday the lai da of May, 14 Bo titw ss
wttoeaiKs: ba'l- A nhort, r-iohomiib, Wa,
H II Wiort. rVali. . Waah. W Kf bright. Klahle,
O e, J W Oi.rwMt. P rdue, trfon.
Anv and all t' .os rial mine adversely tna
hove dcrlud lands are requested 10 tie
tOL'Irclsl nt in ml otbe or or before aa.d lal
Of May l'JUa. J.T. BMIXtM,
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted State La4 OnVe.
Roaebarf . Or-..n. Feb 21, I'Xt
PoKo la herebr glTn that to ompi!ne
srtth lb proelalon of tb act of txTe at
Jon, llfs, entitled "An art for th sals) oi
timber lands in tba Stales of ceu'ornia, Oregon
v..l. an,1 Waahtnruin Tarrtiorr'aseztand-
Vd to all th puUle land state by act ot Aofust
a. law.
Kiintir at. im" i.
of Beattl eonntyof king. Ptataof WaaJiinrtiaa.
baa this da Died In lb la umce Die (worn stair-
mrnt No 44M for lb blin blM of K Ol
of See s. Tp 21 S, R I west, and will offer proof iu
,how tnat the land aoutjnl ia mora rainaoio unr
Its timber or elou tban lor errrtlittl.-l par
poee. and lo establish his claim to said tan4
before rV ft B'ltt. C a Commiaaiooer, at Bl'Mle.
Oration, on rr.'lay. th lat day of May H
naoiea a wiinae. nuns a euon. a
V tun Pinkeru-n. ol Snor...mlh. !.. i
Gilbert, of Farla. lre.. W Wey br.jhl, RWdlo,
'fn- ... . . V.
any en 1 all person caimma anveraeij e
abov described lands are requested to B .e
O.sir claim In this omcen or oetore aan is
day of Msy.lx. J.T. B(tIiX.r.A.
ICf p Recister.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted rtale Land OfSee,
Roaaours;, Oregon. Feb 21. IMt.
Sotle la fcere ' y (tlren that la eompManea
with t&e t.roTi.1, na of U.e act cf Coitfres ol
Jane . if., entitled "An art for the sal ol
timber lands In the Mete of CaJjfornia.trni
Keraiia A-nd ttaahinrum Territory." aa ex tea 4
d to ail the pubiic laad staia by act ai Aafwaa
. MM.
of Snohomish, eiranty ol rVvhwniah, state ol
Washlncton. ha- Uift day n-d la In is oato
bis swora statement So. for the pareeaae
of lb (-'4 ol of ee. fa. 11 9, I t west,
and wi.. sffr proof to show that U-e aaad
aimrbt h Bun raiaabl for it timber ar stone .
than lor aanenltnral purpose, and to estab
iisn his -i m to said land before W A Brltt.
V ai Commisaiooer. at Riddi fTeron. oa
Fridar. tbe l.t dar ol Msy. 1'a- He name aa
wtiaeseee: H H short. Beat; i Wash.. V Mnt
ertoa. t3ohomh. Wase. W Weyanajhl, Rwldi,
Or. J Q Gilbert, Ferdoe. Ore.
Aarand a l persons eaimin; a1re!y te
shoe deaenbed aads ar reooeaMd to fi-e
their e!ai ss ia this ckSc oa or b're said 1st
day of May IMS J. T. Bit! s,
U'p ketpsuc.
Notice for Publication.
Talted State Laad Ofiec.
Bosebarx, Orcfosv. So tt, lH.
Kotlcc is bere-y pi .en thai in eosspllaac)
with u fmirtniul ta art of Con4-eaa of
Jan 1. . entitled "an art f" tta asua ml
timber lands in tr.e e'strs.4 aaJorsta.o-eeoa
esads .and W asMsv 7rTr.-r7.aexia4-ad
to aa ta pabli ad stasaa by'act o Acyas
of ISJ Nicollet Are. Minneapolis, araraty al
H'nnepin. ptate af Miaacaote, ba tAje fay
S.ed ia tnta off re her sworn staieeaeat No.
-.1 fr the porches srl taeV, 5 E:. tTi
Sf. Sl SF.-1 . Tp.S a. b. : was
aaoai!lo?r pm t aaow thst to laad
oacbl e mor n,UM lor ts timber or au
I has tor uric taraU ptj-poar. aa-1 ie ratabiiaa
aere'.aim to sa.d land beior th HrtAnr aael
RecetTer ol IB s oft' at aUaeoarr;. Oras,
oa Taes-tae. la iu day of May. lt She)
easats as witnesses: Frank Lea- and Z4warl
Va Fetal, el Cle-reiaad. Crrfoa. Chan
Tbom and it bn Tboas. al Hsskcii. Ofaeaa.
Any snd a!i clsumm sirerae'.y th
S'T, described san-'.s are requested u f le
tneirr-'.aim in tb oAce ea er ber a:d stit
day cf May.. 1SC1. 1 T. BRilAjEa.
' Reciocr.
SberiSTs Sale.
la the C'.renil f oorl ot th Slate ot Oresa,
lor fur:a county.
J. A 1
Lola May lMrtosr. I
Ikrlendaat )
Kotire Is hereby gtrea i bat by virta ol aa
xeratloa duly ba4 oat ol aad aadrr la
m) ol the atwe esAit e.1 onart, 1 ta above
rotitkl raita. to awdaly direcled aad dated
the 2nd day of Keornary, IJaO. npoa a wlu at
reooered and entered ia said court aa U. llh
day ol iaaaary. 1..4, ia faror of Lnia May
Iarrow. de'adan aad afaln. J. A. rai
sser. pUinu, lor it ssbi ol tolas' cost and
disborsemrnu with interex tb-reon at A per
cent per aaanss frwra the IxAh day ol Jaaaary,
li. aad the costs ol and ap-a this sr.t,
I Cut oa the th day f tebeoarT.
dniT lere apa the toilawlcr deacrbed
j real proper" t. uvwit : ComsseaciasT at law
! juict-on of lQglaa and Brewery street ia ta
1 City of Roaeoar;. licaUu coaatr. urrea. am
! tie north ski ol lKw: aa aad east aid of Hrrw-
ere streets running it-core norta a d a..ta K
aiont the eaat Ur of Bearrry street one aaa
dred U-l leet ttience son t-1 4!c-reee C ataty-a-ren
CC) feet loenoe toatai dnrrve ooe
hnndrvd (b0 feet to ioectaa street, thesjre
eetb d.-trwa W Joo the aorta d ol
lwuia r.ct ninety-sen a (9T) leet to piatfw ol
(vtmmcsl nl tahl ptraiara trs altaa'cd la
bct Li. ia the wb ot Roseoarr. !'
rn;y Orr;o.i. aceootiac lathe oaSclal p. at
of aatd City, of record la lae t le-ts oCW 4
Imadas mnniy. Iwtnn. tocetber with ail aad
sineutar tbe tecemeata, hereditaments aad as
B)irtrasacrs thrTenntorviorc.aa; or aayaier
arpenaininc- Now tnerelor. by Tina e4
aud rxecutioB I sill a
SatiinUr t!e 7lh !T of March, 19K,
at one o'cWk p. ra of said day at coart
front door, in Rnsebgrv. 1( aa coanty. tr
'n, sa.l al pq'"'c anctla. nib.xrt to re-Watp-ron.
to t&e hich-at btdder. for 1. 9. void craa.
caah In hand, all Uie rtcht. title aad rntcsvst of
the anthia aaiaed plaiuus ia aad to to scot
doecribed real property, or aay part thereof. t
aatsfy said eiwuo, taterest aad acsniaa;
Iated Rosehnrr, Oreeoa. Trh 4. ty
Slier! lot aclas ccaary. Orefotv
Administrator's Notice.
Sot'cw to beret-T Tea that Its aaderslraed
has area by the County l oort, of Oortciaa raas
ty flat of Urvaoa. duly aj-r-watol tbe a.niais
tra'oroi Cb r!ate ol Arla Mct'laliea, d
All persons harlnc cislma srairat said ataie
a-e hcreoy reatrei to presort tbe ssuae daly
renrie.1. to the un.ieraii.itrd at Hian
( la OMintT. Mate af On-coa witbia atx saoaiaa
mm in uate en this aotir.
riatr.1 at K.weburK. Orroa thlsNth day of
January. ls.
AdminlaSraror ol Uxestais) ol fcasrta Me
C lai .on, dvceased.
Title Guarantees Loan Co
Ross Brad, ORFGOS.
t- HsaitTOJt. D T. HaMtiToa,
rrsahleat Secy, and Trea
OfBce ta lh Court Rons. Rare tb on!y ross
pietesot ol sUlrsct books In Uwiui-.,.
Abstract and t'erc ticate ol Till furnished as
Uous-ias county land and mimn rlaissa. Bar
also a complete -t of Traciuca o ail sowasbla
piaJ In the Row-bar., Oreeon, r. s. Laa 4 m
Will saske blue priut copies ol aay lew a
for Reasonable Prices.
v, .
X',v .T .VJ. '
ji ;-
joh k. Johwosi, rrp., it., Ml. Roeb
": Ors;ot.